Local network connection identification. Unidentified network without Internet access - What to do? Finding and fixing a problem with connecting the Internet via a network cable from a router

You are trying to connect to the Internet, and everything seemed to be going well ... But suddenly you see that a yellow triangle is displayed next to the connection icon with and instead of any information about the connection, the inscription “Unidentified network. No internet access." This raises a reasonable question: “Why is this happening at all and how to fix the situation?”

We invite you to stop cursing for a moment and read this article, where you will find the answer to all your questions!

Try rebooting your router

This is an option for those who used to have a normal connection, everything worked, and then all of a sudden, a seemingly familiar and “verified” connection writes “Unidentified network”.

Perhaps some settings of the router itself have gone astray. They can recover again when reconnected. To do this, simply unplug the router from the outlet, and then insert it again.

In addition, you need to check if there is a connection when connecting directly via cable. There is a possibility that the roots of the problem are on the side of the provider - the Internet service provider. Did not help? Then let's move on.

Check your computer's wireless settings

If you have already rebooted the router, but the inscription “Unidentified network. Without access to the Internet" has not disappeared, the reason may lie in the incorrect settings of the wireless adapter or the network itself on the computer.

Often there are problems with IP addresses, for example, when the system is not able to obtain it automatically. If you entered them manually, then most likely the specified address is incorrect, or the subnet has been changed.

In this case, you need to check the adapter settings in the "Network and Sharing Center". In the window that appears, select the connection that you are using, right-click on its icon and select "Status". The Connection Status window will appear on the screen. It is what we need. If the “IPv4 address” item contains an address in the format 169.254.X.X, then the system was unable to automatically obtain an IP address using the router's DHCP server.

First of all, in this case it makes sense to try to register it manually. On the bottom of the router, as a rule, there is a sticker indicating the model and brand of the device. On it you can also see its IP address, as well as data for accessing the web interface (login and password).

Right-click on the icon again, but this time select "Properties". Then you need to select the "Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP / IPv4)" component, put a dot in the new box next to "Use ...".

Typical router settings

For most routers (with the exception of "D-Link" routers), the following settings should work:

If it appears without access when working with the "D-Link" router, we use other settings:

Adjust your router settings

Many people, in order to set up a router, exactly duplicate the settings indicated as an example on the network. And often this is what leads to the fact that the computer subsequently displays the message “Unidentified network. No internet access."

Examples exist only so that users can understand which item of which section of the device menu is responsible for what. You must register your settings, and not those indicated in the example. It happens that the settings given as an example coincide with yours. If this is not the case, there are difficulties in gaining access to the network.

Recheck your username and password. If you missed a character, chose the wrong case or input language, there will be no Internet. In addition, an unrecognized WiFi network may appear due to an incorrectly selected connection type.

During the time, be sure to use your settings, and not those offered in other people's examples, then everything will work out.

Update your drivers

Outdated or non-working drivers are also often the reason why a computer or laptop gets only limited access when trying to connect to the Internet. An unidentified network will be able to be identified normally when you fix this problem.

Important! The drivers that the Windows operating system installs on its own do not always work adequately. A much more reliable option is to download the appropriate software directly from your router manufacturer's website.

Change the MAC address

You did everything described above, but the unidentified network remained without access to the Internet, and you don’t see any signs of life from the connection side?

The problem may be related to the incorrect MAC address of the device. However, this is only relevant in cases where all devices connected to the same network are working properly and have access to the Internet, and only one computer or laptop has problems.

The whole "trick" is that manufacturers often assign the same MAC address to all boards. If you reinstalled the drivers from the disc that came with the motherboard, two devices with the same MAC address may appear on the network. Is this your case? Then you should try to register it manually.

We press the key combination Win + R, and then in the "Run" window we write the command devmgmt.msc. Thus, you open Windows. This must be done on behalf of a user with administrator rights. In the manager, we need to find the "Network adapters" item. In the drop-down list you will see the name of the device with which the computer connects to the Internet. Double-click on the adapter icon, in the window that appears, select the "Advanced" item. We need a "Network Address" (network address). Opposite the empty field, check the box, and then enter 12 digits in this field, click "OK" and restart the computer.

Check your firewall

Incorrect firewall settings are another common reason why a computer or laptop gives an error “Unidentified network. No internet access."

If the firewall is configured correctly, it will stop unauthorized attempts to penetrate the network from the outside and prevent malicious actions. However, sometimes it blocks all data streams altogether.

Check the IP addresses that the firewall does not allow access to the Internet, among them the address of your device should not be present. It is better to write the entire list of IPs that should be blocked on your own, it takes a little time, but there will be no risk that your computer will accidentally be on the list of banned devices.

Nothing helped?

Then, most likely, it is not possible to correct the situation without the intervention of specialists. Regardless of which version of the operating system you are using, whether it is 7 or Windows 8, an unidentified network will be recognized and will start working normally only after the wizard diagnoses all the equipment, repairs it if necessary (or recommends replacing it) and enters the necessary settings. As a rule, such problems are solved within 20-30 minutes.

I hope that this article helped you deal with all the problems.

It occurs, as a rule, when you change your home modem or move to a new place of residence. As they often say in such cases, everything seemed to work and nothing changed. Nevertheless, there are some nuances here.

Now we will talk about only one of the most common causes of this problem and only one simple solution. After all, this is how the author has always managed to access the Internet.

So let's start from the beginning. And the first thing we will consider is Wi-Fi. If, when connecting to a modem in this way, you receive the following message in the "Network and Sharing Center":

So, the first step is to do one simple operation. Further, all settings will be shown using the example of Windows 10, but in older systems everything is done by analogy. The main thing is to understand the general essence.

Right-click on "Start" and select "Network Connections":

Then you need to select the wireless network adapter, and right-click on it again. In the menu that opens, select the line "Properties":

In the next step, we follow the path "IP version 4-Properties":

And we check that the option "Obtain an IP address automatically" is activated in all points:

After that, in theory, the annoying message "Unidentified network without access to the Internet" should disappear. So let's check if this is really the case. After all, you can only trust your own eyes.

To do this, click on the wireless connection icon in the system tray and select "Network and Sharing Center":

And here, please, there is no trace of the hateful message:

Now you can safely use the network with the Internet. By the way, the settings of the IP addresses of the network card can also be changed through the "Change adapter settings" item. Remember this point, as we will return to it later.

Okay, but let's now talk about a situation where the situation has not changed after the above settings. In this case, it can be assumed that your home modem simply has the DHCP server function disabled.

After all, it is she who is responsible for the automatic distribution of IP addresses to devices connecting to it. And here it must be said that setting it up for each router model will be individual.

On the example of the article, this case looks like this:

So, ladies and gentlemen, enable this option for yourself and you will be happy. And now let's move on to setting up a wired network card. How to configure it correctly in case of lack of access to the Internet?

The most interesting thing is that in this case, you need to act the other way around. That is, the values ​​of IP addresses must be set manually. This is done in the following way. Select the wired network adapter and go to its properties:

Hey! This error has already been described on our website by my colleague, but it has not yet appeared in this formulation. Yes, and there will be a little more possible solutions here, but everything is in the case without water. So, let's analyze the problem "Unidentified network without access to the Internet." As always, from me are quick solutions, reasons and a complete analysis. I suggest you get started!

The fastest solution

Restart your computer and router! 99% of cases are quickly resolved in this way! This is the first thing to do.

Read more about other possible problems and how to solve them below.


Starting with Windows 7, all modern operating systems of the Microsoft family began to “think”, analyze the problems that arise and try to somehow fix them. But what is most remarkable is that when something cannot be eliminated, it tries to show errors that may not even be errors ...

Ed wrapped up. The bottom line is that when there is any problem with the network, and our favorite errors “Unidentified network” and “No Internet access” fly out. It just means that there is some problem with the network. But what, we will find out below.

At the same time, a yellow exclamation mark is shown in the tray at the connection point, and the same cherished phrase appears in the hover tooltip or in the pop-up when clicked.

Next, we begin to analyze possible options for the problem and solutions. Don't forget about the reboot option above - I wasn't joking. But if suddenly you still have some questions or problems, it was not possible to remove the inscription, write about it in the comments, we will figure it out.


I immediately offer a thematic video for those who do not want to read the article for a long time. But I assure you, if you can’t solve the problem in this way, there will be other options below.

Unidentified network

The most common case. Your computer sees the network, tries to work with it. And he physically succeeds. But here in the network exchange device there are several levels of interaction (we read the OSI model of 7 levels in Google). So, if your computer does not receive an IP address, then this error will fly out.

The “Identification” status may also hang for a long time before this - when your system is still trying to get the correct IP for itself.

Why didn't he get an IP address? Under ideal conditions, the router, using its DHCP server, distributes its own address to each connected device. But at some point, a failure may occur and the correct addresses (standard - 192.168.x.x) will not be issued. And the computer will try to do it itself and give the wrong ones from the 169.254.x.x pool. In total, the computer and the router are physically connected (whether via an Ethernet or Wi-Fi cable), but are virtually in different networks and do not see each other.

The reboot solution very often helps in this case. Another option is to manually set your network settings so that you never have this problem. But if you suddenly do not understand this at all, it is better not to meddle. There is a risk of doing something wrong.

For advanced users, I offer the following instructions.

  1. We remember the IP address of our router. If you don't know, look at the sticker on the bottom:

  1. Through the "Network Control Center ..." (Windows 7) or "Network and Internet Settings" (Windows 10) we get into the adapter settings. Select your problematic adapter, right-click, "Properties". And then, as per the scheme:

A bit of decoding. My router at home has the address We enter it in the gateway field. The mask is always the same for everyone. But you can try to make the IP address anything, but the third digit (0) should be the same as on the router. "Eights" - we leave it as it is, these are DNS servers from Google, it will come in handy. Total:

IP address:
Alternate DNS:

After saving, everything should literally immediately work. Try. If it doesn't work, move on.

The problem "Without access to the network" is treated in the same way.

Just without access to the Internet, the network is recognized

A slightly different case is when the network seems to be recognized and even the Internet can be on some applications like the same Skype. But sites don't load point-blank. And in the type of access hangs "Without access". As a solution, add alternative DNS from the previous section. In this case, the main settings do not need to be changed. The output should look something like this:

Other options

Here I will list other options, if the first cases still did not help, but writes that the network is not recognized. Perhaps something from this list will also help:

  • ISP has a problem. Especially if the connection is not through a router, but directly. If there are any doubts, just call your Provider and consult. It's free and often really helps, and often you can only learn about problems on the side (from personal experience with your native Rostelecom). Especially if everything worked flawlessly the day before.
  • Try to immediately share the problem - do other devices have this or is everything normal there? If the problem is general, then either the provider or the router is to blame. If only on one computer - the trouble is in the network settings, but they can be solved using the methods above.
  • Driver problem. Rarely, but aptly. Literally several times during all my working time I encountered a problem that there are no problems with the driver in the Device Manager, but the device does not work correctly. This is especially evident in the auto-installation by the driver of Windows itself. So if there are doubts about the iron part, try reinstalling everything using the same DRP.su.
  • Same MAC address. Another possible case. Less common, but still worth mentioning. The fact is that manufacturers can issue the same MAC addresses to some of their devices on the stream. At the output, 2 devices, by coincidence, can compete for a place in the sun. Total - one has a connection, the other does not have access to the network. Those who know can easily check the current MACs on all their devices and think about changing them (Device Manager or Technitium MAC Address Changer to help).
  • DHCP server on the router - if possible, go to the router settings and check if it works exactly and if the DHCP server we need is enabled there. It rarely turns off.
  • My Internet sometimes disappears with this error for another interesting reason - there is a signal amplifier, and the laptop periodically reconnects from the router to it, choosing the best signal (relevant for a wireless network connection). As a result, the Internet disappears for some time, this status falls out. But everything is solved literally in seconds.

That's all. Once again, the most common cause of an unrecognized network in a LAN connection is getting the wrong network settings.

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Today, for many, it is already an urgent need. Modern hardware and operating systems are becoming more and more intelligent, and the user is less likely to have to do anything to configure. However, occasionally such a need arises. Today we will tell you how to solve the problem if the computer reports that you are connected to a network without access to the Internet, and you see a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark next to the connection icon.

Microsoft operating systems, starting with Windows 7, constantly monitor network connections, and as soon as the global network is unavailable, they immediately report it. There are many reasons why a computer may not be connected to the Internet. These may be problems with the provider, incorrect configuration of the equipment by the user, or failures in the operation of network protocols. Today, the new IPv6 protocol is becoming more widespread, but its percentage is still quite small, especially in home networks, so the focus will be on the old version - IPv4.

Connecting through a router via a network cable without access to the Internet

Provider problems

Yesterday everything worked, and today this warning appeared. If this happened to you for no apparent reason, then in most cases the problem is with the provider. Therefore, before doing anything yourself, call technical support. Most often, data transmission lines are damaged, some technical work is being carried out, or you simply forgot to replenish your account on time.

Perhaps you will hear in response that everything is working well for the provider, then you need to check your network and, if necessary, configure it. The support service will certainly offer the services of its own master, but, firstly, its services are not free, and secondly, while the master gets to you, you can manage to solve the problem yourself.

Physical connection problem

It is not so rare that the cause is a partially broken network cable or a loose connection in the connector. And if you have pets or children, then the likelihood of this development increases. Even Wi-Fi users should not forget that a cable is also stretched to the wireless router. Check the integrity of all wiring - if there are any strong kinks anywhere, if all the plugs are firmly inserted into the sockets and if they are inserted where they really need to be. Provided that the problem is not found here, we proceed to the next step.

Windows 7 LAN connection without internet access

It happens that the installed router hangs corny. In this case, it helps. To do this, just turn off the power to it and reconnect it after a few seconds. It does not hurt to restart the computer at the same time. If it happens that these router freezes occur with annoying regularity, consider buying a new device. It is also necessary to try to connect the Internet cable directly to the PC or laptop. If there is no result, first we will deal with the computer.

Checking computer settings

It is possible that the problem arose “out of the blue”, then there should not be any questions with the settings on the computer, much more often the problem occurs during the initial configuration or making any changes to an already working network. First of all, you need to check the correctness of the IP address of the computer, for which press Win + R on the keyboard at the same time. The Run window will open. In its line, enter ncpa.cpl and click OK. The network connections window will appear. It may happen that there are several of them, but the necessary one will not be crossed out with a red cross and its name is similar to “Local Area Connection” or “Wireless Connection” (in the case of using Wi-Fi). Right-click on the desired connection and go to properties, where the list will contain lines with IPv4 and IPv6 entries. Check the box next to IPv6, and double-click on IPv4. Check the boxes for automatically getting settings and save the changes. If access to the Internet does not appear, go ahead.

Setting up a LAN connection in Windows 7

Finding out the address of the router

Perhaps, nothing had to be done in the previous window, the settings for obtaining IPv4 and IPv6 protocol addresses are automatic and everything was initially as it should be. Then you only need to configure the router, for which you need to know its address. Right click on the connection again and select "Status" and then click "Details". There will be several lines in the window that appears, we are interested in "IPv4 Address". If you see an entry like 192.168.x.x, remember or write down what is indicated opposite "IPv4 DHCP server" - this will be its address. It may be that the computer is not able to receive the settings automatically, then the entry will look like 169.254.x.x. You can find out the IP of the router from the documentation for it, or it is indicated on the device case, and most often it is or Open your browser and enter the set IP in the address bar, and if it is correct, you will be prompted to enter login and password.

Properties of “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)”

Setting up an internal network on the router

After entering the credentials correctly, you will be taken to the router control panel, and further actions depend on the device model and its firmware. You need to find a DHCP server management that is responsible for automatically obtaining IP addresses and other parameters necessary for the network to function properly for devices. Look for blocks whose names say DHCP settings, DHCP server, or the like. The block will contain a radio button with values ​​Enable or Disable. Most often, these settings are located in the LAN (Network) section. Enable the DHCP server, save changes and reboot the router. After this, the computer will be connected to the Internet.

Check your ISP connection settings

Do not jump to conclusions if the previous steps did not help set up a connection. Since the network is still not working properly, we check the connection with the provider, for which go to the appropriate section in the router control panel. Almost all manufacturers call these options WAN or Internet. There are quite a few options in this section. Which are intended for you, you can find out from the contract or in the technical support of your service provider.

Reinstalling network card drivers and checking firewall

It makes sense to do this when you are sure that all the previous settings are correct, the connection with the provider is established, but the network cannot be configured normally. The best option would be to download the most recent driver from the manufacturer's website, for which it looks like you have to go to a friend or neighbor. In the absence of such an opportunity, the driver that is included on the installation disk is quite suitable. Be sure to restart your computer after reinstallation. It should also be noted here driver failures that occur due to installed software that changes the operation of network protocols on a computer. The most common representatives are antiviruses and firewalls. Make sure that such programs are not installed, and if they are, then disable or remove them during the check, as they may block the connection.

Replacing the MAC address of a network card

Problems with MAC addresses sometimes arise in cases where the network is very large, but it is still worth excluding it. On your computer, go to Device Manager by pressing the Win+R keys, typing devmgmt.msc and clicking OK. The device manager will start, where you need to find the "Network adapters" section, expand it and select the network card with which the PC is connected. After double-clicking on it, in a new window, on the Advanced tab, select the Network address option and enter any twelve digits in the empty field on the right. After that, we reboot and look at the result.

Clear DNS cache and reset TCP/IP settings

The following steps will reset all network settings for IPv6 and v4, so you must follow them. If you are ready for this, and you have information about all the settings (written somewhere, for example), find the command line in the Start menu and run it with administrator rights. Enter the following commands in the window that appears, confirming the entry by pressing Enter. After working out each command, restart the computer and check the result.

  1. ipconfig /flushdns
  2. netsh winsock reset
  3. netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt - this command will completely reset all connections and they will have to be configured again!

Flushing the DNS Cache Using the Command Line

You have a direct connection to an ISP

The option when your computer is connected directly to the provider, bypassing the router, is now becoming less common, as the number of network devices is growing steadily. But what if you have just such a connection? Eliminate possible problems with the drivers as indicated above, and check that the connection settings are correct. Regarding the settings, the best option would be to contact technical support, since there are a lot of variations.

Nothing helped at all.

Maybe you are lucky and your ISP provides access using the new IPv6 protocol, the configuration of which requires some knowledge of the subtleties. It should be noted that the expansion of the use of IPv6 is inevitable, since the address space of the previous version of the protocol, IPv4, has come to an end, and the global network is growing every day. Since the efforts were spent, and your network did not work, then there is only one advice - call the wizard. It is quite possible that the problem that has arisen is non-standard or the replacement / repair of equipment is required to solve it.

There is Internet access, but the error remains

Such a situation may well be. The reasons may be different - most often when connecting through a proxy server. However, there is only one solution. Press Win+R, type gpedit.msc - this will take you to the local group policy editor. In the menu on the left, go through the items: Local Computer Policy - Computer Configuration - Administrative Templates - System - Internet Communication Management - Internet Communication Settings. Now, on the right side of the window, find and enable "Disable active probing for network connection status indicator". In Windows 10, this setting is called "Turn off active network connection health checks." Take into account the fact that now even if there is really no connection, the message will not appear.


This article collects the most common problems associated with the "Network without Internet access" error and suggests ways to solve it. We hope that the material was interesting for you and helped you to overcome the difficulties that have arisen on your own.

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