Hard drive interfaces: SCSI, SAS, Firewire, IDE, SATA. Difference between SAS and SATA sas connectors

This article will discuss what allows you to connect HDD to the computer, namely, about the interface hard drive. More precisely, to speak about hard drive interfaces, because a great variety of technologies for connecting these devices have been invented over the entire period of their existence, and the abundance of standards in this area can confuse an inexperienced user. However, first things first.

Hard drive interfaces (or, strictly speaking, external drive interfaces, since not only, but also other types of drives, such as optical drives, can act as them) are designed to exchange information between these external memory devices and motherboard. Hard drive interfaces, no less than the physical parameters of drives, affect many of the drive's performance and performance. In particular, drive interfaces determine such parameters as the speed of data exchange between the hard drive and the motherboard, the number of devices that can be connected to the computer, the ability to create disk arrays, the possibility of hot plugging, support for NCQ and AHCI technologies, etc. . It also depends on the interface of the hard drive which cable, cord or adapter you need to connect it to the motherboard.

SCSI - Small Computer System Interface

The SCSI interface is one of the oldest interfaces developed for connecting drives in personal computers. This standard appeared in the early 1980s. One of its developers was Alan Shugart, also known as the inventor of floppy disk drives.

The appearance of the SCSI interface on the board and the cable connecting to it

The SCSI standard (traditionally, this abbreviation is read in Russian transcription as "skazi") was originally intended for use in personal computers, as evidenced even by the name of the format - Small Computer System Interface, or a system interface for small computers. However, it so happened that the storage of this type were used mainly in top-class personal computers, and later in servers. This was due to the fact that, despite the successful architecture and a wide range of commands, the technical implementation of the interface was rather complicated and was not suitable for the cost of mass PCs.

However, this standard had a number of features not available for other types of interfaces. For example, a cord for connecting Small Computer System Interface devices can have a maximum length of 12 m and a data transfer rate of 640 MB/s.

Like the IDE interface that appeared a little later, the SCSI interface is parallel. This means that the interface uses buses that transmit information over several conductors. This feature was one of the limiting factors for the development of the standard, and therefore, a more advanced, serial SAS standard (from Serial Attached SCSI) was developed as its replacement.

SAS - Serial Attached SCSI

This is how the SAS interface of the server disk looks like

Serial Attached SCSI was developed as an improvement on the rather old Small Computers System Interface hard drive interface. Despite the fact that Serial Attached SCSI uses the main advantages of its predecessor, nevertheless, it has many advantages. Among them it is worth noting the following:

  • Use of a common bus by all devices.
  • The serial communication protocol used by SAS allows fewer signal lines to be used.
  • There is no need for bus termination.
  • Virtually unlimited number of connected devices.
  • Higher bandwidth (up to 12 Gbps). Future implementations of the SAS protocol are expected to support data rates up to 24 Gbps.
  • Ability to connect drives with Serial ATA interface to the SAS controller.

Typically, Serial Attached SCSI systems are built from several components. The main components include:

  • target devices. This category includes the actual drives or disk arrays.
  • Initiators are chips designed to generate requests to target devices.
  • Data delivery system - cables connecting target devices and initiators

Serial Attached SCSI connectors come in a variety of shapes and sizes, depending on the type (external or internal) and SAS versions. Below are the internal SFF-8482 connector and the external SFF-8644 connector designed for SAS-3:

Left - internal connector SAS SFF-8482; On the right is an external SAS SFF-8644 connector with a cable.

A few examples of the appearance of SAS cords and adapters: HD-Mini SAS cord and SAS-Serial ATA adapter cord.

Left - HD Mini SAS cord; Right - adapter cable from SAS to Serial ATA

Firewire - IEEE 1394

Today it is quite common to see hard drives with Firewire interface. Although the Firewire interface can connect any type of peripherals, and it's not a dedicated interface designed exclusively for connecting hard drives, however, Firewire has a number of features that make it extremely convenient for this purpose.

FireWire - IEEE 1394 - laptop view

The Firewire interface was developed in the mid-1990s. The beginning of the development was laid by the well-known company Apple, which needed its own, different from USB, bus for connecting peripheral equipment, primarily multimedia. The specification describing the operation of the Firewire bus is called IEEE 1394.

Firewire is one of the most commonly used high-speed serial front-end bus formats today. The main features of the standard include:

  • Ability to hot connect devices.
  • Open bus architecture.
  • Flexible topology for connecting devices.
  • Widely varying data transfer rate - from 100 to 3200 Mbps.
  • The ability to transfer data between devices without the participation of a computer.
  • Possibility of organization local networks with the help of a tire.
  • Bus power transmission.
  • A large number of connected devices (up to 63).

To connect hard drives (usually through external hard drive cases) via the Firewire bus, as a rule, a special SBP-2 standard is used, which uses the Small Computers System Interface protocol command set. It is possible to connect Firewire devices to a regular USB connector, but this requires a special adapter.

IDE - Integrated Drive Electronics

The abbreviation IDE is undoubtedly known to most users. personal computers. The IDE hard drive interface standard was developed by a well-known hard drive manufacturer, Western Digital. The advantage of IDE over other interfaces that existed at that time, in particular, the Small Computers System Interface, as well as the ST-506 standard, was that there was no need to install a hard disk controller on the motherboard. The IDE standard meant installing the drive controller on the case of the drive itself, and only the host interface adapter for connecting IDE drives remained on the motherboard.

IDE interface on motherboard

This innovation has improved the performance of the IDE drive due to the fact that the distance between the controller and the drive itself has been reduced. In addition, the installation of the IDE controller inside the hard disk enclosure made it possible to somewhat simplify both motherboards, and the production of the hard drives themselves, since the technology gave manufacturers freedom in terms of the optimal organization of the logic of the drive.

The new technology was originally called Integrated Drive Electronics. Subsequently, a standard describing it, called ATA, was developed. This name comes from the last part of the name of the PC/AT computer family by adding the word Attachment.

A dedicated IDE cable is used to connect a hard drive or other device, such as an optical drive that supports Integrated Drive Electronics technology, to the motherboard. Since ATA refers to parallel interfaces (which is why it is also called Parallel ATA or PATA), that is, interfaces that provide simultaneous data transfer over several lines, its data cable has a large number of conductors (usually 40, and in latest versions protocol, it was possible to use an 80-core cable). A common data cable for this standard is flat and wide, but round cables are also found. The power cable for Parallel ATA drives has a 4-pin connector and is connected to the computer's power supply.

The following are examples of an IDE cable and a round PATA data cable:

The appearance of the interface cable: on the left - flat, on the right in a round sheath - PATA or IDE.

Due to the relative cheapness of Parallel ATA drives, the ease of implementing an interface on the motherboard, and the ease of installation and configuration of PATA devices for the user, drives such as Integrated Drive Electronics ousted devices of other types of interface from the market of hard drives for low-end personal computers for a long time.

However, the PATA standard also has a number of disadvantages. First of all, this is a limitation on the length that a Parallel ATA data cable can have - no more than 0.5 m. In addition, the parallel organization of the interface imposes a number of restrictions on the maximum data transfer rate. Does not support the PATA standard and many advanced features that other types of interfaces have, such as hot plugging devices.

SATA - Serial ATA

View of the SATA interface on the motherboard

The SATA (Serial ATA) interface, as the name suggests, is an improvement on ATA. This improvement consists, first of all, in the conversion of the traditional parallel ATA (Parallel ATA) into a serial interface. However, the differences between the Serial ATA standard and the traditional one are not limited to this. In addition to changing the type of data transfer from parallel to serial, the connectors for data transfer and power supply have also changed.

Below is the SATA data cord:

Data cable for SATA interface

This made it possible to use a much longer cable and increase the data transfer rate. However, the downside was the fact that PATA devices, which were present on the market in huge quantities before the advent of SATA, became impossible to directly connect to the new connectors. True, most new motherboards still have the old connectors and support the connection of old devices. However, the reverse operation - connecting a new type of drive to an old motherboard usually causes much more problems. For this operation, the user usually requires a Serial ATA to PATA adapter. The power cable adapter usually has a relatively simple design.

Serial ATA to PATA power adapter:

On the left is a general view of the cable; enlarged on the right appearance PATA and Serial ATA connectors

More complicated, however, is the situation with a device such as an adapter for connecting a serial interface device to a parallel interface connector. Typically, this type of adapter is made in the form of a small microcircuit.

Appearance of a universal bidirectional adapter between SATA - IDE interfaces

At present, the Serial ATA interface has practically supplanted Parallel ATA, and PATA drives can now be found mainly only in fairly old computers. Another feature of the new standard, which ensured its wide popularity, was support for .

Type of adapter from IDE to SATA

You can tell a little more about NCQ technology. The main advantage of NCQ is that it allows you to use ideas that have long been implemented in the SCSI protocol. In particular, NCQ supports a system for ordering read/write operations coming to multiple drives installed in the system. Thus, NCQ can significantly improve the performance of drives, especially hard drive arrays.

Type of adapter from SATA to IDE

To use NCQ, the technology must be supported by the hard drive as well as the motherboard host adapter. Almost all adapters that support AHCI also support NCQ. In addition, some older proprietary adapters also support NCQ. Also, NCQ requires its support from the operating system to work.

eSATA - External SATA

Separately, it is worth mentioning the eSATA (External SATA) format, which seemed promising at the time, but was not widely used. As you might guess from the name, eSATA is a type of Serial ATA designed to connect exclusively to external drives. The eSATA standard offers most of the features of the standard for external devices, i.e. internal Serial ATA, in particular, the same system of signals and commands and the same high speed.

eSATA connector on a laptop

However, eSATA also has some differences from the internal bus standard that gave rise to it. In particular, eSATA supports a longer data cable (up to 2m) and also has higher storage power requirements. In addition, eSATA connectors are somewhat different from standard Serial ATA connectors.

Compared to other external buses such as USB and Firewire, however, eSATA has one significant drawback. If these buses allow the device to be powered through the bus cable itself, then the eSATA drive requires special power connectors. Therefore, despite the relatively high data transfer rate, eSATA is currently not very popular as an interface for connecting external drives.


Information stored on a hard drive cannot become useful to the user and available to application programs until it is accessed by the user. CPU computer. Hard drive interfaces provide a means of communication between these drives and the motherboard. Today there are many various types interfaces of hard drives, each of which has its own advantages, disadvantages and characteristic features. We hope that the information given in this article will be useful to the reader in many respects, because the choice of a modern hard drive is largely determined not only by its internal characteristics, such as capacity, cache memory, access and rotation speed, but also by the interface for which it was developed.

If there are a couple of computer disks, connecting them is simple. But if you want a lot of disks, there are features. On the KDPV SAS cable with Ali, which has already slipped in the past, was so unexpectedly warmly received by the community. Thanks, comrades. I will try to touch on a topic that is potentially useful to a slightly wider circle. Although specific. I'll start with this cable and a mandatory program, but only for the seed. Different pieces of the puzzle have to be collected in different places.
I want to warn you right away that the text turned out to be dense and rather heavy. Forcing yourself to read and understand all this is certainly not necessary. Lots of pictures!

Someone say 9 bucks for a dumb cable? What to do, in everyday life this is used extremely rarely, and for industrial things, circulations are lower, and prices are higher. For a complex SAS cable and a hundred or two bucks, they can set it up without batting an eye. So the Chinese are reducing it even more :)

Delivery and packaging

Ordered May 6, 2017, received May 17 - just a rocket. The track was.

The usual gray package, inside another one - quite enough, the goods are not fragile.


Male-male SFF-8482 SAS 29 pin cable.
Length 50 cm
Net weight 66 g

Seller's picture

The actual appearance, as you can see, is different

For extra plastic, the seller received 4 stars instead of 5, but does not affect performance.

About SAS and SATA connectors

What is SFF-8482 and what is it eaten with? Firstly, this is the most massive connector on SAS devices (), for example, on my tape drive

And the SFF-8482 fits perfectly on a SATA drive (but not vice versa)

Compare, SATA has a gap between data and power. And at SAS it is filled with plastic. Therefore, the SATA connector on the SAS device will not fit.

Of course, this makes sense. SAS and SATA signals are different. And the SATA controller will not be able to work with the SAS device. A SAS - the controller will be able to do both (although there is advice not to mix under certain circumstances, at home it is hardly real)

SAS controllers and expanders

So what, the reader will ask. What do I gain from such compatibility? SATA controllers are enough for me!

True truth! If enough - at this point you can stop reading. The question was what to do if there are A LOT of disks?

This is how a simple SAS controller from my zip looks like - DELL H200.

Mine is flashed in HBA, that is, all axle disks are visible separately

And this is an ancient SAS RAID HP

Both have internal connectors (called sff 8087 or, more often, miniSAS) and one external - sff 8088

How many disks can be connected to one miniSAS? The answer depends. Blunt cable - 4pcs, that is, 8 for such a controller. The cable from my ZIP looks like this

On one end miniSAS, on the other - 4pcs SATA (and one more connector, about it below)

But you can take a miniSAS-miniSAS cable and connect it to an expander, that is, a port multiplier. And the controller will pull up to 256 (two hundred and fifty six) disks. Moreover, the channel speed is enough for dozens of disks - for sure.
Expander as a separate card looks, for example, like my Chenbrough

And it can be soldered on a disk basket. Then only one miniSAS channel can go into it (or maybe more). Here are the cables.

Agree, cable management is somewhat simplified :)


It is clear that disks can work fine without special baskets. But sometimes baskets can be useful.

This is how the SATA basket of the old Supermicro model looks like. Can be found for 1000 r, but rather for 5+ thousand.

Her disc tray

View from the inside, you can see that there are SATA connectors.

If the SAS basket is even better, there are fewer wires. If SCSI or FC - you will not be able to use it. I took one 19 "FC for a test - I didn’t do anything useful. True, there was non-ferrous metal scrap almost for the money I bought it for.

Rear view, we see 4 SATA, 2 MOLEX and the same port that was on the cable. Designed to control disk activity LED.

This is how one of the simplest baskets looks like (there are many different models, but similar ones)

These are not sold anymore, so the details are not important. Just a piece of metal with shock absorbers and Carlson in front.

This is what it looked like in 2013

The cardboard crutch at the bottom and the third basket were only there for a moment to transfer data from 2T disks to 4T. Since then it has been open 24/7.


More precisely, it worked before I needed to connect the tape drive. First of all, I plugged in a second SAS controller, bought a miniSAS cable for sff 8482, something like this

And turned it on. Everything worked, but in 24/7 mode, every watt costs money. I was looking for adapters from sff 8482 to SATA, but the solution turned out to be even simpler. Do you remember that a SATA drive is connected to a SAS sff 8482?

Now I also remember, but then I was stupid for a couple of months :) And then I took out an extra controller, switched one of the disks to the SATA chipset port, the other three to sff 8482. I had to change the power connection, there was a Molex-SATA splitter, I had to buy on Ali Molex - Lots of Molex. like this

, Everything is fine.

And the tape drive moved to another building using the monitored cable. But this is a separate song, but, guard, I feel tired :)

Where is the best place to find all this?

Prices for new server hardware for the home are prohibitive. So bu, including spare parts from equipment being decommissioned.
Cables can be found locally. For comparable money on e-bay. On Ali - somewhat less likely, but there are exceptions - I bought it.
Controllers- primarily on e-bay, and from Europe. It is possible from the USA, it is much cheaper there, if you somehow solve the issue with delivery. Can be found in the homeland - Avito. (On a lump - expensive). Buying in China is very dangerous. A lot of complaints about the fake from the rejection. Either it works or it doesn't. You can't prove anything to anyone.
Baskets it is wiser to search locally. There are even options for the simplest baskets to buy new ones. Simple baskets without electronics can be taken in China and Europe and at a flea market. Baskets with expanders - see the point about controllers.

IMPORTANT Getting confused is easier than getting lost in the woods. Consult on the forum. SAS is different -3, 6 and 12 Gb / s. Some controllers are sewn into something that can be used with desktop hardware, others are not, others will not heal at all anywhere except for the mother of the native manufacturer. Etc.

On the trunk I'm MikeMac

PS If this was Captain Obvious's performance for you, I apologize for wasting time.
If bullshit - all the more my sincere apologies. It is difficult to balance, everyone has their own wishes, tasks and initial ones.

I plan to buy +33 Add to favourites Liked the review +56 +106

For over 20 years, the parallel bus interface has been the most common communication protocol for most digital storage systems. But as the need for bandwidth and system flexibility has grown, the shortcomings of the two most common parallel interface technologies, SCSI and ATA, have become apparent. The lack of compatibility between SCSI and ATA parallel interfaces—different connectors, cables, and instruction sets used—increases the cost of system maintenance, research and development, training, and qualification of new products.

To date, parallel technologies still suit users of modern enterprise systems in terms of performance, but the growing need for higher speeds, higher data transfer integrity, reduced physical size, and wider standardization casts doubt on the ability of a parallel interface without unnecessary costs to keep up with rapidly growing CPU performance and hard drive speeds. In addition, in an austerity environment, it is becoming increasingly difficult for enterprises to find funds to develop and maintain heterogeneous back panel connectors for server chassis and external disk arrays, verify heterogeneous interface compatibility, and inventory heterogeneous I/O connections.

The use of parallel interfaces also comes with a number of other problems. Parallel data transmission over a wide stub cable is subject to crosstalk, which can create additional noise and signal errors - to avoid this trap, you have to reduce the signal speed or limit the length of the cable, or both. Termination of parallel signals is also associated with certain difficulties - you have to terminate each line separately, usually the last drive performs this operation in order to prevent signal reflection at the end of the cable. Finally, the large cables and connectors used in parallel interfaces make these technologies unsuitable for new compact computing systems.

Introducing SAS and SATA

Serial technologies such as Serial ATA (SATA) and Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) overcome the architectural limitations of traditional parallel interfaces. These new technologies got their name from the method of signal transmission, when all information is transmitted sequentially (English serial), in a single stream, in contrast to multiple streams that are used in parallel technologies. The main advantage of the serial interface is that when data is transferred in a single stream, it moves much faster than when using a parallel interface.

Serial technologies combine many bits of data into packets and then transfer them over a cable at speeds up to 30 times faster than parallel interfaces.

SATA expands on the capabilities of traditional ATA technology by enabling data transfer between disk drives at rates of 1.5 GB per second or more. Due to its low cost per gigabyte of disk capacity, SATA will continue to be the dominant disk interface in desktop PCs, entry-level servers, and network storage systems, where cost is one of the main considerations.

SAS, the successor to parallel SCSI, builds on the proven high functionality of its predecessor and promises to greatly expand the capabilities of today's enterprise storage systems. SAS has a number of advantages that are not available with traditional storage solutions. In particular, SAS allows up to 16,256 devices to be connected to a single port and provides a reliable point-to-point serial connection at speeds up to 3 Gb / s.

In addition, the smaller SAS connector provides full two-port connectivity for both 3.5" and 2.5" hard drives (previously only available on 3.5" Fiber Channel hard drives). This is a very useful feature when you need to fit a lot of redundant drives into a compact system such as a low profile blade server.

SAS improves drive addressing and connectivity with hardware expanders that allow a large number of drives to be connected to one or more host controllers. Each expander provides connections for up to 128 physical devices, which can be other host controllers, other SAS expanders or disk drives. This scheme scales well and allows you to create enterprise-scale topologies that easily support multi-node clustering for automatic system recovery in case of failure and for load balancing.

One of the biggest benefits of the new serial technology is that the SAS interface will also be compatible with more cost-effective SATA drives, allowing system designers to use both types of drives in the same system without the additional expense of supporting two different interfaces. Thus, the SAS interface, representing the next generation of SCSI technology, overcomes the existing limitations of parallel technologies in terms of performance, scalability, and data availability.

Multiple levels of compatibility

Physical Compatibility

The SAS connector is universal and form factor compatible with SATA. This allows both SAS and SATA drives to be directly connected to the SAS system, thus enabling the system to be used either for mission-critical applications that require high performance and fast data access, or for more cost-effective applications with a lower cost per gigabyte.

The SATA command set is a subset of the SAS command set, which provides compatibility between SATA devices and SAS controllers. However, SAS drives cannot work with a SATA controller, so they are provided with special keys on the connectors to eliminate the possibility of incorrect connection.

In addition, the similar physical parameters of the SAS and SATA interfaces allow for a new universal SAS backplane that supports both SAS and SATA drives. As a result, there is no need to use two different backplates for SCSI and ATA drives. This interoperability benefits both backplate manufacturers and end users by reducing hardware and engineering costs.

Protocol level compatibility

SAS technology includes three types of protocols, each of which is used to transfer different types of data over a serial interface, depending on which device is being accessed. The first is the serial SCSI protocol (Serial SCSI Protocol SSP), which transmits SCSI commands, the second is the SCSI Management Protocol (SMP), which transmits control information to the expanders. The third, SATA Tunneled Protocol STP, establishes a connection that allows the transmission of SATA commands. Using these three protocols, the SAS interface is fully compatible with existing SCSI applications, management software, and SATA devices.

This multi-protocol architecture, combined with the physical compatibility of SAS and SATA connectors, makes SAS technology the universal link between SAS and SATA devices.

Compatibility Benefits

Compatibility between SAS and SATA brings a number of benefits to system designers, builders, and end users.

With SAS and SATA compatibility, system designers can use the same backplates, connectors, and cable connections. Upgrading the system from SATA to SAS is actually a replacement of disk drives. In contrast, for users of traditional parallel interfaces, moving from ATA to SCSI means changing back panels, connectors, cables, and drives. Other cost-effective interoperability benefits of serial technologies include simplified certification and asset management.

VAR resellers and system builders can quickly and easily reconfigure custom systems by simply installing the appropriate disk drive into the system. There is no need to work with incompatible technologies and use special connectors and different cable connections. What's more, the added flexibility in choosing the best price/performance ratio will allow VAR resellers and system builders to better differentiate their products.

For end users, SATA and SAS compatibility means a new level of flexibility when it comes to choosing the best price/performance ratio. SATA drives will become best solution for low cost servers and storage systems, while SAS drives provide maximum performance, reliability and management software compatibility. The ability to upgrade from SATA to SAS drives without having to purchase a new system greatly simplifies the purchasing decision, protects system investment, and lowers total cost of ownership.

Joint development of SAS and SATA protocols

On January 20, 2003, the SCSI Trade Association (STA) and Working group Serial ATA (SATA) II Working Group announced a collaboration to ensure that SAS technology is compatible with SATA disk drives at the system level.

The collaboration of the two organizations, as well as the joint efforts of storage vendors and standards committees, is aimed at developing even more precise compatibility guidelines that will help system designers, IT professionals and end users fine-tune their systems to achieve optimal performance. and reliability and lower total cost of ownership.

The SATA 1.0 specification was approved in 2001, and SATA products from various manufacturers are on the market today. The SAS 1.0 specification was approved in early 2003, and the first products should hit the market in the first half of 2004.

Little has changed over the past two years:

  • Supermicro is ditching the proprietary "flipped" UIO form factor for controllers. Details will be below.
  • LSI 2108 (SAS2 RAID with 512MB cache) and LSI 2008 (SAS2 HBA with optional RAID support) are still in service. Products based on these chips, both from LSI and from OEM partners, are well debugged and are still relevant.
  • There were LSI 2208 (the same SAS2 RAID with LSI MegaRAID stack, only with a dual-core processor and 1024MB of cache) and (an improved version of LSI 2008 with a faster processor and PCI-E 3.0 support).

Transition from UIO to WIO

As you remember, UIO boards are regular boards PCI-E x8, in which the entire element base is on the reverse side, i.e. when installed in the left riser, it is on top. This form factor was needed to install boards in the lowest slot of the server, which allowed four boards to be placed in the left riser. UIO is not only a form factor of expansion boards, it is also cases designed for installing risers, risers themselves and motherboards of a special form factor, with a cutout for the bottom expansion slot and slots for installing risers.
This solution had two problems. Firstly, the non-standard form factor of expansion boards limited the choice of the client, since under the UIO form factor, there are only a few controllers SAS, InfiniBand and Ehternet. Secondly, there are not enough PCI-E lines in the slots for risers - only 36, of which there are only 24 lines for the left riser, which is clearly not enough for four boards with PCI-E x8.
What is WIO? At first it turned out that it was possible to place four boards in the left riser without having to "turn the sandwich butter up", and there were risers for regular boards (RSC-R2UU-A4E8+). Then the problem of the lack of lines (now there are 80) was solved by using slots with a higher pin density.
UIO riser RSC-R2UU-UA3E8+
WIO riser RSC-R2UW-4E8

  • WIO risers cannot be installed in UIO motherboards (eg X8DTU-F).
  • UIO risers cannot be installed in new WIO boards.
  • There are risers for WIO (on the motherboard) that have a UIO slot for cards. In case you still have UIO controllers. They are used in platforms under Socket B2 (6027B-URF, 1027B-URF, 6017B-URF).
  • New controllers in the UIO form factor will not appear. For example, the USAS2LP-H8iR controller on the LSI 2108 chip will be the last one, there will be no LSI 2208 for UIO - only a regular MD2 with PCI-E x8.

PCI-E controllers

At the moment, three varieties are relevant: RAID controllers based on LSI 2108/2208 and HBA based on LSI 2308. There is also a mysterious SAS2 HBA AOC-SAS2LP-MV8 on a Marvel 9480 chip, but write about it because of its exoticism. Most use cases for internal SAS HBAs are storage with ZFS under FreeBSD and various flavors of Solaris. Due to the absence of problems with support in these operating systems, the choice in 100% of cases falls on LSI 2008/2308.
LSI 2108
In addition to UIO "shny AOC-USAS2LP-H8iR, which is mentioned in two more controllers were added:

LSI 2108, SAS2 RAID 0/1/5/6/10/50/60, 512MB cache, 8 internal ports (2x SFF-8087). It is an analogue of the LSI 9260-8i controller, but manufactured by Supermicro, there are minor differences in the layout of the board, the price is $40-50 lower than LSI. All additional LSI options are supported: activation, FastPath and CacheCade 2.0, cache battery protection - LSIiBBU07 and LSIiBBU08 (now it is preferable to use BBU08, it has an extended temperature range and comes with a cable for remote mounting).
Despite the emergence of more powerful controllers based on the LSI 2208, the LSI 2108 is still relevant due to the price reduction. Performance with conventional HDDs is enough in any scenario, the IOPS limit for working with SSDs is 150,000, which is more than enough for most budget solutions.

LSI 2108, SAS2 RAID 0/1/5/6/10/50/60, 512MB cache, 4 internal + 4 external ports. It is an analogue of the LSI 9280-4i4e controller. Convenient for use in expander cases, as you don’t have to bring the output from the expander outside to connect additional JBODs, or in 1U cases for 4 disks, if necessary, provide the ability to increase the number of disks. Supports the same BBUs and activation keys.
LSI 2208

LSI 2208, SAS2 RAID 0/1/5/6/10/50/60, 1024MB cache, 8 internal ports (2 SFF-8087 connectors). It is an analogue of the LSI 9271-8i controller. The LSI 2208 is a further development of the LSI 2108. The processor became dual-core, which made it possible to raise the performance limit in terms of IOPS "m up to 465000. Support for PCI-E 3.0 was added and increased to 1GB cache.
The controller supports BBU09 battery cache protection and CacheVault flash protection. Supermicro supplies them under part numbers BTR-0022L-LSI00279 and BTR-0024L-LSI00297, but it is easier to purchase from us through the LSI sales channel (the second part of the part numbers is the native LSI part numbers). MegaRAID Advanced Software Options activation keys are also supported, part number: AOC-SAS2-FSPT-ESW (FastPath) and AOCCHCD-PRO2-KEY (CacheCade Pro 2.0).
LSI 2308 (HBA)

AOC-S2308L-L8i and AOC-S2308L-L8e
LSI 2308, SAS2 HBA (with IR firmware - RAID 0/1/1E), 8 internal ports (2 SFF-8087 connectors). This is the same controller, it comes with different firmware. AOC-S2308L-L8e - IT firmware (pure HBA), AOC-S2308L-L8i - IR firmware (supporting RAID 0/1/1E). The difference is that L8i can work with IR and IT firmware, L8e can only work with IT, firmware in IR is locked. It is an analogue of the LSI 9207-8 controller i. Differences from LSI 2008: a faster chip (800 MHz, as a result - the IOPS limit has risen to 650 thousand), PCI-E 3.0 support has appeared. Application: software RAIDs (ZFS, for example), budget servers.
Based on this chip, there will be no cheap controllers supporting RAID-5 (iMR stack, out of ready-made controllers - LSI 9240).

Onboard controllers

In the latest products (X9 boards and platforms with them), Supermicro denotes the presence of a SAS2 controller from LSI with the number "7" in the part number, the number "3" indicates the chipset SAS (Intel C600). It just doesn't differentiate between the LSI 2208 and 2308, so be careful when choosing a board.
  • The LSI 2208-based controller soldered on motherboards has a maximum limit of 16 disks. If you add 17, it will simply not be detected, and you will see the message "PD is not supported" in the MSM log. This is offset by a significantly lower price. For example, a bundle "X9DRHi-F + external controller LSI 9271-8i" will cost about $500 more than an X9DRH-7F with LSI 2008 onboard. Bypassing this limitation by flashing in LSI 9271 will not work - flashing another SBR block, as in the case of LSI 2108, does not help.
  • Another feature is the lack of support for CacheVault modules, there is simply not enough space on the boards for a special connector, so only BBU09 is supported. The ability to install the BBU09 depends on the enclosure used. For example, the LSI 2208 is used in the 7127R-S6 blade servers, there is a BBU connector, but to mount the module itself, you need an additional MCP-640-00068-0N Battery Holder Bracket.
  • The SAS HBA (LSI 2308) firmware will now be required, since in DOS on any of the boards with LSI 2308 sas2flash.exe does not start with the error "Failed to initialize PAL".

Controllers in Twin and FatTwin platforms

Some 2U Twin 2 platforms come in three versions, with three types of controllers. For example:
  • 2027TR-HTRF+ - Chipset SATA
  • 2027TR-H70RF+ - LSI 2008
  • 2027TR-H71RF+ - LSI 2108
  • 2027TR-H72RF+ - LSI 2208
Such diversity is ensured by the fact that the controllers are placed on a special backplane that connects to a special slot on the motherboard and to the disk backplane.

BPN-ADP-S2208L-H6iR (LSI 2208)

BPN-ADP-SAS2-L6i (LSI 2008)

Supermicro xxxBE16/xxxBE26 Enclosures

Another topic that is directly related to controllers is the modernization of cases with . Varieties have appeared with an additional basket for two 2.5" disks located on the rear panel of the case. The purpose is a dedicated disk (or mirror) for loading the system. Of course, the system can be loaded by selecting a small volume from another disk group or from additional disks fixed inside the case (in 846 cases, you can install additional fasteners for one 3.5" or two 2.5" drives), but the updated modifications are much more convenient:

Moreover, these additional disks do not need to be connected specifically to the chipset SATA controller. Using the SFF8087->4xSATA cable, you can connect to the main SAS controller through the expander's SAS output.
P.S. Hope the information was helpful. Don't forget that the most full information and technical support for products from Supermicro, LSI, Adaptec by PMC, and other vendors is available from True System.

Today's file server or web server is indispensable without a RAID array. Only this mode of operation can provide the required bandwidth and speed of work with the storage system. Until recently, the only hard drives suitable for such work were SCSI drives with a spindle speed of 10-15 thousand revolutions per minute. These drives required a separate SCSI controller to operate. The SCSI data transfer rate reached 320 Mb / s, but the SCSI interface is a regular parallel interface, with all its shortcomings.

More recently, a new disk interface. It was called SAS (Serial Attached SCSI). Recreation centers in Chelyabinsk - Today, many companies already have controllers for this interface in their product line that support all levels of RAID arrays. In our mini-review, we'll take a look at two members of Adaptec's new SAS controller family. These are the 8 port model ASR-4800SAS and the 4+4 port model ASR-48300 12C.

Introduction to SAS

What kind of interface is this - SAS? Actually SAS is a hybrid of SATA and SCSI. The technology has absorbed the advantages of two interfaces. Let's start with the fact that SATA is a serial interface with two independent read and write channels, and each SATA device is connected to a separate channel. SCSI has a very efficient and reliable enterprise data transfer protocol, but the downside is the parallel interface and shared bus for multiple devices. Thus, SAS is free from the disadvantages of SCSI, has the advantages of SATA and provides speeds up to 300 Mb / s per channel. According to the diagram below, you can roughly imagine the connection scheme for SCSI and SAS.

The bidirectionality of the interface reduces latency to zero, since there is no channel switching to read / write.

An interesting and positive feature of Serial Attached SCSI is that this interface supports SAS and SATA drives, and both types of drives can be connected to the same controller at the same time. However, SAS drives cannot be connected to a SATA controller, since these drives, firstly, require special SCSI commands (Serial SCSI Protocol) to operate, and secondly, are physically incompatible with a SATA block. Each SAS drive connects to its own port, but it is still possible to connect more drives than the controller has ports. SAS-extenders (Expander) provide this possibility.

The original difference between a SAS disk header and a SATA disk header is an additional data port, that is, each Serial Attached SCSI disk has two SAS ports with its own original ID, thus the technology provides redundancy, which improves reliability.

SAS cables are slightly different from SATA, and there is a special cable accessory included with the SAS controller. Just like SCSI, hard drives of the new standard can be connected not only inside the server case, but also outside, for which special cables and equipment are provided. To connect "hot-swappable" disks, special boards are used - backplane, which have all the necessary connectors and ports for connecting disks and controllers.

As a rule, the backplane board is located in a special case with disk sled mounting, such a case contains a RAID array and provides its cooling. In the event of failure of one or several disks, it is possible to quickly replace a failed HDD, and replacing a failed drive does not stop the operation of the array - just change the disk and the array is fully functional again.

Adaptec SAS Adapters

Adaptec has presented two rather interesting models of RAID controllers for your consideration. The first model is a representative of the budget class of devices for building RAID in low-cost entry-level servers - this is the eight-port model ASR-48300 12C. The second model is much more advanced and designed for more serious tasks, it has eight SAS channels on board - this is the ASR-4800SAS. But let's take a closer look at each of them. Let's start with a simpler and cheaper model.

Adaptec ASR-48300 12C

The ASR-48300 12C controller is designed to build small RAID arrays of levels 0, 1 and 10. Thus, the main types of disk arrays can be built using this controller. Supplied this model in an ordinary cardboard box, which is decorated in blue and black, on the front side of the package there is a stylized image of a controller flying from a computer, which should evoke thoughts about the high speed of a computer with this device inside.

The scope of delivery is minimal, but includes everything you need to get started with the controller. The kit contains the following.

Controller ASR-48300 12C
. Low profile brace

. Storage Manager CD
. Brief manual
. Connecting cable with connectors SFF8484 to 4xSFF8482 and power supply 0.5 m.

The controller is designed for PCI-X bus 133 MHz, which is very widespread in server platforms. The adapter provides eight SAS ports, however, only four ports are implemented as an SFF8484 connector, to which drives are connected inside the case, and the remaining four channels are brought out in the form of an SFF8470 connector, so some of the drives must be connected from the outside - this can be an external box with four drives inside.

When using the expander, the controller has the ability to work with 128 disks in the array. In addition, the controller is able to work in a 64-bit environment and supports the corresponding commands. The card can be installed in a 2U low-profile server with the included low-profile blank. The general characteristics of the board are as follows.


Cost-effective Serial Attached SCSI controller with Adaptec HostRAID™ technology for high performance critical data storage.

Client needs

Ideal for supporting entry-level, mid-range, and workgroup server applications that require high-performance storage and robust security, such as applications Reserve copy, web content, Email, databases and data sharing.

System Environment - Department and Workgroup Servers

System bus interface type - PCI-X 64 bit/133 MHz, PCI 33/66

External connections - One x 4 Infiniband/Serial Attached SCSI (SFF8470)

Internal connections - One 32 pin x 4 Serial Attached SCSI (SFF8484)

System Requirements - Server Type IA-32, AMD-32, EM64T and AMD-64

32/64-bit PCI 2.2 or 32/64-bit PCI-X 133 slot

Warranty - 3 years

RAID levels - Adaptec HostRAID 0, 1, and 10

Key features of RAID

  • Support for boot arrays
  • Automatic recovery
  • Management with Adaptec Storage Manager software
  • Background initialization

Board dimensions - 6.35cm x 17.78cm (including external connector)

Operating temperature - 0° to 50° C

Power dissipation - 4 W

Mean Time Before Failure (MTBF - time between failures) - 1692573 hours at 40 ºC.

Adaptec ASR-4800SAS

Adapter number 4800 is more functionally advanced. This model is positioned for faster servers and workstations. It supports almost any RAID arrays - arrays that are available in the younger model, and you can also configure RAID 5, 50, JBOD and Adaptec Advanced arrays data protection Suite with RAID 1E, 5EE, 6, 60, Copyback Hot Spare with Snapshot Backup option for tower and high-density rack servers.

The model comes in a package similar to the junior model with the design in the same "aviation" style.

The kit contains almost the same as the junior card.

Controller ASR-4800SAS
. Full size brace
. CD with driver and full manual
. Storage Manager CD
. Brief manual
. Two cables with connectors SFF8484 to 4xSFF8482 and power supply 1 m each.

The controller supports the 133MHz PCI-X bus, but there is also a 4805 model that is functionally similar but uses the PCI-E x8 bus. The adapter provides the same eight SAS ports, however, all eight ports are implemented as internal ones, respectively, the board has two SFF8484 connectors (for two bundled cables), however, there is also an external connector of the SFF8470 type for four channels, when connected to which one of the internal connectors turns off.

In the same way as in the younger device, the number of disks is expandable up to 128 using expanders. But the main difference between the ASR-4800SAS model and the ASR-48300 12C is the presence of 128 MB DDR2 ECC memory used as a cache on the first one, which speeds up work with the disk array and optimizes work with small files. An optional battery module is available to save data in the cache when the power is turned off. The general characteristics of the board are as follows.

Benefits - High performance storage and data protection connectivity for servers and workstations

Customer Needs — Ideal for supporting server and workgroup applications that require consistently high levels of read/write performance, such as video streaming, web content, video-on-demand, fixed content, and reference data storage.

  • System Environment - Department and Workgroup Servers and Workstations
  • System Bus Interface Type - PCI-X 64-bit/133 MHz host interface
  • External connections - SAS connector one x4
  • Internal connections - SAS connectors two x4
  • Data Transfer Rate - Up to 3 GB/s per port
  • System Requirements - Intel or AMD architecture with free 64-bit 3.3v PCI-X slot
  • Supports EM64T and AMD64 architectures
  • Warranty - 3 years
  • Standard RAID Levels - RAID 0, 1, 10, 5, 50
  • Standard RAID Features - Hot Spare, RAID Level Migration, Online Capacity Expansion, Optimized Disk, Utilization, S.M.A.R.T and SNMP support, plus features from Adaptec Advanced
  • Data Protection Suite including:
  1. Hot Space (RAID 5EE)
  2. Striped Mirror (RAID 1E)
  3. Dual Drive Failure Protection (RAID 6)
  4. Copyback Hot Spare
  • Advanced RAID Features - Snapshot Backup
  • Board dimensions - 24cm x 11.5cm
  • Operating temperature - 0 to 55 degrees C
  • Mean Time Before Failure (MTBF - time between failures) - 931924 hours at 40 ºC.


Testing adapters is tricky business. Moreover, we have not yet acquired much experience with SAS. Therefore, it was decided to test the speed of hard drives with SAS interface in comparison with SATA drives. To do this, we used our existing 73 GB Hitachi HUS151473VLS300 15000rpm SAS drives with 16Mb buffer and WD 150GB SATA150 Raptor WD1500ADFD 10000rpm drives with 16Mb buffer. We made a direct comparison of two fast drives, but with different interfaces on two controllers. The disks were tested in the HDTach program, in which the following results were obtained.

Adaptec ASR-48300 12C

Adaptec ASR-4800SAS

It was logical to assume that a SAS hard drive would be faster than a SATA one, although we took the fastest WD Raptor drive for performance evaluation, which can compete in performance with many 15000 rpm SCSI drives. As for the differences between the controllers, they are minimal. Of course, the older model provides more features, but the need for them arises only in the corporate sector for the use of such devices. These enterprise features include special RAID levels and additional cache memory on board the controller. An ordinary home user is unlikely to install 8 hard drives assembled in a redundant RAID array in a home, even up to the very roof of a modified PC - rather, preference will be given to using four drives for a 0 + 1 array, and the rest will be used for data. This is where the ASR-48300 12C comes in handy. In addition, some overclocker motherboards have a PCI-X interface. The advantage of the model for home use is the relatively affordable price (compared to eight hard drives) of $350 and ease of use (inserted and connected). In addition, 2.5-inch 10K hard drives are of particular interest. These hard drives have lower power consumption, heat up less and take up less space.


This is an unusual review for our site and is more about exploring user interest in specialty hardware reviews. Today, not only two unusual RAID controllers from the well-known and well-established manufacturer of server hardware, Adaptec, were considered. It is also an attempt to write the first analytical article on our website.

As for our today's heroes, Adaptec's SAS controllers, we can say that the next two products of the company were a success. The younger model, the $350 ASR-48300, may well take root in a productive home computer and even more so in an entry-level server (or a computer that performs its role). The model has all the prerequisites for this: convenient Adaptec Storage Manager software, support from 8 to 128 disks, work with basic RAID levels.

The older model is designed for serious tasks and, of course, can be used in low-cost servers, but only if there are special requirements for the speed of working with small files and the reliability of information storage, because the card supports all levels of enterprise-class RAID arrays with redundancy and has 128 MB fast DDR2 cache with Error Correction Control (ECC). The cost of the controller is $950.

ASR-48300 12C

Model advantages

  • Availability
  • Support from 8 to 128 disks
  • Ease of use
  • Stable work
  • Reputation
  • PCI-X slot - for greater popularity, only support for the more common PCI-E is missing


  • Stable work
  • Manufacturer reputation
  • Good functionality
  • Availability of upgrades (software and hardware)
  • Availability of PCI-E version
  • Ease of use
  • Support from 8 to 128 disks
  • 8 internal SAS links
  • Not very suitable for budget and home use sectors.
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