Why don’t voice messages work in VK – reasons and what to do? Why Alice voice assistant from Yandex does not work. Voice messages on VK are not listened to.

The Android project is constantly evolving and new features are appearing, one of which is - activating search with the phrase “ok Google” in some situations this is very convenient, especially since knowing all the voice commands you can not only search for information, but also send SMS, make calls, and much more.

Unfortunately, on older versions of Android the “OK Google” service may not work. Everyone else can activate the search using these instructions.

Google Search

Voice search with the command Okay Google is part of the Google search application, which is usually installed on Android phones by default. But there are devices in which this application is not installed, their owners must first install Google search, link below:

To install manually, go to the Play Store, enter the query “search” and select Google search from the results:

After installation, you need to run a Google search.

Activating voice input

Activation of voice search using the phrase “okay Google” can be disabled in the application settings. To enable it you need to go to settings - accounts / Google - search:

Next, go to “Voice Search” - “Recognition OK Google” and turn on the “From Google application” item

Google Start

To make the command work on the main screen You can install Launcher from Google called “Google Start”:

Every successful innovation has a downside. The same applies to d. People periodically have problems with them: they cannot be played, they cannot be recorded, they were recorded without sound, etc. And, despite the fact that developers put a lot of effort into fixing these problems, users continue to experience certain errors.

Today I will tell you what to do if voice messages in VK do not work. We will talk about the most common problems, identify their causes and consider solutions.

What problems might arise?

The software code responsible for managing the GS on VKontakte is imperfect. Especially when this tool just appeared. Over time, the developers have eliminated the most common errors associated with the malfunction of the social network itself. Today, in most cases, problems appear precisely because of malfunctions of the devices on which they are played, the Internet connection, user inattention, etc.

The most common problems with voice messages not working in VK:

  • Can not hear;
  • not playable;
  • is not sent;
  • recording error;
  • the GS icon is missing;
  • Voice messages disappeared.

What to do if HSs don’t work?

Before moving on to each item individually, there are some simple steps to take. Perhaps after this, voice messages in VK will work.

  1. Refresh the page.
  2. Restart your browser or mobile application.
  3. Restart your device (PC, laptop or smartphone).
  4. Clear cache & cookies on your device using special programs.

If after the above steps the GS still do not work, then read the material further.

Can not hear

One of the most common problems is when a message is played back and nothing is heard. There may be several reasons for this:

  • the sender has a faulty microphone;
  • low volume level on the listener's device;
  • faulty speakers;
  • the function is not supported by the device;
  • problems on VK servers.

First, you should look at the equalizer. If the band is smooth, without drops, then the problem is in the sender’s microphone. It may be faulty and you are listening to an empty message. In this case, the device should be sent to a service center.

If there are differences in the equalizer band, but when playing the HS on another device, the sound is normal, then it is the listener who has the problem. To begin with, you should increase the volume. No matter how strange it may sound, most users simply forget to turn up the volume.

If this does not help, you should check the performance of the speakers. If they fail, there will also be no sound when playing other files (for example, music or movies).

Less commonly, the reason is that the device does not support this function. But if previously voice messages were played back correctly, and after rebooting the device and clearing the cache the problem did not disappear, then most likely there were problems with the VK servers. In this case, you should just wait.

Can't play

Most often, this is encountered by those users whose Internet connection is unstable or too slow. By pressing the play button, the device cannot download the voice message and, as a result, play it.

You can check the stability and speed of your connection by turning on music or a movie online. If the audio or video recording stops, it means that the Internet connection is not stable.

Sometimes this problem can occur for users of browsers with VPN enabled. The "Play" button will be inactive. Disable this feature and check what has changed. If the GS still cannot be played, then most likely the function is not supported by your device or problems arose from the social network itself.

Is not sent

This situation may arise due to a lack of connectivity or a weak Internet connection.

Error while writing

Some VK users experience errors when recording GS. And what do you think is the reason? The reason is Viber. I don’t know exactly how Viber affects the performance of voice messages on VKontakte. But I know one thing for sure - reinstalling or deleting Viber solves this problem.

No voice message icon

The icon may be missing for two reasons:

  • old version of the application (for mobile devices);
  • lack of a connected microphone (for PC).

The first reason can be eliminated by updating the application on your smartphone. And the second, as a rule, occurs only on a PC and is solved by connecting a microphone.

If the microphone is connected, but there is no GS icon, then it’s worth checking whether your PC sees it. A lack of drivers or a faulty socket may mean that even the connected recording device will not be recognized by the computer.

HS gone missing

And the last problem we considered today is the missing HS. This happens infrequently and the reason for this is failures in the operation of the VK website. You can write to support to clarify the cause of the error, or simply wait for it to be resolved. But if only the voice messages left by the interlocutor disappeared, then, apparently, he simply deleted them.

Bottom line

Today I told you about the most common reasons why voice messages in VK do not work. If you have encountered one of them, then you now know how to solve it. Don’t forget that you can always contact the VKontakte support service and your case will be individually reviewed by specialists.

Google was the first to use sound control in its search bar, and over time, other giants in the field followed suit. Now the Yandex browser can also perform voice actions using Alice - this is a smart assistant controlled via a built-in microphone or a connected headset. Alice helps you manage not only the Yandex browser, it is a separate application for Windows that allows you to quickly perform various operations by voice.

It has become easier to perform many actions by voice in the Yandex browser. The voice assistant is artificial intelligence, that is, its capabilities, although limited, are still extensive. We just need to say: “Listen Alice” and say the desired command to perform many different actions.

  • The module is absolutely free;
  • Consumes a minimum of system resources;
  • It is distributed separately from the browser, that is, it is not necessary to install the Yandex browser. You can use the smart line on Windows and Android, and the results of online queries are displayed in the browser by default;
  • Full compatibility with all common browsers;
  • High accuracy of command recognition, but still voice typing from Yandex requires a normal microphone;
  • Saving time on entering a request.
  • The key drawback is that filling out a notepad or search bar with your voice is only convenient if you have a good microphone. A budget model is also suitable, the main condition is that the sound should be clear, without strong interference or interruptions in transmission. This means that if you have poor quality audio, are located far from an audio invader, or are used in a noisy environment, Alice's results will often be incorrect.
  • The second point is that voice input of text in the Yandex browser through Alice uses an algorithm reminiscent of T9. If slang words have been introduced, there is a high probability that they will be replaced with other phrases. Alice does not translate sound into text and vice versa on her own, but we can use Yandex.Conversation for this.

What the voice assistant Alice can do

Already, the assistant recognizes and processes hundreds of voice actions on the computer both in the Yandex browser and in the system itself. She not only helps us find something, but is also able to play simple games with us, find locations, convert currency amounts, etc.

What Alice can do:

  • Talk about the weather forecast. We can ask: “Listen Alice. What’s the weather like today?”, we similarly ask about the forecast for tomorrow, etc.
  • Additionally, he knows how to answer the usual questions: “How are you?”, “Who made you?” etc., convert currency. It also responds to the commands “Open website”, “Open file”, “Turn off computer”.

How to use voice input in Yandex browser using Alice

The method of using sound control is approximately identical for all commands:

  1. We can launch Alice with the words “Listen”, “Hello”, “Okay” with the addition of the word “Alice” or “Yandex” to each command, for example, “Listen Yandex” or “Hello Alice”.
  2. We expect the corresponding window to display, indicating speech perception.
  3. We pronounce a command or question. In the first case, the result will appear immediately in the dialogue and will be announced. If a search query is entered, the result will be displayed in the Yandex tab of the browser with the best answer, if one can be found.

Previously, voice typing in a notepad or Yandex browser was performed by the Yandex.Dictovka application. For unknown reasons, the service is closed, but there is a kind of workaround - Yandex.Conversation. The application is intended for communication with deaf and mute users; the service recognizes text and translates it into audio or vice versa. Yandex.Conversation is a kind of voice notepad for the Yandex browser, which allows you to quickly convert audio into a printed version and read out the typed text.

How to give a Yandex command through a microphone without Alice

The company's search bar supports voice completion. We can enter keywords on any page of the search engine, but we must first activate this function.

Why voice search from Yandex does not work in the browser

  • The microphone stopped working due to blocking by an antivirus program. We recommend temporarily disabling the antivirus and checking the operation of Alice;
  • The microphone does not turn on in the browser because access to it is blocked. Often the message about allowing access to the audio device does not appear due to the setting of the “Prohibit sites from using the microphone” option. Changing the setting:

  • The microphone does not turn on because the default device is set to another device. Changing the basic settings:
  • Physical damage to the microphone.

Voice control of the entire system and the Yandex browser is a convenient feature for speeding up information search, voice typing and entertainment. Now manually filling out the search bar is a thing of the past, because with Alice it has become easier to open programs, play games and quickly answer questions, including those about herself.

What is voice search

Entering text from the keyboard is not always convenient. Moreover, there are a number of situations when it is easier and faster to enter a command by voice, through a microphone.

Voice search is one of the innovations that allows you to speed up your interaction with the search engine. Google was one of the first to teach its search engine to respond to voice commands received from a computer or mobile device.

OK Google Voice Assistant Features

Using the application " Okay Google", the phone user can

  • assign a wide range of voice commands to the Android system
  • search on the Internet and Google search engine
  • receive accurate answers to queries in audio format
  • manage applications and services on a mobile device

It is important to know that the service fully works in Russian, that is, it recognizes speech. Therefore, a Russian-speaking user will not have any difficulties in mastering the search tool.

How to enable and configure the "OK Google" voice application on your phone

Most Android mobile phones and tablets already have a search bar from Google Search and are located on the main screen. Therefore, for the OK Google function to work on the device, it was enough to update the system at least once in the last three months.

In order for all the requests mentioned above, as well as some other additional commands, to work more correctly (that is, with a voice response or more accurate information), you will need an Android assistant called Google Now (aka Okey Google), which can be downloaded from us.

If the Google application is already present on your device (but disabled), to enable OK Google

  • go to the “Google Settings” menu, then “Search and suggestions”,
  • In the Google Now section, turn the switch to ON.
  • in the upper left corner you should click the menu icon (three horizontal bars)
  • Settings -> Voice search -> "OK Google" recognition.

Enabling Okay Google on a mobile device

Launch OK Google:

  1. depending on the version of Android, click on the Google search bar or the microphone next to it
  2. say one of the available commands into the microphone

This is how you enable OK Google.

For the most part, Okay Google queries are simply typed into the search bar after being spoken into the microphone. In some cases, the response to a voice command may be spoken in a synthesized voice. For example, to the question “Where was Pushkin born?”, the robot will answer you in Russian: “Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was born in Moscow.” This will display information about the mentioned city on the phone screen (in Google search results). If you say “what does it look like…” before a phrase or command, then, as a result of a voice search, the Google search results will display the result of a search for photographs of the item mentioned in the request.

Installing OK Google on your computer. Unlike mobile devices, no additional programs are required to install the OK Google voice add-on on your computer. The only condition is that you have a browser installed on your PC and a microphone connected to the PC. For voice control, it is advisable to use the Google Chrome browser: the search feature is best implemented in it.

Until 2015, the Chrome browser settings had a corresponding option in the “Search” section of the options. However, now she is gone. Therefore, to use Ok Google (i.e., the voice search function), just go to the Google page and click the button to the right of the search bar to pronounce the command.

Voice commands Okay Google and application functions on Android

The traditional way to communicate with an Internet search engine is to enter text queries. In the "Okay Google" application, you access the Android OS directly, the applications installed on your phone, and control them through the microphone. A wide range of functions are available - voice commands for the organizer, calls and messages.

  • By contacting the organizer with the phrase “wake me up tomorrow at 6.30 am”, you will open the alarm setting in okey google, where the time and date will already be indicated.
  • To set a reminder, just say “remind me... (do something)” into the microphone.
  • The function of voice creation of meetings and events works in the same way - “make a meeting... (anywhere, with someone at a specified time).”
  • To check existing events, you can say the command-question “what is planned for tomorrow?”
  • To create a note, say "Note:...".
  • Okay Google on Android can also work with contacts. To make a call, enter the command “call (name from contacts)”
  • The request for sending SMS sounds similar - “SMS (name from contacts) (message itself).”
  • “working hours (of an establishment)”
  • “how much are the shares (of the company) worth”
  • "who it …"
  • “how tall (for example, the Empire State Building)”
  • “how to get to (destination)”
  • "where is…"
  • "Where is the nearest..."

Interface of the OK Google application on Android

Voice launch of Android applications

Other functionality of the "Okay Google" application includes close work with the Android OS. To open a program via okey google, use the command “open (application name)”, start playing music in the player - at the request “listen...” or “play (name of song)”. You can use commands to open the most popular applications on your mobile device (for example, the command "turn on the flashlight" will open the corresponding widget). There are a great many options for using OK Google, it all depends on your desire to use the potential of the OK Google application in conjunction with Android.

Summary. Voice search technology is quite young and was recently introduced by Google. But the usefulness of the auxiliary application is felt from the very first minutes of testing on Android. Over the short period of its existence, an impressive number of recognizable voice commands in Russian have been developed for the Google service. Their number is growing every month.

If you are connected to the Internet and don’t have time to spend a long time entering queries into a search engine in text form, setting reminders or writing notes, the Okey Google application for Android will simplify your life. Enabling OK Google and then setting up the application on your phone is not at all difficult. Voice Google quickly responds to the commands of the user of a mobile device, and instantly. This is another reason to download Okay Google on your Android phone or computer.

Answers to readers' questions

Please ask any questions related to the use of the OK service, Google and voice search in general (via the contact form in the sidebar of the site).

I have a Philips Xenium V387. At first, the “OK Google” application worked. Then I accidentally clicked “Delete Voice Sample” and now I can’t record it again. OK Google says “speak.” I say this command - and nothing. Voice search only works when you press the microphone. How do I set up OK Google so that voice search works correctly? OS version – Android 4.4.2. The main language is English (US), the additional language is Russian.

Answer. We wrote above about how to set up OK Google on Android. In your case, if nothing helps, try the following steps:

  1. Download the latest version of the application (the easiest way to download Ok Google is from Google Play). Or update the current version of the application.
  2. Launch the application.
  3. Go to the Settings menu – Voice search – Recognition “OK Google”.
  4. Record your voice sample for recognition using a microphone.

OK Google doesn't work. When you press the microphone it works, but without pressing it does not respond to the voice. Everything is enabled and configured in the settings. Phone Meizu m3 max. Android 6.0. Tell me what to do, how to enable OK Google?

  1. Install Google Search App
  2. Turn on the Google Audio History option in your phone settings.
  3. The primary language of voice search must be English.

I have a Samsung Galaxy A3 2017, the OK Google voice function does not work when the display is sleeping, the settings are disabled automatically. How to enable ok google from standby mode? What launch programs can I use?

Answer. Indeed, you cannot turn on the voice assistant ok google from sleep mode. This is easily explained by the fact that otherwise the phone will quickly discharge.

In the Android settings you can increase the sleep interval. To do this, go to Settings – Display – Sleep mode and specify the desired interval. This will increase the opening interval of Google Assistant. There is also an app called Stay Alive! Keep screen awake, which disables sleep mode.

In the Samsung Galaxy, Okay Google was in the form of a ribbon on the main screen. I accidentally deleted it. Now voice search only works in the form of a microphone icon. Can you tell me how to return the search feed and enable ok google?

Answer. To return the Google search widget to your home screen, select Screen - Widgets - Google Search from the menu. If you have a non-standard Launcher (shell) installed, the method for enabling OK Google may be different, but the principle is the same.

We spend most of our phone time communicating, so developers are trying to simplify this whole process for us as much as possible.

Most of us are used to using text messages, but now it’s time to learn about something new, and today this new thing has a name "Voice messages".

They allow you to no longer type text, you simply record an audio message and send it like a regular message.

In today's material I will try to tell you everything I know about this function. Starting with its creation, use, and of course, let's talk about the problems that may arise.

How to send/record a voice message in VK

The advantages of this type of message are as follows:

  • you can hear a person's voice;
  • much more information is included;
  • there is no need to type text;
  • easy to use.

Initially, everyone got used to using VKontakte from a computer, so I’ll start with this type of device. If you have a laptop, then this section is for you too.

Let's say you are communicating with a friend and you suddenly want to send this kind of message. You don’t need to go anywhere, because all this can be found in a regular dialogue.

  1. let's go to Messages and select the desired conversation;
  2. to the right of the text input field (near the emoticon icon) we see a microphone icon, click it;
  3. recording starts, say the desired text and press the button Send in the form of an airplane;
  4. if you change your mind, click on Cross to the left and everything will be cancelled.

Now you have sent the desired message and your interlocutor will be able to listen to it, regardless of what device he is using. Go ahead.

The number of users who prefer to use the Internet from their phone is growing every year, so there is also a need to send such messages to VKontakte.

As we all know, in the world of smartphones there has been a battle between operating systems such as iOS and Android for several years now.

All these users are also lovers of communication, and therefore, without offending anyone, let’s look at this function for each of the systems.

Apple smartphones have always played a special role among people, so the number of such users is growing every day and the number of iPhone owners has long exceeded millions.

People from the CIS countries most often use VK on such devices. To send a voice message you need to follow these steps:

  1. open the application;
  2. go to Messages and select the desired Dialogue;
  3. on the right side we see a microphone icon;
  4. Hold your finger and remove it from this button, then the button appears Send And Cancel.
  5. The recording began and as soon as the desired phrase was said, select the desired action.

Think carefully about what exactly you want to say. After all, you can then delete the message only from your own dialogue, but not from the dialogue of your interlocutor.

There are also a lot of Android devices and many prefer this particular OS. In terms of pricing and performance, such phones are usually not far behind, and some are on par with Apple.

As you know, quite often identical applications may differ from the version on a competitor, so to send a voice message we follow these instructions:

  1. launch the program;
  2. opening Messages choose the right one Dialogue;
  3. on the right, hold down the microphone in the same way and remove your finger from it until the necessary buttons appear;
  4. say the desired speech and press Cancel or Send.

That's all in principle, there is nothing particularly difficult about it. It’s quite easy to use, so communication now takes on a completely different look on VKontakte.

It is not surprising that people feel the need to download a particular recording. We always want to remember only the best moments and listen to them again and again.

As you know, VKontakte launched this function quite late compared to other messaging services. They have not yet fully realized all the possibilities.

Therefore, at the moment, it is not possible to download one of the voice messages. Whether there will be such a possibility in the future, we can only guess.

If you find yourself in a situation where the message comes empty, although you seem to have written it down and spoken, then there are not many options.

The main cause may be a bad microphone. When recording a message, you can see an equalizer that shows your speech activity. If he shows some action, then everything is fine.

If it's just a straight line without any movement, then you need to check if your microphone is working properly. Perhaps something was connected incorrectly.


I told you everything you need to know before using the voice messaging function on the VK social network on all types of devices.

The thing is quite convenient and I have many friends who constantly use it. Over time, many will switch to this type of communication, thanks to this the interlocutor will become one step closer.

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