Phone firmware through a computer. Phone firmware program. USB programmer (AVR): description, purpose How to use a programmer for mobile phones

The breakdown of mobile equipment is not always associated with physical malfunctions of elements or assemblies. Sometimes the cause of the malfunction is the failure of internal programs. You can buy a programmer for phones in the Shop Details.RU online store and quickly restore your gadget.

Order a programmer for mobile phones from us

On our website you can order and purchase a wide range of accessories for flashing and restoring mobile devices. Presented here:

    firmware devices;

    data cables for Chinese phones;

    data cables for original equipment, etc.

Separately, you can select devices for updating or resetting battery controllers. Usually the device is needed after installing new batteries in the old case. At the same time, data from the old battery remains on the controller, which interferes with full operation. On our site you can buy a laptop battery programmer and solve this problem.

We offer high-quality devices from leading manufacturers, which, if used correctly and original software, will not harm the restored equipment.

You can find out the price of a programmer for smartphones through our website. A simple and convenient catalog with up-to-date information on prices and balances is at your service. In the absence of the necessary equipment, contact our manager. He will help you choose a similar device or tell you the time of the next delivery.

We deliver throughout Russia, regardless of order volume. We are equally serious about large wholesale customers and retail buyers. All purchases are tracked until receipt.

A workshop for servicing smartphones and tablets, like any other workshop, is hard to imagine without soldering or measuring equipment. But the main place here is always occupied by tools for software repair: unlocking, restoring and flashing. It is they who help the master to unlock, flash or revive a non-working device.

Let's get to know them better.


What is boxing?

How to choose?

Dongles can also be divided into more universal ones that support the maximum number of models from popular manufacturers and the most popular operations, and dongles designed for specific devices and operations.

Universal Solutions:

Specialized Solutions:

Reset FRP

Samsung and LG


What is a smart card?

The smart card is used to authenticate your purchase and identify your device on the developer's server. In fact, it looks like a regular SIM card for mobile phones. A smart card is designed to store information about the firmware version, the firmware itself, and other special information.

Smart card chip structure

Important! A smart card has a limited number of information recording cycles. Usually the software warns the user that an update is required. That's why do not update the smart card unless necessary. It may simply get blocked, and as a result you will no longer be able to use this smart card or even the box (it all depends on the box developer). If you are unable to update your smart card when required, your best bet is to contact Technical Support.

What to choose: box or dongle?

Boxing is for you if:

  • connection via COM port is required;
  • phone recovery is only possible using JTAG or eMMC interface.

Dongle is suitable if:

  • you are going to work with the phone in working condition;
  • you need to unlock, flash, repair IMEI, remove FRP;
  • The PC recognizes the phone;
  • you are not going to work with the hardware of the device.

In the continuation of this article, you will learn about possible errors and problems that arise when working with dongles and boxes, and how to detect and eliminate their cause.

The convenience of working with modern mobile devices is largely due to the presence of pre-installed firmware, without which the functioning of electronics is simply impossible. These microprograms are commonly called firmware among electronics engineers and mobile device repair specialists. In many devices, these firmware are often damaged, in modern terms they “fly off”, making it impossible to work with installed applications. To restore the firmware, a programmer is used. This is a hardware-software device for reading and writing data to permanent memory or internal memory of microcontrollers.

The most popular device among users is the smartphone. Let's take a closer look at what is needed in order to "revive" a mobile that has lost its firmware. In addition, a large amount of electronics comes from China and the United States, and when buying such a mobile phone, there is a problem with the difference in firmware. It is in such situations that you cannot do without a programmer for phones.

Phone recovery tools are required to download the firmware to the device. The programmer itself is connected through the appropriate port of the smartphone and reprogrammed. There are no universal programmers that support working with various types of devices, however, there are models that are compatible with the most popular smartphones.

Types of programmers

In addition to the fact that programmers can differ in the type of microcircuits, complexity, connection to a computer, as well as in the list of additional functions, there are two fundamental differences between the construction of these devices:

  1. Based on an array of generic type hardware drivers. The versatility of such programmers lies in the ability to read and supply logic levels, as well as the ability to supply complex such algorithms. On the principle of operation of these universal programmers, as a rule, expensive universal models work.
  2. Models that are optimized for a given list of microcircuits. These programmers are often significantly inferior in cost to models of the first type, and the existing list of functions can be expanded by adding new types of microcircuits.

Our online store specializes in spare parts for mobile phones and tablets, offers a wide range of programmers for restoring software on phones of various models. We guarantee timely delivery of your order and loyal prices.

The proposed programmer circuit is, in my opinion, the simplest and can be easily reproduced by any novice radio amateur who decides to try his hand at creating devices on microcontrollers. The circuit does not contain super-scarce parts and does not even require the manufacture of a printed circuit board - everything can be assembled by surface mounting or on a breadboard (for example, I spread a signet for it in 15 minutes on a piece of substandard glass getinax). This programmer is suitable for flashing Atmega8 and Attiny2313 microcontrollers, which can be useful in the manufacture of impulse metal detectors such as ClonePI-W or TrakerPI.

Since the programmer circuit is simple and will not cause any problems during manufacturing, I offer further step-by-step instructions for using the device (for beginners) when flashing the Atmega8 microcontroller for making the ClonePI-W.1 metal detector. Installing the PonyProg program. with the program and unzip it. Click on setup.exe. The usual installation will take place. Now we go to the system disk and in the Program Files folder we find the Pony Prog2000 folder. We go into it and delete the PonyProg2000.exe file. From the unzipped material, copy the file PonyProg 207 rus.exe to this folder, which allows you to Russify and modify the program. Create a shortcut in this folder and place it on the desktop. The program is installed.

Program setting. We connect the programmer and run the program. In the Settings menu, select "Calibration" and perform it. After that, in the Settings menu, select Hardware Setup and set Serial, COM1 and SI Prog API. The rest of the boxes are empty. Click Check, OK. This completes the setup. If it was successful, then everything is fine; if not, we look for and fix the error in the hardware.

microcontroller firmware. Insert the controller into the socket. In the window at the top of the program, select AVR Micro, in the neighboring Atmega8. Now click Commands-Read All. Will read data from the microcontroller. Upon completion, a message will appear indicating its successful completion. Such a reading, even of a clean microcircuit, allows you to better "make friends" of the Computer-Programmer-Microcontroller bundle, and if everything goes OK, then you can definitely hope for success. Now we load the dump of the firmware itself into the programmer. File-Open the contents of the device from a file and explorer find the dump file we need with the .hex extension. Open it, its contents will be reflected in a large program window.

Now it is very important to correctly place the controller configuration bits. You can view them on the ClonePI-W developer site. Click on the lock icon. Place checkboxes in the boxes as required. Click OK. Now write the program to the microcontroller. Commands-Record all. Went to record, then check. At the end of the test, the sign Recording completed will appear. If everything went as described above, then we take out the controller and put it in the device being manufactured, connect the power and enjoy the result. Finally, a couple more tips. Power for the programmer circuit can be taken from the USB port of the computer or you can use the power supply of your ADSL modem for this purpose, which can be turned off while the controller is being programmed. In addition (in some cases) during the programming of the stone, it is required to disable antiviruses and firewalls (NOD32, for example, blocks some actions with data transfer via the COM port). Here is a brief summary of the proposed device. The material was kindly provided by Elektrodych.

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