Spyware. The sensational spyware for android. Key features of SpyGo

There are many programs for wiretapping mobile phones. It is clear that they all have their own characteristics. However, they all have something in common. As part of this short material, let's talk about downloading a mobile spy on your phone. Next, we provide links to official services where you can download these wonderful applications. In conclusion, we will briefly describe the essence of the installation with the setting to hide from the smartphone.

Such solutions can be supplied in several versions - simple and professional (root version for android). In the first case, there are no big differences from working with regular applications. In the second - you will get a little more functionality. The differences are described in detail by the developers in their instructions. The root version will take some extra time to figure it out. The smartphone will become more vulnerable, the warranty will fly off, if it was still there. But there will be new opportunities, which will be a bonus)

All spyware is installed on the phone only when you get direct access to it. There are no magic commands for remote installation of such solutions on other people's phones. The next important point is that you can download the program for wiretapping your phone only from the official website, for example, by going there from a smartphone browser. No playmarkets or appstores, etc. This is tracking software, not the usual ones. mobile applications. They are ordered to go there. You can also download the spyware from the official website to your computer, upload the installation file to your phone via cable and run it there through the file manager.

In order to download the spyware from the site, and not from the same play store, you need to remove the ban on installation from unknown sources. This is done on Android by checking the appropriate checkbox in the settings section. Depending on the version of android, this setting may differ slightly in name or location. But the main thing is to know what to look for.

  • Universal listening software mobile phone:
  • The most democratic spy in terms of price policy: from your personal account (after registration)
  • Elite wiretapping on android or iphone -

After installation on the phone, the application will need to be configured in accordance with the instructions. Usually, at the very first stage, you will need to link it to your identifier from your personal account on the service (everywhere this is implemented differently and is always described in the instructions) and protect it from access by hiding it from the smartphone list. If this is not done by default. Those. there may be a setting-switch to hide/unhide visibility.

If you are already interested in spyware and monitor this market, then your situation is favorable, all that remains is to choose a program and find out the truth. But for many users, the problem arises precisely in the choice - who to believe that really works, and how much does the best quality cost? If you are at a crossroads, then this spy review the best programs in the market for you...

Thanks to my ex-wife, I became a pro at spying. So, I found out that various bugs, cameras and other attributes are of little use for catching an unfaithful spouse, since the main activity is usually carried out in in social networks and chat messages. Therefore, only the wiretapping program is able to give a complete picture. But which program should you choose?

First of all, you must clearly understand that Google is such a service, in the Internet issuance you will receive a lot of offers from detective agencies to magical ways to read any information over the air. Therefore, to save you time searching, I give you a clear breakdown right here and now:

- Only airborne infections are transmitted through the air !!! Remember this!
— Detective agencies are expensive!
- The program of wiretapping should not cost more than 500 dollars! Because for this money she should not only transfer data to me, but also cook borscht and feed the cat. Spy tech doesn't cost that much.
— There are a lot of spyware sellers on the Internet, and only a few manufacturers. Vendors buy software from manufacturers and resell it to you with a walrus. Therefore, it is always more profitable to buy from the factory.

Separating sellers from manufacturers is easy if you're good at it. Googled at times and location, and IP, and links and the brand itself. Therefore, I present to your attention the TOP 3 manufacturers of spyware from which you can choose:

Manufacturer: Flexispy Ltd., USA Website: https://www.flexispy.com/en/

First of all, I would like to note the FlexiSPY product. Its manufacturers spare no expense in new developments, product safety and customer support in their own language. For this they respect and first place!

Advantages over competitors by points:

- Invisibility
For me, the most important thing is my security, the program should not give out its work, because there is always a chance to build relationships ... For almost a year of testing, FlexiSPY has never shown a single unmasking sign!

- The widest functionality
Basic functions such as interception SMS, calls, tracking by GPS And internet activity FlexiSPY is cracking like nuts.

Demanded functions - interception of messengers, FlexiSPY also has the widest range - 18 current ones and they are not going to stop - WhatsApp, Facebook, Viber, LINE, Skype, WeChat, iMessage, BBM, Blackberry PIN, Yahoo, Snapchat, Hangouts, KIK, Telegram, Tinder, Instagram, QQ

Moving on to advanced features - camera and microphone access are offered in the full Extreme package - record telephone conversations subscriber, camera shots And environment record phone through the microphone.

I can't help but note the unique features of FlexiSPY - call pickup And listening to the environment in real time. To date, due to legal nuances, these functions have been canceled for all other programs.

When my wife went with her ‘colleagues’ to a bar, I heard a lot of interesting things right here and now, and not later in the recording, so sometimes these features are simply vital ...

- Price
The product has a golden mean in this respect as well. Quality costs money, but reasonable. Therefore, the cost of programs starts from 68 USD per month, which is quite acceptable. You can upgrade to the advanced version by paying the difference at any time. There is no need to reinstall anything!

— Russian support
The product has instructions and support in Russian. When I installed the program, I received advice on rooting and jailbreaking, including in Russian. This is very helpful for insecure users.

- Stability
Many competitors - Shadow copy, StealthGenie, SpyBubble and others - have been forcibly shut down in recent years due to legal issues that are very contentious in this business. Of course, no one returned anything to users, so you need to choose a stable service.
The product has existed since 2005, those 10 years, and this is more than stable for the spy business!

Unfortunately, the developers never released a Russified version of their personal account, referring to the fact that they have users all over the world. However, a very important part is still translated into Russian - this is the section for installing and configuring the program.


Producer: Bitex Group LTD., England Website: https://www.mspy.com

The next winner of the rating is a manufacturer called mSpy. I cannot but note that these developers also know their business and release cool software. But there is one feature for the Russian-speaking audience - they do not have a Russian version of the site. Therefore, if your English is not very good, then read above about the competitor, and if this is not a problem for you, then below is my review about mSpy.

Advantages of mSpy over competitors by points:

- Price
The cost of a standard mSpy package starts from 29.99 USD, which is undoubtedly lower than the main competitors and this is the main advantage. For this money, you will get the basic functions of spy software - SMS, MMS, call history, contacts, email, photos and videos, Internet activity, calendar, notes, applications, GPS tracking, as well as full service maintenance.

- Solution without jailbreak
You can give a standing ovation here! Of course, anyone forced to spy on someone wants to do so without access to the device... but the reality is that this is impossible. However, the mSpy developers offer one solution that I cannot call an alternative, but it may suit a certain category of users - downloading data to Personal Area with iCloud.

This solution is only available for iOS devices, only if you know the username and password for account iCloud, and only if cloud sync is enabled on the device.
The available functionality in this case is Whatsapp, iMessage, SMS, MMS, call history, contacts, internet activity, calendar, notes, apps for 69.99 USD per month.

These are mSpy's unique features that no other competitor has.
If you control your child, then blocking applications and websites is a very important function, you must agree. The child will not be able to open and view what you do not want, but you cannot forbid him.

In the case of spouse control, it is likely that a situation may arise when you do not want any subscriber to get through. But don't forget about alternative ways connections.

— Skype for support
Customer support is important for every client, especially when you buy not Russian software, but speak only your native language. In this case, of course, you need to choose a program that is supported in Russian. However, large corporations cannot approach each client individually, and they use special sites to support their clients, this is not very convenient for users who are used to simple communication methods. In this case, the advantage of mSpy is obvious - customer support via regular Skype at any time!

Like FlexiSPY, mSpy has not translated their personal account into any other language from English. This is a disadvantage in using the program for many users.

talk log

Producer: Talklog.Net

The third place in the ranking is occupied by a very interesting software. talk log, but it only works on the Android platform. It is interesting in that it is sold by the manufacturer, and it is completely Russian-speaking.
This is a huge advantage, you might think, but the functionality of this application is very small.

In details:

Russian-speaking software
The entire program is in Russian, including the installation file. I myself tested on my phone, and I must say that the installation takes no more than five minutes, everything is very simple and clear to the most dense user. However, I recommend that you read this post to the end.

Due to such an easy installation, TalkLog cannot be considered as a full-fledged tracking program, rather, as a lightweight monitoring application for some phone functions - calls, audio control, SMS, MMC, media, location, Internet activity, applications and the ability to turn the device off and on.

Built-in chats are completely absent, well, who uses SMS nowadays? The cost of the program corresponds to the functionality.

Since the program is installed without , it remains in the application list and can always be detected by the user, but this is the difference between downloading a powerful tracking program to the root folder of the phone and installing a simple application in 2 clicks - remember this!

I can briefly summarize this long post like this - if you are looking for value for money, you are worried about not being identified and you want to know everything, then your choice. If you are on a budget or looking for some way to read information through iCloud without accessing your phone, definitely choose mSpy. Well, if you need a solution for Android, while you do not want to use customer support and want to see only the general activity of the subscriber without details and at a very low cost, then talk log should suit you!

If you have questions or suggestions I will always comment once!

Who among us did not want to feel like a cool hacker at least once and break at least something? :) Even if not, then about how great it would be to get a password from mail / social. networks of friend, wife/husband, roommate thought at least once each. :) Yes, and you have to start somewhere, after all! A significant part of attacks (hacks) involves infecting the victim's computer with so-called keyloggers (spyware).

So, in today's article we will talk about what are Free programs for tracking windows based computers, where you can download their full versions, how to infect the victim's computer with them, and what are the features of their use.

But first, a little introduction.

What are keyloggers and why are they needed?

About what it is, I think you guessed it yourself. As a rule, they are some kind of program that is hidden (although this is not always the case) installed on the victim's computer, after which it records absolutely all keystrokes on the given node. At the same time, in addition to the clicks themselves, the following is usually recorded: the date-time of the click (actions) and the program in which these actions were performed (browser, including the site address (hooray, we immediately see what the passwords are from!); local application; system services (including windows login passwords), etc.).

One of the problems is immediately visible from here: I got access to my neighbor’s computer for a couple of minutes and I want to get her VK password! Installed a miracle program and returned the computer. How can I see the passwords then? Looking for a way to take her computer again? The good news is, usually not. Most keyloggers are capable of not only storing the entire accumulated action base locally, but also sending it remotely. There are many options for sending logs:

  • Fixed e-mail (maybe several) is the most convenient option;
  • FTP server (who has it);
  • SMB server (exotic, and not very convenient).
  • A fixed flash drive (you insert it into the USB port of the victim's computer, and all the logs are copied there automatically in invisible mode!).

Why is all this necessary? I think the answer is obvious. In addition to the banal theft of passwords, some keyloggers can do a number of other nice things:

  • Logging of correspondence in the given social networks. networks or instant messengers (for example, Skype).
  • Taking screenshots of the screen.
  • Viewing / capturing data from a webcam (which can be very interesting).

How to use keyloggers?

And this is a difficult question. You need to understand that just finding a convenient functional good keylogger is not enough.

So, What does it take to run a successful spyware program?:

  • Administrator access to a remote computer.
    At what it is absolutely not obligatory physical access. You can get there via RDP (Remote Desktop Service); teamviewer; AmmyAdmin, etc.
    As a rule, this point is associated with the greatest difficulties. However, I recently wrote an article on how to get administrator rights in Windows.
  • Anonymous e-mail / ftp (by which you will not be identified).
    Of course, if you break Aunt Shura to your neighbor, you can safely omit this item. As well as if you always have the victim's computer at hand (ala, find out the passwords of your brother / sister).
  • Lack of working antiviruses / internal Windows protection systems.
    Most public keyloggers (which will be discussed below) are known to the vast majority of antivirus software (although there are logger viruses that are embedded in the OS kernel or system driver, and antiviruses can no longer detect or destroy them, even if they have detected them). By virtue of the foregoing, anti-virus software, if any, will have to be ruthlessly destroyed. In addition to antiviruses, systems like Windows Defender (which first appeared in Windows 7 and later) also pose a threat to our spyware. They catch suspicious activity of the software running on the computer. How to get rid of them can be easily found in Google.

Here, perhaps, are all the necessary and sufficient conditions for your success in the field of stealing other people's passwords / correspondence / photos, or whatever else you want to encroach on.

What are spyware and where can I download them?

So, let's start a review of the main keyloggers that I happened to use in my daily practice with links to download them for free. full versions(i.e. all versions are the latest at the moment (for which it is possible to find a cure) and with already working and tested cracks).

0. The Rat!

Ratings (out of 10) :

  • Stealth: 10
  • Comfort / usability: 9
  • Functionality: 8

It's just a bomb, not a keylogger! In working order, it takes 15-20 KB. Why be surprised: it is entirely written in assembler (veteran programmers shed tears) and written for the most part by hacker enthusiasts, due to which the level of its secrecy is simply amazing: it works at the level of the OS kernel!

In addition, the package includes FileConnector - a mini-program that allows you to glue this keylogger with absolutely any program. As a result, you get a new exe-shnik of almost the same size, and working at startup exactly like the program with which you glued it! But after the first launch, your keylogger will be automatically installed in stealth mode with the parameters you have previously set for sending logs. Convenient, isn't it?

A great opportunity for social engineering (bring a friend a game / presentation file on a flash drive, or even just a Word document (I’ll tell you how to create an exe-ic that launches a specific word / excel file in one of my next articles), run, everything is fine and fine, but the friend is invisibly already infected!). Or just send this file to a friend by mail (better a link to download it, because modern mail servers prohibit sending exe-files). Of course, there is still a risk from antiviruses during installation (but it will not be after installation).

By the way, with the help of some other tricks, you can glue any distribution kit of hidden installation (there are such in The Rat! and in Elite keylogger) not only with exe-files (which are still suspicious for more or less advanced users), but also with the usual word / excel and even pdf files! No one will ever think of anything on a simple pdf, but that was not the case! :) How this is done is the topic of a whole separate article. Particularly zealous can write me questions through the feedback form. ;)

In general, The Rat! can be described for a very long time. Much better than me, this is done here. There is also a download link there.

1. Elite keylogger

Ratings (out of 10) :

  • Stealth: 10
  • Comfort / usability: 9
  • Functionality: 8

Perhaps one of the best keyloggers ever created. Among its capabilities, in addition to the standard set (interception of all clicks in the context of applications / windows / sites), it includes the interception of messenger messages, snapshots from a webcam, and also - which is VERY important! - interception of passwords of the WinLogon service. In other words, it intercepts Windows login passwords (including domain ones!). This became possible thanks to its work at the level of the system driver and its launch at the OS boot stage. Due to the same feature, this program remains completely invisible to both Kaspersky and all other anti-malware software. Frankly, I have not met a single keylogger capable of this.

However, don't get too carried away. The installer itself is recognized by antiviruses very easily and to install it you will need administrator rights and disabling all antivirus services and services. After installation, everything will work perfectly in any case.

In addition, the described feature (working at the OS kernel level) introduces requirements for the OS version on which keyloggers will work. Version 5-5.3 (links to which are given below) supports everything up to and including Windows 7. Win 8 / 10, as well as windows of the server family (2003 / 2008 / 2012) are no longer supported. There is version 6, which works fine incl. on win 8 and 10, however, it is not possible to find a cracked version at the moment. It will probably appear in the future. In the meantime, you can download Elite keylogger 5.3 from the link above.

There is no network operation mode, therefore, it is not suitable for use by employers (to monitor the computers of their employees) or a whole group of people.

An important point is the ability to create an installation distribution kit with predefined settings (for example, with a given email address where logs will need to be sent). At the same time, at the output you get a distribution kit that, when launched, does not issue absolutely any warnings or windows, and after installation it can even destroy itself (if you check the appropriate option).

A few screenshots of the 5th version (in order to show how beautiful and convenient everything is):

2. All-in-one keylogger.

Ratings (out of 10) :

  • Stealth: 3
  • Comfort / usability: 9
  • Functionality: 8

Also a very, very handy thing. The functionality is quite at the level of Elite keylogger. Things are worse with secrecy. Winlogon passwords are no longer intercepted, it is not a driver, it is not built into the kernel. However, it is installed in the system and hidden AppData directories, which are not so easily accessible to unauthorized users (not those on behalf of whom it was installed). Nevertheless, sooner or later, antiviruses do this with success, which makes this thing not particularly reliable and safe when used, for example, at your work to spy on your own bosses. ;) Gluing with something or crypting the code to hide from antiviruses will not work.

Works on any version of Win OS (which is nice and practical).

As for the rest, everything is fine: it logs everything (except passwords for logging into Windows), sends it anywhere (including e-mail, ftp, a fixed flash drive). Convenience is also great.

3. Spytech SpyAgent.

Ratings (out of 10) :

  • Stealth: 4
  • Comfort / usability: 8
  • Functionality: 10

Also a good keylogger, although with dubious stealth. Supported OS versions are also all possible. The functionality is similar to the previous versions. There is an interesting function of self-destruction after a given period of time (or upon reaching a predetermined date).

In addition, it is possible to record video from a webcam and sound from a microphone, which can also be very popular and which the previous two representatives do not have.

There is a network mode of operation, which is convenient for monitoring a whole network of computers. By the way, StaffCop also has it (it is not included in the review due to its uselessness for one user - an individual). Perhaps this program is ideal for employers to spy on their employees (although the leader in this field is unconditionally StaffCop and LanAgent - if you are a legal entity, be sure to look in their direction). Or to keep track of your offspring, who love to sit watching "adult sites". Those. where you no longer need secrecy, but convenience (including a bunch of beautiful log reports, etc.) and the functionality of blocking specified sites / programs (it is also available in SpyAgent).

4. Spyrix personal monitor.

Ratings (out of 10) :

  • Stealth: 4
  • Comfort / usability: 6
  • Functionality: 10

Functionality at the level of the previous candidate, but the same problems with secrecy. In addition, the functionality includes an interesting thing: copying files from USB-drives inserted into the computer, as well as remote viewing of logs through a web account on the Spyrix website (but we are going to download a cracked version, therefore it will not work for us).

5. Spyrix personal monitor.

Ratings (out of 10) :

  • Stealth: 3
  • Comfort / usability: 6
  • Functionality: 8

I will not describe in detail, because. this instance does not have anything that one of the previous spies would not have, however, this keylogger may please someone (at least with its interface).

What do we end up with?

The question of using a keylogger is more ethical than technical, and it depends a lot on your goals.

If you are an employer who wants to control your employees, feel free to set up StaffCop, collect written permissions from all employees for such actions (otherwise, you can be attracted for such cases) and the trick is in the bag. Although I personally know more effective ways to improve the performance of my employees.

If you are a novice IT specialist who just wants to test what it is like to break someone - and how this thing works in general, then arm yourself with social engineering methods and test on your friends using any of the examples given. However, remember: the identification of such activity by the victims is by no means conducive to friendship and longevity. ;) And you definitely shouldn't check it at your work. Mark my words: I have experience with this. ;)

If your goal is to spy on a friend, husband, neighbor, or maybe even do it regularly and for money, think carefully about whether it is worth it. After all, sooner or later they can attract. And it's not worth it: "digging through someone else's dirty laundry is not a pleasant pleasure." If you still need to (or maybe you work in the field of investigating computer crimes and such tasks are part of your professional duties), then there are only two options: The Rat! and Elite Keylogger. In the mode of hidden installation distributions glued with word / excel / pdf. And better, if possible, encrypted with a fresh cryptor. Only in this case it is possible to guarantee a more or less safe operation and real success.

But in any case, it is worth remembering that the competent use of keyloggers is only one small link in achieving the goal (including even a simple attack). You don’t always have admin rights, you don’t always have physical access, and not all users will open, read, and even more so download your attachments / links (hello social engineering), antivirus will not always be disabled / Your keylogger / cryptor will not always be unknown to him . All these and many of the unspeakable problems are solvable, but their solution is the topic of a whole series of separate articles.

In a word, you have just begun to plunge into the complex, dangerous, but insanely interesting world of information security. :)

Sincerely,Lysyak A.S.

In our library of examples of spyware detection and neutralization, quite a lot of articles have already accumulated, and we decided to classify this material.
The classification is based on the subjective assessment of the technical specialists of our test laboratory. Since we plan to continue testing popular spyware, we believe that this classification will help users of the COVERT masker and visitors to our site to better understand the place of each spyware in the mosaic of modern threats.

We give each spy three ratings:
The first is design and functionality.. The higher the score, the more opportunities the program provides for stealing data and tracking the user.
The second is secrecy within the system. How difficult it can be to detect on a computer. The higher the score, the better program hides himself.
Third - evaluates the protection of the spy from anti-spyware and the complexity of its neutralization. The higher the score, the more diligently the program clings to its existence on the computer and the more steps need to be taken to completely remove it. Some programs cannot be removed by simply erasing the file folder from the disk.

- RLM: 5 / 5 / 4

Spy VkurSe for covert monitoring of all user actions on the computer and sending the collected data to a special server. Provides the ability to covertly monitor a computer online, create screenshots of the screen, intercept keyboard input, clipboard, and more.

- RLM: 1 / 1 / 0

Windows Spy Keylogger is a fairly classic example of a keylogger - it captures all keyboard input and saves it in log files. It has an invisible mode, practically does not consume operating system resources, is easy to install and can be installed on a computer without administrator rights.

- RLM: 3 / 6 / 1

Spytector works secretly on the computer, saves passwords that were entered in browsers and instant messengers Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Opera, FireFox, Safari, Outlook, GoogleTalk, Windows Live Messenger and more. The keylogger can intercept entire chats in popular messengers - MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, ICQ, AIM. Spytector Keylogger encrypts the intercepted information and sends it by e-mail or to FTP server.

- RLM: 8 / 3 / 2

JETLOGGER allows you to monitor the user's activity on the computer, collects information about running programs, visited sites and used key combinations, structures the received data and displays them in the form of diagrams and graphs. Can be turned on automatic creation screenshots of the screen at certain intervals. Hides the fact that information about activity on the device is being collected.

- RLM: 4 / 0 / 1

Yaware.TimeTracker is a system for tracking working time and evaluating the efficiency of employees working at a computer.

- RLM: 5 / 2 / 3

Award Keylogger is a fairly popular spyware that is described on many sites as a powerful real-time tracking tool with rich functionality. But we weren't able to see all of the listed functionality even though we tested the latest fully functional version. The program was not much better than the average spy.

- RLM: 5 / 0 / 0

Real Spy Monitor is designed to monitor computer activity and allows you to save information about running programs, files and windows that are opened, take screenshots, monitor which sites users visit, intercept and save keyboard input.

- RLM: 5 / 1 / 1

LightLogger - has enough standard set functions - tracks visited websites, takes screenshots at a specified frequency, intercepts keyboard input in applications, browsers and e-mail, remembers all running programs, copies the contents of the system buffer.

- RLM: 7 / 1 / 0

REFOG Personal Monitor provides full control over the system, logs any keystrokes. In addition, he periodically makes screenshots so that the observer has a complete picture of what is happening on the computer. All reports are sent to the specified email. The work of the spy is not noticeable on the computer: it does not impersonate anything and consumes very few system resources.

- RLM: 5 / 3 / 3

TheRat can be installed on a computer by social engineering. In addition to the traditional keylogger functions, the program can track actions in application windows and react to words, as well as take screenshots of the screen every time you press the Enter key. A feature of the keylogger is the work on the principle of incorporeal viruses.

- RLM: 6 / 2 / 1

Snitch collects user activity data and transfers it to its server, from which they are already sent to the control module and displayed in its interface.

- RLM: 2 / 0 / 0

Hide Trace is a typical screenshot tool that monitors the user's actions, creating a detailed report open windows while taking screenshots.

- RLM: 6 / 8 / 6

WebWatcher records all activity that occurs on the PC: emails, messenger messages, information about visited sites, activity on Facebook / MySpace networks and everything that the user types in real time. Takes screenshots of the screen and keeps track of all search queries. All collected information is sent to special servers, where the observer can view the results of surveillance remotely.

- RLM: 6 / 0 / 2

DameWare Mini Remote Control Server allows you to connect and control remote machines via the Internet or local network. It can secretly, imperceptibly for the observed, control all its actions.

RLM: 7 / 2 / 2

Kickidler - The program has good functionality, but is easily detected and removed. There is a function to block the entrance to the secure COVERT platform, which is easily bypassed by means of a masker.

- RLM: 3 / 1 / 0

Total Spy - the interface is extremely simple, the program is small and does not affect system performance. But the functionality in the program is only basic.

- RLM: 7 / 8 / 5

PC Pandora- hides in the system and controls the entire computer and Internet traffic. Takes screenshots, receives keyboard input, actions on visited websites, e-mail, instant messages of instant messengers and much more collects information about the user's work. The program does not have a folder in which it stores its data. Everything is loaded into operating system, and each new installation on the same or different computer is made with new file names.

- RLM: 5 / 7 / 4

Micro Keylogger- well hidden spyware, which is not visible in the Start menu, taskbar, program control panel, process list, Msconfig startup list, and other places on the computer where you can monitor running applications. It does not show signs of presence and does not affect system performance, it secretly sends a report to e-mail or FTP server. Its activity is conducted through DLLs.

- RLM: 4 / 0 / 0

Expert Home is a multifunctional program for covert surveillance and detailed recording of all actions performed on a computer with a remote monitoring function, which allows you to view reports and screenshots anywhere, from any device with Internet access.

— RLM: 7/0/0

Performs monitoring remote computer in real time, takes pictures of the user from the webcam of the computer, records sounds in the room where the computer is installed, views file system, download files remotely, view and delete system processes, and other standard spyware functions.

- RLM: 5 / 1 / 1

System Surveillance Pro provides everything you need to monitor your PC in stealth mode. The utility logs text input, instant messages, applications used and visited sites, and also takes screenshots at a specified time interval or by event.

RLM: 3 / 0 / 0

KidLogger PRO, is an open source keylogger that can record sound from a microphone, take screenshots. Delivery of logs / screenshots is possible by mail, or to the manufacturer's website, where they can already be viewed. It can also just store logs with screenshots locally.

- RLM: 7 / 0 / 0

Remote Manipulator System - remote monitoring and control, allows you to connect to a remote computer and control it as if you were sitting directly in front of its screen.

- RLM: 6 / 2 / 1

Spy NeoSpy is a computer tracking program that allows you to conduct hidden monitoring of the system. Tracks all actions performed by users on the monitor screen via the Internet from a computer, smartphone and tablet.

- RLM: 6/5/3

SoftActivity Keylogger monitors and records all user actions on the computer.
Works discreetly and imperceptibly even for savvy users, not a single process in the task manager, no files can be seen in the system.
The configuration utility and the uninstall option are password protected.

- RLM: 4 / 1 / 0

Snooper - an audio spy designed to record sounds that a microphone connected to a computer picks up, in recording mode it is not displayed in the tray, it is not visible in the list of processes in the manager Windows tasks. Until the microphone picks up sounds, the spy stays in sleep mode.

— RLM 5/0/0

The Best KeyLogger is a program that allows you to always have complete control over your computer.
The program allows you to read the entire history of actions on your computer in your absence.
With this program, you can view chat logs, as well as mail and see which sites the user has visited.

- RLM: 5 / 1 / 1

SpyAgent is a program for complete control over user actions. Monitors system activity, including recording keystrokes, programs launched, files opened, and more. Allows you to capture all online activity - FTP, HTTP, POP3, Chat and other TCP / UDP connections, including visited websites. Takes screenshots, sends the collected data to the specified e-mail, it is possible remote control program.

- RLM: 6 / 2 / 0

Ardamax Keylogger - takes screenshots, intercepts clipboards and keystrokes on the keyboard. The spy has a hidden mode and it is not visible in the task manager. The program creates a log of all actions for further analysis.

- RLM: 8 / 1 / 0

Spyrix Personal Monitor allows you to keep hidden control over any activity on your computer - in social networks (VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, etc.), chatting and e-mail, visiting sites and requests to search engines(Yandex, Google). Spyrix Personal Monitor spy is designed for centralized monitoring of all user activities.

- RLM: 2 / 6 / 6

All In One Keylogger logs all keystrokes, including language specific characters, conversations and conversation messages, passwords, email, clipboard information, microphone sounds, screenshots, Internet activities. The spy is not displayed in running processes.

- RLM: 8 / 6 / 7

Mipko Personal Monitor - monitors activity on the computer, monitors which sites are visited on the Internet, saves on HDD all user actions - pressed keys, visited sites, application launches, screenshots. Not visible when working in stealth mode standard means system and does not appear in the list of processes. It works absolutely imperceptibly, like an invisibility, is friends with antiviruses and in 95% of cases remains undetectable.

- RLM: 3 / 1 / 0

Free Keylogger Remote is able to intercept keystrokes and copied text from any application. It can also record the names of running applications, visited websites, take screenshots after a specified period of time. The spy operates in stealth mode and cannot be accessed. Have a function remote monitoring and sending daily reports by email.

- RLM: 7 / 1 / 0

SpyGo is a software package for covert monitoring and tracking user activity on a computer. Managed remotely and allows real-time monitoring. Works in stealth mode and remains invisible during the monitoring process.

- RLM: 3 / 1 / 0

The Actual Spy hidden agent is able to monitor all events occurring in the system: intercept all keystrokes, detecting case and Russian layout, take screenshots (screenshots), remember launching and closing programs, monitor the contents of the clipboard, fix Internet connections, register visited sites and much more.

- RLM: 5 / 1 / 1

Elite Keylogger is designed to secretly monitor all types of user activity. The keylogger's capabilities include tracking all types of correspondence from ICQ to e-mail, websites visited by users, passwords typed and programs used. The spy generates screenshots of the user's desktop. It can send a report on user actions to an email box after a certain fixed period of time.

- RLM: 6 / 0 / 2

Using the Power Spy utility, you can take screenshots from the screen at regular intervals, record keyboard strokes, visited Internet pages. You can also view mail messages read with Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Outlook Express and documents opened in Word and Notepad. The program sends a report to E-mail according to the specified parameters or writes it to a hidden log file.

- RLM: 6 / 5 / 5

The STAKH@NOVETS software package is designed to monitor computer network enterprises. She gives full information about each employee. Surveillance of the company's personnel can be carried out in an absolutely covert mode.

- RLM: 6 / 0 / 3

StaffCop monitors running programs, applications and websites on work PCs. Performs interception of messages in ICQ, Skype, e-mail and other instant messengers. Takes screenshots of the monitor, records keystrokes and much more, which is part of the concept of "computer control".

(KGB) - RLM: 7 / 1 / 0

KGB SPY is one of the most popular programs designed to spy on users. personal computers. It intercepts and saves on the hard drive a detailed log of user actions, takes screenshots of the screen, fixes the launch of the software, etc.

- RLM: 1 / 1 / 0

Punto Switcher is designed to change keyboard layouts automatically on a computer. At the same time, it can be used as a keylogger if certain settings are changed.

Monitoring the work of computer equipment helps the leaders of organizations to fully establish the efficiency of work. The same applies to the control of parents over their own children during their absence from home. For this, there are special computer spyware, which can show with whom and at what time the correspondence was carried out, which web pages were accessed, etc.

This software has nothing to do with trojans, because these utilities are installed by computer owners and system administrators on their own, and they do no harm. Trojans, on the other hand, significantly reduce computer performance, steal data, and its distributors automatically become criminals, which can also lead to criminal liability. As a rule, company employees are aware of installed programs from the area of ​​control. But sometimes there are cases when the manager does not do this in order to get an idea about the person: whether he is responsible, whether he transfers commercial data to third parties, etc.
Consider several computer spyware that monitor page visits, correspondence, etc.

Refers to universal utilities that can control the actions of a remote computer. Already at the installation stage, the program will be hidden from prying eyes. It is almost impossible to calculate and disable, even when viewing processes and running applications in the task manager. Only with administrator rights, it will appear as shortcuts and workgroups in the appropriate places (Start menu, task manager, folders with installed apps etc.).

Features of NeoSpy:

  • keyboard typing control;
  • viewing visited Internet pages;
  • viewing the user's actions in real time;
  • taking screenshots of the desktop, as well as taking pictures from the webcam (if installed);
    idle time control;
  • determination of the equipment that was connected to the computer (flash drives, external hard drives, etc.);
  • tracking documents that have been printed;
  • indicate the current location of the computer.

These are just some of the features, but they give an idea that NeoSpy has a lot of features at its disposal that will provide complete control over computing equipment from a distance.

The Real Spy Monitor program has many tools that are capable of monitoring . As a rule, parents use it to control their children, because this utility has tools that allow you to prohibit certain actions (including visiting certain pages, starting games, etc.). Also in Real Spy Monitor you can configure each user profile separately. And although the interface is in English, it is intuitive and will not cause any problems when using this program.

A significant disadvantage of this utility is the fact that it is not free. To use it, you will need to pay about $40.

In addition to the applications discussed, there are also others (SpyGo, Snitch, etc.) that have all the basic tools for controlling your computer.

How can I find the installed spy on my computer?

These programs are hard to find. One way could be to check the system, which can recognize the spyware as malware. But this is only possible if the system administrator has not included it in the antivirus exceptions. But again, looking at the exceptions may show that a similar program is present on this computer.

As a counterbalance to this software, some employees use third party utilities, which block messages from being sent to an administrator or manager. This is necessary for those people who categorically do not want their work on the computer to be completely controlled.

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