How to pay in aliexpress. How to pay for an order on Aliexpress: step by step instructions, tips and tricks. Tinkoff Aliexpress conditions, full review

Aliexpress is the largest online marketplace in China. In order to purchase any lot, you must register on the site, specify the delivery address and pay for the goods. Since the site is an international payment method for the purchase, there are many.

Using a plastic card for payment is the most convenient and most common way today and has many positive aspects:

  • the site system is organized in such a way that information about the card is strictly classified and is not transferred to anyone, including the seller;
  • if the order is not received or a claim is made, the refund is made to the card faster;
  • to make a payment, it is enough to select the type of card, enter its number, name and surname of the owner, expiration date and security code;
  • the payment system supports cards like: VISA, MasterCard, Maestro;
  • if you make purchases often enough, the card can be linked to the profile and for the next orders, all information on the card will not need to be entered.

Payment for an order on Aliexpress through the Qiwi Wallet payment system

If you are an active user of electronic wallets, in particular Qiwi

Before using the capabilities of a Qiwi wallet, you need to start it. For free registration a phone number is enough, which will also be the wallet number.

Payment is made in the following way:

  1. Select by entering the wallet number in the window.
  2. Next, a window for entering the password from the wallet will appear on the screen.
  3. Choose a payment method: specify a wallet, card or terminal.
  4. For the card, we enter data, through the terminal we deposit money into the account or write off the required amount from the mobile account of the phone.
  5. Further, for confirmation, an SMS notification will be sent to the mobile phone, which must be entered in the window on the payment for services page.

Do you want to receive 7% back to your account from all Aliexpress purchases? Register and get cashback right now!

One of the most reliable electronic money account systems in the world is WebMoney. Despite the complex and confusing system of transfers, this payment method is used by a large number of users of the Aliexpress site. WebMoney is also popular in Europe, as it is perhaps the only payment system with wallets in different currencies. There are several steps to pay

  1. Choose a payment method via WebMoney.
  2. On click, the system automatically redirects to webmoney.transfer.
  3. Choose the desired wallet.
  4. If the invoice is issued in a different currency than the wallet, the system will automatically exchange money at the rate of the site and make the payment.
  5. In the window that appears, you must enter data to log in.
  6. After switching to the keeper system, we confirm the purchase using SMS or mobile application E-nam.

There is a fee for using this payment method.

Payment on Aliexpress via Yandex. Money

Despite the fact that this service, Russian Chinese partners since 2014 offer the opportunity to pay for purchases. To pay for a purchase through Yandex. Money must meet several conditions:

  1. To pay, select Yandex. Money.
  2. Log in to the Money system website.
  3. Confirm payment.

Depositing cash into the wallet is possible through any terminals and banks in Russia.

We will also tell you how to download and what additional features it gives?

Cash payment on Aliexpress

Many do not have cards and electronic wallets, for this there is a cash payment method on the site, in order to use it, follow the instructions:

  1. Select the payment method "Cash".
  2. The system will redirect to another page where you need to enter your phone number and email.
  3. You will then receive a payment code in the form email or sms.
  4. After that, you need to contact any bank, terminal, communication salon and deposit money using the existing code.

This method is the longest since most of the necessary post offices, terminals or bank branches work on weekdays. The payment is verified and comes to the site within a few days. If it is necessary to return funds for the goods, they will be credited to the account of the number specified during payment.

This payment method is based on transactions with mobile device and is possible only in Russia. It has many positives:

  • payment is possible at any location and at any time;
  • mobile payment takes place in a fraction of a second;
  • wireless network protocols allow secure mobile payment;
  • depositing funds to a mobile account is possible large quantity ways.

To pay for a purchase on Aliexpress via phone, need:

  1. Select a mobile operator.
  2. Enter a ten-digit phone number.
  3. An SMS notification about the payment will instantly come to the phone and you need to confirm or cancel it.

Mobile payments are subject to transfer fees. Also, payment is not possible from corporate numbers and with a prepaid payment system.

Other payment methods for purchases on Aliexpress

How to cancel an order on Aliexpress after payment

If you change your mind about purchasing a product or find a similar one at times cheaper, in some cases, order can be canceled.
First you need to contact the seller and explain the situation to him, communication on the site is carried out through personal messages on English language. If the parcel with the goods was not sent, the seller cancels the transaction and returns the funds. In the case when the parcel has already been sent, it is impossible to cancel the order.

The seller sends the goods only after the buyer made a full payment, thus receiving a parcel by cash on delivery from the Aliexpress website is impossible. Delivery to the destination, except in cases of the far north, is carried out completely free of charge through the post offices of the Russian Post. ? In this case, you need to act based on the situation.

More information about paying for an order on Aliexpress in this video:

Shopping on the Internet has a number of advantages, including low price, large selection and good quality of goods. Chinese sites are popular, because on them you can find various things at a bargain price that cannot be purchased in Russia. To receive your order, you will need to pay for the goods on Aliexpress. This service guarantees that a person will receive his purchase, and if it does not reach, then he will be able to return the money. New users have a question about how exactly they can pay the funds. It will be useful to consider different methods and instructions for them, so that a person can choose the option that suits him.

Features of payment on Aliexpress

Some people are afraid to order goods on the Internet, because they are worried about their money. Indeed, there are sites that belong to scammers or do not guarantee users a refund. However, Aliexpress is reliable and safe, so you don’t have to worry about your money.

Important! Payment must be made in advance, not after receiving the goods. This point will not depend on which method the person chooses.

If he wants to pay by electronic means, and this option is the most popular, then he will have to pre-pay for the order. If you want to use cash, then they will also have to be given before sending the parcel.

Note that Aliexpress is an intermediary between sellers and buyers. Therefore, suppliers will not receive money until the receipt of the item is confirmed. All this time, the funds already paid will be on the site, and if necessary, they will be returned to the buyer. In general, payment options are the same for Russia, as well as for Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. The only question is which option will be more convenient for a particular user.

How to pay on Aliexpress via phone

For some people, it is most convenient to pay on the Internet through a mobile phone. A similar need arises if there are enough funds on the balance, and other payment methods are not suitable. Perhaps a person simply wants to spend the amount that he has on his phone. Beforehand, it is recommended to make sure that there is enough money in the account for the procedure.


  1. First you need to select a product on the Chinese site and add it to your shopping cart.
  2. After that, you need to click on the "Place an order" button and select the desired method.
  3. If the person has not previously used a cell phone for this procedure, then you will need to click "Other payment methods", and then "Mobile payment".
  4. Be sure to indicate the mobile operator, as well as enter your phone number.
  5. You will need to confirm your actions by receiving an SMS message with a code.
  6. It remains only to verify the correctness of the information, and then complete the procedure.

Please make sure that your shipping address is listed on the website. If a person has already made purchases before, then this should not be a problem. Otherwise, paying by phone does not cause problems if there is enough money on the balance.

How to pay by PayPal on Aliexpress

The PayPal payment system is used by people to pay for goods over the Internet. Make sure you have enough money on your balance first. If they are not enough, then you should first replenish your account.

The scheme of actions begins in the same way as in the previous case. A person will need to select the product of interest and place it in the basket. Next, you need to click on "Place an order", and after that you can make a payment. From the available methods, you will need to choose PayPal. If it is not immediately displayed, then you need to go to the section with other payment methods.

Confirmation of the procedure takes place already on the website of the electronic payment system. There you will need to agree with the payment, after making sure that the information is correct. After that, there will be an inscription stating that the purchase has been paid, and Aliexpress will begin checking the payment.

How to pay for an order on Aliexpress through Yandex.Money

Electronic wallets are popular on the Internet, because they make it easy to transfer money, as well as make purchases. You can use Yandex.Money or Qiwi, it all depends on where exactly the funds are located. The procedure is as simple as in other cases. Again, you should first make sure that there is enough money in the right service.

Step-by-step instruction:

As you can understand, the option is quite simple, and it is more profitable than using the MTS number. Mobile operator may charge a hefty fee for using a cellular account. At the same time, Yandex.Money does not set an additional fee for the purchase of goods.

How to pay for an order on Aliexpress through Qiwi Wallet

As already mentioned, you can use the Qiwi e-wallet in order to pay for your order on Aliexpress. This option is similar to the one used for Yandex.Money. The only difference is that you will have to transfer funds from the Qiwi electronic wallet.

Again, you need to select the product of interest and proceed to pay for it. Further, from the available methods, you need to prefer the Qiwi service. First you need to make sure that it has enough funds to go through the procedure. Next, you will need to check the information, and then you can confirm your actions on the e-wallet website. If everything goes well, then a notification will appear.

How to pay by card on Aliexpress

Bank cards are convenient to use to pay for purchases in the store, as well as on the Internet. Therefore, the Aliexpress website is no exception. The easiest way would be to link a card to the profile so that you do not have to constantly enter details. Payment can be made both through the computer and through the phone.

What do you need:

  1. You should proceed to checkout and proceed to the choice of the method of transferring money.
  2. Of the available options, I am interested in a bank card. Note that she must support the work on the Internet in order to pass the procedure. At the moment, you can use not only Visa and MasterCard, but also the World. You can also use a credit card.
  3. Online you will need to enter the details in order to pay for the purchase. The owner's name, card number, expiration date and secret code.
  4. Now you need to click "Pay for my order",

This will complete the procedure, and you will receive a payment message. Everything should be indicated correctly, since if an error is made, the payment will not be able to be made.

Is it possible to enter the card security code when paying on Aliexpress

If a lot of money is stored on a bank card, then people are worried about its safety. Therefore, it is not surprising that they may doubt the security of the Aliexpress website. As already mentioned, to make a purchase, it is important to enter the details of the plastic. Among them is a secret code that cannot be revealed to anyone.

The Chinese site is quite reliable, so users do not risk losing their funds. However, it is still not recommended to use a salary card, as well as any friend where money is steadily coming. If someone outsider gains access to the profile on Aliexpress, then he will be able to make purchases from the linked card. It is best when a person immediately before paying for the goods will put money on the plastic.

How to pay for Aliexpress through Sberbank Online

If a person keeps his money in the bank, then it will be convenient for him to use Sberbank Online to make a payment. However, now there is no way to directly transfer money through it. So there's no point in going to Personal Area, through it it will not be possible to credit funds to Aliexpress.

If you want to use a bank account, then you can only pay by card. This option has already been discussed above, and it is quite convenient. It can be used by any Russian user who has enough funds on plastic. Payment in cash can take place in several ways, and all of them are convenient in the absence of electronic funds. To begin with, a person will need to select the product they like on the Chinese website. After that, you can proceed directly to the checkout. You should select cash payment and then enter your phone number. Next, the person will receive an order code and the final cost via SMS. With these data, you should contact Svyaznoy or Euroset.

If desired, money transfer can occur through the terminal. The bonus of this method is that you do not have to disturb the salon staff. You will need to select the "Aliexpress" option, and then specify the order number. It remains to pay the required amount and keep the check.

Is it possible to pay for an order for Aliexpress upon receipt by mail

Many people would be more comfortable paying for their goods directly at the post office. However, this option is not provided, because the goods are sent from different countries. Therefore, a person will have to pre-pay for their order. If desired, you can use cash for this, the method is described above.

You should not worry about your funds, because if necessary, they can be returned. Even if a person pays for a purchase on Aliexpress from a phone, he will succeed in making money if the goods do not arrive or are of inadequate quality.

How to order goods on Aliexpress without payment

It will not be possible to receive any thing without payment, so the money will have to be given in any case. You can only place an order, but not finish the job. Then it will be in the status "Payment pending".

Of course, before the transfer of money, the seller will not send the item. Therefore, you should not look for ways not to give money for the goods, it is better to think about how exactly to pay for it. You can choose any option, instructions for popular methods are listed above. After making a payment, it is important to keep track of the warranty time, as well as the delivery status, so that you can return the funds in time if there is no order.

Many people are very afraid to buy something on the Internet, as they have heard more than once about deceit and fraud on the part of online stores. I myself was deceived more than once, once I was "thrown" for $ 100 by a very famous Russian online store.


But I want to assure you - the Aliexpress store is a VERY RELIABLE SITE! How to pay on aliexpress? What are the payment methods on aliexpress? What is the best way to pay for purchases on aliexpress? This is what I will tell you now...

Payment on aliexpress: all ways

There are many payment methods on Aliexpress, which one should I use? For each individual country, the methods may differ, I will tell you how to pay for aliexpress to a Russian. Here are the main ways:

As you can see, these methods are currently available:

bank card - Mastercard, Visa and Maestro.

Yandex money - electronic money from the largest search engine Runet.

Sberbank is the largest bank in Russia.

Qiwi - a payment service that is tied to the phone.

webmoney - electronic money, you can create wallets in different currencies.

Mobile payment- payment by phone.

Cash payment No comment, details below.

Now I’ll tell you about each payment method for aliexpress separately, about all the pros and cons…

1. How to pay for aliexpress through a card?

I am sure that most people pay for aliexpress for goods with a bank card. With this payment method, you will be asked to fill in the following fields:

Card number- we write all the numbers that are written on your card - there are always 16 of them.

Month and year termination of card service - written under the card number, two digits each.

Owner's name- in the same Latin letters (not necessarily large) we enter the owner of the card.

Security code- turn your card over and write the last three numbers that are written on the painting strip.

That's it, now click the pay button. Depending on the bank and your settings, you will be asked to confirm the operation by entering a password (which you thought up in advance) or a code from the sent SMS message.

If you are unable to pay for the purchase on aliexpress with a card, then there may be such reasons for this:

Your card does not support payments outside of your country. Your card should have Mastercard, Visa and Maestro. If not (and this is often the case with pensioner cards), then get a “normal” card with the ability to pay in foreign online stores.

You have been blocked from buying online. Many banks block this feature by default for security reasons. You need to go to your online bank and enable the ability to make purchases on the Internet.

You ran out of money. Trite, but it happens….

Is it worth buying on aliexpress through a card?

This is a very good question, because although shopping on aliexpress is quite safe, you need to take into account other threats - VIRUSES ON YOUR COMPUTER.

Yes, if a Trojan virus settles on your computer, it can steal the card details that you enter during the purchase. And then after you buy, hackers will buy a lot of gifts for themselves, their loved ones with the money left on the card ....

This happens, although not so often, but there is a chance and believe me, an antivirus, even the best one, cannot always help. But there is a way out of this situation and a very simple one - get a separate card for online purchases.

Yes, it's that simple. If your main card has a lot of money that you are afraid of losing, find a bank where you can order a card for the cheapest (and preferably free) and use it for online purchases.

I can recommend Tinkoff Aliexpress card - this is a special card for shopping on Aliexpress, buying from it you can get back 5% + 10% for alibonus, for example, as a result, you get good savings.

Tinkoff Aliexpress conditions, full review.

Thus, both the wolves will be fed and the sheep will be safe….

2. How to pay for aliexpress through Yandex money?

Yandex Money is a very convenient payment system. I have been using it for a very long time and mainly because they give (almost free - 199 rubles) a plastic Master Card with a chip.

In this case, the card will be sent to you directly by mail, you do not need to go anywhere (even to another country). With this card you can pay on the Internet (in the same aliexpress), make purchases in a store and withdraw money from an ATM (with a percentage, though). It is very easy to pay with Yandex money for aliexpress: choose this payment method:

We press the PAY NOW button, you will be transferred to the Yandex money page, where you will need to confirm the payment. And everything is so simple, you do not need to enter anything constantly, quickly and conveniently.

3. How to pay for aliexpress through a Sberbank card?

It’s a little unclear why it was necessary to take out the Sberbank card in a separate payment method? After all, if a person has a Sberbank bank card, then he can pay for the goods in the first way. Another option: a person has a savings bank account, but no card. But it's hard for me to even imagine such a situation - modern man with a savings book and without a card.

But let's say that such an anachronism exists in theory in the form of a grandmother who decided to buy new glasses on aliexpress. So she chose the product, starts paying - she needs to choose this item:

As a result, she will receive a unique code, which she will write down with a shaking hand on a piece of paper, go to the payment terminal and pay for her goods in CASH. Sorry grandma...

4. How to pay for aliexpress via qiwi?

I never used Qiwi, as the percentage for their services always seemed to me too high. But the Russian people are very generous and are not used to counting pennies, so many people use this payment system.

To pay for aliexpress Qiwi goods, you need to select the appropriate payment method:

You need to enter in the field the number of your phone to which the Qiwi wallet is attached and click the PAY NOW button. After that, confirm the payment and wait for the goods.

It is worth considering that the amount that will be charged to you from kiwi will most likely be more than what you pay for aliexpress, since the dollar exchange rate for kiwi is not the best. But this is a price for simplicity and convenience.

5. How to pay for aliexpress via Webmoney?

I am firmly convinced that the WebMoney site was made by drug addicts, otherwise it is difficult to explain the TERRIBLE interface complexity, endless authorizations and other inconveniences. In view of this, if you do not have a webmoney wallet and you do not desperately need it, then do not start it only to pay for aliexpress.

But if you already have a webmoney wallet and have funds on it, then buy FIRST of all through it. The thing is that it is not so easy to withdraw money from Webmomey, so it is best to spend it on purchases, on the same aliexpress. That is why I ALWAYS pay only Webmoney for aliexpress. Go to tab:

Then you will be transferred to the Webmoney website, where you will need to confirm the payment. Webmoney is convenient in that if you have a WMZ wallet (dollar), then there will be no conversions when paying for aliexpress. If you set prices for aliexpress in dollars, and initially they are there in dollars, then you will pay exactly as much as the product costs. This is one of the advantages of such payment.

6. How to pay for purchases on aliexpress via phone?

This is another very convenient payment method on aliexpress, especially if you are buying some small things. Go to this tab when paying:

Choose your mobile operator: MTS, Megafon, Beeline or Tele2, enter your phone number and press SEND SMS. After that, you will need to confirm the order (otherwise everyone would just write someone else's number and money was debited from it) and the goods were paid. And from your balance on the phone, of course, they will write off the required amount.

7. How to pay for goods on aliexpress in cash?

There is another way to pay for a purchase on aliexpress - pay for the goods in cash. This method is very similar to the case with Sberbank. Select this tab:

We write our phone number, we receive SMS with a unique number, we go with it to one of the stores or a salon cellular communication, we show our code there, we give them money, and they make the payment. At the moment, such a payment can be made in Omigo, Svyaznoy, Comepay, Eleksnet, Euroset, Leader, Russian Post, MTS, PSKB, Svobodnaya Kassa, Quickpay, Credit Bank of Moscow, TelePay and some other offices I do not know.

The simplest of all this is to pay at the Russian post office. As in the case of Sberbank, this is a way for those who are on YOU with the Internet and banking systems. In principle, it is good that there are such opportunities for such ordinary people.

8. How to pay for Mall Aliexpress?

Yesterday I showed the goods from the section for the first time and was unpleasantly surprised that you can pay for the purchase in this section in a limited number of ways, in particular:

Yes, only by card and Yandex money, a couple more offline payment methods, which I wrote about above. This is very inconvenient for me, as I am used to paying with Webmoney. Why is that? I don't know, maybe this Russian legislation is so harsh? Or are the sellers themselves looking for easy ways? Need to know more about this...

9. How to pay for aliexpress from a current account?

Recently, I was asked a question on the site: is it possible to pay for goods with aliexpress using a current account? For obvious reasons, I never paid like that, but still I wondered if it was possible to pay for aliexpress using bank details?

I specifically ordered a small item on Ali to see if there is something similar. I found only such a small inconspicuous item - Bank Transfer.

I think that this is what you need, I could not check right away, since this payment method has a limit:

The total amount of the order does not meet the allowed limits of this Wire Transfer: USD 20.01~50000.00.

If you paid in this way, then tell us in the comments how it happens and whether this is what I think.

10. How to pay for an order for aliexpress via phone?

So, we got acquainted with the product - everything suits us, we press the BUY NOW button (it is located below the image of the product itself):

A page opens with a choice of product parameters: color, size, etc. Select them and click NEXT. And here is our product page:

On it we see information about the delivery, as well as payment methods:

  1. Payment by card (visa, mastercard, maestro, world)
  2. Other payment methods (QIWI)

If you pay in the first way, you need to add a bank card, to do this, click ADD NEW CARD and follow 8 simple steps:

Now your orders will be paid by the added card.

Attention! Do not add a card with large funds on it, otherwise you may become a victim of scammers!

If you have a qiwi wallet, or any other payment system, then check the box USE ANOTHER PAYMENT METHOD and click PLACE ORDER, the following message appears:

Here, apart from kiwi, there are no more ways, but if you click on the button OTHER METHODS VIA PC SITE, alipay will open with the methods we need:

We choose a payment convenient for us and enter the necessary data. So just pay for aliexpress via phone.

Is it possible to pay on aliexpress upon receipt?

This question is of interest to many and there is a simple answer to it - NO! The Chinese do not sell goods cash on delivery, but only prepaid. And this is logical, imagine what would happen if it were possible. A bunch of fools for fun would order the goods and then would not receive it in the mail. Shipping costs () would be the responsibility of the seller.

"How can I pay for my purchase on Aliexpress?"- the question of most beginners who are just starting to work with the online store. We must pay tribute, Aliexpress did everything to make the payment process as simple and understandable as possible, eliminating unnecessary commissions, conversions and other procedures that burden the buyer and his pocket.

In order to purchase this or that product on the Chinese site, you must immediately pay for it, unlike the well-known eBay, where you can buy or win at auction, and pay after some time. On Aliexpress, it is not yet possible to pay for goods by cash on delivery, i.e. upon receipt.

As you probably already know, doesn't sell anything, it's just a meeting place for Chinese, Indian, Turkish sellers and buyers from all over the world. Each item is listed for sale by a specific seller. But here, unlike the same eBay, where the funds are transferred directly to the seller of the goods, the recipient of all payments is Aliexpress. The seller receives the money only after the goods are received by the buyer and there are no problems associated with delivery, non-compliance with the description, etc. did not occur.

Currency conversion when working with Aliexpress

At any time, you can change the currency in which the prices of goods will be displayed. The change form is at the very top and you can find it on any of the Aliexpress page.

Depending on what currency is selected in it, an invoice will be issued for payment when placing an order (invoice) and, accordingly, payment will be charged in it. You cannot change the currency of the invoice at the stage of payment, so choose the most suitable one right away.

If, for example, you have a payment card in Russian rubles, and the currency for displaying prices for Aliexpress is US dollars, then the request to withdraw the amount will come in dollars and your bank will perform the conversion. Well, if you set prices in Russian rubles, then a clearly indicated amount will be withdrawn without any conversions.

We must pay tribute to the approach of Aliexpress - currency conversion on the site is carried out without any tricks. The rate is always fair and corresponds to the official rates, which, for example, are set by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Therefore, you can switch to your native currency without any fear.

Just in case, it is worth recalling the potential danger of double conversion, which, of course, should be avoided. For example, you, having a payment card of a Russian bank in the euro currency, set the currency for displaying prices for Aliexpress - the US dollar and pay the bill. In this case, your bank, when converting, will buy euros from you for rubles, at the buying rate and immediately sell you dollars, but at the selling rate. How much you will lose on this operation - consider yourself. Wouldn't it be easier to immediately set the currency of your card as the currency for displaying prices, i.e. Euro?

Suggested payment options

There are a lot of payment methods for the purchase for your comfort, choose any suitable one. But do not forget that many of them take commissions that you have to pay, so it's up to you to decide which is more important: convenience or additional costs.

When placing an order, the system will display a list of available payment methods and prompt you to choose the appropriate one. Let's see what we actually offer.

The availability of certain payment methods depends on the country where you are located and the selected payment currency. For example, Western Union payment is available in US dollars and not available in Russian rubles.

Screenshot from

The easiest, most widely available and most profitable instant payment option. If you have any credit/debit card Visa/Mastercard that is suitable for online payments , you can make a payment simply and quickly.

From the details you only need standard set: number on the front of the card, expiration date, security code (CVV code, last three digits on the back of the card).

Screenshot from

It is also important that if the payment is returned, the funds will be returned directly to the card and no additional action is required on your part. The currency of the card does not matter, the bank will automatically convert the payment.

I would also like to note that in addition to the standard Aliexpress buyer protection (the ability to open a dispute), when paying with a card, you additionally get the opportunity to file a claim with the bank that issued your card and receive a chargeback, if necessary. payment refund. You only need to write a statement, indicating all the circumstances and facts. The analysis of such applications is carried out by special departments of Visa or Mastercard companies.

A very convenient payment method, especially for Russians. Funds for the purchase are withdrawn from your personal wallet in the Yandex Money system or from a payment card linked to the wallet. Payment is made without commission.

You can replenish your Yandex Money account by bank transfer (Internet banking), instantly through any payment terminal. If you do not have a payment card and it makes no sense to open it or there is no time to wait until it is made (up to 2 weeks), then paying through Yandex Money will solve the problem. In fact, you get access to a payment method on Aliexpress that is not available in the Russian Federation by direct bank payment, and the funds are credited instantly upon payment, and there is no commission as such.

At the same time, Yandex Money offers convenient related services, such as microcredit, "Connection with the Bank", etc.

It is probably superfluous to say that in order to use this payment system you will have to register and confirm your personal data. Registration is free, and there is no fee for maintaining an account.

When you select Yandex Money as a payment method when placing an order for Aliexpress, you will see "Cash" as one of the payment options.

Screenshot from

This is perhaps the easiest, fastest and most affordable payment option for Russians in the absence of a payment card. The operator of the service is also the Yandex Money system.

The scheme is as follows: when placing an order, you will be asked to enter personal data: full name, passport number and series, phone number. Then you will be given a special payment code (duplicated by SMS). And you, having it, can make a payment at any of the thousands of terminals of Sberbank, Svyaznoy and dozens of other networks. Also, payment can be made in the Euroset, Svyaznoy, Dixis communication stores. Just choose the location closest to you.

Please note that some networks, such as Telepay, Exnet, Platimo, Citypay, Quickpay, charge a commission, on average 3-5%. However, other networks do not charge commission. Consider this when choosing a payment point, especially if the amount is significant.

In addition to the payment code, you will immediately receive instructions on how to make a payment through the cash desk of Euroset, Svyaznoy or through the terminal. Read the appropriate one for the chosen method.

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Would you like to pay for your purchase via Webmoney? No problem. But remember that only WMZ transfers are supported, ie. US dollars. If you have a wallet in another currency, the funds will be converted automatically.

Dollars to WMZ are considered when paying on Aliexpress at the rate of 1:1, so that the commission is zero.

If you use QIWI, you can easily pay for goods on Aliexpress. You can top up your QIWI Wallet at any of the thousands of terminals, mobile phone stores, and ATMs. No commission is charged for payment. Simple and convenient way.

This payment method is available only to customers of Russian mobile operators: MTS, Megafon, Beeline, TELE2. It is enough to enter your phone number and then the code from the received SMS to confirm how the funds will be debited from your account. You can use it only if you have funds on your balance. For some tariff plans she is unavailable.

Please note that operators charge a fee for this service. Its current size can be found when choosing an operator at the stage of paying for an order on Aliexpress.

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This money transfer system, popular all over the world, needs no special introduction, and with its help you can pay for any item sold on Aliexpress. Supported currency is US dollars. Funds are credited to the recipient in a matter of minutes.

Western Union payment here is completely safe, the fear that the seller will not send the goods after receiving the funds is in vain, because. the recipient of your payment is not him, but Aliexpress.

In order to pay for the goods, you must select Western Union as a payment method, receive details, and after 24 hours make a Quick Pay payment in favor of the company Alipay Singapore E Commerce(from an individual to a legal entity). Within 3 working days the status of the order will change to "paid". If this suddenly does not happen, just contact the support service and provide the MTCN code that you will receive when sending the payment.

All Western Union fees are paid by the sender.

You can pay for the goods by international bank transfer in US dollars. You will receive the details and will be able to send the payment at the bank branch. When placing an order, you will receive payment details: account number, SWIFT code, etc.

After sending, the status of the order will change to "paid" within 7 days. The commission for sending an international bank transfer is paid by the sender of the payment.

The recipient in this case is also Aliexpress, the funds are transferred to the seller only after you receive the goods. The method, to put it mildly, is specific: the details are quite cumbersome, not every bank will send such a payment, and the commission can be $20-30. Plus quite a long enrollment.

Paypal and Aliexpress have not yet become friends. Paying for goods on Aliexpress through the Paypal payment system is not available. Just use the same payment card that is linked to your Paypal account to pay directly.

In addition to the above methods Aliexpress payment offers quite exotic for our compatriots - but it makes no sense to understand them, because. they are aimed at residents of Western Europe, South America, Asia: GiroPay (Germany), iDEAL (Netherlands), Sofort (Germany and Austria), Bolero and Debito online (Brazil), Mercado pago (Mexico), Doku (Indonesia).

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One of the highlights of the purchase is the process of paying for the order. In this article, we will consider available ways payment for buyers from Russia and other CIS countries.

So, after you have chosen one or another product, correctly indicated your postal address, you will be offered several ways to pay for the order on Aliexpress:

  • VISA, MasterCard or Maestro bank cards;
  • Yandex money;
  • webmoney;
  • QIWI wallet;

The remaining payment methods presented on Aliexpress are designed for buyers from other countries and are not relevant for Russia.

In the payment interface for an order on Aliexpress, the buyer can choose not only the most convenient transfer method for him, but also any currency from the list presented. Currency conversion is performed automatically, regardless of the chosen payment method.

Paying for an order on Aliexpress with a bank card

Before paying for goods ordered with a bank card, make sure that it is intended for paying for purchases on the Internet. Sometimes this type of transaction is closed by default until requested by the client. Ask if you need additional codes to make this type of payment, and check your account balance.

In order to pay for an order with VISA, MasterCard or Maestro cards, you must select the appropriate type of payment by clicking on it with the left mouse button.

In the "Cardholder's name" field, enter your first and last name, then enter the card number, consisting of 16 digits. It can be seen on the front of your card. Then enter the expiration date of the card and the CVC code. The CVC code consists of three digits and is located on the back of the card at the end of the signature strip.

After you have made sure that all the data is correct, click the "Pay for my order" button.

Please note that the maximum payment amount with bank card is $10,000.

Payment via Yandex Money

When paying for an order through Yandex Money, no system commission is charged. In order to go to the Yandex Money payment interface, select the appropriate payment item.

In this case, you will be offered 2 options:

  • Yandex money;
  • Cash.

By choosing cash payment, you will receive a code by which you can pay the bill through communication stores and terminals throughout Russia without commission. The Yandex payment item in money involves the transfer of funds from a wallet or a card linked to it. After pressing the "Pay for the order" button, log in to the website using your login and password and confirm the payment.

Paying for an order on Aliexpress via Webmoney

By choosing the Webmoney payment point, the cost of your order will be automatically converted by the payment system into dollars.

After you click "Pay for the order", the following window will open in front of you (Merchant WebMoney).

Perform authorization depending on your settings and pay for the purchase in the usual way. If you have not yet managed to get a dollar wallet, the funds will be withdrawn from any WM wallet, while the currency exchange will be performed automatically.

Payment via QIWI wallet

One of the most popular payment methods for orders on Aliexpress is QIWI wallet. This is due to the simplicity of wallet registration and the ease of replenishing it in terminals throughout the Russian Federation.

The number of your Qiwi wallet is the number mobile phone to which you registered the account. After you have entered your mobile number, click "Enter number". The next step is to select a payment method on the payment system website. Enter your password and click "Pay".

If in this payment system you do not have a wallet, the money will be debited from your mobile phone account. When paying for purchases on Aliexpress from a mobile phone, a commission will be charged, the amount of which depends on your operator.

Payment nuances

Payment for the order must be made within 20 days. Otherwise, the order will be automatically canceled by the system.

Regardless of the payment method, all payments are verified by Aliexpress. It may take up to 24 hours for the payment to be verified. And, despite the fact that the money has already been debited from your account, the order will still be considered unpaid. In this case, there is nothing to worry about, as soon as your payment is verified, the status of the order will change.

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