Symbian 7. OS Symbian. Operating system for cell phones, smartphones and communicators. moar and nokia s90 platforms

OS Symbian is a mobile operating system and computing platform designed for smartphones. It was originally developed as a closed source OS for PDAs in 1998 by Symbian Ltd. This platform was originally a follow-on distribution of EPOC Psion and ran exclusively on ARM processors (although there was also an x86 variant).

Symbian has been used by many big brands mobile phones- Samsung, Motorola, SonyEricsson and, above all, Nokia. As a pioneer who created the smartphone industry, it was the most popular operating system for smartphones until around the end of 2010, that is, during the period of time when they were in limited use. Then its development overtook the Android OS, as developments from Google quickly reached the mass consumer.

Operating system development

OS Symbian has been a system shell since 2001 and required an additional user interface (as middleware) to form a complete operating system. Then it became independent thanks to the S60 (formerly Series 60) platform, created by Nokia and first released in 2002. Because it was built into most Nokia smartphones, Symbian OS eventually became the most widely used smart mobile operating system.

UIQ was another "Symbian" user interface, mainly used by Motorola and SonyEricsson, while Japan also had the MOAP platform. The applications of these interfaces were not compatible with each other, despite the fact that each of them was built on Symbian OS. Nokia was the majority shareholder of Symbian and acquired its entire stake in 2008. After that, the non-profit Symbian Foundation was created with the goal of developing royalty-free heir software based on the S60. As a result of this work, Symbian ^1 (or S60 5th Edition) was released in 2009. The subsequent ^2 distribution was only used for the NTT DoCoMo carrier in the Japanese market. Symbian ^3 was released in 2010, by which time it has become a fully open source platform. This version received significant updates in 2011.

The Symbian Foundation broke up at the end of 2010, and Nokia took back control of the development of the OS. In February 2011, Nokia, as the only remaining company that still supports Symbian outside of Japan, announced that it would use Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 as its main smartphone platform. Two months later, the OS was moved to closed licensing. Despite the fact that platform support was promised until 2016, all development since 2012 has developed poorly. In January 2014, Nokia stopped accepting new or modified software Symbian.

Nokia 808 PureView has officially become the last Symbian smartphone from this manufacturer. However, NTT DoCoMo continued to release OPP (Operator Pack Symbian, successor to MOAP) devices in Japan that still act as middleware on top of Symbian. Other Symbian OS phones that are widely used today are Fujitsu's F-07F and Sharp's SH-07F released in 2014.

User interface

Since its inception, Symbian has had its own graphical toolkit known as AVKON (formerly Series 60). The S60 was designed to be controlled with a keyboard like interface tool (mini-QWERTY). AVKON-based software is compatible with Symbian binary versions, including version ^3.

Symbian^3 includes the Qt framework, which is currently the recommended toolkit for new applications. Qt can also be installed on older devices with this OS.

The fourth distribution planned to introduce a new graphics library specifically designed for the touch interface, known as "UI Extensions for Mobile" or UIEMO, which was developed on top of QtWidget. A trial version was released in January 2010, but in October of the same year, Nokia announced that Orbit/UIEMO would not go to market.

How is it now?

Nokia currently encourages developers to use QtQuick with QML, a new high-level declarative user interface and scripting environment that allows both Symbian and MeeGo OS development. It is available for existing third generation devices as a Qt update. As the new user interface gradually appears in other applications, the legacy S60 framework (AVKON) is pushed out and no longer included in new devices, breaking binary compatibility with older Symbian OS S60 applications.


Symbian ^3 and earlier versions have a built-in browser based on WebKit. Symbian became the first mobile platform to use this application (in June 2005). Some older (Symbian OS) phones use Opera Mobile as the default browser.

Subsequently, Nokia released a new Symbian Anna browser with improved speed and improved user interface.

Multi-language support

Symbian has strong localization support, allowing manufacturers and third-party application developers to use their products based on this OS to support global distribution. The current version of Symbian (Belle) supports 48 languages, which Nokia makes available on devices in language packs. All of them have a general English or locally corresponding dialect.

System Specifications

Operating system Symbian OS supports preemptive multitasking and memory protection like other operating systems (especially those designed for desktop use). EPOC's approach to multitasking was taken from VMS and is based on asynchronous server events.

OS Symbian was created with three system design principles in mind:

  • The integrity and security of user data is paramount.
  • The user's time should not be wasted.
  • All resources are limited.

To better follow these principles, Symbian uses a microkernel, has a callback approach to services, and maintains a separation between the user interface and the engine. The OS is optimized for low battery powered devices and for ROM-based systems (such as features such as XIP and re-inclusion in shared libraries). Applications and the OS itself follow an object-oriented design: Model-view-controller (MVC).

Later iterations of the OS have diluted this approach in response to market demands, especially with the introduction of the real-time kernel and platform security model in Symbian OS versions 9.3 and higher.

resource intensity

Special attention is paid to resource conservation, as exemplified by special programming idioms such as descriptors and stack cleanup. Similar methods exist to conserve storage space. In addition, all Symbian programming is event based, and CPU(CPU) switches to low power mode when applications are not directly related to the event. This is done using a programming idiom called active objects. Similarly, the Symbian OS (9.4) approach to threads and processes is driven by lower overhead.

Platform structure

The AllOver model contains the following layers from top to bottom:

  • UI frame layer.
  • Application Services Layer.
  • Java ME.
  • OS service layer.
  • General OS services.
  • Communication services.
  • Multimedia and graphic services.
  • Communication services.
  • Basic service level.
  • The service and hardware interface layer of the kernel.

What does this mean?

The basic service layer is the lowest level available for user operations. It includes a file server and user library, a Plug-In platform that manages all plug-ins, storage, central repository, DBMS, and cryptographic services. It also contains a text box server and a text shell: two basic services from which you can create a fully functional port without the need for any higher level services.

Symbian OS has a microkernel architecture, which means that the minimum required is inside the kernel to maximize reliability, availability, and responsiveness. It contains the scheduler, memory management, and device drivers, but other services, such as networking, telephony, and file system support, are hosted at the OS Services or Core Services layer. Enabling device drivers means that the kernel is not a true microkernel. The EKA2 real-time kernel, which has been called the nanokernel, contains only the most primitive positions and requires an extended module to implement any other abstractions.


Symbian is designed to emphasize compatibility with other devices, especially removable media file systems. The early development of EPOC led to FAT becoming an internal file system(and remains to this day), but an object-oriented persistence model was placed on top of the underlying FAT to provide a POSIX-style interface and threading model. The internal data formats are based on using the same APIs that create data to run all file manipulations. This led to data dependencies and related difficulties with data changes and migration.

There is a large networking and communications subsystem that has three main servers: ETEL (EPOC telephony), ESOCK (EPOC sockets), and C32 (responsible for serial communications). Each one has a plug-in diagram. For example, ESOCK allows different ".PRT" protocol modules to implement different network protocols. The subsystem also contains code that supports short links such as Bluetooth, IrDA, and USB.

Interfaces and their support

There is also a large amount of user interface (UI) code. The Symbian OS contained only base classes and a substructure, while most of the real user interfaces supported by third parties. This is no longer the case. Three main interfaces - S60, UIQ and MOAP - were introduced to Symbian in 2009. Symbian also contains graphics, text layout, and font rendering libraries.

All native Symbian OS C++ programs are built from three base classes defined by the application architecture: application, document, and application user interface. These classes create the fundamental behavior of the application. The remaining required functions, application view, model and data interface are created independently and interact exclusively through their API with other classes.

The need for plugins

Many other components do not yet fit into this model - for example SyncML, Java ME providing a different set of APIs on top of most operating systems and media. Many of them are frameworks and developers are expected to provide plug-ins for them from third parties (eg HelixPlayer for multimedia codecs). This has the advantage that the APIs for these areas of functionality are the same across many phone models, and gives developers more flexibility. But it also means that phone manufacturers have to do a lot of integration work to create a functional gadget with Symbian OS.

Symbian includes a help user interface called TechView. It provides the basis for initial setup and is the environment in which many Symbian tests and sample code are run.

Symbian variants and platforms

Symbian, moving up to OS version 7.0, split into several graphical user interfaces, each of which is supported by a specific company or group of them. Unlike different versions of the Android OS, Symbian GUIs are referred to as "platforms" due to more significant modifications and integrations. Things got more complicated when applications (including games for Symbian OS) developed for different GUI platforms became incompatible with each other, which led to OS fragmentation.

And phones are rightfully considered Symbian. Until 2008, the consortium of the same name was engaged in its development. With the sale of the full block of shares, consumer demand for operating systems also expanded. The reason for this was the expansion of production and contracts with the leading brands of the planet.

From origins to perfection

In the mid-1990s, mobile systems left a lot to be desired. Multimedia capabilities were reduced to a minimum, the engine was monolithic, applications were limited to single banal instances (calendar, calculator, etc.). Everything changed radically in 1997, when a number of companies signed a pact on cooperation in the development of a universal OS. This is how the Symbian consortium was founded. It was led by the heads of brands Nokia, Ericsson, Psion and Motorola.

Toward the end of the 1990s, the first OS Symbian 5 was born. Its platform was supported by Psion computers, as well as Ericsson MC218 and netPad devices. Soon, the developers supplemented the line with the EPOC5u system for integrating Unicode. The turning point for the consortium came with the release of OS version 6.0. Based on it, the first branded Symbian smartphone, the Nokia 9210, was released.

In subsequent years, mobile systems began to develop at an extraordinary speed. In 2003, the developers pleased the users of Symbian OS 7 and its extended version. This system could support most popular platforms: UIQ, Series 60 and 80, FOMA and others. By mid-2004, Psion and Motorola unexpectedly withdrew from the consortium. However, this did not affect further production. At the end of the year, Symbian 8 appeared, which could support 2-core devices.

The next version of the OS - 9.0 - significantly expanded the brand's influence on the global market. The latest technologies were used in the development, which no other company had. This made it possible to move away from the integration of the EKA1 core. OS 9.2 introduced the ability to work with OMA Management and Bluetooth 2. Version 9.2 supported the HSDPA interface and Vietnamese characters.

The new Symbian OS 9.4 was released in the spring of 2007. Its main distinguishing feature was the support for touch control. It was also more optimized, so it was suitable for weak phones, saving battery power up to 30%. It is worth noting the accelerated interface with support for DVB-H and VoIP.

The mobile revolution and the end of an era

In December 2008, the rights to the Symbian software were transferred to Nokia. A month later, all applications and operating systems of mobile phones began to come out with the Nokia prefix. First of all, the new owners of the consortium transferred the OS from the familiar S60 platform to the x86 processor. The Intel Atom system was used for testing.

The new operating systems were of high quality and fast, but many users did not like that they remained paid. In November 2009, Samsung terminated its contract with Symbian. This hit hard on the credibility of the consortium. This is often why in February 2010 it was decided to make the Symbian line completely free and open. In the autumn of the same year, he left the association and Sony Ericsson, moving on to the main competitor - "Android".

Gradually, sales of devices based on the OS of a well-known consortium began to be reduced to a minimum. In 2011, the official website of the brand was completed. Rumors began to circulate about the termination of the release of new OS. At the end of 2011, a new Nokia Belle axis was announced, which became the prototype for the updated Symbian. Over the next two years, OS users were content with only occasional updates. In 2013, the project was transferred to support mode. Further developments are not planned in the near future.


OS Symbian is considered to be the successor to the notorious EPO32 line, which was developed by Psion engineers in the mid-1990s for handheld computers. In 1999, most of the system was upgraded. The developers pursued the goal of optimizing the code so that the OS would function normally even on the weakest devices.

The programmers managed to achieve outstanding results thanks to improved caching. This allowed not only to save a significant part of the memory and battery power, but also to speed up applications. It's all about the new approach to programming. The object-oriented method was used in the development of the architecture. Versions 9.x introduced a robust API-level protection mechanism. In addition, Symbian staff managed to demarcate RAM according to application priorities.

It is worth noting that for a long time the main programming language was C ++, which supported Java and the PIPS libraries. As for Nokia Symbian OS, it combines all the best qualities and characteristics of the main competitors of Windows Mobile and Google Android.

Major modifications

At the moment, there are several operating systems for phones based on Symbian developments. First of all it concerns UIQ. This OS is an integral part of Motorola and Sony Ericsson smartphones. Support is considered the main difference of this system from others. All rights to the OS belong to Sony.

The Series 60 system was once the foundation for all Nokia telephone devices. For a long time it was licensed by such companies as Siemens, Samsung, LG, etc. It was originally developed for phones with a keyboard. A new version Series 80 has become the hallmark of the Japanese company. The platform was also created for keyboard phones.

OS MOAP has gained high popularity in Asia. At the moment, products of such famous brands as Fujitsu, Sharp, Mitsubishi and Sony Ericsson are produced on this platform.

Non-standard OS modifications are used by Nokia 77xx series smartphones.

Comparison of leading OS

OS Symbian has been widely used in budget devices. The system has become a hallmark of the Nokia brand. Updates Belle and Anna breathed new life into the line of the Japanese company. Nevertheless, today new smartphones on this OS are no longer released. According to the characteristics, the system is designed conveniently. If not for the popularity of "Android" and IOS, Symbian products would still be in trend. Nokia smartphones have a colorful multimedia center and a fast engine. Almost all modern applications and interfaces are supported.

Android phones today are leading the way in terms of popularity all over the world. And this despite the fact that the OS is quite young. The first version was released to wide production only 6 years ago. Owns the rights to the software product The system attracts with its brilliance and efficiency. Latest Versions OS contain many new useful features and services. On the basis of "Android" smartphones of such brands as HTC, Samsung, Motorola, etc.

Apple iOS is the second most popular operating system among mobile platforms. The interface is convenient, clear, functional. Unlike all other manufacturers, Apple focuses not on but on the activity. That is why all updates concern the functionality, and not new multimedia chips.

Windows systems for mobile platforms are not as in demand as for computers. It's all about the inconvenient interface. It is difficult for inexperienced users to understand the existing functionality. Often the most important options are hidden far away in the menu. And if Windows 7 still had a colorful user-friendly interface and optimized requirements, then Eight turned out to be just a failure. The only thing that saved the new OS was proper marketing.

MOAP and Nokia S90 platforms

These operating systems came out autonomously from Symbian software products. The MOAP platform was created for devices commissioned by the Japanese telecom operator DoCoMo. On its basis, users for the first time got the opportunity to use the 3G service. To date, Panasonic, Fujitsu, Mitsubishi, etc. operate on the basis of MOAP.

The Series 90 platform from Nokia developers was subsequently integrated into the Symbian version 7 OS. The prototype of the system was the S80 OS from Psion. As for the Nokia S90, thanks to it, it became possible to support screens with an extension of up to 640 pixels. It was a big leap forward. The interface of the S90 is similar in functionality to the Internet Tablet. In 2005, it was decided to introduce the developments of the platform in Symbian S60 for branded Nokia smartphones. This step allowed the company to shoot in the global market for touch phones.

Symbian S60 platform

This software product for a long time remained inaccessible to competitors. As a result, brands such as LG, Lenovo, Samsung, Panasonic and others licensed the platform for their own needs. The OS was developed in cooperation with Electrobit, Mobika, and others. The product was additionally supplied by Orange and Vodafone.

Symbian OS S60 is standard software for smartphones that supports Python, Java and C++. The functionality includes updated libraries for telephony and multimedia, PIM tools. The maximum resolution supported by the platform is 360 by 640 pixels.

The main drawback of the system is a strict certification mechanism, which significantly limits the capabilities of users.

Symbian S80 platform

This product has become a true flagship of Nokia phones. OS Symbian 9.x was developed on its basis. The platform has been put into production since 2000. Specializes in communication communicators. Can support non-standard display formats such as 640 by 200 dots. The qwerty keyboard is built into the functionality.

For some time the platform remained without updates. After 2005, it entered the development of a new universal OS, which was used in the Nokia E90. It is worth noting that the platform interacts with J2ME applications and TLS and SSL interfaces. The system has a full-fledged Opera browser and file manager with integrated electronic fax. Recent updates have made it possible to access Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.

Platform UIQ

It is the most powerful and costly Symbian technology ever developed. The platform is a quartz focused on improving the graphics component. UIQ provides the kernel of the operating system with additional components. Due to this, telephone devices become multifunctional and open to any possibilities.

The platform interacts with third party applications and focused on touch control. The software part is written in C++. There is support for Java applications. UIQ technology made it possible to achieve a display depth of 4096 colors. Newer versions of the platform have extended this to 18 bits. The updated UIQ 3.2 interacts with services such as MMS Postcard and OMA IMPS.

Software platform supports visual studio, Eclipse, Java API, Carbide. Improved Wi-Fi integration technology. Built-in widgets, browser, multimedia applications, etc. are available.

Symbian devices

Most mobile phone models that operate on the basis of OS Symbian are smartphones and other Nokia devices. There are more than three dozen such devices. These are 5230, 5800 Xpress, C7-00, and simpler models such as Nokia E72, N93 and others.

Also, at one time, Symbian OS was in demand in Sony Ericsson devices. These are such models as P900, M600, Vivaz, W960, etc. Other brands include Motorola A1000 and Samsung i8910.

If Symbian did not have such eminent competitors as Android and IOS, the number of devices supporting its OS would be much larger.

Games and applications for Symbian

All major multimedia programs are built into the system. This is a video player, and a music service, and applications for working with images. In Symbian OS, programs occupy a small part of the phone. This was done on purpose to unload internal memory. The standard functionality includes the Opera 9.5 browser and a utility that monitors system updates.

Of the games, we can distinguish the well-known Angry Birds, OpenTTD and Cut the Rope, as well as Adventures of Tintin and Fruit Ninja.


Genre: Symbian 7.8
Publication type: pirate
Interface language: English + Russian
Medicine: Present
Platform: Symbian 7.8
System requirements: SmartphoneSymbian 7,8
Description: Archive of programs for smartphones Symbian 7-8.1 (374 programs)
Add. Information: I did not check all the programs, some may not work. There are descriptions, but not for everyone. I can’t believe it myself, because I switched to Symbian 9.1

but I

The most necessary programs for smartphones, Symbian 6,7,8,8.1 / ooh (ooh)

Year of release 2005-2008 Genre of software for smartphones Developer NOKIA publisher SymBoSS,illusion,dotsis ,Psiloc ,retail-binpda ,Kaspersky Mobile,SymbianWare,iNTERNAL-PWNPDA Developer site Interface language Rus/Eng Platform S60 2rd Edition (OS 6.1,7.0,8.0,8.1) System requirements cpu 120-250 Mhz,s60.os.symbian 6,
Add. Information: AutoLock_v0.5b RescoViewer.v4.01-XiMpDA.sis VIEW PHOTO VIEW PHOTO Zensis Ltd. RiteViewer SP v1.10.SIS S60 ZIP archiver HandyBook.sis HandyDates.sis HandyRemin ...


Release year: 2007
Genre: Developer themes: Me and company
Publisher: Collection
Publication type: license

Medication: Not required
Platform: Symbian 9.x
System requirements: Symbian 9.x
Description: Well, very cool programs for Symbian 9.x, you won't regret downloading it. Flashlight Compass Video Themes Biorhythms Alarm clocks Stopwatches Program how to tie a tie Walkie talkie Font change Clothing conversion Periodic system of Mendeleev Etc. etc.
Add. Information: Instructions inside in text files Screenshots Themes And much more ..............................................


Programs for smartphones running Symbian 7-8!
Release year: 2007
Publication type: pirate
Interface language: only Russian
System requirements: Nokia smartphones 6670,7610,6680,6681,6630,3230,6260.
Description: The archive contains programs, themes, Web pages from which they were downloaded with their screenshots and descriptions. There are no viruses. Use it to your health!!!


DOOM Fireball FrozenBubble 0.93 Joes Treasure Quest3D Journey II Lock"n"Load 0.90 MeltDown MGS MGS-TreasureMine MGS-MadMacs KRally Mini Bowling MicroPool MoonShot Rocketeer SkyForce SuperMiners Texas Hold"em Poker Soft: NetFront 3.1 Slick SmartMovie ...and many more goodies show Screenshots Works on: Nokia 7610, Nokia N72, Nokia N-Gage QD


Platform: symbian
System requirements: For Nokia S60 Nokia 6600 smartphones, check the rest yourself!
Description: All three episodes of Duke Nukem 3D along with the emulator - Install the attached sis file on the memory card - Copy the DUKE3D folder to the root of the memory card (without changing the name) - Place the sdl.ini file in C: dataUKE3D At startup, as the menu appears, press the combination 0 and 1 (OTHERWISE THE KEYS WILL NOT WORK) 0 and 2 - changes the screen size (for owners of smart phones with a resolution higher than 176x208) 0 and 3 - flips the screen
Controls: 5 - fire 7 - open 8 - map 3 - change weapons 1/2 - or...


Release year: 2008
Developer: Gameloft, hands on mobile, etc
Publisher: PaSswordik
Publication type: pirate
Interface language: English + Russian
Medication: Not required
Platform: Symbian 8.1
System requirements: All phones on the platform 8 axis plus with a screen resolution of 176x208
Description: The best games are collected in one set.
Add. Information: Gathered the best. Took a long time. Games from 2007-2008. If you need asset keys for some games, write in the topic, I'll post it and throw it in a personal or explain how to grunt =)) Enjoy! And each game (Except Sis games) has the extension e...


Year: 2007
Genre: Programs
Platform: All programs for symbian 9.1
Description: Contents of the archive: |1| ALON.MP3Player.v2.0.S60.SymbianOS7.Cracked-BWOPDA - in my opinion the most convenient player for music lovers |2| appman_104_ru - process manager, compresses RAM and cleans up tails after uninstalling programs |3| etahoma_slims_litegdr - font. with this font smart starts to understand Russian tags |4| FGet_07_rusis - download manager for smart, resumes when it breaks from the same place |5| FileMan_1.04_ru - file manager shows all drives and folders |6 ...

Watching videos from Vkontakte on Nokia C7

The OVI Store application store has not received any noticeable improvements either. The main complaint against him remains the same: it is impossible to buy and download applications on a computer and then download them to the phone. The idea was taken from the Apple Store and the idea is very good, only Apple has iTunes and all purchases can be made there. And here it turns out that in the absence of unlimited Wi-Fi nearby, it is almost impossible to buy applications in the OVI Store - you will not download 80-megabyte games via GPRS / EDGE.

The most frustrating thing is that Symbian has taken on a life of its own. Previously, users complained about constant requests when connecting to the network, and the company, instead of explaining how to enable automatic connection for specific access points in the settings (didn’t you know that it was possible?), removed this setting altogether, making it general for all points (packet data and Wi-Fi - separately). Yes, plus automatic Internet connection is now enabled by default. Updates to the home screen are also initially included. In a word, behind all programs, behind every network widget on desktops, you need an eye and an eye - you should not ignore the stage of setting the frequency of data updates, otherwise the next bill from the operator may surprise you. However, now more and more people are finding a solution to this problem in connecting unlimited mobile Internet services.


I will upset those who like to share the joy of tasting Timati's work with others: the speaker here, although loud, is one (if it seems to you that there are two of them, then you should know that one of them is not a speaker at all, but a decorative element of the case). For those who do not impose their musical tastes on the rest of the tram passengers, this will hardly seem like a disadvantage, especially since there is a standard headphone output (3.5 mm), and hardly anyone doubted the musical capabilities of the novelty from Nokia. Something else is much more interesting: video.

And here, not everything is smooth. Support for video in MKV format is declared out of the box, but in fact I could not find a single MKV file from my collection in which both video and sound would work at the same time. That is, the video works and does not slow down, but the sound does not. Perhaps this is due to the fact that I usually store all sorts of series in MKV, and with several audio tracks, not all of which are encoded in MPEG-1 Layer 3. However, a full-length film in HD resolution (1280x720 and more) you still you cannot write a memory card with the FAT32 file system: the 4 GB limit per file will interfere.

WMV videos don't play much better either. There were no problems with standard definition video, but in HD I had to monitor the bitrate (especially for the test, I made two videos in Windows Live Movie Maker): a video with a bitrate of 8000 kbps and a frame rate of 24 was played without problems, and a video with a bitrate 12000 kbit / s and a frame rate of 30 the player did not want to fully reproduce - only sound was output.


Let's move on to the camera. The Nokia C7 decided to abandon the use of autofocus by introducing EDoF (Extended Depth of Field) technology. Thanks to her, not only objects in the foreground are in focus, but also the background - from 50 cm to infinity. Potentially, this can provide a noticeable improvement in image quality compared to average autofocus phone cameras, but in reality, the images obtained with the C7 were frankly disappointing. But it seems that in addition to the EDoF itself, with its tricky lenses and matrices, the usual software sharpening is also used at the processing stage. All these white halos at the junction of contrasting areas are proof of this. And in the evening lighting, it’s better not to get the camera already.

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