Full interface in 1s 8.3. Work on mobile devices

How to remove the Taxi interface and return to the previous view of 1C: Accounting 8.3 (version 3.0)


Unfortunately, starting with release, it is no longer possible to return to the old accounting interface. Now only taxis.

So, another update from 1C. Starting with release, 1C: Accounting 8.3 finally received the Taxi interface (read more). And although the ability to work with the old interface has been preserved - after the update, "Taxi" is turned on by default in some cases.

It will be some time before articles about working with the new interface appear. You will also have to wait until the programmers adapt their processing, which now in Taxi may not work quite correctly.

Therefore, the most correct step is to refuse to use "Taxi" at first and return to the previous interface. It's easy to do.

  1. Go to the "Administration" section.
  2. Now in the main window, find the "Interface" item.
  3. Select "As in previous versions of 1C: Accounting 8".
  4. It remains to click the "Restart" button.
  5. The program will ask permission to restart, select "Yes".
  6. Wait for the restart. Ready!

The same in pictures:

Sincerely, (teacher and developer).

This article will be useful to users of "1C: Enterprise 8.3", regardless of which configuration you are working in. It can be "1C: Enterprise Accounting 8" or "1C: Payroll and Human Resources Management 8", but there are a number of common issues that are often faced at the initial stage of work. Many users of previous versions are puzzled by the search for an indispensable "All functions" command (similar to the Operations menu ...) and try to take advantage of the managed interface. Therefore, we will consider important points that should not be overlooked when we start working in the program. new version 3.0.

First of all, we set up the display of the "All functions" command in the main menu, which is represented by such an icon in the upper left corner. To do this, in the parameters located in the "Service" section, check the corresponding box.

Now it will not be difficult to find any object, we will need a document, directory or register, just call the "Main Menu" and select "All functions".

As for the interface, we, as users, are given the opportunity to customize it "for ourselves." You should not miss this opportunity, so in the same main menu, let's turn to the "View" section.

In the menu we see several types of settings. To begin with, we determine the location of the panels, select the "Panel settings" item.

This is how the standard arrangement of panels looks like, we can return to it after our experiments at any time using the button of the same name. The panel editor allows you to select a panel with the left mouse button and drag it to the area we need, that is, to where we would like to see it. Suppose it would be more convenient to work with the partition panel located on top, and not on the side, then we transfer it to the upper area and click the "Apply" button to see how it has changed appearance programs. If successful, click "OK" to save.

In the lower part, inactive panels are presented on a gray background; in fact, we can access such types of information through the toolbar. For example, to the history of actions and the list with favorites using the "History" and "Favorites" tools, respectively.

But if necessary, you can fix such a panel in a place convenient for you, for example, in this way.

If we talk specifically about the sections panel, then it can also be configured by opening the corresponding setting.

We can create a list of sections ourselves that meets our needs. We also choose how this list will be presented with or without a picture; if with a picture, then where to place it relative to the text. For example, setting without a picture allows you to see all sections, in the case when the menu is located on top.

The home page is also individually configured, from the available forms, add the ones you need to the left or right column using the buttons.

After such simple manipulations, the interface is significantly transformed, and for the better, because you customize it specifically to your needs. A comfortable workplace plays an important role in the life of an accountant.

Every 1C:Enterprise administrator knows that the task of separating user rights and correspondingly changing the working interface is one of the main tasks when introducing an accounting system or when new users appear in it. The efficiency of work and data security depend on how well this task will be performed. Therefore, today we will talk about the features of setting up user rights and the interface in a managed application.

First of all, I would like to note the main aspects of this type of settings. Many approach this issue one-sidedly, considering them purely as a measure of protection against unauthorized access to data or their unqualified modification. At the same time, they forget about the other side of the coin: creating a simple and convenient working environment for the user. In those cases when the working user interface is overloaded with items that he does not need, the meaning of which, moreover, is not completely clear to him, a false idea arises about the excessive complexity of the program and there is a fear of making a mistake. It is clear that this does not contribute in any way to increasing the productivity of the employee.

Ideally, each employee should see only those interface elements that he needs to perform his immediate duties. Then it will be easier to work, and there will be no temptation to climb where it is not necessary. Moreover, it makes sense to perform such settings even when some subsystems are simply not used or access restriction to them is not required. This will make the interface simpler and more understandable, and, therefore, it will be easier and more comfortable for the user to work.

If we go back a little to the past, we can remember that in normal configurations Roles And Interfaces were part of the configuration and for their fine tuning it was required to enable the ability to make changes, and in the basic versions it was impossible at all.

The disadvantages of this approach are obvious: it complicates the maintenance of infobases, and possible conflicts during subsequent updates, when changed configuration objects require changes in access rights.

In a managed application, the permissions and interface settings have finally been moved to the user mode and are configured directly from the program interface. User rights are assigned based on their membership in access groups. Let's go to Administration - User and rights settings - Access groups - Access group profiles, where we will see the already pre-installed profiles for the main access groups.

A user can be included in several access groups at once, in which case the total rights will be summed up. In general, everything is quite clear and familiar, except that the settings are now performed in user mode, and not in the configurator.

But if we try to find the interface settings, then a fiasco will befall us. In a managed application, the interface working area generated automatically based on access rights. For example, let's compare the interfaces of the Section Panel of the Administrator and the Sales Manager:

In general - the idea is sound, there are access rights to the object - we show it in the interface, if not - we hide it. This is much better than the access violation messages that pop up in a regular application when the latter does not match the assigned interface. If you add rights to an access group or, conversely, remove them, then the interface elements associated with them will appear or disappear on their own. Conveniently? Yes.

Also, the user can independently configure his workspace within the limits of his access rights. At first glance, everything looks good, but not without a fly in the ointment. There is no mechanism to centrally configure and assign users a "default" interface in a managed application.

If we look into Administration - Users and rights settings - Personal user settings - User settings, we will see there a list of all objects whose settings have been changed by the user, but we will not be able to change them in any way.

Those. we are offered to go directly under the user and configure the working interface on his behalf. A controversial decision, especially if there are not two or three users. Fortunately, the developers have provided the ability to copy user settings, which allows us to customize the interface of one of the users in the way we need to quickly apply the settings to everyone else.

In order not to be unfounded, we will analyze a practical example. In preparation for the transition to online cash registers, it was decided to automate the cash desks of a small network of dental clinics. The basis of clinic automation was industry software not based on 1C and not providing for the possibility of connecting a fiscal registrar, so it was decided to use the Enterprise Accounting 3.0 configuration to automate cash desks, which contains all the necessary functions.

Here we are faced with two difficulties, although if you look closely, you will find that these are two sides of the same coin. In short: the staff had never worked with 1C before, and therefore it was required to create the most easy-to-learn working environment, while protecting the information base from possible unskilled impact of the staff. A managed application allows you to simply combine business with pleasure, making it so that the user is limited, and at the same time allowing him to work comfortably without noticing the restrictions.

Let's start. First of all, you need to create a user group profile. If we open the standard profiles, we will see that there is no possibility to change them. This, in our opinion, is correct, history knows a lot of examples when, in a fit of service zeal, standard rights were shoveled to such a state that they had to be restored from the reference configuration. It can also mislead other users or administrators of this database, who, under standard profiles, expect to see standard sets rights.

Therefore, we will find the most suitable profile for our tasks, in our case it is the Sales Manager, and make a copy of it, which we will give the name Cashier. Now we can customize the rights at our own discretion. However, the flat list offered by default is not very convenient to work with, unless you need to quickly find an option you already know, in most cases it is much more convenient to work with the list by enabling grouping by subsystems.

We will not like to dwell on this issue, since the assignment of rights depends on the specific tasks facing the user, we can only advise to be prudent and not go to extremes. Remember that your task is to create a convenient and safe working environment, and not a total ban on everything possible.

Having created a profile, we assign an access group to the necessary users and run the program under one of them. Depending on the assigned rights, you will see an automatically generated interface.

In principle, it’s already pretty good, but in our case, everything is just beginning. To our surprise, many users and administrators still have no idea how the Taxi interface is configured, continuing to complain about its "inconvenience".

Let's go to Main Menu - View, where we will see a number of settings related to the interface.

Let's start with section bar settings, in our case, the assortment was limited to a short list of services, so the warehouse section turned out to be superfluous, in order not to complicate and not to burden the interface, we will simply remove it.

Then, in each section, by clicking on the gear in the upper right corner, we will sequentially set up navigation and actions. Here we will also remove everything that is not necessary in everyday work, but on the contrary, we will bring to the fore what is necessary.

You can even compare how it was and how it became:

And finally, let's configure the panels. Since we have few sections, it makes sense to move the section panel up, and the open panel down, thereby expanding the workspace horizontally, which is important for monitors with a small diagonal or 4:3 format.

After completion, you should check all the settings again, it is best to do this by simulating the real actions of the cashier, which will immediately help you evaluate the convenience of working with the interface. In our case, we got a simple and convenient workplace for the cashier, in any case, there were no problems with its development by the staff:

Now we will enter the program again as an administrator and go to Administration - User and rights settings - User personal settings - Copy settings. Our task is to distribute the changes we have made to the remaining users of the Cashiers group. The operation itself is quite simple: select the user whose settings we copy, indicate to whom and select what exactly.

And finally, you can prevent the user from customizing the interface on their own, to do this, go back to the group profile and uncheck the box Saving user data.

As you can see, setting up the interface and user rights in a managed application is quite simple and, despite some shortcomings, provides administrators with much more flexibility and convenience, allowing you to quickly create convenient and secure work environments.

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On May 30, 2014 a new release was released programs 1C Accounting Enterprise 8 (version 3.0).

Among other changes, it introduced the ability to use a new interface called "Taxi". In this article I want to talk about what it is intended for. new interface how to switch to it and how to work with it.

Purpose and general description of the Taxi interface.

Due to the fact that it is now possible to work with 1C configurations via the Internet using a web browser, an increasing number of users use mobile devices for work. The screens from which the 1C program opens are much smaller than a conventional monitor. Often information is entered from touch screen that responds to touch.

And for mobile users, a friendly Taxi interface was created.

The features of this interface are more contrasting colors of controls, large fonts, large sizes, significant indents between elements, color highlighting of activated controls.

In addition, the interface developers tried to facilitate the daily work of users: it is easier navigation through the program, simpler than in , setting up the user's desktop, working with the history of changes in the program, similar to a web browser.

A nice bonus was that the performance of the interface elements of the new platform 8.3.3 has increased

How to enable the Taxi interface.

In order to switch to the "Taxi" interface, you need to go to the "Administration" section, select in the action bar“Program settings” item, and in the opened form of program settings on the “Interface” tab, set the switch to “Taxi interface (recommended)”.

After clicking on the "Save and close" button, the program will ask you to restart:

After restarting, the program will open in a new interface, which looks like this:

The program opens from the initial page, on which the tasks of the accountant are formed.

The main page should contain a list of the most frequently used forms in the user's work.

The list of forms available from the main page can be configured in user mode. To do this, in the main menu, select the item "View" -\u003e "Setting the initial page":

There were navigation elements by analogy with web browsers, ie. it is easy to navigate between open pages. Bookmarks, as in the managed interface, are no more.

As you can see, the partition panel with a list of the main configuration subsystems in the new interface is located vertically. Let's move from the initial page (analogous to the user's desktop in the managed interface) to one of the sections.

Navigation bar and action bar elements are now automatically laid out in three columns as they are added to the interface. Setting up the navigation bar and action bar is carried out in the same way as it was in, but access to the settings has been made easier - the settings forms are opened by clicking on the links "Navigation settings" and "Action settings" located in the upper right corner.

Settings forms remain the same:

The forms of directories and documents have also changed. Links to subordinate directories or registers are now located not in the navigation panel of the directory, but in the form of buttons:

The new interface is still unusual, but it is not difficult to learn it. In addition, 1C plans to transfer all standard configurations to this interface in the future and develop it further.

The next topic, which I am going to devote several series of articles to, is working with the 1C:Enterprise 8 program, since fundamentally new configurations have appeared recently and users often contact me with questions related to working with these products.

The complaints that one has to hear sound something like this: “I don’t feel comfortable when the menu is on the left”, “I don’t see what windows are open in my program”, “I can’t find ...” and so on.

But developers can't please everyone equally. What some users like, others perceive with hostility. But developers can give users the opportunity to customize the interface for themselves. And in the case of Taxi, users got a choice that they had never had before.

The first thing I always do when starting to work with a new configuration is to activate the display of the All Functions command. For beginners, this option is especially useful because it allows you to quickly find any configuration object. Document, journal, register, processing - whatever. For "1C: Payroll and HR 3.0" (ZUP 3.0), this is all the more relevant, since this configuration is still being actively developed, and therefore it also happens that some functions are moved to another section after the next update. The "All functions" command allows you to access the desired object directly.

In order to make this command active, you need to go to the settings, and in the "Service" subsection, select the "Options" item.

In the window that opens, check the box "Display the command" All functions "and accept the changes.

The activated command will appear at the very bottom of the settings.

My second mandatory step is to activate the control panel open windows, which can be disabled by default. To do this, go to "View" > "Customize Panels".

A panel editor will open in front of us, in which we can customize the appearance to our needs.

To change the interface, just grab the desired element with the mouse and drag it to where you would like it to be. I take the Open Panel, which is currently not active at all, and drag it to the bottom of the interface. Now I can always see which windows I have open, as well as quickly switch between them.

For me, this is quite enough. I'm used to working that way. But you may be more familiar if the section bar is at the top in the Taxi 1C 8.3 interface. Let's move it there and see what happens.

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