How to back up a Mac using Time Machine. IBackup for Mac OS X: Backing Up Your Data and Applications Using Disk Utility

By using a macOS backup, you can avoid problems such as data loss due to a drive failure or system problems that cannot be fixed.

Anything can happen - an unsuccessful system update, disk corruption, software and system errors, or there will be a need for a pre-configured and saved system. In this guide, you will learn how to back up macOS, protecting yourself from losing important data and other problems.

Create a backup using Time Machine

To create a backup in Time Machine, you need an external drive connected to your computer, such as a USB drive of sufficient capacity.

Time Machine automatically backs up hourly for the last 24 hours, daily, for a month, and every week for all past months. As the disk fills up, previously created copies will be replaced.

Connect an external drive to your Mac, go to System Preferences and open " time machine".

Click " Select backup disk".

Select an external drive, check the box " Encrypt copies" (for backup security) and click " Use Disk".

Create a password that will be used to encrypt your drive.

Important . If you forget your password, you will not be able to restore your backups.

If the drive is not properly formatted, you will be prompted to erase it.

After that, Time Machine will start periodically backing up your system.

If you want to disable automatic backup, just uncheck the " Create backups automatically".

If necessary, you can start the backup manually by selecting " Create a backup now".

And also, view the status of the backup, stop the backup, enter Time Machine and open the settings.

iCloud backup

open" System settings"and go" iCloud".

Select the data you want to back up.

Don't forget to look into Options".

Now you can protect your data from loss and restore it when needed.

Answering the question of how to backup on Mac OS X is easier than answering the question of why you need to back up your system at all. Although, why you need to make backups becomes obvious if you accidentally delete all your documents, photos and music with movies a couple of times during a system reinstall or damage the files of a project that you have been working on for a couple of months.

And if you know that everything can be fixed in ten minutes by connecting an external drive with a backup, then life becomes much easier. And in general, you feel much more confident when you know that you can always return important data.

And for creating backups in Mac OS X, there is a built-in tool - Time Machine. When I started using it, I had a lot of questions, so I decided to collect the answers to them in one place, in this article.

How to make a backup on Mac

In general, it's quite simple: you need to take an external hard drive, attach it to the Mac and it should ask itself if you want to use this drive for Reserve copy time machine.

An important piece of advice here is to make your first backup in the evening, because the process can take all night for the first time, especially if you have a lot of data on the disk.

Questions and answers about how Time Machine works

How does Time Machine work?

When Time Machine makes the first backup, it copies all the data hard drive, except for the contents of the recycle bin and some system files. Then, on the disk where the backup is stored, a folder is created with the date of the backup in the name:

/Volumes/Backup/Backups.backupdb/ixrevo's Mac/2013-05-28-010212/

When creating subsequent backups, only those files that have been changed since the creation of the first backup are copied, and for unchanged files, hard links are created to these files in previous backups. If none of the files in any directory has been changed, then a hard link is created only to this directory.

Thus, Time Machine backup is incremental, which means that during the creation of a new backup, only changed files are copied, which helps to significantly reduce the disk space required to store the backup.

What do you need to start making Time Machine backups?

You need a Mac and an external hard drive or Time Capsule.

The Airport Time Capsule is a Wi-Fi access point combined with a hard drive.

An external hard drive can have any interface (USB, FireWire, Thunderbolt, eSATA), but the faster the better, of course, so when choosing a drive for Time Machine, I settled on USB 3.0, because it gives advantages in compatibility because for the widespread use of USB, as well as the high speed of the third version of this interface.

In this case, the external drive must be formatted to use one of the types file system. I myself, as advised by Apple, formatted it in Mac OS Extended (Journaled).

How big is the hard drive required for Time Machine?

The simple answer is that 2 TB will be enough, but 3 TB will definitely. This depends on the amount of data on your Mac's disk and how often that data changes (for example, editing several video projects of several gigabytes each can be attributed to frequent data changes). If you multiply the amount of data on your disk by 3, you get the minimum amount of disk space required for backup.

If you have a 512 GB drive and 350 GB is occupied, then a 1 TB drive should be enough. But this is not an absolute minimum, because if you do not change your data often and do not need backups for every day, then it is quite possible to get by with a factor of 1.5, that is, multiply the amount of data by 1.5 (350 GB x 1.5 = 525 GB). In any case, such a backup is much better than its complete absence.

For example, my Macbook Pro 751 GB disk, of which just over 300 GB are occupied by data.
For backups, I use a 2TB external drive, and Time Machine backups on it take up 450GB. I make backups several times a week.

What happens when Time Machine backup disk space runs out?

It's very simple - Time Machine will start deleting the oldest backups.

On what schedule does Time Machine create backups?

Time Machine creates a backup every hour if the backup drive is connected to the Mac. If the backup disk is not connected, then with the local snapshot creation function enabled (on MacBooks, it is enabled with Time Machine), local backups are also created every hour.

You can start creating a backup copy manually, but other than that, you can’t change the schedule in any way and it’s better not to try to do it by editing system files, because if you break the backup, then this can have very sad consequences.

As backups accumulate, Time Machine begins to “compress” them, leaving only:

  • hourly backups for the last 24 hours,
  • daily backups for the last month,
  • monthly backups for previous months, as long as free space allows.

What kind of data is backed up?

All data is saved from all internal drives on your Mac computer that have one of the file system types. Therefore, for example, the Boot Camp partition, as well as any other partitions formatted for Windows or Linux, will not be included in the backup. Also, data on external and network drives cannot be backed up.

Can the Time Machine drive be used to store something else?

Time Machine will not delete any other data you place on the drive used for backup. Just keep in mind that storing important data on the disk used for backups can be dangerous if you do not back up this data somewhere else.

You also need to understand that the more disk space is occupied, the less space will be left for backups.

Can I use a drive for Time Machine that already has other data on it?

If the disk has the correct partition formatting required by Time Machine, then this may well work. But I would suggest temporarily saving the old data from the drive you want to use somewhere else, just in case.

Can I use the drive to back up multiple computers?

Yes, there are no restrictions, except for one very important one: the amount of free disk space for backups. Each backup computer will require a certain amount of free space, which we discussed a little earlier in the article.

How to reduce the size of Time Machine backups?

The easiest and most effective way to reduce the size of backups is to exclude files that take up a lot of space and are of little value.

The Time Machine backup system is great for beginners and anyone who is just aware of the need to create backups, but has never encountered complex data recovery from a backup.

Time Machine does not have any settings at all and does not have advanced options for advanced users. The system is made in the style of Apple: everything just works by pressing one button.

You cannot set a flexible copy schedule or complex conditions for changing its settings. There are other significant drawbacks as well.

I do not claim that the system I have described is the best and most secure. Just sharing my experience and alternative way Reserve copy.

Why I don't like Time Machine

Firstly, the most convenient way to back up from Time Machine is to save to a network drive. Apple has long curtailed the production of branded routers with a built-in disk, the direction is clearly not a priority for the Cupertinos.

Secondly, work with plug-in drives for backup sooner or later gets bored. At first you try to connect the disk every day, then you make backups once a week, and then you completely forget about this process.

Thirdly, you need to make a backup copy yourself. If data is stored on an external drive or network storage, it must be backed up to a more secure location.

Devices at home are not protected from external factors (fire, flood, robbery, etc.) and are not a safe enough place for backups. You have to periodically upload copies to the cloud.

Fourth, you need a working Mac to restore from a Time Machine backup. The computer has broken and without a new sense there will be no backup.

You can’t extract data from it, you won’t be able to boot, you can only deploy it on another Apple computer.

To get rid of all these Time Machine problems, I decided to switch to a third-party backup system.

How do I store data on a Mac

You already know that I'm not using the original Mac, but with the installed . Three drives fit inside my computer at once: SSD drive 256 GB with macOS, SSD drive 256 GB with Windows and a 1 TB HDD for files and data, which I formatted in exFAT to work with them from any OS.

I store all working files and data on a common exFAT to work from macOS or Windows. In addition, the disk is installed in the laptop through an adapter. Optibay instead of the stock DVD drive. This allows you to unscrew just a couple of screws from the bottom of the laptop, remove the drive and connect it to any computer using a penny adapter.

Temporary files and not the most important data are already stored in each operating system separately.

For backup, I singled out two tasks: keep up-to-date backup folder with working data and regularly back up copy boot disk to restore the system.

How to back up work files

I prefer to store my data folder in the cloud. I chose the most versatile option for myself - drop box. I have long expanded the place to 22 GB, this is enough for my work data so as not to buy a paid subscription.

Periodically I clean and delete unnecessary or obsolete data, storing about 15-17 GB of up-to-date information. If this is not enough for someone, you can always.

To synchronize the folder, a regular DropBox client is used, which instantly uploads all new and changed data to the cloud.

Very important data can be encrypted or simply archived with a password.

As a result, I have all the data necessary for work at hand and, if necessary, access to them can be obtained from any other computer or mobile device. Of course, after authorization in DropBox. I recommend this service.

How to back up your system drive

This is where help is needed third-party utilities. There are dozens of such solutions. One of the search criteria for me was the ability to create bootable copies.

I found three good solutions: Carbon Copy Cloner, ChronoSync and Get Backup Pro. To be honest, there was no time to deal with all the nuances and features, I installed the first trial version Carbon Copy Cloner. I realized that the utility suits everyone and did not want to deal with other programs.

The first time you launch Carbon Copy Cloner, it prompts you to create a backup rule. We select the target disk, the destination disk (it can be a network one) and the copy schedule.

In the future, the system will record only changed or new data, the process will take a few minutes.

After creating a backup, do not forget to confirm the creation of a boot disk with a copy. Carbon Copy Cloner will write some additional files and perform the necessary manipulations.

Everything now this disk you can simply connect to any Mac or running hackintosh and boot from it. We get a familiar working environment with everything you need at the time of creating a backup.

No recovery procedures and data downloads from the network or cloud are required.

Carbon Copy Cloner can store changed or deleted data. This is the option safety net. When updating a copy, a special folder will contain old copies of changed or overwritten data. This will continue until the end of the free space on the disk with the backer, then the oldest data will be deleted.

How to protect system disk backup

After the first backup of the system disk on the drive, we get our working system in the open. It is not encrypted in any way, which is not very secure.

There are two solutions: initially, when formatting a disk for backups, do APFS encrypted drive or boot once from the backup disk and on it enable FileVault encryption.

In the first case, you will have to remember the password to access the protected drive and enter it during boot, while in the second case, the backup will continue with built-in encryption enabled.

After that, I disconnected the drive from the computer and connected it to network media player on the base Raspberry Pi. After that, I reconfigured the backup rule in Carbon Copy Cloner and set the appropriate frequency for creating backups.

You can make copies every 3-6 hours or backup data once a day. Here everyone will adjust according to their needs. It is convenient that the creation of backups can be limited, for example, during a heavy load on the home network.

It is even possible to wake the computer from sleep mode or turn it on at night to create a copy.

If there were not so many changes since the previous backup, then updating the copy will take several minutes. The load on the system will be minimal, and network activity will be comparable to the transfer of a similar amount of data between home devices.

As a result, you can stop at creating 1-2 backups per day. You can do this even during business hours.

To “back up a backup”, I decided to upload it to the cloud. I had the required volume in the downloaded free Yandex.Disk. I set up the unloading of all content from the connected drive on the “raspberry”.

Fair, not too high or too low. There should be prices on the Service website. Necessarily! without "asterisks", clear and detailed, where it is technically possible - the most accurate, final.

If spare parts are available, up to 85% percent of complex repairs can be completed in 1-2 days. Modular repairs take much less time. The site indicates the approximate duration of any repair.

Warranty and Liability

A warranty should be given for any repair. Everything is described on the site and in the documents. A guarantee is self-confidence and respect for you. A 3-6 month warranty is good and enough. It is needed to check the quality and hidden defects that cannot be detected immediately. You see honest and realistic terms (not 3 years), you can be sure that you will be helped.

Half the success in Apple repair is the quality and reliability of spare parts, so a good service works directly with suppliers, there are always several reliable channels and a warehouse with proven spare parts for current models so that you do not have to waste extra time.

Free diagnostics

This is very important and has already become a rule of good form for the service center. Diagnosis is the most difficult and important part of the repair, but you should not pay a dime for it, even if you do not repair the device after it.

Service repair and delivery

Good service appreciates your time, therefore offers free shipping. And for the same reason, repairs are carried out only in the workshop of the service center: it can be done correctly and according to technology only at a prepared place.

Convenient schedule

If the Service works for you, and not for itself, then it is always open! absolutely. The schedule should be convenient in order to be in time before and after work. Good service works on weekends and holidays. We are waiting for you and working on your devices every day: 9:00 - 21:00

The reputation of professionals consists of several points

Age and experience of the company

Reliable and experienced service is known for a long time.
If a company has been on the market for many years, and it has managed to establish itself as an expert, they turn to it, write about it, recommend it. We know what we are talking about, since 98% of incoming devices in the SC are restored.
We are trusted and passed on complex cases to other service centers.

How many masters in the directions

If you are always waiting for several engineers for each type of equipment, you can be sure:
1. there will be no queue (or it will be minimal) - your device will be taken care of immediately.
2. You give Macbook repair to an expert specifically in the field of Mac repairs. He knows all the secrets of these devices

technical literacy

If you ask a question, the specialist must answer it as accurately as possible.
To give you an idea of ​​what you need.
Will try to solve the problem. In most cases, from the description, you can understand what happened and how to fix the problem.

Everyone knows that it is necessary to take care of the safety of data on a computer in advance. Most users understand this, but not always react. The reason may be both laziness and lack of experience of a bitter situation in which information can no longer be returned. In order not to become a hostage to an unpleasant situation, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with handy tool Arq for OS X and Windows, who knows a lot about backups.

If OS X users have a utility that does a good job of backing up, then Windows PC owners do not have regular tools for backing up data at all. Time Machine is also not ideal, and depending on the amount of information, a backup can take from several hundred megabytes to a couple of gigabytes, and you need a second medium for copying. But we live in a wonderful time when all important information can and should be stored in the cloud. So why not back up important data on it? The Arq program is ready to help with this issue.

Thanks to Arq, you can set up a backup of one or more folders in just a few clicks. True, the possibility of adding all system disk not completely, and it will also not be possible to restore the system, but the selected folders with important files will always be in a safe place.

Speaking of space, Arq supports several popular cloud storages such as Microsoft One Drive, DropBox, Google Drive or even your own SFTP server. Of course, domestic services like Yandex.Disk or, and even the same MEGA with free 50 GB, are not enough. It is also impossible to selectively configure them. So either we get used to the available number of free gigabytes on the storages available in the list of the program, or we purchase tariff plan with extended gigabytes.

The cool thing is that Arq allows you to add multiple storages to which you can back up both different and the same data, for increased security. By the way, all backups with data are encrypted, and information is transmitted via closed channels SSL/TLS.

The program for the first time performs a full copy of the data from the selected folders, and in the future it sends only the changed information, which saves a lot of traffic.

By default, a new backup is created every hour and we cannot increase or decrease the number of backups. The only options available are baud rate limiting and " Pause» for a specified time, available through the icon in the menu bar.

Each copy is displayed as a history, so that both all deleted/lost files and selected files can be recovered.

There are no more bells and whistles, and perhaps it is not necessary. Communication with the application comes down to adding cloud storage and backup folders. The rest of the time, Arq will quietly (don't forget to turn off notifications on your Mac) do its useful thing.

The program can be purchased once and for all for $40 (cloud storage tariffs are fully borne by the user), or by subscription - $10 a month, but in this case you will have the opportunity to access 250 GB of storage and receive up-to-date updates. For small companies, the Arq Business tariff plan is suitable - 5 TB in the cloud, remote access, extended support and all program updates.

P.S.: The minimum system requirements are OS X 10.7 and Windows 7 or newer versions.

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