Programs for automatic filling of forms. Creating a letterhead in Microsoft Word Program for creating forms to fill out

For the first use of the program, read the instructions below. The manual may not contain a description of new functions.

You or your employees often need to fill out the same type of documents. These can be contracts, orders, internal forms of documents. Such documents basically contain the same information (details of the organization, data about the employee, etc.). For example, to sell goods to a new organization, you need to fill out three different documents (Organization Questionnaire, Sale and Purchase Agreement, Goods Transfer Certificate), all these documents are the same for each client, only the client's data changes. Also, all three documents contain the same information, but in different places in the document, and you need to copy and paste pieces of the necessary information from one place to another. We faced a similar problem, consulted with partners, and it turned out that this problem is also relevant for them. We decided to develop a program that can take document templates (a regular document in MS Word format, where changing data is replaced by fields for insertion - a word in square brackets - , ) and replace these fields in all documents at once with the necessary data. Since our customer data was repeated, in order not to re-enter this data every time, we decided that they would all be stored in a file in MS Excel format and to generate documents, the required line would simply be selected from this file. This allowed us to fill in significantly reduce the time for preparing documents. Firstly, you don’t need to follow the formatting of the text, the text can be entered in any font, any size or color (which is important when you copy data either from an email or from a client’s company website, where the data has different formatting) Secondly, the data must be copied or enter once for all documents - even the name of the director, or the name of the client's company, there is no need to enter several (even if these data are found in one contract in several places) Thirdly, the information is saved, which means you can create documents anew at any time , or use this data for further processing - analytics \ statistics, etc. in MS Excel or loaded into other software for processing. Also, settings have been added for more convenient work, which will simplify your work with the program (for more details, see the description of new features)

Installation, configuration and work with the program

For the program "TemplateBB2" to work, you must:
  1. unzip the archive, for example, to the C:\ drive
  2. There are two folders in the program folder:
    1. shablon - document templates in MS Word format (*.doc, *.docx) should be stored here
    2. docum - formed, completed documents will be saved here. The file names will match the document template names
  3. create templates for your documents. This is done in MS Word. An example of a small template, you can see in the Shablon folder. The data that needs to be inserted into the template is limited to "square brackets", for example, and we will call them "template fields".
  4. fill in the replacement file (replace.xls). There is test data for the test template. You need to remove everything from this file and fill in the first line first. It is filled with "template fields" from the template file. For example, there is a template in the template and it occurs there 6 times, in this case, the FIO column (without "square brackets") must be added to the replacement file (replace.xls). After filling the file with all the "template fields", you will get a file with the top line filled with all the "template fields".
  5. enter data for replacement in the replacement file. If you may need the previous data, then the data for new documents is filled in the next line. For example, we get the following table:
  6. Now you can run the program (ShablonBB.exe)
  7. The program window is divided into two parts: a list of templates and replacement data.
  8. Click the "Download Templates" button. A list of found templates will appear.
  9. Click the "Load Data" button. The replacement data appears from the replacement file.
  10. We select the necessary templates (by default, all templates are selected) and left-click on the desired line from the list of data to be replaced.
  11. Press the "Create" button
  12. At the end of the program, the Docum folder will contain finished documents.
IMPORTANT! Do not forget to copy finished documents from the docum folder, as the subsequent generation of documents will overwrite the current ones (Or use the new feature of the program that puts the documents in a separate folder).

The new version has the following features and changes:

  1. Removed messages that appeared when generating documents (09/01/2020)
  2. The algorithm for generating file and directory names has been redesigned. (12/10/2019) Now the catalog is always generated. The name of the catalog is determined by the setting - by the name of the template or the selected column. The file name is formed according to one of two algorithms - template + selected column or selected column + template. It is also appended to the end of the file name and directory - the serial number of the entry
  3. Added check for identical fields (12/08/2019) - when generating files, it is checked whether there are doubles in the specified column, if there are doubles in the replacement table, then the line number from the replacement table is appended to the name of the column (folder or file), ATTENTION! FOR ALL FILES/FOLDERS, NOT ONLY WITH DOUBLES. For example, if the "Last name" field is selected and there are two or more identical last names in the table, then the name of the file or folder will be formed as follows: "12_Ivanov.." and "489_Ivanov.."
  4. Added file name formation order (12/08/2019) - now you can specify in the settings how to generate the file name "TemplateFileName-SelectedFieldValue" or "SelectedFieldValue-TemplateFileName"
  5. Bug fixed - after saving data excel file through the program - zeros at the beginning of the text were deleted, also long numbers were cut off from the end (12/03/2019)
  6. Changed appearance programs (31.05.2019)
  7. Replacing in headers and footers has been moved to the setting - if disabled, headers and footers do not change. Disabling settings - increases the work of the program several times (05/31/2019)
  8. Added the ability to select a replacement file replace.xls, as well as support for .xlsx files (05/31/2019)
  9. Added the ability to select a template directory on any disk or software local network (31.05.2019)
  10. Added progress bar (05/30/2019)
  11. Changed the order of forming the file name (05/30/2019) - now the file name is formed as "TemplateFileName-SelectedFieldValue"
  12. Added the ability to save the finished document in PDF format (05/29/2019) - on the main window, the setting is one-time, to save the default settings, you need to go to the program settings
  13. The formation of the file name has been changed - instead of the "_" sign, "-" is added (05/29/2019)
  14. Fixed work with the ability to TAKE FIELDS from headers (05/29/2019)
  15. Fixed work with headers and footers (12/05/2018)
  16. Ability to select a folder with templates (12/05/2018)
  17. Added the ability to "take" all fields for replacement from the template file (which are between the characters. INCLUDING headers and footers) (10/31/2018)
  18. The appearance of the program has been changed (10/26/2018)
  19. Added the ability to "take" from the template file all fields for replacement (which are between the characters. Except headers and footers - in development) (10/26/2018)
  20. Added the ability to immediately add a "taken" field to the table for replacement (10/26/2018)
  21. The ability to generate selected documents at once according to all the data in the table (10/26/2018)
  22. Replacing data in footers!!! (20.05.2018)
  23. Slightly changed the appearance of the program
  24. Added the ability to search for data in the table for replacements. Used to search for the desired string to replace in a large array of data
  25. Added the ability to generate a folder name for documents by the selected column
  26. The display of templates has been changed (previously, the full path to the template file was displayed, due to which the name of the template itself was not always visible) to display only the names of the template files.
  27. The ability to select the necessary templates for generating documents (one or more, using the SHIFT and CTRL keys)
  28. Editing data for replacement directly in the program window (buttons are added for this - Add rows, add columns, delete rows, delete columns and save data) without the need to edit the replace.xls file
  29. The ability to move columns, swap them among themselves (for ease of viewing or filling)
  30. Ability to change the width of columns with the mouse (similar to MS Excel)
  31. Ability to save documents in separate folders using one of the columns as a template. For example, in the list of replacements there is a column with contract numbers, you can select it in the list to form a folder for documents, and generate documents in turn for all clients (suppliers), as a result, in the "DOCUM" folder (where documents were previously created, and it is necessary were to copy them before generating new ones), a folder is created from the contract numbers (for example, 210244) and the generated documents are already stored in it. Similarly, you can use the column with the full name (if they are not repeated), the name of the legal entity. person, or TIN.
  32. Ability to enter reference data (personal fields) - for example, documents are formed by several different managers. It is necessary to insert information into the contract, depending on the manager who generates the documents. In this case, it was necessary to enter the same manager data for each line from clients in the replace.xls file, such as full name, position, department, phone number, etc. Now this data can be entered once in a separate window, and it will be used further for all clients and document templates
  33. Ability to create help for the program. Since the program does not have its own help (a brief description is only on the site), the ability to make your own help for the program has been added. To do this, edit the help.txt file and it will be used in the program
If the program is not quite suitable for your tasks, then you can send a letter to the address site torg-kkm ru with your wishes to improve the program. After consideration, perhaps, the program will be finalized.

The search module is not installed.

Hope Balovsiak

Users who often spend a lot of time on the Internet, such as registering products, sending out materials, or shopping online, spend a lot of time filling out various web forms. Logins, passwords, names, addresses, index and more...

Endless waiting for registration to complete after entering almost the same data. To simplify this routine work can be special programs designed to automatically fill out forms.

There are a lot of programs of this class on the Web, but there are only a few real generalists among them, since most of these programs often have too narrow specialization.

While surfing the Internet, you often have to fill out various forms on web pages, while indicating the same data - last name, first name, address, date of birth and much more. With the help of special programs, you can save this data in a special database, and if necessary, substitute it into forms on web pages.

IE Scripter

Developer site:
Distribution size: 1.2 MB
Status: shareware

As a result of installation, IE Scripter adds its own button to the browser toolbar Internet Explorer. Having met the form on a web page, you need to enter the data, and then click this button. An additional panel will be displayed in the browser window, with the help of which the program operation is controlled. You can save the data entered in the form. At the same time, the program allows you to select which values ​​to keep and which to omit.

Having met the form on another site, in order to use the saved data, click the Load button, and the program will automatically substitute all the values ​​in the required fields. True, it should be noted that the program does not always work correctly, especially for drop-down fields. In addition, it is not possible to use different data for one page opened in Internet Explorer, for example, you cannot apply data from several mailboxes - the program cannot remember several sets of values.

In addition to this filling method, you can save to the IE Scripter database standard set values ​​that the program will use when filling out forms encountered on web pages. These parameters should be set in the program settings window. It should be noted that the set of standard parameters is insufficient, and they are not always enough to fill out forms. These parameters can be loaded from a set saved in Internet settings explorer. In addition, the program does not have the ability to edit the list of keywords that determine the type of field in the web form.

The program has flexible settings. Settings can be saved in a special file. Additional features of the program include a password generation tool and cookie viewing.


Developer site:
Distribution size: 2.8 MB
Status: shareware

After installation and mandatory registration of the iNetFormFiller program, its icon will be placed in the system tray.

The main window of the program contains questionnaires with very detailed information about the user. It seems that the developers of the program have provided all possible options for input fields, even those that are very rare when filling out web forms. The form data is stored in a profile, which can be customized by randomly selecting the fields that will be included in it, as well as creating groups of fields. In addition, the questionnaire can contain fields of absolutely any standards. However, some fields can be linked to each other. In this case, when you enter certain information in one field, the rest associated with it can be filled in automatically with the specified values. When creating a profile, the program supports deleting extra fields. And ready-made profiles can be saved as templates and used later when creating other profiles.

An additional iNEtFormFiller toolbar is built into the Internet Explorer browser after the program is installed.

This program also knows how to fill out forms in two ways - by substituting saved data into the fields on a web page, or by saving data that was entered into forms on a web page. To fill out the form, just click the Fill button, and all data will be saved in the form.

All pages filled out by the program are stored in a special section - the list of form cards. If you select a form card in the list, the fields of this page will be shown next to the program window, which can be edited offline by simply entering the necessary values ​​there. In fact, a form card is the same web page with a form, but with the structure preserved.

In the batch data entry mode, the program allows you to fill in online forms with standard data, while you can specify which data should be entered from the profile, and which should be entered manually.

Another interesting tool available in iNetFormFiller allows you to record every user action performed in the browser. In this mode of operation, the program remembers not only the filled fields, but also each click on a link or button. You can remember almost any set of actions, and then simply play it the required number of times, changing, if necessary, some parameters.

It should be noted flexible program settings. For each page, the program allows you to set your own settings, including various saving and filling options. Thanks to the functions of exporting and importing settings and saved profiles, the program database can be transferred to another computer.


Developer site:
Distribution size: 1.8 MB
Status: shareware

The functionality of RoboForm makes this program stand out from its peers, making it one of the best in its category.

This program also adds its own button to the browser toolbar. RoboForm is able to save the data that you entered into web pages. At the same time, the program stores this data in special records called pass cards. These pass cards can be used to fill out forms. And if you enter some data into forms on web pages, the program will be able to recognize your actions and prompt you to save this data.

With the help of the person editor, you can manually save data for later use when filling out forms. The contents of the program database, pass cards, as well as the ability to add new entries to the program database can be password protected.

If several users work with the program, for each of them you can set their own parameters for filling out forms.

It should be noted the wide range of program settings. For example, RoboForm allows you to completely customize the composition of the Internet Explorer context menu, and you can also customize the key combinations used by the program to fill out forms.


Developer site:
Distribution size: 1.59 MB
Status: shareware

The program allows you to work with a large number of different data to fill out web forms. The main inconvenience of working with the program is that for each form you need to create your own separate list of field values. And to fill out the form, you should select in the program the required list of field values ​​for it, prepared in advance. Therefore, using WebM8, it is quite difficult to fill out different web forms that occur on different web pages. But if you need to fill out the same forms, the program will be the perfect solution for you.

Every Russian who is accustomed to bureaucratic formalities and endless talk about the imminent transfer of the public services system to electronic rails has to deal with the paperwork inherent in most state (and not only) institutions of our vast country. There is no need to go far for examples - it is enough to stir up the leaves of the past in memory and recall, for example, the last visit to Sberbank or the tax office, known for their attachment to all kinds of receipts and payment documents of the established form, which sometimes take a lot of precious time to fill out. Some conscious citizens are looking for salvation in electronic document management systems and Internet banking, others are trying to figure it out in the long-suffering portal. In this note, we offer a different way to deal with clerical work that has become boring, which involves the use of universal software solutions that allow you to solve paper cases in a jiffy.

Let's start the review with online tools that function in any browser window. The first on the list of those is the service, which allows you to fill out and print invoices and invoices, waybills, money orders, powers of attorney, waybills, various orders and contracts, as well as frequently used forms: official letters of the organization, receipts " Sberbank, a contract for the sale of a car and other documents. Completed forms are generated dynamically in PDF format and can be saved to a computer disk, sent by e-mail and fax, or simply printed on a printer.

For the convenience of users, the website provides a mechanism for registering and creating account, which provides the ability to save completed forms in a personal archive, keep a journal of documents and operate additional functionality system, which can be expanded by purchasing the appropriate service package. Working with the service on a commercial basis implies the absence of advertising and any restrictions on the number of printed documents. By subscribing, users can work in a secure SSL data exchange mode, maintain a directory of counterparties, use facsimile images of seals and signatures in forms, enter documents “on the basis of”, and also receive advice from website specialists by phone or ICQ.

In general, the toolkit hosted on the server deserves the highest rating, and the only thing that can push the audience away from a useful resource is the service agreement published on the site, the text of which openly states that the developer does not bear any responsibility for unauthorized access third parties to the information stored in the database and possible flaws in the security system of the service. The risk, of course, is a noble cause, but when it comes to the possible disclosure of confidential information, it becomes a little uncomfortable at the thought that the creators of do not put the issue of protecting user data at the forefront.

A completely different position is taken by the portal development team, the first principle of which is the security of the data processed by the site. The project is completely free and does not require the user to go through a tedious registration procedure - just select the appropriate form from the list, fill in the required fields and, by clicking on the "Print" button, get a PDF file ready to be sent to the printer. To ensure the correctness of filling out the forms, the system provides appropriate sample documents and pop-up hints. Using it will not be difficult to prepare an advance report, an application for issuing a passport, a travel certificate, a postal order and other receipts. Take note.

Finally, another Internet resource that we wanted to focus on is called Its distinctive feature is the system for filling out the declaration on personal income taxes for the required year. Through the interactive forms posted on the site, you can correctly declare income received from the sale of a car, apartment and other property, report to the Federal Tax Service of Russia on entrepreneurial activities and other financial transactions. After entering the data, processes them in a spreadsheet format file Microsoft Excel generates a tax return that can be saved on a computer and printed. A demo version of the file with a partially completed declaration is provided free of charge after completing the forms offered on the pages of the site. To receive a finished file with a completed declaration, you must make a payment via SMS or QIWI payment terminals. These are the conditions for the provision of services.

For those who for some reason do not want to deal with web applications and are used to working with ordinary software solutions, all possible assistance in filling and printing receipts and documents will be provided by the Form Pilot program developed by Dva Pilots. Presented in editions for Windows and Mac OS X, it allows you to work with both ready-made electronic forms in PDF, DOC, XLS, TXT, etc. formats, as well as with any paper receipts you have on hand by pre-scanning them and recognizing the structure. In addition to editing documents, the application provides spell checking of texts entered by the user, allows you to work with multi-page forms and can save records in its own database. Form Pilot is a commercial product and is available to customers in three versions - Home, Pro and Office, differing in functional stuffing and, accordingly, cost.

It is one thing to create documents based on printed forms, and quite another to prepare them for sending by regular (not e-mail!) mail to a specific recipient. Usually in such cases, the problem arises of correctly filling out envelopes, of which, if we are talking about some organization of impressive size, there can be several hundred, if not thousands. The toolkit developed by the Russian Information Technologies company with the telling name “Printing Envelopes!” , which provides automatic printing of envelopes (fields "To", "From" and "Index"), registers, notifications, including maintaining databases of all counterparties and mailings. The principle is simple: insert an empty envelope into the printer - you get a filled one at the output. Among the features of the program are printing a logo on envelopes, importing counterparty data from Excel files and the 1C:Enterprise package, support for all envelope formats approved in the Russian Federation and Ukraine, as well as various templates, including festive decoration. The application is available on the developer's website in three editions, one of which is distributed free of charge.

Whoever is interested in papermaking in the full sense of the word, we can recommend a lot of other resources worthy of attention. One of them is the website with a selection of patterns and instructions for making various paper crafts. Of particular interest is the portal, which also contains many editable Microsoft office and subsequent printing of templates for flyers, calendars, business cards and forms of business documents. Sheets for musical notation, graph paper and other lined forms often used by university students can be found on the PDF Pad website. Students may also find it useful free program ProPoster, designed to print posters in a standard (A0, A1, A2, A3) or user-defined format on smaller sheets. Finally, map connoisseurs will love the free software-based MapOSMatic web service, which allows you to generate city maps using OpenStreetMap data. The created map of the metropolis includes two pages: the map itself, divided into squares that allow you to find streets, and a street index with links to map squares. The generated maps are available in PNG, PDF and SVG formats and are ready for printing.

Video of filling web forms with Human Emulator
on the example of submitting an ad to an online bulletin board

Many users who are active on the Internet are constantly faced with filling out various web forms. Register a new account in social networks or in online service, please fill out the form, send a product review, post on the forum, send out new materials, post a new message on the blog or in your VK group, fill out a form on the government website, send a new tweet, everywhere you need to fill out the form.

And the wider your activity on the Internet, the more often you are faced with the need to fill out a large number of online forms. And at one fine moment you realize that you spend more time on this routine than on everything else. This is where Human Emulator, a program for filling out forms, comes in handy. Using a program to autofill forms will greatly simplify your work and free you from this tedious but necessary task.

Why Human Emulator

  • Human Emulator can fill out a form for you on any site or online service, including if the form is fully scripted or the form is filled out over several pages.
  • Even if the form has checks for a real user, the program can handle such a form without any problems. If necessary, when filling out the form using the program, you can use the real keyboard and mouse or use their events.
  • Form data can be stored as files in TXT, HTML, CSV, XML, etc. or in a database. The program can also download all the necessary files or pictures when filling out the form.

How it works

You write a script script in any of the languages ​​​​available in the program (PHP, C#, JavaScript (Node.js), Python), where using the program commands you list all the necessary actions that need to be performed when filling out the form you are interested in. Filling out web forms is a fairly simple task and creating a script script usually does not cause difficulties for users, but if you need a turnkey solution, you can always find a specialist to help you write the script you need. Specialists or on any freelance exchange. As a result, you get a completely unique solution tailored for you, which, if necessary, can be easily and quickly converted to a new data format or other changes in working with the form.

What can Human Emulator do when filling out web forms

Fill in any fields, check boxes, select dates, click buttons, use the mouse and keyboard if necessary.

Recognize and autocomplete captcha (using services such as, etc.), as well as work with "tricky" fields, including fields for adding files, pictures, music or videos.

Work with forms for registering, submitting announcements, posting comments or messages on social networks and forums, with forms for filling out declarations, loan applications or visa applications, etc.

Work with forms of any complexity, with forms using java script or ajax, placed in a frame within a frame or made using flash.

Full emulation of human input. The Human Emulator can fill in the fields as if it were done by a real person, and the use of extensive anonymization functionality makes it possible to create the appearance of dozens of people filling out one form.

Creating data for filling form fields. You do not need to invent or search for lists with names, surnames, invent nicknames, logins or passwords, all this will be done for you by Human Emulator. You just need to specify which Russian or English data should be generated and where to insert it.

Creating a script to automate one form works for all similar forms on all sites with the same engine.

The huge browser automation functionality built into Human Emulator allows you to automate any related tasks that you may encounter when using web form autocompletion.

Human Emulator is your choice for autofilling online forms.
If you have any questions, please contact our sales department!

Who is the program for?

This program is intended for individuals and legal entities that, by the nature of their activities, create a large number of documents of the same type. Most of these documents are created in one way or another according to a template (fish), which is changed in several places and saved under a new name. An example of such work can serve as a contract of sale, lease, deeds of transfer and so on.

The main differences of the program from others

As a rule, third-party programs require data to be specified for each data element inserted into the template, this program implements a mechanism for data conversion functions that allows you to distinguish a variable from a function and, accordingly, requires setting a variable only once, the system will calculate the functions itself and substitute result to document.

additional information

This program is written using BSP and declination components from 1C. This release is a BETA version of the program and I do not guarantee its full performance and support. If enough users want to use this program, then a separate site will be created under its support and I will continue to release releases. At the moment, the program can be freely and free of charge used for personal informational purposes, with the exception of its commercial use.

Document Creation Example

  1. Create a document template if it hasn't already been created. If the document template has been created, then go to step 2.
    1. Filling in the name and type of the template.
    2. Save the template to the database.
    3. Go to the "Attachments" tab and attach a file containing the conversion functions.
    4. Then return to the main tab and select "Template File" from the list of attached documents.
    5. Click the "Update details from template file" button and the tabular part of the template will be filled with a list of variables.
    6. Now fill in the view and type of details in the tabular section.
    7. The process of creating a template is finished, now you need to save and close it.
    8. You can create a new document based on a template in 2 ways: enter a new document based on a template or create it in the log of created documents. The difference is that when creating on the basis of a new document, some details will be immediately filled in. If you are creating a document based on a template, then go to step 2.c.
      1. Create a new document from the document history.
      2. Fill in the document template, document type and tabular section with variables. The tabular part is best filled with the "Update list of variables" button.
      3. Complete the organization.
      4. Fill in the values ​​of the details in the tabular section.
      5. Save the document to the database.
      6. Click the generate document button. After that, the finished file will be attached to the created document. If in the user settings (on the tab file settings) the checkbox for opening files for viewing is not checked, the new file will be opened for editing. If the box is checked, go to 2.h.
      7. After you finish working with the file, you need to upload it back to the database. To do this, you can use the list of editable files on the desktop of the program or the list of files attached to the created document. The file will be uploaded to the database with the "Finish Editing" button.
      8. The document is formed and placed in the database, you can print it, send it by mail, etc.

In the pictures you can see this process more visually.

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