Changes in social networks. New social media law

In accordance with the document, registration in social networks of Russians under 14 is proposed to be completely banned, and the possibility of using social networks by other minors is to be limited.

State Duma deputy Vitaly Milonov submitted a draft law “On legal regulation activities of social networks”, according to which it is proposed to completely “prohibit the use of social networks by persons under 14 years of age”.

According to the developers of the bill signed by Milonov, the introduction of the ban will help to cope with the "pernicious influence" of "difficult" teenagers and children from dysfunctional families on their peers, as well as reduce the number of teenage suicides.

According to the document published in the State Duma Draft Database, the adoption of the new law will entail a change in the registration rules in in social networks. The owner of the network will be required to ask the new user for a passport and establish his real name and surname (full name), as well as age. It is prohibited to register those who have not submitted their data, as well as those who have not yet turned 14 years old, under the threat of a fine of up to 300 thousand rubles.

The same penalty threatens the owners of social networks for providing one user with the opportunity to create several pages on the same network. Yes, the bill also prohibits having several pages. Moreover, their presence can be punishable: a user who has opened more than one account is proposed to be fined 3-5 thousand rubles. The same penalty is provided for providing incorrect full name and information about your age during registration.

The bill provides for age restrictions not only for those who have not yet turned 14, but also for other minors. The former, as indicated above, are generally prohibited from registering on social networks, while the latter are prohibited from “taking part in the activities of communities in which information is disseminated,” which is prohibited by law from distribution among children.

According to the law, information prohibited for dissemination among children includes, among other things, obscene language and information that “forms disrespect for parents and (or) other family members.” Given the active use of obscene language on social networks, minors will not be able to legally register in any community at all. Parents of violators of the ban face a fine of 1.5-2 thousand rubles.

The bill proposed by Milonov prohibits even adults from using social networks to “organize unsanctioned meetings, rallies, demonstrations, processions or picketing,” including in the form of disseminating information about the forthcoming holding of such actions.

Additionally, the bill proposes to introduce a ban on the use of social networks during working hours for employees of budgetary organizations and persons in the civil civil service of the Russian Federation.

RBC's source in the State Duma said that "Milonov's initiative will most likely not receive support." According to Yevgeny Revenko, a member of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, the introduction of the bill was not agreed upon either with the committee or with the faction of the United Russia party, which includes both Milonov and Revenko himself.

“I consider this initiative harmful, it will only alienate young people from us. It is necessary not to ban more, but to go to social networks and talk,” Revenko explained, recalling that the current legislation has enough restrictions on propaganda in social networks of terrorism, extremism, drug addiction and other illegal actions.

Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov told reporters that the Kremlin has not yet seen the bill.

“We have not seen the essence of this bill, but only read in the media those provisions that may be contained in it, which we are not sure about. Those provisions that are discussed in the media are, of course, not very realistic. It is hardly necessary to take any position here, ”Peskov said.

Presidential Internet Adviser German Klimenko, in an interview with RBC, said that before submitting such a bill to the State Duma and “pursuing reputational pluses,” Milonov needed to consult with the IT industry.

“Firstly, where will children under 14 go? They will immediately go to foreign social networks. Secondly, with a literal reading of Milonov's proposal, we are losing users on VKontakte from Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. This is incomparable with the possible pluses, ”Klymenko believes.

According to the adviser, he is ready to personally participate in the drafting of the bill. “We will either bring the bill into a form worthy for the development of the Runet, or we will offer our own version,” the presidential adviser added.

On Monday, April 10, VTsIOM that almost two-thirds of Russians (62%) support the adoption of a law banning the use of social networks for children under the age of 14. At the same time, among young people aged 18-24, 67% support the adoption of such a law.

MOSCOW, April 10 - RIA Novosti. State Duma deputy Vitaly Milonov submitted to the parliament a bill that concerns the work of social networks. So, the politician proposes to register new users with a passport, to ban Russians from using social networks during working hours, and also to use public pages to organize uncoordinated actions.

In social networks by passport

One of Milonov's initiatives concerns the registration of new users in social networks. In particular, he betrays to oblige Russians to provide their passport data.

"During registration, the owner is obliged to request from the natural person performing registration, in electronic form, an identity document (including a document proving the identity of a foreign citizen or a stateless person in the Russian Federation) and allowing to establish the last name, first name, patronymic (if any) and the age of the said individual," the explanatory note to the document says.

Milonov also proposes to oblige Russians to register in social networks only under their real name and surname. In his opinion, it is also necessary to prohibit a person from creating multiple accounts.

The bill provides that it will be possible to use social networks only from the age of 14.

"The owner has the right to set additional age limits for registering individuals in the social network," the document states.

Milonov paid special attention to publics labeled "18+". He proposes to fine parents whose children under the age of 18 join such communities.

If the bill is passed, parents will have to pay a fine in the amount of one and a half to two thousand rubles.

Not for work

Another proposal that Milonov submitted to the Parliament regulates the use of social networks during working hours. The deputy is sure that the employer should get the right to prohibit their employees from using the Internet.

If the law is adopted, then the corresponding amendments will be made to article 57 of the Labor Code - "Content of the employment contract."

About rallies

Milonov asked to "freeze" the accounts of deceased people in social networksOnly the relatives of the deceased should be given the right to manage the account, said Vitaly Milonov, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg. He sent an appeal to Roskomnadzor with a request to limit the functionality of such accounts.

Milonov's initiatives have already been commented on in the Kremlin. According to the press secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, a number of proposals will be difficult to put into practice.

"We have not seen the essence of this bill, but only read in the media those provisions that may be contained in it, which we are not sure about. Those provisions that are discussed in the media are, of course, unrealistic, so it is hardly necessary to take any some position,” Peskov told reporters who were interested in whether the deputy’s initiatives could violate “constitutional human rights to access information and protect personal data.”

Not so long ago, State Duma deputy Vitaly Milonov proposed the adoption of a new bill regulating access to Internet resources intended for communication. The Social Media Law in 2019 provides for certain restrictions for minors.

Today, Russian legislation does not provide for separate projects that would regulate the activities of social networks. However, parliamentarians have long been interested in the problem. According to people's representatives, communication on the Internet does not have the best effect on the development of children.

The bill establishing the legal basis for the activities of some resources was proposed by Vitaly Milonov, as well as parliamentarians from the Leningrad Region.

The essence of the project is to protect children from the bad influence of social networks. First of all, we are talking about the prohibition of access and restriction of registration for minors.

The deputies believe that this will reduce the influence of "difficult" teenagers on their peers from prosperous families. With this, they plan to reduce the number of juvenile crimes.

Changes proposed by deputies

The bill submitted for consideration to the State Duma is called "On the legal regulation of the activities of social networks." The main thing that the developers offer is a ban on the use of social resources by children under 14 years old.

The document states that it is necessary to completely deprive teenagers of the opportunity to register in any social networks.

Therefore, it is proposed to keep records according to passport data. If a person who wants to register does not provide correct information, the resource management must refuse him. In addition, for false information during registration, deputies propose to fine:

  • the violators themselves in the amount of 3 to 5 thousand rubles;
  • resource management for 300 thousand rubles, if registration nevertheless occurred with false information.

Given the need to enter reliable passport information, users will not be able to create more than 1 account. Several pages in social networks registered for one person will indicate that the management of the resource has violated the rules for providing information, and will be fined.

As for age restrictions, parliamentarians are categorical - under 14 years old, a child should not have the right to access social networks under any circumstances. Upon reaching the age limit, children will be allowed to register, but they will be required to follow a number of rules:

  • minors will be banned from joining communities where entries are made using obscene language;
  • you will not be allowed to join groups if they promote disrespectful attitude towards parents or family.

The use of swearing on social networks threatens teenagers with the fact that they will not be able to join any community. In addition, the parents of violators will be held administratively liable. They will have to pay a fine of 1.5 to 2 thousand rubles.

Minors will not be allowed to disseminate information about any unauthorized events with mass participation of people. According to the current law, it is forbidden to use social networks for the purpose of organizing such meetings.

Along with the ban on access for children under 14, parliamentarians propose limiting the use of social networks during working hours. This is not about all the inhabitants of Russia, but only about employees of the public sector and civil service.

How will registration take place under the bill

The resource management must ensure that the correct passport details are provided before approving the application. If the user is under the age of 14, registration will be denied.

The deputies believe that the new standards will allow to control the activities of social networks and reduce juvenile delinquency and mortality.

What do the State Duma think about the proposed bill

The official text of the new law was submitted to the people's deputies for consideration at the beginning of 2017. The developers expected that it would come into force as early as January 1, 2019. However, parliamentarians have not yet been able to reach a consensus on the need to approve the bill and its expediency.

First of all, there are concerns that representatives of the IT industry will be against this innovation, so they need to be consulted.

In addition, such projects are not accepted in one day. Their implementation requires careful preparation. It is necessary to consider how the verification of passport data will be carried out. In this case, the management of social networks should be given access to some personal information.

Some deputies express concern that the bill will cause too much public outcry, as it will only alienate young people.

Parliamentarians believe that Russian legislation already provides for quite a lot of rules that should protect minors from the bad influence of social networks. There are prohibitions on propaganda of terrorism, drug addiction and other actions that can harm the inhabitants of the country.

People's deputies agree that the introduction of new bans will not solve the problems of youth. First of all, it is necessary to draw the attention of parents to what is happening with teenagers.

It is the lack of understanding that often leads to conflicts and tragedies. In addition, in the absence of access to the social network, children can use their free time in a bad way.

Since the proposals of the developers of the bill look too categorical for many deputies, there is no talk of its possible implementation yet. The activity of Internet resources today is regulated by Federal Law 436 "On the protection of children from information that is harmful to their health and development." You can download the text of the law from the following link.

Izvestia writes about the new bill "On the legal regulation of the activities of social networks", which proposes to introduce a strict procedure for the admission and identification of users of social networks. It was developed by the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region.

“According to the bill, only a person who has reached the age of 14 can be a user of the social network. When registering, the owner of the service is obliged to check the passport data of Russian and foreign citizens. For violation of this rule, the legal entity - the owner of the site faces a fine of 100 thousand to 300 thousand rubles. If the user did not report a change in data or deliberately provided false information, he faces a fine of 1,000 to 3,000 rubles. You can create only one page and only under your real name and surname, otherwise a fine will follow: the owner of the site - up to 300 thousand rubles, the user - up to 5 thousand. Users under the age of 18 are prohibited from joining communities where information prohibited for children is posted . Otherwise, parents will have to pay a fine of up to 2,000 rubles,” Izvestia publishes.
In addition, the bill proposes a host of various prohibitions. Thus, it is forbidden to inform citizens about unauthorized meetings and rallies, to publish correspondence with other users without their consent.

The law should come into force on January 1, 2018. Social networks will have time to bring user agreements into line with it, remove those who are not yet 14 years old, and collect passport data from the rest in order to change account names if necessary.

“Now the situation is difficult: social networks are multimillion-dollar virtual societies that affect the real life of the country. The relevance of the document is confirmed by recent high-profile events - from unauthorized political speeches to a terrorist threat, ”explained Vladimir Petrov, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region.

No one is trying to introduce censorship or restrict freedom of speech. Verification and strict control over the authenticity of names will only increase the price of your own opinion and virtual communication, he added. In addition, the deputy suggested that linking an account to a passport would help solve the problem of manipulating public opinion online and destroy all kinds of “communities of trolls” and pranksters.

Another initiative from the bill is a complete ban on the use of social networks during working hours for public sector employees. The explanatory note states that social networks have “enslaved office workers”: the loss of working time is huge, and employers cannot fight it.

On April 10, State Duma deputy Vitaly Milonov (United Russia) submitted a bill “On the legal regulation of social networks” to the Russian parliament. The document, in particular, prescribes obtaining an account on the social network only after providing the passport data of the Internet user to the site administration.

“When registering, the owner is obliged to request from the natural person performing registration, in electronic form, an identity document (including a document proving the identity of a foreign citizen or stateless person in the Russian Federation) and allowing to establish the last name, first name, patronymic (if any) and the age of the said individual,” reads the explanatory note to the bill.

“The need to provide passport data to use social networks will solve the problem of the so-called “fake pages,” Milonov said. - Now anyone can register under a different name, both under a fictitious name and under the name of someone they know. On such a page, you can post photos, write messages that compromise the person who supposedly owns the page. In fact, no mechanism of responsibility for such actions is currently provided. In connection with this project, a provision is introduced on the mandatory provision of passport data by users of social networks. In addition, the draft provides that the registration of a citizen in a social network is carried out only under the real name and surname.

In addition, it is proposed to prohibit the use of social networks by persons under the age of 14. In turn, teenagers from 14 to 18 years old will not be able to make online purchases. Also, the use of social networks may be prohibited in budgetary organizations, and in others it may be adjusted by an employment contract. The purpose of such measures is to combat the "Internet slavery" of office workers.

“The loss of working time is huge, but it is very difficult for employers to deal with this. The draft proposes to ban the use of social networks in budgetary organizations, and in relation to other legal entities, the access of employees to social networks is proposed to be regulated in additional terms of the employment contract,” the accompanying text says.

Among other things, the draft law provides for tougher administrative liability for organizing unauthorized rallies using Internet resources.

“It has become much easier for various organizations that encroach on undermining the statehood and sovereignty of our country with the advent of social networks,” Milonov points out. – On the one hand, this is the “Varvara Karaulova problem”, when recruiters of extremist organizations banned in Russia use social networks to lure young people into their ranks. On the other hand, the organization of rallies, picketing, processions in violation of the current legislation. The organizers of such events find through social networks citizens who are ready to participate in an illegal action for a certain amount. It's pretty easy to do this on social media. In connection with this project, it is proposed to toughen administrative responsibility for organizing unauthorized rallies through social networks.”

The oversight of the implementation of Internet regulation will be entrusted to a dedicated “interagency coordinating body” that has yet to be established.

Milonov's radical proposals met with no support either in the State Duma or in the Kremlin.

“Those provisions that are discussed in the media are, of course, unrealistic, so it is hardly necessary to take any position here,” said Dmitry Peskov, press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation (Kommersant).

“Given the public outcry and media attention to this topic, such ideas, unfortunately, will multiply like mushrooms,” he said.Head of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy Leonid Levin (RIA Novosti). -The initiative itself is difficult to implement and speaks of a lack of understanding by the authors of the very essence of the Internet and the mechanisms of its work.”

The deputy noted that "the technical implementation of the bill... will require significant funds from both the state and the Internet industry."

“It is necessary not to produce new laws, but to increase the effectiveness of the implementation of existing ones,” - pstressed the head of the committee.

“As for children, we have a law “On the protection of children from information that is harmful to their health and development,” the parliamentarian specified. He also recalled that Internet access is currently and sois carried out using the citizen's personal data: "When purchasing a SIM card, you must provide a passport, when connecting the home Internet, an agreement is concluded between the user and the operator, when using public wi-fi points, you must go through the verification procedure."

“The implementation of ... the initiative of Deputy Milonov will throw us into the number of third world countries in terms of regulating the Internet and protecting the rights of citizens,” summed up the head of the State Duma committee. I believe that children and adolescents, the vast majority of whom use the Internet every day, should not be limited, but should be prepared for the challenges encountered on the Web. Parents play a key role in this, as it is they who, in most cases, provide their children with gadgets for using the Internet, registered on themselves.

Yevgeny Revenko, deputy secretary of the council of United Russia, also criticized the bill.

« I don't think social media bans are the right tool. Unnecessary barriers will lead to the fact that other ways of communication will be found very quickly. As a rule, measures of this kind require careful study, comprehensive discussion, including with the younger generation, ”the official website of the party quoted the politician as saying.

Internet Ombudsman Dmitry Marinichev called Milonov's bill "meaningless".

“Any transmission of information on the Internet can formally be considered a social network. In other words, everything should be banned. Access to children under the law on communication is already limited by adults. The inadmissibility of the use of social networks in the workplace is a matter of company policy. For many, it is important to use social networks to provide services in the profile of their activities. And who needs it, they can restrict access even now, ”Kommersant quotes the Ombudsman.

Representatives of the largest social networks also criticized the bill. Meduza quotes Yevgeny Krasnikov, spokesman for the social network VKontakte, as ironic: “We consider the proposed measures to be insufficiently prohibitive, and, in our opinion, the document needs to be seriously improved. It is necessary to prohibit watching cartoons to children who have not homework leaving the house without a hat. In addition, it is necessary to prohibit wearing [sneakers] Air Max and turning up pants. We, for our part, are ready to block users for deuces in a quarter, as well as for the fact that they are malnourished at their grandmother's. In our opinion, it is necessary to legally oblige users of social networks to pass the TRP standards before each login. Only high school students and children of Deputy Milonov can be exempted from this.

“To adopt such laws, you first need to understand very well what the children themselves need and how they use the Internet,” said Anastasia Zhbanova, press secretary of the Odnoklassniki social network. ( “We deeply respect the desire to make technologies more transparent, but so far we are not ready to seriously comment on the initiative.”

The head of the Roskomsvoboda monitoring project, Artem Kozlyuk, accused Milonov of professional incompetence, and called the bill he developed absurd.

“I have not seen such a degree of absurdity and legal illiteracy as in the text of this bill,” admitted Artem Kozlyuk, “it is saturated with huge amounts of risks for the circulation of information in the network space. For example, it is absurd to oblige to provide social networks with official documents - there is a risk of leakage of this data, they will fall on the black market. Besides, why should any legal entity store a huge array of user information and passport data? And anyway, why should I show my passport during social interaction? When we leave the house, we do not show our personal data in order to start a conversation with someone, and this is the same social interaction as on the Web. Only online does MP Milonov offer to show his passport, and then start a conversation.”

According to Kozlyuk, the document submitted to the State Duma “does not correlate either with constitutional norms or with other norms of law”: “A range of controversial topics is being defined that cannot be discussed. In order to create a group to organize a demonstration, rally or picket, we must obtain the approval of the mayor's office. Some kind of commissions are being introduced that will monitor the actions on the social network - that is, it is proposed to build a bureaucratic machine of supervision and censorship, which will determine what should be on the social network, how users should interact, gradation of ages, what groups can be created, What can you raise money for through crowdfunding? It is also forbidden to block or delete the user's page - this, you see, the deputy Milonov was very offended by the fact that his Facebook page was blocked"(

The movement "Young Lawyers of Russia" posted on the portal of public initiatives a petition demanding that the bill of the odious deputy be withdrawn from the State Duma.

“We need to create modern leisure options for teenagers, make the school curriculum interesting and modern, develop mass sports and look for sources of funding, support young directors, and not “feed” young people with current TV content. But it’s all hard for the deputies, we need to deal with this and work, it’s easier for them to ban,” said Sergey Bruev, chairman of the movement.( .

According to p olithologist Konstantin Kalachev, Vitaly Milonov's bill significantly restricts the rights and freedoms of citizens. The analyst also drew attention to the fact that on the day the project was presented, the results of a survey by VTsIOM were published, which showed that 62% of Russians are in favor of a ban on the use of social networks by children under 14 years old.

“All this looks like pressure and preparation of society for the real introduction of Internet regulation,” the expert (Kommersant) suggested. - Milonov's initiative is covered by the protection of children, but applies to all users. This is due to the problems that the opposition, which uses the Internet as an effective communication channel, causes in the government.”

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