Android or ios comparison. Why iOS is better than Android: comparing mobile OS. Synchronization with PC and transfer of different files

Which is better: Android or iPhone? Each user asked a question. Some compare smartphones with each other, some are planning a purchase and cannot choose which gadget to buy. Buyers evaluate the cost, functionality and design before buying. Slightly fewer people are brand oriented. Although for some, the brand is above all.

Popular platforms for smartphones and tablets:

  • android,
  • Windows

A large share is occupied by Android smartphones (59% in 2018). On the second location iOs(39%), Windows (1.5%) and others (0.5%). These are indicators of the average world market.

What is better ios or android: it’s impossible to say so right away. You can answer that this is solely the choice of the user, but it is worthwhile to conduct a thorough analysis and decide which is still better. For users, everything depends on the price of gadgets - as you know, iPhones are 1.5-2 times more expensive than high-quality Android smartphones that suit all functions.

Comparison between Android and iPhone

Since the iPhone and Android perform the same functions: communication, photo and video shooting, Internet access, games. All this is provided by the filling of the device, which has different characteristics. For comparison, we also take the appearance, design and prices.

Let's go through all the criteria and make a table.

Pros and cons of an Android phone

Let's start with the positives:

  • Easily customize your smartphone for yourself and your needs. You can customize the desktop, sound and programs that can be used by default.
  • Variety of appearance.
  • A variety of companies that produce smartphones on Android. Competition in this area forces companies to improve their product every time.
  • The number of applications. All possible applications are available here, unlike iOs.
  • The file system is open - you can change the memory settings, install a memory card of different sizes and drop files there.
  • Prevalence. For all taste and color - a variety of prices, designs, colors, companies and functions. Both a simple cheap smartphone and an expensive one that can displace iPhones will do.

Negative sides:

  • System updates. A large number of models require support for operating systems of different levels. Because smartphones are released frequently, previous versions are no longer supported after 2-3 years. This is the biggest minus. For developers and companies, this is a profit - the more smartphones, the more often support is turned off - the more sales of a new product.
  • The system slows down. Compared to iOS on Android, there are buggies and freezes, especially after 1-2 years of use. In terms of speed, the iPhone is ahead here.

Bottom line: there are several times more pluses than minuses. We think that smartphone owners will agree with this.

iPhone pros and cons

The Apple system is unique. If you can install Android on Xiaomi, honor, Samsung, asus and others, then iOs is installed only on Apple products.

In many cases, iPhones are bought because of the “apple brand”, which the company skillfully promotes. However, the quality of the products is also excellent. Consider the pros:

  • Style and ease of use. The interface is quite user-friendly. A beginner understands all the subtleties very quickly - in 2-3 days.
  • Excellent graphics and features. The graphics settings here are better than most Android smartphones.
  • No compatibility issues. The main advantage in our opinion. The uniqueness of iOs allows developers to take into account all the subtleties and get rid of all the problems at the production stage. If the application supports iOS, then no difficulties will arise.
  • A separate collection of applications - App Store. Everything is the same as in android.
  • Unlike Android, file system iPhones are closed. To view the files inside, change or delete them, you will have to download an unofficial firmware. Which is not always safe. You can’t download music files from your computer either, you have to download it via iTunes.
  • Expensive apps. Because fewer applications - less competition, higher cost. Quantity free products also less. Many try to use the unofficial Cudia service with pirated content. Application developers are constantly struggling with this, protecting the software product.
  • You cannot increase the amount of memory. You can't insert a card, iPhones come with limited memory. Sometimes the price increases a lot with a high number of gigabytes. However, many people have enough memory.

In addition to the cost of the product, there were no very strong minuses. We will analyze everything on the shelves, for each product and each characteristic. The final result will determine which is better: Android or iPhone.

Visual comparison

Let's decide what to choose from and what to buy as a result.


Everyone starts choosing a device with a visual inspection. Many people evaluate the smartphones of friends or passers-by and want the same stylish one. As for iPhones, their appearance is quite conservative and the design does not change dramatically. Except for the iPhone X, which got a new design and a new frame. Smartphones on android are diverse in appearance. a lot of companies. And there are already thousands of models released from the very first products.

Assembly and details

Smartphones on the Android OS have different configurations of parts, which can sometimes cause inconvenience, because. experimental builds may fail. And companies try sometimes to experiment.

When assembling budget smartphones, cheap parts are used and there is a possibility of defects.

The architecture of "apple gadgets" is being modernized every year. Here, more expensive components are used and their validity period is much longer.

Software and Applications

Android is open source. IOs is a unique operating system developed by Apple, which is installed only on the devices of this company. Android has a lot of gadgets. IOS closed code - increased security.

Apple products have enhanced safety certifications. The security of iPhones is much higher than smartphones of other systems.

Android security is also not lame, but the open type of program code adds vulnerabilities. Developers mobile applications insert their own settings and graphical shells that destabilize the system. Lags appear. Therefore, you need to choose applications carefully and do not trust dubious projects.

Apple App Store and Google Play

The security of applications from the App Store is also higher than from the analogue - Google Play market. The process of moderation and application programmers for apple devices is very tough, so malware very rarely appears in the app store. And if they appear, then the causes of the appearance will be quickly resolved by constant monitoring.

There are more applications in the Play Market, many free ones, and paid ones are not so expensive. But they can also include malware. Choose and check carefully.

games and apps

It's impossible to give a definitive answer in terms of games. In Play Market applications and games are cheaper, but on most budget gadgets they lag and heat up the device a lot. On iPhones, the performance is higher, respectively, there are less lags.


Apple devices are definitely losing here. The iPhone 7 Plus has a 2900 mAh battery. For its large display is clearly not enough. With average use, iPhones barely last a day, and with intensive games and Internet use, battery life is halved, tripled.

On smartphones of the android family, batteries of a larger capacity are installed - 3500-4000 mAh. On some models, they also put 5000 mAh. The usage time increases, but 15-20%.


On android smartphones, the variety of diagonals is large. The sizes are suitable for anyone. Additionally, devices are produced with side bends and frames. Many already look like iPhones, which makes them attractive to buyers.

Apple has a smaller selection of diagonal sizes. In this regard, only tenth iPhones have a diagonal that has increased.

Accessories and spare parts

In parallel with the release of new models, accessories are produced. Case and glass are available for almost every model. The gadget model is written on the box with the accessory, so the search is not difficult. But still, when buying, it is worth trying on a phone case, because. there may be confusion in models and numbers.

The easiest way to buy headphones - because. All are standard sizes.

Apple produces more accessories, which are not difficult to find in any specialized store. On iPhones and smartphones, it is easy to find any part in the service center. But if the model is too old, difficulties may arise.

Connectors and SIM cards

Most phones differ in the number of slots for SIM cards. For the most part, there are 2. But all iPhones have only one slot, which causes some inconvenience. New roaming rules made it possible to use only one SIM card.

For Android devices, the standard charging port is micro USB. For iPhone - Lightning.

Camera and speakers

Everyone agrees that Apple devices have great cameras, especially on the latest models. Even with the same resolution, for example, 15 megapixels, it will be better on an iPhone. This applies to both the front camera and the regular camera.

If the iPhone wins in terms of cameras, then the speakers are equally good for both models.

Now let's make a table where we give all the characteristics the same weight. 1 in the table "ios vs android" - the advantage of the model over the other.

According to 5 criteria, it was not possible to identify an overweight. Both models are good in half of the indicators. The cost of iPhones is higher, but the characteristics are much better and the components are of better quality. In 90% of cases, buyers look at the price, which is why they take Android systems.

By the way, the difference in prices for some models is small. Therefore, choose the criteria for yourself and proceed from them when buying.

With each new release, the two most popular mobile platforms are becoming more and more like each other. Simple borrowing and creative processing of the achievements of an opponent have not bothered either Google or Apple for a long time. Nevertheless, both the iOS operating system and Android have a large number of ardent supporters, many of whom, however, will not be able to immediately name the advantages of “their” OS.

It is worth trying to figure out why one OS is fundamentally better than another. Consider the features of Android and iOS, let's leave the advantages and disadvantages of specific devices overboard. Today, all attention to the "apple" operating system. How does it stand out against the background of Android? Does she have enough arguments to attract supporters of the "green robot"?

1.App Store. As much as Google strives to catch up with Apple in terms of the number of quality apps, the App Store remains the most enjoyable app catalog so far. It's not that there are more apps available for iOS - on the contrary, Apple's mobile catalog lags behind Google in terms of number. We are talking about the quality of the store in general and software in particular.

Apple is pretty strict about the content that developers want to put in the online store. Thanks to this, the App Store does not have a wild amount of "junk" and outright malware. Almost all mobile viruses today reside on Android gadgets. Of course, not all of them are distributed through Google Play, but these are questions for the application distribution system itself in different operating systems.

In addition, it just so happened that a similar program for iOS and Android can seriously differ in quality. Most owners of Android devices faced this problem. In addition, many programs are primarily released specifically for iOS.

No matter how Google's supporters defend its mobile platform, the fact remains: if you need the latest programs, the most functional, stable and convenient, iOS is still unrivaled.

2. Convenience and ease of development. Hardened owners of Android phones are sure that there is nothing simpler than "combines" under the control of a "green robot". Like, whoever cannot deal with him in five minutes is a fool. Maybe so, but there is no escape from reality - it is easier for children and the elderly to figure out the iOS menu structure than to delve into the wilds of Android.

One hardware button and no main, context and other menus. No extra keys for you, going back one step or, what good, a menu with additional functions. For an advanced user, all these arguments are unlikely to be relevant, but for those who are just starting to master smartphones, getting to know Apple's brainchild is easier and faster.

There is, however, one "but". As they approach each other, both systems take over from each other both positive and negative traits. The latest version of iOS "pleased" users with a number of errors, complicated settings and unstable job. Simplification of the Android interface is solved through the use of third-party shells. Nevertheless, for the time being, in terms of ease of development out of the box, the platform from Apple surpasses its competitor.

3. Support for new OS versions. A significant and one of the most significant advantages of iOS is that new version The OS can even be installed on smartphones that came out three or four years ago. Unaffordable luxury for Android!

Even the Nexus line, for which updates are released most quickly, cannot boast such a long support. What can we say about countless manufacturers, including top vendors, who are in no hurry to transfer both budget and flagship models to the current version of the OS.

At this point, about 80% of all existing "apple" devices are running iOS 10. Only 16% of devices remain on iOS 9 and only 5% use earlier versions of this platform.

Compare with the mess in the camp of Android. A little less than 8 months from release current version Nougat is installed on less than 5% of smartphones and tablets. The previous Marshmallow is used by 31% of users and the same number by the even older Lollipop. Every tenth device still hobbles on a Jelly Bean of the 2012 model (the times of the iPhone 5).

4. No extra pre-installed software. Three browsers, two third-party app stores, an antivirus, a non-working support service, a few useless readers, one of the many Office with a 10-day subscription, five primitive games, Chinese social network clients and, without fail, a memory cleaner. All this heap of unnecessary and often hard-to-remove junk has long become an integral attribute of many tablets and smartphones on Android, especially the budget and middle segments.

Some manufacturers seem to be trying to compensate for the lack of their own shell, clogging the device drive with an insane amount of "garbage" software. In iOS - only the necessary minimum of applications, the extra ones can be easily removed from the desktop. For everything else, welcome to the App Store. And it is right. Let the user decide for himself how to occupy the free space of the built-in memory, and not shovel through forums and file collapses to get root rights.

5. Soft "goodies". Despite mutual borrowing, while in the arsenal of iOS and Android remain functional benefits. The same 3D Touch features that allow you to call your favorite contact or add a photo to Instagram or VKontakte in just one click are a very convenient thing.

Signs of the extremely useful Continuity feature can also be found in Android, but it is Apple that has so far been the most successful in implementing the ability to continue working in programs when switching from iOS devices to a computer and vice versa. You can fully experience the possibilities in the OS of the latest generations. Started writing email on a Mac? You can add it to your iPhone somewhere along the way. And this applies not only to mail, but also to other built-in applications - Safari, Pages, Numbers, Keynote, Maps, Reminders and Calendar. You can receive calls on your iPad even if your iPhone is in another room. You can also receive and send SMS via a tablet or computer.

The AirDrop feature allows Apple device owners to share content with a couple of taps. A sort of analogue of a Bluetooth connection, only simplified, with a higher speed and without unnecessary gestures with searching, entering passwords and other indecencies.

With AirPlay, you can play content from one iOS device to another. Again, it all works in a few taps, without third-party applications and dancing with a tambourine around DLNA-compatible devices.

Of course, everything listed in this paragraph is, to one degree or another, implemented in Android. However, for this you will have to tinker with the setting, third party programs and utilities, spend a lot of time and effort. And not the fact that in the end something workable will turn out.

The confrontation between the two giants of the IT industry has been going on for almost a decade. During this time, Apple and Google managed to radically change the market for mobile gadgets several times. And yet - which is better, Android or iOS? Today we will compare these two operating systems from different angles and try to honestly determine the winner.


The differences between these two platforms are historical. Even Steve Jobs criticized Android for the main, in his opinion, the lack of this OS - open source. Jobs has repeatedly pointed out that Android is an extremely complex platform precisely because of the open source. In Apple itself, they profess a policy of complete control over their offspring, third-party developers can only access certain elements of the operating system.

The first version of iOS was called iPhone OS 1 and was introduced on January 9, 2007 (at the same time the first iPhone was presented). iOS is built on software components developed by Apple and NeXT - the XNU kernel and the Darwin system. Recall that third-party developers can access the Apple device emulator only after paying for a monthly subscription at a price of $99. Until March 2008, such an opportunity did not exist at all, because Steve Jobs was not going to “open the hood” in front of other IT enthusiasts.

Android OS had a lot of problems at the start. Initially, Google bought out a small division that developed operating systems for push-button phones. However, the presentation of the first iPhone completely broke all Google's plans, because a mobile device with touch screen was a huge breakthrough compared to conventional push-button phones. Therefore, the development of the first android versions I had to urgently reorient in a completely new direction. The first build of Android appeared in the HTC Dream smartphone in September 2008. However, it took another year to finalize certain aspects of the system, and only in 2009 could Android compete with iOS at least.

Since the "green robot" is based on Linux, the OS initially supports the philosophy of open source software. This means that any developer can modify the Android source code for a one-time fee of $25. This factor has contributed to the emergence of hundreds of third-party firmware, shells, and even individual operating systems based on Android.


The average user does not care what is hidden in the code of his smartphone. He doesn't care at all about comparing iOS and Android in this matter. To date, the performance and adaptability of these systems to different tasks is approximately at the same level. And if everything is clear with iOS (constant software updates, support for older versions of the iPhone), then things are a little more complicated with Android.

The fact is that Apple needs to support only one line of mobile phones, which are also very similar in terms of architecture. But before Google, the task is more difficult, because this OS is present in very different smartphones. Accordingly, the system needs to be adapted to different classes of devices. For example, Android from a cheap state employee does not fit the flagship at all, and vice versa.

In many ways, the situation is facilitated by the manufacturers of these same smartphones. They produce branded software shells adapted to the specific technical needs of the device and a certain category of customers. This is where a huge number of “pitfalls” lie - not every smartphone from a third-party manufacturer receives timely and regular OS updates, often they work on outdated Android until the end of their life. Meanwhile, Apple is updating the iPhone 5 to the latest iOS versions(however, the phone still works with a noticeable delay).


Again, from the point of view of the layman, Android and iOS are almost the same in their capabilities. Indeed, most popular applications are available on both platforms, both operating systems support approximately the same technical features. However, it's worth digging a little deeper, and you will understand how flexible and versatile Android is compared to iOS.

Firstly, the operating system from Google can change a huge number of technical parameters of the phone (from the brightness of the LED flash to changes in system files devices). To do this, you first need to install root rights, which will unlock these functions. Of course, this procedure is quite complicated and requires certain qualifications from the user.

All in all, Android is a good choice for those who rely more on fine tuning a huge number of parameters, rather than a beautiful "wrapper". The OS can work in normal mode with functionality that will suit the average user. iOS, on the other hand, has severe limitations in this matter, which are quite difficult to bypass.


When it comes to the interface, the individual preferences of buyers play the greatest role. "Hardened" users of Apple technology steadfastly reject all offers to try Android devices, arguing that this is due to the imperfection of its appearance. In fact latest versions both operating systems are practically indistinguishable in terms of usability from each other.

However, this state of affairs was far from always the case; a few years ago, Apple was far ahead of all its competitors in terms of the intuitive design of iOS. The principle of skeuomorphism (similarity with real objects) helped iPhones become the fastest devices in terms of their development even by the most “distant” users.

The huge gap narrowed, and then completely disappeared with the release of Android 5.0, built on the principle of Material Design. The update was warmly received by users and even won over some die-hard Apple fans. Today, the lock screens, notification centers, main menus, and settings of both OSes have roughly the same hierarchy.

Navigation through the interface elements of the iPhone and Android-smartphone is built on almost the same logic. At the same time, the second retains a wider choice in customization. For example, Apple devices do not know how to enable / disable data transfer in the quick settings menu. You have to constantly use the combination of the "Flight" mode and the included Wi-Fi - not the most convenient solution.


Despite all its advantages and / or disadvantages, Apple remains the most significant brand in the smartphone market. The fan base of the company was formed under the influence of significant historical factors and even personalities, which is only worth Steve Jobs himself. At the same time, Google is not going to lag behind the global giant and offers users ever new functional solutions.

So what is better anyway? Only you yourself can correctly answer this question, because the difference between iOS and Android lies in small details. They determine the attractiveness of a particular system for each buyer. Want more amenities? Choose iPhone X - the latest achievement of Apple. More functionality? Pay attention to the huge selection of Android flagships. In general, the chances of both OSes are equal. Friendship won!

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Indeed, although Android was created in many ways as a copy of iOS, it turned out to be a good competitor, and together iOS and Android "dealt with" all the others: Symbian, Windows Mobile, BlackBerry OS and Windows phone, which in the last years of its life also bore the name Windows Mobile, which caused a lot of confusion. Because the same Windows Mobile that dominated the smart phone market at the time the iPhone appeared was a completely different operating system that had nothing to do with Windows Phone.

However, what iOS and Android were at their start is nothing like what they are now. For 10 years, operating systems have peeped ideas from each other, and today there is not such a big difference between them as it seems at first glance. Let's go through the main differences.


Oddly enough, but the first difference is the brand of the smartphone itself. AT iOS case no choice: it's only Apple. No other is given. In the case of Android, these are several dozen brands - from large ones that can compete with Apple on all counts, to small Chinese nameless basements. Since the price within one brand, as a rule, does not change very much, the choice of a brand is also the choice of a price category.

Again, in the case of Apple, there is not much choice: their smartphones are quite expensive, even if we are talking about last year's flagships that have already fallen in price or the initially "budget" iPhone 5C or iPhone SE.

In short, iOS smartphones cost more on average than Android smartphones. It's worth keeping this in mind.


The question of convenience is very subjective, and what is convenient for one person may be just a real hell for another. Therefore, the Internet is inundated with reports of how the typical iPhone user tried to use Android and could not get used to it, as well as vice versa.

However, why did we include this item in the article at all: the fact is that Android does not have any single interface. Classic, "pure" Android is really not the most convenient thing to use, but most manufacturers preinstall their interface, not to mention the fact that you can download any other in the Google Play app store. And if some interfaces simply change the appearance of icons, then others seriously rework both the menu logic and visualization in various operating modes.

On the other hand, iOS cannot have other interfaces: what it is, you have to use it. If you don't like it, the only alternative is Android.

The only thing that seems objectively inconvenient to us in Android, regardless of the interface, is entering text in the horizontal orientation of the display somewhere in the mail or messages. As a rule, in this position, you see only the keyboard, the text you enter, and nothing else. But with the increase in the diagonal of the displays, users are less likely to turn the phone on its side, except for video shooting, watching movies or playing games.



The apps for iOS and Android are basically the same. If some service wants to make a mobile client application, then versions are released immediately: for both iOS and Android. The price in most cases is also the same - 0 rubles, 0 kopecks. Although there are differences. Average paid apps on iOS a little more expensive, but on average - like "the average temperature in the hospital."

But there are two nuances. The first is that the functionality of applications is limited by itself. operating system. In most cases there is no difference, but, for example, on android application can penetrate deeper into the system than on iOS. For example, various clients for connecting to other devices on Android can activate Wi-Fi themselves, scan access points and select the appropriate one, and on iOS they offer the user to do all this manually.

There is also the issue of backups. If on iOS a full backup of all the contents of the phone (including SMS and saves in games) can be done standard means, then there is no such functionality on Android, and all backup applications require root access, which automatically disables Google Pay payments and also reduces security.

The second nuance is the default applications. If you don't like the stock Android browser, the stock email client, or the photo gallery, for example, you can install another app and set it to run by default. On iOS, this is not possible. That is third party application You can install it, you just have to run it manually. For example, if you want from mail client open the link in the browser you need, on iOS in one click it will not work.



All restrictions for applications exist in iOS for a reason and not in order to create inconvenience for the user. Against. Still, the security of this operating system is much higher than that of Android. Yes, you can sometimes hear that hackers hacked into someone's iPhone, but, as a rule, this was done by simply guessing the password, and the victim also somehow compromised this password. Therefore, only all kinds of stars were hacked, and not all in a row. Here it is still possible that the "stars" themselves organized this "hack" for the sake of PR, otherwise how to explain that at one time such stories were noisy one after another, and then suddenly they all stopped at once?

In addition to limiting the rights of applications, iOS security is also ensured by captious moderation of programs that developers upload to the App Store. This moderation lasts for several weeks and takes place in manual mode. This, of course, makes the result dependent on the human factor, and therefore, purely theoretically, something malicious can still penetrate the App Store. However, it won't stay there for long. It's much more likely (and it often happens) that a moderator will reject a normal application for some contrived reason, and it's enough to simply re-request moderation for another employee to approve everything.

On Android, the app appears on Google Play within a few hours of being downloaded. All moderation is done after the fact, and even then if there is a precedent (someone reported problems with the application). Almost anyone, having taken possession of the source codes of another application, can publish it under their own name, replacing, say, a few lines of code there or adding malicious code.

Additionally, Android is easy to "infect" from the outside, for example, through a browser. After all, installing applications is available in this OS and not from the Google Play store. Yes, the participation of the owner of the phone is required here, so the attackers go to various tricks, trying to convince the user that he simply needs this utility that requires installation and needs to give it all the permissions that it only asks for.

In general, to use Android safely, you need to be constantly on the lookout. Although with regard to iOS, this advice will not be superfluous either.


To summarize, the choice between Android and iOS in 2018 is not so unambiguous. Operating systems are very similar, and the differences are more cosmetic. Perhaps the most serious difference is security, which iOS will still have higher. If you are already used to some operating system or a certain interface, there is no point in changing one for the other. But if you are just now purchasing a smartphone (or you had, for example, Windows Phone), then choose according to your means.

One of the most popular questions among smartphone lovers: which is better iPhone or Android? The question is indeed interesting. Let's conduct a comparative analysis and figure out what an iPhone is, what a smartphone is, as well as the characteristics, pros and cons of each device.

To answer the question “which is better”, you first need to figure out how the iPhone differs from a regular smartphone. There are quite a few differences, but in this section of the article we will focus on the main ones.


The first thing that catches your eye is the appearance of the device. It is with this parameter that we will begin our analysis. Apple is a pretty conservative company. Appearance devices from series to series practically does not change. The exception was the iPhone X, which got a unique top frame. Otherwise, apple devices of different generations are like two drops of water. The company is well aware of this. That is why she began to produce smartphones in different colors. However, this decision did not bring much variety.

With phones that run on the Android operating system, everything is completely different. Now there are more than 20 thousand unique models in circulation. Each of them has its own design. In the line of Android devices there are phones for every taste and color. Of course, not every device can boast of a thoughtful design. However, among the huge number of devices you can find truly beautiful models.


Buying a phone that runs on the Android operating system is a pig in a poke. Most firms are constantly experimenting in terms of architecture. Because of this, some phone models may be unstable. In addition, when assembling Android devices, not the highest quality components are used. Because of this, various defects occur. Moreover, they can be both significant (marriage of hardware components) and insignificant (backlashes, gaps, etc.). Problematic gadgets are produced not only by small companies, but even by such giants as Samsung (remember at least the numerous cases of battery fires in the Galaxy Note 7).

Apple has been improving the architecture of the iPhone for many years. Therefore, the build quality, the interaction between hardware components - all this is at the highest level. Production new iPhones well adjusted. When assembling an "apple" device, reliable hardware modules are used. The quality of products from Apple is worth paying tribute to. As statistics show, "apple" gadgets live much longer than devices running on the Android OS.


To begin with, it is worth understanding that iOS is an operating system that is used exclusively in Apple devices. At the same time, the Android platform is used by many different companies. We will evaluate the software according to the following criteria:

  1. Safety. iOS is a completely closed platform that has a high level of security. The iPhone software is produced by the same company. It is for this reason that it is easy to control compatibility. This helps to avoid various system failures and errors. With Android, things are completely different. This platform is open to various updates. Sometimes unsuccessful updates negatively affect the performance of the device and the stability of the entire system as a whole.
  2. App store. The Apple App Store is carefully moderated. The programs that are there have good compatibility with the device. The probability that a virus utility will get into the App Store is almost zero. As for the Android platform, the Play Market is almost not moderated. Almost every user can upload their application there. Because of this, the store is simply teeming with useless or viral programs.
  3. Games. A large number of gaming applications are available on both Android and iOS. In this regard, the platforms are equal.
  4. Interface. "Apple" menus are simple and ergonomic. They are very convenient and pleasant to use. On the Android platform, the interface is more complicated, however, there are much more opportunities in terms of customization. For example, you can change themes, wallpapers, install widgets, etc.


Since the range of Android devices is too wide, manufacturers simply do not have time to produce accessories for phones. Finding a regular case that fits your phone is not an easy task. What is there! Sometimes it is difficult to find even a film or protective glass, which will fit the size of the display. The only accessory that is easy to find for any Android device is headphones. This is due to the fact that devices with this OS are equipped with a standard 3.5 mm jack.

The iPhone is much better in terms of peripherals. Apple makes a huge number of accessories. Covers, protective bumpers, pads - the abundance of products is simply amazing. Finding iPhone accessories is pretty easy. Just go to any Apple Shop.


Another one forte iPhone is a camera. She has amazing features. This phrase is especially relevant for the latest models. The picture is very juicy and beautiful. The color reproduction is also commendable. The noise level, even when shooting on a bright, sunny day, is minimal.

Concerning Android devices, then there are very few devices on the market that can boast a good camera. The exception is Sony products. Smartphones of this company have always had good cameras.


Another qualitative difference between iPhone and Android is service. You can find an Apple service center anywhere in the world. They are located in every major city. As for the service, there are no complaints here either. Almost any breakdown can be resolved in the shortest possible time.

But devices on the Android platform have certain problems with servicing. Service centers, even such giants as Samsung and LG, are far from being in every city. What can we say about little-known brands of smartphones. As for repairs, a serious breakdown takes a huge amount of time. The exchange of requests between the service center and the manufacturing company can take weeks. And this is the most optimistic option. It happens that in case of a serious breakdown (for example, a broken screen), it is simply impossible to repair the device due to the lack of parts.


The iPhone is a premium device. And he has a price to match. Now a brand new iPhone X will cost you $1,000. This is a huge amount and not every person wants to give that kind of money for mobile phone. If you still decide to purchase an "apple" smartphone, then be prepared for additional costs. Various iPhone accessories are also expensive. In addition, you will most likely have to pay for software, since most of the apps in the App Store are paid.

The range of devices that run on the Android operating system is extremely diverse and multifaceted. It includes both budget devices and powerful flagships. Therefore, you can easily pick up a device that will be affordable for you. There are not many additional costs. Accessories for Android phones are inexpensive. As for applications, there is paid software in the Play Market. However, each mobile utility has at least 2-3 free counterparts. Therefore, you do not have to pay for the software.


In the article, we told how the iPhone differs from Android. As you can see, there are a lot of differences. After reading all the above characteristics, the question is, what to buy - iPhone or Android? It all depends on your preferences and financial capabilities. If you want to get the highest quality, convenient device and you are ready to give money for it, then in this case, buy an iPhone. Do you want to get an inexpensive and multifunctional device? Then your choice is an Android phone.

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