How to reduce the font in the Yandex search bar. Incomprehensible characters instead of text in the browser. Open the send mail window

Many people use computers, because they make us closer to the whole world around us, to distant relatives too, which is very important for older people. Not everyone has excellent eyesight, but if there is no desire to use glasses, strain your eyesight, then you can only increase the font in the browser. In this article, we will tell you in detail how to increase the font in Yandex Browser and not strain your precious eyesight with small letters that webmasters love to use. So let's get started.

How to set up a font in Yandex Browser?

The main property of any operating system and application program is ease of use, because the skills of users are very, very different, so each program must be understandable and adaptable for any user. If this is not done, then the program is immediately overgrown with criticism and possible analogues, which are eager to save users from the mistakes of competitors.

Therefore, especially browsers are incredibly adaptive for the user, you can configure everything in them, well, or almost everything, so in this article we will tell you how to increase the font in Yandex Browser, because this is a domestic browser, and you need to support your own by all possible means .

Instructions for increasing the font:

  1. Open your browser, then wait for it to fully load in RAM, it will only take a few seconds.
  2. In the upper left corner there will be an icon with three horizontal stripes, click on it, then find the “Settings” item.
  3. Among the many subtle settings, find "Advanced Settings".
  4. In the "Content" block, you can fine-tune the display of fonts in your browser, up to the encoding and size, which is what we actually need, as well as other parameters.
  5. Save and restart your browser.

If you are also tormented by the question of how to reduce the font in Yandex Browser, then it is worth noting that this is done in the same way. As you can see, there is nothing complicated, you just need to explore the settings a little.

How to customize the font in other browsers

If you use several browsers, then this article will help you configure fonts in them, in the most popular ones, of course. It is worth noting that if you learn how to do this in the most popular ones, then in the less popular ones you will have no problems, because many developers try to make their creations a little similar to those of competitors, all for greater intuitiveness and clarity in use.

How to customize fonts in Google Chrome:

  1. On the left side of the browser, click on the settings button, then go to "Settings".
  2. In the settings, find the "Advanced" item.
  3. This will be the "Web Content" line, next to it you can adjust the font size, as well as configure additional character display options.

How to customize fonts in Opera:

  1. In the upper right corner there will be a "Menu", there will be a "Tools" button.
  2. Among the various settings, find "General Settings", after opening the page you will see the "Web Pages" item, there will be font settings.

Quick zoom change

In the topic above, on how to increase the font in Yandex Browser, we talked about how to do this through the browser settings. However, not everyone knows that this can be done with only two actions: hold down CTRL and scroll with the mouse. This method of resizing the page is suitable not only for browsers, but also for MSWord and Photoshop. We also strongly recommend that you look through the documentation for the applications you use, because it contains many interesting features, including working with fonts.


We hope that after reading this article you have understood how to increase the font in Yandex, because this knowledge will especially help you if you have poor eyesight, or if you want to show some information to a person with vision problems.

"Web content". At this point, you can select the fonts displayed on the site pages (for the main text). You can select "extra small", "small", "medium", "large", and "extra large" font sizes. But you can more clearly customize the fonts by clicking the "Customize fonts" button.

In the window that appears, you can select a font for a specific font type, in case the webmaster specifies the type of font for certain text on the site, but not the font itself. That is, for example, for such and such a text, a serif font is specified, no matter what, but the main thing is that this particular type is used. Below the "standard font" selection there is a font size adjustment bar (default font size is 16). To change the size, hold down the right mouse button on the slider and drag it to the side. All selected fonts and size are immediately displayed in the right side of the window, that is, you can immediately see the selected font and the changed size. The number indicates the font size. After the changes, click the "Finish" button.

in the “page scale” section, you can select the percentage of the displayed page to the real one, that is, you can increase everything that is shown on the page and reduce it (100% is the normal view of the page, if less, then the page will decrease, if more, it will increase). Although it is more convenient to reduce and enlarge the page using the hot keys Ctrl and + (increase), Ctrl and - (decrease).

The following are the items marked with checkboxes. Enable display of page addresses in the form "domain > title" means that if the checkbox is unchecked, then only the email address (without the title) will be visible in the address bar, and if left, both the email address and the title will be visible.

In general terms, none of the points presented will be superfluous, especially at the beginning of learning how to use a browser. It's best to leave all checkboxes checked.

Turbo mode - speed optimization when using other connection points, for faster access to the site with slow Internet. If the Internet is fast, then it is better to leave it as it is - “Automatically turn on on a slow connection”.

Some website pages contain fonts that are too small for a person to read, especially if they have vision problems. To do this, the developers of most browsers have created the ability for users of their products to increase the font sizes on web pages. Yandex browser is no exception.
In order to increase (or decrease) the font size on site pages in Yandex browser, you must:

1. Open the browser menu and click on " Settings».

2. A new " Settings". In it you need to find and click on the button " Show advanced settings". To find it, you need to go down to the very bottom of the tab using the scroll wheel.

3. After that, the list of available browser settings will increase. Now we find the section " Web content" using the previously mentioned scroll wheel.

4. The first setting in this section is the font size. By default, the Yandex browser has a font size of "Medium". To change to another, simply click on this cell and select "Large" or "Very large" font from the drop-down list (if you want to reduce the font, select "Small" or "Very small" accordingly).

For more detailed font settings in Yandex browser, click on the "Configure fonts" button and in the dialog box that opens, look for " Minimum font size».

Using the slider, you can adjust the font size to the value you need. Also, with this setting, there is a “preview” area, that is, by adjusting the values, you will immediately see how the text will look on web pages.

Each site has its own design and settings. Often we are not satisfied with the size of the text: either it is small, that nothing is visible, or it is too large. In Yandex.Browser, we can customize the settings for ourselves.

To make the necessary changes, we need the "Settings" section. Logging in is easy and simple:

  1. We launch the Yandex browser itself.

  2. Open "Settings" (upper right corner).

  3. Scroll to the end of the page that opens and click on "Show advanced settings".

  4. Next, look for the "Web Content" section. You need to scroll down the page until the name of the required block catches your eye.

  5. You can immediately change the size of our font (make it smaller or larger), as well as the scale of the page. If you do not need all this, click the "Customize fonts" button.

  6. A window opens in which you will configure the parameters that are convenient for you.

Configuring font settings in Yandex.Browser

  • standard font (Standart font) - by setting a certain font, almost all information will be written in this style on all sites. Further below, using the slider, change the font size (standard - 16 pt);

  • the next two paragraphs are responsible for displaying any blocks on sites with or without serifs. If you do not know what serifs are, take a look at the picture;

  • then you can set a fixed-width font to display mostly columns or photo captions;

  • sometimes image captions are so small that you can barely see them, so you can set a minimum font size, after which all characters smaller than this size will be automatically increased;

  • the last point is responsible for the encoding, but without understanding the essence, you should not do this. In case you need it, remember that you may need to install additional fonts on your PC to display texts in rare languages;
  • click "Finish".

These settings will be applied on every page. In order to change the scale of a particular page, just click on the menu icon in the upper right corner and select the size (“-” - reduces, “+” - increases, it is also possible to expand the page to full screen) or use hot keys.

Change zoom with hotkeys

For convenience, the font size (i.e. page scale) can be changed by pressing the hotkeys:

You can use the mouse the same way:

  • “Ctrl” + scroll the wheel “away from you” - increase;
  • “Ctrl” + scroll the wheel “towards you” - decrease.

Removing settings for individual pages

  1. Open "Settings", scroll down the page and click on "Show advanced settings".

  2. We are looking for the section "Personal data".

  3. Next, click "Settings" in the "Scale" item.

  4. Next, a list of sites will appear, you just need to delete those addresses where you do not need to apply your settings.

  5. We click "Finish". Close the settings.

Without spending a lot of time and effort, you can set up Yandex.Browser "for yourself" so that later you feel comfortable and confident.

Video - How to change the font in the Yandex browser

The display of information on a computer should be not only clear, but also comfortable in general. So that you do not have to strain your eyes once again to read what is written on the screen. And so that all the information is placed on the display. Therefore, you have to think about how to reduce the font on your computer. The best tips and tricks in this regard will be presented to your attention below. In fact, there are a huge number of solutions.

System settings

Let's start with the system settings. In this case, the entire system font will change. In other words, the size of icons and labels on a PC.

How to set up a font on a computer? You can do this after doing the following:

  1. Right-click on any free space on the desktop.
  2. Select "Personalization".
  3. Go to "Window Color" and "Advanced Appearance Options".
  4. Select the desired element, and then set the desired settings. For example, you can specify its size.
  5. Click on "OK/Save".


How to reduce the font on the computer? The following solution reduces or enlarges (depending on the selected options) all icons, labels and elements of the operating system.

It's about changing the screen resolution. The larger it is, the smaller the font will be. For example, a resolution of 800x600 pixels will make Windows elements appear large. And 1366x768 is small.

How to reduce the font size on a computer? Would need:

  1. Turn on the PC and wait for the OS to fully load.
  2. Right-click on any free space on the desktop.
  3. Click on "Screen Resolution".
  4. In the "Resolution" section, by moving the slider, set the desired parameters.
  5. Click on "Save". Then you will need to click on "Apply".

Important: font reduction by screen resolution usually occurs when moving the slider up. If you move it down, all desktop elements will increase. And the font as well.

Font only

But that's not all. FROM advent of Windows 7 users were given quite a lot of opportunities regarding the personalization of the OS. The fact is that, if desired, a person is able to leave the resolution the same, and change the font. This is a rather rare, but occurring in practice phenomenon.

How to reduce the font on the computer? You will need to do the following:

  1. Right click on the desktop.
  2. Click the cursor on the line "Personalization".
  3. Find the "Screen" menu in the window that appears. It is located at the bottom left.
  4. Select "Custom font size".
  5. Set the desired options. Moving the slider to the right increases the size of the letters, to the left it decreases. It is also acceptable to use a percentage of the current parameters.
  6. Confirm changes.

Everything is extremely simple and clear. In addition to such a solution, it is permissible, when going to the "Screen" section, to set the parameters for displaying the image on the screen in the right part of the window that appears. They are not always there, this is quite normal.


How to reduce the font on the computer screen? We have already got acquainted with the main layouts. Modern operating systems are not limited to them only.

It's hard to believe, but you can only change the display individual applications. For example, browsers. In them, the scale is adjusted in just a few minutes.

How to change the font on a computer in a browser? The person will need:

  1. Open the program to access the Internet.
  2. Go to the main menu of the application. Usually this button is located in the upper right corner of the software. For example, in Google Chrome, it looks like three dots standing on top of each other.
  3. Click on "Scale".
  4. Set the desired setting values ​​(in percent). The larger the number, the larger the scale of the pictures and the font will be.

Usually no further action is required. All changes take effect immediately. The user can change them at any time at his own discretion. The actions proposed for attention will have to be done in all browsers. Otherwise, page display will be adjusted only for a specific program.


How to change the font on the computer? Almost all possible scenarios are already known to us. The last technique can be called universal. It allows you to adjust the image scale in most programs and applications.

How to reduce the font on the computer? You will need:

  1. Open the desired program.
  2. Press Ctrl on the keyboard.
  3. Click on "-" to zoom out. To zoom in - by "+".
  4. Release the keys when the desired result is achieved.

This is all information about changing fonts and scales in the operating Windows system. There is another nuance that has not yet been mentioned.


It's about changing the font in text editors. For example, in MS Word. This will change only the size of the selected or printed letters. The rest of the OS settings will remain untouched.

How to reduce the font on the computer in Word? This is done approximately as follows:

  1. Open
  2. Write text.
  3. Select the part you want to edit.
  4. Press RMB.
  5. In the drop-down list, click on "Font".
  6. Select the type of writing and a specific scale in the corresponding menu items.
  7. Agree with the changes.

Thus, there is not only a decrease, but also an increase in the font. The corresponding options are also available in the Word control panel.

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