Wiring diagrams for the designation of elements. The designation of the electric meter on the diagram. Elements of electrical circuits, devices

Reading electrical diagrams is a necessary skill for representing the operation of electrical networks, nodes, as well as various equipment. Not a single specialist will proceed with the installation of equipment until he has familiarized himself with the regulatory accompanying documents.

Schematic diagrams allow the developer to convey a complete report about the product in a compressed form to the user using conditionally graphical symbols (UGO). To avoid confusion and waste when assembling according to drawings, alphanumeric designations are included in the unified design documentation system (ESKD). All circuit diagrams are developed and applied in full accordance with GOSTs (21.614, 2.722-68, 2.763-68, 2.729-68, 2.755-87). The GOST describes the elements, provides a decoding of the values.

Reading blueprints

The circuit diagram shows all the elements, parts and networks that make up the drawing, electrical and mechanical connections. Reveals the full functionality of the system. All elements of any electrical circuit correspond to the designations positioned in GOST.

A list of documents is attached to the drawing, in which all elements and their parameters are prescribed. Components are listed in alphabetical order, taking into account numerical sorting. The list of documents (specification) is indicated on the drawing itself, or is taken out as separate sheets.

The order of studying the drawings

First, the drawing type is determined. According to GOST 2.702-75, each graphic document corresponds to an individual code. All electrical drawings have the letter designation "E" and the corresponding digital value from 0 to 7. The code "E3" corresponds to the electrical circuit diagram.

Reading the circuit diagram:

  • Visually get acquainted with the presented drawing, pay attention to the indicated notes and technical requirements.
  • Find on the schematic image all the components indicated in the list of the document;
  • Determine the power source of the system and the type of current (single-phase, three-phase);
  • Find the main nodes, and determine their power source;
  • Familiarize yourself with the elements and devices of protection;
  • To study the control method indicated on the document, its tasks and algorithm of actions. Understand the sequence of actions of the device when starting, stopping, short circuit;
  • Analyze the operation of each section of the chain, determine the main components, auxiliary elements, study the technical documentation of the listed parts;
  • Based on the studied data of the document, draw a conclusion about the processes occurring in each link of the chain shown in the drawing.

Knowing the sequence of actions, alphanumeric symbols, you can read any electrical circuit.

Graphic symbols

The circuit diagram has two varieties - single-line and full. On a single-line drawing, only a power wire with all elements is drawn, if the main network does not differ in individual additions from the standard one. Two or three slashes applied to the wire line indicate a single-phase or three-phase network, respectively. The entire network is drawn in full and generally accepted symbols are affixed in electrical circuits.

Single line electrical circuit diagram, single phase network

Types and meaning of lines

  1. Thin and thick solid lines - in the drawings depict the lines of electrical, group communication, lines on the elements of the UGO.
  2. Dashed line - indicates the shielding of the wire or devices; denotes a mechanical connection (motor - gearbox).
  3. A thin dash-dotted line - is intended to highlight groups of several components that make up parts of a device, or a control system.
  4. Dash-dotted with two dots - the line is disconnecting. Shows a breakdown of important elements. Indicates an object remote from the device that is associated with a mechanical or electrical system.

Network connecting lines are shown in full, but according to the standards, they are allowed to be cut off if they interfere with the normal understanding of the circuit. A break is indicated by arrows, next to it are the main parameters and characteristics of electrical circuits.

A bold dot on the lines indicates a connection, a soldering of wires.

Electromechanical components

Schematic representation of electromechanical links and contacts

A - UGO coils of an electromechanical element (magnetic starter, relay)

B - thermal relay

C - device coil with mechanical blocking

D - contacts making (1), breaking (2), switching (3)

E - button

F - designation of a switch (knife switch) on the electrical circuit of the UGO of some measuring instruments. A complete list of these elements is given in GOST 2.729 68 and 2.730 73.

Elements of electrical circuits, devices

Number in the pictureDescriptionNumber in the pictureDescription
1 Electricity meter8 electrolytic capacitor
2 Ammeter9 Diode
3 Voltmeter10 Light-emitting diode
4 temperature sensor11 Diode optocoupler
5 Resistor12 Image of npn transistor
6 Rheostat (variable resistor)13 Fuse
7 Capacitor

UGO time relays, buttons, switches, limit switches are often used in the development of electric drive circuits.

Schematic representation of a fuse. When reading an electrical circuit, you should carefully consider all the lines and parameters of the drawing so as not to confuse the purpose of the element. For example, a fuse and a resistor have minor differences. In the diagrams, the power line is depicted passing through the fuse, the resistor is drawn without internal elements.

The image of the circuit breaker in the full diagram

Contact switching device. Serves as automatic protection of the electrical network from accidents, short circuits. Operated mechanically or electrically.

Circuit breaker on a single line diagram

The transformer is a steel core with two windings. There are single and three-phase, step-up and step-down. It is also divided into dry and oil, depending on the method of cooling. Power varies from 0.1 MVA to 630 MVA (in Russia).

UGO transformers

Designation of current transformers on a complete (a) and single-line (c) circuit

Graphic designation of electrical machines (EM)

Electric motors, depending on the type, are capable of more than just consuming energy. When developing industrial systems, motors are used that, when there is no load, generate energy into the network, thereby reducing costs.

A - Three-phase electric motors:

1 - Asynchronous with squirrel-cage rotor

2 - Asynchronous with squirrel-cage rotor, two-speed

3 - Asynchronous with a phase rotor

4 - Synchronous electric motors; generators.

B - DC commutator motors:

1 - with excitation of the winding from a permanent magnet

2 - Electric machine with excitation coil

In conjunction with electric motors, the diagrams show magnetic starters, soft starters, and a frequency converter. These devices are used to start electric motors, the smooth operation of the system. The last two elements protect the network from "drawdown" of voltage in the network.

UGO magnetic starter in the diagram

Switches perform the function of switching equipment. Disable and enable certain sections of the network, as needed.

Graphic symbols in the electrical circuits of mechanical switches

Conditional graphic designations of sockets and switches in electrical circuits. They are included in the developed drawings of the electrification of houses, apartments, and industries.

Bell on the electrical diagram according to UGO standards with the indicated size

UGO dimensions in electrical diagrams

On the diagrams, the parameters of the elements included in the drawing are applied. Complete information about the element is written, capacitance if it is a capacitor, nominal voltage, resistance for a resistor. This is done for convenience, so as not to make a mistake during installation, not to waste time calculating and selecting the components of the device.

Sometimes the nominal data does not indicate, in this case the element parameters do not matter, you can select and install a link with a minimum value.

The accepted dimensions of the UGO are prescribed in the GOSTs of the ESKD standard.

Dimensions in ESKD

The sizes of graphic and alphabetic images in the drawing, the thickness of the lines should not differ, but it is permissible to change them proportionally in the drawing. If in the symbols on various GOST electrical circuits there are elements that do not have information about the dimensions, then these components are performed in sizes corresponding to the standard UGO image of the entire circuit.

UGO elements that are part of the main product (device) can be drawn in a smaller size compared to other elements.

Along with the UGO, for a more accurate definition of the name and purpose of the elements, a letter designation is applied to the diagrams. This designation is used for references in text documents and for drawing on an object. With the help of a letter designation, the name of the element is determined, if this is not clear from the drawing, technical parameters, quantity.

Additionally, one or more numbers are indicated with the letter designation, usually they explain the parameters. An additional letter code indicating the denomination, model, additional data is prescribed in the accompanying documents, or is placed in a table on the drawing.

To learn how to read electrical circuits, it is not necessary to know by heart all the letter designations, graphic images of various elements, it is enough to navigate in the relevant ESKD GOSTs. The standard includes 64 GOST documents, which reveal the main provisions, rules, requirements and designations.

The main designations used on the diagrams according to the ESKD standard are given in Tables 1 and 2.

Table 1

First letter of the code (mandatory)

Group of element types Element Type Examples
A Devices Amplifiers, telecontrol devices, lasers, masers
B Loudspeakers, microphones, thermoelectric sensing elements, ionizing radiation detectors, sound pickups, selsyns
C Capacitors
D Integrated analog digital circuits, logic elements, memory devices, delay devices
E Elements are different Lighting devices, heating devices
F Discrete flow and voltage protection elements, fuses, arresters
G Generators, power supplies, quartz oscillators Batteries, accumulators, electrochemical and electrothermal sources
H Indicating and signaling devices Sound and light signaling devices, indicators
K Relays, contactors, starters Current and voltage relays, electrothermal relays, time relays, contactors, magnetic starters
L Chokes for fluorescent lighting
M Engines DC and AC motors
P Indicating, recording and measuring instruments, counters, clocks
Q Disconnectors, short circuiters, circuit breakers (power)
R Resistors Variable resistors, potentiometers, varistors, thermistors
S Switching devices in control, signaling and measuring circuits Switches, switches, switches triggered by various influences
T Current and voltage transformers, stabilizers
U Converters of electrical quantities into electrical, communication devices Modulators, demodulators, discriminators, inverters, frequency converters, rectifiers
V Electronic tubes, diodes, transistors, thyristors, zener diodes
W Microwave lines and elements, antennas Waveguides, dipoles, antennas
X Contact connections Pins, sockets, collapsible connections, current collectors
Y Electromagnetic clutches, brakes, cartridges
Z Terminal devices, filters, limiters Modeling lines, quartz filters

The main two-letter designations are given in Table 2

First letter of the code (mandatory) Group of element types Element Type Examples Two letter code
A Device (general designation)
B Converters of non-electrical quantities into electrical quantities (except generators and power supplies) or vice versa analog or multi-digit converters or sensors for indicating or measuring Speaker BA
Magnetostrictive element BB
Detector of ionizing elements BD
Selsyn - receiver BE
Phone (capsule) bf
Selsyn - sensor BC
Thermal sensor BK
Photocell BL
Microphone BM
Pressure meter BP
Piezo element BQ
Speed ​​sensor (tachogenerator) BR
Pickup BS
Speed ​​sensor BV
C Capacitors
D Integrated circuits, microassemblies Circuit integrated analog DA
Integrated circuit, digital, logic element DD
Information storage device D.S.
delay device DT
E Elements are different A heating element EK
Lighting lamp EL
Igniter ET
F Surge arresters, fuses, protective devices Discrete instantaneous current protection element FA
Discrete current protection element of inertial action FP
fuse FU
Discrete voltage protection element, arrester FV
G Generators, power supplies Battery GB
H Indicator and signal elements Sound alarm device HA
Symbolic indicator HG
Light signaling device HL
K Relays, contactors,
Current relay KA
Relay index KH
Relay electrothermal KK
Contactor, magnetic starter KM
Time relay KT
Voltage relay KV
L Inductors, chokes Fluorescent lighting choke LL
M Engines - -
P Instruments, measuring equipment Ammeter PA
Pulse counter PC
Frequency meter PF
Note. PE combination not allowed Active energy meter PI
Reactive Energy Meter PK
Ohmmeter PR
Recording device PS
Clock, action time meter PT
Voltmeter PV
Wattmeter PW
Q Switches and disconnectors in power circuits Automatic switch QF
short circuit QK
Disconnector QS
R Resistors Thermistor RK
Potentiometer RP
Measuring shunt RS
Varistor EN
S Switching devices in control, signaling and measuring circuits.

Note. The designation SF is used for devices that do not have power circuit contacts.

Breaker or switch SA
push button switch SB
Automatic switch SF
Switches triggered by various influences:
- from the level
- from pressure SP
- from the position (travel) SQ
- on the frequency of rotation SR
- on temperature SK
T Transformers, autotransformers Current transformer TA
Electromagnetic Stabilizer TS
voltage transformer TV
U Communication devices.
Electrical to electrical converters
Modulator UB
Demodulator UR
Discriminator UI
Frequency converter, inverter, frequency generator, rectifier USD
V Electrovacuum devices, semiconductor diode, zener diode VD
Electrovacuum device VL
Transistor VT
Thyristor VS
W Lines and elements of microwave antennas coupler W.E.
short circuit WK
Valve WS
Transformer, heterogeneity, phase shifter wt
Attenuator WU
Antenna WA
X Contact connections Current collector, sliding contact XA
Pin XP
Nest XS
Collapsible connection XT
High frequency connector XW
Y Mechanical devices with electromagnetic drive Electromagnet YA
Brake with electromagnetic drive YB
Coupling with electromagnetic drive YC
Electromagnetic chuck or plate YH
Z Terminal devices Filters. Limiters limiter ZL
Quartz filter ZQ

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Almost all UOS, all products of radio electronics and electrical engineering manufactured by industrial organizations and enterprises, home craftsmen, young technicians and radio amateurs, contain a certain amount of various purchased ERI and elements produced mainly by domestic industry. But lately there has been a tendency to use ERE and foreign-made components. These include, first of all, PPP, capacitors, resistors, transformers, chokes, electrical connectors, batteries, HIT, switches, installation products and some other types of ERE.

Used purchased components or independently manufactured ERE are necessarily reflected in the circuit diagrams and wiring diagrams of devices, in drawings and other TD, which are carried out in accordance with the requirements of ESKD standards.

Particular attention is paid to circuit diagrams, which determine not only the main electrical parameters, but also all the elements included in the device and the electrical connections between them. To understand and read circuit diagrams, you must carefully familiarize yourself with the elements and components included in them, know exactly the scope and principle of operation of the device in question. As a rule, information about the applied ERE is indicated in reference books and specifications - a list of these elements.

The connection of the list of ERE components with their conditional graphic designations is carried out through reference designations.

To construct conventional graphic symbols for ERE, standardized geometric symbols are used, each of which is used separately or in combination with others. Moreover, the meaning of each geometric image in the symbol in many cases depends on the combination with which other geometric symbol it is used.

The standardized and most commonly used ERE graphic symbols in circuit diagrams are shown in Fig.1. These designations apply to all components of circuits, including ERE, conductors and connections between them. And here, the condition for the correct designation of the same type of ERE components and products is of paramount importance. For this purpose, positional designations are used, the mandatory part of which is the letter designation of the type of element, the type of its construction and the digital designation of the ERE number. The diagrams also use an additional part of the designation of the ERE position, indicating the function of the element, in the form of a letter. The main types of letter designations of circuit elements are given in Table 1.

The designations on the drawings and diagrams of elements of general use refer to qualification ones, establishing the type of current and voltage, the type of connection, the methods of regulation, the shape of the pulse, the type of modulation, electrical connections, the direction of transmission of current, signal, energy flow, etc.

At present, the population and the trade network use a significant number of various electronic devices and devices, radio and television equipment, which are manufactured by foreign firms and various joint-stock companies. In stores, you can purchase various types of ERI and ERE with foreign designations. In table. 1. 2 provides information on the most common ERE in foreign countries with the appropriate designations and their analogues of domestic production.

This information is published for the first time in such volume.

1- transistor structure p-n-p in the case, general designation;

2- transistor structure p-p-p in the case, general designation,

3 - field effect transistor with pn junction and n channel,

4 - field effect transistor with p-n junction and p channel,

5 - unijunction transistor with an n-type base, b1, b2 - base terminals, e - emitter terminal,

6 - photodiode,

7 - rectifier diode,

8 - zener diode (avalanche rectifier diode) one-sided,

9 - thermal-electric diode,

10 - diode thyristor, erasable in the opposite direction;

11 - zener diode (diodolavin rectifier) ​​with double-sided

12 - triode thyristor.

13 - photoresistor,

14 - variable resistor, rheostat, general designation,

15 - variable resistor,

16 - variable resistor with taps,

17 - construction resistor-potentiometer;

18 - thermistor with a positive temperature coefficient of direct heating (heating),

19 - varistor,

20 - fixed capacitor, general designation,

21 - polarized capacitor of constant capacitance;

22 - oxide polarized electrolytic capacitor, general designation;

23 - constant resistor, general designation;

24 - constant resistor with a rated power of 0.05 W;

25 - constant resistor with a rated power of 0.125 W,

26 - constant resistor with a rated power of 0.25 W,

27 - constant resistor with a rated power of 0.5 W,

28 - constant resistor with a rated power of 1 W,

29 - constant resistor with a rated power dissipation of 2 W,

30 - constant resistor with a rated power dissipation of 5 W;

31 - constant resistor with one symmetrical additional tap;

32 - constant resistor with one asymmetrical additional tap;

Conventional graphic symbols of ERE in electrical, radio engineering and automation circuits

33 - non-polarized oxide capacitor,

34 - pass-through capacitor (arc denotes body, external electrode),

35 - capacitor of variable capacity (the arrow indicates the rotor);

36 - tuning capacitor, general designation

37 - varicap.

38 - noise suppression capacitor;

39 - LED,

40 - tunnel diode;

41 - incandescent lighting and signal lamp

42 - electric bell

43 - galvanic or battery cell;

44 - electrical communication line with one branch;

45 - electrical communication line with two branches;

46 - a group of wires connected to one electrical connection point. two wires;

47 - four wires connected to one electrical connection point;

48 - a battery of galvanic cells or a battery;

49 - coaxial cable. The screen is connected to the body;

50 - winding of a transformer, autotransformer, inductor, magnetic amplifier;

51 - working winding of the magnetic amplifier;

52 - control winding of the magnetic amplifier;

53 - a transformer without a core (magnetic circuit) with a constant connection (dots indicate the beginning of the windings);

54 - transformer with a magnetodielectric core;

55 - inductor, choke without magnetic circuit;

56 - single-phase transformer with a ferromagnetic core and a screen between the windings;

57 - single-phase three-winding transformer with a ferromagnetic magnetic circuit with a tap in the secondary winding;

58 - single-phase autotransformer with voltage regulation;

59 - fuse;

60 - fuse switch;

b1 - fuse-disconnector;

62 - connection pin detachable;

63 - amplifier (the direction of signal transmission is indicated by the top of the triangle on the horizontal communication line);

64 - pin of detachable contact connection;

Conventional graphic symbols of ERE in electrical, radio engineering and automation circuits

65 - socket for detachable contact connection,

66 - collapsible connection contact, for example, using a clamp

67 - contact of a non-separable connection, for example, carried out by soldering

68 - single-pole push-button switch with NO contact

69 - switching device opening contact, general designation

70 - contact of the switching device (switch, relay) closing, general designation. The switch is single-pole.

71 - switching device contact, general designation. Single pole two way switch.

72 - three-position switching contact with neutral position

73 - closing contact without self-return

74 - push-button switch with break contact

75 - push-button exhaust switch with closing contact

76 - push-button switch with button return,

77 - push-button exhaust switch with NC contact

78 - push-button switch with return by pressing the button again,

79 - electrical relay with make, break and changeover contacts,

80 - relay polarized in one direction of current in the winding with a neutral position

81 - relay polarized in both directions of current in a winding with a neutral position

82 - electrothermal relay without self-return, with return by pressing the button again,

83- plug single-pole connection

84 - socket for a five-wire plug-in connection,

85 pin connector coaxial connection

86 - contact socket

87 - four-wire connection pin,

88 four-wire socket

89 - jumper switching opening circuit

Symbols of circuit elements

Standard conditional graphic and letter designations of elements of electrical circuits

E EMF source
R Resistor, active resistance
L Inductance, coil
C capacitance, capacitor
G Alternator, feed circuit
M AC motor
T Transformer
Q Power switch (for voltage over 1kV)
QW Load break switch
QS Disconnector
F Fuse
Busbars with connections
Detachable connection
QA Automatic switch for voltage up to 1 kV
KM Contactor, magnetic starter
S knife switch
TA Current transformer
TA Zero sequence current transformer
TV Three-phase or three single-phase voltage transformers
F Discharger
To Relay
KA, KV, KT, KL Relay winding
KA, KV, KT, KL NO relay contact
KA, KV, KT, KL Relay opening contact
CT Timing relay contact
CT Time relay contact closing with return delay
Measuring instrument
measuring instrument

Site materials used.

If for an ordinary person the perception of information occurs when reading words and letters, then for locksmiths and installers they are replaced by alphabetic, numerical or graphic symbols. The difficulty is that while the electrician graduates, gets a job, learns something in practice, as new SNiPs and GOSTs appear, according to which adjustments are made. Therefore, do not try to learn all the documentation and immediately. It is enough to gain basic knowledge, and add up-to-date data in the course of working days.

For circuit designers, instrumentation fitters, electricians, the ability to read an electrical circuit is a key quality and qualification indicator. Without special knowledge, it is impossible to immediately understand the intricacies of designing devices, circuits and methods of connecting electrical components.

Types and types of electrical circuits

Before you start studying the existing designations of electrical equipment and its connections, you need to understand the typology of circuits. On the territory of our country, standardization was introduced in accordance with GOST 2.701-2008 of July 1, 2009, according to “ESKD. Scheme. Types and types. General requirements".

Based on this standard, all schemes are divided into 8 types:
  1. United.
  2. Located.
  3. General.
  4. Connections.
  5. Mounting connections.
  6. Complete principal.
  7. Functional.
  8. Structural.

Among the existing 10 species indicated in this document, there are:

  1. Combined.
  2. divisions.
  3. Energy.
  4. Optical.
  5. Vacuum.
  6. Kinematic.
  7. Gas.
  8. Pneumatic.
  9. Hydraulic.
  10. Electrical.

For electricians, it is of the greatest interest among all the above types and types of circuits, as well as the most popular and frequently used in work - the electrical circuit.

The latest GOST, which came out, is supplemented by many new designations, relevant today with the code 2.702-2011 of 01/01/2012. The document is called "ESKD. Rules for the implementation of electrical circuits ”, refers to other GOSTs, among which are those mentioned above.

The text of the regulation sets out clear requirements in detail for electrical circuits of all types. Therefore, it is this document that should be guided during installation work with electrical circuits. The definition of the concept of an electrical circuit, according to GOST 2.702-2011, is as follows:

"Under the electrical circuit should be understood a document containing the symbols of the parts of the product and / or individual parts with a description of the relationship between them, the principles of operation from electrical energy."

After the definition, the document contains the rules for the implementation on paper and in software environments of the designations of contact connections, wire marking, lettering and graphic representation of electrical elements.

It should be noted that more often in home practice only three types of electrical circuits are used:

  • Mounting- for the device, a printed circuit board is depicted with the arrangement of elements with a clear indication of the place, denomination, the principle of fastening and leading to other parts. Wiring diagrams for residential premises indicate the number, location, rating, connection method and other precise instructions for installing wires, switches, lamps, sockets, etc.
  • Fundamental- they indicate in detail the connections, contacts and characteristics of each element for networks or devices. Distinguish between full and linear circuit diagrams. In the first case, control, control of elements and the power circuit itself are depicted; in a linear scheme, they are limited only to a chain with the image of the remaining elements on separate sheets.
  • Functional- here, without detailing the physical dimensions and other parameters, the main components of the device or circuit are indicated. Any detail can be represented as a block with a letter designation, supplemented with links to other elements of the device.

Graphic symbols in electrical circuits

Documentation, which indicates the rules and methods for graphic designation of circuit elements, is represented by three GOSTs:
  • 2.755-87 - graphic symbols for contact and switching connections.
  • 2.721-74 - graphic symbols for parts and assemblies of general use.
  • 2.709-89 - graphic symbols in electrical diagrams of circuit sections, equipment, contact connections of wires, electrical elements.

In the standard with the code 2.755-87, it is used for diagrams of single-line electrical panels, conditional graphic images (UGO) of thermal relays, contactors, knife switches, circuit breakers, and other switching equipment. There is no designation in the standards of difavtomatov and RCD.

On the pages of GOST 2.702-2011, the image of these elements is allowed in an arbitrary order, with explanations, decoding of the UGO and the circuit of difavtomatov and RCD itself.
GOST 2.721-74 contains UGOs used for secondary electrical circuits.

IMPORTANT: To designate switching equipment, there is:

4 base images UGO

9 functional signs of UGO

UGO Name
Arc quenching
No self-return
Limit or travel switch
With automatic actuation

IMPORTANT: Designations 1 - 3 and 6 - 9 are applied to fixed contacts, 4 and 5 are placed on moving contacts.

Basic UGOs for single-line electrical switchboard diagrams

UGO Name
Thermal relay
contactor contact
Knife switch - load switch
Automatic - automatic switch
Differential circuit breaker
voltage transformer
Current transformer
Knife switch (load switch) with fuse
Motor protection circuit breaker (with built-in thermal relay)
A frequency converter
electricity meter
Normally open contact with "reset" button or other push-button switch, with reset and opening by means of a special drive of the control element
Normally open contact with pushbutton, with reset and opening by retracting the button of the operating element
Normally open contact with pushbutton, with reset and opening by repeated pressing of the button of the operating element
Normally open contact with pushbutton, with reset and automatic opening of the operating element
N/O contact with delayed action, which is initiated on return and operation
N/O contact with delayed action, which is initiated only when triggered
Slow-acting make contact that is activated on return and trip
N/O contact with delayed action that only trips on return
N/O contact with delayed action that only closes when triggered
Timing relay coil
photorelay coil
Pulse relay coil
General designation of a relay coil or contactor coil
Indicator lamp (light), lighting
motor drive
Terminal (collapsible connection)
Varistor, surge arrester (surge arrester)
Socket (plug connection):
  • Pin
  • Nest
A heating element

Designation of electrical measuring instruments for characterizing circuit parameters

GOST 2.271-74 adopted the following designations in electrical panels for tires and wires:

Letter designations in electrical circuits

The standards for the letter designation of elements on electrical diagrams are described in the GOST 2.710-81 standard with the title of the text “ESKD. Alphanumeric designations in electrical circuits. The mark for difavtomatov and RCD is not indicated here, which is prescribed in clause 2.2.12 of this standard as a designation with multi-letter codes. The following letter codings are accepted for the main elements of electrical panels:

Name Designation
Automatic switch in the power circuitQF
Automatic switch in the control circuitSF
Circuit breaker with differential protection or difavtomatQFD
Breaker or load switchQS
RCD (residual current device)QSD
Thermal relayF, KK
Time relayKT
Voltage relayKV
impulse relayKI
OPN, arresterFV
voltage transformerTV
Current transformerTA
A frequency converterUSD
Frequency meterPF
Active energy meterPI
Reactive energy meterPK
heating elementEK
lighting lampEL
Light bulb or indicator lightHL
Plug connector or socketXS
Switch or circuit breaker in control circuitsSA
Pushbutton switch in control circuitsSB

Image of electrical equipment on the plans

Despite the fact that GOST 2.702-2011 and GOST 2.701-2008 take into account such a type of electrical circuit as a “layout diagram” for the design of structures and buildings, it is necessary to be guided by the standards of GOST 21.210-2014, which indicate “SPDS.

Images on the plans of conditional graphic wiring and electrical equipment. The document establishes UGO on plans for laying electrical networks for electrical equipment (lamps, switches, sockets, electrical panels, transformers), cable lines, busbars, tires.

The use of these symbols is used to draw up drawings of electrical lighting, power electrical equipment, power supply and other plans. The use of these designations is also used in the schematic single-line diagrams of electrical panels.

Conditional graphic images of electrical equipment, electrical devices and electrical receivers

The contours of all depicted devices, depending on the information richness and complexity of the configuration, are taken in accordance with GOST 2.302 on the scale of the drawing according to the actual dimensions.

Conditional graphic designations of wiring lines and conductors

Conditional graphic images of tires and busbars

IMPORTANT: The design position of the bus duct must exactly match on the diagram with the place of its attachment.

Conditional graphic images of boxes, cabinets, shields and consoles

Conditional graphic symbols of switches, switches

On the pages of the GOST 21.210-2014 documentation for push-button switches, dimmers (dimmers), a separate designation is not provided. In some schemes, according to clause 4.7. normative act, arbitrary designations are used.

Conventional graphic designations of socket outlets

Conditional graphic designations of lamps and spotlights

The updated version of GOST contains images of luminaires with fluorescent and LED lamps.

Conditional graphic designations of control and management devices


The given graphic and alphabetic images of electrical components and electrical circuits are not a complete list, since the standards contain many special characters and codes that are practically not used in everyday life. To read electrical circuits, you will need to take into account many factors, first of all, the country of the manufacturer of the device or electrical equipment, wiring and cables. There is a difference in marking and symbol on the diagrams, which can be quite confusing.

Secondly, you should carefully consider such areas as the intersection or lack of a common network for wires located with an overlay. On foreign diagrams, if the bus or cable does not have a common power supply with intersecting objects, a semicircular continuation is drawn at the point of contact. This is not used in domestic schemes.

If the diagram is depicted without complying with the standards established by GOSTs, then it is called a sketch. But for this category there are also certain requirements, according to which, according to the above sketch, an approximate understanding of the future electrical wiring or device design should be drawn up. Drawings can be used to draw up more accurate drawings and diagrams from them, with the necessary designations, markings and scales.

The ability to read wiring diagrams is an important component, without which it is impossible to become a specialist in the field of electrical work. Every novice electrician must know how sockets, switches, switching devices and even an electricity meter are indicated on the electrical wiring project in accordance with GOST. Next, we will provide readers of the site with symbols in electrical circuits, both graphic and alphabetic.


As for the graphic designation of all the elements used in the diagram, we will provide this overview in the form of tables in which the products will be grouped according to their purpose.

In the first table you can see how electrical boxes, boards, cabinets and panels are marked on the wiring diagrams:

The next thing you should know is the symbol for power sockets and switches (including walk-throughs) on single-line diagrams of apartments and private houses:

As for lighting elements, fixtures and lamps according to GOST are indicated as follows:

In more complex schemes where electric motors are used, elements such as:

It is also useful to know how transformers and chokes are graphically indicated on circuit diagrams:

Electrical measuring instruments according to GOST have the following graphic designation in the drawings:

And here, by the way, is a table useful for beginner electricians, which shows how the ground loop looks on the wiring plan, as well as the power line itself:

In addition, on the diagrams you can see a wavy or straight line, “+” and “-”, which indicate the type of current, voltage and pulse shape:

In more complex automation schemes, you may encounter obscure graphic symbols, such as contact connections. Remember how these devices are indicated on the wiring diagrams:

In addition, you should be aware of how radio elements look on projects (diodes, resistors, transistors, etc.):

That's all conditionally graphic designations in electrical circuits of power circuits and lighting. As you yourself have already seen, there are quite a lot of components and you can remember how each is designated only with experience. Therefore, we recommend that you save all these tables for yourself, so that when reading the project for the wiring of a house or apartment, you can immediately determine what kind of circuit element is in a certain place.

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Sooner or later, when carrying out electrical installation or electrical repair work, you have to deal with electrical circuits that contain many alphanumeric and conventionally graphic symbols. The latter will be discussed in this article. There are a large number of types of electrical circuit elements that have a variety of functions, therefore, there is no single document that determines the correct graphic designation of all elements that can be found on the diagrams. Below, the tables show some examples of conditional graphic images of electrical equipment and wiring, elements of electrical circuits in diagrams taken from various currently valid documents. You can download the entire GOST for free by clicking on the links at the bottom of the page.

Free download GOST

  • GOST 21.614 Images of conditional graphic electrical equipment and wiring in the original
  • GOST 2.722-68 Conditional graphic designations in schemes. Electrical machines
  • GOST 2.723-68 Conditional graphic designations in schemes. Inductors, reactors, chokes, transformers, autotransformers and magnetic amplifiers
  • GOST 2.729-68 Conditional graphic designations in schemes. Electrical measuring instruments
  • GOST 2.755-87 Conditional graphic designations in schemes. Switching devices and contact connections

Alphanumeric designations in electrical circuits (GOST 2.710 - 81)

The letter codes of the elements are given in the table. Positional designations for elements (devices) are assigned within the product. Serial numbers to elements (devices) should be assigned, starting from one, within a group of elements that have the same letter code in accordance with the sequence of elements or devices on the diagram from top to bottom in the direction from left to right.

Positional designations are put down on the diagram next to the conditional graphic designation of elements or devices on the right side or above them. The numbers and letters included in the reference designation are of the same size.

vein code
Element view groups Element Type Examples Two-book
vein code
A Devices (general designation) - -
B Converters of non-electric quantities to electrical
(except generators and power supplies) or vice versa
Selsyn - receiver BE
Selsyn - sensor BC
Thermal sensor BK
Photocell BL
Pressure meter BP
Tachogenerator BR
Speed ​​sensor BV
C Capacitors - -
D Integrated circuits,
Integrated circuit, analog DA
Integrated circuit, digital,
logical element
delay device DT
Information storage device D.S.
E Elements are different A heating element EK
Lighting lamp EL
F Dischargers, fuses,
protective devices
Discrete element of protection by
instantaneous current
Discrete element of protection by
inertial current
Discrete element of protection by
Fuse FU
G Generators, power supplies Battery GB
H Indicator and signal elements Sound alarm device HA
Symbolic indicator HG
Light signaling device HL
K Relays, contactors, starters Relay index KH
Current relay KA
Relay electrothermal KK
Contactor, magnetic starter KM
Relay polarized KP
Time relay KT
Voltage relay KV
L Inductors, chokes choke fluorescent lighting LL
M Engines - -
P Instruments, measuring equipment Ammeter PA
Pulse counter PC
Frequency meter PF
Reactive Energy Meter PK
Active energy meter PI
Ohmmeter PR
Recording device PS
Time meter, clock PT
Voltmeter PV
Wattmeter PW
Q Switches and disconnectors in power circuits Automatic switch QF
Disconnector QS
R Resistors Thermistor RK
Potentiometer RP
Measuring shunt RS
Varistor EN
S Switching devices in control, signaling and measuring circuits

Note. The designation is used for devices that do not have contacts in power circuits

Breaker or switch SA
push button switch SB
Automatic switch SF
Switches triggered by various influences:
-from the level
- from pressure SP
-from position SQ
- from the frequency of rotation SR
- from temperature SK
T Transformers, autotransformers Current transformer TA
voltage transformer TV
Stabilizer TS
U Electrical to electrical converters frequency converter,
inverter, rectifier
V Electrovacuum and semiconductor devices diode, zener diode VD
Electrovacuum devices VL
Transistor VT
Thyristor VS
X Contact connections current collector XA
Pin XP
Nest XS
Collapsible connections XT
Y Mechanical devices with electromagnetic drive Electromagnet YA
Brake with electromagnetic
electromagnetic plate YH


1. Three methods are established for constructing conventional graphic symbols for electrical machines:

  1. simplified one-line;
  2. simplified multi-line (form I);
  3. deployed (form II).

2. In simplified single-line designations of electrical machines, the stator and rotor windings are depicted as circles. The conclusions of the stator and rotor windings are shown in one line indicating the number of conclusions on it in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.751-73.

3. In simplified multi-line designations, the stator and rotor windings are depicted similarly to simplified single-line designations, showing the leads of the stator and rotor windings (Fig. 1).

4. In expanded notation, the stator windings are depicted as chains of semicircles, and the rotor windings are depicted as a circle (and vice versa).

The mutual arrangement of the windings is depicted:

  1. a) in AC and universal machines - with (Fig. 2) or without (Fig. 3) phase shift;
  2. b) in DC machines - taking into account (Fig. 4) or without taking into account (Fig. 5) the direction of the magnetic field created by the winding.

5. In examples of conventional graphic symbols for AC machines and universal machines, symbols are given, as a rule, reflecting the phase shift in the winding, in examples of DC machines, as a rule, without taking into account the direction of the magnetic field.

6. The conclusions of the stator and rotor windings in the designations of machines of all types can be depicted from any side.

7. The designations of the elements of electrical machines are given in table. one.


In the Soviet Union, in 1955, GOST 7624-55 was adopted for a number of designations in radio engineering schemes, which was canceled in 1964. Considering that schemes with old designations are still preserved, below are the main symbols from GOST 7624-55. Symbols for wires, individual elements of machines and devices (GOST 7624-55)


The table shows some of the conventional graphic designations of electrical measuring instruments.

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