Pregnancy and mobile phone: apart - boring, together - dangerous. Pregnancy and mobile phone: apart - boring, together - dangerous Is a cell phone harmful for pregnant women

In the modern world, it is difficult to imagine a woman who does not use a mobile phone. We are so accustomed to being always in touch that we panic when the smartphone battery is dead and have no idea how you can leave the house without a charger. But are mobile phones safe, and is it possible to use cellular communications during pregnancy?

The endless debate about the dangers of phones

Many scientists are inclined to think that the constant use of a mobile phone can be dangerous for a person. Women who are planning and bearing a child are at particular risk. Some doctors strongly advise their patients to reduce contact with mobile devices until the birth of a child, explaining this as undesirable consequences for his health.

In contrast, there were experts who indicated that a mobile phone is not dangerous for a growing fetus. They say that the radiation from the device is not too high and do not consider modern smartphones to be the cause of congenital pathology. This group of scientists stresses that various forms of radiation are always present in human life, but this is not a reason to refuse the benefits of civilization.

Who to believe? What should a future mother do - throw away the phone or continue calling family and friends without worrying about the health of the baby? Let's try to figure out whether mobile devices are so harmful, and whether it is possible to protect yourself from potentially dangerous radiation during pregnancy.

Arguments against mobile phones

Speaking about the dangers of cellular communication, most experts cite the results of a study by Dr. Hugh Taylor (Yale Institute, Washington), head of the department of obstetrics and gynecology. With the support of the institute, the scientist conducted a very revealing experiment on laboratory mice. In one of the cages with pregnant females, a mobile phone was left on, and in the other, it was turned off. The offspring that were born were studied. It turned out that mice born in a cage with the device turned on were much more active. The cubs fought against the walls of the cage, their behavior showed inadequate reactions to common stimuli. In the control group (with the phone turned off), nothing like this was observed.

Dr. Hugh Taylor, after a study, stated that mobile radiation negatively affects the development of the fetus in the mother's womb and reported on the likely consequences of cell phone abuse:

  • increases the risk of congenital malformations of the fetus (in the early stages of pregnancy);
  • reduced blood flow to the fetus due to vasoconstriction;
  • there is a threat of oxygen starvation (hypoxia);
  • increases the likelihood of fetal growth retardation;
  • the excitability of the nervous system of the newborn increases.

According to some scientists, the use of mobile phones during pregnancy increases the risk of developing autism.

Arguments in favor of mobile devices

Researchers at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, led by Dr. Eleni Papadopulo, conducted an interesting study on a controversial topic. They studied the birth histories of more than 45 thousand women, and also conducted a survey among patients of maternity hospitals. Next, the scientists assessed the state of the nervous system in children born from the women studied. The test group included children aged 3-5 years.

The results of the study surprised the scientific world. The hypothesis about the adverse effects of mobile phones was not confirmed. The researchers said that children whose mothers used cell phones during pregnancy develop with age. “No language, motor or communication impairments were found in the children,” said Dr. Eleni Papadopulo. The researcher also points out that all previous tests have only been done on animals and the results are mixed.

Professor Jan Alexander, who also took part in the tests at the Norwegian Institute, announced the beneficial effect of mobile phones on the intelligence of unborn children. The scientist warned that the information has not yet been verified and is only a hypothesis, so he did not advise expectant mothers to focus on this.


The conducted studies do not provide an exhaustive answer to the question of whether mobile phones are dangerous for pregnant women. No scientist can say for sure that cellular communication is harmless. Research is underway, but it is still far from being completed. So far, there is no need to speak unambiguously about the security of mobile communications, so it is worth observing some precautions:

  1. You should not wear the included phone on the chest or in the pockets of clothing - in the projection of the reproductive organs (uterus, appendages, mammary glands). The best place for a smartphone is a bag or backpack.
  2. Don't forget protective cases. They will not only protect the phone from scratches, but also reduce the risk of radiation.
  3. It is believed that a woman is at maximum risk at the time of dialing and searching for a network. Scientists who talk about the dangers of mobile devices are advised to keep the phone away and use a hands free headset when making a call. You should not call where the network does not work well and the phone takes a long time to find it.
  4. It is not recommended to leave the phone on in the bedroom all night. It is better to turn off the device until the morning. It is forbidden to put a mobile phone under the pillow.
  5. You should not talk on the phone for more than 5 minutes in a row, especially in early pregnancy.
  6. The selected device must be certified and meet modern safety requirements.

Compliance with these rules does not guarantee absolute safety, but it reduces the possible harm of mobile phones and reassures the woman. Reducing general anxiety clearly has a positive effect on the course of pregnancy and will benefit the growing baby even more than following the proposed instructions.

Today, we can no longer imagine our life without communication using various devices - computers, laptops, tablets, cell phones. We write SMS, send messages by mail, via ICQ, call via Skype. And we don’t even think about how these devices affect our health. But pregnancy is a special time in a woman's life, when a new life is born inside her, and any expectant mother wants her child to be born healthy and strong. But does modern technology and communication affect the child, will it not be harmful for the expectant mother to sit at the computer or use a tablet, make calls on a cell phone?

The influence of computers.

Naturally, pregnancy is a special event in a woman's life, and this state lasts long enough to completely and categorically isolate herself from the influence of any technique. But, during pregnancy, a woman's body works in a special mode, and it can be more sensitive to the influence of various external and internal factors. The body of the fetus during pregnancy by all means protects the fetus from the influence of the external environment - it is protected by the abdominal wall, uterus, amniotic fluid. But after all, many household appliances have electromagnetic radiation invisible to the eye, as well as various radio frequency rays come from many devices, and many others - our house is full of invisible networks: Wi-Fi, cellular networks, wireless communications. Will it harm the baby?

The question of the dangers of computers has been studied for a long time, since their appearance in wide human use, and, of course, the influence of computers on children, including those who have not yet been born, is also being studied. Based on the fact that we have been using computers widely for twenty years now and the generation of children born in the computer age has already grown up, it is impossible to say that they have a sharply negative effect on children. But it is probably wrong to consider them completely harmless. Computer monitors, especially old ones in the form of a box, are capable of creating electromagnetic and electrostatic fields, however, these are not the radiations that can cause mutations or genetic damage. Therefore, talking about harmful exposure to the monitor is still not relevant. But nevertheless, a computer or a laptop with a tablet cannot be called completely harmless.

Rejoiced that the computer does not harm the health of the baby with its radiation, you should not sit at the monitor for the entire decree - this is harmful to your health, and therefore to the baby. Looking at a monitor for a long time can cause headaches and dizziness, eye pain, and even pressure. The visual tension is great, and together with a static posture it gives great loads. Therefore, communication with a computer and its mobile friends should be dosed and regulated. During pregnancy, doctors strongly recommend limiting computer use for several reasons.

First of all, the monitors of all devices are a big visual load, and during pregnancy, the work of the eyes and their blood circulation change, significant changes can occur in the fundus area, which can even lead to myopia and its progression. And with a long stay behind the monitor screen, these changes occur much faster and more actively. It is worth limiting communication with the computer, and in addition, follow a few simple rules of work: you need to purchase special anti-reflective glasses - they preserve your eyesight and reduce the risk of headaches from the monitor. Now you rarely see old-style monitors, they are contraindicated for pregnant women, during pregnancy it is necessary to work only with a liquid crystal screen. When working at a computer, light is needed, using a computer in complete darkness is unacceptable, it is too much strain on the eyes.

Another harmful factor is a long static posture when sitting, it is unpleasant because it sharply limits the access of oxygen and nutrition to the fetus and placenta, which disrupts its condition, causing a state of hypoxia. When sitting during pregnancy, static loads on the spine increase, especially if the position is not very comfortable, which leads to pain in the back and shoulders, in the neck. Prolonged sitting also causes such a delicate problem as hemorrhoids. Therefore, if you are sitting at the monitor, you need working time regulations and posture tracking.

How can you help yourself at work? It's easy - pick up a comfortable chair, place the monitor opposite your gaze, below eye level, so as not to lift your head while working. The limit of simultaneous work at the computer is no more than 45 minutes, after which a break of at least 15 minutes is required to rest the body and head. There should be enough space in front of the workplace to stretch out and relax your legs. In between sitting at a computer monitor, a walk, gymnastics, and yoga are useful. And yet, try not to put the laptop on your knees in front of your stomach, using it at home, use it at the table.

Use of cell phones.

It is difficult to imagine a modern woman without a mobile phone, or even two. Phone manufacturers are constantly improving their models and complicating them, adding new options. But is it worth using this benefit of civilization while carrying a baby? After all, it is a source of constant signals. Specific and scientifically confirmed data on the negative impact of a cell phone on the health of children has not yet been cited, although sensational reports periodically appear about various potential risks and deviations. But the period of use of telephones on a mass scale is still short enough to draw global and categorical conclusions. However, discounting the constant presence in the invisible ray field is also stupid.

So far, data are known on the conduct of laboratory tests with animals and the identification of not entirely favorable effects of these fields on molecular, genetic and tissue structures. Genetics suggests that the constant and very active use of cell phones can disrupt the functioning of genes and chromosomes, which could affect the development of the baby, especially in the first and most critical period of pregnancy. Scientists do not yet have exact evidence of the connection between malformations - but they have alertness. The influence of radiation on tissue metabolism has also been proven - cells under the influence of various fields need more oxygen and antioxidants.

It is believed that cell phones during their active work disrupt blood circulation due to narrowing of peripheral vessels, which can disrupt blood circulation in the uterus and placenta, causing fetal hypoxia. This may increase the risk of preterm birth. Cellular waves can cause hormonal shifts in the body, which can provoke miscarriages in the early stages of fetal development, waves can worsen health and the course of diseases, toxicosis - but so far this is also at the level of hypotheses and not 100% confirmed data. In some observations, an increase in the activity of tumor cells in the experiment was revealed. There may be behavioral disorders, problems with nervous activity. But these hypotheses still require testing and confirmation.

In any case, there is no smoke without fire, and therefore, during pregnancy, you should still be more careful when using a cell phone, limiting communication with it if possible. You should not hang on the phone for hours, constantly "hang" in social networks and "scribble" SMS. It is known that wearing a cell phone around the neck is harmful, so try to move the phone as far away from the stomach and chest as possible. In addition, there are a number of small rules-recommendations for using a cell phone during pregnancy:

It is worth carrying the phone in a purse or in a pocket, in a case made of special materials that suppress radiation. By the way, special maternity clothes reflecting the effects of various radiations have already appeared on the market today.
- reduce conversations on a mobile phone to the necessary minimum, a particularly high level of radiation occurs when dialing and when searching for a network, keep the phone away from you, use "hands-free" devices.
- do not put a cell phone next to you at night (under the pillow, at the head of the bed, on the bedside table).
- do not buy Chinese cheap phones, they do not have international safety certificates and may emit more radiation than is allowed by international standards. They usually do not have any permits for standardization and are not officially allowed in our country precisely because of the radiation exposure.
- try to walk a lot to prevent hypoxia, eat fresh fruits and vegetables, they are rich in antioxidants that protect cells from harmful radiation.

Of course, you should not completely abandon the benefits of civilization and communication via modern means of communication, a pregnant woman feels calmer with a telephone at hand, she can always contact her relatives and call for help if necessary. But you should not abuse modern devices either, dose their use.

Today it is almost impossible to imagine our life without mobile phones. They are constantly being improved and equipped with new features. Phone manufacturers are doing everything to satisfy the most diverse needs of customers. Women planning a pregnancy can install special applications on their mobile devices that easily determine favorable days for conception, call a doctor, consult, find out about test results, and do a lot of other useful things. It would seem that all the pluses on the face. Alas, there is one "but". Doctors strongly recommend that women who are expecting the birth of a baby should give up this blessing of civilization. And every day the number of expectant mothers who decide to take a responsible step and turn off their phones for the period of pregnancy increases.

Are these prejudices or does the use of a mobile phone actually affect the health of a baby in the womb? Now let's try to figure it out.

There is no concrete, scientifically proven evidence that pregnant women should not use mobile phones because they harm the fetus. Reason: science does not keep up with technical innovations. But, many scientists are sure that mobile phones are still unsafe, especially for pregnant women, and have already managed to prove that high-frequency electromagnetic waves emitted by mobile phones can adversely affect the genetic and molecular levels and cause significant harm, provoking chromosomal changes. In addition, a person systematically exposed to this type of radiation may experience allergic reactions and significantly increase the risk of cancer. Also, mobile radiation can disrupt intracellular metabolism. Due to a metabolic failure, cells begin to experience oxygen starvation and as a result of this process, the level of oxidants increases in them, and the ability to divide normally is impaired. Naturally, this can lead to all sorts of anomalies.

Nothing apart, but dangerous together ... is it worth using a mobile during pregnancy?

US scientists conducted a unique study in which 600 pregnant women took part. 350 expectant mothers throughout their pregnancy, according to the conditions of the experiment, talked about 2 hours a day on a mobile phone, and 250 women turned off their mobile phones and did not use them at all. As a result, pregnant women who used a mobile phone gave birth to babies with disorders in the work of the nervous system, characterized by emotional imbalance and sleep disturbances. And women who did not use the phone gave birth to children with an absolutely normal psycho-emotional state. In addition, scientists have proven that electromagnetic waves can cause hormonal disruptions in the body, as a result of which a miscarriage can occur in early pregnancy. So, dear mothers, draw conclusions and decide what is more important for you to have a baby's health or the opportunity to chat on a mobile phone. If, for some reason, you cannot part with your phone during pregnancy, then try to reduce the effect of radiation.

Useful recommendations for pregnant women who use mobile phones:

  1. Carry your mobile phone in your purse, not on your belt or in your pocket.
  2. Turn off the device in the subway, because in it the phone starts to work in network search mode, as a result of which the level of radiation increases.
  3. Keep cell phone contact to a minimum. Do not talk on the phone for more than 3-5 minutes in a row. The recommended norm for pregnant women is no more than 55 minutes for the whole day.
  4. Do not forget that at the moment of dialing and searching for a network, the radiation level is maximum, so at this moment try to keep the phone away from you.
  5. Use a hands-free headset.
  6. Don't leave your phone on standby overnight on your bedside table or under your pillow.
  7. Use only certified equipment that complies with accepted standards. The radiation level for the phone should be between 1.51 and 1.58 W/kg.
  8. Eat more foods rich in antioxidants.

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

It is almost impossible to imagine the life of a modern person without a mobile phone. Phone manufacturers are constantly improving their brainchildren, equipping them with new options to satisfy a variety of consumer categories. Women planning a pregnancy or expecting a baby are no exception. With the help of a mobile phone today, any woman can determine a favorable day for conceiving a baby, find out all the details of a child's development at various stages of intrauterine development.

It would seem - good! But despite such a thoughtful approach of cell phone manufacturers, more and more doctors recommend that pregnant women give up this pleasure, and more and more conscious expectant mothers turn off their devices for 9 sacred months.

What's the matter: such an attitude is akin to superstition and prejudice, or is based on scientific evidence of the harm of cell phones to the health of an unborn baby. Let's try to figure it out.

Are mobile phones really harmful during pregnancy?

There is no specific scientific data stating that mobile phones cause significant harm to the fetus, and cannot be due to the fact that mobile communications are a relatively new phenomenon in the modern world and the speed of its distribution far exceeds the speed of science. But there is no doubt that a mobile phone creates an electromagnetic field around itself, which invariably affects the one who is in this field.

Scientists have proven that mobile phone radiation can have an adverse effect on the molecular, genetic and tissue levels. Geneticists say that under the influence of electromagnetic waves emitted by the phone, chromosomal abnormalities can occur, which can significantly affect the formation of the fetus in the first trimester of pregnancy and cause congenital malformations. Radiation also disrupts intracellular metabolism, as a result of which the cell experiences oxygen starvation, the number of oxidants in it increases, the ability to normal division is impaired, and this leads to a variety of anomalies.

Today it has been proven that even a low-frequency and non-intense electromagnetic field can have a negative effect on a pregnant woman. By narrowing the peripheral vessels, it prevents sufficient blood flow to the uterus, to the fetus, and therefore the unborn baby begins to suffer from hypoxia. At the same time, the risk of preterm birth increases to 50%. In addition, electromagnetic waves can cause hormonal changes in the human body, which can cause miscarriage in early pregnancy. And if a pregnant woman suffers from a disease of the endocrine glands (diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis), then prolonged use of a cell phone can cause a sharp deterioration in the woman's condition, and therefore harm the baby. Separate observations prove that mobile phone radiation can cause uncontrolled division of cancer cells. In a child exposed to radiation in utero, disorders of higher nervous activity are possible: inadequate behavioral reactions, autism, etc.

How to minimize harm from a mobile phone?

As you can see, there is cause for concern, so those who are waiting for the birth of a long-awaited baby, but do not find the strength to part with the phone, should follow a number of simple recommendations:
  1. Do not carry a switched on cell phone in your pocket or on your chest. Try to keep it in your purse or in pockets made of a special fabric that prevents exposure to radiation (clothing with such pockets has appeared on sale).

  2. Try to keep cell phone conversations to a minimum. Remember that the radiation level is maximum at the time of dialing and searching for a network. Try to keep your phone away from you at this moment. And do not use the phone where the connection is poor.

  3. Use a hands-free device.

  4. Do not leave your phone turned on at night near you (under the pillow, on the bedside table).

  5. The device you use must be certified and comply with accepted standards.

  6. Incorporate more rich foods into your diet

05/20/2008, Tue, 12:05, Msk , Text: Sergey Popsulin

Women who use a mobile phone during pregnancy are more likely to give birth to a child with behavioral abnormalities, difficulty in expressing emotions and communicating with peers. In addition, the use of a mobile phone later by the child himself increases the risk of such deviations up to 80%. So far, scientists cannot explain this.

Women who use a mobile phone during pregnancy are more likely to give birth to a child with disabilities, according to The study, conducted by the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) and the University of Aarhus, Denmark, affected more than 13,000 mothers. It turned out that the use of a mobile phone during pregnancy at least two or three times a day increases the likelihood of deviations in the development of the unborn child: hyperactivity, behavioral deviations, difficulty in expressing emotions and interacting with others. In this case, deviations begin to appear when the child reaches school age.

During the study, 13,159 thousand mothers were interviewed, whose children were born in Denmark in the late 1990s. At the same time, they were asked questions not only about how often they used the phone, but also about the use of the device by their children, as well as about the behavior of the latter. It turned out that talking on a mobile phone during gestation increases the likelihood of the above deviations in an unborn child up to 54%. If the phone is subsequently used by the child himself - up to 80%. The risk of hyperactivity increases to 35%, behavioral deviations - up to 49%, difficulties in expressing emotions - up to 25%, difficulties in communicating with peers - up to 34%.

Such a study was conducted for the first time and brought scientists unexpected results. The fact is that they do not know of any biological mechanism that could lead the use of a mobile phone by pregnant mothers to such consequences. Then they decided to increase the range of possible causes and suggested that it is not the use of the phone itself that leads to deviations in the development of the child, but what follows, other factors that are associated with it. According to the scientists, the interpretation of the data obtained should be approached with great care, and before drawing final conclusions, it is necessary to conduct new studies.

However, the results obtained by American and Danish scientists should not become something completely new for the public. Earlier, the Russian National Committee for Protection against Non-Ionizing Radiation (RNZNI) already stated that children, like pregnant women, should minimize communication on a mobile phone. Scientists have found that children who use mobile phones are expected to have impaired memory, attention, mental and cognitive abilities - in the short term, and more serious consequences - at an older age. Experts emphasize that today's children use mobile phones from an early age and will continue to use them as adults, so the experience of children's contact with electromagnetic radiation will be significantly longer than that of modern adults.

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