And Yandex is better than Google. Which is better Yandex or Google? Which mail is better Google or Yandex

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. I want to say a few words about How do optimizers joke?. To exaggerate greatly, then at some request with certain selfish interests. Usually they do this in order to raise their site or the client's site to the Top (the first ten answers of Yandex or Google). Everything is clear and prosaic here (loot rules the world). But life would be boring if we stopped doing stupid things...

Well, you see, what's the point of creating a search bomb "Yandex you are a sweetheart" with promotion to the Top of the site with the answer "I'm not your sweetheart, s----but t----me." After all, it’s rude (possibly labor-intensive), but most of the audience to whom this joke is intended (shkolota) will be very amused. Oh, look, Yandex knows how to swear. Cool...

But it doesn't matter if the joke is funny or not. Another thing is important - this clearly demonstrates that it is not so difficult to manipulate the issue, however, if the request is not very competitive. Those. need come up with some kind of provocative request and promote a funny answer to the Top on him. As soon as it becomes the property of a bored schoolboy, the request will instantly gain popularity and everyone will advise each other to enter into search string something like “Yandex (Google) you sweetie (deer)” and neighing over one of the first answers in the search results.

You know what? And this can be very interesting. So much so that I (already having a son who is almost out of the “shkoloty” age) decided to write a post about it. Let's see how well developed sense of humor our optimizers have and what they could and can boast of now. Curious? And then...

How did Yandex become a sweetheart and why is Google better?

Actually, you can find the answer “how to do it” by going to the site, which will the first in the issuance of Yandex and Google for the query "Yandex you are a honey".

There, just an "enterprising fellow" explains that he created a page with a title that will be the answer to this question. But in order for this page to be displayed in Yandex's search results for the specified request, he used it several times in the text and even highlighted it in bold.

Because there was no particular competition at that time, the article jumped into the Top in a wonderful way and even took first place over time. We give a standing ovation, because now this phrase is requested about sixty thousand times in Yandex and the “joker” site receives decent traffic.

There are also variations of this request, such as the one shown in the heading “Yandex you are a sweetheart, but Google is better”, “Yandex you are a deer”, “Yandex you love me”, etc. Now you know the secret and, if you wish and have enough creativity and knowledge in SEO, you can repeat all this or even surpass it. For me, just stating a fact is enough.

This was an example when a joke gave a very good return in the form of additional traffic to the site and in the form of satisfying the ambitions of the author who invented and implemented it. But often more successful (in my opinion) jokes and jokes, which were introduced by SEO methods into the search results of Yandex or Google, did not bring their authors anything but moral satisfaction. It is to such enthusiasts, it seems to me, that one should take off one's hat.

Wow Yandex jokes

Next, I want to give a number of examples that are still “alive”, and most often already deceased in the Bose search tricks of Yandex and Google, which were realized from the mere desire to neigh and give a hearty laugh to other network users. Agree, when the search engine itself jokes, it is much funnier (and more natural) than demotivators, etc. Smeshariki.

  1. This joke clearly shows the attitude of "celestials from the world of SEO" to those who are hooked on:

  2. True, now the previous request no longer gives out Contact in the first place, but there is also such a request that still works fine in Yandex:

  3. Here is also an unexpectedly persistent answer to the seemingly difficult question “the worst search system»:

    I can’t imagine how such a result can be achieved, unless this is really the opinion of the Yandex search engine about a former competitor (already died about two years ago).

  4. Jokes are found not only in the issue, but sometimes in the ad units that are shown there:

  5. Again, a lot of jokes are being promoted (it’s hard to imagine that at least a couple of people entered the query “what to do if Voldemort washes with my shampoo”) and into Yandex and Google search suggestions:

  6. There are a couple of frequently entered queries on the toilet theme: ""what happens if you throw a crowbar into the toilet of a train at full speed" and "What if my toilet is dancing." Apparently someone promoted them, but the essence of this idea is now somewhat vague Though only for one originality of questions it is possible to put five.

Google jokes

  1. Of course, I perfectly understand the guys who, living over the hill and not being able to print in the Russian layout, therefore write their messages on Russian-language forums, social networks and blogs in transliteration. What do you think about it? Personally, I constantly “stumble” about this, and when such a “wonderful” hint was given on Google on such a “wonderful” hint, with all my laughter, I simply could not:

    Apparently this is someone from the Russian team Google search I joked so, but then everything was fixed.

  2. Google is somewhat pessimistic about the mental development of the vast majority of our planet:

  3. Previously, at the request of “delusional generator”, Google gave out the site of its direct competitor (Yandex) in second place.

Among users, disputes about which is better have not ceased for a long time: Yandex Browser or Google Chrome. We have tried to look at the issue with an open mind and make our own comparison of the two web browsers. Here's what we got.

Someone might say that comparing these two browsers is incorrect, since one is an exact copy of the other. To some extent, these people are right. But the web browser from Yandex is no longer like its "ancestor". Therefore, it is quite possible to compare them.

Even though both web browsers are based on the same engine, and Yandex successfully uses extensions from the store, these products are diametrically opposed. And in this post, you'll find out why.

We will start our comparison with the simplest and most understandable step for every user. The main task of the browser is to load pages. And we will try to understand which of our today's heroes does it faster. To do this, we conducted a kind of test.

Page loading speed

To compare page loading speeds, we used several options: a site full of animations and all sorts of heavy elements, as well as a simple page (like Google search). We compared the launch time of one or another content. Right with a stopwatch stood.

Passed the test first Google Chrome. He loaded a heavy page in 2.5 seconds. This is an impressive result. But there is nothing surprising. Everyone knows that Chrome is the fastest web browser in the world. The browser loaded a light page in just a second.

Our second test subject loaded a heavy page in 3.6 seconds. As you can see, the lag behind Chrome is significant. With lighter content, Yandex Browser did a better job. Just 1.3 seconds. But still far from the leader.

So, in terms of page loading speed, Google Chrome wins. Its built-in optimization mechanisms work correctly. What can not be said about the brainchild of Yandex. Although the gap is not so strong.

Launch speed

After all, no one is interested in waiting five minutes until the web browser deigns to start. Therefore, the launch time of the browser is a very important parameter. And we measured the cold and hot start of our heroes. Yes, again with a stopwatch stood.

Google Chrome immediately after loading the operating system (cold start) started in a second and a half. This is a good result. After closing, he started and did in a split second. Not bad for a product as heavy as Chrome.

The most interesting thing is that Yandex Browser showed exactly the same results with a cold start. All the same one and a half seconds. That's what the same engine means! The hot start of this web browser also took a fraction of a second.

As we can see, there are no winners at this stage. Fighting draw. This means that both browsers are well optimized and perfectly able to work with the operating system. Windows system. However, even more interesting tests await us further.

RAM consumption

Another important parameter that worries many users. The gluttony of Google Chrome in this regard is already legendary. But for the purity of the experiment, you still need to check how much RAM a particular web browser requires.

Chrome was tested first. We launched a dozen tabs in it. RAM consumption started at around 1.5 gigabytes (we used a computer with 4 GB of RAM on board). Opening 5 more additional tabs knocked out the browser. It just closed.

Yandex Browser with ten open tabs took only 890 MB. Another 5 tabs did not affect his work in any way. Just the amount of RAM consumed has increased to 1.4 GB. Here is the same engine.

As you can see, it's not about the engine. It's just that Chrome has a disgusting optimization in this regard. But Yandex Browser showed itself well done. And in this round, he unconditionally wins. For computers with a small amount of RAM, it is better suited.

Add-ons and extensions

All kinds of plugins significantly expand the functionality of the browser (although they make it consume more RAM). And their support is mandatory for a modern web browser. How is it with our heroes?

Chrome has a rather impressive store with a huge number of add-ons for all occasions. Any user can find everything he needs there. Google's browser integration is perfect, as all plugins are written specifically for it.

But Yandex Browser does not have its own store. But he can easily use extensions from the same Chrome or Opera. This is a plus for versatility. But at the same time, there is no question of stability, since the plugins were not written for this web browser.

We have a stalemate. On the one hand, the brainchild of Yandex can use large quantity extensions. But on the other hand, Chrome has better integration. So it turns out that the chances are approximately equalized.


Just what modern web browsers and the Internet as a whole lack so much. The user cannot feel protected, since all sites permanently collect information about him. What about browsers?

Google Chrome impudently collects all information about the user and is not shy about it at all. And then Gates alone knows how the guys from Google use them. Even the built-in private browsing mode does not eliminate total surveillance.

In Yandex, everything is the same. But if Google warns the user about this and does not hide its actions, then the guys from Yandex do it quietly, without advertising this kind of activity anywhere. This is what raises suspicions.

In general, both web browsers are doing poorly in this regard. But the balance is in favor of Google, if only because the company does not hide its actions. But there is no trust in Yandex. And yet, in this round, the odds are equal.


Of course, it's boring when your web browser looks monotonous. The only design is very quickly boring and annoying. Therefore, normal browsers have different themes. And what about the personalization of Chrome and Yandex?

Google Chrome is more or less flexible in this regard. His store has an impressive number of themes. Not to say that they significantly change the interface, but at least some customization is present.

Yandex has a more original interface, but only one of the alternative design dark theme. Those skin packs that are in the Google store are not installed on this web browser, unfortunately.

So it turns out that Google Chrome wins at this stage. It is more amenable to interface changes. Despite the fact that Yandex has a much larger number of settings. With catomization, the latter does nothing at all.


It's time to take stock and draw the appropriate conclusions. In this article, we decided which browser is better: Yandex or Chrome. Which browser loads the system the least? If you are guided solely by the last criterion, then definitely - this is Yandex Browser.

But on all other points, it is Google Chrome that wins by a small margin. It opens pages faster, has customization options, and boasts more optimized extensions. However, it is up to the user to choose. We can only advise the most suitable option.

Two companies have taken strong positions in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet. This is where the longstanding controversy stems from."Google" or "Yandex" which is better. It is quite difficult to answer this question, each has its undeniable advantages, as well as disadvantages. To a greater extent, the use of each search engine is due to habit. Today, Yandex covers 58% of users, the rest is shared by Google and other little-known search engines (naturally, the latter are left with very small percentages). In order to somehow compare these companies, we will review search engines and commonly used related programs and services.

Differences between Google and Yandex

Before proceeding directly to the comparison of each individual service, we note the main differences between the two systems:

  • Yandex has a more complete and varied interface, while Google tends to be minimalist;
  • in terms of web development, Google is considered more stable, so it is given more preference;
  • Yandex is a Russian company, Google is an American one;
  • Yandex has significantly more useful developments than its opponent;
  • Google offers users great search suggestions;
  • It is believed that the relevance of Google's search results is higher, however, do not forget that Yandex was developed specifically for the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet and it outperforms its competitor in it.

Now we can move on to a more detailed comparison of competitive companies.

Google or Yandex, which is better: comparing search engines

The search bar is one of the most important services for using the Internet. Which one is better, Google or Yandex, has been arguing about this since the moment competitors clearly appeared on the market.

If we compare preferences in the use of search engines, then for the most part everything will depend on the country, so we will compare companies within Russia and the CIS. In this case, Yandex is clearly in the lead, since the service was originally created and tailored for the Russian-speaking Internet. In this segment, he is better looking for information, I climb into the most hidden parts of the network that Google has not heard of.

If we consider the issue of search speed, then the American search engine copes with requests faster than the Russian opponent.

The positive characteristics of Google include:

  • comparatively not a large number of advertising;
  • high degree of protection against dishonest users;
  • Relevant output consisting of up-to-date data.

It is also worth noting the obvious advantages of its competitor:

  • a large number of additional support services;
  • full compliance of the issue with the given request;
  • more complete ranking of the Russian-language network.

Thus, again it is not possible to determineGoogle or Yandex, which is better. One thing is clear, if you need data from the Russian segment of the Internet, then it is better to contact Yandex, in the case when you need data from foreign sites, then best solution will use Google.

additional services

In addition to fulfilling the main purpose of search engines, each of them has many related services designed to help users in various situations. It is worth noting that Yandex has clearly succeeded in this matter, the company has a large number of useful developments. Although Google does not keep pace with its competitor in this matter, it also has the main developments.

Google and Yandex maps

The Maps application is useful and in demand not only among drivers, but also among pedestrians. Therefore the comparison useful programs from competitors, let's start with him. The application is similar in principle to the navigator, while it is available for every smartphone.

Most users claim that Google maps are more understandable and convenient. But it's worth noting. That development from Yandex is much more functional. The service is more interactive than the competitor's app. Along the way, the user has the ability to make notes that are synchronized and reflected on the devices of other owners. In this way, drivers and pedestrians independently compile and maintain up-to-date traffic data.

Embedded in both applications. But the service from Yandex gives more accurate data on the coordinates of settlements in Russia and the CIS countries, while the latter in Google maps are only indicated by borders.

Cards Google or Yandex, which is better? Both services are convenient and in great demand. But the Russian service is more functional and, as it provides more opportunities.

Cloud storage

To save information, photos and other important data, it is wiser to place them in the cloud storage. This will allow you not to lose access to them in case the device fails. Competitors offer users two services Yandex.Disk and Google Drive. What are the conditions for each of them and which one is preferable.

  • free storage space - 10 GB;
  • Russian-language menu;
  • user-friendly interface and menu;
  • you can grant access to a specific file simply by passing a link to it;
  • high speed data exchange.

The only drawback of the service can be considered the lack of opportunities to work with Microsoft files office.

  • the ability to work with Google Docs ( text files, tables and presentations);
  • the ability to work on one document for several users online;
  • 15 GB of free storage;
  • Google Photos service that optimizes work with images.

Both services are well organized for use and have agents that make it easy to interact. They are quite reliable and safe. Many prefer Google Drive, just for the opportunity to use office programs in online mode.

Explorer program

The last thing left to compare before making a final conclusionGoogle or Yandex, which is betterthese are the browsers of both companies. A program designed for accessing the Internet characterizes each competitor as accurately as possible.

The application interface is approximately the same, but at the same time, Google adheres to a minimalist strategy, trying to supplement it with various useful things. However, US browser extensions allow you to customize your browser to suit your personal preferences.

As for the speed of searching for information and loading pages, Google browser is clearly the leader in this. The program from a competitor is supplemented with Turbo acceleration, as a result of which the indicators are equal. At the same time, the Turbo-acceleration function is built on traffic compression, which has a great effect on the operation of the program in mobile devices.

Security is implemented at the highest level in all programs. But the browser from Google will not be able to protect the user when going to a malicious site, Yandex browser, according to the developers, completely blocks such resources and constantly updates their list.

As a result of the comparison, it is not possible to make an unambiguous conclusion which of the competitors is better. Therefore, depending on the goals, you need to make a choice in favor of one or another search engine, which, by the way, is what most users do.

Hello. The idea of ​​writing this article has matured for me for a long time and now it has finally matured. I propose to discuss which search engine is better, Yandex or Google? Which one do you use and why do you prefer one over the other?

Your opinion will help beginners, inexperienced Internet users decide on the choice of a search engine. So let's go...

Not so long ago, a heated debate broke out on this issue in the comments between the site's readers, Dima and Dzhonik, which smoothly turned into obscenities and mutual insults. I ask you to restrain your emotions, because your comment will be seen by thousands of readers - remember this.

I will not argue and I will say in the forehead - I prefer Google. And that's why, the answer will not fit into one line.

Query Response Quality - Google #1

Due to the nature of my hobby and activity, every day I look for various information on the net dozens, if not hundreds of times. And the choice of the best search engine in my case is vital - these are saved hours, live nerve cells and quality articles for you.

My choice was formed a very long time ago. I honestly tried to use Yandex, but after shoveling 2-3 search results pages for any request, I found only shitty sites, sorry. But Google gave me the answer to my question not only on the first page, but in the first lines. It seems that they looked into the brain and gave the answer to me. Quality answer.

Speed ​​- Google #1

Another argument in favor of Google is that it physically works faster. Do you know who is the largest computer manufacturer in the world by a huge margin from all the famous companies? The answer is Google! Have you seen their computers in stores? Me too. They do not sell them, but produce them themselves for their own data centers around the world. This achieves high search speed and bug-free operation of this search engine. They spare no expense to improve the quality, convenience and speed of your search.

Support, communication with users, assistance to webmasters… - Google #1

Have you tried contacting Yandex employees for help? And don't try! With the same success, you can talk to the wall. Or with a robot.

They have their own chip, they sign their answers and messages - Platon Shchukin. Yes all! They don't have their own names - they are all Platos! (By the way, it is very consonant with another word, or rather a product) They probably think that it's cool.

I've been trying to get into their ad network for six months now. Applied 5 times and always rejected. The reason is not indicated. To the question - why the refusal, indicate the reason, I will correct everything, do what you need and like ..., and there is only one answer - “we do not comment on refusals”. Why the hell?!!! Is this beneficial for you, for me, for users? ... "we do not comment on failures." In short, robots.

Why do I need their ad network? And in order to maintain the site and not hang around teasers with fat bellies and advertising for weight loss products. The first time I tried to join them with a clean site - without teasers, but I was forced to post them, not to ask you for money in each article. The content of the site, you know, is not a very cheap pleasure.

Tell me, this is a bad site, it is not for people, but is made to sell links, shit site, as they say? What is surprising is that sites without meaning, with terrible text, littered with links to travel agencies, hardware stores, and so on fly into the Yandex advertising network at bullet speed.

After the release of this article, you can finally forget about the positive response from them. Yes, and let them go to the forest to pick berries, not by Yandex alone, as the webmasters say.

Edit: the information above is no longer relevant - I apparently got tired of Yandex and after the tenth (!) Application, they accepted me after all. The teasers have been removed from the site.

Tracking users and their actions on the network - Yandex No. 1 !!!

Oh, this is the most painful question for some, frightened users. My dears, ALL search engines are watching your actions on the network !!! If they did not do this, there would be no search, as such. And no matter how you hide, clear your browser history, change your IP addresses, search engines see you, know what you are looking for and type into the search box, what sites you visit, what system you have installed, what screen resolution, what the browser you use, what you click on, how much time you spend on a particular site, what gender, age, country, city you are from… I don’t have enough time and energy to list everything.

How do you like this discovery? Are you shocked?

Let me finish you off - they share this information with almost everyone who wants to know it! And I chose Yandex as the leader not by chance. Meet Yandex Webvisor!!!


Have you already had a valerian? Shall we continue?

There are already special sites that accumulate all the information about you and distribute it. And where do they get it - from the search engines, of course. Naturally, this is not legal. You can complain to the UN or to Sportloto, as V. Vysotsky advised.

My advice to you - do not bother about this, you will not change anything anyway. But you find the information you need on the Internet.

I could still bring a million arguments in favor of Google, but there is not enough time, and you will get tired of reading. A few more in the end - the control in the head.

Remember I described how to search for information on the web in several search engines at the same time? So Yandex forbade using itself in such cases. What can I say - everything is for people, everything is for the sake of the user.

Ask any webmaster about Yandex - by filtering out a bunch of swearing, you will find out what they think about it. Ask them about the speed of indexing new articles by Yandex. What is it and why? And this is when the author wrote an article on the site (he wrote for 6-8 hours, by the way) and Google saw it after a few minutes, but Yandex does not see this article for a FEW DAYS! So what? And the fact that during these long hours the article will be unearthed on the floor of the Runet and it will not become yours. Those. you didn’t write it, but the comrade who stole it. And you can't prove otherwise to Yandex. Another site will be higher in the search engine results, and you will be considered a plagiarist and a thief, for which they will lower the position of your site in the issuance.

Of course, the average user does not care about all this kitchen. But in vain. How many talented guys dropped their hands after such an attitude of the search engine to their sites? Many people give up this business - to maintain sites, but they could give you a lot of benefits.

Just answer honestly - where would Yandex be if it hadn’t aggressively-voluntarily-compulsorily pushed its Yandex.Bar, replacing the start page of browsers and the default search? Where the Negro is very dark, that's where!

Google doesn't force anything on you (Have you heard of the Google Bar? I haven't.), and its popularity is growing exponentially, what does that say? That's right - a good product does not need advertising. This search engine is chosen by millions of users, voluntarily.

Enter in the search "Yandex" and "Google" in turn and see the search result by pictures. Everything that I found on "Yandex" (the rest with obscene language and "dirty" pictures) ...

And now Google...

Do you want to quickly figure out which search is better: Yandex or Google? To do this, you should find out the main advantages and disadvantages of each search engine and compare them. Consider the characteristics of these services.

A habit is what makes people most often choose a particular product, but you also need to pay attention to the functionality. Search from Yandex is better looking for information in Russia, while Google has a wider information coverage around the world. To evaluate the performance of search engines, you can compare parameters such as search quality, synchronization, mobile use, additional features and design.

Google overtook Yandex in terms of total monthly audience in Russia, but lags behind its competitor in terms of the number of daily visits.

In May 2018, Runet users turned to Yandex search in 45.08% of cases, Google - 50.14%

Table: comparison of Yandex and Google parameters

Video: Yandex vs. Google

Of course, both search engines do an excellent job with their tasks: they find the necessary information on the Internet and offer it to the user. Perhaps someone is more accustomed to working with Yandex, but the Google search engine still wins in terms of convenience and functionality.

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