How to make all tabs in one window. How to make it convenient to work with a large number of tabs in the browser. Tab groups in Firefox

It is often more convenient, when you see a link on the page you are viewing, to open it in a new browser tab so as not to leave the page from which the transition is made. What needs to be done so that when you click on a link, it opens in a new browser tab?

There are probably two answers here:
1. When writing a link code, how to make it always open in a new tab?
2. How to open any link on any page of any site (even this one) with one click in a new browser tab?

The first task is solved by using the "target" attribute with the value "_blank" in the HTML code of the link. Clicking on such a link with the left mouse button will open it in a new tab. (I wanted to show the approximate code of such a link, but the editor does not give, however, those who write links themselves understand what I'm talking about, and those who don't write don't need it.)

If you see a link on a page and want to view it without leaving the page where it is located, but in a new tab, then for this you need to click on this link once not with the left button, as usual, but with the mouse wheel - from such a click, any link will open in a new tab.
You can, of course, right-click on it and select the "Open link in a new tab" item, but the wheel is cooler - it will immediately be seen that you are an advanced user.



I would like to add that advanced users use not only the mouse for such operations, but also the keyboard, with some key combinations.
If the author adds the answer himself, it will be good. If not, I myself will write how to open new tabs using the keyboard :-).

This is not about opening a new tab (for example, Ctrl + T), but about opening the link you need in it, located in an arbitrary place on the page. And hotkeys in different browsers are different. But to open a link with them not from the address bar, but from the text of the page - this, in my opinion, is not advanced, but sucks - it takes two hands at once (you need to hold down the Ctrl key) and requires iterating over links throughout the page, for example, using the Tab keys . It's easier to just click on the wheel, agree. No wonder the mouse is considered one of the greatest inventions of the twentieth century ... Of course, I could give links to hotkey directories for different browsers, but this is not relevant to the question. However, if you want - write your answer, maybe it will be useful to someone ...

Still, I would like to add. Some users (like me) access the Internet from laptops that do not have a mouse with a wheel (although one can be bought separately), but a touchpad.

In the Opera browser, you can open a link in a new tab by clicking on it (with the mouse, touchpad, or something else) while holding down Shift or Ctrl. Shift opens the active tab, that is, you go to it immediately after opening. Ctrl opens a tab that you can switch to later. (You can switch between tabs in most browsers with Ctrl+Tab.) In Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer, Ctrl-clicking a link opens it in a new tab, and Shift-clicking it opens it in a new window.


Internet Explorer

Mozilla Firefox

Working with tabs
in Google Chrome browser

with tabs.

You can find all the complete information about working with tabs in your Google Chrome.

Browser issue: all links open in a new tab

To do this, open your browser and simply press the F1 function key on your keyboard. Or click the wrench icon, or maybe an icon like mine instead of a wrench, at the end of the browser's address bar. And select Help at the bottom of the opened tab. A new tab will open, with the Tabs and windows link in the center. Click and all the Headers associated with the tabs will open on the right.



When you surf the internet, modern browsers always have the ability to open a page via a link in a new window or new tab. This is often very convenient - you see an interesting link, but do not look up from the text you are reading, but open the link in a new window or tab to return when you are done with the currently open one. I've always wished that this was possible in Windows Explorer - right-click on a folder - and there is an option: "open in a new window".

It's easy enough to add such an option by going into the properties of the explorer, but you don't have to do it on every computer you come to! It is much better to automate the process using a reg file. This is the second goal of this article - to continue the topic of the registry and show how it can be edited not only by hand.

I will provide in this article the code of a file that adds an option to the context menu; in addition, this file can be downloaded. If you have interesting examples of registry files, send them to me in the comments!

Note: I apologize to those who were waiting for an article about anonymity. I don't make it. I post from stock.

So the registry.

How to make links open in a new window or tab

If you have already run regedit, then you can experiment with exporting the entire registry or part of it yourself. To do this, standing on the registry branch, go to the file-export menu and select where you want to upload. You will get a file with the reg extension, double-clicking on which will restore the registry - reverse loading. But you can create such a file yourself, which we will do with you now. Create a text file and write the following content inside:

@="Open in new window"

@="C:\\WINDOWS\\explorer.exe \"%1\""

Now the file needs to be renamed - change its extension to reg. How to do it? Exactly the same way you rename other files, only you first need to display the file extensions.

Double-clicking on such a file, agreeing to make changes to the registry - and voila, the context menu is changed - when you right-click on the folder, the option "open in a new window" appears. If you do not want to create, edit and rename a file, you can download it from my site.

But such a file will make my site the home page in Internet Explorer

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"Start Page" = ""

Do you have any good examples of registry editing files? Send! By the way, let me remind you of my old post about Windows script host - there are examples of comic programs in the language built into Windows.

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How to open a link in a new window?

How to change
tab settings
in browsers

Browsers are initially configured differently to open new pages. For example, Safari is configured to open new pages in a new window. And Mozilla Firefox opens new pages in new tabs on the Tab Bar, but we also have the ability to open new windows.
You can change the settings yourself.

Internet Explorer

You can change your tab settings in Internet Explorer in Internet Options. Click on the gear icon at the top right of the browser bar. Select Internet Options, then select the General tab and at the bottom, in the Tabs row, click on Options. In the center below the line When opening a new tab, open: select the desired way to open tabs in the black triangle.

Mozilla Firefox

To change tab settings in the Mozilla Firefox browser, click the Tools button on the toolbar. Click Settings at the bottom. At the very top of the new window, click Tabs. And here you can either check the boxes or uncheck the way you want to open new tabs.

Working with tabs
in Google Chrome browser

In the latest version of Google Chrome, I did not find
ability to change settings for tabs.
Probably this very convenient and smart browser does not need to change settings. Because Google Chrome offers a lot of tabbed browsing experience to the users.
Very easy to open new tab and new
window, even through hotkeys.
Need to open the same webpage in multiple tabs
There is an option to Duplicate tab. There is an opportunity to work
in incognito mode (hidden browsing). You can move the desired
tab in a separate window. And many other job opportunities
with tabs.

You can find all the complete information about working with tabs in your Google Chrome. To do this, open your browser and simply press the F1 function key on your keyboard. Or click the wrench icon, or maybe an icon like mine instead of a wrench, at the end of the browser's address bar. And select Help at the bottom of the opened tab. A new tab will open, with the Tabs and windows link in the center. Click and all the Headers associated with the tabs will open on the right.


To change settings for tabs in the Safari browser, click the gear icon on the right side of the browser bar. In the new tab select Settings and in the next window select Tabs. And here in the line Open pages in tabs, not in windows: select the option you need.


In the Opera browser, to change tab settings, click the Tools button on the toolbar. Select General Settings at the bottom of the new tab. And in this tab, click on the Advanced panel, and then the Tab Settings button. The Advanced Tab Settings window opens. Check the box for the way you want to open tabs and click OK at the bottom.

Go to the main page of the site

To pin a tab, simply right clickclick with Control on it and select Pin tab.

To pin multiple tabs at the same time: Select the required tabs (Ctrl-click Command-click each tab), then right clickclick with Control one of them and choose Pin tabs.

Adding tabs to bookmarks

Select the tab you want to bookmark, then right clickclick with Control tab and select Add tab to bookmarks.

To bookmark multiple tabs at the same time: Select the ones you need (Ctrl-click Command-click each), then right clickclick with Control one of them and choose Add tabs to bookmarks…. Give the new bookmarks folder a name and choose which folder to store it in. Click Add to bookmarks to finish.

To bookmark all open tabs at once: Select Bookmarks from the menu.

Right-click on any of the tabs and select Bookmark all tabs... from the context menu.Right click on any of these tabs, select Select all tabs from the context menu, then right-click on any tab and select Add tabs to bookmarks…. Give the new bookmarks folder a name and choose which folder to store it in. Click Add to bookmarks to finish.

  • Hotkeys: You can also press Ctrl+Shift+Dcommand + shift + D to bookmark all open tabs at once.

More information about bookmarks can be found in the article.

Probably, each of you, dear reader, will agree that the Internet browser is the most convenient software tool to date, through which the user can interact with various kinds of web content with particular comfort. However, none of the popular software products, be it Google Chrome, FireFox or Opera, has sufficiently effective functionality that would protect a beginner from developing a malicious scenario: "Windows open in a new window." Browser security tools are sometimes powerless against the clever tricks of advertising programmers. As a result, the user becomes a victim of imposed transitions.

So, let's see what can be done in such situations. How to counteract digital fraud and how to "cure" the browser from this kind of infection? We bring to your attention, dear reader, effective methods of dealing with malicious redirects!

How does the mechanism of "advertising lawlessness" work?

“Windows open in a new window” is a fairly common technique among techies who make money by generating traffic! Let's skip the description of the working algorithm of the redirection process, which is difficult for the uninitiated user to perceive. We only note that "redirection" can occur for several reasons:

  • The user's machine has malware installed, which is most likely.
  • The site page uses a virus script.
  • A prudent "businessman" purchased a specific browser plugin and modified it to suit his own interests, so to speak.

How will such information help prevent "browser arbitrariness" when windows open in a new window without our participation? The answer is below.

Signs of a computer system infection

It doesn't matter what search engine you use: Google, Bing or Yandex. Advertising modules are used in each of them. But if you notice that the page that opens does not match the entered address, or several windows open at the same time for one request, this is a sign of infection! If the software part of your PC is in the grip of a virus, then it is quite understandable why the computer behaves so willfully during an Internet session.

So, the typical symptoms of a browser disease:

  • The start page of the browser spontaneously changed.
  • Without any action on the part of the user, obscure windows open in a new browser window.
  • Bookmarks that worked flawlessly before are not activated.
  • Unknown plugins and applications appeared in extensions.
  • The most obvious sign of trouble is that a certain Internet page is loaded that cannot be closed.

Having collected enough various information about you and tirelessly forming your "network portfolio", the virus begins to operate on the accumulated data, skillfully replacing your search queries and redirecting you as a "victim" to a resource whose owner pays for the work of a fraudulent optimizer. Despite the colossal financial costs of powerful IT companies aimed at combating "black" methods of advertising, fishing for dishonest programmers is still a profitable business today.

What to do when ads open in a new window: software solutions

At first glance, such “harmless” behavior of the browser can simply annoy a person. A super-functional virus can completely deprive the user of peace of mind. After all, an advertising page may well not close or react rather capriciously to all attempts by the user to close it. In this case, you need to use special anti-virus software.

Removing rootkits and trojans with Kaspersky TDSSKiller

  • Download the free utility from the official server.
  • After launching the application, activate the "Change settings" item.
  • In the next window, check the "Detect file system..." checkbox.
  • After the settings are made, click the "Start Check" button.

After a few minutes, a report will be displayed. The "new windows keep opening" issue will be resolved once you activate the "Continue" button.

Cleaning the system from spyware with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

An equally effective program that allows you to quickly put the system in order.

  • Install the utility downloaded from the Web.
  • When you first start "Malwarebytes" will spontaneously start updating the antivirus software.
  • After a short download of a new virus database, click on the "Fix Now" button.

  • The duration of the scan depends on the capacity of your drive.
  • In the case when the PC is infected, a list of detected "infections" will be displayed in the program's workspace, which will be destroyed after you activate the "Apply Action" button.
  • Close the program and restart your computer.

Effective Virus Neutralizer - HitmanPro

This program will help you resolve the situation when a new browser window is constantly opening. Excellent speed parameters of the program do not affect the quality of HitmanPro. Action algorithm:

  • Download the above utility.
  • Immediately after installing HitmanPro, the process of scanning the system for infected objects will follow.
  • After a full scan of the PC, a list of virus-containing files will be displayed in the program window.
  • Click the "Next" button.
  • After the uninstallation process, close the anti-virus software.

About some possible difficulties

Some virus programs can quite effectively prevent the installation and full operation of the above-described ad-aware scanners. In such cases, you should boot the OS in safe mode and only then run anti-virus utilities.

  • At the moment when the computer goes through the initialization process, press the "F8" key (in some BIOS versions, the function button may be different).
  • From the suggested boot list, select "Safe Mode with Networking".

An indispensable assistant for web surfing

In some cases, it is advisable to use third-party software. For example, by installing a small Ad-Mancher application on your computer, you will save yourself from watching constantly flashing banners and other things. At the same time, the process of familiarizing yourself with Internet content will become a really pleasant and safe pleasure. A resource-intensive program will only occasionally remind you of its presence with a notification that an update needs to be downloaded. After the free utility is integrated into the browser, the download speed of Internet pages will increase significantly. In general, as soon as the user notices how unauthorized new windows are opened in his Internet browser, it is worth installing Ad-Mancher, and the problem will disappear.

Reset Internet Explorer preferences

You will need very little:

  • Open the main settings menu (gear-shaped icon, which is located in the right corner of the program, at the top).
  • From select "Internet Options".
  • In the window that opens, go to the "Advanced" tab.
  • Activate the "Reset" button.
  • Check the "Delete personal settings" checkbox.
  • Confirm your actions by pressing the "Reset" button.

Activating the FireFox cleanup process

The procedure is simple to disgrace:

  • Go to the settings menu of your browser (horizontal stripes in the upper right corner of the browser).
  • At the bottom of the window is a tab in the form of a question mark - click on it.
  • In the "Help" menu, click on the "Troubleshooting Information" link.
  • In the "Firefox Setup" block, press the "Clear ..." button.
  • After confirmation, the uncontrollable situation "opening new windows in the browser" will be resolved.

Return to default settings: Google Chrome

Here, too, everything is very simple:

  • Click on the icon in the form of horizontal stripes (upper right corner of the browser).
  • Select "Settings" from the drop-down menu.
  • At the very bottom of the program window, you must activate the item "Show advanced ...".
  • At the bottom of the browser is the "Reset Settings" button - click on it.
  • Confirm the changes made to the browser.


And finally, let me give you some recommendations:

  • In almost every browser, you can install a special extension that will block "script scripts" during web surfing.
  • Before downloading any software from the Web, ask yourself: "Is the source trustworthy?"
  • Pay attention to additional items and checked checkboxes during the installation process. Perhaps they are trying to introduce unfavorable software to you.
  • Malicious code often writes a link to its own Internet resource in the properties of a browser shortcut.
  • Make sure you have the correct home page address in the Internet Options section of the general tab.
  • Well, and the last solution (somewhat abstract from the topic of the article, but, nevertheless, close in essence) to eliminate the situation we are considering. Below we will talk about how folders open in a new window ...

Often, the user is faced with a situation where work is a real nightmare. However, the mentioned problem becomes "ubiquitous" for the entire OS. To remove the "piling up effect", go to the "Folder Options" menu and check the "Open ... in the same window" item. This action will allow you to get rid of an inconvenient moment when viewing files. That's all. Effective solutions and virus-free software to you!

One site visitor asked how open link in new HTML window. In this article, I will answer this question.

What you need

The visitor did not specify which editor he uses, so we will assume that he works directly in HTML . But this does not mean that you cannot follow these instructions if you use any visual editor to create a site. You just need to access the page markup. Most editors and blogging platforms allow you to manually edit the HTML code.

For example, if you are working in Expression Web , you can edit the page's code by switching to "Code View" ( code mode).

How to set links to open in a new tab or browser window

Change it to look like this:

Now when users click on this link, it will open in a new window or tab ( depending on which browser they are using and how it is configured).

Note that if you are using a DOCTYPE with strict XHTML 1.0 or 1.1 syntax, you will not be able to use the code above and pass page validation at the same time. But I suspect that no one uses these standards. The "transitional" versions of these standards for opening in a new HTML window are fine, and they also support the target attribute.

If you're using Expression Web, Dreamweaver, BlueGriffon, or KompoZer, click on the link you want to edit, go into edit HTML mode, and add the target="_blank" attribute.

This method does not have many advantages.

Many novice webmasters think that by opening links in a new window, users are less likely to leave the site. This is fundamentally wrong. If someone clicks on the link and then wants to return to your site, they will simply hit the back button. Even not the most technically savvy people will learn about this function immediately after getting to know the Internet. Advanced users also know that you can use the " Open link in new tab" (or " Open link in new window»).

By creating links that open in a new window, you prevent users from returning to your site. It may seem that they will easily return to the first window with your site. My experience shows that this is not the case - people are confused by the broken back button. They don't even realize that they have a new tab or a new window in front of them. When they fail to quickly return to the previous page, they simply give up and move on to other resources.

With experienced users, things are no better. They are very annoyed by your site's "habit" of opening new windows without permission. That's why they are power users - if they wanted to open a new tab, they would do it themselves, and they don't like it at all that they do it without their consent. It's even worse if all your links open in a new window.

The site becomes vulnerable to phishing attacks

If you use the HTML button to open in a new window using target="_blank" , the linked site gets access to the window/tab with your page and can replace its content.

This will not only not keep users on the site ( if you opened new tabs for this purpose), but also endanger visitors. For example, if you have a user login page, the linked site can replace it with a copy of yours, but still collect user logins and passwords. This type of attack is called phishing.

And this is not a theoretical vulnerability. Google's security team noted " a significant number of messages» about similar interception of tabs in order to inject malicious software.

For those who are interested - technical details. A site opened in a new window accesses your page through the window.opener object in JavaScript. This is a read/write object that can be manipulated. In particular, you can change the window.opener.location property and force the browser to navigate to a new address to open the image in a new HTML window.

Some browsers allow you to prevent this behavior by adding the rel="noopener noreferrer" attribute to the link. The example given at the beginning of the article would look like this:

In theory, both rel="noopener" and rel="noreferrer" should be enough to protect against such an attack when the page is opened in a new HTML window. In this case, it is more correct to use the rel="noopener" attribute, since rel="noreferrer" has a side effect - the browser will not send the request source URL to the site. But at the moment, not all browsers support the rel="noopener" attribute. Likewise, rel="noreferrer" is not supported by some browsers. Therefore, if you want to protect users of as many browsers as possible, you will probably need to use both attributes.

However, this trick only works on current versions of Chrome, Firefox and Safari. Internet Explorer doesn't support this feature, although I had a quick look at IE 11 and it seems to be immune to this attack with default security settings. As for the Microsoft Edge browser, I can’t say for sure.

In other words, the method described above cannot be called one hundred percent protection. The best way to avoid this problem is to use normal links without the target="_blank" attribute.


The general recommendation is to avoid opening tabs in a new HTML window whenever possible. Of course, in some cases this cannot be avoided. In this situation, you can warn site visitors that " Link opens in a new window". This won't help the average user much or protect them from phishing attacks through your site, but at least it won't annoy more experienced users.

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