How to return the old version of VKontakte. How to return the old Vkontakte design - disable the new version How to return the old VKontakte design works

Reading 5 min. Views 2k. Published on 26.10.2017

Despite the fact that developers strive for the ideal, a new update to a familiar application does not always bring pleasure to the user. It's more of a matter of habit though. However, many people want to leave the application as it was before the changes and are looking for information about how.

It is worth noting that VKontakte completely updated its mobile application in the fall of 2017. This is one of the most tangible changes that the program's interface has undergone in recent times, before that a similar upgrade was presented by the developers in April last year. Almost everything has changed, from new user features to the overall organization of the workspace. And even "likes" are now red.

Despite the fact that the optimization is pretty good and the application itself has become more convenient, many (as, indeed, last time) want to continue using the old, more familiar version.

The whole problem is in PlayMarket

All Android users are well aware of the service for downloading and installing new PlayMarket applications. Depending on the settings set in this application, the programs installed on the user's device will be updated in two available modes:

  • Manual - when PlayMarket simply offers and recommends available updates, and the owner of the gadget independently decides which one to install and which one to ignore.
  • Automatic - as soon as a new update appears in the Device Market, the installed program automatically accepts it and updates it. In this case, the user enters the application and sees new design and interface (as it happens with VKontakte).

In this connection, the first action that an adherent of the old VKontakte software should do is to turn off auto-updates of applications and switch it to manual mode.

To do this, go to the PlayMarket application menu, to do this, click on the "sandwich" in the upper left corner, in the menu that appears, go down and find the "Settings" section. In the group of general settings, we find the item “auto-update applications” and select “Never” from the three proposed settings.

At this point, the settings are complete. This was the first step in resolving the issuehow to return old version VK for Android.Now PlayMarket will not automatically update installed programs, and the user will be able to safely use the old-style program without fear of autocorrect. Obtain if necessary new version program, it is enough to go to the section of installed applications on your own and check for updates, and also, if necessary, start the upgrade.

After external settings that affect the version update are installed, you can start working with the program on the device itself.if Market doesn't automatically update apps anymore? In this case, everything is quite simple, the process is divided into two steps, which involve uninstalling the updated program and installing the desired version.

Uninstalling the updated app

This step is extremely simple and straightforward, you just need to completely remove the existing . If you are an inexperienced user and are worried that you will lose information or access to your account, then these are groundless fears. The old version will contain everything that is on your page now, it does not depend on the use of the software.

Delete installed application can be done in several ways:

After the updated version, you can additionally clear the cache and delete unnecessary files on the phone. The procedure is not required, but it will not become superfluous.

Installing the correct version

After the smartphone's memory has been cleared of the remnants of the previous version of the program, it is time to take the final step in resolving the issue,how to return the old version of VK to Android.

The main question of this stage is where to get the distribution kit of the previous version of VK. Today on the Internet you can find a lot of offers to download and install any program, and not just VKontakte. Before turning to any source, you should first check its reliability. Installing software for mobile access to a personal VK page from a third-party resource can be fraught with unpleasant consequences, and VKontakte itself does not distribute previous versions of the application.

Before you download a package of files and install them on your phone, you should look for reviews about the source. Today, old versions of VK can be found on TrashBox or UpToDown.

Before downloading the distribution kit, you need to set the settings on the gadget. To provide greater security, devices are set by default to prevent downloading and installing applications from third-party resources. To install an older version, you need to change these settings. Usually when trying to install desired program a pop-up window pops up. A warning about unauthorized actions and a suggestion to deny or allow the process.

We allow the installation and wait for the process to complete. As a result, the userwill return the old version of VK to Androidand will continue to use the app in the old interface. If necessary, you can always update from PlayMarket. Still, updates often change the application for the better, you just need to get used to the changes.

- it is not joke. Since the transition to such an interface is obviously inevitable for everyone, the question is, how to return old design In contact with has only a temporary solution. But since albeit temporarily, disable the new Vkontakte design and it is still possible to continue working with the usual sane interface, then we will do this.

This question is relevant, perhaps, for all Vkontakte users who have become accustomed for 10 years to the simplicity and convenience of the old design and use its functionality to the fullest. In particular, this applies to those who created and administer communities and groups - the developers of the new, of course, made life difficult for them with their innovations.

By the way, for this category of VK users, I would like to give a practical recommendation: in order not to waste precious time on self-promotion of the public both on Vkontakte and on all other popular social networks, and fully concentrate on high-quality content for your community, you should contact the service social like. Judging by the numerous positive reviews, this PR team knows their business and will be able to quickly provide your group with the right number quality subscribers.

Let's return to the main question. Immediately make a reservation - we will talk about browser version social network. Android and iOS applications, alas, will not be considered in this article.

Upd. 08/17/2016. Dear Reader, in order not to waste your precious time, I would like to immediately inform you: "The uprising is suppressed, Skynet won." Well, jokes aside, the inevitable happened: despite all the protest moods of Vkontakte users, the developers, after several “waves” of transferring users to the new design, decided that it was enough to waste time on trifles: on August 17, 2016, ALL users of the social network were transferred to the new design ... Accordingly, the new addresses simply does not exist at the moment, and recommendations using its return do not work ...

This does not mean that there are no ways to return the old Vkontakte design now: especially for those who do not give up, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the ““ block located below in the text. There you will find a way that will probably be able to extinguish the flame of righteous anger in you.

Well, before this block, information will be given that is more of historical than practical significance: the following is a chronology of the fight against the disease called " New design". Familiarization with this information will take you, dear Readers, not so much time, and it will probably be interesting for someone to know “how it all began”, so all previously workable methods remained in the article. So let's start.

For those who have become a “guinea pig” for Vkontakte designers involuntarily (that is, they just encountered a new interface at some point), there should be a link “Return to the old version ...”, located at the bottom of the left column with a menu and advertising. In truth, the designers clearly tried to make the tool for how to return the old version of Vkontakte as invisible as possible: gray letters on a gray background - it's hard to notice.

Those who voluntarily joined the “ranks of testers” of the new interface (by clicking on the ill-fated “Join testing” button) may not find links to return to the old version.

And how to disable the new Vkontakte design in this case?

Pay attention to the address bar of the browser:

Attention to the address bar!

As you can see, before added “ new". Those. in fact, it's a different user profile page. To return the usual, and with it to return the old version of Vkontakte, we simply “correct” the address: you need to erase “ new.". And, of course, press Enter (or the input confirmation key on a touch device).

The following result will come out:

Removed “new.” from the address, got what you need!

Familiar? Probably painfully 🙂. Yes, yes, this is the good old interface, which everyone has gotten used to over the 10 years of its existence. Well, now the matter is small: it remains only to bookmark this page in the browser so as not to edit the address every time, and call this page after authorization on the social network.

It is not yet known exactly when the redesign of Vkontakte will “cover” everyone, so there is hope that the old version of will be used for a long time.

Upd. 06/09/2016. It seems that the Old Believers did not rejoice for long: the team began a forced transfer to a new design without the ability to return to the previous version.

Upd. No. 2 - joyful (not so joyful anymore - has lost its relevance ...)

It turns out that there is still a workable method to return the old Vkontakte interface, even to those who, it seems, were left with no options (at least for this method in VK they repeatedly thanked the “prompter”). However, we warn you right away - you will have to perform all actions at your own peril and risk, and the risk may be present. The return method of the old design is related to running scripts, and Netobserver does not guarantee that there is no code in the body of the script that can steal user login and password.

Let's consider a really working method suitable for Google browser Chrome and its "brothers", like Yandex.Browser (browsers based on the Chromium platform):

So, the method is as follows: we find it on the Google Playmarket

Install the first plugin in the list:

After installation, the activity of the plugin can be checked by the icon in the upper right corner of the browser:

In the tab that opens, click on the "Install this script" button:

Next, a warning from Tampermonkey will appear that you should only run reliable scripts (i.e. once again warns - you act at your own peril and risk), and the installed script is displayed:

That's all - the script immediately starts its work. You just have to go to Vkontakte (or refresh the page if you are already there), and make sure that the good old is back!

Moreover, the effect will be preserved when switching between the elements of the Vkontakte menu, and upon re-entry.

This is more convenient than the method that was proposed in the comments to this article (however, I would like to say “Thank you” for this option for resolving the issue “How to return the old Vkontakte design”).

There are also Tampermonkey extensions for other browsers:

  • For Ognelis: ;
  • for Opera: ;
  • at Safari - .

Well, after installing the extension for your browser, you return to the step with downloading the userscript - and then in order 🙂.

Upd. 3 - for the most stubborn.

Dear readers, you have 2 options: accept and start getting used to the new design (this is difficult, but possible - I say from my own experience), or fight to the end 🙂 . The remaining way to fight is to use custom styles. Now there are several of them being developed, and all of them are still very raw. But, as they say, on lack of fish and ...

For enthusiasts who do not give up and are ready to "get confused", we have prepared the following recommendations:

  1. Application of a user script through Tampermonkey;
  2. Using the Stylish Browser Plugin with Style Loading(most popular option) .

For those who have already learned how to work with Tampermonkey (see the description in Upd.2- above in the text), an alternative script is proposed (though very crude), returning some kind of old version. Applying it for now, perhaps, makes little sense, but you can track the changes being made - I'm sure that after a while this user style will work much better. %B7%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD%20%D0%92%D0%9A.user.js

The script will need to be edited. Specifically, the following lines are of interest (from 7 to 10):

// @include*
// @include*
// @include http://**
// @include https://**

You need to remove "new." on lines 7 and 8, ".new" on lines 9 and 10.

It should turn out like this:

The Stylish plugin is the most publicized version of the return of the old Vkontakte design

In principle, the Stylish algorithm is similar to the Tampermonkey method, with the only difference being that Stylish, unlike the latter, works with styles, not scripts.

Warning: Do not run Tampermonkey with Stylish! Although both plugins are designed to do, in principle, the same thing, it’s not a fact that using them together will lead to twice the best result (rather a fact that it won’t 🙂).

So, if you have already tested the first method and decided to move on to the second, first deactivate the Tampermonkey plugin.

After installing the extension, you need to make sure that it is activated. For Chrome, the picture will be as follows: an icon with the letter “S” will appear in the upper right corner of the browser:

The next step is to download the style from the developer's site: .

On the page that opens, you will need to use the big green button - it's hard to miss it:

Judging by the speed of releases, the author is trying very hard to eliminate all the shortcomings that are currently available. Therefore, I recommend that you bookmark this page so that after a few days (weeks) you can download the modified style for Vkontakte, which will no longer be so raw.

In the meantime, let everything be the same for you as the lucky one who left such a review:

Dear readers, if you have alternative methods for reverting to the old Vkontakte design, feel free to leave them in the comments! We are also waiting for the feedback of those who were helped by the above recommendations.

Good mood to you all!

Article How to return the old Vkontakte design - disable the new version was modified: May 4, 2017 by the author netobserver

The social network "VKontakte" is one of the most popular. To date, millions of users from around the world daily visit this Internet resource. We are talking not only about residents of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, but also about representatives of the United States of America, Great Britain, France and other countries.

Recently social network VKontakte has changed its design. Today, many are interested in how to return the old version of VK and whether it can be done. Now we will try to answer this question, and also tell you in detail about how you can change the new version of the social network to the old one, which everyone is already used to. Go!

Why was the version updated?

A new version of the popular social network VKontakte was introduced only in April 2016. The previous version is outdated, because it has existed for a long period of time. It should be noted that the first time, when representatives of the social. networks conducted tests of the new design, each user had the opportunity to independently connect a new version, after which, if he did not like it or was inconvenient, he had the opportunity to return the old one.

Later, specialists launched a new version for everyone and removed the ability to return to the old one. It was then that people began to ask questions about how to return the old version of VK after the update.

New version of VKontakte

On June 9 last 2016, approximately 10% of VK users were connected to the new version of the social network. This was done forcibly, since the update happened on its own, and it was not possible for them to return the outdated version of the site. However, everything did not end there, because on August 17, 2016, the VKontakte social network completely updated its design for all users. At the same time, the opportunity to return to the old version disappeared for each registered person in the social. networks.

After that, people have been trying for a long period of time to find out if it is possible to return the old version of VK. Also, if the answer is yes, then they want to know how it can be done. As representatives of the social network VKontakte say, there will never be a return to the old version of the site!

Partial return

It is quite problematic to completely return the old version of VKontakte, but some changes can still be made. As you know, the update completely changed appearance dialogues. In order for the design of messages to be the way it was a few years ago, you need to go to the "Messages" section. Further down the right you will find a gear on which you need to hover over the mouse and select "Go to classic interface".

By following the previous steps, you can return the classic dialog box, but everything else will remain unchanged, since it is impossible to return the previous version of the VK social network without any additional actions and special applications!

"We do not like!"

Now there are a lot of people who are not satisfied with the new version of the social network. Many are trying to find out an exhaustive amount of information on how to return the old version of VK to a computer, but it is simply impossible to do this without the help of additional programs developed by experienced specialists. People are sure that the previous version was more convenient. In addition, some are sure that the new design of VKontakte is very similar to the Odnoklassniki and Facebook networks. By the way, did you know that users even created a petition, which indicates the requirements to preserve the old version, but this did not affect anything?

At the same time, representatives of the VKontakte social network simply laughed at the users who promised to leave this network in the event that the previous version of the site is not returned. The fact is that a month after the promises were made, people continued to be online. It is quite logical that they are used to the new version, because for many it really seems more convenient, modern and simple.

However, if you still can’t get used to the new version of the social network and are trying to find out how to return the old version of VK to your computer, then in this case you can use additional applications, one of which we will discuss in more detail right now.


This online program is a special software that can help you return the old design to the VKontakte social network. We will provide information on how to return the old version of VK to Windows, focusing on the Chrome browser.

So, first you need to launch the browser and select the ellipsis of the vertical position at the top right. After that, click on more tools and select "Extensions". Next, you should scroll down and click on the "More extensions" button.

You are now in the online store Google Chrome. In the store search box, enter the name of the program, that is, Stylish. The next step is to select the Stylish program from the drop-down list and click on the "Install" button.

After installation, you need to click on the link, which will be called "Programs". In the search above, you must enter the following data: "Old VK design." Then press Enter and you will see a special theme. Go to the appropriate section and click on the "Install" button.

The next step, you can enter VKontakte, but there will be no new version of the social network, because you just managed to install the old version of VK.

Try whether you are comfortable using the outdated version, because in a year you could get used to the new version of the site, which many people find much more convenient, pleasant and easier.

A new version (new design, appearance, design) of VKontakte appeared in April 2016. The old one existed for a very long time and is outdated. At first, during the trial period, each user could turn on the new version for himself, and if he didn’t like something, then return to the old one.

How did you turn on the new version of VK?

At first it was like this: the person who wanted to open the news on the VK blog and at the very end of the page clicked "Join Testing"

You could also enable the new version using the link “Use the new version of the site by default” in the left column of the site, at the bottom (if you open VK on a computer, not on a phone).

How did you include the old version?

It was possible to return the old one back in the same place, at the very bottom of the narrow left column of the site, a pale gray link. She was called "Return to the old version of the site." Then she did not stay with everyone, and even later disappeared completely. Read more:

Why did the new version turn on by itself and how to go back?

Since June 9, 2016, a part of VK users (about 10 percent) received the new version forcibly, that is, it turned on itself, and they could no longer return to the old one. You could also be among these users. Nothing can be done about it, one could only get used to it, because a person gets used to everything. The best option is to take the change calmly. Some time will pass, and the old version will already seem uncomfortable to you. And in any case, the developers of the VK site would not be able to support the old version for a long time.

This was the beginning of the mass transfer of all VK users to the new version. Here is the official news about it. Those who did not fall into the mentioned 10% could still switch to the new version and back to the old one for some time, but since August 17, VKontakte has completely switched to the new version, She herself turned on for everyone without the possibility of returning to the old one.

Since then, due to numerous requests from users, some changes have been made (they changed the font, left the ability to use dialogs similar to those in the old version, etc.). But in general, there will never be a return to the old version. Most likely it no longer exists.

How to return the old version of dialogs?

Go to "Messages" and find the gear icon at the bottom -. Click on it and choose "Switch to classic interface." After that, you will have dialogs like in the old version. To go back to the new version, just click on the gear and select "Go to the new interface."

Is the new version on the phone too?

The new version is full version website that people use on computers and tablets. This does not apply to the VK application for phones, which is developed and updated separately (see How to download VK to your phone). There is also a mobile version of the VK site, which also exists separately, but it also gradually borrowed many elements from the new “full” version.

How to return the old version of the VK mobile application on the phone?

You can install the old version mobile application manually, this is described here:

The old version may not play music. No one guarantees that older versions of the application will work at all. The VK administration can disable them. For the future, you can disable automatic update and the app will not update.

A better option is to get used to the new version of the application. When something new comes along, there are always people who don't like it. So it was with the new version of the VKontakte site - many promised to leave VK forever, but they are still sitting there perfectly. It's all about habit.

Who doesn't like the new version of VKontakte?

Not everyone likes the new version of VKontakte. Many demand to return the previous version, which they consider more convenient. Someone claims that the new design is too similar to Facebook and even Odnoklassniki. Users even created an online petition demanding to keep the old version and give "the right to choose" (this did not affect anything). Online petitions are often created for various reasons and thanks to them the information is disseminated very widely. But in fact, the petition has not helped anyone yet. When the noise subsides, everyone forgets about her.

VKontakte laughed at its users, who promised to leave if they did not return the old version. A month after their promise, they still continued to sit in VK ().

It is known that some people always meet any big update with hostility, since changing old habits is too painful for them. But over time, they calm down.

Our instructions will help you quickly navigate the new version of VKontakte: Where are the settings, my answers, music, birthdays, output, statistics in the new version of VKontakte ...?

Please write below in the comments what you think about the new version of VKontakte! Your opinion matters.

Why is it important? When you express your opinion, it will become easier, you will release your negativity. True, 92% of people will not read this, but will immediately look for where to write - they don’t care. Congratulations if you are reading this! If you really want to contact the VKontakte staff and ask them to return the old version, try contacting their support team - but we don't think this will affect anything.

What happened to VKontakte music? Why is she paid now?

There have long been rumors that a paid subscription to music will appear in the VK application. At the end of April 2017, VK decided to transfer music listeners to the Boom application, where there is a paid subscription. The application belongs to the partner Group, which includes VKontakte itself. The music section in VK has changed - playlists and advertising have appeared. In the VK application for Android, music caching has disappeared (now you can’t save music and listen to it without the Internet). Why did all this happen? The fact is that if everyone listens to music for free, the musicians will have nothing to eat and they will have to go to another job. Therefore, it could not continue indefinitely. You can express your outrage right here in the comments. Be sure to share this page with your friends!

Here is how representatives of VKontakte answer questions about free music in the application.

How to return the old Vkontakte design on a computer quickly, in 5 seconds? In May, Vkontakte changed its design and address from to, which was an unpleasant surprise for many VK users.

Today I hung out on Vkontakte, as a result of communication, it became clear on what topics you can write articles.
Today 2 had to answer this question, asked in different word forms, but this did not change the meaning).
For example, there was another question.
How to switch to the old version of Vkontakte?
About everything in order.

On August 17, 2016, the social network Vkontakte changed the site address from to, and also removed the old design, which for many was, to put it mildly, not very pleasant surprise.
To be more precise, VK began to change the old design to a new one not immediately for everyone, but gradually.
For example, the design of my Vkontakte page was updated for the first time just a couple of weeks ago.

I’m sitting at my laptop, as always, I have a bunch of open tabs, you can chat there, look here, read here ... in general, I click on the tab of my Vkontakte page, a new version flies out ... the first thought then was - what is it then the mobile version, I look at the address, ... the second thought is a phishing site. In general, I poked, I poked, my problem was that I didn’t have 1 account in contact, well, they like contact to freeze pages, there’s nothing to do with it, people openly scatter advertisements about cheating and selling VK accounts on the open walls of groups, and this OK, here you throw a thematic link and they block you ... In general, the meaning is that the passwords from the accounts are stored in the browser's memory, and along the way, when I change the new design to the old one, VKontakte security works, I'm thrown out of the site and I can't come in).
Summing up a point under everything that has been said.
I don't like the new contact version.
Yes, hell knows, it's a matter of habit or design, but I don't want this design, I like the old VK on the computer.
Many people say that the new design is ugly similar to the design of Facebook.

Okay, I won’t load you with my weekdays), let’s get down to business.

How to return the old Vkontakte design

At the moment it is The best way! There are simply no others. Watch the video and repeat.

In fact, returning the old design is quite easy. I heard that someone had it irrevocably changed, it seems to me they are lying, lying). Control murderous at the end, only not long ago appeared).
I will show you 2 ways to change the new VKontakte design to the old one.

First way.

Scroll with the mouse almost to the very end of the VKontakte page, click the full version.
You will return the old design of your page in contact.

If this does not help you, go to the second option.

Second option.
Encloses the numbers "0" in addition to the url
Just write before, add 0, you should end up like this: then your id.

I hope everything worked out for you.
If not, follow the link to this site
That's all.
I'm leaving to rest, do not disturb the week).
Good luck to everyone, see you here, July 14;)

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