Connect to GTA 5 online. Grand Theft Auto V. Graphics. Settings guide. Performance testing. Additional graphics settings

The developers from Rockstar did a good job and perfectly optimized. The key to this is a few dozen graphic settings. In addition to the traditional ones, such as the quality of textures or shadows, anti-aliasing or filtering, the game also has proprietary parameters from Nvidia and AMD. However, today we will not talk about them and will talk about public settings.

test bench

Processor: Intel Core i7-5960X @ 4.4GHz;
- RAM: 64 GB;
- Video card: Nvidia GeForce TitanX SLI.

All data was acquired on this high performance PC, at a resolution of 2880*1620 pixels. At lower resolutions, the gap/FPS number may increase.

DirectX Version

Grand Theft Auto 5 offers players a choice of three versions of DirectX: 10, 10.1, and 11. Versions 10 and 10.1 were included by the developers for the sake of compatibility so that owners of older graphics amplifiers can enjoy their game.

Because older versions of DirectX don't provide access to modern graphics options, performance will be better (by 22% and 14% respectively). However, the version of the game running on the DirectX 11 API shows better stability, image quality, and almost no visual bugs.

Texture Quality

In this case, everything is standard - the higher the quality of the textures, the better the graphics. At the same time, “very high” quality is practically equivalent to “high”, although in some cases the difference between them will be more than noticeable. "Normal" texture quality levels naturally offer a much more modest visual range.

Very highHighFine

Very highHighFine

Very highHighFine

Very highHighFine

Very highHighFine

The quality of drawing depending on the distance (Distance Scaling)

This setting greatly affects the visual quality as well as the number of frames per second. However, it is far from certain that you will unscrew it to the full, since it affects the perception and the details literally climb into the frame - this can be seen with a very sharp change of camera.

Up close, the rendering quality is responsible for the number of polygons in buildings, cars and objects, adjusts the quality of the terrain, and also improves their overall detail. It will also make distant objects (mountains, skyscrapers) noticeably better. High zoom factors will also increase the number of objects in the frame, such as pedestrians and cars.

The impact of this setting on performance should not be underestimated and we recommend that you choose the ratio that you like the most. At the moment, only owners of very powerful computers will be able to overlook the impact of this parameter on performance, since it itself loads the system well, and also has a complex relationship with other key parameters, such as grass quality and density.

100% 70% 50% 30% 0%

In addition, the quality of drawing, depending on the distance, dramatically changes the FPS from place to place, that is, in the city the load will be much higher than in the desert, and you will be able to notice FPS jerks yourself.

Increased loading distance for more detailed objects (Extended Distance Scaling)

As the name implies, the increased loading distance for more detailed objects has an even greater impact on FPS and the overall experience of the game. If the owners of average performance PCs can still cope with the “simple” rendering quality, then you should enable improved quality only on those PCs whose performance can amaze the imagination, for example, as in the case of our test bench equipped with two TetanX.

However, the cost of using the most premium hardware will be a noticeable increase in the visual quality of objects, both near and far. It's amazing how Rockstar has been able to achieve this, but the improved rendering quality really makes a difference, adding new detail and subtlety to every game object that's close to the player, as well as increasing the visual quality of distant objects.

100% 70% 50% 30% 0%

Note that the increased loading distance also interacts with other graphical parameters in a complex relationship and can bring the FPS to a slideshow if you find yourself in a mix of a huge group of pedestrians, a lot of cars, police chasing you, and a series of explosions behind you.

Grass Quality

You may find this setting doesn't have that much of an impact on Grand Theft Auto 5's performance, especially if you're in a city. However, as soon as you go to the forest or visit the countryside, you will find out how wrong you were. Grass quality and density greatly reduces productivity, even on the most powerful systems.

For example, on "ultra" settings, huge fields with flowers, grass and shrubs, along with a high level of rendering and detail, with improved shadows, will cut almost 40% of the average FPS. It is quite possible that even "normal" detail level will be unbearable for your PC - after all, this setting has perhaps the largest impact on performance in any situation in the game. Even if you turn it to the minimum, it will still continue to have its detrimental effect on FPS.

As you can see from the image, only the incredibly fast system of recent years will be able to cope with the "ultra" quality, and even then not everywhere.

UltraVery highHighFine

Shadow Quality

This feature works hand in hand with the High-Resolution Shadows feature (see below) to improve the clarity and accuracy of all the shadows available in the game. However, it also has a moderate impact on the performance of the game, with the higher you choose the setting level, the more video memory is required, and the level of graphics increases proportionally.

Very highHighFine

High Resolution Shadows

This option speaks for itself, so turning it on will give you a qualitatively different level of shadow detail, but it only shows up if you turn the overall shadow quality to High.

The option provides the most realistic shadow from any objects, but it also has a big impact on performance, especially in the case of low-power systems. Therefore, we do not recommend enabling this feature even for owners of powerful computers.

Extended Shadow Distance

This setting will expand the range of shadows, improve their level of detail, add new shadows and increase the overall sharpness of all shadows.

Despite such complex and voluminous work, the increased shadow rendering distance will eat no more than 10 FPS if you set it to the maximum value. But if you already have problems with the performance of your computer, then do not worry, this function does not have such a critical effect on visualization.

100% 70% 50% 30% 0%

Long Shadows

This setting provides more accurate rendering of shadows during sunrises and sunsets. You may well turn it off, since it has almost no noticeable effect on the graphics, but the FPS eats off.

Loading more detailed textures while flying (High Detail Streaming While Flying)

This setting adjusts the level of detail in the surrounding surfaces, reducing visual fidelity in order to improve performance while you are in the air. Turning it to the maximum, you will lose 5-10 FPS, which also depends on your location (FPS will be lower in the city) and other graphics settings.

If you do not like flying and jumping from a height, then you can safely turn off this setting and save a couple of useful FPS by reducing computer load.

IncludedTurned offIncludedTurned off

Ignore Suggested Limits

By default, this setting is disabled, but it is needed in order to prevent the use of more video memory than it actually is. We recommend that you do not turn it on, because if you set it to an excessive volume, you may experience crashes, strong brakes and a complete freeze of the game.

Global occlusion model (Ambient Occlusion)

Currently, this option in the game settings is not available due to a bug, it is responsible for improved shading of the game world and everything in it. As soon as the bug is fixed after the next update of the game client, then we will talk about this parameter.

Anisotropic Filtering

This setting improves the quality of both distant textures and those that are at an angle to the player's point of view. In GTA 5, this setting works as expected and has almost no effect on performance, absorbing, at most, 3-4 FPS.


City population (Population Density)

Another game setting that has a complex effect on overall performance. If you like streets filled with pedestrians and cars, then you will need a powerful processor and a good graphics card. Rockstar has made a number of optimizations to increase the performance of the game, but the population remains a resource-intensive option.

We recommend setting this parameter to 75%, which will allow you to feel the population of Los Santos and make sure that life in the city is in full swing. However, due to the large number of people and cars, there will be a lot more shadows, reflections and other post-effects, which can significantly reduce the performance of the game and you may have to lower other graphics settings.

100% 50% 0%

In general, it depends only on your preferences whether to choose better graphics or streets filled with people and cars.

Population Variety

This option is unique in that it does not have any effect on performance, but it can significantly affect visual quality. The simplest explanation for how it works is this: if the game files have 100 car models and 50 civilian models, then by setting the population diversity to 50%, the game will load 50 car models and 25 civilian models into the memory of your video card.

That is, everything depends on the amount of video memory, and if you have 2 or less gigabytes, then we would not recommend setting the value above 50%, since, as it seems to us, this option can be neglected in favor of high quality textures and shadows.

Special Effects Settings (Post FX Effects)

This option includes a whole group of effects: motion blur, HDR, lighting blur technologies, glare of several types, constant depth of field, twilight rays, volumetric effects.

The FPS gap between "normal" and "high" Post FX levels isn't that big, but once you turn on "very high" or "ultra" levels, the load on the PC grows. We can say that the difference in graphics when switching between these modes is also noticeable, as is the drop in FPS. Visually, night, sunrise and sunset are especially prominent - this is when most Post FX effects show themselves.

UltraVery highHighFine

The increase in FPS when switching from the "ultra" level to the "very high" level can be up to 10 frames, similarly when switching from the "very high" level to the "high" one. The reason is that the game removes various effects such as glare, motion blur, and so on, and at the "normal" level, the quality of the few remaining effects is reduced further.

UltraVery highHighFine

However, this is not the case for everyone and some players notice a slight decrease in the number of FPS when switching from the "normal" level to the "ultra" level. Considering the loss in quality and the relatively small impact of this option on performance, we recommend using the "very high" level of Post FX effects for GTA 5.

Depth of Field Effects (In-Game Depth of Field Effects)

Fans of blurry backgrounds in the distance and blurry surroundings when aiming will surely be pleased with the DOF effects that the developers from Rockstar offer. Activation of this option is possible if the PostFX setting is set to "Very High" or "Ultra".

Objectively, turning on the depth of field helps stabilize FPS in cutscenes and gameplay cutscenes, but there is the potential for annoying flickering when changing angles. At first you will see very blurry nearby objects, and then everything will suddenly become very sharp, and only after a couple of seconds the image will settle. This problem is caused by technical flaws in the game itself and will probably be fixed in the future.

In terms of performance, you will only pay a couple of FPS for these effects, which is not that much. Because the depth of field effects are interactive and don't work all the time, you shouldn't notice any sagging. You can also lower the PostFX setting to Very High to improve game performance.

Particles Quality

It turned out to be quite difficult to assess the impact of this setting on the performance of GTA 5 - explosions occur in different ways, game physics and the weather system introduce additional distortions, as well as post-effects.

However, the difference between low and high settings is not visually significant. It cannot be said that at high settings the number of particles noticeably increases, and their quality increases. Therefore, by turning everything to the "maximum", you will get 5-10 FPS less than with the normal setting, and this will be noticeable only with a large number of explosions.

Very highHighFine

Reflection Quality

As the name suggests, Reflection Quality adjusts reflections on all game objects - cars, open water, mirrors, windows, puddles, and even polished floors.

UltraVery highHighFine

You can tell the difference between "Ultra" and "Very High" by looking closely at the screenshots, as the visible changes are only seen in the open world and only at long distances.

UltraVery highHighFine

A significant difference between "very high" and "high" modes is the sharpness is removed and reflections are blurred. As for the difference between "High" and "Normal" modes, the reflections from all vehicles, mirrors, windows and buildings disappear, and what remains looks very blurry.

In addition, for technical reasons, the "normal" mode of reflections gives the picture graphical artifacts and makes the reflections flicker, which is especially noticeable at night, in the rain.

UltraVery highHighFine

In terms of performance, the quality of reflections has a complex relationship with a number of other graphics settings and with the player's location. Being in the city, in the midst of shiny vehicles, windows and buildings (creating mutual reflections), noticeable FPS drops are possible.

UltraVery highHighFine

We recommend that players set their reflection quality to "High" as this will not only allow you to enjoy the visual quality, but will also be less resource intensive. In most cases, other game parameters are worth sacrificing in favor of the quality of the reflections.

UltraVery highHighFine

MSAA for reflections (Reflection MSAA)

This feature reduces reflections caused by anti-aliasing technologies, but since the state of the game world is constantly changing, and most of it is in motion, you will hardly notice its benefits.

Given the slight improvement in image quality, you can safely disable this feature, no matter what system you're playing on.

Very highHighFineTurned off

Water Quality

This setting has a slight effect on performance, however, the visualization of water depends very much on this setting, so we recommend setting the water quality to a “high” level.

For example, the difference between "very high" and just "high" levels is almost non-existent, and will only be noticeable if you carefully examine the screenshots. But at the “normal” level, the water quality deteriorates noticeably, losing almost all details and transparency.

Very highHighFine

How much video memory does GTA 5 use?

Above you could see all the GTA 5 settings, but you are probably wondering how much video memory is needed for this game at minimum, medium and high graphics settings.

For a resolution of 1920x1080 (Full HD) pixels, at minimum settings, 1.066 MB is required. As follows from the table below, to enable maximum textures, you need an additional 1.335 MB, another 1.211 MB is needed to activate 8x MSAA anti-aliasing.

In general, GTA 5 consumes at least 1 GB of RAM, and for maximum settings it is desirable to have a video card with 4 GB of video memory.

Command Line Tweaks

In the game folder (Steam SteamApps Common Grand Theft Auto V), create a commandline.txt file, and add the following commands to it (one command - one line). Changes are activated on the second download of the GTA 5 game world.

"-benchmark" (no quotes): Automatically loads the in-game benchmark instead of loading single or multiplayer modes.
"-benchmarkFrameTimes": during the benchmark, the average frame rendering time will be shown, which will help determine the presence of brakes;
"-benchmarkIterations x": allows you to run the benchmark several times, with x being the number of runs;
"-benchmarkPass x": instead of four benchmark test scenes, only one will be used;
"-benchmarknoaudio": turns off the sound during the benchmark;
"-disableHyperthreading": disables Hyper Threading technology (only relevant for Intel Core i7);
"-goStraightToMP": Loads the game directly into a randomly selected multiplayer match;
"-ignoreDifferentVideoCard": prevents the game from resetting graphics settings in case of a video card change;
"-GPUCount": determines the number of video cards that the game can use;
"-scOfflineOnly": switches the Social Club program to offline mode, which can speed up the load time of the single-player mode and prevent you from discovering spoiler achievements that your friends get ahead of time;
"-StraightIntoFreemode": Loads the game directly into free play in multiplayer;
"-pedLodBias 0.0-1.0f": Overrides the Population Density parameter, and allows the player to manually set the number of people on the streets of the city and other areas of the game world, according to his tastes. Example: "-pedLodBias 0.7f".
"-vehicleLodBias 0.0-1.0f": overrides the Population Density parameter, only sets the number of cars, not the number of civilians, according to your tastes. We recommend using these two settings together for maximum effect. Example: "-vehicleLodBias 0.3f".

You can remove the changes simply by deleting a line from the commandline.txt file, or by deleting it entirely.

Performance Issues Grand Theft Auto 5 on PC? Have you already tried all the most popular methods of solving problems, but have not achieved results? In that case, you've come to the right place! In this article, we will talk about various little-known tricks that will help you squeeze out GTA 5 maximum!

Attention! Before using the tips below, be sure to back up any files you change and make sure you understand what you're doing. Remember, the editors of our site are not responsible for possible problems caused by user errors!

Before jumping directly to the tips, you need to check if your computer meets the system requirements of the project, and they, by the way, are extremely high:

  • OS: Windows 7 SP1 / 8.1 / 10 (x64 only);
  • CPU: Intel Core i3-2100 @ 3.1GHz | AMD Phenom II X4 945 @ 3.0 GHz;
  • RAM: 8 GB;
  • video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660Ti 2 GB | AMD Radeon HD 7870 2 GB or better;
  • DirectX Version: 11;
  • HDD: 45 GB.
The recommended system requirements are much higher in terms of requirements for all computer components:
  • OS: Windows 10 (x64 only);
  • CPU: Intel Core i7-3770K @ 3.5GHz | AMD FX 9550 @ 4.7 GHz;
  • RAM: 16 GB;
  • video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 3.5+0.5 GB | AMD Radeon HD RX 480 4 GB;
  • DirectX Version: 12;
  • HDD: 55 GB.
If your hardware meets the minimum requirements, then you have done half the work. Now you can move on to the troubleshooting step.

Files, drivers and libraries

Before you start looking for your problem, you need to update your video card driver to the latest version:

A prerequisite for the successful functioning of any game is the availability of the latest drivers for all devices in the system. Download the utility Driver Updater to easily and quickly download the latest drivers and install them with one click:

  • download Driver Updater and run the program;
  • scan the system (usually it takes no more than five minutes);
  • update outdated drivers with one click.
It is possible that you will need to update supporting software such as DirectX, Microsoft .NET Framework and Microsoft Visual C++: Supporting DLLs:
  • (Download )
  • (Download )
  • (Download )
  • (Download )
If you have done all this, but the problem remains, then you can look for it in the list below.

Set process automatically GTA 5 high priority

Improve productivity GTA 5 can be opened by opening the task manager and asking the process " GTA 5 "high priority. Rockstar Social Club and GTALauncher, in turn, should be switched to low priority.

There are several ways to automate the above steps.

In order to use the first method, create a .txt file and write the following in it:

start steam://rungameid/271590
timeout 60
wmic process where name=”GTA5.exe” CALL setpriority “high priority”
wmic process where name=”gtavlauncher.exe” CALL setpriority “idle”
wmic process where name=”subprocess.exe” CALL setpriority “idle”

Then save this file with the .bat extension, and then run the game from it. Priorities will automatically be set correctly as soon as the game loads.

The second method works with absolutely any PC version. GTA5. Create a .txt file and write the following in it:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

Then save this file with a .reg extension. After that, we recommend that you back up the registry data. Then run the created file as an administrator and agree to add new files to the registry. After that, you can safely play. The created .reg file is not required to be stored.

Installation location

The next paragraph is for those who have GTA 5 and Rockstar Social Club are installed on different partitions on your hard drive. Just move them to the same partition and performance should improve.

In the event that you decide to move the Rockstar Social Club, you will need to make one small change. First, you need to know where the files were originally located and where you want to transfer them. Let's say you want to move the Rockstar Games folder from "C:Program Files" to the "G" partition. This is just an example. The initial data may differ, but the algorithm of actions is always the same.

After you move the folder to a new location, write the following on the command line:

mklink /d “C:Program FilesRockstar Games” “G:Rockstar Games”

Then press Enter.

Note. The command line is best run as an administrator.

Swap file setup

GTA 5 requires a fairly large amount of RAM, so it does not hurt to increase the size of the swap file.

To do this, open the control panel, enter the "System" tab and select "Advanced system settings". There you need to click on "Performance". In the window that opens, select "Advanced", and then go to the "Virtual Memory" tab, where we click "Change".
Here you need to set the setting for the hard disk partition on which the GTA5. The Initial Size value adjusts the amount of virtual memory recommended by the system, while the Maximum Size value doubles the amount of virtual memory.

Adjusting these settings should resolve performance issues GTA 5 caused by the paging file.

Issue with GeForce Experience

This tweak may help players using Nvidia's GeForce Experience technology. GeForce Experience can be streamed via the Nvidia Shield, even when you don't want to use it.

In order to solve the problem, open the "Start" menu and find the "Services" tab. Open it and disable "Nvidia Streamer Service". Make sure "Startup Type" is disabled.

Restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

Multi-channel memory architecture

If your PC has multiple sticks of RAM installed, they should work in dual-channel mode to ensure maximum performance. You need to find your motherboard manual and make sure everything is properly connected and configured.

Custom radio

Sadly, adding your own radio tracks can hurt performance a bit. GTA5. Just delete all MP3 files that you yourself added to the game. This can help save a few frames per second.

MSAA and grass

If you have problems displaying vegetation, disable MSAA. This should eliminate them and increase overall performance. In addition, you can try to reduce the quality of the grass itself.

Departure when aiming from a car

If the game crashes when trying to aim from a vehicle, open the game settings, go to "Save and Launch", then turn on the "Landing Page" setting.

All these little tweaks should help players with weaker hardware slightly improve the performance of the PC version.

In-game setting

Detailed setting

Ignore memory limit - disable.

DirectX - set to 10, 11 direct gives us access to additional settings such as msaa anti-aliasing, tessellation and grass quality.

Screen resolution and frequency - here everything is just set your resolution and 60 hz, because this is the FPS we will achieve.

Anti-aliasing fxaa - must be turned on, it has almost no effect on performance, but the result of anti-aliasing is on the face, because this is standard anti-aliasing.

Msaa anti-aliasing - turn off, with direct 10 it will be unavailable, one of the most demanding game settings, I recommend turning it off even on powerful video cards, for those who experience friezes, and the most interesting thing is that x2 and off have practically no visual difference, but about 20 is lost fps immediately, so I recommend enabling only x8 for owners of top video cards, but we disable it.

V-sync is definitely and highly recommended, the picture looks much better and smoother with it at 60 fps than without it at 80 fps, but first we turn it off to test the overall fps.

Population, variety and focus - I completely explain to the minimum why, the population of the city at the minimum value is the standard, the city will not be empty, if you remember gta 4, then by pushing this slider to the minimum the city became dead, immediately this is the normal state of the city, so turn off , the situation is the same with the diversity of the population, I would call this option "meaningless consumption of video memory", and as for focusing, to be honest, I didn’t notice a difference on my settings, but at the maximum value it also gives out infrequent friezes of the game, therefore turn off.

Texture quality - everything is simple here, 1 GB of video memory is only standard quality, I advise owners of video cards with 2 GB or more memory to try to set high, if 1 GB - set the average by default.

Shader quality - set to high - shaders make textures in the field of view better, but not as demanding as textures, I would call them a cheap analogue of high quality textures.

Shadow quality is ok.

Reflection quality is standard, because we need to achieve fps, and not peer into the reflections on the glasses.

Water quality is standard, for the same reason as reflections.

The quality of particles, grass and special effects is standard.

Soft shadows - I recommend setting sharp shadows for owners of top and pre-top video cards, that is, this parameter is set to a minimum, but we set either soft or as soft as possible, shadows of standard quality, they are very angular, there is a "ladder", but just the same with this softness function shadows, they become with rounded edges and we already see ladders very, very rarely, the quality of shadows improves right before our eyes, although initially we set the shadows to the standard, as a result we get more or less high-quality shadows with a minimum of performance costs.

Anisotropic filtering - set to x16, a useful feature, together with our high shaders, makes a picture pleasing to the eye.

AO shading - here we already set it only based on our preferences, try all the options, this function does not particularly affect either the FPS or the picture.

If it didn't help

If all of the above did not help, and your FPS is jumping, then there may be problems with the OS or hardware.
Hardware problems are most likely either RAM, or a hard drive, or overheating. If we sin on the RAM, then it must be run through the memtest program. Hard - free up disk space, defragment (I recommend O&O Defragmenter for the latter). It is better to deal with overheating in stages - first, clean the system unit from dust, replace the thermal paste on the processor, etc. It is better to read articles on this case.

System setting

Turn down your graphics card settings

For NVIDIA graphics cards, you need to go to the "NVIDIA Control Panel" (usually right-click on the desktop) and in the "Adjust Image Settings" tab, move the slider to the "Performance" state.

The video card is one of the main components on which the FPS depends.
Now I'll show you how to set up an NVIDIA graphics card.

First, let's deal with the power supply:

Control Panel - Power Options - Sleep Settings - Change Advanced Power Settings - PCI Express - Link State Power Management - Value: Off

Next, open the NVIDIA Control Panel, and in the "3D Settings" list, select "Manage 3D Settings", select grand theft auto v and specify these settings:
Anisotropic Filtering: OFF
Vertical sync: OFF
Background lighting shading: OFF
Maximum number of pre-trained frames: 4
Threaded Optimization: ON (If multiple processors)
Power management mode: Best performance mode preferred
Smoothing - Gamma Correction: OFF
Anti-Aliasing - Transparency: OFF
Triple buffering: OFF
Texture Filtering - Anisotropic Sampled Optimization: OFF
Texture Filtering - Quality: High Performance
Texture Filtering - Negative Deviation UD: Binding
Texture Filtering - Trilinear Optimization: OFF

System performance

At this stage, everything is simple. Go to "My Computer", then "Properties", "Advanced System Settings", "Performance", below "Settings" and select the column "Ensure the best performance"


Resolution is better to put small. The higher the resolution, the lower the fps.

Solving some problems

If your mouse twitches during the review, then this problem can be solved in this way:

Lags / friezes when driving a car:

1. First, lower the graphic settings of the game. Very often, this problem occurs due to the included options that are not supported by the hardware. For example, switch DirectX, etc.

2. Remove old video card drivers through the Control Panel. After that, download the latest version of the drivers and install it.

3. If you have a licensed copy, then check the integrity of the game cache in the game properties in the Steam library.

GTA V crashes. Game freezes:

1. Lower the graphics settings in the game. This will most likely avoid errors in the processing of game data, which often lead to crashes.

2. Run the game as an administrator

3. Make sure that the game has enough resources - if necessary, increase the paging file.

4. For owners of licensed copies of the game, it is possible to check files for integrity in the game properties, in the Steam library.

5. Sometimes it helps to reinstall the drivers for the video card. A "clean" installation is recommended.

6. The game may freeze if your hard drive is of poor quality and cannot provide the required data transfer rate.

7. Hanging may be caused by overheating of the computer. Follow this.

Missing textures in GTA V. No textures:

1. Run GTA V as administrator.

2. Minimize the game and open the task manager (CTRL+ALT+DEL)

3. Find the game process and set it to high priority by right-clicking.

4. If it doesn't help, try increasing the paging file in the system settings, as well as lowering the graphics settings and screen resolution in the game.

GTA 5 not saving. Problem with saves in GTA V:

1. Run the game as an administrator.

2. We check that the username of the system is written in Latin letters.

We make sure that there is free space on the C drive and the drive where the game is installed.

3. You must have Rockstar Social Club installed and logged in.

I hope your FPS has increased!
Thank you for reading this article, I hope I helped you.
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Hello dear readers. Today we will tell you how to play GTA 5 online, although, in fact, this expression is fundamentally wrong, since you will play online not in the 5th part of the Big Auto Theft franchise, but in an independent game - GTA Online. And even though the city, transport and other little things will be the same, the dynamics of the game are completely different.

From this article you will learn:

General information

To begin with, we note that you can play online even without registering in a social club. Another nice thing is that you don’t have to regularly donate to the game - after purchasing a license, you can enter the multiplayer mode almost immediately. In fact, you only pay for the game client, but playing online is free.

As we have already said, in order to play in multiplayer mode, you will need to purchase it, since the pirate simply will not allow you to run the game on the Internet.

Of course, every released online game that is destined to become popular has a number of pirated servers, however, if there is a server for the pirated version of GTA 5 (surfing the google spaces did not give anything useful), then there are no tasks, no robberies, or other delights you won't see the game.

Now about how to play GTA online - launch the game and select "Download GTA Online". Not much time is given for this, so it is possible that you will have to enter from single player mode, and here you will have a choice - go to multiplayer through the character selection menu (the online hero will be at the bottom) or using the pause menu.

Connecting through the menu Network - Play GTA Online is the best, since you will be allowed to choose which session to connect to, by the way, the rest of the methods connect to a randomly selected session.

Note that registration in the Rockstar Games Social Club for the game is completely optional, however, its presence will allow you to get a lot of different bonuses, including a free shotgun and a motorcycle (it seems that this is almost everything the terminator needed, except for clothes).

Differences in the game on PC and consoles

Obviously, in addition to playing on PC, there is also the opportunity to conquer the expanses of Los Santos and Blaine County on consoles. And here there is one amazing moment - if in order to play GTA online on PS 3, the user only needs to register on the PlayStation Network, and people playing on the Xbox will have to pay for Gold status or be content with a single game.

Game modes

So, with how to start the multiplayer mode figured out, now we will give you the initial knowledge base that will be necessary for a successful game. Let's start with a story about what game modes exist in GTA Online:

  • Free mode (free mode) is a multiplayer mode that first appeared in GTA 4, and then, having undergone minor changes, migrated to GTA Online.
  • Deathmatch is an online mode for two or more players. For each loss of your opponent, you receive a certain amount of money, and the winner will be the player who has accumulated a large amount. Also, along with deathmatch, there is a team deathmatch mode, where battles unfold between teams. In addition, after the release of the add-on of the same name, the Last Team Stading mode appeared, which differs from team deathmatch in that fallen players do not rise.

  • Race (Race) - a mode that allows you to get hold of additional reputation points (RP) and, of course, cash. In total, four types of races are available: classic, in the air, on water and on a bicycle.
  • Rally (Rally) - I think most people already know what a rally is, so we will only indicate the key point - unlike a regular race, there will be a navigator in the car who will coordinate your actions.
  • Capture (Capture) - there are two teams, each has its own base, to which you need to bring a valuable object that belongs to opponents (and there are only two of them - one per team). The team that completes the task faster wins.
  • Capture and hold (Contend) - again two teams and two bases, but now you have only one valuable item at your disposal, located somewhere between the bases. After capturing and transporting him to the base, he again spawns between the bases.
  • Survival - everything is obvious here, your task is to survive. You will have to survive for ten different stages, and the price of victory is 30 thousand dollars. The bad part is that if you lose, you will have to hang in the observers and see how it all ends.

  • Hold (Hold) - gamers will have to find (and if possible, take away from enemies) valuable objects. Whoever has more objects wins.
  • Raid (Raid) - a clash of teams in which players will have to get into the enemy base, steal an item, and then return to their abode. The group that collects more items than the opposing team wins.
  • Parachuting - The maximum number of participants is eight. They all drop from a bird's eye view over Los Santos and Blaine County, and the main goal is to pass a series of checkpoints while you are hovering above the ground.
  • Adversary Modes - These modes were introduced after the release of the Heists update, and are updated to this day. It is impossible to give a general description for this confrontation, since the rules by which teams must fight are always different.
  • Robbery (Heists) - just like the previous described item, the mode appeared with the release of the Heists Update. Gamers will have to plan all sorts of robberies, and even escape from prison.

GTA Online gameplay features

The events of the game unfold a little earlier than the actions that are happening in the story mode, so you will have the opportunity to see Martin Madrazo in the very house that Michael and Franklin are tearing down to the ground in single player.

For your actions in the game, the character will be awarded reputation points (RP), as well as cash in GTA dollars (this is the name of the game currency). As in most online games in the GTA multiplayer mode, there is a level system, or, as it is also called, a rank system - the higher the level of your character, the greater the sphere of his influence.

Thus, as you move up the "level ladder", you will have access to higher paying missions, new vehicles and weapons, as well as means of customizing the character's appearance - haircuts, tattoos and, of course, clothes.

In addition, with a higher level, the opportunity opens up to use your phone to the fullest. Not only will you be able to transfer money to the bank and take selfies, but you can call in air support, lower wanted levels, and much more. You can find work for yourself on the map (by going to the appropriate marker) or in the pause menu, after reviewing the list of available tasks.

Cops in multiplayer are much more aggressive than in singleplayer, so now you need to keep your eyes open - they won't try to arrest you - a good criminal is a dead criminal. In addition, it is now much more difficult to hide from the cops - it is easier not to get caught.

Of course, the developers foresaw that violators (if you can call them that) will not do, so a system of temporary bans is provided - a banned player is considered unreliable and can only play on servers with his own kind.

About currency

Money in GTA online, along with reputation, is important - after all, whatever one may say, this is a life simulator, albeit gangster, but still life. They are earned by completing quests, winning Showdowns, and various other ways that don't exclude donations through the Rockstar Games Stores. Below we will explain where to start, but for now, a spoiler: garages cost from 25 to 100 thousand dollars, apartments from 80 thousand to 500, with all this you will have to spend money on cars, helicopters and more.

About gangs

There are two options for gangs - private and public, and if a private gang is limited to a thousand people, then public associations have no boundaries. If you are involved in some business with members of your gang, then you will be entitled to a bonus not only in monetary rewards, but also in the form of bonus reputation points.

The founder of the gang can choose a name for it, an emblem and primary colors (and not only) so that the gangsters included in it can indicate their belonging to this group.

Let's Begin

So, moving from dull theory to fun practice - let's look at what is the best way to start your game.

After completing the tutorial missions, we advise you to turn to darts and golf, as one game of golf will get you 2000 reputation points.

Then you can rob stores - there are 20 of them marked on the map, and you can earn $ 1,500 from each, and this is without reputation points.

After you have the money, immediately send it to the bank using your smartphone, because after the loss, the cash not stored in the bank will completely disappear.

While there is not much money, buy a garage, not an apartment. Then (relevant for consoles) connect your Social Club profile to your Play Station Network account for PS or Xbox Live for Microsoft consoles. Thanks to this simple action, the Elegy RH8 will become available to you, it will be free on

After purchasing, you will need to dial the mechanic's number, which is already in your mobile phone contacts, and ask to deliver the car to your location.

In fact, it is possible to discuss ways to make money in GTA for a very long time, since the topic is extremely extensive, so we will make a separate guide on this topic.

That's all we have for today. Bye everyone and see you soon.

Maximum draw distance, particle quality, tessellation, grass quality... If you're trying to squeeze a couple more frames per second out of the new Grand Theft Auto V, some options in the settings may confuse you a little. How much do they change the visual component of the game? How do they affect performance? What are they anyway?

Luckily, Nvidia has put together a handy guide to GTA V graphics that explains all the visual settings and shows the difference in screenshots.

Of course, the higher the resolution, the more pleasant the game looks, but sometimes the difference is not so striking from changing the settings, and the frame rate increase is significant. We skipped the part of the guide where the company praises its products with might and main, but I'm sure that it is not so important for the players.

Of course, no one forbids you to reach everything yourself, putting on the method of scientific poke, but the guide will make your life much easier. After reviewing the graphs, I will likely lower the quality of the grass to achieve a stable 60fps. True, all my short visits to Los Santos invariably end up looking for a pond where I can swim. There is clearly something wrong with me...

See the translation of the guide below. Any questions can be asked in the comments below.

Grand Theft Auto V needs no introduction. It is one of the top sellers of all time and has earned the highest critical acclaim for any game of the last decade. And now that the long-awaited PC version has finally been released, we offer you a detailed analysis of its technological filling, which meets you in the face of a wide variety of graphics settings.

System requirements

Below are the official system requirements showing how scalable Rockstar has been able to make their game. The minimum ones allow you to run it even on older machines; if you want pictures, like on consoles, then check out the recommended ones. However, to enjoy maximum graphics quality, you will need something much faster.


  • OS: Windows Vista 64-Bit or later
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 or AMD Phenom 9850
  • RAM: 4 GB
  • Video Card: GeForce 9800 GT 1 GB or AMD HD 4870
  • DirectX: Version 10 or later
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-3470 3.2 GHz or AMD FX-8350 4.0 GHz
  • RAM: 8 GB
  • Video Card: GeForce GTX 660 or AMD HD 7870

Testing Notes

In Los Santos and Blaine County, no two seconds are the same. Trees sway, unscripted events occur, people are randomly generated. All this creates an atmosphere of a living, breathing world, but at the same time makes perfect comparison and testing difficult. To counteract this variability, each test was run multiple times, and multiple locations were chosen to test each setting.

In such cases, we resorted to quick saves, director mode, and gameplay scenarios to simulate the expected performance in the game. But sometimes you still had to use the built-in benchmark. The problem is that each of its four parts produces a spread of 5 fps from test to test. To mitigate the effect of this variation, we generated a starting point as an average of 10 tests at maximum settings. Then, in order to determine the impact of individual settings on performance, we ran five more tests for each level of detail of the option being checked and took the average value over them, making the numbers as accurate as possible.

For a visual comparison of the settings that require a reboot, additional tests were carried out with video capture via ShadowPlay at the highest possible bitrate and 60 frames per second. We received ~1.6 GB three-minute clips, from which images were subsequently selected. They are slightly different from each other, but we believe that this is the most accurate way to reflect the effect of such settings on graphics.

As for the results presented, if you have a previous generation graphics card, expect more performance variation at different detail levels. For example, the GeForce GTX 900 series GPUs are faster than the previous generation at handling anti-aliasing and tessellation, so the difference between FXAA and MSAA or tessellation on/off will be less noticeable on them.

Finally, please note that while the built-in benchmark best reflects the impact of certain settings, actual performance can be severely degraded during five-star action-packed scenes or walking through wooded areas. To be more reliable in measuring performance, here's a handy tip: halve any benchmark score for high-intensity moments in single player, or for playing with 29 other people in Grand Theft Auto Online.

Exclusive graphical enhancements to the PC version

Like any multi-platform game, Grand Theft Auto V looks and works best on PC. Improved texture quality, visibility range and other familiar things, and added a few additional options to make high-end configurations sweat. To further enhance the visual realism of the PC version, we have worked closely with Rockstar to introduce Percentage Closer Soft Shadows, TXAA Anti-Aliasing and 3D Vision. And with GeForce GTX graphics technology, you can upscale your picture with Dynamic Super Resolution (DSR), enjoy smooth gameplay with G-SYNC, and stream your game to SHIELD devices and your TV with GameStream.

Soft shadows PCSS

NVIDIA PCSS is a great solution for developers looking to implement realistic softening shadows in their game. As in reality, these shadows become more blurred as the distance from the illuminated object increases, enhancing the realism of the picture and immersion in the game.

In Grand Theft Auto V, PCSS is activated by selecting the "NVIDIA PCSS" option in the "Soft Shadows" option, and this is what it looks like:

The comparison on the left shows "AMD CHS" (Contact Hardening Shadows), a technology that "dynamically changes the sharpness of shadows depending on their distance from the light source and the objects that cast them", making "soft shadows blur more realistic". On the right is "NVIDIA PCSS". Both technologies perform better than the standard "Softest", "Softer", "Soft", and "Sharp" options, but only PCSS really offers realistic shadow rendering.

In the following example, notice how the shadows of the PCSS fall on the ivy next to the garbage cans without unnatural darkening of the foliage. Moreover, the shadows on the tinted window of the store are also softened, as expected.

And finally, an example of the interaction of several shadows cast from different distances:

For PCSS to show the best results, enable the following settings for maximum shadow quality on all surfaces and their visibility range:

  • Shader Quality: Very High
  • Shadow Quality: Very High
  • Grass Quality: Ultra
  • High Resolution Shadows: On

We'll look at these settings in more detail a little later.

Performance: Grand Theft Auto V has a lot of shadows cast from different distances and heights. But enabling PCSS will accurately account for these distances, making the environment more realistic.

With all other settings at maximum, the Soft Shadows option can squeeze out a maximum of 6.4 fps, which is relatively low given the overall improvement in the picture.

Anti-aliasing TXAA

NVIDIA TXAA is an anti-aliasing technology specifically designed to solve the problem of "temporal aliasing", the movement of anti-aliased edges as the camera pans or the player moves. Temporal aliasing, commonly referred to as creeping or flickering, is especially annoying in games with detailed images and lots of moving objects, and Grand Theft Auto V is a prime example of such a game. Combining MSAA anti-aliasing with special CG movie style tricks and a temporal filter, TXAA effectively combats temporal aliasing while smoothing geometry better than 8x MSAA.

In Grand Theft Auto V, TXAA is available alongside MSAA and FXAA, with a total of seven anti-aliasing options, giving players plenty to choose from based on their preferences and performance considerations. Below is a comparison of all options (note that to enable TXAA, you must first select MSAA 2x or 4x and then set TXAA to "On").

During the game, when everything is in motion, temporary aliasing is much more noticeable than usual, as in any other open world game. As we said, TXAA is the only way to fight it. However, we can only check the quality of the image from the images: in the case of FXAA, sometimes anti-aliasing is barely noticeable at all, small distant details are displayed incorrectly, and blurring is observed in free spaces. MSAA, meanwhile, shows contours on some objects (perhaps shader aliasing) and does not smooth others at all, which is also noticeable on TXAA, but to a lesser extent.

For those using MSAA, we often recommend turning on FXAA as well, to effectively smooth out alpha textures used in foliage, wire mesh, and other small details that would be disadvantageous to create as geometry. However, in this case, Grand Theft Auto V seems to use a shader or additional post-processing like World of Warcraft's "Multisample Alpha Test" to smooth out alpha textures when using MSAA. The advantage of this approach can be seen in the comparison below.

Owners of video cards of the GeForce GTX 600, 700, 800, or 900 series based on the Kepler or Maxwell architecture should opt for TXAA, which effectively removes temporal aliasing - one of the most annoying artifacts in any game. For best results, combine TXAA with DSR to eliminate any remaining aliasing.

If your video card does not allow TXAA, then the best solution is DSR combined with FXAA, which traditionally outperforms MSAA at low resolutions.

Hardware anti-aliasing has a significant impact on performance, but if you want the best picture quality, it's a price to pay.

Additional graphics settings

ambient occlusion

The diffuse shading effect adds contact shadows where two surfaces or two objects meet and where one object blocks light from reaching others. However, AO shadows are currently not available in Grand Theft Auto V due to an application bug. Hopefully this will be fixed in the next update, after which we will look at the impact of this setting and update this guide.

The diffuse shading effect adds contact shadows where two surfaces or two objects meet and where one object blocks light from reaching others. However, now in Grand Theft Auto V this setting does not work quite correctly, it is expected that soon full functionality will be returned to it with a fix. However, savvy players have found a way to get around this problem: change the value of Ambient Occlusion, apply, change PostFX to Normal, apply, change PostFX back to Ultra (or another previous value).

This method allows us to demonstrate the difference between Ambient Occlusion High and Off, but Normal still doesn't seem to work at all, no different from High. Rest assured, we will return to this setting when the official fix is ​​released.

The example above shows the expected effect of applying Ambient Occlusion.

In unpopulated areas, Ambient Occlusion modifies the brightness levels of overlapping grass shadows and achieves proper shading of the shadowed vegetation.

In the city, we see a more believable picture in the foreground and slight changes in the background.

The last comparison shows how Ambient Occlusion works at extreme distances, adding shadows to even barely visible objects.

Performance: In its current degraded state, Ambient Occlusion manages to hit a few frames per second while greatly improving graphics, making it one of the must-have options.

We will let you know if anything changes after the release of the official fix.

Anisotropic Filtering

Anisotropic filtering improves the display of textures located far away or at an angle to the camera. In Grand Theft Auto V it works as expected with minimal performance impact as you might expect.


Grand Theft Auto V offers three versions of DirectX: DirectX 10, DirectX 10.1, and DirectX 11. The first two are added mainly for compatibility with older video cards without DirectX 11 support. However, you might still be wondering if they will run faster , although version 11 has more features, it is better optimized and its performance in games is regularly improved in new versions of GeForce drivers.

Well, we tested this by disabling features in DirectX 11 mode that were not available to older versions.

Unsurprisingly, the performance was higher on DirectX 11, so we decided to include additional graphical improvements that do not work on older APIs.

distance scaling

This option in Grand Theft Auto V is responsible for the level of detail, changing the amount of detail displayed at a given moment in time and adjusting the quality of distant objects when they first enter the frame. Higher values ​​increase the quality of buildings and surroundings, increase the number of objects, vehicles, and pedestrians, and render all game elements more faithfully when the distance between them and the player changes.

To maintain the game's impressive range of vision, large objects such as tall houses and mountains are always visible, but with varying degrees of rendering depending on the player's location. When the player approaches them, Distance Scaling increases their detail.

The most noticeable effect of this setting is to reduce the chance of objects suddenly appearing in the player's field of view. You can easily experience this annoying phenomenon by lowering the Distance Scaling and driving through the city at high speed, or by running a benchmark. Choose a level of detail value based on how much it annoys you.

Performance: The impact of Distance Scaling can vary greatly from location to location and is highly dependent on all other options. For example, with a low Population Density value, the impact of Distance Scaling will not be too sharp, because there will be fewer cars and pedestrians on the streets. But if Grass Quality is turned up to the limit and you are somewhere in the forest, performance will immediately drop.

For the test, we chose a location with a variety of game elements, where the influence of Distance Scaling turned out to be moderate. But, as already mentioned, everything here depends heavily on other game settings, the environment and the gameplay scenario.

Considering the extreme level of sharply appearing objects at low values, Distance Scaling is one of the most important and priority settings. Just be prepared to change it when you enter a new location by adjusting the rest of the options.

Extended Distance Scaling

As the name suggests, this is an extended version of Distance Scaling, adding more detail in its sphere of influence and far beyond. In particular, this can be seen in our first set of comparisons, where all objects have become more detailed; new details also appeared on the hill near the Vinewood sign.

Performance: The high level of detail for each game object is expected to severely degrade performance. And again, a lot depends on the location and other settings.

Of all the options, Extended Distance Scaling has the most detrimental effect on performance when there are a lot of people, cars, police, grass and explosions around, which is not possible to test accurately. Therefore, it is highly recommended to use it only on the most powerful computers.

Extended Shadow Distance

In addition to shadow rendering distance, Extended Shadow Distance increases shadow quality, adds new shadows, and enhances their fidelity, turning rough, blurry shadows into correct, detailed ones.

Performance: Despite being placed in the Advanced Graphics menu, even a high level of this setting has little effect on performance in any scene and at any resolution.

Extended Shadow Distance is not a must, but if you have some headroom, it's worth turning on to show shadows under cars and some objects at medium to high distances and to improve the quality of all shadows.

Grass Quality

In the initial stages of Grand Theft Auto V, this setting has little effect on performance, but as soon as you get out of the city into nature, the difference will immediately become noticeable. In such places, the frame rate noticeably sags even on the most powerful configurations.

On Ultra, large areas are covered in foliage, flowers, and grass with a high level of detail and potentially high-resolution and Very High-quality shadows, depending on your settings. At Very High, the amount of distant vegetation is reduced, the rest has no shadows, and some of the closer objects have fewer additional shadows. Objects and textures are already starting to appear sharply in front of the eyes, and with that, things get even worse at a lower level of detail. Further, the vast majority of shadows are removed on High, and almost all vegetation is removed on Normal.

Take a couple of steps back, and most of the grass on the hill falls out of line of sight, instantly boosting productivity.

Our last example demonstrates the difference in detail levels over a long area.

Performance: Grass Quality is the most power hungry option of all, and remains so even at low shadow settings.

Only the fastest systems can handle Ultra, and Very High will only handle newer hardware. In other cases, you should stop at High, because on Normal there is almost nothing left of the grass.

High Detail Streaming While Flying

This option works similar to the level of detail for flights, increasing image quality at the expense of performance. Without it, the number of sharply emerging objects increases, but it is worth noting that in flight this is inevitable anyway. However, when the option is disabled, this becomes more noticeable.

Performance: The effect of this setting, like many others in Grand Theft Auto V, is highly dependent on location and other settings, and in this case, altitude as well.

In the gaming benchmark, the difference remains within 4 fps, but during the game in the city it is already more significant. If you're a frequent flyer, this setting is worth turning on, but if flying isn't your thing, feel free to leave it off for added performance on those rare occasions when you do find yourself taking to the skies.

High Resolution Shadows

Everything is clear from the name - the setting increases the detail of the shadows. However, this is only really noticeable with the Sharp value in soft shadows. The example below shows how the quality of shadows changes depending on the surface they fall on and how far away they are from their object and the player.

Note that Shadow Quality must be set to Very High for this option to work.

Performance: This is an advanced shadow option that offers maximum realism. However, given its relatively strong impact on performance, owners of weak systems are better off with Soft Shadows. This will not only mask the lack of shadow fidelity, but also help to hide the aliasing that occurs when High Resolution Shadows is disabled.

In some cases, High Resolution Shadows affect performance more. As a rule, this applies to wooded areas with an abundance of Ultra and Very High quality vegetation.

Ignore Suggested Limits

By default, this option prevents players from setting settings that exceed the amount of video memory available. By setting the value to On, you can enable any settings. Please note that this can lead to a significant drop in performance, freezes (when data is uploaded / loaded into video memory) and crashes. Most users are better off leaving this option disabled.

In Game Depth of Field Effects

This option will come in handy if you like stylish blurring of the background and other elements while getting into a car, turning a corner or aiming. Its use, by analogy with Motion Blur, is a matter of taste. The option becomes available when the PostFX quality is set to Very High or Ultra. In theory, it works well in cutscenes and fixes the player's attention on important events, but in reality it sometimes blurs the entire screen incorrectly during the game, after which it jumps back to a sharp picture too quickly.

Performance: Depth effects will take you at most 1.6 fps in game, plus a couple more frames per second in cutscenes, but due to their non-interactivity, this is usually not noticed.

To slightly increase performance without sacrificing image quality, you can reduce PostFX to Very High - we will talk about this option a little later.

long shadows

Long Shadows is responsible for more realistic shadows during sunsets and sunrises (the time can be set manually in director's mode). True, the effect is so insignificant that not everyone will accurately determine the difference even with a direct comparison.

Performance: The effect is not the most obvious, so you can safely disable the option, saving a couple of fps.

Particle Quality

The correct assessment of this option is not an easy task. All explosions in the game are different from each other, and physics and weather reinforce these differences. We can say for sure that Particles Quality makes explosions and other effects more voluminous and detailed, and at High and Very High values, particles appear shadows.

Our example is far from ideal, but of all the screenshots and videos, it most clearly demonstrates the effect of the option. Note the flames around the white van on the left and the general quality of the explosions.

Performance: The most suitable particle testing tool is the gaming benchmark, despite its variability, so its results are shown in the graph.

In general, when the option is unscrewed, the quality of the effects and the number of particles increase slightly. During large-scale firefights and alternating explosions, the number of particles on the screen increases, but we never noticed a huge impact on performance. Even in the most intense scenes, the frame rate sags by a maximum of 6-10 fps.

Population Density

Take a closer look at this option if you want Los Santos to be full of life and its streets filled with people. However, as with Particles Quality, it is difficult to evaluate due to the randomness factor, and the changes do not take effect until you move or move far enough from your current location. Therefore, here we again have to use the benchmark.

Quite expectedly, along with the increase in the setting, the number of pedestrians around the player also increases (by 50%, several people are already displayed a little further). Regarding transport, there is much more variability here - at maximum settings, the amount of traffic changes dramatically from one test to another. At 0%, we noticed one single car at a very long distance, so we decided to check the placement of cars in other scenes. It turned out that vehicles do not necessarily appear in the immediate vicinity of the player, sometimes they appear on the very border of the range of the Distance Scaling and Extended Distance Scaling options. In comparison, pedestrians almost always spawn at short to medium distances.

The second stage of comparisons more accurately shows the effect of the option on traffic density. The most keen readers can spot cars on the next section of the highway, behind the rise, at all levels of detail. Since they are not really visible, they have almost no effect on performance, but they help to bring the world to life (remember, the distance of their display depends on two Distance Scaling settings). As you get closer, the game will display them in more detail or remove them from view, depending on the Density setting, which can be a little annoying during the flight. On the road, you won't notice it, so it's a pretty neat trick to make the world more believable. Everything looks especially beautiful at night, when cars drive with the lights on, creating the atmosphere of a bustling metropolis.

Performance: Calculating the impact of Population Density on performance is just as tricky. The benchmark shows a difference of several fps, but in real gaming situations this spread can be doubled. and even triple.

Based on our tests, we recommend 75% as the "golden mean". Roads and sidewalks will be decently filled, leaving you with a small margin of productivity for other effects. However, note that as the number of pedestrians and vehicles increases, the effects of reflections, shadows and post-effects will affect the frame rate much more seriously. You may need to lower their quality at high Population Density if performance gets too low.

Population Variety

This option is unique in that it does not affect performance, but it does have a noticeable effect on the overall realism of the game. The easiest way to explain it is this: if there are 100 different vehicles and 50 different pedestrians in the game, then 50% Population Variety will load 50 cars and 25 pedestrians into video memory, which will then be randomly distributed throughout the game world. At 100% Population Density this will result in repeated copies in every scene, which will interfere with the immersion of the game. A high Population Variety value will reduce the number of "clones" and add variety to the traffic flow.

According to generally accepted design rules, each model of a pedestrian or car consists of the same number of polygons, so that the cost of drawing five different people corresponds to five times drawing one. Each model and texture set requires a certain amount of VRAM, and Population Variety allows Grand Theft Auto V to load more unique assets into memory.

Thus, this option depends only on the memory of your video card, while Population Density determines the performance. For those with only 2 GB available, it is better to compromise on memory-intensive settings, and in our opinion, quality shadows and textures are more important than Population Density.


Post-effects such as motion blur (optional), bloom, lens flare, constant background depth of field and HDR are the main components of this option, but sometimes you will also see twilight rays ("Rays of God"), haze and other volumetric effects . Note that In-Game Depth of Field Effects and Motion Blur require Ultra or Very High to work.

Decreasing to Very High reduces the quality and intensity of the bloom on certain lighting objects, such as headlights, and if you look closely, the reliability of other effects is also slightly reduced. At High, the quality is a little lower, and some reflections also disappear. Finally, on Normal, the quality of the effects finally drops, and the bloom is completely turned off.

Performance: Curiously, some players are reporting significant performance gains when dropping Post FX from Ultra to Very High, up to 10 fps. This goes against our own tests, even when we select the same locations and test the same graphics cards with the same settings as these players. We are at a loss as to why this happens, and we advise you to personally test this option on your computer.

We tested Post FX in a foggy urban area filled with lights and traffic during twilight, which created an excellent combination of many intense effects. At other times of the day and under other weather conditions, the difference between Normal and Ultra was only 3-5 fps.

Considering the picture degradation on Normal and the slight impact on performance (in our tests), we recommend Very High to maintain performance with decent image quality.

Reflection Quality

This option is responsible for the quality of reflections on cars, glossy floors, glass, puddles, pond surfaces and mirrors in bedrooms and hairdressing salons.

Wipe down your microscope and you can see the difference between Ultra and Very High in our example. The differences between Very High and High are already more noticeable - the reliability of reflections is reduced. On Normal, they lose a lot of detail, and reflections on other surfaces disappear completely, which you will immediately notice in the next set of comparisons.

In open spaces, the difference between the different settings becomes more obvious: lowering from Ultra to Very High softens large reflections, at High they blur even more, and at Normal they disappear from vehicles, windows and buildings. Moreover, the few reflections left on the floor and water begin to twitch.

On a rainy night, the lack of reflections on Normal is especially detrimental.

In homes and hairdressing salons, the option manifests itself most noticeably, because there you can come close to the mirrors, and the environment is reflected reliably, and not approximately, as in the building from another example.

Performance: As with many other settings, the impact of Reflection Quality can vary greatly. More cars, windows, water, and houses mean more reflections, and high Distance Scaling values ​​result in more reflected detail. For our test, we chose to walk in the rain through the city center with an abundance of traffic and skyscrapers.

At certain points in the game, Very High and Ultra will significantly degrade performance, and Normal is terrible for image quality, so we recommend that players stick to High at the very least, perhaps even at the cost of other settings. And if you seriously care about your hair, you will have to set it to Very High for clear reflections in hairdressing salons.

Reflection MSAA

This option smoothes reflections, but since the entire game world - and you yourself - is constantly moving, you are unlikely to feel any visual advantage.

The car dealership example shows that there is almost no difference between normal and smooth reflections. The most noticeable differences we found are shown in the example below, and even compared to 8x MSAA, the picture barely wins in quality.

And finally, an example in which the effect of the Parallax Occlusion Mapping technique disappears on High, which causes excessive bumpiness of almost all surfaces in the game.

Performance: Lowering the setting from Very High to High has minimal effect on graphics, but almost all scenes look worse on Normal, especially in places where anisotropic filtering stops working correctly. Therefore, most players should stick with High.

If you still have to set Normal, try to compensate for the lack of anisotropic filtering by enabling it in the NVIDIA control panel.

shadow quality

Shadow Quality works hand in hand with High Resolution Shadows to enhance the clarity and fidelity of all shadows - just as Distance Scaling works with Extended Distance Scaling to increase the level of detail. Therefore, as with high resolution shadows, Shadow Quality works best with soft shadows set to Sharp.

Performance: Shadow Quality has a modest impact on performance, and high values ​​consume a lot of VRAM, but given the overall improvement in graphics, it's worth it.

You may be fine with a High setting if Soft Shadows is set to something other than Sharp, as blurry shadows mask aliasing and detail reduction.


Tessellation typically adds geometric detail to surfaces, objects, and characters. In Max Payne 3, the last RAGE game to be released on PC, tessellation added a bit of curve to Max's ears and clothing, as well as to the car tires. Grand Theft Auto V uses it just as modestly, adding detail to some trees, bushes, wires, and bodies of water.

Of all the above, only tree tessellation is noticeable during the game, and only it has a sufficient visual effect for comparison in the screenshots.

Less and less new geometry is added with each step of tuning up, to the point that at Very High the improvements are almost impossible to detect (if interested, they can be found towards the bottom of the right tree in the foreground and at the bottom of the tree in front of the basketball court).

Performance: The effect of tessellation depends on the number of tessellated objects near the player, but in general it has almost no effect on performance.

Performance: There are no hidden features in the Texture Quality option, so performance is almost identical at any setting.

If you have a lot of performance headroom and little video memory, you can set the option to High, adding more visual effects instead.

water quality

Our exploration of Grand Theft Auto V's abundance of customization culminates in water quality.

As you can see for yourself, Very High and High give almost the same picture, only the quality of the ripples changes slightly, and this can only be noticed after a long observation. On Normal, almost all detail is lost and the reliability of transparency and caustic simulation deteriorates, as well as the reflectivity of the water surface decreases.

Performance: By sacrificing the quality of all the puddles, pools and ponds in the game, you can gain very few extra frames per second, so we advise setting Water Quality to at least High on any systems.

Individual consumption of video memory

Now you know how many different options there are in the game and you are probably already trying to fish out the optimal combination. But do you have enough video memory? You can check this in the game, but it only shows the total amount, without the cost of each individual setting. That's why we've put together our largest ever chart showing the VRAM consumption of each setting at 1920x1080 starting at a low of 1066MB. Please note: Ambient Occlusion - High, Soft Shadows - Soft, Softer and Softest consume 1 MB each, but are not included in this graph, as well as settings that do not consume memory at all.

Note that you will need an additional 1335MB for the very best textures at this resolution and another 1211MB for MSAA 8x. In total, you'll need a graphics card with 4 GB of memory to crank all the settings to the maximum in 1920x1080 mode, and the TITAN X can handle it at higher resolutions as well.

Grand Theft Auto V on PC: Worth the Wait

Almost always, multi-platform games look and work better on PC, and we rightfully add “definitive edition” to their name. But with such love, Rockstar's PC version of Grand Theft Auto V clearly deserves more. You have access to rich graphics settings for a variety of configurations, an abundance of control and review options, as well as brand new features such as Rockstar Editor and Director Mode. There was little more to ask for and dream of - the range of features and options put many PC-exclusives to shame.

Thus, Grand Theft Auto V undeniably embodies the true vision of Rockstar, simulating a living, breathing world full of detail, with incredible draw distance, cinematic effects that enhance the experience of a compelling story, and the ability for fans to create and share their own stories. With the high scalability of the engine and game settings, almost everyone can enjoy the game, usually at a higher resolution and frame rate compared to other platforms.

If you still haven't purchased Grand Theft Auto V, buy it now on Steam or other authorized resellers; by the time you get bored of singleplayer, multiplayer and chases, the modding community will have something in store to pull you back to Los Santos.

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