How to eavesdrop on telephone conversations. How to find out if a mobile phone is being tapped. secret codes for your cell phone

The modern world is full of mistrust of people to each other. Often, many couples in love quarrel with each other about any suspicions of treason, disagreements, and many other reasons. Often such situations lead to serious quarrels, and sometimes to parting. Truly loving couples cannot just give up and go to extreme measures, sometimes even illegal ones.

A prime example would be listening to your partner's cell phone.

The Internet industry does not stand still, technologies are developing daily, so today it will not be difficult for a teenager to listen to the phone, even if he does not have large sums of money and special skills in using the phone and special programs.

Listening to the phone in modern times is actively popular with a huge number, because by tracking the conversation of the people you need, you can find out a lot useful information and, most importantly, honest. Soon you will be able to sort out all the disagreements, misunderstandings that previously led to inevitable quarrels.

It has long been no secret that they can listen to your conversation at any time, and mobile operators are doing this quite legally and officially. This is done with the aim that in case of difficult situations, law enforcement agencies have the opportunity to listen to the conversation, the perfect suspect. And as they say: "The Internet has an eternal memory." If desired, operators are able to find a record of your conversation, which is already more than a week old. But you should know that no one will listen to you without a reason. This procedure requires permission, the law today is on the side of ordinary civilians. No one will listen to your conversation without a good reason.

It has already been said that eavesdropping can only be superficial, and your colleagues, relatives and other people in your environment have the opportunity to eavesdrop, so protecting yourself from listening to your conversations comes to the fore, but this topic will be discussed in detail later.

Closer to the topic - how to record a telephone conversation of the person you need? First of all, it is necessary to determine the methods and possibilities.

There are only a few ways to listen and record the conversation of your "victim"

  1. The most common one is with mobile operator, this topic has already been sufficiently disclosed.
  2. The second way is expensive and effective, but unfortunately illegal. We are talking about listening to the phone by replacing the base station.
  3. The third method is explained by the interception and decryption of a 64-bit encryption key.
  4. And the fourth - the easiest way is to introduce special software into the phone that can record a telephone conversation.

Now more. If everything is clear with the first method, then a lot can still be said about the second, so - listening to the phone by replacing the base station.

This method is a passive method of listening to the phone. To use this method, you need to have a lot of money. The key word here is "big". On the "black market" prices for such equipment start at around several hundred thousand euros. With such a setup, you will be able to listen to the phones of people around you within a radius of 500 meters. Today, this equipment is well studied, all the instructions, the principle of operation and other information that relates to the operation of the "spy" device can be found on the Internet.

The manufacturers of this listening system make sure that conversations can be monitored in real time, that is, by purchasing this device you will not have to wonder how to record a telephone conversation of your “victim”. The system listens to a telephone conversation not using a mobile phone, but using a SIM card, that is, the owner of such equipment has full access to the database of your mobile operator. But there are cases when it is impossible to get access to the database. But there is a way out here too. The equipment is able to similarly follow the conversation of the person you are listening to and give you his conversation, but with a small delay. This is due to the fact that the system needs to decrypt the code. The system is completely mobile and can listen while moving.

There is also active intervention. For active intervention, special mobile complexes are used. Such a complex is a pair of phones and laptops, which are slightly modified. The price for them is lower, but it also bites quite a bit - a couple of hundred thousand dollars. In rare cases, the price reaches 100-200 thousand dollars. The weak point of this equipment is that only highly qualified specialists can work on it. Principle of operation this device lies in the fact that it is able to intercept the signal sent by the "victim" to the operator, that is, with the help of this device you can become an intermediary. From the moment of “capture”, specialists are able to do everything that an operator can do with a captured call.

It is impossible to determine that you are listening to someone with this equipment.

When it comes to intercepting a conversation with cell phone, then doing this procedure will not be a problem, because often the receiver operates at a frequency of 800 or 1900 MHz. A significant problem is revealed when listening to the conversation. Only noise will be available to you, there will be no intelligible speech. This is explained by the 64 bit encryption key. But the Internet is already replete with various tactics to bypass this encryption or the possibility of decryption, so this incident should not arise. Based on the information on the Internet regarding listening using a 64-bit encryption system, you can assemble a complete listening device.

And finally, the final way to listen, with which you can learn how to record a telephone conversation.

Here we will talk about installing special spyware on your victim's phone. There are a lot of various applications related to this topic on the Internet today, so it will be very easy to download applications.

What you need software is installed on the “victim's” phone, at the moment when she does not notice it, that is, the phone you need should be invisible to you for 10-15 minutes. During a call, special programs can activate the third line. This third line will be you, that is, the conversation will be fully broadcast to your number. The only disadvantage of these programs is a number of flaws for a specific phone model that you will have to fix yourself. But this is the simplest and most important - the free method of listening. You can listen to almost any person who has close contact with you.

Don't want to become a "victim"? Below are the basic rules that can warn you against this threat..

  1. First of all, do not allow automatic systems to download various software to your phone, where malware can also be detected.
  2. Do not trust everyone in a row and give the phone into the wrong hands.
  3. Pay close attention to extraneous interference and noise during a conversation.
  4. Install an antivirus.
  5. Discuss serious topics not on the phone, but in person.

If you are determined to listen to someone's phone, then you should think about it again, because you can end up behind bars. Be vigilant and do not give people a reason to listen to you. No one will do it without a good reason.

Video about how to listen to the phone

The most obvious way is official wiretapping by the state.

In many parts of the world, telephone companies are required to provide access to eavesdropping lines to the competent authorities. For example, in Russia, in practice, this is carried out technically through SORM - a system of technical means to ensure the functions of operational-search activities.

Each operator is obliged to install an integrated SORM module on his PBX.

If the telecom operator has not installed equipment on its PBX to wiretap the phones of all users, its license in Russia will be canceled. Similar programs of total wiretapping operate in Kazakhstan, Ukraine, the USA, Great Britain (Interception Modernization Program, Tempora) and other countries.

The venality of government officials and intelligence officers is well known to everyone. If they have access to the system in "god mode", then for the appropriate fee you can get it too. As in all state systems, in the Russian SORM there is a big mess and typical Russian gouging. Most of the technical specialists are actually very low-skilled, which allows unauthorized access to the system without the intelligence agencies themselves noticing.

Telecom operators do not control when and which of the subscribers are listened to on SORM lines. The operator does not check in any way whether there is a court sanction for wiretapping a particular user.

“You take a certain criminal case about the investigation of an organized criminal group, in which 10 numbers are listed. You need to listen to someone who has nothing to do with this investigation. You just finish off this number and say that you have operational information that this is the number of one of the leaders of the criminal group, ”says knowledgeable people from the website.

Thus, through SORM you can listen to anyone on "legal" grounds. This is such a secure connection.

2. Listening through the operator

Operators cellular communication in general, without any problems, they look at the list of calls and the history of the movements of a mobile phone, which is registered in various base stations according to its physical location. To get call records, like the secret services, the operator needs to connect to the SORM system.

It doesn't make much sense for Russian law enforcement agencies to install Trojans, unless they need the ability to activate the smartphone's microphone and record, even if the user is not talking on a mobile phone. In other cases, SORM does an excellent job with wiretapping. Therefore, the Russian special services are not very active in introducing Trojans. But for informal use, it's a favorite hacker's tool.

Wives spy on their husbands, businessmen study the activities of competitors. In Russia, Trojan software is widely used for wiretapping by private clients.

The Trojan is installed on a smartphone in various ways: through a fake software update, through email with a fake app, through a vulnerability in Android, or in popular software like iTunes.

New vulnerabilities in programs are found literally every day, and then closed very slowly. For example, the FinFisher Trojan was installed through a vulnerability in iTunes that Apple did not close from 2008 to 2011. Through this hole, it was possible to install any software on behalf of Apple on the victim's computer.

It is possible that such a Trojan is already installed on your smartphone. Didn't it seem to you that the smartphone's battery has recently been discharged a little faster than it should be?

6. Application update

Instead of installing a special spyware Trojan, an attacker can do even smarter: choose an application that you yourself voluntarily install on your smartphone, and then give it all the permissions to access phone calls, recording conversations and transferring data to a remote server.

For example, it may be a popular game that is distributed through "left" directories mobile applications. At first glance, an ordinary game, but with the function of wiretapping and recording conversations. Very comfortably. The user with his own hands allows the program to access the Internet, where it sends files with recorded conversations.

Alternatively, the malicious functionality of the application may be added as an update.

7. Fake base station

The fake base station has a stronger signal than the real BS. Due to this, it intercepts the traffic of subscribers and allows you to manipulate data on the phone. Fake base stations are known to be widely used by law enforcement agencies abroad.

In the USA, a fake BS model called StingRay is popular.

And not only law enforcement agencies use such devices. For example, merchants in China often use fake BS to send bulk spam to mobile phones that are within a radius of hundreds of meters around. In general, in China, the production of “fake honeycombs” is put on stream, so it’s not a problem to find a similar device in local stores, assembled literally on the knee.

8 Femtocell Hacking

Recently, some companies have been using femtocells - low-power miniature cellular stations that intercept traffic from mobile phones that are in range. Such a femtocell allows you to record calls from all employees of the company before redirecting calls to the base station of cellular operators.

Accordingly, to wiretap a subscriber, you need to install your own femtocell or hack the original femtocell of the operator.

9. Mobile complex for remote wiretapping

In this case, the radio antenna is installed close to the subscriber (works at a distance of up to 500 meters). A directional antenna connected to a computer intercepts all phone signals, and at the end of the work it is simply taken away.

Unlike a rogue femtocell or a Trojan, here the attacker doesn't have to worry about breaking into the site and installing the femtocell and then removing it (or removing the Trojan without leaving a trace of the hack).

The capabilities of modern PCs are enough to record a GSM signal on in large numbers frequencies, and then break the encryption using rainbow tables (here is a description of the technique from a well-known specialist in this field, Carsten Nohl).

If you voluntarily carry a universal bug with you, you automatically collect an extensive dossier on yourself. The only question is who will need this dossier. But if needed, he can get it without much difficulty.

For a user who already knows how to enter "Engineering Mode" and update the firmware on his own, it will be interesting to check whether mobile device. Determining this is easier than it looks; and although most people in Russia have nothing to fear (if only due to the lack of important information), it is always nice to make sure that there is no wiretapping on the phone. How to do this - let's try to figure it out.

Phone tapping signs

Before you know whether your phone is being tapped or not, you should familiarize yourself with the main signs of unauthorized access. By comparing the state of your mobile device with the phenomena listed below, you can come to certain conclusions - this is no more difficult than. If the conclusions are positive, it is worth learning how to get rid of wiretapping; if they are negative, scroll through the recommendations and continue using your smartphone with a calm heart.

Important: none of the features listed below is 100% or exhaustive. Only a combination of two or three manifestations matters, although in this case it is impossible to find out that someone decided to listen to conversations or read SMS that do not concern him, without further manipulations.

Signs indicating wiretapping of a smartphone:

  1. Constant heating and fast battery drain. Almost on every modern device an uncountable number of applications have been installed - allowing you to determine the ownership of an incoming number, record video in hidden mode, and so on. Naturally, they all refer to random access memory and consume battery power. And yet, if the owner of the phone has not picked it up for more than an hour, the device does not charge and does not perform planned complex calculations like video processing, too high a case temperature and the need to recharge the battery every few hours will help to understand that the device is tapped - or at least think about going to a service center.
  2. Errors at work. A sign that is more likely to indicate that the device has been wiretapped is frequent system error messages, failures, failures, and spontaneous reboots. In the worst case, the user will encounter a problem one day: or it will only be possible to start it after several attempts. For a resident of Russia who previously had problems with the state or who is inclined to install all applications indiscriminately, the presence of this manifestation will let you know that the phone is being tapped - system failures are not included in the normal mode of the Android OS.
  3. Spontaneous actions. If the smartphone turns on without the knowledge of the owner, switches between active processes, enters applications containing personal data (“Messages”, “Calls”, “Contacts”, instant messengers, mobile clients of banks, and so on), or, even more interesting, sends an SMS and makes calls to unknown numbers - it's time to check the device for wiretapping. The matter does not necessarily lie in unauthorized access to telephone conversations and messages, but the presence of malicious code on the device is unlikely to please the user.
  4. Interference during a call. Noises, creaks, periodic interruptions in communication, especially those repeated in a certain sequence or when subscribers pronounce certain words and expressions that are classified as unsafe in Russia, indicate the possibility of wiretapping. And certainly the user should tense up if other people's voices are heard during the negotiations - the use of modern technology practically excludes such a factor, but everything happens, and the unexpected interference in the conversation of the unknown is a sure sign of a lack of confidentiality.
  5. Interference. A telephone operating in voice call mode, when brought close to audio equipment, may cause specific noises; This is natural and in itself does not indicate wiretapping. But if similar interference is generated by an "unloaded" device and for a long time, we can conclude that unauthorized data transfer is taking place - and proceed to a detailed study.

Advice: you should not draw conclusions without clearing the phone of the accumulated system debris - very often it leads to the appearance of strange, inexplicable even from the developer's point of view, phenomena similar to signs of wiretapping.

How to know that the phone is tapped?

Having concluded from the totality of signs that the phone can be wiretapped, the owner must proceed to manipulations that allow him to accurately determine whether anyone other than him has access to the device. Listed below are a few simple ways find out if the smartphone is being tapped.

USSD commands

Using the above combinations, you can understand how secure the connection is in general, voice calls and sending SMS. All commands are typed using the numeric keypad - in the same order as cell numbers. To activate them, you should press the call button - the result will appear on the screen in a few seconds.

"Call Waiting". Using the command, the owner of the phone will be able to find out if the device is currently connected to any device and, therefore, whether unauthorized data transfer is in progress. To check this, you need:

  • type on the keyboard * #43 # ;
  • read the service message: if everything is in order, the subscriber will receive a notification about the connected service, which is currently not activated.

"Call Forward". One of the most commonly used wiretapping methods is to set voice calls and SMS forwarding to a third number. To understand if the phone is being tapped, you can do the following:

  • type on the keyboard *#21# ;

  • get acquainted with the information about using the service: it can be, depending on the mobile operator, short;

  • or detailed - the main thing is that the message does not contain numbers unknown to the user or not known from the best side.

"Redirect when not available". In very rare cases, in order to be able to eavesdrop on a mobile device, attackers block calls to it and enable the appropriate type of forwarding. A user from Russia can determine the presence of a threat in the following way:

  • type on the keyboard * #62 # ;

  • wait for the system report and see if a forwarding number is set - and if the number is known.

Advice: to disable all types of redirects and thus increase your chances of privacy, just send a request like ##002# - as a rule, there are no problems using the command.

Eagle Security

An easy-to-use and fairly reliable mobile application that allows you to find out if your phone is being tapped. The user needs:

  • Download, install and run the program - after a few moments, a summary will appear on the main screen containing information about the likelihood of wiretapping.

  • You can get more information about a potential threat by clicking on the three horizontal bars located in the upper left corner.

  • Select "Spyware" from the pop-up menu.

  • And having read the list of suspicious mobile applications - or information about their absence.

Important: to restrict access rights for any of the listed programs, just select "All permissions" in the corresponding field and set your own parameters - however, in the new mode, some applications may stop functioning.


A great mobile app that helps you understand if there are any spyware installed on your phone. After downloading and running the application, the user must:

  • Click on the "Start Scan" button located in the center of the screen.

  • Wait for Incognito to detect applications for listening to voice calls.

  • And unauthorized access to SMS.

  • If there is nothing suspicious in the phone's memory, the program will issue a notification - now the user just needs to close it and proceed with daily activities. If there are risks, ways to eliminate them will be proposed - with detailed instructions and explanations.

Anti Spy Mobile

You can find out if your phone is being tapped by downloading and installing this simple app. The owner of the device will need:

  • Read the usage information and click OK.

  • Wait while Anti Spy Mobile scans installed applications.

  • And see if there are suspicious or spyware modules on the smartphone.

  • By going to the list, the user will be able to.

  • Understand exactly what claims Anti Spy Mobile has to the program, and decide on further actions.

Advice: You can remove a suspicious mobile application directly in the program window by selecting the Uninstall option.

Dr. Web

The most popular antivirus that allows you to unambiguously determine whether wiretapping software is installed on your phone. The owner of the device will need:

  • Launch the program by tapping on the "Scanner" button.

  • Choose a scanning method - if time permits, it is better to prefer "Full Scan".

  • Wait for the scan to finish.

  • And, if privacy threats are detected.

  • Go to their elimination by clicking on the button with the "lightning".

  • By choosing a potentially dangerous mobile application.

  • And the way it is processed.

Advice: if the application previously functioned normally and was installed by the user voluntarily, it is highly recommended not to rush to remove it - perhaps the threat was identified erroneously, and the reason for wiretapping lies elsewhere.

Visual inspection

The phone can be tapped not only “from the inside”, using malicious mobile applications, but also using special equipment, by analogy with devices of previous generations called “bugs”. To independently check for the presence of foreign electronics, it is enough to remove back cover and pull out the battery - as a rule, listening modules are attached in conditions of lack of time, so that the attacker will not have time to thoroughly disassemble the smartphone.

The presence of elements not provided by the manufacturer immediately catches the eye; to stop wiretapping, the owner of the device will only need to remove (unfasten, unstick, less often - unsolder) the "bug" - now you can use the phone in normal mode.

Appeal to professionals

If none of the above methods to find out if the phone is being tapped has not borne fruit, but suspicions remain, you should contact a service center or a digital security specialist for help. Services, of course, are provided for a fee - but the owner of the phone will be able to unequivocally determine the presence of a problem and get advice on further steps to eliminate it.

How to remove wiretapping from the phone?

You can remove wiretapping from your phone in the following ways:

  1. Remove malicious applications using special software. It is not recommended to do this through the standard "Settings" - there is a high probability that traces of spyware will remain in the smartphone's memory.
  2. If the matter is in the hardware - get rid of the "bug" by removing it yourself or taking the phone to a service center. As already mentioned, most often the equipment is mounted outside - on the battery, under it or near the SIM card slots, so it will not be difficult to find it.
  3. If voice and SMS forwarding is enabled, disable it using the USSD command and convincingly ask the owner of the third-party number not to do this again.

Advice: You can completely get rid of spyware distributed as mobile applications by resetting your phone to factory settings. This will also destroy all user data, so passwords and important documents should be saved in the "cloud" or copied to external media.

Summing up

You can find out if the phone is being tapped using USSD requests or special software. The user is also advised to check for physical "bugs" in the device. To solve the problem, you should remove suspicious applications and remove the listening equipment; in some cases, resetting to factory settings helps to get rid of wiretapping.

To learn how to listen to someone else's mobile phone just read this article. After that, you can listen to other people's telephone conversations, read their messages.

The easiest ways

It has become very easy to find out secret information about another person in our time. You just need to buy or even make a bug with your own hands. The only question is where to install it?

Therefore, it is not enough to know how to listen to someone else's phone. Knowledge of how to use listening equipment will be required. Most often, an office or other workplace is chosen for this event. Unfortunately, this is not very reliable. After all, the “bug” can be found, it can break, or simply no sound will be heard.

Can I record the conversation myself?

Recording conversations in a room is a rather dangerous occupation. Your bug may fall off the attached surface, or worse, it may be covered by something. Anyone understands that this device will be of little use.

There are more reliable way– installation of a GSM bug directly into the phone. However, in this case, wiretapping someone else's mobile will cost more. The fact is that almost anyone can create a bug. But, for example, only a few are able to mount it in a means of communication.

The target needs to somehow be persuaded to give you his phone, but sometimes this is completely impossible to do. Especially if you decide to listen to it precisely because you don't get along.

New Method for Acquiring Audio Data

All of these methods have their pros and cons, but they are inferior to the next method. Its essence lies in the fact that by installing special software, you can find out everything. Moreover, without the knowledge of the owner.

Go to a site that deals with mobile espionage at a professional level. Here you can download any spyware at your discretion.

- not just an accessory of an active, business person. Owners trust this device for personal and work conversations, sms-correspondence and communication using various instant messengers. Pictures, videos and other files that are not intended for prying eyes are stored in the device's memory and on a flash card. Therefore, it is important to take care not only not to lose your smartphone or steal it, but also to protect the data on it.

How spies steal information, what malfunctions to pay attention to and how to check the phone for wiretapping?

How is wiretapping of mobile phones?

To check if is listening, you need to know how attackers can connect to it. There are three ways:

1. Fraudsters will install malicious software on the phone. Thanks to wireless communications and special programs for hacking, a user of almost any level can use this method. Using certain types of viruses, criminals can steal and destroy the personal data of the smartphone owner and other information that is stored on the phone. So, the encryption system can be changed by hackers or completely disabled. Such software can get on the gadget:

  • via MMS messages;
  • through Mobile Internet;
  • via Bluetooth;
  • via Wi-Fi connection;
  • when the owner connects the smartphone to the computer.

Hacker programs can turn on a microphone and the criminal will receive information while being within a radius of 100 meters from the owner of the phone.

2. Wiretapping of phones using special mobile devices. Such systems usually consist of a computer or two phones with special modifications. It seems to some that such equipment is easy to manage and available to almost any user. This is not true. Only a professional signalman can operate such equipment. You will have to pay up to several hundred thousand dollars for the system.

3. This method is the most expensive. For wiretapping, special complexes are used, the price of which starts from several hundred thousand dollars. Such equipment is sold semi-legally. Only signalmen with professional education and experience can serve it. This method is used to listen to other people's conversations in real time.

Phone tapping metrics

To determine wiretapping, you need to pay attention to the following 7 details:

1. The smartphone seems to “gurgle” at the moments when it is next to electronics -,. Interference is natural if you are using the device at this moment. But when the phone is idle, there is reason to think.

2. The gadget "independently" turns on and off, re-registers in the Network. If the user inattentively installed and configured unverified applications and programs, this situation is normal. Otherwise, the device can be controlled without the knowledge of the owner.

3. The battery should not get hot if the phone has not been used for a while. Hidden running programs can overheat the battery. It is possible that spyware.

4. Wiretapping is evidenced by the screen of the mobile, which does not turn off when the device is turned off. Or the phone itself can’t turn off for an unusually long time. But such failures can be the result of installing software without a license and other software errors.

5. The battery is running out faster than usual. A gradual decrease in battery capacity after a year of using the device is the norm. Troubles of this kind with the new phone speak of the included microphone and continuous recording of conversations.

6. In a smartphone that supports two SIM cards, an unknown operator appears, signed with several numbers.

7. An echo or crackle in the speaker during a conversation confirms the fact of eavesdropping.

How to know if the phone is being tapped?

If anxiety about possible wiretapping causes discomfort, you can seek help from a service operator. The telephone company most likely owns the equipment to test the line. You should go to the police if there is evidence of espionage activity.

There are also programs for smartphones that help to find out if the current conversation is encrypted or available to intruders:

1. Checking the phone for wiretapping using EAGLE Security FREE. The program analyzes the location and identifies stations. A useful feature is the study of applications that covertly use the camera and microphone, and the ability to block access to .

2. Using Darshak, you can detect programs and applications that send text messages without the user's knowledge.

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