Filled the Samsung bodies with 6 edge. Repair after water smartphone Samsung Galaxy. What to do if Samsung Galaxy S6 gets into water

For the normal operation of your smartphone, it is important to completely prevent the ingress of water and water vapor into your samsung galaxy. Various kinds of breakdowns caused by the flooding of a smartphone are one of the most common reasons for contacting a service center.

It is important to remember that the future of the device and the price of its repair directly depend on the volume of water that got inside your Samsung Galaxy. However, water vapor is enough to cause corrosion of the electronic filling of the device, and prolonged exposure to water even for a few minutes is certainly fatal. It often happens that after contact with water, Samsung Galaxy continues to work properly for some time - the consequences may come later. With a short-term ingress of water and the subsequent self-drying of the phone, you are playing a kind of lottery - whether the smartphone will survive or not. Samsung Galaxy repair professionals, in case of timely treatment, can guarantee that after cleaning and drying your device will work properly.

If any Samsung smartphone model, for example, Samsung Galaxy Note 3, Samsung Galaxy Note 4, Samsung Galaxy S4, Samsung Galaxy S5, Samsung Galaxy S6, got into the water, the following symptoms are likely to appear:

The smartphone does not turn on, the touchscreen does not function, the Home or Power buttons do not work; the gadget became very buggy; the battery is broken, the smartphone no longer holds a charge or works exclusively from the network; there were serious problems with the sound.

It doesn’t matter at all that the Samsung Galaxy fell into the toilet, the sea, into the bathroom or into a bowl of borscht – a smartphone can break even if it gets into the water for just a few seconds. So, if the Samsung Galaxy is in the water, immediately pull it out, here the count goes to seconds. And be sure, I repeat, be sure to turn off your smartphone. Gently wipe your Samsung Galaxy with a dry cloth and immediately take it to a service center for drying, free diagnostics, cleaning and repair. I know it's very hard, but in any case, do not check whether your smartphone will start after getting into the water or not.

The thing is that any liquid contains salts (I don’t think that you will drown your device in distilled water), and there is oxygen in the air, as a result, numerous chemical reactions occur in the electronic filling, which accelerate tenfold if the smartphone is turned on . And these reactions for your device

nothing good will come of it. Sometimes the process of destructive corrosion does not end with a breakdown immediately, but after a few days, weeks and even months, if the contacts on the boards are not cleaned in time.

To prevent water from ruining the life of your Samsung, use it carefully. It is advisable not to hold it in your hands in the bathroom, toilet or near a body of water - accidentally dropping your smartphone is easier than it seems. You should be especially careful if your phone has cracks - the Samsung Galaxy is not a sealed device, and cracks further reduce its protection against water ingress.

The degree of damage to your Samsung Galaxy after being exposed to water may vary, depending on the amount of time it has been in contact with the water. Cables, and connectors, and buttons, and a camera, and a battery are capable of breaking from exposure to water - and, in fact, any electronic insides. So for maximum minimization of damage to your "drowned" be sure to visit the service center.

Such an incident happened to every second of the users of mobile devices. Someone dropped their phone in the bathroom, someone in the sea or lake, and sometimes we just spill tea or coffee on it. All these incidents are not very pleasant for us, and even more so for a smartphone. After what happened, we all wonder how to save the affected device as soon as possible. In fact, this can be done easily and simply, although it will take a fairly decent amount of time - at least 48 hours. The main thing is to follow the sequence of all stages.

So, stage 1: turn off your device to continue resuscitation of the device.

Since water gets inside the smartphone, a short circuit may occur there, so turning off the phone is mandatory. Just don't try to shake your mobile in the hope that most of the water will pour out of it. This should not be done in any case, because on the contrary, you will ensure a deeper penetration of water into the device. Next, you need to remove the battery, if, of course, this can be done. And yet, what you don’t need to do is turn on the power to check if the phone is in working condition. This again can contribute to the occurrence of a short circuit.

Stage 2: disassemble the phone.

At this stage, it is necessary to remove as many removable elements of the mobile as possible. This is a back cover, and a SIM card, and a memory card, and a plug that covers the audio output for headphones. Naturally, you should not completely disassemble the smartphone, otherwise you will definitely not be able to restore it, because. you can break or damage something.

Step 3: Vacuum the device.

Yes, we vacuum it, because this is the only way to remove almost all the water that is inside the phone. It will be good if you use a special narrow nozzle for a vacuum cleaner. Vacuum all openings thoroughly for at least five minutes. If there is no vacuum cleaner at hand, then, as an option, you can resort to using a hair dryer. Just make sure that the supply of cold air is provided, otherwise you will simply burn all the most important elements of the phone. Therefore, it is better to try to find a vacuum cleaner.

Stage 4: let the smartphone dry thoroughly.

In order for the remaining water to evaporate as quickly as possible, you can place mobile device in some dry container in which the rice will be. It perfectly absorbs moisture, as it is an absorbent substance. After all the manipulations, it remains only to wait until the phone completely gives up all the water. This will take approximately 48 hours. But, make sure that no traces appear on the device, for example, the screen may fog up, etc. This will mean that the device has not dried out yet, and it is worth waiting another day, sometimes two days. After the required amount of time has passed, you can turn on the mobile.

And I note again, do not try to turn on your gadget within 48 hours after you have done all these operations with them. Already after 12 hours it may seem to you that the device is completely dry, but as practice shows, it takes exactly two days, since silicon microcircuits retain moisture very well.

If you do all the steps as described in the instructions, then the probability that the phone will remain unharmed is about 90%. And if after 48 hours the gadget has not worked, or it is unstable, then there is only one way out - turn it off and carry it to the nearest service center.

Dropping a smartphone into water is very unpleasant, especially if it's not some cheap Chinese toy, but an expensive Samsung Galaxy S6. Alas, it is impossible to completely insure against such a case, all that remains is to try to be as accurate as possible. So, you should not put your smartphone on the table next to mugs and cups with liquid. Pouring a smartphone with sweet tea or coffee is even worse than pouring water on it. But let's assume that your Galaxy S6 did fall into the water. What to do?

Attention! All the tips indicated in the article are the personal observation of the authors and do not give a 100% guarantee of results.

  • First, you must immediately turn off your smartphone. If this operation is done quickly enough, serious damage can be avoided. How exactly to turn it off - with a button, or by disconnecting the battery (if you know how to remove it) - does not matter. The main thing is to de-energize the device. And do not turn it on in order to check if it works or not!
  • Secondly, you need to disassemble the smartphone. The main thing here is not to overdo it, and not pick something from your Galaxy S6 that you don’t need to pick. Remove the case, disconnect the back cover, remove the battery (despite the fact that it cannot be officially removed, it is not difficult to unscrew it - there are a lot of instructions on the net).
  • Lay it all out on dry paper towels, napkins, or at least toilet paper. Any dry paper absorbs water very well. An important point - the smartphone must be turned with the display up.
  • Thoroughly but gently wipe all parts with paper towels.
  • It is better not to use a hair dryer. First: hot air is a chance to damage internal parts. Secondly: with a hair dryer, you will only disperse the liquid through the insides of the smartphone.
  • The phone needs to dry, and you need to remove the remaining moisture from its bowels. Rice is well suited for this - it is in every home, and it perfectly absorbs water. Put your Galaxy S6 in some dry and clean container, carefully fill it with clean (and certainly dry) rice and leave it like that for two days. Yes, it's a long time, but it's necessary. During this time, rice will draw out the remaining moisture from the smartphone. Silica gel can be used instead of rice, but it is far from certain that it is at hand.

Even the exact following of all these tips, of course, will not guarantee that the Galaxy S6 will “come to life” after all these rehabilitation procedures, but there are chances, and not bad ones. If the smartphone managed to fall not into water, but into sweet tea or, for example, Coca-Cola, then before drying, immerse it in a 99% (no less!) solution of isopropyl alcohol, for 5-10 seconds, no more. Alcohol will dissolve sugar and so on, but you need to get the smartphone out of the solution quickly so as not to corrode the glue. Most likely this will help.

However, the best option would be to contact the service center. And the sooner you do it, the better. When using special equipment in the workshop, the chances that the smartphone will continue to serve for a long time after falling into the water increase many times over.

Anyone can, through negligence or dexterity, let his beloved Samsung Galaxy S6 fall into the water. The manufacturers, of course, took care of this and to some extent applied the “galaxy s6 water protection” technology to the smart, so if you quickly remove the phablet from the water and turn it off, you should not expect serious consequences from this contact. Of course, of course, if it was not a fall into salt water, in particular sea water. In this case, when salts penetrate the smartphone, it will begin to oxidize, and here it can be bad if you don’t react quickly.

On a note!

Samsung Galaxy S6 after water

Galaxy S6 in water

Always turn off your phone first. In this case, you can quickly do this only with the power button. Or, if you are an experienced user and the availability of experience and tools allows you, you can do so. Remember that it will be possible to turn it on no earlier than after three days, you need to let the moisture evaporate from it completely.

Then after a quick shutdown, it is recommended to disassemble it. And put in a place where a cool air flow walks. Do not use hot air currents to dry it, in particular a hair dryer, and you can not expose it to the open sun. The most optimal and safest ways to dry a recessed Galaxy S6 are, as we have already said, a cool air flow, a slight draft. Or alternative way putting it in rice is a long-established method of drying smartphones that have been underwater.

Of course, following these steps after your Galaxy S6 has fallen into the water does not guarantee that it will turn on and work as before for any reason. But, at least, these are the optimal actions that need to be followed in such a situation. It also happens that other liquids, salty, sweet, can get into it, in which case the most best solution will fly like a bullet to the service center. So that professionals on the appropriate equipment quickly bring it back to life.

Liquid ingress into the phone is one of the worst problems that Samsung S6 owners face. In this case, the phone may not turn on or turn on and fail badly. There are times when the phone works properly for some time after moisture gets inside. And then it starts to crash. In any case, it is not recommended to use the phone after it has been dropped into water.

What to do if Samsung Galaxy S6 gets into water

This problem cannot be solved by leaving the phone to dry in the sun for a while. If water got into the Galaxy S6, then most likely it flowed into the narrowest slots and got to the contacts on the boards. You can't dry out the internal parts of the phone and hope for normal phone operation in the future. The correct solution would be to contact the service center. The faster you do this, the greater the chance that the phone can be saved. Sooner or later, everyone whose phone has been damaged by water turns to a service center.

Repair Galaxy S6 after water

After accepting the order, the specialists:

  • carefully disassemble the phone;
  • study through which holes and where the water got in to determine which parts were damaged and whether it makes sense to repair the phone;
  • replace damaged boards and capacitors if repair makes sense;
  • check the functionality of all functions of the phone, especially those related to replaced parts.

If the Galaxy S6 falls into the water, the LP Pro service technicians will make an effort to restore its functionality.

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