How to make money on Yuda. How to make money on "Yudu Yu do personal account

Any person over the age of 18 can become a YouDo performer. See where to start and how to earn here.

So how do you become a performer?

1. Get artist status. Go to the "How to become a performer" section and click the "Become a performer" button.

2. Learn the rules. Read the rules of work on YouDo and when working with customers on the Internet.

3. Fill in the form.

Provide real information about yourself. They are needed so that we and your customers can contact you:

  • date of birth,
  • E-mail address,
  • phone number.

4. Complete your profile. Write about your professional experience, achievements, best qualities. Download examples of work. As long as you don't have reviews, this will help you get your first orders. More recommendations

5. Pass a document check. It can be passed on a Russian or Belarusian passport. This is optional, but the Verified Artist badge will increase customer confidence in your profile and help you get more assignments.

6. Try for 1 ruble. We give new users so that you can test YouDo and get the first orders. Access is activated when you leave your first comment. Before responding:

  • fill out your profile
  • find a task that you can definitely complete,
  • think over what you will write to the customer, how can you help him? Why should he entrust the task to you?

The more prepared you are, the better the result will be. Do not limit yourself to two or three offers, respond until you get the first order. Good luck!


- What if I don't have the "Become an Artist" button?

In addition to the main income, many people think about additional income. Depending on their skills and knowledge, they are looking for suitable options. Some start translating from foreign languages, others look for themselves in writing articles and become copywriters, others own tools and offer their services in the field of repair, fourth master makeup or manicure techniques and strive to make all girls even more beautiful, fifth advertise their virtuoso possession computer programs. All these people can be united by one profession - a freelancer.

Moscow, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod - in all these cities there is a convenient YouDo service that brings together customers and performers.

A wide variety of categories of work is presented, among which there are both remote orders and those requiring personal presence: delivery of goods by foot courier or car, solving household problems with cleaning, installation or repair of equipment, computer and legal assistance, services of tutors, designers or builders, and so on. in a similar spirit.


The customer can be a natural or legal person. The principle is simple: register on the site, replenish the balance, create an order, select a contractor. In order to avoid disputes on the YouDo website in Moscow and other cities, you should familiarize yourself with the rules of the service.

It is necessary to nail a shelf, create a three-dimensional model on a computer, deliver flowers to a girl at night - create a task and choose a suitable performer.

Advantages and disadvantages

You, as a customer, set the cost for the work performed at your own discretion. That is, you can find a performer at a lower price than the professional market offers.

Also a good advantage would be the multidisciplinary bias of the site "Yudu". In Moscow and other large cities, time is of the essence. Therefore, there is always a lot of unresolved cases. It is convenient to place requests in one place with one click.

There are also disadvantages of such a service. For private orders, the entire responsibility for the quality of the work performed lies with the contractor. The customer does not receive a check and a guarantee for the services performed. Therefore, only the conscientiousness and responsibility of the contractor will help you get what you need.


Any adult can start working in the YouDo service in Moscow. It is enough to go through a simple registration on the site and start leaving applications for preferred work options.

There is an opportunity to become a proven performer. It appears after confirming the passport and driver's license or SNILS. The site owners promise to nominate you higher in the list of applications.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of "Yudu" in Moscow and other cities is the prompt receipt of funds. In other words, if you have done the work, you can spend your earnings.

Money is reserved on a special account for the security of transactions. Therefore, you can be calm for receiving funds after work. Also, the performer is insured that his task will be completed. Otherwise, everything will be returned to the customer.

You can look for a part-time job in several directions at once. A great option for those who know how to assemble cabinets and can transport goods by car. Such a service attracts with its versatility.

If earlier the site took its commission as a percentage of the earned for the work done, now, to the great regret of the performers, the applications themselves have become paid. And now the dilemma: if you want to earn money, spend money first. As a small lifeline, the service offers the first day to leave applications for free. We'll have to give all the best for the full program for these 24 hours.


In addition to ordinary people, it has become possible for legal entities to order works on That is, the service decided to become an intermediary for individual entrepreneurs, organizations. In this case, everything is quite formal and strict. All documents confirming the status of the company are required. Agree, quite comfortable and modern. There is no need to search, browse dozens or hundreds of sites until you find the right price tag. In this case, the service is a huge plus for advancement.

The second change that was introduced is the submission of paid applications from performers. That is, a task has been created, and everyone can leave an application, but it will cost money. It doesn't matter how many performers sign up, everyone pays, and only one gets the job. For customers, this will be an advantage, as possible unreliable performers will be eliminated. But those who decided to make money on Yuda in Moscow or any other city will no longer rush into the battle for orders so zealously. Quite conflicting feelings are caused by such a change. Most likely, unemployed students and everyone with an empty wallet will simply retire. Although the service was created to make money.

If you want to earn some extra income in your spare time or need a source of income while you are looking for a permanent job, YouDo is for you.

Citizens of Russia and Belarus over the age of 18 living in any of the Russian cities can become a YouDo performer. At the same time, only residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg can currently perform local tasks (that is, tasks that require physical presence). Everyone else has access to virtual assignments (translate a text, find information, write a term paper, etc.).

Step one. To become a performer, first of all, you need to send an application to a special address: [email protected]. Do not forget to include in the letter your last name, first name, patronymic, the city where you live, as well as a contact phone number. In response to your application, you will receive instructions with further actions.

Every day YouDo verification department receives dozens of applications, each of which is processed manually. Therefore, the answer from YouDo does not come immediately, but within two business days. If you have not received a letter from service representatives, duplicate the application.

Step two. Once your application has been processed, you will be interviewed. If you do not live in Moscow, you will need to record a short video with answers to a few simple questions. Residents of Moscow can come to the YouDo office and talk to the service staff in person. By the way, if you are going to an interview in our office, print and fill out the questionnaire in advance. This will save you time. It is better to register on YouDo and fill out your profile before the interview so that you can immediately tell your login to the service staff. Please note that pseudonyms are not allowed in artist profiles, it is better to use an image that clearly shows your face as the main photo of your page. Customers trust real people more.

Step three. You will be notified within two business days if you passed the verification. If approved, a green checkmark will appear on your YouDo profile. And you can start doing tasks.

Now the YouDo team of performers has more than two thousand users. The status of a verified performer is received by four out of ten people who are interviewed. One third of our performers are students. They either have not yet found a permanent job in their future profession, or do not want a full-time job to distract from their studies. Another third of the performers are people over 25 years old, for whom YouDo is a source of additional income. For example, their main work involves a free schedule or they have time to complete tasks on the weekend. The remaining third of the performers are people 40-50 years old who have special skills. For example, most representatives of this group work in the categories "Repair and installation of household appliances", "Small household repairs".

The monthly income of active performers is 30-40 thousand rubles with employment of 5-6 hours a day.

On you can be both a customer and a contractor. Registration on the site is free. To become a performer, start providing services and earn money, you need to additionally go through the verification procedure. How to do this, read.

To register an account on, click on the "Register" button in the upper right corner of the main page of the site. A window will open:

In a few minutes you will receive an email. Follow the link in the email and complete the registration.


- Will I be able to create a task right after registration?

Yes. After completing the registration procedure, select a category, describe the task in free form and publish it on the website or in our mobile application. In just a few minutes, you will begin to receive feedback from performers who are ready to fulfill your order.

- Will I be able to receive orders immediately after registration?

No. To become a performer on our website, you will need to additionally go through the verification procedure. How to do this, read.

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