Spy programs. Download spy software. Types of spyware

When using the Internet, you should not think that your privacy is protected. Detractors often follow your activities and seek to get your personal information using special malware - spyware. This is one of the oldest and most widespread types of threats on the Internet: these programs enter your computer without permission to initiate various illegal actions. It is very easy to become a victim of such programs, but getting rid of them can be difficult - especially when you do not even know that your computer is infected. But do not despair! We will not leave you alone with threats! You just need to know what spyware is, how it gets into your computer, how it tries to harm you, how to eliminate it, and how you can prevent future spyware attacks.

What is spyware?

History of spyware

The term "spyware" was first mentioned in 1996 in one of the specialized articles. In 1999, this term was used in press releases and already had the meaning that is assigned to it today. He quickly gained popularity in the media. It wasn't long before the first anti-spyware application was released in June 2000.

"The first mention of spyware dates back to 1996."

In October 2004, media company America Online and the National Cyber ​​Security Alliance (NCSA) conducted a study of this phenomenon. The result was incredible and frightening. About 80% of all Internet users have somehow encountered spyware on their computers, approximately 93% of computers had spyware components, while 89% of users did not know about it. And almost all users affected by spyware (about 95%) admitted that they did not give permission to install them.

To date, operating Windows system is a preferred target for spyware attacks due to its widespread use. However, in recent years, spyware developers have also turned their attention to the Apple platform and mobile devices.

Spyware for Mac

Historically, spyware writers have targeted the Windows platform as their primary target because it has a larger user base than the Mac platform. Despite this, the industry experienced a significant spike in Mac malware activity in 2017, with most of the attacks carried out through spyware. Mac spyware has a similar behavior to Windows spyware, but is dominated by password stealers and general purpose backdoors. The malicious activities of software belonging to the second category include remote execution of malicious code, keylogging, screen capturing, random file uploads and downloads, password phishing, etc.

“In 2017, the industry experienced a significant spike in Mac malware activity, with most of the attacks carried out through spyware.”

In addition to malicious spyware, so-called "legitimate" spyware is also not uncommon in the Mac environment. These programs are sold by real companies on official websites, and their main goal is to control children or employees. Of course, such programs are a classic "double-edged sword": they allow the possibility of abuse of their functions, since they provide the average user with access to spyware tools without requiring any special knowledge.

Spyware for mobile devices

Spyware does not create a shortcut and can remain in the memory of the mobile device for a long time, stealing important information such as incoming/outgoing SMS messages, incoming/outgoing call logs, contact lists, email messages, browser history, and photos. In addition, spyware mobile devices can potentially track keystrokes, record sounds within range of your device's microphone, take photos in the background, and track your device's position using GPS. In some cases, spyware even manages to control the device using commands sent via SMS and/or remote servers. Spyware sends stolen information via email or by exchanging data with a remote server.

Keep in mind that consumers are not the only target of spyware hackers. If you are using your smartphone or Tablet PC in the workplace, hackers can attack your employer's organization through vulnerabilities embedded in the mobile device system. Moreover, computer security incident response teams may not be able to detect attacks carried out through mobile devices.

Spyware typically infiltrates smartphones in three ways:

  • An unsecured free Wi-Fi network that is often installed in public places, such as airports and cafes. If you register on such a network and transfer data through an insecure connection, attackers can monitor all the actions that you perform while you remain on the network. Pay attention to warning messages displayed on your device screen, especially if they indicate a failure to authenticate the server identity. Take care of your security: avoid such insecure connections.
  • Vulnerabilities in the operating system can create the prerequisites for the penetration of malicious objects onto a mobile device. Smartphone manufacturers often release updates for operating systems to protect users. Therefore, we recommend that you install updates as soon as they become available (before hackers try to attack devices running outdated programs).
  • Malicious objects are often hidden in seemingly ordinary programs - and the likelihood of this increases if you download them not through the application store, but from websites or through messages. It is important to pay attention to warning messages when installing applications, especially if they ask permission to access your email or other personal information. Thus, we can formulate the main rule of security: use only proven resources for mobile devices and avoid third-party applications.

Who is attacked by spyware?

Unlike other types of malware, spyware developers do not aim to target any specific group of people with their products. On the contrary, in most attacks, spyware deploys its networks very widely in order to hit as many devices as possible. Consequently, each user is potentially a target of spyware, because, as attackers rightly believe, even the smallest amount of data will sooner or later find its buyer.

"In most attacks, spyware deploys its networks very widely to hit as many devices as possible."

For example, spammers buy email addresses and passwords in order to send malicious spam or act in the guise of others. As a result of spyware attacks on financial information, someone can lose money in a bank account or become a victim of scammers using real bank accounts in their machinations.

Information obtained from stolen documents, images, videos and other digital forms data storage, can be used for extortion.

Ultimately, no one is immune from spyware attacks, and hackers don't give much thought to whose computers they infect in pursuit of their goals.

What should I do if my computer is infected?

Spyware that enters a system tends to remain undetected and can only be detected if the user is experienced enough to really know where to look. So many users continue to work, unaware of the threat. But if it seems to you that spyware has penetrated your computer, you must first clean the system of malicious objects so as not to compromise new passwords. Install a reliable antivirus that is capable of providing proper cybersecurity and uses aggressive algorithms for detecting and removing spyware. This is important because only aggressive antivirus actions can completely remove spyware artifacts from the system, as well as restore damaged files and broken settings.

After cleaning your system of threats, contact your bank representatives to warn about potential malicious activity. Depending on what information was compromised on the infected computer (especially if it is connected to the network of an enterprise or organization), the law may require you to inform law enforcement about the facts of virus penetration or to make a public statement accordingly. If the information is of a sensitive nature or involves the collection and transmission of images, audio and/or video files, you should contact a law enforcement representative and report potential violations of federal or local laws.

One last thing: Many identity theft protection vendors claim that their services can detect fraudulent transactions or temporarily block your credit account to prevent harm from unwanted programs. At first glance, blocking a credit card seems like a really good idea. However, Malwarebytes strongly recommends that you do not purchase identity theft protection.

"Many vendors of identity theft protection claim that their services can detect fraudulent transactions."

How to protect yourself from spyware?

The best protection against spyware, like most types of malware, depends primarily on what you do. Please follow these basic guidelines to ensure your cyber security:

  • Do not open emails from unknown senders.
  • Do not download files from unverified sources.
  • Before you click on a link, hover your mouse over it to check which web page it will take you to.

But as users have gained cybersecurity expertise, hackers have also gotten smarter, creating ever more sophisticated ways to deliver spyware. That is why installing a proven antivirus is essential to counteract the latest spyware.

Look for antiviruses that provide real-time protection. This function allows you to automatically block spyware and other threats before they can harm your computer. Some traditional antivirus and other cybersecurity tools rely heavily on signature-based detection algorithms - and this protection is easy to bypass, especially when it comes to modern threats.
You should also pay attention to the presence of functions that block the very penetration of spyware into your computer. For example, it can be exploit prevention technology and protection against malicious websites that store spyware. The premium version of Malwarebytes has a proven track record of being a reliable anti-spyware solution.

In the digital world, dangers are an integral part of the Internet reality and can lie in wait for you at every turn. Fortunately, there are simple and effective ways to protect yourself from them. If you maintain a reasonable balance between using antivirus and taking basic precautions, you will be able to protect every computer you use from spyware attacks and the malicious activities behind them.
You can view all of our spyware reports

Personal Monitor
for parental controls

Need a keylogger?

2 500 000 . That is how many people (and this is more than the population of the whole of Latvia, for example) have chosen the Mipko Personal Monitor program as a keylogger. Why?

For at least 9 reasons:

Protection for your child

personal monitor for windows

Free version
for 3 days

Video review about Mipko Personal Monitor by Alexander Medvedev

Our proprietary guarantee for Mipko Personal Monitor

We guarantee that you will be 100% satisfied with Mipko Personal Monitor keylogger. After all, you can check all the features of the program in action for free - for this you have 3 days.

Well, if for some reason you are disappointed in Mipko Personal Monitor after switching to a paid version, then within 7 days after the purchase we will refund your money.

How Mipko Personal Monitor works

No matter how you want, but, for example, it is quite difficult to “block” a child’s access to dubious resources beyond their age. In addition, with a little digging on the Internet, inquisitive youth will find a way to get around any obstacles.

If you are worried about your children and want to know what sites they visit, where, with whom and what they are talking about, then Mipko Personal Monitor is the best solution. Why?

The program does not show itself in any way on the computer. The user is not even aware of its existence. At the same time, Mipko Personal Monitor collects a complete report on his actions and records everything that happens. What does it look like?

For example, as soon as your child goes to VKontakte, Mipko Personal Monitor immediately captures all his actions. For example, it saves the history of correspondence, fixes the pages viewed, and so on. You receive the relevant reports on your email.

In addition, all copies of the reports are stored on the computer's hard drive. However, a person who does not know about Mipko Personal Monitor will not find them. After all, the corresponding folder is hidden very deep, and the reports themselves are stored in encrypted form, and only Mipko Personal Monitor can read them.

“I have been using your program for almost a year - it has shown itself to be a very reliable tool with which I have never had any problems. We are also pleased with the performance of the program - it works almost imperceptibly.

Vitaly Makushev

Simplicity and elegance

Mipko Personal Monitor is a home keylogger. It does not have extra features that are in demand by corporate clients, but are absolutely meaningless on home computer.

As a result, the program interface itself turned out to be very simple and understandable. Like the iPhone, which even a person far from technology will understand in 5 minutes. At the same time, the possibilities of Mipko Personal Monitor are as wide as possible and will more than satisfy even the most demanding user.

“I have been using your program for a long time. I like the interface and functionality of the program, and most importantly - its performance. I also see that you have not abandoned this project, updates and corrections are constantly being made. For which special thanks to you.

Mikhail Zinoviev

5 more arguments in favor of Mipko Personal Monitor

  • - If Mipko Personal Monitor has a crash or a conflict with an antivirus, the program will still not impersonate or compromise you.
  • - Mipko Personal Monitor has a completely Russian-language interface and technical support.
  • - You are not left alone with the program, but receive any help and support from us even during the free testing period.
  • - You decide how much hard disk space to allocate for storing Mipko Personal Monitor recordings, and this limit will never be exceeded.
  • - You always know with whom and what your child or loved one is talking about, as well as to whom he makes appointments.

“Before I started using it, I tried many alternative keyloggers (I don’t remember the names anymore). Your program attracted me with its ease of use and visibility of the results.”

Sergey Minaev

Mipko Personal Monitor and antiviruses

Legally, Mipko Personal Monitor is not classified as spyware or malware by antivirus classification. In essence, this is an observer program that monitors what is happening on the computer and does not save any personal user data.

At the same time, only the administrator (owner) of the computer can install Mipko Personal Monitor by entering the appropriate password. This provides the program with legality and legitimacy from the point of view of the vast majority of antiviruses. As a result, they do not react in any way to Mipko Personal Monitor.

However, some anti-virus programs (not more than 5%) may interfere with the installation and operation of Mipko Personal Monitor. Then just let us know and we will send step by step instructions how to make Mipko Personal Monitor and your antivirus compatible.

“I am glad that the program is hidden, does not load the computer and works completely offline.”

Do you already have these questions?

How to deal with the safety of personal data?

Mipko Personal Monitor does not collect personal data and, moreover, does not send it to us. All information is stored on your computer and sent to you by email. At the same time, all letters go directly, bypassing our servers.

I'm with a computer on you, can I install Mipko Personal Monitor?

Yes, you can. The program interface is extremely simple. You literally need to press just two buttons and follow detailed instructions. In addition, we are always ready to provide any assistance in this matter.

What should I do if I have problems with Mipko Personal Monitor?

Contact our support team and we will quickly resolve all issues.

“I have been a user of your program for quite some time now. I like the fact that the program has practically no analogues, helping out even in the most difficult cases. I have a son, and it is very important for my wife and I to know in what direction his interests are developing.

With the help of special utilities, spyware, you can monitor the actions of employees during working hours or children in your absence. Use spyware in businesses and offices, at home to check children or spouses. The user will not notice such a utility, but you will see all his vigorous activity. A spy for a computer will show with whom a person is chatting, what sites he visits, with whom he is friends.
Spyware software has nothing to do with a Trojan. The first utilities are installed on the computer by the system administrator and are authorized, while the latter appear illegitimately, act covertly and cause harm. If you are afraid of intruders, know that they can monitor your activities using legitimate software.

Most often, for example, in enterprises, employees do not know that special utilities are monitoring their Internet surfing. But there are exceptions: employees are warned about watching them.


NeoSpy is a universal utility with which you can monitor the user. It spies on the monitor and keyboard, and monitors the user's actions. Its presence on the computer is difficult to detect if you install it using stealth mode. In this case, the program will not detect itself during installation. It won't show up in the task manager either. You can also select administrator mode, but the utility is visible in this case: there is an icon on the desktop and a folder.

The universal spy is functional and designed for a wide range of users: it can be installed both at the enterprise and at home.

There are three versions of the NeoSpy spyware: two paid versions with different features and a free one. For the third version, you can even choose the covert tracking mode. The only limitation in the free program is the analysis of reports.

NeoSpy can do the following:

  • monitor the keyboard;
  • control internet surfing;
  • follow the user's monitor online and show the results on another computer or mobile device;
  • create and save screen and webcam images;
  • monitor the on / off of the computer, the duration of downtime, the use of disks and flash drives;
  • copy information from intermediate storage (buffer);
  • collect and analyze statistical data;
  • save information about documents that are sent for printing, or copied to disks and flash drives;
  • control text messaging programs and save Skype calls;
  • communicate the location of a portable computer (using a wireless network).

Users like this universal spy for functional parameters, Russian-language interface, hidden mode of use, excellent interception of keystroke events.

Real Spy Monitor

This spyware is often used by adults to control their children. Although the program does not have a Russian-language interface, it has greater functionality than the previous one. Real Spy Monitor can not only monitor the user's work on the computer, but also, with the given parameters, prohibit certain actions. This is what attracts parents who want to control their children.

Real Spy Monitor allows you to create multiple accounts and manage them in different ways. For example, for the first account prohibit some Internet services, for the second - others. User interface created on graphic thumbnails and, despite the lack of support for the Russian language, setting up this spyware is easy. This utility does not have a free version. To use the spy, you will have to pay about $40.

Real Spy Monitor can do the following:

  • intercept keystroke events, information from intermediate storage, turn on / off and idle time of the computer, monitor surfing, mail and other messages;
  • work with multiple accounts that can be configured in different ways;
  • monitor user actions in semi-hidden mode (the spy is displayed in the dispatcher, but does not have an active window);
  • run selectively along with system startup for different accounts.
Real Spy Monitor is a functional program with great features. The disadvantages include the lack of support for the Russian language and free version, semi-hidden mode with display in active processes.


SpyGo created for use at home, but you can use this spy to control employees. The utility is easy to manage: the "Start" key starts tracking. Reports can be received by e-mail or by File Transfer protocol. Software prices vary, and the more features, the more expensive. There is also a trial version - 25 minutes of observation per day, but without sending the results.

SpyGo spy can do the following:

  • intercept keypress events;
  • control web surfing by analyzing data about resources, requests in search engines, time spent on the site, history;
  • record everything that the user does with programs, files, monitor installations and removals of applications;
  • record everything that happens on the screen;
  • intercept information from intermediate storage;
  • monitor the on/off and idle time of the computer, for removable media;
  • listen to conversations in an apartment or office (you need to connect a microphone).
SpyGo has disadvantages: it does not work for everyone Windows versions, sometimes does not send observations, can exit stealth mode. But, despite this, the program fell in love with users for its simple operation and wide functionality.


Spyware snitch has only one version and is perfectly able to observe users, “knock” on them. The program is very easy to set up, does not load the computer and monitors the user in a hidden mode.

The Snitch utility can do the following:

  • intercept keystroke events, information from intermediate storage, monitor the on/off and idle time of the computer, as well as surfing the net, "read" text messages;
  • control program processes, protecting against malicious actions, for example, forced termination;
  • monitor user actions even if the computer is not connected to the Internet;
  • analyze events and create detailed reports and graphs;
  • does not require specific network settings.
The only negative of the spyware software that users have noticed is the conflict with some antivirus programs.

How to detect a spy on a computer?

A spy working in stealth mode is not easy to detect. Before installation, add to the list of exceptions to avoid conflict with the antivirus. Some programs find viruses that spy on users.

You can deceive the spy utility with the help of special protection tools. They prevent the spy from intercepting keystroke events and screenshots, although it continues to actively monitor the activity. It is especially important for employees of enterprises who do not want outsiders to find out about their confidential information (passwords, messages).

There are many programs for wiretapping mobile phones. It is clear that they all have their own characteristics. However, they all have something in common. As part of this short material, let's talk about downloading a mobile spy on your phone. Below are links to official services where you can download these wonderful applications. In conclusion, we will briefly describe the essence of the installation with the setting to hide from the smartphone.

Such solutions can be supplied in several versions - simple and professional (root version for android). In the first case, there are no big differences from working with regular applications. In the second - you will get a little more functionality. The differences are described in detail by the developers in their instructions. The root version will take some extra time to figure it out. The smartphone will become more vulnerable, the warranty will fly off, if it was still there. But there will be new opportunities, which will be a bonus)

All spyware is installed on the phone only when you get direct access to it. There are no magic commands for remote installation of such solutions on other people's phones. The next important point is that you can download the program for wiretapping your phone only from the official website, for example, by going there from a smartphone browser. No playmarkets or appstores, etc. This is tracking software, not the usual ones. mobile applications. They are ordered to go there. You can also download the spyware from the official website to your computer, upload the installation file to your phone via cable and run it there through the file manager.

In order to download the spyware from the site, and not from the same play store, you need to remove the ban on installation from unknown sources. This is done on Android by checking the appropriate checkbox in the settings section. Depending on the version of android, this setting may differ slightly in name or location. But the main thing is to know what to look for.

  • Universal listening software mobile phone:
  • The most democratic spy in terms of price policy: from personal account(after registration)
  • Elite wiretapping on android or iphone -

After installation on the phone, the application will need to be configured in accordance with the instructions. Usually, at the very first stage, you will need to link it to your identifier from your personal account on the service (everywhere this is implemented differently and is always described in the instructions) and protect it from access by hiding it from the smartphone list. If this is not done by default. Those. there may be a setting-switch to hide/unhide visibility.

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