Windows Experience Index or what "slows down" your computer? What do scores mean. Normal index indicators, what can be the maximum rating

Rate Speed Windows works 7 is possible using a special performance index. It displays a generalized score operating system on a special scale, measuring the configuration of hardware and software components. In Windows 7, this setting has a value between 1.0 and 7.9. The higher the indicator, the better and more stable your computer will work, which is very important when performing heavy and complex operations.

The overall rating of your PC shows the lowest hardware performance in general, taking into account the capabilities of individual elements. The analysis of the speed of work is carried out CPU(CPU), random access memory(RAM), hard drive and graphics card, taking into account the needs of 3D graphics and desktop animation. Look this information possible with the help third party programs solutions, and through the standard features of Windows 7.

Method 1: Winaero WEI Tool

First of all, consider the option of obtaining an estimate using specialized third party applications. Let's study the algorithm of actions on the example of the Winaero WEI Tool program.

Method 2: ChrisPC Win Experience Index

With help software ChrisPC Win Experience Index, you can view the performance index of any version of Windows.

We make the simplest installation and run the program. You will see the system performance index for key components. Unlike the utility that was presented in the previous method, it is possible to set the Russian language here.

Method 3: Using the OS GUI

Now let's figure out how to go to the appropriate section of the system and monitor its productivity using the built-in OS tools.

  1. Click "Start". Right-click ( PKM) by item "A computer". In the menu that appears, select "Properties".
  2. The system properties window launches. In the parameter block "System" there is an item "Grade". It is he who corresponds to the overall performance index, calculated from the lowest estimate of individual components. To view detailed information about the evaluation of each component, click on the label "Index Windows performance» .

    If productivity has never been monitored on this computer before, this window will display the inscription "System evaluation not available", which should be followed.

    There is another option to access this window. It is carried out through "Control Panels". click "Start" and go to "Control Panel".

    In the opened window "Control Panels" opposite the parameter "View" set value « small icons» . Now click on the item "Performance Counters and Tools".

  3. A window appears . It displays all the evaluation data for the individual components of the system, which we have already discussed above.
  4. But over time, the performance index may change. This may be due to both upgrading the computer hardware, and enabling or disabling certain services through the system's software interface. At the bottom of the window opposite the item « Last update» date and time when the last monitoring was performed. In order to update the data at the current moment, click on the inscription "Reassess".

    If monitoring has never been done before, then you should click on the button "Rate Your Computer".

  5. The analysis tool starts. The performance index calculation procedure usually takes several minutes. During its passage, it is possible to temporarily turn off the monitor. But don't worry, it will turn on automatically even before the scan is complete. The shutdown is related to checking the graphical components of the system. During this process try not to perform any additional actions on the PC so that the analysis is as objective as possible.
  6. After the procedure is completed, the performance index data will be updated. They may or may not be the same as the previous estimate.

Method 4: Executing the procedure through the "Command line"

You can also run the system performance calculation via "Command line".

  1. click "Start". Go to "All programs".
  2. Enter the folder "Standard".
  3. Find a name in it "Command line" and click on it PKM. Select from the list "Run as administrator". Opening "Command line" with administrator rights is a prerequisite for the correct execution of the test.
  4. The interface is launched on behalf of the administrator "Command line". Enter the following command:

    winsat formal –restart clean

    click Enter.

  5. The testing procedure begins, during which, just like when testing through the graphical interface, the screen may go blank.
  6. After the end of the test in "Command line" the total execution time of the procedure will be displayed.
  7. But in the window "Command line" you won't find the productivity scores we previously saw through the GUI. In order to see these indicators again, you will need to open the window "Assessing and increasing computer performance". As you can see, after performing the operation in "Command line" The data in this window has been updated.

    But you can view the result without using the intended graphical interface at all. The fact is that the test results are written to a separate file. Therefore, after running the test in "Command line" you need to find this file and view its contents. This file is located in the folder at the following address:


    Enter this address in the address bar "Explorer", and then click the arrow button to the right of it, or press Enter.

  8. A transition will be made to desired folder. Here you should find a file with the XML extension, the name of which is composed according to the following pattern: first comes the date, then the time of formation, and then the expression "Formal.Assessment(Recent).WinSAT". There may be several such files, since testing could be carried out more than once. Therefore, look for the latest in time. To make it easier to search, click on the field name "Date of change" arranging all the files in order from the newest to the oldest. When you find the item you want, double-click on it with the left mouse button.
  9. The contents of the selected file will be opened in the default program on this computer to open the XML format. Most likely, it will be some kind of browser, but it may also be a text editor. Once the content is open, look for the block "WinSPR". It should be at the top of the page. It is in this block that data on the performance index is contained.

    Now let's see what indicator the presented tags correspond to:

    • SystemScore– base estimate;
    • CPUScore– CPU;
    • DiskScore- hard drive;
    • MemoryScore- RAM;
    • GraphicsScore– general graphics;
    • GamingScore- game graphics.

    In addition, you can immediately see additional evaluation criteria that are not displayed through the graphical interface:

    • CPUSubAggScore– additional parameter of the processor;
    • VideoEncodeScore– processing of encoded video;
    • Dx9SubScore– parameter Dx9;
    • Dx10SubScore– parameter Dx10.

In this way, this way, although less convenient than getting a score through a graphical interface, but more informative. In addition, here you can see not only the relative performance index, but also the absolute indicators of certain components in various units of measurement. For example, when testing a processor, this is the speed in Mb / s.

In addition, absolute indicators can be observed directly during testing in "Command line".

That's all, you can evaluate the performance in Windows 7, both with the help of third-party software solutions, and with the help of the built-in OS functionality. The main thing is not to forget that the overall result is issued according to minimum value system component.

Personal computers are complex computing devices. The efficient performance of such a machine is achieved through the use of modern components, but, as you know, they become obsolete over time. The performance index will allow Windows 7 users who are ignorant of computer hardware to determine what exactly should be upgraded.

What is a performance index?

The performance index, as the name implies, is a tool that automatically evaluates the performance of a computer, that is, a personal computer, and its key elements. It should be understood that the system does not show the average value, but the smallest. For example, if the parameter "Processor" is equal to 4 points, and all the others - 5, then as a result you will see exactly 4 in the "Overall rating".

Performance is determined by all key system parameters: "Processor", "Memory (RAM)", "Graphics", "Graphics for games" and "Main hard drive".

Looking at the table, any computer owner will be able to independently find out which components need to be upgraded.

How can I find out the performance score?

Finding out the performance score is easy. This can be done in two ways: through the "Computer" and "Control Panel".

View in computer and operating system settings

  • Left click on the start menu;
  • Right click on "Computer";
  • Select "Properties" in the context menu;
  • To display the full "picture", click on the option "Windows Experience Index" (located in the "System" section).
  • View the option "Performance counters and tools"

  • Open the Start menu;
  • Launch the "Control Panel";
  • Find the option "Counters and funds".
  • In both the first and second cases, you will be taken to a section where you can look at the performance rating of your system. The window will display all the ratings separately, each of which relates to a particular element of the system, as well as the overall rating.

    In the event that you have recently improved some element of your personal computer, it is advisable to re-evaluate manual mode. To do this, click on the "Repeat assessment" button.

    This can only be done with administrator rights. If you are using a guest account, you will need to provide a password for account administrator, otherwise you won't be able to change the computer's performance rating.

    What do scores mean. Normal index performance, what can be the maximum rating?

    It is easy to guess that the scores that you will see in the table are an assessment of the performance of a particular system component. The Windows 7 operating system thus evaluates what tasks the computer can handle. If these scores are high, then there is nothing to worry about, since your PC can successfully work even with time-consuming tasks, and if you see values ​​\u200b\u200bclose to 1, then you should consider upgrading.

    Consider all the elements: the "Processor" component is responsible for the number of operations that it can perform installed processor in one second of time. The "Memory (RAM)" component indicates the speed of performing read-write operations in one second of time. "Graphics" - desktop performance rating for the included Aero interface, that is, for the desktop itself. The next component - "Graphics for games" is already responsible for performance in various applications that are demanding on system resources, for three-dimensional graphics. The "main hard drive", oddly enough, is estimated by the speed of data exchange, and not by the volume of the hard drive.

    Optimal performance of the processor and other components

    Normal performance index readings should be considered based on the priority tasks that you will perform using the computer. If the computer will be used primarily simple applications, like text editors, spreadsheets, mail browsing and web surfing, then you should pay attention to the amount of RAM and processor. The rating of these indicators can be equal to 5, and you can ignore the “Graphics” component at all - 2 will be quite enough.

    Computer games and system-intensive applications naturally need the best components. If you are going to perform these tasks on your PC, then make sure that the components "Processor", "Memory" and "Graphics for games" have the highest ratings. The hard drive in this case does not play the most important role, so a score of 3 points will be enough.

    If your desktop computer will be used as a media set-top box most of the time (you will watch movies or listen to music), then take care of the best "Memory" and "Processor" indicators. For all other components of the system, a score of 3 points will be sufficient.

    Maximum Index Score

    The maximum performance index score varies depending on the bitness of the system. Modern personal computers have 64-bit operating systems, 32-bit ones are less common. Bit depth is determined depending on the amount of RAM. Thus, 64-bit operating systems are suitable for devices with 4 gigabytes of RAM and more, and 32-bit, on the contrary. This is because 32-bit operating systems are unable to read large quantity RAM than 4 gigabytes. 32-bit devices are rated on a scale of 1.0 to 7.9. 64-bit architectures have a maximum score of 5.9 points.

    Score boost: how to increase PC performance in several ways?

    Before you run to a specialty store that sells personal computer components, you can optimize your operating system and PC. This procedure will slightly increase the score.

    Change the desktop display - increase the rating

    First, change the display of the operating system interface. For example, if you have Aero installed, then change it to traditional. Appearance windows and menus affects the performance of the computer, so this procedure can greatly help you solve a pressing problem.

    How to improve the index with diagnostics

    Secondly, diagnose logical drives, optimize them, remove unnecessary files and programs. Remember that a cluttered hard drive significantly degrades the performance of the computer as a whole, so make sure that only what you really need is installed on the PC. After removing all programs and files, defragment, which will put together all the remaining files and folders and improve performance.

    Third, diagnose the drivers you are using. It is not uncommon that certain drivers can worsen the operation of a computer, reduce its performance. If you receive a corresponding notification, then it is better to take care of updating and replacing them.

    The last thing that will increase the performance index, of course, is the replacement of old components with new ones. You can install an additional memory module if motherboard there is an appropriate connector or replace the old one with a more powerful one. On desktop PCs, every element is subject to modernization, it all depends only on your financial capabilities, and with laptops everything is more difficult. For such devices, only the size of the hard disk or RAM can be improved, and, unfortunately, all other elements cannot be upgraded.

    Video: Determining the Experience Index in Windows 7

    Why the performance score may disappear and what to do in this case

    As a rule, the computer performance evaluation works offline, without any significant problems. However, sometimes there are errors in determining the score, the reason for which may be: a variety of software supposedly responsible for security when working on the network or codecs. Codecs are software designed to decode and encode media files. The thing is that the system performance assessment itself is based on the VC-1 codec, and when it is changed or upgraded, conflicts may occur.

    Disabling antivirus

    First, try disabling your antivirus software (depending on the software you are using, the sequence may be different).

  • Right-click on the antivirus icon in the tray;
  • Select "Manage screens";
  • Press the "Disconnect for ..." button (choose the disconnection time).
  • Removing and installing codecs

    So, if disabling the antivirus did not help you, then you will have to remove and install all codecs manually:

  • Open the "Start" menu and "Control Panel";
  • In the window that appears, find the option "Programs and Features";
  • Find the installed codecs in the list and remove them (for example, K-Lite Codec pack);
  • Reinstall the K-Lite Codec Pack;
  • Enter the program directory through the start menu and run ffdshow video decoder;
  • A window with a list of video codecs will open, find VC-1;
  • Most likely, the Decoder parameter for this codec will be set to Disable, change it to Libavcodec and save the changes.
  • BIOS update

    If these methods did not help you, then you may have to resort to updating the BIOS integrated environment, drivers, in particular DirectX, or roll back to previous versions. Log in as an administrator and navigate to C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore.

    Here you should delete absolutely all files and reboot Personal Computer. After starting the OS, run the benchmark again.

    Scanning system files

    Sometimes this is not enough, so you should check for system files. You can do it like this:

  • Press the Win + R buttons on the keyboard at the same time;
  • In the window that appears, enter the sfc.exe /scannow command.
  • The troubleshooting process will begin. system files and their subsequent elimination.

    Reinstalling Visual Studio 2010

    If you get an error while running the benchmark that MSVCR100.dll is missing, then you will have to reinstall Visual Studio 2010. This is a free library available for all users to download from the official Microsoft website. You need to choose a package based on the bit depth of your system, and you can find it like this:

  • Open "Start" and on "Computer" right-click;
  • Select "Properties";
  • In the "System" section, pay attention to the "System Type" parameter, the bit depth will be indicated there;
  • Go to the Microsoft website and download the Visual Studio 2010 package you need ( - for 32 and 86; com/ru-ru/download/details.aspx?id=14632 - for 64);
  • After downloading and installing, restart your computer.
  • The computer performance index is a useful tool that allows the user to find out in a timely manner the need to upgrade a particular part of the device.

    The Windows 7 Experience Index is a very useful tool of this operating system that allows any average user who is poorly versed in computer equipment to more or less accurately determine the power of their PC, as well as track the performance of the main devices. After a special check, the computer receives a certain rating value that is able to demonstrate general performance parameters. hard drive, CPU, RAM and video card.

    Since the index is an indicator of the performance of various components and PC systems, the higher it is, the more powerful your computer is. At the same time, it is worth remembering that the rating is always given according to the worst parameter. Naturally, if the work is not associated with heavy loads on system resources, then any PC configuration with any index, but not lower than 3.0, will suit you.

    Important! This index is not an assessment of the performance of the system as a whole, it only represents the rating of the system in the hardware environment. So even if there is a very high index (for example, 6.0), the computer may start to “slow down” or even “hang”. The reason for this may be the overcrowding of the hard drive (programs simply do not have enough free space for stable operation), the action of malicious programs (viruses), the simultaneous launch of an excessive number of different applications.

    As you can see, in the "System" area is the line "Windows Experience Index". This is exactly what interests us. To find out in more detail which system was rated which, you need to click on this blue line, and you will see a screen like this (but with your indicators).

    Performance Ratings

    As you noticed, the smallest parameter I have is “Performance for Desktop” and it was on it that the overall performance index was set, since this utility does not use the arithmetic mean.

    The data obtained can be safely used when selecting working programs or modern games, on which rating requirements have already begun to appear, and not just a list of minimum parameters, including the type and power of the video card, the amount of RAM, the frequency and generation of the processor, and so on. The index allows non-advanced users to quickly find something that works well for their computer.

    I note that this rating, if it does not suit you, can be increased by fairly simple actions. The easiest thing is to simply update the drivers. And, if they work really faster, then the index will increase upon re-checking. The same applies to the components - if they are more powerful and faster, then this will be reflected in the rating.

    True, it is worth remembering one thing - if you are interested in increasing the overall rating, then it makes sense to work only with the device or driver that is the weakest and, in fact, “strains” the performance index.

    Here are a few tips if you decide to upgrade your hardware components, as you need to take into account their individual performance.

    CPU . Replacing it will make it possible to increase the index, but only if several conditions are met: new processor must match the motherboard you are using and be faster than the previous one. It is also necessary that the motherboard supports the speed of the processor.

    Random Access Memory (RAM) . It makes sense to change it only if the motherboard supports those boards whose operating frequency is higher than those already used. A simple increase in memory (from 2 to 4 GB) will not affect the performance index in any way. And new DIMMs should be equal, as they are also ranked by the weakest component in terms of performance.

    Graphics subsystem used . Everything is somewhat simpler here - you can simply install a more modern and powerful video card than the one already in use. Also, at the same time, you need to think about buying a more powerful power supply (the new card will most likely consume more power, and it is not certain that the old power supply will be able to deliver the necessary power).

    Gaming graphics cards . If you update the driver (or install a more modern version of it), then you can either increase the performance rating or lower it. Therefore, the best option is to simply buy and install a more powerful video card and power supply.

    Used HDD . In this case, only one thing can also help - the acquisition of a faster hard drive (the indicator is the rotational speed or the number of revolutions per minute). And if your modern motherboard has an IDE hard drive installed, and it also supports the SATA interface, then the best option is to purchase a hard drive with a SATA interface, as it is faster.

    Well, after you update the drivers or replace the hardware component, you need to re-evaluate. To do this, open the "Assess and increase computer performance" window (as for a simple performance index view). Don't be surprised that everything remains unchanged there, just activate the re-check function

    Important! It's always worth re-evaluating your computer's performance index if you're not buying a PC from a hardware store and the machine already has Windows 7 installed and has been preliminary estimate. The fact is that these indicators can also be “corrected” manually by writing the maximum possible values ​​\u200b\u200b(7.9) in a specific file. However, retesting will always show only real results.

    One of the most important criteria that characterizes computer system, is its performance. Let's see how to increase this Windows 7 desktop or laptop baseline.

    Before we get down to the question of how to improve performance, let's figure out what it is and what, in fact, we are going to improve. In Windows 7 there is such a system indicator as "Performance Index". It is based on the assessment of individual components of the PC: processor, RAM, graphics, graphics for games and hard drive. The overall index is set according to the weakest link. But for a number of reasons, this assessment cannot be called unambiguous, and many experts are rather critical of it.

    Undoubtedly, the power of the above components directly affects the performance of the PC, that is, the volume of processes that the computer can process per unit of time. Next, we'll take a closer look at ways to increase the value of these components to improve the performance of the OS as a whole.

    Method 1: Improve hard drive performance

    One of the important factors in improving the performance of the operating system is the optimization of the hard disk. Many users pay secondary attention to this factor, believing that, first of all, the amount of RAM and processor power are important for Windows performance. But in vain, because a slow hard drive slows down the computer as a whole, since other OS components constantly access it to process files and other objects located on it.

    First of all, you can clean the hard drive from debris and junk files, which will speed up its work. This can be done both by means of the system and with the help of third-party specialized programs, such as CCleaner.

    To increase the speed of the HDD, and hence the performance of the system as a whole, the hard drive defragmentation operation helps. It can be done with a special system utility or third-party defragmentation software.

    In addition, you can increase the performance of the HDD by properly configuring it in "Device Manager".

    1. click "Start" and go to "Control Panel".
    2. Go to section "System and safety".
    3. In the block "System" click on the caption "Device Manager".
    4. In the opened interface "Device Manager" click on item "Disk Devices".
    5. A list of physical devices connected to the PC will open. hard drives. It can be either one device or several. Double-click the left mouse button ( paintwork) by the name of one of them.
    6. The hard drive properties window opens. Move to section "Politics".
    7. This is where the performance policy is specified. For hard drives from different manufacturers, the items in this section may differ. But, based on the general logic, look for the position that should help increase performance. For example, "Allow caching" or " Optimal performance". After checking this item, press OK in the current window.

    Method 2: Increase the amount of RAM

    You can also increase system performance by increasing the amount of RAM. The most elementary and at the same time effective method to achieve such a result is to purchase an additional or larger RAM bar. But unfortunately, this is not always possible, both for financial and technical reasons, because 32-bit Windows 7 supports no more than 4 GB of RAM. But there is a way to get around this limitation.

    In order to increase the amount of RAM without changing the hardware configuration, a paging file is created on the hard disk, which forms the so-called virtual memory. When there is a shortage of RAM resources, the system accesses this allocated area on the hard drive. Therefore, to increase PC performance, you must enable specified file if you have it disabled.

    1. Click "Start", and then right-click on the item "A computer". In the menu that opens, select "Properties".
    2. The OS properties window will open. On the left side, click "Extra options…".
    3. In the shell that opens, click on the button "Options…" in the block "Performance".
    4. The performance settings window will open. Here move to the section "Additionally".
    5. In the block "Virtual Memory" click the button "Change…".
    6. The adjustment window opens virtual memory. At the top of it, you can check the box next to the parameter "Automatically select..." and the system itself will select the settings for the paging file.

      But we advise you to set the parameters manually. To do this, first of all, uncheck the checkbox "Automatically select..." if it is installed there. Then, in the section selection box, select the one logical drive where you want to place the swap file. Move the switch below to the position "Specify size". After this field "Original size" and "Max Size" will become active. Put there the same value of the desired amount of virtual memory in megabytes. Then click on the button "Ask" and OK.

    7. In order for the entered settings to take effect, you need to restart the computer.

    It must be remembered that too large a paging file should not be created either. First, you thus lose workspace that could be used to store files. Secondly, the speed of accessing the hard disk is much slower than accessing hardware RAM. Therefore, when increasing virtual memory, it is possible to process more processes at the same time, but the speed decreases, which negatively affects the performance of the system as a whole. It is believed that the optimal size is one and a half times the amount of PC hardware RAM. We recommend setting the size of the paging file based on this calculation. If you already have it installed, we advise you to change its size to the optimal one.

    Method 3: Disable graphic effects

    It's no secret that graphic effects consume a significant part of the power of the video card, processor and use a considerable amount of RAM. You can turn off certain visual effects to free up the resources of these objects for other tasks and thus improve overall system performance.

    In addition, you can also optimize the resource consumption on the graph using the control panel of the video adapter. The algorithm for setting the required parameters differs depending on the manufacturer and model of the video card, but the point is to choose performance between performance and quality, or at least to establish the optimal balance between these two criteria for you.

    The timely updating of its drivers and the installation of special software designed to optimize the operation of the video card will also help to increase the performance of the video adapter.

    Method 4: Disable apps in autorun

    Quite often, during installation, programs are written to autorun, thereby not only slowing down the system boot, but also consuming resources throughout the entire working session. But at the same time, the user does not always need these applications to work, that is, they often consume OS resources for nothing. In this case, you need to remove such items from startup.

    1. Dial combination Win+R. In the window that opens, enter:

      Apply button click OK.

    2. The system configuration editing window opens. Move to section.
    3. The autoload section will open. The next steps depend on whether you want to disable the automatic launch of all items or only some of them. The first option will bring a greater effect, but keep in mind that there are programs that, to solve your specific tasks, it is preferable to leave them in autorun. So the decision is yours.
    4. In the first case, just click on the button "Disable All". After that, the marks in front of all list items will be removed, then click "Apply" and OK.

      In the second case, uncheck the boxes next to those elements that you are going to remove from startup, but do not touch the checkboxes opposite the names of programs left in startup. Then, as before, press "Apply" and OK.

    5. After that, a dialog box will open, where you will be prompted to restart the PC. Close all active programs and click .
    6. After restarting, the selected applications will be removed from startup, which will free up system resources and improve its performance.

    Method 5: Disable services

    The load on the system is also carried out by various running services. At the same time, not all of them are needed by the user, and the actions of some of these objects have even more negative consequences than positive ones. It is advisable to disable such elements to improve PC performance. The principle of deactivation is approximately the same as the principle of removing programs from startup. But there is one important caveat: you need to be more careful about disabling services, since deactivating an important element can lead to incorrect system operation.

    1. Click "Start" go to "Control Panel".
    2. Next go to "System and safety".
    3. click "Administration".
    4. In the list that opens, select "Services".
    5. opens "Service Manager". Highlight the service you want to deactivate, and then on the left side of the window, click "Stop".
    6. The deactivation procedure will be performed.
    7. After that double click paintwork by the name of the same service.
    8. The service properties window will open. Drop "Startup Type" choose a position "Disabled". Then press the buttons "Apply" and OK.
    9. You will return to the main window "Dispatcher", and the service itself will be completely deactivated. This will be indicated by the lack of status "Works" in a column "State" opposite the disabled element, as well as the status "Disabled" in a collumn "Startup Type".

    After performing these manipulations to disable all unnecessary services, the speed of the system should increase due to the release of resources. But, we repeat, be very careful about which service you disable. Before performing the procedure, please read our separate material, which tells which services can be disabled without significant negative consequences for the OS.

    Method 6: Cleaning the Registry

    Another way to speed up your PC is to clean system registry from obsolete and erroneous entries. Thus, the system will not access the specified elements, which will increase not only the speed of its operation, but also the correctness of its functioning. For these purposes, special cleaner programs are used. One of the most popular applications for performing this task is the already familiar to us Method 1

    For desktop PCs, this method is especially suitable, since it has almost no negative consequences. But if you use a laptop, you need to consider whether to use it, as it can significantly increase the battery drain rate.

    Method 8: Processor Overclocking

    By default, the processor is not configured to use its maximum capabilities. It always has a reserve of power, and therefore there are ways to release this power to improve the performance of the OS. As a rule, they are carried out using special software. But it is worth remembering that overclocking the processor is a rather dangerous procedure, which, if performed incorrectly, can lead to PC failure. In any case, overclocking the processor leads to an increase in its wear and tear, and if done incorrectly, even to failure in the shortest possible time.

    As you can see, improving system performance in Windows 7 is carried out mainly by reducing the load on individual components. In this case, you often need to choose what is more important for you, speed of work or visual appearance. Although there are methods where such a dilemma is not worth it, for example, cleaning the PC from garbage. In this case, the optimization is only positive, provided that you do everything right.

    The performance index is one of the main indicators that allows you to evaluate the power of the computer and operating system, as well as their ability to cope with a certain type of task. In the article, we will look at how to find out this index in Windows 7 and 10 operating systems.

    What is performance index

    This is a special service integrated into the operating system. It allows you to evaluate the hardware capabilities of your computer, as well as see how well and stably the operating system works. The higher the index, the better. With it, you can better decide which programs your computer will pull without problems and which ones will not.

    However, contrary to the hopes of the company's employees Microsoft data the test did not become a universal determinant of operating system capabilities. Many developers still prefer to specify the characteristics of the computer in the system requirements, almost always overlooking the system performance index. Based on this, Microsoft decided that later versions of Windows (after the "seven") will not be equipped with this index.

    Performance index calculation

    First you need to find out how this index is calculated. It is calculated by testing individual computer components. Each of them is assigned its own index in the form of points. The minimum score is 1 and the maximum is 7.9. However, the overall performance score of the system is calculated not by looking for the arithmetic mean, but by the weak link. For example, if the item "Graphics for games" is rated by the system with an index of 3.3, and the item "Processor" is 6.3, then you will get a total score of 3.3 points.

    Let's take a closer look at what these scores mean:

    • If you received a performance index score of 1-2 points, then this is an occasion to think about optimizing the system. Perhaps your computer is more or less able to support working with ordinary documents and surfing the Internet, but it definitely won’t be enough for more;
    • Computers rated 3-4 points are able to cope with basic tasks, such as surfing and working with documents, without much difficulty. Also, the transparent Aero theme will be supported without any problems, high-definition video will be played, simple games will be launched, etc.;
    • Computers rated around 4-5 points can easily support almost all the features of Windows 7, 10. For example, here you can run more complex games, work with multiple monitors with support for a translucent theme, perform more complex tasks with graphics and video;
    • PCs with a score of 6 or more can confidently run any program that meets the hardware system requirements. There are no problems when interacting with heavy modern games, working with graphics and video. Anyone good computer performance index should be in the region of 6 points.

    We will also consider what indicators are evaluated when compiling this index:

    • Regular graphics, that is, work with two-dimensional graphics;
    • Game graphics, productivity 3D graphics, affects not only performance in games, but also in programs for working with 3D objects;
    • Processor power - shows the quality and quantity of operations performed per unit of time;
    • RAM - the efficiency of RAM, as well as the number of operations per unit of time;
    • Winchester - the speed of the drives and data exchange between them.

    Find out the performance index in Windows 7

    In the “seven”, the performance index can be easily found out using a graphical interface for this. The system has built-in tools that allow you to evaluate it and show the results in a convenient way. Instructions for their use are as follows:

    1. Click on the "Start" icon. Open the "Control Panel" there, using the appropriate section.

    2. Opposite the "View" option, set the value to "Small Icons" or "Large Icons", whichever is more convenient for you.
    3. Find and click on the item "Performance counters and tools". For convenience, you can use the search bar, which is located in the upper right part of the window.

    4. The "Evaluate and improve the performance of your computer" window opens. This will display the score for each of the items discussed above, as well as display the overall score for the operating system.

    5. Windows once in a certain amount of time conducts an automatic performance index check, which you can see on the screen. However, the data may have been out of date since then. To update them, use the inscription "Repeat assessment", which is located at the very bottom of the window.

    6. Provided that the system has never been monitored, the performance index will not be displayed. In this case, you need to click on the "Rate computer" button.

    7. The performance evaluation process will start. Wait for it to complete.

    You can perform a similar procedure through "Command Prompt". In this case, you can get a more complete assessment of the performance of your computer. The instruction looks like this:

    1. First you need to launch the "Command Prompt". Click on "Start" and then "All Programs".

    2. There, find and go to the "Standard" folder.

    3. Next, right-click on "Command Prompt". From the context menu, open the "Run as administrator" item.

    4. Enter the command: winsat formal –restart clean and press Enter to apply it.

    5. In the interface "Command line" testing of the computer will begin. The process may take several minutes. During it, the computer screen may turn off several times. Also, the computer may not respond to commands at all for some time. This is fine.

    6. You can see the test scores in expanded form if you scroll through the Command Line interface a little higher.

    7. However, after you close Command Prompt, you may lose access to this data. They can be found in the folder at the following path: C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore Copy it and paste it into the top line of Explorer. Press Enter to go.

    8. In the folder that opens, find the file with the name "(scan date).(scan code).Formal.Assessment (Recent).WinSAT.xml". Open it.

    9. Most likely it will open in the browser. Performance can be found by the values ​​that are entered in special tags. Consider what this or that tag is responsible for:

      • SystemScore - base score;
      • CPUScore - CPU;
      • DiskScore - hard drive;
      • MemoryScore - RAM;
      • GraphicsScore - general graphics;
      • GamingScore - game graphics.

    There will also be additional criteria that are also recommended to pay attention to:

    • CPUSubAggScore - additional processor parameter;
    • VideoEncodeScore - encoded video processing;
    • Dx9SubScore - Dx9 parameter;
    • Dx10SubScore - Dx10 parameter.

    On this, the process of evaluating the performance index in Windows 7 can be considered complete.

    Windows 8, 10 Experience Index score

    Unfortunately, in these Windows versions You can only evaluate the performance index from the Command Line interface. The thing is that Microsoft believes that this option computer performance estimates are not entirely correct, therefore, it was removed from the new operating systems, but not completely.

    However, in new versions of the operating system, it is recommended to use the PowerShell interface instead of the familiar "Command Line". It has practically no differences from the standard "Console". The instructions for implementing this method are as follows:

    1. Launch PowerShell any way you like. For example, in Windows 10, you can right-click on the Start icon and select "PowerShell (as administrator)" from the context menu.

    2. Next, you need to enter the command: winsat formal –restart clean and press Enter to apply it.

    3. The "Assessor" will be launched. Windows systems". The whole process takes about a minute or two.

    4. You can see the result in the interface of "PowerShell" itself. You can also open a special file in a browser and save the result. This file located along the path: C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore. Copy it and paste it into search string"Conductor".

    5. In the folder, find the file that will have the following name "(scan date).(scan code).Formal.Assessment (Recent).WinSAT.xml". Open it in some browser or notepad.

    6. Here you will see a cluster of code and tags. Look for the "WinSPR" tag. For convenience, you can use the search, which is called by the key combination Ctrl + F.

    7. There, in special tags, the performance index values ​​\u200b\u200bfor individual computer components will be indicated. What this or that tag is responsible for was discussed above.

    As you can see, you can easily find out the system performance index in Windows 7. However, in later versions of the OS, this may be difficult, so you will only have to use the method associated with " command line' or PowerShell.

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