The deceased called... The dead don't leave us forever. Communication with the dead Phone calls from the dead

Gennady Stepanovich, I want you to advise me, - he said. - There was an incident that I can not forget. You may have experienced something similar...

Tell me, I asked.

Hello, Oleg, - said the stranger. - Sasha is not with you?

It's his father calling. How are you doing?

Normally, - Oleg said, not yet understanding all the piquancy of the conversation.

I congratulate you on Victory Day. Goodbye.

Goodbye, - the teenager answered purely automatically and hung up.

And only after that it dawned on him that Mikhail Fyodorovich Litvinov, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, who died ... almost 4 years ago, called! He immediately called Alexander, but he was not at home. I got through later and immediately told about a strange call from the other world.

And since then, I've been thinking about what it would be for, ”Alexander coughed into the phone. - I'll give you a fact:

Musical postcard

A couple of weeks ago I had a birthday. I am sitting alone and suddenly I hear a quiet melody coming from somewhere. A thin sound, like bells ringing. You won't believe it - it's been playing like this for two weeks now...

Lord, not tired yet? - I was surprised.

No, the melody is quite pleasant, clearly distinguishable. This is a fragment from the movie "Love Story". But listen further - a few days later I was still able to find the source of the sound! The melody came from a German musical postcard that was in my mother's chest of drawers. Mom died two years ago. And just on my birthday, the postcard began to play on its own. No one opened the card, long ago the batteries, or whatever she has, sat down, and she keeps playing ... And what do you say about this?

I immediately remembered only what was written in H. Schaefer's amazing book "The Bridge between the Worlds", published in 2005. It spoke about the theory and practice of electronic communication with the subtle world. There are many testimonies about the establishment of an instrumental connection between our world and where people go after death. In this case, a TV, tape recorder or radio, computer, including telephone communications, can be involved. In some cases, there are references to telephone conversations.

Don't worry, I said. - As you can see, your parents were able to take advantage of the technical possibilities. Be sure to go to church, put a candle. They remember and love you. Maybe they're worried about something...

Yes, there is cause for alarm, - Sasha sighed. I am without a job...

strange calls

And soon, by a strange coincidence, I received a letter from Tatyana Vanicheva, my old friend, who shared with me paranormal stories that took place in her boring life.

“God knows,” she wrote, “I didn’t want to distract you from your affairs with my next“ trouble ”, but there was no one else to consult with ... I didn’t really trust newspaper articles about“ calls from the other world. She believed that the death of a loved one is always stress, a deep nervous and mental shock: you never know what you imagine in such a state. After all, for more than a year or two, I myself automatically went at night to open the doors of Sasha, my son who died on a motorcycle, if I heard the sound of a motorcycle stopping at the gate. After all, she knew that Sasha was not there, but half-awake, purely mechanically, she walked to the door, hearing the familiar rattling. And when she got to the door, she stopped. Sasha is gone!

Well, now the fact itself.

These strange calls began in mid-August: one call, just one, and if you pick up the phone, then there is silence in it. I didn’t pay much attention to them: you never know why the phone can work so strangely - one long beep, and that’s it. On August 26, 2006, she suddenly remembered that tomorrow, the 27th, marks 5 years since Sasha's death. Well, let's get ready, I called the children so that they would not forget to come to commemorate Sasha and go to the grave. Everything seems to be the same as always...

I must explain that the phone was on the nightstand next to my bed, and to pick up the phone, I just need to stretch out my hand. And in the early morning of August 27, the phone rang. I did not really wake up, I picked up the phone. She put it to her ear and suddenly felt goosebumps running down her back and arms, it became cold and somehow creepy. The silence in the receiver was so ... not even a word can be found - deep, or something, more precisely, immeasurable, inanimate. This silence came from such a distance that my heart sank ...

Hello, who is this? Speak, I'm listening!

And in absolute silence, from somewhere out of infinity, from an unthinkable distance, a clear, lively and so dear voice “Mom, it's me” came. I screamed: “Sasha, Sashenka! It's you? How could you call? Where are you, Sasha? The answer was the same silence - creepy, oppressive, unearthly ...

A few seconds later - everything was gone, short beeps were heard in the receiver. I waited a little longer and hung up.

That was the real shock for me. I even pinched my arm to make sure I was awake. She pinched so that even a bruise appeared. No, I do not sleep.

In the afternoon I told my friends that Sasha called me. Of course, no one believed. They averted their eyes, moved on to other topics, someone spoke in the sense that it was stress, that I simply think a lot about Sasha, so it seemed to me ...

However, there was a continuation of this story. Sasha and my mother came to me in a dream. And Sasha said that “there” they have such places where there is an ordinary transparent booth and a telephone in it, and it is possible to call “to Earth”. Sasha said that you can call as much as you want, but it’s not always possible to get through. And mom confirmed Sasha's words. Not everyone who tries to call their relatives succeeds. Why this happens, no one knows. Sasha said that he still lives too little "here", and his mother - that he generally understands little in technology. “But I can figure it out,” Sasha said, “and then I’ll call again.”

Now I'm waiting for a call...

And so I think: how little we know about the world around us. After all, many people have already reported calls from the other world, about otherworldly voices recorded on a tape recorder, and no one can answer what kind of phenomenon this is. How can the most ordinary terrestrial technology connect, albeit not for long, different worlds? Is it more material than we can imagine?

This is the story that unexpectedly overlapped with a message about a phone call from the other world in Volgograd. However, I have heard more than once that the barrier between our worlds is getting thinner for some reason, and such “breakthroughs” are happening more and more often…

Connection with the world of the dead

1971 - the McConnell sisters, a resident of the city of Tucson, Arizona (America), for more than 30 minutes talked nicely on the phone with an old friend - who at the time of their conversation was already dead for several hours, having died in a nursing home. Only after a while did the sisters find out that they had been in contact with a dead friend.

This incident happened to Mary Meredith, who lived in Oklahoma. The girl spoke on the phone with her cousin, who lived in Kentucky. Everything would be fine, but there is a discouraging fact - a few minutes after the end of the conversation, Mary opened the letter, where there was a message about the sudden death of her cousin.

Calling her cousin's home phone, literally a few minutes after talking with him, the girl made sure she was talking to a ghost - her cousin died two days ago. How can this case of communication be explained?

1987 - a jet plane crashed on the Ramada Hotel (Indiana), destroying the building to the ground. Christopher Evans was at that moment at the curtain post, and at the time of the crash died on the spot.

The parents of the deceased learned about the tragedy from the release of radio news. By that time, huge clouds of smoke were already swirling over the city. Parents began to worry about their son, but soon there was a phone call that reassured the parents - the son called and said that everything was fine with him.

Not sitting at home, under a sense of inner anxiety, the parents nevertheless went to the hotel. Arriving at the scene of the tragedy, they were shown the crippled body of their son. Rescuers reported that Evans died instantly. Yes, in this heap of stones and broken blocks there was no chance of salvation.

But how, then, could Christopher call home? It is unlikely that he could remain alive for some time after the plane crash. It remains to assume one thing, the “soul” of a person can make the last call from the next world ... Does the other world have a line of communication with our physical world?

At different periods of history contact with the dead occurred through sleep, or mystical visions, or auditory hallucinations, both spontaneous and artificially induced by induction into a trance. The dead themselves can also go for rapprochement, using for this purpose the means that seem to them more effective.

For example, in the XIX-XX centuries, messages from the other world began to come through telegraph, phonograph and radio. No less curious phenomenon of modern times is communication with the dead with the help of telephone or television connection.

Such calls "from the other side" seem strange and have no reasonable explanation. In most cases, such contact occurs between people who during their lifetime had close emotional relationships, for example, between spouses, parents and children, brothers and sisters, other relatives, sometimes between friends.

Many contacts are directed, that is, they have some purpose, for example, the desire of the deceased himself to say something to the survivors, to say goodbye to them, to warn them of danger, or to inform them of something important for their lives.

To date, thousands of cases of contact with the deceased through various means of communication have been recorded. Most often, a person, having picked up the phone and heard a well-known voice in it, does not yet know that his interlocutor has died. The bitter truth is revealed only after some time. It is not uncommon for calls to be made after accidents.

In 1987, in the United States, a plane crashed into a hotel in which a certain Christopher Evans lived. The explosion was powerful, a huge column of smoke and fire rose into the sky. Evans' parents lived in a nearby town. When they heard about the incident on the radio, they were seriously alarmed.

However, the phone rang soon after. The voice of their son sounded in the receiver, who told them not to worry. The Evans calmed down, but when Christopher did not return by evening, the anxiety intensified. In the end, the parents went to the ruins of the hotel and there, in the midst of general chaos, they found the body of their son covered with a sheet.

It also happens that the dead get in touch with the living to talk about danger or to report something important. The English actress Ida Lupino received a call from her father three months after his death and explained where he had hidden the will that his daughter had been looking for unsuccessfully all these days.

Often the deceased, in order not to disturb his relatives, does not call them, but mutual acquaintances who do not know about his death. In such cases, the conversation can be long. But most often, telephone communication is limited to two or three of the most common phrases such as: “Hi, is that you? How are you?"

One day, an American housewife, Mrs. Tollen, picked up the phone and heard the voice of Ruby Stone, a neighbor boy with whom she was friendly. “They told me that I couldn't call. I'm calling you, right?" Ruby said in a slightly strange but recognizable voice.

This call wouldn't have been surprising if Ruby hadn't died in a car accident a few weeks earlier. Mrs. Tollen admitted later that this call did not cause fear in her, on the contrary, she was surprised and delighted. The shocked woman did not even have time to answer.

As practice shows, in almost half of the cases of such communication only the afterlife speaks. Moreover, his voice is very soon either interrupted or becomes unintelligible, as if lost in extraneous noise. Some of these episodes were investigated by telephone companies, but it almost always turned out that the equipment did not record any calls during the moments of otherworldly communications.

It was also noted that the vast majority of calls from the dead come in the first hours after their death, less often - in the first days, even more rarely - months. This, to some extent, is consistent with the provisions of many religious teachings, which say that the soul, after leaving the body, is still among the living for some time. Hence certain milestones after death: three, nine, forty days, a year. The soul, which has found itself outside the body, has not yet renounced worldly concerns and is looking for opportunities to contact the living.

Confirmation of this can be found in some examples of post-mortem experience.

So, in 2000, Thad Matthewen from Kentucky, coming out of a coma after a car accident, remembered: during his clinical death, he was very worried because his wife did not know about what had happened and was waiting for him at home.

He saw himself, dead, from the side, saw the hospital ward and the telephone set on the table.

He tried to call his wife. He pressed the buttons with his finger, dialing her number, and the phone seemed to work. At least, it seemed to him that somewhere nearby, his wife’s voice was heard, saying: “Hello, who is this?” Later, when his story was relayed to Mrs. Mathuen, she confirmed that there were some calls that evening, but she could not hear anything because of the interference. Only once it seemed to her that her husband's voice broke through to her.

Sometimes the living dial the numbers of the dead. During the conversation, the caller does not suspect that he is communicating with the deceased. He will find out about it later. A certain resident of Los Angeles, Nicole Friedman, once had a bad dream: her husband was lying in a pool of blood with a wound in his head. Waking up, the woman immediately called him.

He answered her as if nothing had happened, only casually complained that they are now so far from each other. On the evening of the same day, it turned out that Nicole was talking to her husband, who had been dead for several hours: he was shot while trying to rob a bank.

In the summer of 1965, Iris Brace died in an American clinic. Her death was unexpected for the doctors, because the operation that Iris underwent was not life-threatening. The death of Iris upset the doctors, the family of the deceased, as well as her boss, an economics professor, under whom Iris worked as a secretary.

On the day of the funeral, the professor suddenly remembered that the day before he had asked Iris to contact his colleague and find out if he could take part in the course of lectures. Of course, the secretary had to carry out the assignment as soon as she left the hospital. But since events did not turn out in the best way, the professor had to take on the mission of the annunciator.

A colleague, who neither dream nor spirit knew that the faithful Iris was no longer with them, hearing the voice of the professor, exclaimed: “Wait a minute, they call me on another phone!” And after a moment he returned to the conversation, stunning the professor with a message: “Mrs. Brace, your secretary, just called and reminded me that you are asking me to take part in the lecture program ...”

In May 1971, the McConnells of Arizona were quietly passing the evening when their friend Iness Johnson suddenly broke their seclusion. She fell ill not so long ago, went to the hospital and, missing her friend, decided to chat with her. The women chatted pleasantly for about half an hour, after which Mrs. McConnell expressed her intention to visit the sick woman with a bottle of blackberry brandy, Inez's favorite drink.

However, Mrs. Johnson strongly objected to the visit and, most surprisingly, to the brandy too, saying sadly: "I will not need it anymore." But she immediately pulled herself together and assured that she felt great, moreover, she had never been so happy.

Well, happy, and okay, Mrs. McConnell calmed down ... When a few days later she called the clinic again, she was surprised to learn that her friend Iness Johnson had left this world a few weeks ago. Who assured her of excellent health and refused brandy? ..

Many calls from the dead happen on some emotionally charged anniversary or holiday, such as Father's Day or Mother's Day, birthdays, etc. During a typical "holiday call", the deceased may not say anything special, but only repeat over and over again. again the same phrase like: “Hi, is that you?”

All these cases are only a small fraction of "calls from the other world." In the late 1990s, the phenomenon became so widespread that scientists at the University of Manchester began to study paranormal phenomena in earnest. For four years, scientists have recorded more than a thousand telephone contacts with the deceased.

It turned out that in half of the recorded cases, the deceased and his subscriber simply exchanged phrases, in a quarter of the episodes only the caller spoke, and in the remaining episodes the voice “from there” was unintelligible and drowned in a cacophony of sounds, as if coming from the end of a long tunnel. An important nuance: the telephone operators have never managed to fix the call - sensitive devices did not mark any signal.

According to scientists, you should not be afraid of news from the other world. Interviewed witnesses in unison repeated that the conversation with the deceased did not cause negative emotions, on the contrary, it brought peace and joy.

It is worth noting that those who have gone to a better world mainly disturb relatives and friends, and even then not for nothing, but only in order to warn of an upcoming important event, avert trouble and report on their own well-being.

Of course, “our” dead also call their relatives and friends left in the vain world, but, unfortunately, only American and Western European scientists are interested in the data on this phenomenon. Judging by the reviews of compatriots, many received calls from the other world, but few dare to declare this publicly.

In sunny Brazil, telephone conversations with deceased relatives are almost put on the conveyor. An uninterrupted connection with the underworld was established by a certain enterprising Sonya Rinaldi, who set up a unique call center at her home. The procedure looks like this: any Brazilian who wants to talk about this and that with the deceased comes to signora Rinaldi, pays a few reais - and here it is, the long-awaited conversation!

The visitor puts urgent questions into the handset connected to the communication unit (the design of the device is kept in the strictest confidence), and a relative answers from the other end of the wire. More precisely, a voice similar to "painfully familiar."

People who have received phone calls from the other world report that the voices of the dead sound exactly the same as in life. Moreover, the dead often use affectionate names and their favorite catchphrases. The phone still rings as usual, although some people recall that the sound is still a little sluggish and not quite normal. In most cases, the connection is not very good, with a lot of interference and wedged voices, as if crossing different lines.

Sometimes the voice of the dead can be heard with difficulty, and in the course of the conversation it becomes quieter and quieter. It happens that during a conversation the voice of the deceased disappears, although the line remains open, then they usually say that they will call again. Sometimes the conversation is terminated at the initiative of the deceased himself, while the person hears a sound, which happens when the phone is hung up.

If a person does not immediately understand that the deceased is calling him, the conversation can last about thirty minutes. During this time, the person does not even know what is really happening. The bills that the telephone company then sends never indicate where the call came from.

There are several theories to explain the phenomenon of phone calls from the other world. First, they are genuine calls that somehow manipulate the telephone mechanisms and channels. Second: these are pranks of the spirits of the elements, who have fun in this way.

And finally, these are psychokinetic acts caused by the subconscious of a person whose inner desire to contact the dead creates a special type of hallucinatory experience.

Imagine this picture: you are sitting at home, and suddenly the phone rings. Pick up the phone and hear the voice of a friend who died three weeks ago. Both of you are undoubtedly glad to meet, exchange impressions, he asks about news in the world of the living, you are interested in the world of the dead. Is it possible? Some people argue that yes, it is possible. But to prove that the calls of the dead are real, let's turn to the facts.

In the spring of 1965, Iori Bryce died in a US clinic. The death of this woman came as a complete surprise to the doctors, as the patient was on the mend. It is quite natural that relatives, friends, and work colleagues, having learned the sad news, were sincerely upset. Among them was chief Ayori, a professor who dealt with economics. After the funeral, he remembered that Bryce had to contact one of the prominent economists and ask him to take part in the conference. She was supposed to make the call immediately after leaving the hospital.

But since events took such a sad turn, the professor decided to notify his colleague himself. He called, and the person on the other end of the line, who didn't know Iyori at all, and certainly didn't know that she had died, said, "Wait a minute, I'm getting a call on another phone." A few seconds later, his voice was heard again on the phone. He said: "Your employee Bryce just called, she said that a conference is planned in a week, and I am asked to make a presentation."

In July 1974, husband and wife McConolly of Virginia were at home. Suddenly there was a call from a friend of Inessa Johnson. The woman fell ill and went to the hospital. Missing my friend, I decided to talk to her. The women talked for about thirty minutes, after which Mrs. McConolly expressed a desire to visit a friend and take with her a bottle of blackberry brandy, which Inessa loved so much. But she advised against visiting her, and, most surprisingly, refused brandy, sadly saying: "I won't need it anymore." But she immediately pulled herself together and cheerfully assured that she felt very good and, moreover, she had never been so happy.

Well, if you're happy, that's fine, Mrs. McConolly reasoned. A few days later, she called the clinic back and was surprised to learn that her friend Inessa Johnson had passed away three weeks earlier. Who, then, called and assured her friend that she was feeling great, and even refused her favorite drink?

And here is another example proving that the calls of the dead have a real basis: once the telephone rang in the house of the English actress Ida Lupano. It was Stanley who called - her father. The poor fellow left this world three months ago, but apparently he loved his daughter so much that he decided to remind himself. Most likely, Ida Lupano was waiting for news from her father, since there is no evidence that the call of the deceased frightened her, or maybe the British are simply not prone to tantrums. But be that as it may, Stanley called with a pragmatic purpose: before his death, he made a will, hid it, and did not tell his daughter anything. She knocked off her feet, looking for a will, and now her father let her know where the treasured paper was with his call.

The above cases are only a small fraction of the calls of the dead. At the end of the last century, this phenomenon began to be widespread. This was the reason that American specialists involved in paranormal phenomena became interested in him. As a result, about a thousand telephone contacts with deceased people were recorded over five years.

In half of these cases, the deceased and his subscriber exchanged short phrases, in a quarter of the episodes only the caller spoke, and in other cases, the otherworldly voice was extremely unintelligible and drowned in a cacophony of extraneous sounds. It looked like it was coming from the end of a long tunnel. It is important to note here that not a single telephone operator managed to fix such a call, that is, the devices simply did not notice the signal.

Scientists assure that you should not be afraid when the dead call. Judging by the interviews of eyewitnesses, a conversation with the deceased does not cause negative emotions. On the contrary, it brings peace and joy. It should be noted that those who have gone to another world disturb only relatives and friends. At the same time, they never disturb the living over trifles. Calls relate to important events, avert trouble and inform about their own well-being.

Only one case turned into a tragedy, but the deceased cannot be blamed for it. A 78-year-old widow from Oregon received a call two years ago from her deceased husband. For several minutes, the woman told her late husband about friends and relatives, listened to his declarations of love, but did not learn anything about his new place of residence. The caller simply refused to discuss the subject. After the call, the widow began to torment and worry, and the result was paralysis.

No less interesting are the facts when living people make calls to the dead. So a certain Nicole Friedman from Chicago had a dream in which her husband, who was in another city, was lying in a pool of blood with a shot through his head. From such a nightmare, the woman immediately woke up and dialed her husband's phone number. He immediately answered, assured that everything was fine with him, it’s just a pity that they are so far from each other. A couple of days later it turned out that at the time of the conversation, the husband was already dead. He was shot while trying to rob.

A similar incident happened to American Kathy Winslet. She dreamed of a friend with whom the woman did not communicate for five years. The friend lay in a pool of blood on the floor. Impressed by the nightmare, Katie immediately called the woman. She replied in a calm voice that she was fine. Winslet tried to ask for a visit, but her friend suddenly became nervous and said she would call back later. However, there was no call, and Keti contacted her friend's relatives. They said the poor thing had died six months ago.

All this is very interesting, but official science claims that there is no connection, and even more so telephone, with the afterlife. The calls of the dead are only a peculiar phenomenon of the human psyche. The brain fixes not real communication on the phone, but some kind of telepathic interaction with that energy substance, which is called the soul.

This is indicated by the facts that the voices of the deceased are not recorded by devices, but only those individuals to whom the call is addressed perceive them. Nearby people not only do not hear the conversation, but do not even hear the phone call itself. From this we can conclude that communication with the world of the dead does not take place in reality, but in the brain of the person who allegedly received a call. At the same time, it was noticed that most often the dead call during the first day from the moment of death. Then on the ninth day. And only the most persistent can call on the fortieth day.

It can be assumed that official science is right. However, calls from dead strangers are sometimes recorded. And another interesting detail. In a number of cases, witnesses said that the deceased referred to some mysterious creatures, who were referred to as "they." It was “they” who allowed to make a call, but warned that the time of communication was strictly limited.

Here we can assume that there is a connection between the world of the dead and the world of the living, but someone allows it to be used only in cases of extreme necessity. So in this matter, concerning the calls of the dead, there is a lot of mysterious, enigmatic and inexplicable. But if someone calls you late at night, and you hear slurred words in the receiver, then do not take this as contact with the other world. Most likely, it is phone hooligans who are playing around, and not at all the souls of deceased relatives are trying to contact you.

The dead themselves can also make contact, using means that seem more effective for this. Messages from the dead began to come by telegraph, phonograph and radio. A curious phenomenon of modern times is communication with the dead by means of the telephone.

On the phone from beyond

Calls from the dead seem to be strange and random events that have no explanation. Most of them occur between people who during their lifetime had a close emotional connection: between spouses, parents and children, brothers and sisters, sometimes between friends, as well as other relatives. Many of these contacts are “targeted”, that is, they have some purpose: they are caused by the desire of the deceased himself to say something to the survivors, for example, to say goodbye to them, warn of danger, or tell something important for their lives.

For example, the father of actress Ida Lupino, Stanley, who died in London during World War II without leaving a will, called his daughter 6 months after his death with the intention of providing the necessary information about his last will. He pointed out to her the location of the secret place where his papers were kept.

Often calls from the dead happen on some emotionally charged anniversary or holiday, such as Father's Day or Mother's Day, birthdays and the like. During a typical “holiday call,” the deceased may not say anything special, but only repeat the same phrase over and over again such as: “Hi, is that you?”

People who have received calls from the other world report that the voices of the dead sound exactly the same as in life. Moreover, the dead often use affectionate names and their favorite catchphrases. The phone still rings as usual, although some people say that the ring still sounds somehow sluggish and abnormal. In most cases, the connection on such calls is poor, with a lot of interference and wedged voices, as if crossing lines. Often the voice of the dead can be heard with difficulty, and in the course of the conversation it becomes quieter and quieter. Sometimes during a conversation, he disappears altogether, although the line remains open, then they usually say that they will call again. Sometimes the conversation is terminated at the initiative of the deceased himself, while the person hears a sound, which happens when the phone is hung up.

If a person finds out that a dead person is calling him, a shock happens to him, and the call is short. If a person does not immediately understand that the deceased is calling him, the conversation can last 30 minutes. During this time, the person may not guess who is calling him. The bills that the telephone company then sends never indicate where the call came from.

"Subscriber is dead..."

Sometimes there are calls from the living to the dead. The caller does not even know about this until he finds out that at the time of the conversation his interlocutor was already dead.

Once a certain woman dreamed of her friend, whom she had not seen for 7 years. The dream disturbed her greatly: she saw that she was lying on the floor in a pool of blood. Waking up, the lady became worried and decided to call her friend. When she answered, the woman calmed down. A friend said that she was in the hospital, but now she was discharged and in a few days it would be possible to visit her. But when the woman accepted the invitation, the friend suddenly became nervous and began to object, saying that she would call back, but did not call back. Then the woman herself called her. She was told by one of her relatives that she died 6 months ago.

In several cases studied by the researchers, the callers of the dead mentioned some anonymous “they” who made it possible to make contact, and warned that they had very little time. These words indicate that communication between the living and the dead is not only difficult, but also not allowed unless absolutely necessary. Many phone calls from the dead occur within 24 hours of the caller's death. Short calls are from those who died 7 days ago or less. One of the longest periods noted since the caller's death is 2 years. In a few cases, the callers are strangers who are calling on behalf of a third party. The people who received this message would later find out that the person in whose name it was made died long ago.

There are several theories to explain the phenomenon of phone calls from the dead: these are genuine calls from the dead who somehow manipulate telephone mechanisms and channels, these are pranks of elemental spirits that have fun in this way, these are psychokinetic acts caused by the subconscious of a person who has an inner desire contacting the dead creates a special type of hallucinatory experience.

In most cases, phone calls from ghosts are not taken seriously by parapsychologists. Calls from the dead are similar to "targeted" phone calls between living people. The caller thinks about calling, but does not call, the recipient, however, has a real call, and he talks to the caller. Sometimes calls from ghosts are associated with some kind of critical condition, for example, a “sister” (ghost) calls a surgeon to the hospital to urgently perform an operation on a patient who is in serious condition.

Reader Reviews (5)

I don’t know if it’s true or not, but ... An unknown number has been calling me for 4 months in a row, I take it, and there’s silence. At first I thought that someone was playing around, and now after they called me on a phone without a SIM card, I think.

try smoking less rubbish

Ange always with mMarch 23, 2013, 05:00:05 PM

It's all ancient mythologia

I also thought it was mythology. Until yesterday. Yesterday morning we received a call to our home number. Mom went to the phone. There was silence, then a male voice said her name several times. She began to ask, who is this? And there again, monotonously pronounce her name. Mom again says yes, it's me, who is it. There was a pause on the other end of the tube, then the voice said her name, but this time as her late brother called her. She was taken aback, asked is it you, brother? Silence on the phone. Mom ran up to me, began to look for a number in the receiver (we have a telephone with a determinant), found it. The number is not a city number, I began to dial it, the robot answers me - the number does not exist. Mom recognized the voice, this is her brother, who died three years ago. That's what it was?

SergeyMay 6, 2018, 13:24:01
e-mail: [email protected]

It was real. My wife's grandmother died, after that (approximately 30 minutes) there was a call to the mobile from a number not recorded in the book. Hissing and silence and dull echoes. When calling the answer to this number, the call lasted 10 minutes, until we ourselves hung up. And then after a while they tried to call again - the same story.

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The deceased called...

Each new century gives mankind answers to questions that tormented people of past centuries. True, he also raises new, even more complex questions. But one of the very first questions asked by a person who realized himself as a man: what happens after death? -remains unanswered.
The invention of electricity, and then the creation on its basis of various transmitting and storage devices - telegraph, radio, tape recorder, TV, computer, not only allowed humanity to reach a new level of development, but also, it would seem, destroyed the impenetrable wall separating the world of the living from the world of the dead . According to the legends that are available among almost all peoples, the priests managed, especially with the help of bloody rituals, to talk with the dead. But the vast majority of scientists considered such legends and myths to be without a real basis. They did not really trust the stories of people with psychic abilities about the voices of the dead that sounded in their heads. The suspicious attitude of scientifically minded people towards the voices of the dead began to change from the end of the 19th century.

Back in 1895, the inventors of the electric telegraph, Marconi and Edison, predicted that the time would come when humanity would be able to make contact with the dead. In their opinion, the departed themselves will find a way to contact the living via radio waves. They even hinted that they had created such a device. Unfortunately, his descriptions in the papers of scientists were not found. One way or another, but already from the beginning of the 20th century, notes began to appear in newspapers that sometimes Morse devices spontaneously began to tap out signals, warning of an impending disaster. But such relatively rare cases were perceived by the reading public only as entertaining curiosities. Therefore, the news that the voices of the dead can be recorded using a tape recorder, which appeared in newspapers in the middle of the 20th century, became a sensation.

The idea to record the voices of spirits on tape belongs to a certain Drayton Thomas. At first, he suggested that his device accidentally recorded fragments of radio transmissions, but, after carefully listening to the tape, Drayton recognized the voice of his long-dead father.

Usually this discovery is associated with the name of an opera singer from Sweden Jurgenson. In 1959, the artist participated in a project to record birdsong on a cassette. In the woods near his home in Mölndal, he recorded birdsong. At home, after listening to the tape, the singer, along with the trills of birds, heard a male voice, which distinctly uttered in Norwegian the phrase about "bird voices of the night." But Jurgenson was completely alone at the time of recording! Startled, he made several more notes in the forest. On one of them, Jurgenson heard the voice of his dead mother, warning him: “Friedrich, you are being watched!”

The mysterious sounds on the cassette interested the singer, and he decided to study them. After analyzing what he heard, he concluded that the voices sounded in different languages, often changing them in the middle of a phrase. However, there are a lot of mistakes in the structure of sentences, in the placement of stress, division into syllables. The pace of speech changed almost all the time from a fluent conversation to a tongue twister, in which only individual sounds could be understood.

Years of painstaking research allowed Jurgenson to write and publish the book “Voices of the Universe” in 1963, and “Radio Contact with the Dead” in 1967, which made a real sensation not only among the reading public, but also in the scientific world.

About ten years have passed, and the Latvian professor, student of Jurgenson, Konstantin Raudive, presented new tapes with mystical voices. Many skeptical scientists tried to refute Raudive's experiments. They considered it silly that "voices" were heard on the tapes, speaking mainly in Latvian, German and French. Yes, and the topics of conversation were too strange: the color of clothes, household utensils. Therefore, most scientists were convinced that the "voices" recorded by Raudive were randomly caught waves of radio and television. An experiment conducted in March 1971 helped resolve their doubts.

Engineers installed special equipment in the studio to block any accidental hit of radio and television broadcast waves. The best samples of the then existing equipment and the highest quality magnetic film were used in the experiment. Raudive used one recorder while the other, connected and synchronized with it, served as a control. To avoid counterfeiting, Raudive was not allowed to set up the equipment himself. He could only give commands into the microphone. A third recorder, synchronized with Raudive's tape recorder, recorded all sounds in the studio. The recording of the "Voices of Raudive" lasted 18 minutes, and none of those present heard a single unusual sound in the studio. But, scrolling the tape again, scientists found more than a hundred voices on it.

The experts were stunned. In addition, the control recorder recorded absolutely nothing. “It is impossible from the point of view of electronics,” admitted the English engineer who led the test.

Brothers Joseph and Michael Lamoreau of Washington State have been researching voices inexplicably recorded on tape recorders in the United States. Experts studied the voices and recording methods of the Lamoreaux brothers and concluded that they were made without deception. Some words spoken by voices were of Anglo-European origin and were known only to linguists and thus could not have been invented by the brothers. The brothers managed to explain the defects in the pronunciation of voices, which Yurgenson drew attention to. “We realized,” said Joseph Lamoreaux, “that voice owners can change the audible noises and sounds in the room and convert them into speech.” Some researchers believe that it is easier for "spirits" to use the energy already available and transform it into their own words than to try to collect the energy themselves.

An analysis of the phenomenon of voices on tape recorders allowed scientists to draw interesting conclusions, not only confirming the reality of their existence, but also explaining why it is not always possible to record them. No recording of voices takes place if the equipment is operated in an empty room. People must be there. Since this is the case, there is always, of course, the assumption that they are unconsciously responsible for the appearance of these voices.

Despite the sensational results of recording the voices of the dead, obtained in the 60s of the last century, interest in them gradually subsided. Its revival in the late 90s of the last century and at the beginning of the new one is associated with the appearance of the same effect in telephones, televisions and even computers.

Not infrequently newspapers from different countries began to publish reports of telephone calls from the world of the dead. Such messages seem to be strange and inexplicable events, but nevertheless, calls occur more and more often. One might even think that an increase in the intensity of radio waves filling the space around the globe is thinning the wall separating the world of the living and the dead. Most telephone conversations take place between people who had a close emotional connection during their lifetime: between husband and wife, parents and children, brothers and sisters, sometimes between friends. Researchers call such contacts targeted. As a rule, they come from the other world and are caused by the desire of the deceased himself to say something to the living: to say goodbye to them, to warn them of danger, or to tell something important.
For example, the father of actress Ida Lupino, Stanley, who died in London during World War II without leaving a will, called his daughter six months after his death and explained the location of the secret place where his papers were kept.

People who have received phone calls from the other world say that the voices of the dead sound exactly the same as in life. Moreover, the dead often use affectionate names and their favorite catchphrases. The phone still rings as usual, although some people say that the ring still sounds somehow sluggish. In most cases, the connection on such calls is poor, with a lot of interference and wedged voices, as if crossing lines. In many cases, the voice of the dead can be hardly heard, and as the conversation progresses, it becomes quieter and quieter.

Very rarely there is feedback: when the initiator of the call is alive. The person making the call does not even realize that at the time of the conversation his interlocutor was already dead. One woman dreamed of her friend, whom she had not seen for seven years. The dream disturbed her very much: she saw that her friend was lying on the floor in a pool of blood. Waking up, the woman became worried and decided to call her friend. When she answered, the woman calmed down. A friend said that she was in the hospital, but now she was discharged and in a few days it would be possible to visit her. When the woman accepted the invitation, the friend suddenly became nervous and began to object, saying that she would call back later. After some time, without waiting for a return call, the woman called her friend herself. Relatives of the friend answered and said that she had died six months ago.
After phones, it's time for TVs and computer monitors. The world-famous experts in the field of video-audio contact with the world of the dead Magi and Jules Harsh-Fischbach from Luxembourg in 1987, using special equipment, received a distinct image of a deceased person in contact with them on a television screen. And a year later, Magi received unique computer images and was able to maintain a short contact via computer with her deceased friend.

In England in 1984-1986, a married couple began to receive unexpected e-mails from a certain Thomas Harden, who assured that he was writing to them from 1545. Experienced linguists have confirmed that the writing language is fully consistent with that era and the possibility of forgery is completely excluded. After receiving 250 letters from Thomas, the same couple received an unexpected letter from 2109. It was even more unusual. Both stories seem absolutely incredible. And here is what the American weekly Weekly World News wrote. For seven months, Phil Shraver, a 56-year-old electronics engineer from Oklahoma, repeatedly communicated with the dead dear to his heart: his wife and daughter. During each such conversation, he saw them both on the color TV screen and heard the voices of the dead through its speaker.

It all started with the fact that for two years Shraver unsuccessfully struggled to create a television antenna that was fundamentally new in its idea and design. After much work in July 1990, a prototype model was finally made. But as soon as Shraver connected the antenna to the TV, a blurry image of a girl appeared on his screen, who immediately spoke. The inventor was taken aback because he recognized in the image on the screen his own daughter Karin, who died in a car accident in 1986. A couple of days later, when Shraver tried the antenna again, Alicia, his long-dead wife, appeared on the screen. She also spoke to him, and Shraver recognized her voice, although he could not make out the words: they were drowned out by static.

Phil Shraver knew that the faces of his daughter and wife would appear on the TV screen. All other images of dead people "inhabiting TV sets" arose quite by accident. As a rule, it happened in the following way. During a TV show, interference suddenly appeared on the screen, the picture disappeared. And suddenly the image of a man or a woman appeared in full screen. It stayed on the screen for a while, then disappeared.

Faced with the world of the dead, appearing on the TV screen, and the Russians.

It happened on February 6, 1990, - says E. Nikiforova from Novorossiysk. - I watched the program "Time" on TV. Suddenly, the screen was covered with stripes, and then a man's face appeared on it in a haze. It was still, like a photograph. I looked at him and screamed in horror. My brother Misha, who died in 1985, looked at me point-blank from the screen. A few seconds later, stripes ran across the screen again, and then the TV again began to show the program “Time”.

It would seem that the given examples of cases of recording voices on a tape recorder, telephone conversations with the dead, their faces appearing on TV screens clearly indicate that the world of the dead exists and with the help of technical means it is possible to establish contact with it. Moreover, the engineers, specialists in tape recorders and radio transmitters, arranging verification of voice recordings, guaranteed that no extraneous radio waves “flyed” into the studio.

But not everything is so simple. Some researchers of anomalous phenomena believe that it is possible to give another explanation for all these phenomena. The "voices" and images on the TV screen do not belong to the world of the dead. They are information imprinted in the brains of living people. On a subconscious level, it is psychokinetically transferred to a tape recorder, a TV screen or a telephone membrane. The fact that this information can indeed be stored in the brains of the living confirms the fact that was already mentioned in the article: no recording of voices occurs if the equipment works in an empty room. People must attend! Therefore, all the above examples should not be considered as the final point in solving the problem that has been tormenting humanity since its appearance on planet Earth - is there a world of the dead? - but only as another step towards it.

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