Create your own permanent IP address. How to Set Up Remote Access via DDNS on a TP-Link Router - Static IP Address from Dynamic

The development of the Internet has not bypassed video surveillance systems and now remote control objects are accessible from anywhere in the world. IP cameras connect directly to the network, video archives are recorded in cloud storage, and tariffs are available for all categories of users, for example, from Ivideon.

  1. Video broadcasts from cameras pass through third-party servers, and the archive is stored there. Despite all the assurances of maintaining confidentiality and encrypting data, it is impossible to completely eliminate the risk of unauthorized access, and for sensitive objects such an organization of surveillance is unacceptable. From a security point of view, it is better to connect to the equipment directly, through a secure VPN connection, without unnecessary intermediaries.
  2. Each camera or video recorder must be provided with its own Internet connection, which can be technically and financially expensive, especially if most of the surveillance is done inside local network facility and remote access via the Internet is not a frequently requested function. It’s easier to connect all devices via one Internet connection using a router and set up remote access using DDNS technology.

As an example, we useTP-Link TL-WR740N. This router, with a good price/quality ratio, is widely used among home users and small businesses, and is often offered by Internet service providers with their own firmware. We use an English-language interface to avoid confusion. DDNS settings and partition names are the same on equipment from any manufacturer, but the Russian translation is sometimes different.

DDNS or DynDNS technology will connect via the Internet to video cameras and DVRs located on the local network using a router and dynamic IP addresses.

This formulation is incomprehensible to most users, so we will analyze the network connection process in detail.

Each router contains an internal list of IP addresses, which are automatically assigned to each connected network device (computer, smartphone, IP video camera, DVR, etc.). With each new connection, the address is selected randomly - this is dynamic IP addresses :

In addition to dynamic ones, constant or static IP addresses, both for the router and for connected devices:

Internet providers also work according to the same scheme for distributing IP addresses. When a connection is established, the computer or router is connected to the provider’s global network and, through DHCP, the server receives a new dynamic IP address:

A static IP address is provided by providers for a fee, and it happens that it is impossible to obtain an address:

  1. Small providers work through larger ones and clients have access to a small range of their own static addresses;
  2. Mobile Internet for almost all providers works only through dynamic IP addresses.

DDNS services control changes in the router's dynamic address for permanent access to local network devices through a special static level 3 domain:

In more detail, the access scheme via DDNS is as follows:

  1. A local network device, such as an IP camera, receives a dynamic address from the router;
  2. We configure port forwarding on the router and gain access to the equipment according to the scheme “router address + port”;
  3. The provider assigns an external dynamic IP address to the connection;
  4. The DDNS service replaces the router’s IP with the address of our static 3rd level domain;
  5. Now we have access via the Internet using a domain name or “domain + router IP”;
  6. We watch video from the camera through the browser.

Port forwarding

Forwarding, or port redirection (Port Forwarding) is a prerequisite for access via the Internet to network devices connected through a router.

If port forwarding is not configured, a situation arises when by contacting the router address directly or through the DDNS service, only access to the admin section is available and nothing more.

Go to the local address of the camera, recorder or local server also does not give anything - only folders or a blank page are visible. Only assigning individual ports and setting up redirection in the router makes it possible to “reach” the desired camera or computer.

DDNS setup

Routers establish a connection to the Internet provider’s network using NAT technology, which uses two types of addresses:

  • external (WAN) assigned by the provider when establishing a connection;
  • internal (LAN), which the router gives to network devices;

For normal operation of WAN port forwarding, the address should not fall into the IP address zones starting with 10.0, 192.168. and 172.16.

If the external address is included in the specified ranges, you will have to purchase a static "white" IP address or change the provider.

Local Address Reservation

Since with each connection, network devices are assigned a new dynamic IP, to access via DDNS we need to convert the current IP address to a “local static” one, otherwise we will not be able to get permanent access, because The router changes address when reconnecting or rebooting:

A unique MAC address must be specified in the documentation and network settings. We repeat this procedure for all devices that we plan to access via the Internet.

Setting up port forwarding

Go to the menu "Forwarding" => "Virtual Servers" and add a new port (“Add New...”):

  • Service Port – enter the device port for redirection;
  • IP address – local IP that we have reserved for this MAC address;
  • Status And Common Service Port – leave unchanged.

Security Settings

Disable firewall router:

Port forwarding has been configured.

Automatic redirection

You can simplify the forwarding process by using the UPnP function. By default, it is activated in most routers and looks like this:

Here we see that the Skype and uTorrent ports are automatically forwarded. If your video equipment supports UPnP mode, then most of the ports will be forwarded without your participation.

Solving possible problems

  1. All settings are made correctly, but when accessing a network device, the router’s admin page continues to load. Try changing the value of http and media ports, forwarding and testing the connection from an external rather than local network.
  2. If nothing happens when you access the local device, check the following:
  • Anti-virus tools and firewalls must be disabled or exceptions added to all forwarded ports;
  • The required ports can be opened by the provider only for static IP addresses;
  • Check that the NAT connection function with your provider is enabled;
  • At manual setting network parameters, make sure that the gateway address of the device to which port forwarding is performed matches the IP address of the router;
  1. Connect an external open DMZ server. Now all external Internet requests are automatically redirected to the specified IP within the local network.
  2. Opening the desired port on the device and router may not give the desired effect, even with a static IP, if it is closed by the provider. In such cases, you need to contact technical support with a request to open the desired port.

Let's proceed to the next step and register on the free service On the main page, click “Sign UP”:

Enter your email, login and password. The name of the static domain (host) through which access will be provided can be specified during registration or selected later (“Create my hostname later” in the registration form). Choose free tariff plan to get acquainted with the service. To confirm registration, follow the link sent by email.

Login to the created account and select « Addhost", enter the host name and select the domain zone from the section « Free DNS domain". We leave the remaining parameters unchanged.

Turn on the item Port 80 Redirect and specify the new port through which DDNS accesses the router.

The new management port is usually set to 8080. Settings in the admin area:

The No-IP account setup is complete, go back to the admin section of the router and select a service from the list of supported DDNS:

Enter your open account details and domain name. Turn on « EnableDDNS", click “Login” and after establishing a connection with the server, save the parameters.

Now, by accessing the website indicating the camera port, we get access to the video broadcast:

Network equipment may support proprietary services, for example, from D-Link and ASUS. Here's what the D-Link DDNS setup looks like:

An account only supports one host, which is sufficient for personal use and testing, but for larger systems, use paid packages such as those from

Setting up DDNS in IP cameras and DVRs

Cameras and DVRs support direct connection via a separate Internet connection without additional equipment. Setting up DDNS follows the same procedure as in routers: we create a DDNS domain and register its settings in the WEB interface of the device.

Example for IP camera RVi-IPC22DN:

and for Dahua HCVR4104C-W-S2 DVR:

As you can see, all parameters are standard and setup is not difficult. The only difference from a router is that via the DDNS domain it is possible to access only one device, since port separation is not used in this case.

A logical question arises: why such difficulties, if to establish a connection with the camera and access the video archive you just need to type the digital IP address in the browser?
Two arguments in favor of DDNS:

  • Remembering a domain name is easier than remembering a sequence of numbers;
  • Hacking passwords is simplified if the device's IP is known. Manufacturers assign addresses in their specially designated range, which is known to everyone and it will be easy for an attacker to understand that this IP relates specifically to video surveillance.
  • Make sure that on all cameras and recorders the gateway address matches the router, only the IP addresses should differ. Do not rely on automatic settings; check all parameters manually.
  • If the browser shows a blank page, make sure that the required plugins are from software cameras or recorders are installed and working correctly. Most equipment works in modern browsers by default, but there are models with non-standard video encodings.
  • When purchasing a static IP address from mobile providers, there may be a situation where a “static” IP address is guaranteed only to legal entities, and for individuals it periodically “slightly” changes. This does not affect browsing the Internet in any way, but connecting to a router or IP camera is no longer possible without using DDNS.
  • Ports defined by UPnP are blocked at the provider level. In this case, try changing and forwarding the ports manually - devices usually reserve several ports through which they operate.
  • Check access and port forwarding only from a computer not connected to the local network. That's the only way they're visible possible problems settings and connections.
  • Use HTTPS or a VPN connection to encrypt your video and protect it from hackers.

When you need to access your home or work computer via the Internet, use the free No-IP service.

U modern man As a rule, there are several computers with which he constantly deals. At a minimum, this is a home and work PC. And sometimes it happens that on one of them we forget some very necessary files...

For myself, I have made it a rule to use an FTP server to store important data. However, its availability is usually associated with the need to have a registered domain and hosting, which not everyone can afford. Fortunately, you can install an FTP server on any computer, but then you may be faced with the issue of accessing it from the Internet.

How DDNS works

Previously, when access to the Internet was the privilege of a few, providers most often gave subscribers so-called static IP addresses. They were always “tied” to a specific computer and allowed, if necessary, access to the PC from the Internet (it was from then on that the popular threat of “calculating by IP” began).

Today, providers buy a certain range of addresses and randomly issue them to users. Now your IP is with you, in five minutes it may be with some Petya or Vasya, and in another ten with Masha or Dasha :) This phenomenon is called dynamic IP and it eliminates the possibility of direct access to your PC, since the external address of the gateway can belong to anyone from your provider’s network.

It would seem that in this situation it would be impossible to access your computer via the Internet. However, to overcome this inconvenience, services appeared in the late 90s dynamic DNS(DDNS), which, using a client program, created its own unique identifier for the computer, bypassing IP addressing, and this identifier was associated with a specific domain name.

DDNS registers its domains on most of the world's DNS servers that support Internet addressing. Thus, if we enter a unique address issued by a DDNS service, the request goes straight to the global DNS, then is forwarded to the service, and it, in turn, gives upon request not actually your IP, but its own identifier associated with your PC. Accordingly, we get remote access to the local server installed on your computer:

There are quite a lot of DDNS services, however, only some of them are supported by developers of equipment for Internet access (modems, routers, etc.). One of these, which also has free functions, is No-IP .

Registration for No-IP

The No-IP service has existed since 1999 and was one of the first to provide DDNS services on the World Wide Web. Today, the company also provides a number of related services (registration of domain names, sale of SSL certificates, mailings, etc.), however, dynamic DNS remains its main focus. Moreover, unlike other reputable DDNS services (such as DynDNS), No-IP has retained its free tariff plan, albeit somewhat limited.

Before registering for No-IP, you need to make sure whether your router or modem supports dynamic DNS functions. This can be done by entering the appropriate request on the Internet with the model of your device, or by entering its settings through the WEB interface (usually at or As a rule, in the settings menu you can find sections with the names "Dynamic DNS", "DDNS", "Dynamic DNS" or "DynDNS". If there is such a section, enter it and make sure that the No-IP service is supported:

If the service is in the list of available DDNS on your device, consider yourself lucky and you can successfully use No-IP. To do this, you need to go through a simple registration procedure by filling out a special form:

Despite the fact that the form is in English, I think there will be no special problems filling it out. In the first three fields we need to sequentially indicate your E-Mail (a letter will be sent to it with a link to confirm registration), a password to access your account and the desired Domain name with a choice of one of the available domain zones(I liked If now you have not yet decided about the future domain, you can not fill out the third field, but instead check the box “Create my hostname later” below.

Next there will be a comparison table between a free and a paid account, which we don’t really need, and under it a checkbox confirming our agreement with the terms of use of the service, which needs to be checked (Terms of Service and Privacy Policy). After all these simple steps, click below right button "Free Sign Up"(NOT GREEN!), we receive a letter with a link to the specified email and activate your account by clicking on it.

account settings

The main section of the service control panel will open in front of you - "Dashboard":

From here you can quickly get data about your currently used resources, links to programs and tools for testing your connection. We will return to the latter, but first of all, in the form of a notification, we will be asked to set a user name and secret question in the settings to access No-IP. Click on the notification or go through the left menu to the section "Account" - "Account Information":

Add a login no shorter than 6 characters and select your version of the security question in the drop-down list below. I settled on the first one - “What is your fathers middle name?”, that is, in fact, “Your father’s middle name”. Enter the answer to the selected question in the field next to it and click at the bottom "Save" button. It is not necessary to fill in information about yourself in the "Personal Info" block!

In principle, the settings are enough to get started. In the future, we will have to look into the control panel at least once a month to manually reactivate our domain linked to our PC. You will receive a letter by email about the need for this, but you can, without waiting for it, go to the section "My Services" - "Renewal Management" and click there "Renew" button to renew your registration for 30 days:

Client installation

In order for No-IP to properly associate your computer with the domain name you registered, you need to install a special client program. Therefore, our last action in the control panel will be to visit the menu section "Dynamic DNS" - "Dynamic Update Client":

Here we select the client version according to yours operating system and click the "Download DUC" button. You can also watch a video on how to use the client, but I don't think it's really necessary since it's quite easy to install and manage. When installed, the client takes up just over half a megabyte of disk space and consumes virtually no resources on your PC. When we first start, we will need to enter the login and password for our account, after which the program window will appear in front of us:

Ideally, we won't need to configure anything if all three sections of the main window have green checkmarks. Confusion may arise if your computer has several network cards. In this case, you need to explicitly specify which of them the DUC should work with. To do this, go to the menu "File" - "Preferences" and in the window that opens, select the desired “network adapter” from the “Network Adapter” drop-down list:

In addition, after such a change of adapter, if further problems occur, you must also cancel the automatic remote determination of the network address by setting the switch in the “IP Detection Method” group to the “Use the IP of my local network adapter” position.

At this point, you can complete the client settings and proceed to installing a local server, which you will access via the Internet, as well as opening access to your PC via DDNS in the control panel of your network device.

Setting up No-IP on the TP-LINK TD-W8961ND modem

I recently wrote about a local chat I really liked, MyChat. I installed it at work and have been using it successfully for several weeks now. However, initially I was interested in the question of whether it is possible to connect to the chat server not only from the local network, but also from the Internet.

There are two articles on the official website about this. One of them described a way to connect to a server with a static external IP, but this option did not immediately suit me, since we did not have a dedicated address. In the second article the situation was closer to mine. It just described how to bind a No-IP domain name to a chat server.

However, at the very beginning of the article there was a clause regarding checking the visibility of a computer over an external IP using the Network Tools ping service. Like, if the service displays a message after a ping attempt "Timed out", then you shouldn’t even try to configure the server’s visibility over the Internet. Unfortunately, I had just such a case. But I still tried to play around with the settings of our modem and it worked! Now I'll tell you how...

At work, my entire local network connects to the Internet through a brand new TP-LINK TD-W8961ND modem. Using his example, we will consider everything that I did. Naturally, the first step was to find the function DDNS, which was found in the section "Advanced Settings". Here I activated Dynamic DNS, selected as the provider, entered the domain name, login, password and saved the whole thing:

But, alas, nothing happened... At first, I blamed the modem’s built-in firewall, which could have blocked access to it from the Internet, but it was turned off. As it turned out, the problem was NAT settings(abbr. "Network Address Translation" - "translation of network addresses"). Since several computers on a local network access the Internet through a single modem gateway, it simply “does not know” which PC to associate the No-IP domain name with! We need to “help” him.

To do this, we will need to directly specify in the NAT settings the IP address of the computer on which the server is installed, as well as the ports through which it transmits data. In MyChat, you can view all this in the server admin panel. We go into it, go to the “Server Information” section and here in the “Services” group we see the required IP addresses and ports that need to be opened on the modem side:

Now let's go to the modem settings: "Advanced" - "Advanced Setup" - "NAT" - "Virtual Server". Here we have up to 12 rules for port forwarding. In the drop-down list, select the serial numbers of the rules in order and write in them the ports to open for the desired IP address:

To successfully access the chat server from the Internet, only 4 rules were enough, after which the MyChat start page began to open using the No-IP domain name! To connect through a client program instead of a local IP server, it is enough to provide a link to the same No-IP domain.

Setting up No-IP on a TP-LINK TL-WR740N router

Inspired by success at work, I decided to register another No-IP account and use it to access files on my home laptop. At my home, the Internet is distributed locally through a local provider and a fairly common inexpensive Wi-Fi router TP-LINK TL-WR740N is used as an access point. It also has support for dynamic DNS service and No-IP is present among the providers (see screenshot in the “Registration for No-IP” section).

Actually, I successfully filled out the No-IP connection form in the router settings and chose one of the simplest solutions as the server - HFS. This program allows you to quickly and practically without any configuration create an HTTP server for accessing files and folders on local computer. In addition, it initially supports DDNS services, including No-IP!

To connect No-IP to HFS, you need to switch the program to expert mode ( "Expert Mode"), by pressing the F5 key on the keyboard. Then go to "Menu", find the section there "Dynamic DNS Updater" and choose "No-IP wizard". The No-IP connection setup wizard will launch, where you will step by step enter your account information and specify the domain:

However, after adding information about my No-IP account, the server was still not accessible, although in the router parameters the test connection signaled a successful connection with the service. Remembering port forwarding at work, I decided to look for similar settings on my home router and found something similar in the section "Forwarding" - "Virtual servers":

Standard port 80, which is used by the HTTP protocol, stubbornly refused to be installed for the registered IP (it said that it was busy). Therefore, in the HFS settings and here I specified an alternative port - 8080. After this, and also after restarting the program, the server finally started working and became accessible via the Internet!

However, I became interested in what was occupying port 80 and blocking access to it. I had to rummage through all the router settings, but in the end luck smiled on me. As it turned out, in the "Security" section there was a subsection " Remote control"and port 80 was blocked by default in it! As soon as I changed it to an alternative one and rebooted the router, access to the port was freed up. True, I didn’t reconfigure anything :)


The No-IP service can be a real salvation for those who want to have free remote access to their computer or part of its functions. In fact, you can connect via the Internet to the local host of your PC (, on which almost any server can “run”!

Do you want, like me, to organize a chat or a personal “cloud” for storing files. Do you want to deploy a full-fledged website (No-IP allows you to “link” a real domain to your account), turning your computer into a web server (for example, using DENWER). Or you can even create your own game server. In short, with No-IP you will have access to any server software and you will be able to give it access to the Internet without any financial costs!

Try, experiment and share your experience in the comments below the article!

P.S. It is allowed to freely copy and quote this article, provided that an open active link to the source is indicated and the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny is preserved.

Good afternoon. Dynamic DNS server services are increasingly gaining popularity, as they allow you to bind a domain name to any computer, which greatly facilitates access to or. A long time ago I wrote the first instructions on this topic, but it was dedicated to, in it I described a way to bypass the mandatory paid subscription on the server by registering on an affiliate service from D-Link, but recently this hole was patched with a banal method, now regular confirmation is required that you have D-Link network equipment. I have a TP-Link router, so my account has already been deleted, so now I finally got around to writing about the neighboring project, which provides up to 3 third-level domain names for free.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. So, the first thing you need to do is register. Therefore, follow the link and fill in your data: After filling in all the data, click on the button Free Sign Up.
  2. After completing all stages of registration, go to Personal Area and go to the tab Manage Hosts. Click the orange button here Add a host.
  3. We come up with and write down the host name in the field hostname, then select a second-level domain. We also write down our current IP address (). Press the button Add Host
  4. That's it, now all that remains is to make sure that our current IP is automatically updated on the service. There are two options for this: specify your credentials in the router menu or install a no-ip client. Latest version The client can always be downloaded on the page; you are unlikely to have any problems setting it up. I prefer to configure it in the router menu and for me it looks like this:

Linking a domain name to your computer

As I wrote earlier, if you have a domain name, you can link it to your computer. To do this, you need to register a CNAME record in the DNS editor of your registrar with the value of your domain received on For example, I made an ftp subdomain. And in the Yandex DNS editor interface, it looks like this.

DDNS - Dynamic DNS (dynamic DNS).
Very often, when connecting to a network, Internet providers provide an external dynamic ip-address (Stream, Beeline / Corbina, etc.). This is enough for the vast majority of users. However, in some cases (for network games, to access your computer from outside), an external static address is required. Not all providers provide this service, and if they do, then for an additional fee. You can get around this problem using DDNS technology, which allows you to associate an external dynamic IP address and a permanent domain name. You can use DDNS completely free of charge!

Port 80 forwarding. It will be useful for those who have configured their web server on a non-standard port. Eliminates the need to write the port number in the address bar of the browser.
TTL equal to 4 hours. Suitable for those whose address changes relatively rarely (computer, router works all day or longer). In this case, the access speed will be higher, because DNS caching mechanisms will be used.

For myself, I chose because of the longer account validity period.

Now let's move on to registering on the site.

Registration on

Fill out the registration form:

It is necessary to fill in all fields except Zip/Postal Code.

Currently, a glitch has emerged related to addresses.. When trying to register an error appears - “Enter a valid email address”. The solution is to use any other mailing address. It has been verified that with mail from Yandex, and even more so Gmail registration goes through without problems.

After clicking the I Accept, Create my Account button, an email will be sent to your address with a link to activate your account. After activation, go to the site again and enter your username/password. After logging into your account, go to the Add a Host section:

and go to the host settings:

Hostname - select the name of the third-level domain. In the drop-down list on the right, select the second-level domain (whichever you like best).
Host Type - to bind to the ip-address, select DNS Host (A). DNS Host(Round Robin) - for linking a domain name to several IP addresses (for load balancing, paid function). DNS Alias(CNAME) - binding to a domain name (creating a synonym). Port 80 Redirect - port 80 redirect (otherwise similar to DNS Host(A)). Web Redirect - URL binding.
Mail Options - leave unchanged.
In the end, click Create Host.

Please make sure you are connected to the Internet before starting the installation.

Let's launch the installer. Everything is standard: select the location, check the Launch No-IP DUC option (to launch the updater immediately after installation is completed).

Let's move on to the settings.

At the beginning, you must enter the username and password with which you. If the login and password are correct, you should see a list of registered hosts (see Hosts).

To update DNS, you need to check the boxes next to the hosts (domains) you need. The update process begins immediately after checking the box (no additional buttons need to be pressed). Under the list of hosts, the program displays the IP address used for updating (highlighted in red in the screenshot).

To access additional settings Click the Options button.

Standard tab. There are four options:

  • Run on startup. Automatic launch of the program when the user logs in. Also adds a program icon to the tray.
  • Use alternate port. Use an alternative port. Instead of connecting to port 8245 (by default), the program will use port 80. This setting should be used in case of problems connecting to the no-ip server (for example, if the provider blocks port 8245).
  • Run as a system service. Run as a service. The setting is very useful if you have multiple users on your system. Starts the no-ip client before the user logs in. Indispensable for servers. This setting can be combined with Run on startup (if the user does log in, he will have a no-ip icon in the tray).
  • Require password to resore window from system tray. Require a password when opening the configuration window. Allows you to protect client settings with a password. The only way to bypass the password is to uninstall and reinstall the client.

Connection tab. Standard sub-tab. There are three options here:

  • Override automatic connection detection and Override automatic ip detection. These options are useful for users who have several network cards and several active connections. For example, connected via a local network and simultaneously via wi-fi. The first option allows you to manually define the interface through which the connection to the no-ip server will be made. The second option allows you to manually define the interface through which your external IP address will be determined.
  • The third option allows you to change the frequency with which the client checks for changes in the external IP address. By default, this interval is 30 minutes. I advise you to change this option only if your IP changes very often (reduce the interval to 5-10 minutes).

Connection tab. Proxy subtab.

If your connection to the Internet is made through a proxy server, then here you can define the parameters for connecting to it.

Typically, proxy servers are almost never found on home networks, so this tab is of no interest to ordinary users. The same can be said about the Scheduling/Autodial and Other bookmarks; I will omit their description.

Configuring a router (D-link DI-804) to work with DDNS
Setup is very simple (it’s similar on other routers that support DDNS).
Go to the DDNS settings section.

Set the DDNS Enabled option.
In the Provider field, select or
In the Host Name field, enter the domain name (for example
In the Username / E-mail field and in the Password / Key field, enter the login / password with which you registered on the DDNS provider’s website.
Save the settings. Reboot the router. All.

With a static or dynamic IP address, you can access home server from anywhere in the world (if you have access to the Internet).

Why is this even necessary? It all depends on your needs. Perhaps you want to run your own website on your home machine or organize a game server?

Let's imagine for certainty that the task is to organize video surveillance in an office (or country house) and make it accessible from global network. The office receives a gray dynamic address from the provider (today it is, then there is a router that distributes the Internet over the office network. The video server will be a machine with the address (Fig. 1)

Home network diagram

I’ll note right away that, as a rule, a limited circle of people should have access to the http - video surveillance server, so do not forget to password-protect it after adjustment.

The first thing to do is to change the port that will connect to your server. We set a non-standard value, for example 8090, and remember it.

Second. Since we have decided that the device with the address is the video server, make sure that this address remains unchanged. This can be done in several ways, we will not dwell on this here.

Now you need to understand an important thing. An external network subscriber (for example, cannot see your server with the address in any way. Not at all. It only has access to the external address of your network, namely No matter how many computers there are on your network (behind the router), for the outside world they will have the address This must be understood once and for all. What's the solution?

The solution is quite simple. Since only the address is accessible to the outside world, this means that it is necessary to contact it. In order for the router to redirect the request specifically to our server, it needs to “explain” that the request on port 8090 is intended for a machine with the address Thus, a request to our http server from the outside it will look like http:// Having received the request, the router will redirect it to our machine and we will receive what we need.

Now let's do this in practice. For example, I use the very popular TP Link VR741N router. In other router models, everything will be very similar. So, let's set up port forwarding. To do this, go to the web interface of the router, look for the “Forwarding” - “Virtual Servers” tab and click the “Add New” button (Fig. 2)

Setting up a TP Link router

We fill in the lines according to our tasks (port, server address) (Fig. 3)

You can select “All” protocols for now, or select the one you need if you know exactly which one. That's all! (Fig. 4)

Right now you can try to connect to your server from anywhere on the Internet by typing your address and port as in the example above (http://

Owners of white (statistical) addresses can stop here and use access. But a dynamic address can change at any time. What to do? You can, of course, write a script that will periodically check the external address and notify you of changes by email or phone. But the focus of our article is different. We will give our server a name, and a special service will “link” this name and the IP address of our router, no matter how it changes.

I will use the No-iP service. If you want to follow my instructions, go back to the router’s web interface and find the “Dynamic DNS” tab. Check the drop-down list to see if the firmware supports the No-iP service. If there is, as in Fig. 5

Now, as you understand, you need to register for the service at Go to the site and click “Sign Up” in the upper right corner of the page. Fill in the fields, put a check in the checkbox "Create a name later" (as in Fig. 6)

and click the “Free Sign Up” button. They say that the service does not like mailboxes, so I used another one to register.

Configuring a No-IP Host

If everything is done correctly, we get into your personal account (Fig. 7)

Now carefully fill in the fields (Fig. 9)

  1. Since we are accessing an http server, which by default has port 80, we set the “redirect port 80” switch
  2. Open the drop-down list and BELOW the line NO-iP Free Domains select any domain.
  3. We can come up with any name for our site. It must be unique.
  4. In this line, the service tries to automatically indicate your external address. Usually everything happens correctly, but you can double-check using other services.
  5. We indicate the port that we need. 8090 in this case.
  6. Click the “ADD Host” button at the very bottom. If everything is done without errors, we get the following picture (Fig. 10)

Linking the router to No-IP

The task is almost completed! All that remains is to “link” our router to the created account! To do this, go to the router’s web interface again to the “Dynamic DNS” tab and fill in the fields using your account data (Fig. 11)

  1. We have already chosen as a service provider. If not, choose. As the username, indicate the email that you used to register.
  2. Enter the password you used during registration.
  3. We indicate the domain name that we came up with such difficulty
  4. Check the “enable” box
  5. Click the “Login” button

That's all! Now everyone who types the address in the browser address bar:

will get to the NO-iP service, the service will instantly redirect the request to my router (port 8090), and the router to the web interface of my video surveillance system.

Let me remind you that not every server owner wants access from outsiders! Don't forget to take action!

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