How to get details on beeline. How to make call details on Beeline: available methods. Step-by-step instructions for obtaining Printouts of Beeline calls via the Internet

The need to obtain a complete list of calls made and received may arise in different situations. For example, a subscriber may want to know how his costs for daily calls, messages and access to the network from his mobile device. This may be useful in order to adjust the mobile usage pattern in the future.

Also, detailing Beeline calls may be required by parents who prefer to control their child's expenses, users who suspect their soulmate of treason, or subscribers who are dissatisfied with the amount of funds withdrawn after changing the tariff plan. Whatever your goal, this article has all the information you need.

If you need a subsequent printout of the list of calls on the printer, then this method is one of the most convenient.

To receive details on your email, you need to send its address to 1401 from the phone for which the data is requested.

The advantages of this service include the following features:

  • free SMS to number 1401 for home network and roaming;
  • sending details is available for legal entities and individuals;
  • receiving information on calls in the form of an Excel file;
  • providing information for the last 30 days;
  • the ability to send a request up to 10 times a day.

If necessary, you can disable receiving information about calls by e-mail by sending the command * 110 * 0221 # . You can make this feature available again via Personal Area(LC), upon presentation to an employee of the Beeline office or communication of passport data to the customer support service.

Company showrooms

Another option for obtaining information on paper involves contacting Beeline offices. To do this, the direct owner of the number will need to present a passport, and the authorized person will need a corresponding document certified by a notary. This approach is more convenient in terms of allowable terms for obtaining an extract, but is not free:

  • detailing for any day, but no later than 8 months from the date of application, will cost the subscriber 5 rubles;
  • an extract from 9 months to 3 years costs 1000 rubles for each of the provided months;
  • a copy of the detailing of the number on paper costs 150 rubles for one estimated time period.

Contacting the office is necessary when you want to know the numbers of incoming SMS on Beeline. The provision of this service is possible only in this way and for a period not later than three months.

Through the personal account of the subscriber

The most convenient way to find out the information you need is through the Internet.

  1. To do this, you need to go to the LC login page and receive a password via SMS (if you have not previously used your Beeline personal account). The last system will send you automatically after sending the command * 110 * 9 # .
  2. After that, you must enter your login (your phone number) and password (the random set of numbers you received) in the appropriate fields, and then click on the "Login" button.
  3. During the first authorization in the system, you will be prompted to change the temporary password to a permanent one and indicate your e-mail (optional).
  4. After specifying and confirming all the necessary data, reading and agreeing to the offer agreement, you will be taken to the main page of the personal account. Beeline call details are also available here for free, for which you need to go to the section "Financial Information" and find a block there "Detailed communication services".
  5. By specifying the time period for which you want to receive information, and clicking on the button "Online Detailing" you will get the required information.

For the convenience of users in the personal account, you can get the details in several ways at once. In addition to the online presentation of all data, the subscriber is also offered to download files (or send them to an e-mail) in PDF, TXT or XLS formats for viewing on a PC and mobile device.

The service is available completely free of charge, and the maximum terms for providing details are 6 and 8 months for, respectively.

Using the mobile app

There are also options on how to detail Beeline calls directly from your mobile device. Most convenient option among them is the use of the proprietary My Beeline application, which can be downloaded from online stores for iOS and Android.

In this case, the process is similar to that for a personal account: select the call statement period on the main page or in the "Finance" section, and also indicate the email address to which the details will be sent in PDF format.

Service "Easy control"

Without access to the Internet and the ability to visit the corporate office of the company, you can find out about your expenses using Easy Control. To receive a report on the latest charges, you need to send a request * 122 # , after which you will receive an SMS on your phone with the information you are interested in. A subscriber can receive up to 10 details per day.

By connecting to an operator cellular communication, the subscriber should know how to control his expenses, view the history of calls received by the number. This makes it possible to rationally assess the costs of communication and additional services. Reliable information is obtained from the operator. They are given a demon payable service- details of Beeline calls.

Detailing of incoming and outgoing calls on the phone

The telecom operator presents the printed document to the subscriber. It details incoming calls, outgoing calls. The time of calls, their cost, as well as data on SMS messages are indicated.

The call printout is sent to the subscriber. It can be obtained both on paper and viewed in real time on a computer screen.

Detail methods

You can get it in several ways:

  1. Register on the official website of the company. Order information through your personal account.
  2. By connecting the service to the phone or installing a mobile application.
  3. By contacting the manager of the communication salon, request information.
  4. You can arrange to receive a printout by mail.
  5. Service "Easy payment".

These methods provide all the necessary data, which allows you to control the status of the account.

Information in your personal account

You can register on the site via the Internet using a computer, tablet, laptop or smartphone.

The client can get details of calls from Beeline for free through his personal account, after entering it:

  1. The one-time password is sent by SMS. It must be entered in the appropriate field on the screen.
  2. Entering the "Personal Account", go to the "Details" section.
  3. Before you start creating a report, you must specify the interval for which you want to get data. A request is sent.
  4. The report can be viewed on a computer screen, sent by e-mail. It will be available in PDF or Excel format.

The printout contains full information about all services for the requested period, the time of debiting funds from the client's accounts. There is no charge for printing.

Options for which funds are spent in excess of the limit can be disabled in your account or when visiting the Beeline office. Services can be independently activated or blocked at any time.

Using a mobile application

To receive information through a mobile application, the subscriber must have a smartphone connected to the Internet. Instruction:

  1. To log in, use the phone number as a login. We get a one-time password, which is entered in the "Password" field.
  2. After logging in, you need to open the "Finance" tab and go to the detail section.
  3. Set the required reporting period.
  4. Enter address Email and confirm the action with the "Submit" button.

On a note! Allows you to view the call status on the smartphone screen in real time. You do not need to exit the program for this.

Such a document will not indicate the cost of calls and the duration of calls. The operator does not charge a fee for the information provided, but limits the number of requests - no more than 10 per day can be made.

Visiting the communication salon

You can find out the data in the cabin only upon presentation of a passport. The manager provides information for a period of up to three years. The client contacts the operator, provides an identity card, requests data for the required period.

On a note!

Printouts are provided for a fee. Each region has its own rates for providing information.

To find out the tariffs, visit the site, office or call 0611. The operator is obliged to provide the necessary information. Other information can be obtained from this number.

For prompt information use free services. The office requests data if the period is between 8 months and three years.

Print by mail

This is the easiest way to check your expenses, because there is no need to use special applications and the Internet.

There are no additional manipulations. It is enough to send an email address by SMS to number 1401. A message will be sent to the phone that the order has been completed, the details have been sent to the specified address. In a few minutes, a printout of Beeline calls to excel format.

Report using the Easy Control service

How to make call details on Beeline? The service allows you to control costs regardless of the availability of the Internet. With its help, it is possible to quickly receive data anywhere and at any time.

To receive information on the phone, just dial *122#. After the sent request, information will be sent to the phone in the form of an SMS message, where it will be indicated tariff plan, statement of all services delivered for the last five days and expenses.

The service is provided free of charge, but the number of requests is limited to 10 per day.

Additional features

You can get a printout from your child's phone. To do this, a call is sent to number 1401 from his phone, the e-mail address where the report will be sent is indicated. You can control the conversations of your children. This is important because the child can connect an additional option.

Similarly, you can view information about conversations and messages from any number. It is enough to have access to the phone to send a request to the operator.

On a note! It is impossible to get a printout in the operator's salon if the SIM card is registered to another person.

How to view the details of calls "Beeline"

Often a full report is not required. It is enough to get information for the last few days. Large printouts are difficult to view and analyze.

To quickly view the data, it is enough to display the information on the screen of a computer or smartphone. This is possible when visiting your personal account, logging into the mobile application or receiving information through Easy Control.

Constant monitoring will allow you to quickly identify options that consume the largest number of money. You can block them or use them only when necessary.

The received data about telephone conversations, SMS correspondence and other functions are informative. Full information is provided upon request only through a personal account. In order to effectively manage their communication costs, the company's subscribers are advised to constantly study the data on calls and SMS messages.

Unnecessary options are disabled independently in the application or in your account. It should be noted that all services, with the exception of visiting the office, provide information for free.

Why call details? The reasons can be limitless. We all call every day, write SMS messages and access the Internet from our phone, sometimes not noticing what the funds are spent on, and at the end of the month it can be useful to “work on the bugs”. Maybe you have a child whose expenses need to be controlled, or after changing the tariff plan, you feel like the money is running out too quickly. Sometimes call details are even done in order to follow their “soulmate”. We will help you make the details of Beeline calls for free, regardless of the reason for which you need it.

How to make Beeline call details for free?

There are not so many ways to get account details and printouts of Beeline calls, but their variety and quality will suit even the most demanding customers. Everyone will find for themselves the most suitable way, corresponding to their knowledge, skills, and capabilities, to control their calls and account balance.

Detailing of the account and calls through the Personal Account

The most complete information on spending funds can only be obtained through Beeline's personal account. In it you will find data not only on incoming and outgoing calls and SMS messages, but also the details of expenses and their distribution by type of service. In addition, the personal account expense control panel displays the balance at the beginning and end of the specified period, payments made from the subscriber number and its replenishment.

Access to your personal account, as well as ordering details of calls and Beeline accounts is provided free of charge. FROM complete instructions on working with this section, you can find in the article -.

Order call detailing by e-mail

This method is slightly less informative, but allows you to quickly get all the necessary data without having to delve into the intricacies of working with the subscriber's personal account. Send to short number 1401 sms-message in which write your e-mail address. Within a few minutes, Beeline will process your application and send you an SMS notification “Your request has been completed. The ordered detailing has been delivered to the e-mail you specified, ”after which the free detailing of the Beeline account in MS Excel (.xls) format will be delivered to your e-mail.

Video presentation of the service

Ordering details by e-mail can be done no more than 10 times a day. The service is provided free of charge both when in the home network and in roaming.

You can set a ban on the delivery of details by e-mail, for this, dial *110*0221# and press "call". It will be possible to cancel this ban through the customer support service by calling 0611, in your personal account, or at the Beeline service office.

Service "Easy control"

The service allows you to control your expenses anytime and anywhere. Even without access to the Internet, you can quickly find out about the latest debits, when and for what the funds were spent from your Beeline account.

In order to receive a report, dial *122# , in response to a request, you will receive an SMS message that will display the last five charges from your account, and a link to a description of your tariff plan.

Detailing in the mobile application "My Beeline"

Mobile application for Android devices, iPhone and iPad allows you to quickly access the minimum required functions for managing the tariff, services and Beeline account. For example, you can use it to request details that will be delivered to your email in PDF format.

Ordering details of calls through is very simple: on the main page of the application or in the "Finance" section, select the period and write your e-mail address to which you want to deliver the printout.

You can download the app for free from the AppStore and Google Play.

Detailing the subscriber's account in Beeline offices

If none of the above methods suits you, you can make the details of Beeline calls on paper by contacting the customer service office. You need to present your passport (if the contract is executed in your name) or your passport and a notarized power of attorney to receive details from the person in whose name the contract is concluded.

Printing calls in this case will be paid, its cost is different for different payment systems. Prices and full terms You can find out how to receive a printout of Beeline calls on the official website of the company, at service offices and the support phone number - 0611.

Keep track of your bill and expenses where and when it suits you, and most importantly, always stay in touch!


Everyone had doubts about honesty mobile operators. These thoughts visit us after an unexpected write-off of money, if you did not connect additional services, did not conduct lengthy negotiations and did not send many messages. By ordering call details for the last time, the subscriber can find out where the funds were spent.

Printout of Beeline calls via the Internet for free

The simplest and fast way receive data on recent calls - view through your personal account online on the official page of the operator. Here is a step-by-step instruction on how to take a printout of Beeline calls via the Internet:

  1. For authorization in the system you need to know the password. To do this, dial *110*9# and call. You will receive an SMS with the necessary information.
  2. Open a browser and go to the page and enter the phone number in the "login" field. You will receive the password in an SMS message.
  3. If you visit your personal account for the first time, the system will require you to change your password.
  4. Go to the Service Management section.
  5. Go to the "Users" tab and select the required number from the table that appears.
  6. At the bottom of the page, you will find the Call Details Report button.
  7. In a new window, you can order a one-time detailing or a monthly one. If you choose the first one, you can get a free report for a day, a week, or 30 days. You can also view previously requested reports here.

How to get a printout of Beeline calls

If you need an extract on paper, you will have to make a printout of Beeline calls at the company's office. To obtain this information, you must bring your passport with you if you are the account holder. If the number is registered to another person, you will need a notarized power of attorney. Please check prices before ordering. This is a paid service, the tariffs will be as follows:

  • the history of conversations for 24 hours - 5 rubles, if 8 months have not passed from the required date;
  • after this period - 1000 r. in 30 days. Payment is required for each month, but data will be provided for any time period in the paid period.

How to order a printout of Beeline calls

If you need a Beeline printout as soon as possible, you can quickly get it by sending an SMS with email data to service number 1401. The service is absolutely free even when roaming, and you can send it up to 10 similar requests per day. A letter with a full report for the last month will be delivered to your mail. The only inconvenience this method you can say that the period of the report cannot be changed.

How to get a printout of Beeline calls from someone else's number

If you use family rates, then you should find out how to get a printout of Beeline calls from someone else's number. To do this, they need to register through a personal account according to a simple algorithm:

  1. Click on the entrance to your personal account on the main page of the official website.
  2. Click on the add number button and enter the required phone numbers.
  3. After that, you and your loved ones will receive a verification SMS, by answering which you will confirm your actions.
  4. From now on, you are united in a group. You can get information about incoming and outgoing calls through your personal account.

Mobile communication is an integral part of life modern man, allowing you to establish contacts and lead around the world, at any time of the day. But in all this turmoil, subscribers often pay little attention to monitoring their communication and do not notice when and how the funds on the account have evaporated. It is for these cases that Beeline call detailing is used - an extended report on all incoming / outgoing, their duration, direction, cost.

Methods and forms of the report

Detailed information about all connections made during the reporting period can be used both for and for several third parties (family members, children whose expenses need to be controlled). In practice, about five different approaches are used to obtain detail:

  1. Possibilities of the "Personal Account" service on the official website of "Beeline";
  2. Order sending a report to your own e-mail;
  3. Activation of the "Easy control" service;
  4. View account status via ;
  5. Order a report on paper at any of the offices of the operator's company.

Now let's look at each of the methods in more detail.

Through personal account

it software available for free on the official website of the operator and available to each of its subscribers. Here you can get the most complete details of calls, SMS messages, Internet connections, as well as the distribution of costs for each type of service. In addition, the "Personal Account" allows you to control the expenses of all connected numbers, if necessary, replenish the balance, and also carry out:

Access to the service, as well as detailing, is provided by the company is free. First you need to go to the address in the browser. Next, you will have to enter a valid username and password, or use the opportunity to log in through your account in in social networks Facebook or VKontakte.

Ordering a report by email

This is a somewhat less informative method, which, however, frees the subscriber from the need to study the intricacies of his work. To receive a report, you need to send an SMS message with a personal e-mail address to the short number 1401. Within a few minutes, the application will be processed, for the specified mailbox the report will be sent in the format Microsoft Excel, and a notification to the mobile phone number.

The service is available free of charge to individuals and legal entities-subscribers. The maximum number of requests per day is limited to 10. You can also set a ban on receiving such notifications using the service command *110*0221# .

Service "Easy control"

You can get a report on the last five withdrawals from the account using the combination "*122#". The SMS message, in addition to the displayed operations, will contain a link to the subscriber's tariff plan.

Application "My Beeline"

On smartphones running operating systems Android or iOS details of expenses can be ordered by e-mail through the My Beeline application. This is a convenient mobile alternative to the Personal Account service, which can be found in the SIM menu of the device.

For Android smartphones, an example search algorithm looks like this:

Apple gadget owners can search for the service in their phone settings:

Visually, the application for Android and iOS (iPhone) looks like this:

Download it to your mobile phone can be completely free using the AppStore or Google Play services.

Request at the company's offices

» » Detailed report on calls to Beeline

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