PC turns off. The computer turns on and turns off immediately: the main causes of the problem. Heavy load on a weak computer

Often, diagnosing computer malfunctions consists of searching for answers to one seemingly simple question - why does the computer turn off by itself? This problem is quite widespread among modern PCs.

In our article, we will look at the most typical cases of spontaneous PC shutdown and try to describe the method for solving each individual problem.

The computer turns off automatically during the game

Often, users immediately begin to look for the source of the problem in the video card, but note that a faulty video card should be considered as a probable cause of shutdown only after checking 2 other computer components. Usually, when the video card is to blame, the symptoms look different, and the computer does not turn off itself, but simply freezes , or artifacts appear on his monitor.

Power supply malfunctions

If the PC turns off right during the game, then most likely the power supply is the culprit of this problem, and the shutdown can occur for 2 reasons.

The first is an increase in the load on the video card during the game. A power supply that is either not designed for such a high load, or is simply not of high quality, cannot withstand it and after a while fails. Accordingly, the system unit is overloaded.

Processor problems

The second reason a PC turns off during a game is the processor, namely its critical temperature. That is, during the game, the requirements for processor power increase, its operating temperature also increases, and if cooling on the processor socket does not occur properly, then protection is activated and the computer automatically turns off.

The symptoms described above apply not only to computer games. Any running “heavy” application or voluminous video causes a strong increase in the load on both the processor and the power supply.

The computer turns on and immediately turns off

This is where things can get a little more complicated. Along with the reasons described above, malfunctions of other computer components may also manifest themselves. So, if your computer immediately turns off when you turn it on, the first thing you should pay attention to is the RAM or motherboard. Here it is recommended to carry out diagnostics from simple to complex, and it’s worth starting with random access memory.

Problems with RAM

Factors associated with malfunctions in RAM can be different. The system may freeze, games and applications may slow down, and the computer itself may suddenly reboot on its own. As you can see, not everything is so obvious.
However, the RAM should be checked first, if only because this is the least labor-intensive procedure that requires less time than checking motherboard. Below in the article we will describe in more detail how to check RAM.

Problems with the motherboard

If, during the process of checking the RAM, no faults were found, then the next thing you should pay attention to is the motherboard. For an unprepared person, checking the motherboard will not be an easy task, but here we will still try to describe several of the most characteristic symptoms indicating a breakdown in the motherboard.

Often, a motherboard may be faulty only because its service life is coming to an end. This phenomenon is inevitable, and it will not be economically feasible for you to repair it. If your computer is not very outdated, then you can try to find a replacement for the motherboard that has expired. If the PC is so outdated that launching any more or less modern application or video inevitably leads to freezing, then most likely you have no choice, and you should think about purchasing more modern computer. Thus, the failure of the motherboard forces the owners of outdated PCs to shell out the most money.

The second reason for board failure is the presence of cracks in the solder. Such a defect may resolve itself for a while, but this happens quite rarely, and soon the problem arises again. And then you still have to purchase a new motherboard.

The third reason for a motherboard malfunction may lie in its capacitors, which can also fail. This situation can be corrected; you just need to replace the capacitors with new ones. How to determine which capacitor is working and which is not, we will consider in this article a little later.

Finally, another reason for a motherboard malfunction could be a chipset that overheats. In this situation, the computer will turn off at boot time. operating system. You can check the chipset for overheating with a multimeter; someone manages to check with their finger or tongue, but it’s definitely not worth the risk - you can get burned.

PC turns off for other reasons

In addition to the reasons described above, there are many other problems that can lead to spontaneous shutdown of the PC. And if you do not have sufficient experience and skills in testing computer equipment, then it is better not to risk it and call a specialist, or use the help of friends who are more competent in such matters.
Here we present a number of probable reasons that can lead to the computer turning off on its own:

  • dust accumulated in the system unit;
  • faulty extension cord, uninterruptible power supply or wiring;
  • voltage surges or low voltage in the electrical network.

All these factors should also not be ignored - especially since checking them will not take much of your time. It is worth noting that in addition to these reasons, there may be software reasons. For example, if your PC turns off periodically, then it is likely that it is infected with viruses and requires a full scan using anti-virus programs.

Methods for checking a computer that turns off spontaneously for malfunctions

So, now having a certain list of “suspicions,” let’s take a more detailed look at checking each of the probable reasons for the spontaneous shutdown of the PC. Of course, you can check what exactly failed by simply replacing the component that is most suspected. But first, we still recommend cleaning the computer system unit from dust, of which a lot can accumulate there.

In order to exclude the processor from the list of suspicions, you will need to replace the thermal paste and test it using testing programs. For example, it is better to check the processor temperature through the BIOS system.

RAM can be checked for faults in the MemTest86 program. If critical errors are detected as a result of the check, then most likely there is a malfunction.

The easiest way to diagnose a power supply is with a multimeter, but this procedure should only be carried out by a trained person. Never climb into live equipment without proper training!

It is usually not difficult to check the motherboard - all faulty capacitors look slightly swollen. If the problem is microcracks, then it will not be as easy to detect it. Then you can either try to thoroughly vacuum the board, or throw it away with a clear conscience and buy a new one.

Thus, by checking or replacing each “suspicious” component one by one, we will most likely come to a solution to the problem of spontaneous shutdown of the computer. This method, on the one hand, is highly effective, but on the other hand, it is not accessible to everyone due to the lack of appropriate skills. However, we hope that the tips given here will be useful and help solve your problem.

Good afternoon friends. Why does my computer turn off on its own in Windows 7 10 and how to fix it? I already wrote a similar article, only it was about. These topics are very similar, but there are differences. So, let's think about why it turns itself off, and how this can be prevented. Although, to be honest, there can be a lot of reasons.

Why does my computer turn off after a certain time?

So, let's start to figure it out. First, through “Start” we enter “Settings”. Select "Personalization".

In the new window, select “Lock screen” in the left column, then “Screen saver options”.

Why did we do all this? To check whether the checkbox for the “Start at login screen” command is cleared or not.

So, go back to “settings”, select “System”, then “Power and sleep mode”. In this window, we must check that the settings are set to “Never” (if you have no problems with turning off, I advise you to set “Screen” to 30 minutes, “Sleep” to 2 hours.).

So, click on “Advanced power options”.

Then click “Create a power plan”.

Let's say you followed the steps described earlier. But these actions didn’t really help you. The computer also turns off without your consent. In this case, there is a possibility that an uninvited guest has appeared on your computer. I mean the virus. In this case, you simply need to perform a full PC scan.

If you do not have an antivirus installed, I advise you to download free antivirus Dr.Web CureIt. This antivirus one day. This means that on the day you suspect something is wrong with your computer, on the same day you should download Dr.Web CureIt, since it is not updated. Therefore, you need the latest version.

It is also advisable to look at which programs run with the computer. This is quite easy to do. Press three keys Ctrl + Alt + Del at once. Select "Task Manager". In the manager, select “Startup” and consider programs that are not needed during startup. Then we turn them off.

What causes a computer to shut down on its own?

Why does the computer turn on by itself? Solution to the problem

  1. If you have unstable power supply voltage, purchase an uninterruptible power supply unit;
  2. Drivers. Remember which drivers you recently installed, or which new device you connected? Disconnect the device and remove installed driver. If the computer stops turning off, a solution has been found. If not, all that remains is to google it, or take the PC to a specialist, since there can be many solutions to this issue. In addition, do not forget to create system restore points to roll back at the right time;
  3. A weak power supply or not can be understood by the behavior of the computer. For example, by freezing. Or simply review the instructions for devices connected to your computer. How many watts of power do they require? Do the math and buy a power supply that is 10% more capacious than what your devices require. In any case, a stronger power supply will not hurt;
  4. If the cable is poorly inserted into the power supply, you need to insert it harder. This applies to all computer nodes. If the part is screwed to the computer case, check all the bolts and tighten them tighter.
  5. I wrote about how in one of my articles. Therefore, follow the link and find out.
  6. If your processor begins to overheat quickly, it is quite possible that its thermal paste has dried out. The processor temperature can be found using . If it is higher than normal, it is better to take the system unit to a specialist. I don’t advise you to change the thermal paste yourself, unless, of course, you have similar experience.
  7. Regarding capacitors, I advise you to just smell them system board, i.e., check it for a burning smell. And in general, swollen capacitors will be visible. In this case, you also need to take the PC to a service center.
  8. The north bridge can burn out due to dust, power surges, etc. What can I say? Clean the system unit from dust often. If it burns out, you need to contact a service center.
  9. Regarding program conflicts, install only one decent antivirus firewall on your computer, for example ESET. If you really want another one, you can install Malwarebytes. It protects your computer perfectly and does not conflict with other antiviruses. Used to be free version, which was quite enough. Now, unfortunately, only a demo.
  10. If you have new hardware, install Windows 10, or a modern Mac, and there will be no problems.
  11. Buy a licensed system and, if you cannot install it correctly, contact a person who can do it. Or, you can purchase a clean assembly from a trusted website.
  12. I already said about poorly inserted computer parts. Insert them correctly and the problem will go away.
  13. If the motherboard and processor are not compatible, enter the correct name of your motherboard and see which processor is suitable for it. Unfortunately, sometimes computer stores assemble PCs with incompatible parts (mostly this happens when the seller sees that you are not well versed in PCs. In this case, you need to go to the store with a knowledgeable person, or before going to the store, just find out on the Internet , which parts are suitable for your board and which are not.Also, you can contact the service center, consult with them, and ask the technician to install the required processor.
  14. Regarding dust on your computer, you just need to clean it of dust. If your laptop is dusty, take it to a technician. You shouldn't clean your laptop yourself.
  15. Regarding the USB connector, I have already said everything. Just remove the flash drive and the problem will disappear.

Spontaneous computer shutdown is a fairly common occurrence among inexperienced users. This happens for a number of reasons, and some of them can be fixed manually. Others require contacting service center specialists. This article will focus on solving problems with PC shutdowns or reboots.

Let's start with the most common reasons. They can be divided into those that are the result of a careless attitude towards the computer and those that do not depend on the user in any way.

  • Overheat. This is an increased temperature of PC components, at which their normal operation is simply impossible.
  • Lack of electricity. This reason may be due to a weak power supply or electrical problems.
  • Faulty peripheral equipment. This could be, for example, a printer or monitor, and so on.
  • Failure of electronic components of the board or entire devices - video card, hard drive.
  • Viruses.

The list above is compiled in the order in which the reasons for the shutdown should be identified.

Reason 1: Overheating

A local increase in temperature on computer components to a critical level can and should lead to constant shutdowns or reboots. Most often, the processor, video card and CPU power circuits suffer from this. To eliminate the problem, it is necessary to eliminate factors that lead to overheating.

  • Dust on the radiators of the cooling systems of the processor, video adapter and others on the motherboard. At first glance, these particles are something very small and weightless, but in large accumulations they can cause a lot of trouble. Just look at a cooler that hasn't been cleaned for several years.

    All dust from coolers, radiators, and the PC case in general must be removed using a brush, or better yet, a vacuum cleaner (compressor). Compressed air cylinders that perform the same function are also available for sale.

  • Insufficient ventilation. In this case, hot air does not escape outside, but accumulates in the case, negating all the efforts of the cooling systems. It is necessary to ensure the most efficient ejection of it outside the body.

    Another reason is the placement of PCs in tight niches, which also impede normal ventilation. The system unit should be placed on or under a table, that is, in a place where a flow of fresh air is guaranteed.

  • Dried thermal paste under the CPU cooler. The solution here is simple - change the thermal interface.

    Video card cooling systems also contain paste, which can be replaced with fresh one. Please note that dismantling the device yourself will void the warranty, if any.

  • Power circuits. In this case, the mosfets, the transistors that supply electricity to the processor, overheat. If they have a radiator, then underneath there is a thermal pad that can be replaced. If it is not there, then it is necessary to provide forced ventilation of this area with an additional fan.
  • This point does not concern you if you have not overclocked the processor, since under normal conditions the circuits cannot reach a critical temperature, but there are exceptions. For example, installing a powerful processor in a cheap motherboard with a small number of power phases. If this is the case, then you should think about purchasing a more expensive board.

Reason 2: Lack of electricity

This is the second most common reason for shutting down or restarting a PC. Both a weak power supply and problems in the electrical network of your premises may be to blame for this.

Reason 3: Faulty peripheral equipment

Peripherals are external devices connected to the PC - keyboard and mouse, monitor, various MFPs, etc. If at some stage of their operation problems arise, for example, a short circuit, then the power supply can simply “go into protection”, that is, turn off. In some cases, faulty USB devices, such as modems or flash drives, can also lead to shutdown.

The solution is to disconnect the suspicious device and check the functionality of the PC.

Reason 4: Failure of electronic components

This is the most serious problem that causes system failures. Most often, capacitors fail, which allows the computer to function, but intermittently. On old motherboards with installed electrolytic components, faulty ones can be identified by a swollen case.

On new boards, without using measuring instruments, it is impossible to identify the problem, so you will have to go to a service center. You also need to go there for repairs.

Reason 5: Viruses

Virus attacks can affect the system in different ways, including affecting the shutdown and reboot process. As we know, Windows has buttons that send "shutdown" commands to shutdown or restart. So, malware can cause them to spontaneously “click”.

  • To scan your computer for viruses and remove them, it is advisable to use free utilities from venerable brands - Kaspersky, Dr.Web.
  • If the problem cannot be solved, then you can turn to specialized resources, where they can help you get rid of “pests” completely free of charge, for example, Safezone.cc.
  • The last resort to solve all problems is to reinstall the operating system with mandatory formatting of the infected hard drive.

As you can see, there are many reasons why a computer turns off on its own. Eliminating most of them will not require any special skills from the user, just a little time and patience (sometimes money). After studying this article, you should draw one simple conclusion: it is better to play it safe and prevent these factors from occurring than to then waste energy on eliminating them.

There is often a situation when an ordinary user, after a long period of normal operation, suddenly begins to turn off his or her computer. Quite often the reason for this can be easily eliminated on your own. Let's try to figure out why this is happening and how to fix the problems that have arisen.

Reasons for PC shutdown and their solutions

A computer can turn off due to many different reasons, including both software and hardware. In general, you can roughly determine what the reason is by behavior. So, if the operating system does not have time to start loading, then there is a high probability of hardware problems.

Otherwise, there may be problems of any nature, including software ones, most often due to various types of malware. However, first of all, you need to find out why this happens.


There are a great many different types of programs that create many troubles for users, and spread independently. There are also those that turn off the PC after loading.

Let's figure out what to do to either eliminate this option or eliminate the problem.
First of all, you need to create boot disk, or a flash drive with antivirus software. On the websites of antivirus software manufacturers, these types of images are offered for free, with complete instructions for creating bootable disks. Although this will require a “healthy” computer with Internet access.

Having created such a drive, you should:

Note. A complete scan can take a long time, up to several days, depending on the amount and nature of the recorded information, as well as on the overall performance of the system.

If, after checking, the system similarly turns off during operation, or does not have time to boot at all, then the problem is clearly of a hardware nature.

Low power or faulty power supply

When the PC does not even have time to start booting, or the previous option clearly indicated a hardware problem, then the secondary power supply in the computer itself is often the culprit of the problem. Or, alternatively, the network voltage is simply too low alternating current 220V.

First of all, you need to check the AC voltage. Either a “familiar electrician” or a universal device – a multimeter – can help with this. Ideally, the network voltage should be 220 Volts, but deviations of 10% are allowed. Those. at 240 or 200 V the power supply should work fine.

If the voltage deviates beyond acceptable limits, it is necessary to either solve the problem by contacting electricians, or install a voltage stabilizer, of which there are a sufficient number on sale.

In the power supply itself, if the problem is not in the outlet, there may be malfunctions of the following nature (when the computer periodically turns off):

  • emergency shutdown as a result of overheating - the cooling fan may have failed, or the inside of the power supply has become very dirty;
  • physical degradation of circuit components (usually capacitors) - usually after “warming up” it begins to work normally;
  • excessive load on components system unit– emergency shutdown as a result of overload;
  • an emergency signal from the motherboard - a malfunction of the built-in converters or others (although this is no longer the power supply itself).

What needs to be done to correct the situation:

By and large, if cleaning the dust solved the problem, then good. In other cases (except for the option when the system does not work with a known-good power supply), it is best to replace the secondary power source. But in the case of system inoperability with a known good power supply, the problem lies in other components.

Overheating of the processor or video card

After long-term use, or if some components are initially defective, it is possible that the computer turns off due to overheating of important components. For example, central or central cooling radiators GPU can become “overgrown” with dust and stop performing their functions.

If the computer turns off by itself after 5 minutes of operation, then first of all it is necessary to check the cooling system.

The nature of the PC’s behavior will tell you what to initially pay attention to:

When to use software There is no way to determine the elevated temperature, and the BIOS displays quite adequate values ​​(after all, there is no load in this mode), then you should simply carry out a visual inspection and preventive maintenance of the cooling systems.

First of all, you need to make sure that the cooling systems are securely fixed in place, and that the fans on them (if any) rotate without extraneous sounds and effort. When the fan makes a lot of noise or is difficult to rotate, it should be replaced.

Prevention of CO is carried out as follows (quite simply):

  1. the cooling systems from the processor and video card are dismantled;
  2. The radiators are cleaned (blown, flushed) from dirt and dust;
  3. the contact surfaces of the radiators are cleaned from the layer of the old thermal interface (often called thermal paste);
  4. contacting surfaces on the graphics and central processor are cleaned;

  5. a thin layer of fresh thermal paste is applied to the processors;
  6. CO are mounted back.
  7. However, there may be cases when prevention does not help (or the computer is completely new). In this case, it is possible that the cooling system simply cannot cope with the task, because it lacks performance. This could be either an incorrect calculation during production or a loss of efficiency due to wear and tear.

    Therefore, a more subtle approach is needed, which is also useful in case of one-time problems that have not yet “escalated” into a serious problem. In addition, such control will help prevent problems from arising.

    Video: Computer shuts down

    The temperature is too high, we find out the values ​​​​in AIDA

    All major PC systems are equipped with built-in monitoring and self-diagnosis components. Likewise, the central processor, video card and chipset are equipped with temperature sensors. Their readings can be seen in the BIOS, or you can use special programs in the OS environment.

    One of the most common programs of this kind (and also has many other useful functions) is AIDA. That's why we'll use it. It does not require installation - just download it and you can start it right away. The program must be downloaded according to the appropriate version. If you have a 64-bit version of the OS (nowadays the majority of them do), then the program also needs AIDA64.

    The launch itself is carried out by double-clicking on the program’s executive file (aida64.exe or aida.exe, respectively for the 64-bit and 32-bit versions). After launch, on the left side of the program window (titled “Menu”) you need to select the “Sensors” item, after which the readings of all temperature sensors available in the system will be displayed on the right. It is useful to check the temperature readings when running resource-intensive applications, because... under load they increase.

    The temperature should (ideally) not exceed 70 degrees Celsius. However, many powerful solutions allow the crystal to heat up to 100 degrees. However, the lower the temperature, the better. When it approaches a critical point, the conclusion is clear: the cooling system of the corresponding component cannot cope.

    Why does my computer turn off spontaneously?

    Listed above are only the main, most common problems. However, everything can be much simpler. For example, the power button on the system unit can easily become stuck. With a little experience, you can easily determine such a defect by touch, but it is not possible to exclude this option using more accurate methods.

    For example, you can simply disconnect it from the motherboard by starting the PC manually by closing the corresponding contacts. If the computer stops turning off, then the reason has been determined. All that remains is to eliminate the defect.

    In many cases it is necessary to start checking from this position. But if the reason is not in the button, then move on to checking others possible options described above.

    It turns off after a while, what should I do...

    Let’s look at what algorithm to use to determine a malfunction of this kind:

    In order to carry out all the operations described above, you must have at least minimal knowledge of the structure of a PC. If the problem cannot be resolved (which is unlikely), then you should contact a specialist. Although you can replace the entire PC, which is also a solution.

    As a result, the main part of the problems arising with spontaneous shutdown was considered, according to statistical data. In 99% of cases, problems have precisely these relatively simple causes. Eliminating them is also not difficult.
    However, other types of malfunctions are also possible, with similar symptoms, for example - unstable work current converter on the motherboard (this is also true for the video card). In this case, you can either replace the main component or contact a service center.

Often, a computer that was previously working normally suddenly begins to turn off spontaneously. Determining why a computer turns off on its own is not so easy. But almost any user with minimal knowledge of the hardware of the device and the principles of software operation can eliminate this kind of problem, when its cause has already been identified. It is the reasons for the occurrence of this phenomenon and methods for detecting them that will be discussed below.

There are several main reasons why a computer may turn off spontaneously:

Overheating of PC components

If spontaneous shutdowns begin some time after starting work, the problem is most likely due to overheating of certain PC components. The most common causes of a malfunction in this case may be faulty cooling system fans or a layer of dust on the radiators.

You should pay attention to exactly when the computer turns off:

  • Shortly after loading the operating system, shutdown is preceded by short, short-term system freezes - most likely, the central processor is overheating;
  • After receiving a serious load, for example, simultaneous launch of several “heavy” applications - overheating of the processor or video card;
  • Problems with the cooling of the video card are the reason why the computer turns off during the game.

Most in a simple way The solution to the problem will be a visual inspection of the computer hardware, followed by maintenance of all cooling systems and cleaning of the PC. Radiators should not be heavily soiled; fans installed on top should rotate evenly, without jamming or sharp sounds.

Maintenance is carried out in the following order:

  1. Expansion boards are dismantled;
  2. The power cables, hard and optical drives are disconnected from the system board, and the board itself is removed from the case;
  3. Existing cooling systems are dismantled;
  4. The radiators are cleaned of dust and dirt, this operation is convenient to carry out with the fan removed using a small-width paint brush (20 - 30 mm); it will be useful to simultaneously brush away dust from the entire surface of the motherboard;
  5. The contact surfaces on the radiators, central processor and video processor are cleaned of old heat-resistant paste, followed by a layer of fresh one;
  6. Faulty or stuck fans are replaced with new ones;
  7. All systems are installed in the reverse order.

Important: It often happens that there is simply nothing to replace a faulty fan. In this case, you can try to “reanimate” the old one. To do this, just remove the sticker or pull out the rubber plug from its back side and drop 2-3 drops of machine oil into the opened hole, while simultaneously turning the blades by hand. Then put the plug in place or seal the hole with tape (it’s better not to use the old sticker) and install the fan in place.

Malfunctions of the power supply and PC power supply

Often, especially in rural areas, the reason why the computer turns on and turns off immediately is the mains voltage. This can be easily checked using a simple Chinese multimeter. The nominal network voltage is 220 volts; the PC power supply must remain operational in the range from 200 to 240 volts. If the readings of the measuring device are outside the specified range, you should either contact the management company (alternatively: a familiar electrician) or get a good voltage stabilizer.

Another common variant of problems with the electrical network may be faults in the electrical wiring inside the house, for example, burnt sockets or twists in distribution boxes. It is worth paying attention to whether computer shutdowns coincide with the moments of turning on/off powerful consumers of electricity: electric heater, electric stove or kettle, refrigerator, etc. If such coincidences occur, you should inspect the home electrical wiring yourself or with the help of a specialist. This is especially important because malfunctions of this kind are fraught with much more serious consequences than problems with a computer.

The most common problems with the power supply are the following:

  • Overheating as a result of fan failure or severe contamination;
  • Failure of circuit elements (usually capacitors);
  • Overload caused by installing new devices, for example, a powerful video card.

The easiest way to check whether the problems lie in the power supply is by temporarily replacing it with a known good one and, preferably, a more powerful one. If after this the spontaneous shutdowns stop, the following should be done:

  • Check the operation of the fan and, if necessary, replace it, or try to revive it as described above;
  • Clean the internal elements of the unit from dirt and dust. This can be done by removing the top cover and using the same narrow paint brush;
  • Inspect the capacitors installed on the board, if they are swollen or have liquid leaks underneath them, replace them with new ones;
  • Disable recently installed devices: if after this the system’s functionality is restored, replacing the power supply cannot be avoided - it is operational, but not designed for increased power consumption.

If all these steps do not help, the power supply requires replacement or qualified repair.

Important: When examining the power supply capacitors, it is worth paying attention to the motherboard, especially to the capacitors installed in the power supply circuits of the processor and video card.

Several Yet useful tips specifically for the situation when the computer turns off during the game:

having no physical defects

Another reason why the computer turns off on its own during operation may be viruses and other programs containing malicious code. There are hundreds of thousands of such programs, and their list continues to grow steadily. Digressing a little from the topic of the article, we note that there are many ways to introduce viruses into a system. This can happen, for example, when downloading programs from the Internet or installing from pirated disks, when connecting removable media and mobile devices. Therefore, the presence of an anti-virus program today is an indispensable attribute of the system; moreover, the program itself and its signature database must be regularly updated.

How to cure a computer infected with a virus

If, in searching for the reasons why the computer turns off by itself, no defects in its hardware are identified, it is necessary to diagnose the presence of viruses. To do this, you will need a boot disk or USB flash drive containing antivirus software. software. You can find the appropriate software and instructions for working with it on the website of any company that produces anti-virus software. It goes without saying that this work must be done on a “clean” computer.

After creating a “cleaning” disk, you need to boot the infected computer from it. To do this, you will need to enable booting from DVD-RW or USB drive in the BIOS. After downloading you need to run antivirus program in the “virus scanning and treatment” mode. This process can last a considerable time, up to several tens of hours, depending on the capacity hard drive and the amount of information stored on it.

When you receive a message that the scan is complete, you should restart your computer. More often than not, all the troubles end there. But, often, when they are affected by a non-recoverable virus system files, the OS will not be able to boot and will have to be reinstalled.

Minor troubles

Although the above mentioned fairly simple situations, in practice everything is often even simpler. For example, the on/off button may simply stick. on the front panel. In principle, it is from this button that you can start troubleshooting. To check it, you can turn it off and start the computer by bridging the corresponding contacts with a screwdriver. If it stops turning off, all that remains is to replace the button.

If you don’t want to go to the store for a cheap part, you can carefully disassemble the button by tearing off the caps of the small plastic rods that hold it together. Wash the flexible metal plate inside it with alcohol or cologne, put everything back together and lightly melt the remaining rods with a soldering iron. As a temporary option, you can connect a Reset button instead of the power button. By the way, sticking this button causes spontaneous reboots.

Another interesting defect that the author of this article once encountered. One day, after two days of unsuccessful troubleshooting, when all the main components of the motherboard were checked using specialized equipment, it turned out that the problem was in the speaker soldered into it. In its place was installed another one, roughly pulled out of a cheap Chinese alarm clock that had fallen under the hot hand.

Another fairly common situation that repairmen often encounter is a computer installed in a narrow niche, closed on all sides except the front. Sometimes, the role of such a niche is played by a compartment for installing a system unit in a computer desk. What can you do, not all furniture makers understand computers. In this case, it can be quite difficult to prove to the owner that his desk needs work by using physical force to remove a piece of fiberboard behind the computer and that there is a small gap there for interface and network cables not enough for normal ventilation.

Considering the above, it is better to use some diagnostic utility, such as AIDA. The program does not require installation and is launched by clicking on the executable file. To monitor the temperature of the main PC components, you need to select the “Sensors” item in the program menu and check their readings. At the same time, it is advisable to heavily load the system by running one or more resource-intensive programs, for example, checking for viruses. It is advisable that the sensor readings do not exceed 70 °C anywhere. In some systems (most often AMD developers are guilty of this), processor temperatures of up to 100 °C are allowed, but this is undesirable. In any case, sensor readings of 70 °C or more are a reason to think about the state of the PC cooling system.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you of the phrase that any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. This statement is true not only for people, but also for computers. Therefore, in order not to agonize over the question of why the computer turns off by itself, it is worth monitoring its condition from time to time. To do this, you can use the built-in BIOS tools that display the readings of the chipset temperature sensors and central processor. It should be borne in mind that these readings may be underestimated, because when viewing BIOS parameters, the load on the processor will be minimal.

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