Bixby Voice: How to turn on your Bixby voice first. Samsung Bixby - what is it, its capabilities and why is it needed? Samsung s8 voice control

For fans mobile devices One often hears about the benefits of voice assistants, which are constantly evolving rapidly with the advent of new technologies and the entry into the market of revolutionary smartphones. Probably some people find these technologies useless and think they could never use them. We assure you, this is before the first use bixby.

A worthy competitor to Siri and Google

One of the distinguishing features of the latest, revolutionary device Galaxy S8 from a South Korean company Samsung was an innovation that had not previously been seen in more than one solution from the giant. Meet Bixby, a voice assistant that will simplify the use of your smartphone and help you solve problems associated with it.
Bixby was developed at Samsung not from scratch, but based on the technologies of the previous assistant. You probably do not know about it, because few people used it. But it was installed in almost all "smart" devices from the company, even in watches. It can be said that S Voice(that was the name of the first voice assistant on the devices of the South Korean company) became a great help for Bixby, which the world saw recently. However, this is not a continuation of the S Voice idea. Only help was taken from the old technology, in essence, the novelty surpasses both it and its competitors from Google in everything.

Bixby voice assistant features

Unlike analogues, the new project from Samsung will not be limited to dwelling only on smart devices such as Android and watches. No, the South Korean company plans to go much further. In their ambition, they see Bixby embedded in almost everything Appliances, which in theory should make them easier to use. The platform for the new voice assistant will be the Tizen operating system, implemented in some refrigerators from the giant company.

These innovations will take technology to a whole new level. If you can't imagine how this will be used, then here's an example for you: you own a smartphone with Bixby, at the same time you have a new refrigerator from Samsung at home. Instead of writing lists of things to buy, you can simply ask your smartphone what's out of the fridge, what you usually buy, and what you need to buy now. Also, a photo of the content will be provided. But for now, this is just a theory.

Bixby on smartphones

To activate the voice assistant, a separate button is highlighted. This makes its use as convenient and fast as possible. On the other hand, a wave of incomprehensible statements poured out on Samsung. Why have a separate button on your Bixby device when you can use a simple and accessible voice command? Probably, this was done to popularize the new technology. It's hard to disagree: if your smartphone has some kind of button, then you will undoubtedly want to know: what does it do? Thus, more and more people will get to know Bixby. It is likely that when the use of a voice assistant becomes commonplace for Samsung gadget owners, the company will abandon the button in favor of a convenient voice call. Do not discard the ability to activate Bixby with a gesture familiar to the user.

Main functions

Its only function is to simplify the management of the smartphone as much as possible. It can go as far as not having to use the screen - just say out loud what Bixby needs to do and it will do it. Such opportunities, in the form of working with applications, menu items, photos and audio, cannot be offered by any competitor on the market. This makes the new product from Samsung interesting and popular. On the other hand, while the Galaxy S8 smartphone, like the voice assistant itself, is relatively new, it is impossible to fully judge the relevance of using Bixby functions in applications that are not standard. By the way, the need to walk through the menu items is not such a useful thing, because it's faster to do everything with your fingers than to ask Bixby for help out loud. On the other hand, it is an extremely useful thing for people with disabilities.

Bixby was endowed with a feature that was previously implemented in applications from well-known marketplaces. Its essence lies in scanning a specific object, searching for it on the Internet. Thus, a user of a smartphone with Bixby has the opportunity to view information about the thing he is interested in, as well as find it on the open spaces of Internet sites and stores, and find out about the average price. But, unlike applications, the voice assistant perceives and searches not only for goods, but for any object that turns out to be of interest to the smartphone user. It can be a house, a monument, whatever.

Voice assistant perfectly understands natural speech. For example, take Siri - if you want to learn something from her, then you need to contact her according to a certain list of phrases. With Bixby, everything is much easier, at least if you access your smartphone on English language. And of course, where without an instant translator. The novelty is equipped with this function, so you can forget about third-party applications. Just dictate the text, and Bixby will translate it into the desired language.

Bixby is an extremely forward-thinking creation from Samsung that just needs time for a few things:

  • firstly, the South Korean company must bring all Bixby functions to stable operation;
  • secondly, to settle down with their fans, who will undoubtedly appear soon.

When both of these events happen, we will see this technology on other devices of the Samsung brand, but for now, only S8 and S8 users have the opportunity to test it.

Hello dear readers. Not so long ago, the light saw the birth of a new, highly intelligent assistant. Samsung manufacturers, especially for quick access to it, even allocated a separate button on the left side of the smartphone.

This assistant has an advantage over the already well-known Siri, in the language segment. While she has the ability to communicate in 21 languages, her opponent has a whopping 52!

It is worth noting that so far only the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 Plus models are equipped with it, but the developers have made it clear that they will place it on their other devices in the near future. Let's quickly find out what Bixby Samsung is, how to use it, and how it works, this artificial intelligence future.

With Bixby you won't get bored

So far, Bixby has four main features in its arsenal:

  • Bixby voice. Voice recognition function. The main advantage of this assistant is the ability to manage its applications without touching the smartphone, launch the camera, call mode and much more. The developers have tried and made it as humane as possible. If you do not dictate a command correctly, Bixby will still understand you, or at worst, ask for additional information for clarification. Manufacturers set ambitious goals for him, and plan to use the smartphone one hundred percent through the assistant in the future. Bixby, unlike its competitors, which are specialized in searching for information on the Internet, is positioned as an internal assistant. Designed to simplify the work, directly on the phablet itself.
  • Bixby vision. Activation of augmented reality. This feature allows the camera to identify various objects in live mode. bixby samsung galaxy recognizes literally everything, various objects, sights, QR codes, and even locations. And immediately provides everyone with detailed information about it. This feature is launched in the camera application, or Bixby home.
  • Bixby reminder. Intuitive Reminders. One of the useful features of Bixby, which allows you to program reminders for a specific moment in your life. If you wish, it will remind you where you stopped while reading your favorite novel, or where you didn't finish watching a movie.
  • Bixby home. Mix of hot applications. All the most popular programs for the user are located in a separate window, appearing on the screen on command.

Let's open a little secret so that Bixby more effectively identifies your voice message, communicate with it more. Samsung developers have thought of a system where regular conversations with an assistant can be rewarded in the form of bright colors for its interface.

Video: How Bixby works

How to enable Bixby on Samsung Galaxy S8

There are two ways to call our assistant. You don't even know which one has easier access. The first is when it can be activated by simply pressing the dedicated button on the left. Or, activate by voice command by calling his name, Bixby!

How to disable Bixby and assign a different app to the button

To turn it off, just touch the toggle switch to activate it.

For taste and color, there is no comrade, as they say. In principle, you can understand those users who wish to disable Bixby. After all, not all of its capabilities have yet been revealed, and active work is underway on it to fully reveal its potential. Recall that Samsung manufacturers themselves banned the option to change this key for other programs. However, Google Play already hosts specific apps for this.

So, we will need to download Bixby Remapper from Google Play. After successful download and installation, do the following:

  • We stomp into the settings
  • Choosing universal access
  • Click on services

Enabling accessibility We need the program to identify if the Bixby button is active. Then go to Bixby Remapper and activate the toggle switch at the top right of the screen. Now, when we turn on the Bixby key, it will initially open, then immediately close, followed by the opening of our desired application.

Write your feedback about Bixby in the comments, do you like how it works?

Video: How to disable Bixby on Samsung Galaxy S8

Samsung introduced the branded Bixby along with the Galaxy S8. The community greeted the voice assistant coolly - this was facilitated by limited functionality and the inability to easily reconfigure the assistant button. AT new Galaxy On the S10 and S10 Plus, Samsung has made it possible to change the Bixby call button to any other and expanded the assistant's capabilities to third-party applications.

Bixby is an interesting detail in development software and the company's services, given the fact that TouchWiz's customized software shell was considered by Android enthusiasts to be the most software-heavy.

Samsung has many applications, but almost all of them are installed out of the box on the company's branded smartphones, annoying users with their presence. But here's the paradox - sometimes Koreans release really useful software, which by default is available only in the Galaxy Store application catalog. This is exactly the distribution model Samsung has chosen for its new CalliScan application, which recognizes handwritten text and converts it to typed text in seconds.

The Bixby voice assistant is not very popular in Russia, and therefore many do not even know what it is capable of. Samsung has done great job to compete with Siri by teaching the assistant many different skills. Thanks to them, Bixby can not only conduct a dialogue with the user, but also recognize objects and interact with installed applications. However, Samsung felt that this was not enough and introduced a dedicated marketplace for Bixby. Let's try to figure out what he can do and why he needs it.

When Samsung rolled out last week, one new feature that Galaxy S users didn't have before grabbed the attention of users: the ability to remap an action on a mechanical button to summon Bixby's smart assistant.

In March 2017, a few days before the announcement of the Samsung Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 Plus smartphones, was introduced. It, like virtual assistants, Siri and Amazon Alexa, is required to execute voice commands. Unfortunately, it turned out to be not as “smart” as its counterparts, so some users even in September were looking for the possibility of it. The company is constantly trying to improve the assistant, and is now ready to resort to the help of third-party developers.

Introduced branded Bixby along with the Galaxy S8. The community greeted the voice assistant coolly. This was facilitated by limited functionality and the inability to easily reconfigure the assistant button. Perhaps the attitude of users will soon change - cooperation with Google will help in this.

It happens that technologies or opportunities appear that at first you do not pay attention to or simply ignore, because it seems that they are not needed. It is firmly in your memory that for some reason (or rather without one) something did not suit you. And so it drags on from year to year, when a powerful tool lies at hand, and you are looking for crutches, because you don’t know anything about it. Let's try to reveal the possibilities of the Bixby camera, so that you know exactly what it can do and why it's interesting.

In any Samsung flagship In recent years, you can see the Bixby button in the camera, it is impossible to miss it, but at the first start you must accept the terms of the user agreement. Many people simply ignore this opportunity, are too lazy to climb up and see what it is. In vain, since the Bixby camera provides a whole set of tools, each of which is interesting in itself, and together they are extremely useful. For example, I often have to look for certain images, and these can be both goods and something else. The usual way to do this is straightforward: take a photo, upload it to an image search and scroll through the lists until you come across something similar, then look at the text description. To some extent, this is yesterday, since the camera can immediately determine the object you are looking at, a kind of AI algorithm that determines in real time what is in front of it. As I write these lines and point Bixby at my laptop, the name of the model pops up on the screen in less than a couple of seconds. The search is carried out using the social network Pinterest, a cloud of tags is also selected. There are interesting discoveries that are completely unobvious. In some ways, this is entertainment, but it is also a powerful tool that allows you to evaluate what is in the public space and what associations the object you are looking at evokes in AI algorithms. Useful skill to filter things popular and not so popular.

Yes, very simple. You point the camera at the text, take a picture, and then this text is recognized, and you can use it as you like. For example, copy to a letter or messenger, save to notes, this is an electronic copy of what you just saw. The quality of text recognition is excellent, and for any of the world's languages, as the engine from Google is used. Translation is also available to any and from any language that Google Translate knows. Machine translation is not as good as the work of a live translator, but it gets better every year.

When traveling, for example, to Japan, the Bixby camera is a lifesaver, you instantly get the translation of menus, ads, and whatever. And exactly the same in all the countries where you can visit, the camera swallows any printed text in order to immediately give an electronic version and translation. Comfortable? Not that word. For me, this is one of the features that make Bixby a tool for everyday use, the integration of familiar services with the Samsung camera gives a new quality that is pleasant and convenient to use. Of course, you can do exactly the same thing the old fashioned way, but this is a lot of unnecessary gestures, and having tried the Bixby camera once, you don’t want to live the old fashioned way.

The next opportunity is interesting for those who often travel to other cities or countries. I forgot when I used 4square for the last time, the service was forgotten, having lost its gaming component, nevertheless, it has a huge number of interesting places. In the Bixby camera, you can look at them, just move the camera and see individual points on the map. Then you can see the description, see the distance to the point, and so on. Of course, you can lay a route, maps will immediately open.

For most, this will be a toy, but it is interesting, because I have already found places that I missed a couple of times. So, I found the Dickens House Museum in London, although I lived nearby several times and did not notice it on the maps. Plus, you can choose from a variety of filters, making your search personal. Someone will say that this is not a very useful thing in everyday life, and they will be right, for me it is always travel, and it is in them that I look at the world through the lens of the Bixby camera.

As in the old joke about logic and Vasily Ivanych, you need to move on to the next option, namely the assessment of wine. Yes, Bixby is integrated with Vivino, a service for wine enthusiasts to record, rate wine, and save the varieties you still want to try. You can easily find me in Vivino, my name is Eldar Murtazin. But for those who have not joined this social network, do not want to register, there is still the opportunity to search Bixby for a description of wine, the search is easy, accurate and uncomplicated. And this is again the possibilities of the camera, which are not at all obvious, this is the analysis of the picture and the binding of the labels found to the huge database, which is collected by a specialized service.

There is also an important bookmark in the Bixby camera where you can read QR codes. The thing is popular and useful, such codes are often used in advertising, you must have come across this. There are thousands of programs that can decipher codes, this is no surprise today. But there is a small problem that users of inexpensive smartphones face, which is the quality of the camera.

When a QR code is perfect, made big, then you are guaranteed to read it. But what if for some reason the QR code is small? For example, in Spain I came across such a leaflet, the QR code is very small, and most phones / programs simply cannot read it.

There is no such problem in my device from Samsung, it took a little longer to read, but the code was read, the link immediately opened in the browser. It is a question of what modern smartphone the bundle of both hardware and software is important, one does not work without the other.

Separately, Bixby camera functions may not be needed, someone is not interested in wine, someone is not looking for objects in photographs, and someone is sitting at home and does not stick his nose anywhere. But all together it gives a tool that will be useful to a modern and active person, I think that such people for the most part use the flagships from Samsung, because this is a conscious purchase. It's nice that Samsung did not try to reinvent the wheel and integrated the Bixby camera with existing, popular social networks and services, tied into one shell everything that people like. An excellent camera from Samsung plus popular services is a win-win bunch.

There are many people in my circle who have purchased Samsung flagships and use the camera in their daily activities, but there are very few who have mastered Bixby. The reason is that people simply do not get to this point, leave it for later. But when you show how it works, or when people see what you're doing on your phone, they immediately jump in and start using the Bixby camera. Cause? It is banal - it is convenient and simple, and most importantly, useful. I advise you to try it too, so that you form your own opinion about the Bixby camera and what it can do.

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Many users who have recently purchased new smartphone from Samsung found an app called Bixby on it. If you also encountered this application, then we suggest that you read our article. Here you will learn what Samsung's Bixby is, how it works and how to use it.

Samsung Bixby is a voice assistant that was introduced by Samsung in the spring of 2017 along with Galaxy smartphones S8 and S8+. In fact, Samsung Bixby is a heavily redesigned S Voice app that came pre-installed on Samsung smartphones ever since the Galaxy S III. Like S Voice, Samsung's Bixby assistant can answer users' questions, run simple errands, or search for information.

Initially, this voice assistant was available only on smartphones from Samsung, both on new and old models. The only limitation is the version operating system. In order to install Bixi on an old Samsung smartphone, it must be running the Android Nougat operating system or more. new version Android. But, later, the scope of Bixby expanded, Samsung began to introduce this assistant into its other equipment, for example, smart TVs and even refrigerators.

Bixby Home, Voice and Vision

is an application that is accessible from the main screen of the smartphone. To open it, you need to swipe right on the main screen or make a short press on the Bixby button.

Bixby Home collects a variety of information that may be of interest to the user and displays it in a vertically scrolling feed. The main content of this tape is unified cards that contain information from various sources. By scrolling through this feed, the user can find out about the weather, their fitness activity, scheduled events, set alarms and reminders, etc.

The Bixby Home feed can be customized to your needs. The user can turn off uninteresting cards or vice versa, pin those that contain the most relevant and useful information. The main source of information for cards are other samsung apps, but Bixby Home can also receive data from third-party apps. For example, there are cards for apps like Spotify, CNN, and Flipboard.

Bixby Voice is an application that is launched by long pressing the Bixby button. The Bixby Voice app is the voice part of the Bixby assistant, sort of like Siri but from Samsung.

With Bixby Voice, you can give voice commands and communicate with the assistant using your voice. For example, you can ask about the weather forecast, ask to send a text message, dial a phone number, change settings, or set a reminder. More complex commands are also supported, including Bixby's ability to launch apps in split-screen mode, edit photos, remind you of your car's location, play videos on your TV, and more. Samsung claims that Bixby can recognize and execute over 3,000 different voice commands. At the same time, the assistant can interact with third-party applications, for example, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Uber, Google Maps or Gmail.

Bixby Voice also has the ability to communicate with the user in "telephone mode". To do this, the user needs to bring the phone to his ear, as this is done during phone call. This will allow you to comfortably interact with the assistant in public places.

is a Bixby assistant component that is built into the camera app. This component uses machine learning and Samsung partner databases to make the camera more useful.

With Bixby Vision, you can identify photographed objects in real time and search for information about them in various Internet services. For example, Bixby Vision uses data from FourSquare to determine which landmarks and places of interest to photograph.

Bixby Vision can also recognize QR codes and translate text. In order to translate a foreign language, it is enough to point the camera at the text and its translation will immediately appear in the field of view. This feature supports a fairly large set of languages, so it can be very handy.

Of the unusual features of Bixby Vision, the Makeup function should be noted. This function uses front camera to apply a virtual makeover to your face. At the moment, in this way you can "try on" almost all the products of the cosmetics manufacturer Sephora.

How to use Samsung Bixby

In order to start using the Bixby voice assistant, you can use a separate button, which is present on the body of many new models from Samsung. For example, this button is available on the Galaxy S8, Galaxy S9, Galaxy S9 Plus, Note 8 and Note 9. A short press on this button will open Bixby Home, and a longer press will bring up Bixby Voice. In addition, Bixby Home can be opened by swiping from left to right on the home screen.

When you open Samsung Bixby for the first time, you will need to accept the user agreement and grant access to your data. After that, you can customize the assistant to your own requirements. To do this, open Bixby Home, click the gear icon in the top right corner, and go to Settings.

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