Trekking connection. Trunking communication subscriber equipment. Where is the number

trunking system

Trunking systems(English) trunking- bundle) - radial-zonal communication systems that automatically distribute communication channels between subscribers. The term "trunking" refers to a method of subscribers' access to a common dedicated channel bundle, in which a free channel is allocated to the subscriber for the duration of the communication session.

Includes ground infrastructure (fixed equipment) and subscriber stations. The main element of the terrestrial infrastructure of a trunked radio communication network is a base station (BS), which includes several repeaters with appropriate antenna equipment and a controller that controls the operation of the BS, switches repeater channels, and provides access to the public switched telephone network (PSTN) or another fixed communication network. A trunked radio network may contain one BS (single-zone network) or several base stations (multi-zone network). A multi-zone network usually contains an inter-zone switch connected to all BSs via leased lines, which handles all types of inter-zone calls.

Modern trunking systems, as a rule, provide various types of calls (group, individual, broadcast), allow priority calls, provide the ability to transfer data and direct communication between subscriber stations (without using a BS channel).


  • analog (SmarTrunk II, Smartlink, EDACS, LTR, MPT 1327)
  • digital (EDACS, APCO-25, TETRA, TETRAPOL)

Organization of access to the system:

  • without control channel (SmarTrunk II)
  • with distributed control channel (LTR, Smartlink)
  • with dedicated control channel (MPT 1327)

By channel retention method:

  • with channel hold for the entire conversation session (SmarTrunk II, MPT 1327)
  • with channel hold for the duration of one transmission (LTR, Smartlink)

By radio network configuration:

  • single zone systems (SmarTrunk I)
  • multizone systems (MPT 1327 , LTR, Smartlink, TETRA , APCO-25, EDACS, TETRAPOL)

By the method of organizing a radio channel:

  • half duplex (SmarTrunk II, MPT 1327, LTR, Smartlink, TETRA, APCO-25, TETRAPOL)
  • duplex (TETRA, APCO-25, TETRAPOL)

see also

  • TETRA communication standard
  • Project TETRARUS
  • Altai system

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See what "Trunking system" is in other dictionaries:

    trunking system- See. trunking system. [L.M. Nevdyaev. Telecommunication technologies. English Russian explanatory dictionary reference book. Edited by Yu.M. Gornostaev. Moscow, 2002] Telecommunication topics, basic concepts EN trunked system ...

    A railway radio communication system with equal subscriber access to the total allocated number of channels for transmitting voice and (or) data of information and control systems of railway transport in which a specific channel is assigned for each ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    trunking system of technological (railway) radio communication- 58 trunking system of technological (railway) radio communication: A railway radio communication system with equal access of subscribers to the total allocated number of channels for transmitting speech and (or) data of information and control systems ... ...

    multizone trunking system- - [L.G. Sumenko. English Russian Dictionary of Information Technologies. M .: GP TsNIIS, 2003.] Topics information technology in general EN multi zonal trunking system ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    multi-network trunked communication system- - [L.G. Sumenko. English Russian Dictionary of Information Technologies. M .: GP TsNIIS, 2003.] Topics information technology in general EN multinet trunking system ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    advanced communication system with digital access- Digital trunking system with a short access time (less than 0.25 s) and a transmission rate of 9.6 kbps, operating in accordance with a proprietary protocol developed by Ericsson (Sweden). In the speech codec (speed 9.2 kbps) ... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    GOST R 53953-2010: Railway telecommunications. Terms and Definitions- Terminology GOST R 53953 2010: Railway telecommunications. Terms and definitions original document: 39 (railway) telegraph network: A railway telecommunication network, which is a collection of switching stations and nodes, ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Mobile radio communication is a radio communication between subscribers whose location may change. Also, there is a synonymous term "mobile communications", which was widely used in the 20th century and continues to be used, in particular, in ... ... Wikipedia

    - (from the English. TERrestrial Trunked RAdio, terrestrial trunking radio) a project to create a Russian federal network of professional mobile communications in the TETRA format. Supervised by the Ministry of Information and Communications of the Russian Federation. According to the minister ... ... Wikipedia

    - (English Trunking) is a term used to refer to the automatic movement of persons between addresses. In modern communication systems, Trunking is a concept according to which a communication system provides ... ... Wikipedia

In almost every mobile phone shop, the windows of which are full of mobile phones, there is a security guard with an obligatory bulky walkie-talkie. Here you involuntarily ask yourself: “Why does this person not use a simple mobile phone for the service?”

Today, along with the usual cellular communication, there are so-called professional mobile radio systems (PMR) (Professional Mobile Radio-PMR), or trunked mobile radio. They occupy their sector of the mobile communication equipment market for corporate users, various departments and social services, performing the functions that these users need.

Trunked mobile radio communication (from the English. trunking- provision of free channels, trunk- trunk line) - a system of two-way mobile radio communication, which uses the range of ultrashort waves. In practice, the PMR system is designed similarly to a cellular one: user terminals and base stations (BS), equipment for increasing the communication range - repeaters and a controller that controls the operation of the station, processes repeater channels (switches them) and provides access to the city telephone network. Trunking networks can be single-zone (contain one BS) or multi-zone (several BS). There are analog and digital trunking systems.

Better than cell phone?

What is the difference between a trunked connection and a cellular one, if, apart from the difference between the user terminal (walkie-talkie / telephone), everything is arranged the same?

Cellular communication is positioned as a "phone in your pocket", and trunking is designed to solve a narrow range of professional tasks. Cellular communication, for example, provides a variety of multimedia services, but an oilman on duty on a drilling platform in the Baltic Sea, or an EMERCOM rescuer, is unlikely to hope to be able to download Madonna's new album. Trunking communication is chosen by such organizations as the Ministry of Emergency Situations, security agencies, taxi companies, etc. For ordinary office workers, the “cellular phone + corporate tariff plan” option is quite suitable.

The communications system used by professionals should support features such as:

Implementation of instant communication (0.2-0.5 sec) within a group of subscribers, which can be set in advance;

Ability to redistribute group members during a communication session;

Call priority system (the mobile operator does not distinguish between subscribers);

Preservation of communication even in case of failure of the base station;

Broadcast signal transmission to network subscribers;

The ability to quickly reconfigure the network.

These requirements are not feasible in cellular communication systems, but are fully supported by trunking systems. It should be noted that the participants of the mobile communication market do not sit idly by and offer the service Push To Talk with the possibility of establishing a group call and fast connection establishment. However, the innovation in any case does not meet the requirements of professionals. You can read more about Push-To-Talk here.

We offer a comparison table on the example of two versions of TETRA - a popular standard for digital trunked radio communication, and GSM networks.

Modes and functionality, communication standards TETRA (Rl) TETRA (R2) GSM Group call + + +/- Broadcast call + + - Emergency call + + +/- Priority call + + +/- Priority access + + - Duplex + + + Delayed call + + - Delayed entry into communication + + - Direct mode (without base station) + + - Mode - "receive only" - + - Possibility of expanding the communication zone - + - Zone selection + + - Status messages + + - Transmission of short text messages + + + Calling the dispatcher + + - Provision of broadband upon request of the subscriber + + - Possibilities of encrypting the signal and the radio interface + + +/- Simultaneous transmission of voice and data + + + High-speed data transmission - + + Selective listening of subscribers by the dispatcher + + - Remote listening to the acoustic environment + + - Dynamic rearrangement + + - From steampunk to cyberpunk

Professional analog communications have existed almost since the beginning of the 20th century, and during this time it has changed a lot, having come to digital technologies with impressive baggage.

Everyone knows that radio communication began in 1895, when A. Popov (and only a year later G. Marconi) created the first receiver. From 1897 to 1915 G. Marconi organizes the first communication companies and expands the production of equipment; radio communication regulations appear, including on the distribution of frequencies between various services. Professional radio communication was born in the period from 1915 to the 1950s.

In the first half of the 20th century, the possibility of communicating at different wavelengths was explored. Until 1920, communication was carried out using waves ranging in length from hundreds of meters to tens of kilometers. In 1922, the property of short waves to propagate to any distance, refracted in the upper layers of the atmosphere and reflected from them, became known - an ideal means for long-distance communication. The 1930s were the time for meter waves; and the 1940s - decimeter and centimeter, propagating rectilinearly for 40-50 km within line of sight. The popularization of radio communications directly depended on the achievements of technology. Before the advent of miniature semiconductors, receivers remained bulky and at best fit in a suitcase, which imposed certain limitations.

The history of professional radio networks is usually divided into stages. First step networks are considered conventional type (from the English. conventional- usual, traditional). Their poor capabilities are as follows: simplex mode of operation (pressed the button - asked a question - released the button - received an answer - pressed the button - ...), making individual and group calls (up to several tens of subscribers) In conventional systems, the communication channel (frequency) is strictly assigned to a certain group of subscribers. At the same time, high communication efficiency is guaranteed (you only need to adjust the frequency), but it causes a low network bandwidth (there are few frequencies).

Second phase- Trunking networks. Such networks made it possible to serve up to several hundred subscribers and made it possible to use the radio frequency resource more efficiently. Such communication systems have become systems with the general access of subscribers to the frequency range, in contrast to conventional systems. This provides increased throughput and greater coverage area.

Multi-zone trunking networks have become third stage. The service area in them has increased even more due to several base stations. The number of subscribers served has become practically unlimited, a system of call priorities has appeared, the possibility of a duplex call mode (you do not need to press a button, the connection is similar to a telephone connection, adjusted for a much higher call speed), access to public telephone networks, data transfer.

Simplex, half duplex and duplex

No, these are not the names of the sequels to the comedy "Duplex", which starred Hollywood stars Ben Stiller and Drew Barrymore. The header contains the names of the three basic wireless radio modes.

1. Simplex communication uses one frequency - for reception and transmission. Only exchange of replicas is possible. Due to the limitations that physics imposes, it will be possible to use this most economical type of wireless radio communications at a distance of no more than 5 km. For a stable signal, an open area is highly desirable. Communication is via user terminals.

2. Half-duplex communication also uses two frequencies, but you will have to communicate, as in simplex mode. The base station (BS) constantly receives subscriber signals on one frequency, and then broadcasts what it has received on another frequency. The radio uses the frequency on which the BS broadcasts for reception, and must contain an RF switch. The principle of half-duplex is the basis of low-cost networks that connect dozens of subscribers in various parts of the city and open areas.

3. Duplex communication uses two frequencies - one for reception, the other for transmission, and is designed to carry on a familiar dialogue. Naturally, base stations are involved for relaying signals. Analog duplex systems require two channels (4 radio frequencies) to connect subscribers. The terminal is equipped with an overall duplex filter, whose role is to give the receiver and transmitter simultaneous access to the antenna. Digital duplex is implemented differently and does not require a cumbersome filter - the subscriber's device receives or transmits at any time. For example, in the TETRA standard, switching occurs 18 times per second.

Modern digital trunking networks (CFTS) are the top of the evolutionary chain of professional communication. In addition to the opportunities available to users of analog systems, reliable protection against unauthorized access is added (besides, listening to conversations using analog devices becomes impossible) and packet data transmission (Internet access). The subscriber's device is identified using various identification mechanisms or SIM cards. In fact, digital trunking systems are universal communication networks that ensure the confidentiality of subscriber contacts and are capable of simultaneously transmitting large data streams over communication channels, whether it be telemetry data or video information (in the latest editions of the standards, such capabilities are provided).

There are a large number of different standards for trunked mobile radio systems that differ in many ways. In our country, as well as throughout the world, analog systems of various versions and standards are still common. However, due to their obsolescence, they are not as interesting to consider as their digital counterparts. The five most popular and recognized in many countries of the world should be considered in more detail.

EDACS (Enhanced Digital Access Communication System)

Firm Ericsson(Sweden) earlier than others (until I bought it Sony in the 1980s) took care of the problem of the obsolescence of analog technologies and the insufficient degree of security of negotiations in such systems and began to develop the corporate closed standard EDACS (Enhanced Digital Access Communication System). Initially, the standard provided for the transmission of voice over analog protocols, later the standard was modified and a digital version of the system appeared called EDACS Aegis. EDACS systems operate on 138-174 MHz, 403-423 MHz, 450-470 MHz and 806-870 MHz; the network can be extended to more than 16,000 subscribers. In Russia, this standard is not very popular in this regard due to its closeness and rapid obsolescence (in fact, this is a digital standard for transmitting analog signals). All rights belong to the developer, and you will not be allowed to release equipment just like that. In addition, Ericsson has stopped deliveries of equipment for the deployment of new networks of this standard and is only engaged in supporting existing ones.

iDEN technology ( integrated Digital Enhanced Network) is a closed corporate standard, the development of which was started by the company Motorola in the early 1990s. In 1994 in the USA the company NEXTEL based on this technology, the first network of commercial applications has been deployed. Today, such networks are deployed in many countries of North and North South America and Asia. Today iDEN subscribers are more than 3,000,000 people (90% of them are in the USA). iDEN has gained such popularity due to the fact that it is a kind of compromise between trunking and cellular systems (it provides the ability to send messages, fax, data transfer via TCP / IP at speeds up to 36 kbps, low cost). Each organization using the iDEN standard can create up to 10,000 virtual networks, each of which can have up to 65,500 subscribers. iDEN uses the frequency range 805-821/855-866 MHz. There are no iDEN systems in Russia - most likely due to the inconvenience of using such a frequency range when solving problems that professional communication systems are designed for. It is noteworthy that the company Motorola various iDEN-devices are produced with the functions of modern mobile phones. For example, Motorola ic502 is a CDMA/iDEN phone with GPS and Motorola i290 with an MP3 player.

Tetrapol PAS (Tetrapol)

Developed by a French company Matra Communication. The creation of this closed standard was started in 1987 by Matra Communications by order of the French gendarmerie. The Tetrapol communication network has been operating in half of France since 1994 and serves more than 15,000 subscribers. Tetrapol communication systems operate starting from 70 MHz and have a performance ceiling of 520 MHz, which does not contribute to popularization in other countries where other frequency ranges can traditionally be assigned to such systems. Experimental zones for the functioning of the Tetrapol network have been created in Russia.

TETRA (Terrestrial Trunked Radio)

TETRA- an open standard for professional radio communications, developed since 1994 ETSI(European Telecommunications Standards Institute - European Telecommunications Standards Institute). TETRA stands for Terrestrial Trunked Radio - "Terrestrial Trunked Radio". Initially, until the standard gained popularity outside of Europe, TETRA stood for Trans European Trunked Radio- "Trans-European Trunking Radio". In Europe, the TETRA standard PMR operates in the frequency ranges 380-385/390-395 MHz, 410-430/450-470 MHz. In Asia - 806-870 MHz.

In the specifications, TETRA is listed as an open standard, which means that anyone who wishes to produce communication equipment may not think about compatibility problems with equipment from other companies and about the division of copyright. To produce products that support this standard, you must join the organization MoU TETRA- Memorandum on the promotion of the TETRA standard. Nokia, Motorola, RohdeSchwarz and other major communication equipment companies support this standard. TETRA networks are deployed almost throughout Europe, in Asia, Africa and South America. TETRA Release 2- a new version of the standard, which allows for tight integration with third-generation mobile networks and significantly increases the data transfer rate. The project to deploy networks of this standard in Russia is called "Tetrarus". Says a lot at least the fact that "within the framework of the Federal target program" Development of Sochi as a mountain climatic resort until 2014 " TETRA standard radio communication will operate in the venues of sports competitions and throughout the Krasnodar Territory.”

APCO Project 25 (APCO 25)

The open standard APCO 25 was created by the organization AssociationofPublicSafetyCommunicationsOfficials-international-Association of representatives of communication services of public security bodies. The standard was created and improved (construction of the radio interface, encryption protocols, speech coding methods) in the period from 1989 to 1995. One of the main advantages of APCO 25 is that it allows you to work in any of the frequency bands available for mobile radio systems: 138-174, 406-512 or 746-869 MHz. Up to two million people and up to 65 thousand groups can be combined into one network. Since 2003, a similar network has been operating in St. Petersburg for several hundred subscribers for the purposes of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Trunking can be used not only for communication:

Latest Trunking System JRC Trunked Radio System with automatic vehicle location function based on GPS and MPT 1327/1343 standards. In addition to, in fact, providing communications between subscribers, the standard provides automatic transmission of data on the location and status of each machine to the terminal in the control center.

An example of two ways to organize a trunking network:

The characteristics of the standards are more fully reflected in the table:

Functionality, digital trunking standards APCO 25 EDACS IDEN TETRA Tetrapol Individual, group, broadcast calls + + + + + PSTN access + + + + + Full duplex subscriber terminals - + + + - Data transmission and database access + + + + + Direct mode + + ? + + Automatic registration of mobile subscribers + + + + + Personal call + - + + + Access to IP networks + + + + + Transmission of status messages + + + + + Transmission of short messages + - + + + Transmission of subscriber location data from GPS receiver? +? + + Fax + - + + + Possibility to set open channel? - - + + Multiple access using the list of subscribers + - + + + Signal relay mode + ? ? ++ Mode "dual surveillance" ? - ? + + Access/call priority + + - + + Dynamic rearrangement + + - + + Selective listening + + - + + Remote listening? - - + + Identification of the calling party + + - + + Call authorized by the dispatcher + + - + + Key transfer over the air (OTAR) + - - + + Simulation of subscriber activity - - - - + Remote disconnection of the subscriber + ? - + + Authentication of subscribers + ? - + +

In Russia, along with the introduction, successful use and development of digital networks of various trunking standards, analog systems based on the old MRT1327. And this is by no means bad. Digital trunking is convenient where you need not only operational communication, but also data transmission and telephony. Often, simplex voice communication and messaging functions are quite enough for customers. Using analog systems saves time and money.

In general, the situation with professional mobile radio communications resembles the transition from the use of cellular networks of the second generation of the standard GSM to standards 3G. Cellular networks, despite their growth rates, will not be able to completely replace professional radio networks in the near future due to the fact that they perform other functions.

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Hosted at

Federal Agency for Communications State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics” (branch)

Khabarovsk Institute of Infocommunication Faculty of Correspondence Education

course project

by discipline: Radio communication systems with mobile objects

on the topic: Designing a trunking communication network

Completed by: 4th year student of FZO

specialties MTS (usk.)

Malysheva V.V.

Khabarovsk 2010


3.4 Determining the number of RFK in the presence of several radio coverage areas with access to the PBX through one base station


trunked radio network

The building type of the service area is set. Determine the operating frequency range based on the type of building.

1. Determine the average value of the size of the service areas based on the type of development of the area, the power of the radio transmitter, the height of the antenna suspension and the operating frequency range.

2. Perform network frequency planning.

3.1 Develop a plan for the placement of base stations, taking into account the topology of the area.

3.2 Definition of channels for each BS.

3.3 Calculation of the service area and interference zone for each BS.

4. Calculation of the radio communication range.

5. Draw up a diagram of the organization of communication.

6. Draw up a block diagram of the network based on the number of BS.

7. Draw up a block diagram of the BS, determining the type of basic equipment.

8. Draw up a block diagram of a single-zone or multi-zone trunking system.

9. Draw up a block diagram of management in a trunking system.

Initial data for the implementation of the course project (option No. 6):

Building type: mid-rise building

Type of object: mobile objects

Transmitter power: Rper = 30 W

Receiver sensitivity: Ec = 0.5 μV

Antenna suspension height: h = 25m

Number of users: 325

Height difference: Hmax = 250m, Hmin = 50m

Antenna Gain: G=7dB

Gravity coefficient: G = 0.35

Attenuation in AFU: 10 dB

Average number of calls: C = 4.4

Average call duration: tav = 28 sec

Transport density: V = 7 vehicles/km2

BS transmitter feeder length: lperBS = 17 m

AC transmitter feeder length: lperAC = 1.1 m

Feeder loss: DRf = 2.5 dB

Losses in the combiner: DRc = 4 dB

Also, the initial data are given in Table 1.

Table 1


base station no.


Currently, there are a number of land mobile radio systems:

Personal radio call systems (paging);

Dispatch (operational) radio communication systems;

Trunking radio communication systems;

Cellular telephone radio communication systems.

Trunked radio communication systems have become the most successful implementation of the development of operational mobile communication systems, which are highly efficient with intensive exchange of operational information for a large number of subscribers who can be combined into groups according to operational and functional characteristics. The set of services provided by trunking systems is very wide and practically includes all their diversity: from data transmission to radiotelephony and from simple notification to automatic location of moving objects.

Trunking radio communication systems are multi-channel systems in which the subscriber is automatically provided with a radio channel and other system resources at his request according to a given algorithm, which ensures high efficiency in the use of the frequency resource.

According to the principle of organizing a radio channel, all trunking systems can be divided into three conditional groups:

Analog - radio communication systems with selective call (DTMF, Select 5, etc.);

Analog-digital - systems in which the transfer of service information when establishing a connection is carried out in digital, and the transfer in analog mode (SmarTrunk II, MPT 1327, LTR, EDACS);

Digital - EDACS ProtoCall, TETRA, Astro.

By the presence of a control channel in the system:

Systems that have a control channel at the time of connection establishment - SmarTrank II, Selekt 5, etc.;

Systems with a permanent control channel formed in various ways - TETRA, MPT 1327, LTR, etc.

By way of providing a communication channel:

Permanent for the entire communication session - SmarTrank II, MPT 1327, etc.;

Provided only for message transmission and changes during a communication session - EDACS, TETRA.

According to the principle of organizing the management of basic equipment: decentralized - SmarTrank II, etc.; centralized - MRT 1327, EDACS, TETRA, etc. In addition, all protocols of trunking systems can be divided into 2 classes:

1. Open protocols (MPT 1327, TETRA);

2. "Proprietary" protocols (LTR, SmartNet, SmartZone, EDACS, ESAS, etc.).

Open protocols are available to any manufacturer. These protocols are recommended for use in many countries. Systems with such protocols are manufactured by many companies, equipment due to mass production and high competition, as a rule, is cheaper than in specialized systems.

In Russia, the following protocols of trunking systems are the most famous: SmarTrank II, MPT 1327, LTR, EDACS and SmartZone. Therefore, in the course project, when choosing typical equipment, the MRI protocol 1327 was adopted as the basis.

The MRT 1327 protocol is designed to create large operational radio communication networks with an almost unlimited number of subscribers. The most important advantages of the MRI 1327 protocol are:

The ability to build multi-zone systems on a national scale with a large number of base stations, which allows you to "cover" large areas with communications;

A wide range of subscriber and basic equipment MRT 1327: it is produced by many companies - Motorola, Tait Electronics, Fylde Microsystems, Bosch, Philips, Nokia, Rohde & Schwarz, etc.;

The protocol is not tied to certain frequencies, which allows you to select them depending on the availability of a frequency plan and the corresponding permission of the SCRF;

Standardization of system components makes it possible to simplify and reduce the cost of operation, maintenance, development and integration of networks into larger systems;

EFFECT: possibility of economical transmission of short messages;

The protocols make it possible to build effective networks for collecting information from state and accident sensors;

Guaranteed modernization and maintenance;

Implementation of a smooth transition to a new generation of signaling protocols (from analog systems to digital systems of the TETRA standard).

Opportunities provided to subscribers of MRT 1327 protocol trunking systems:

Individual call of a mobile radio station;

Broadcast call, in which the called subscribers can only listen to the information;

Calling a group of subscribers;

Priority and emergency calls;

Nested call, which allows you to include other subscribers in an existing conversation;

Connection with subscribers of city and departmental telephone networks;

Forwarding by the user of the radio station of incoming calls to another subscriber;

Queuing calls;

Protection against unauthorized access.

Trunking systems of MRT 1327 standard support data exchange mode, which provides transmission of: status messages; short up to 25 characters; extended to 88 characters; messages of unlimited length.

1. Determination of the operating frequency range

In this course project, the type of building is set to medium-rise, therefore, it can be assumed that the type of area is urban. For urban areas, the 300, 450 and 900 MHz bands are optimal. Let's take the range equal to 300 MHz.

2. Determination of the average value of the sizes of service areas

The average size of the service areas depends on the power of the radio transmitter, the height of the antennas, the type of building, the service area, the type of subscriber station and the operating frequency range.

For mid-rise buildings, the value of the resources of the service areas of mobile objects is 15-30 km.

3. Frequency network planning

Frequency planning of the network is based on the calculation of the zone of reliable communication for a given reception quality. In this case, it is necessary to use the principle of uneven distribution of the radio frequency resource over the territory proportional to the concentration of subscribers: to use low-channel equipment in local networks of trunking radio communication that provides services from 100-200 to 1500-2000 subscribers.

3.1 Development of a plan for the placement of base stations

When developing a BS placement plan, they are guided by the following: the approximate radius of the BS service area for 300 MHz is 10-15 km. Proceeding from this, preliminary placement of the BS is carried out, taking into account the full or partial coverage of the service area and the use of single or multi-zone systems. The number of repeaters for the BS is determined based on the distribution of the subscriber load within the service area at the rate of 80-100 subscribers per channel.

3.2 Determination of the number of radio frequency channels in one service area without access to the PBX

When calculating the number of RCHs, it is assumed that all traffic on the network is created only by radio subscribers and is completely distributed between them, i.e. inclination of radio subscribers to ATS subscribers. To determine the capacity of the RFC beam, you need to know:

N is the number of radio subscribers;

Cnn - the average number of calls in the CNN, created by one radio subscriber;

Tav - the average duration of the conversation.

where is the load coming from one subscriber to the CNN, equal to:

Knowing that the average number of calls in a busy hour created by one radio subscriber is 4.4, and the average call duration is:

tav = 28 sec = 0.007778 hours,

determine the load coming from one subscriber to the CNN:

When permanently blocking a call:

for given N = 325,

according to the schedule (Figure 1), we determine that the required number of radio frequency channels:

V = 13 channels.

And the specific load coming from 250 subscribers is equal to:

3.3 Determination of the number of RFK in one service area with access to the PBX

In some cases, radio subscribers of a trunking network may have access to the PBX. In this case, part of the incoming load is the load between the system and the exchange of the telephone network. Figure 2 shows the scheme of servicing a base station of one zone with a PBX.

According to the task, the gravity coefficient is set:

network subscribers to the PBX. Let's determine the total load created by all subscribers, taking into account the gravity coefficient using the following formula:

According to the graph (Figure 3) for the calculated value:

Ae = 4 Earl,

we find the capacity of the channel bundle V1 for servicing the load between the system and the exchange.

Channel bundle capacity V1 = 11 channels.

3.4 Determination of the number of RFK in the presence of several radio coverage areas with access to the PBX through one base station

Figure 4 shows a diagram in the presence of several radio coverage areas with access to one base station. Values, N and G (load coming from one subscriber to the CNN, number of radio subscribers and gravity coefficient) for BS-1, BS-2, BS-3 and BS-4 are shown in Table 1.

If there are several base stations (BS), one of them will be the main one, which has access to the PBX via cable communication lines. The rest of the BS are connected with the main one via radio relay channels. Each BSi has Ni - the number of radio subscribers, and each of them creates a load i. For each BSi, the coefficient of attraction to the ATS is given - Gi. The traffic of each BSi goes to the PBX through the main BS. It is necessary to calculate the number of radio channels:

In each VBS zone;

Between the main BS and PBX - V1;

The radio relay system connecting the BSi with the main one - Vpp.

Calculate the required values ​​according to the following algorithm:

1. Determine the total incoming load for each BSi using the formula:

2. According to the graph (Figure 1), we determine the number of RFK according to the given values ​​​​of i and Ni:

3. Calculate the incoming load Ae between each BSi and ATS, taking into account the gravity coefficient:

4. Determine the total incoming load from the BS to the PBX:

5. According to the graph (Figure 3), we determine the capacity of the bundle of channels V1 between the main BS and the PBX according to the found value of Ae total: V1 = 9 channels.

6. Based on the calculated loads Aei for each BSi, we determine the number of radio channels of the radio relay system Vpp, connecting each BS with the main one. The determination of Vpp is carried out according to the graphical dependence shown in Figure 5.

4. Calculation of the coverage area of ​​the base station

To determine the BS service area, we will perform the following calculations:

1. Determine the effectively radiated power of the BS transmitter:

where RBS is the power of the BS transmitter, equal in this course project:

DRf - losses in the feeder, equal to 2.5 dB;

DRk - losses in the combiner, equal to 4 dB;

Go BS - BS antenna gain equal to 7 dB.

Substituting the values, we get:

2. Let's define the parameter Дh, which characterizes the irregularities of the terrain. Approximately Dh can be determined by the difference between DH of the maximum and minimum elevation marks of the area:

Knowing that Hmax = 250m and Hmin = 50m, we calculate:

3. Determine the effective height of the BS transmitting antenna:

where hBS is the height of the BS antenna suspension relative to sea level (hBS = 25m);

the average level of the terrain relative to sea level in terms of heights hi at a distance of 1000 + 250i meters from the BS, equal to 1.5 m.

4. Determine the median value of the minimum signal field strength for the subscriber station from the BS:

where is the field strength corresponding to the sensitivity of the AU receiver, dBµV/m;

Usign - receiver sensitivity, μV.

The effective length of the receiving antenna, m.

GAC - antenna gain AC;

Rin - input impedance of the receiver, let's take Rin = 50 Ohm;

Ko - reliability coefficient of the logarithmic distribution depending on the required reliability of communication in time and place (Ko = 1.64);

where and are the standard deviations of the signal over time and place:

DE and Dh - correction for uneven terrain:

Substituting the obtained values, we get:

5. Calculation of interference at the location of the base station

The calculation of the average effective value of the interference field strength at the point of the BS receiving antenna is carried out at a frequency f MHz for a given transport density in the reception area V.

Figure 6 shows the radio interference characteristics observed in BS antennas. When assessing the interference, the zone of interference perception by the BS receiving antenna with a size of 1 km 2 was determined, the interference was divided into three groups depending on the traffic density within the zone for each moment of time:

Transport density in the zone of high noise levels (Н) VН = 100 vehicles/km 2 ;

In the zone of medium (M) transport density VM = 10 cars / km 2;

In the area of ​​low interference levels (L), the traffic density is VL = 1 vehicle/km 2 .

In this course project, the interference, depending on the density of transport, is in the zone of medium levels, because VM = 7 vehicles/km2

We accept the average frequency of repetition of interference pulses:

Fu = 3650 imp/p,

which weakly depends on the operating frequency; the standard deviation of the peak noise values ​​is taken equal to:

According to Figure 6, for a given value of V and f, we find:

Eu (Ei = 22 dB).

Then, using the following formula, we find the average effective value of the interference intensity:

where Piz is the effective bandwidth of a typical interference meter, we accept:

Ppr - effective bandwidth of the receiver, we accept.

Taking into account the intrinsic noise of the equipment, the average effective value of the field strength of the total interference:

where GN is the nominal sensitivity of the receiver, μV;

Attenuation in the antenna path of the receiver;

Feeder length;

(S / N) - nominal signal-to-noise ratio, taken equal to 10-12; - effective antenna height:

6. Calculation of radio communication range

Let us determine the field strength actually created by the transmitting BS at the receiving point for a given communication quality according to the formula:

where Ec is the signal field strength required to obtain the specified quality indicators:

where EP.EF is the average effective value of the field strength of the total interference, equal to 9.43 dB

R0 = 5-10 dB - protection ratio to obtain a given reception quality

C = 8 dB - the value of the protection factor required to provide the required protection ratio

Wr.n. - correction taking into account the difference between the nominal power of the transmitter and the power of 1 kW:

where Rn is the rated power of the transmitter, equal to 30 W. That's why:

Vf - attenuation in resonators, bridge filters and antenna separators is taken equal to 3 dB;

Вh2 - correction taking into account the height of the AC receiving antenna, dB:

For h2 = 3m: ;

Vrel - an amendment that takes into account the terrain, which differs from Dh = 50 m, dB.

Dh is determined by the formula:

where Hmax and Hmin are the maximum and minimum height marks of the terrain on the propagation path in the selected direction, equal to 200 m and 50 m.


According to the graph (Figure 7), we determine Vrel (Vrel = 9 dB)

Du - gain of the receiving and transmitting antenna, equal to 7 dB;

Substituting the obtained values, we determine the field strength actually created by the transmitting BS at the receiving point for a given communication quality:

Having determined the field strength, according to the schedule (Figure 8), we determine the expected communication range - 40 km.

7. Structural diagram of the base station

Figure 9 shows the general principle of building a base station.

7.1 Structural diagram of a single-zone trunking system

The structure of a single-zone trunking system is shown in Figure 10.

The radio signal combiner is used to combine and split the signals coming from the transmitter and receiver of the repeater. A repeater is a set of transceivers serving one pair of carrier frequencies. One repeater can provide two or four traffic channels. Four channels to serve 50-100 radio channels; 8 channels - 200-500AC; 16 channels - up to 2000 radio subscribers. BS coverage area at a frequency of 160 MHz - 40 km; at a frequency of 300 MHz - 25-30 km; at a frequency of 300 MHz - 20 km.

The switch handles all system traffic. The control device ensures the interaction of all BS nodes. It handles calls, performs caller authentication, call queuing, and entry into payroll databases.

The maintenance and operation terminal is designed to monitor the state of the system, diagnose faults, make changes to the subscriber database.

The central station of the service area includes several transceivers, the number of which depends on the number of channels and the number of subscribers served.

The transceiver of each channel is controlled by the controller. The maximum number of channels at the central station is up to 24. One channel can serve up to 30-50 subscribers. For the interaction of all controllers of the central station, an interface unit is used, which is connected to all controllers via a common control bus, thus providing control, accounting and billing of connections.

In Russia, the following protocols of trunking systems are the most famous: SmarTrunk II, MPT 1327, LTR and SmartZone. The MPT 1327 protocol is designed to create large operational radio networks with an almost unlimited number of subscribers.

Typical equipment specification in the 450 MHz band for mobile objects:

Basic equipment: Quantity:

Regional control processor Т1530 1;

Operator console consisting of: computer and printer;

Operator console software Т1504 1;

Switching unit Т1560 1;

Channel interface board Т1560-02 3;

Interface board T1560-03 for one 2-wire line 1;

Repeater Т850 (50W, 100% working mode) 4;

Trunking channel controller Т1510 4;

System interface T1520 1;

Modem Т902-15 2;

Cabinet 3 8RU 2.

Antenna-feeder equipment: Quantity:

Combiner M101-450-TRM 1;

Duplex filter TMND-4516 1;

Receiving distribution panel TWR8/16-450 1;

Stationary antenna ANT 450 D6 - 9 (us. 6-9 dB) 2;

Coaxial cable RK 50-7-58 70m;

Connector for RK 50-7-58 2;

Lightning arrestor 1;

Adapter cables 8.

Trunking radio stations from TAIT ELECTRONICS LTD:

Wearable T3035;

Mobile T2050.

It is most expedient to build small multi-zone systems with centralized control and connection to the PBX based on the TAITNET system from TAIT Electronics.

The TAITNET system consists of a regional control center, a system control terminal, base stations and user equipment. A typical functional diagram of a four-zone trunking communication system TAITNET is shown in the block diagram (Figure 11).

7.2 Structural diagram of a multi-zone trunking system

The system consists of a regional control center, a system control terminal, base stations, user equipment. The regional control center includes: regional controller, switch and interface boards.

Regional controller (regional control processor T1530), which combines all T1510 base station controllers into a single multi-channel multi-zone system. This controller can manage a system consisting of 10 zones with 24 channels in each zone. It collects information from all connected BSs and transmits it to the system management terminal.

The system control terminal is an IBM-compatible personal computer and operates using special T1504 software from TAIT Electronics.

The T1560 switch consists of a switching matrix and interface boards. It provides switching of audio channels for interzone connections and audio channels with telephone lines.

Interface boards Т1560-03 provide interface with two-wire telephone subscriber lines. The T1560-02 boards provide connection of the T1560 switch with BS traffic channels via dedicated four wire lines.

If the operator of the TAITNET system has subscriber capacity at the PBX, then it is possible to organize a single numbering of telephone network subscribers and subscribers of the trunking system. General numbering is organized by the trunk controller.

The base station equipment consists of antenna-feeder equipment, T850 transceivers, T1510 channel controllers and T1520 system interface.

The BS controllers support the communication session and interact with the system interface. The system interface checks and records connections, provides information about the system status and exchanges data with the BS controllers. Communication with the regional control processor is provided via dedicated two wired lines via a modem. 4-wire audio lines are used to connect BS subscribers with a regional node. The control and management of base stations is performed by the regional controller.

Each BZ also has a system controller. Communication between system controllers of base stations is carried out using modems. Interface boards in the regional control center provide access to the public telephone network.


1. Guidelines and task for the course project on the subject "Communication systems with mobile objects"

2. Lecture notes on the subject "Communication systems with mobile objects"

3. Catalog "Systems and means of radio communication", 1998

4. Radioma equipment catalog, 1999

5. Summary table of characteristics of trunking radio stations MRT-1327

Hosted on

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"I approve"

Chairman of the Informatization and Communications Committee


"___" _____________ 200___







Section 1 General Requirements

1. The subject of the auction, the initial (maximum) price of the contract

1. The subject of this auction is the right to conclude a contract for

provision of trunking radio communication services and data transmission services to users of the unified operational trunking radio communication system (ESOTR) for the needs of the executive authorities of St. Petersburg.

2. Initial (maximum) contract price 29 ,00 rubles.

3. Codes according to the All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity of products and services (OKDP) corresponding to the subject of the auction: 6420050.

2 . Purposes and legal basis for the provision of services

1. The purpose of the provision of services is to ensure the provision of operational radio communications of city government bodies, enterprises and services subordinate to them, special-purpose services related to ensuring the safety of life of citizens and objects of urban infrastructure, in compliance with the vital interests of the individual, society and the state, with the prevention, warning and prompt response to emergencies.

2. The grounds for the provision of services are Orders of the Governor of St. Petersburg dated 01.01.01 No. 49-P "On the creation of a unified system of operational trunking radio communications for the needs of the Administration of St. Petersburg" and dated 01.01.01 No. 50-P "On the development of a unified systems of operational trunking radio communication for the needs of the Administration of St. Petersburg.

3. Source of funding for the state order of St. Petersburg

Source of funding for the state order of St. Petersburg: the budget of St. Petersburg for 2010 in accordance with the Law of St. Petersburg dated ________ No. __________ "On the budget of St. Petersburg for ____ year and for the planning period ____ and _____ years", target article 3300030 "Expenses for the operation and development of a unified system of operational trunking radio communications”, economic article 221 “Communication services”.

4. Form, terms and procedure for payment for services

1. Form of payment: payment is made in non-cash form in accordance with the approved budget allocations.

2. Terms and order of payment: payment is made quarterly on the basis of the issued invoice, invoice and the act of services rendered signed by the parties within 5 working days.

3. Advance payment is not provided.

5. Place, conditions and terms (periods) for the provision of services

1. Place of provision of services: the territory of the city of St. Petersburg and its immediate suburbs.

2. Conditions and terms (periods) for the provision of services: in the period from 1.01.2010 to 31.12.2010.

6. The order of formation of the price of the contract

1. The initial (maximum) price of the contract is formed: on the basis of monitoring the prices of telecom operators providing services in the territory of the Russian Federation.

2. The price of the contract is formed by the participant on the basis of the calculation of the initial (maximum) price attached by the customer, taking into account the costs of delivery, payment of customs duties, taxes and other obligatory payments.



Duty unit C-W ATC on transport of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation



Duty department 5 Office 8 Ch. Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation


Duty department of the main Managed. execution of sentences


Duty unit of the FSB Directorate for St. Petersburg. and Len. areas



Directorate of the FSB of the Russian Federation for the St. Petersburg region



Department of Government Communications in the North-West Region



Security Department for the Northwestern Federal District of the Federal Security Service of Russia



Leningrad Military District



Leningrad Naval Base St. Petersburg



Northwestern District of Internal Troops


North-West Regional Directorate of the Federal Border Service of Russia


Military commandant's office



Housing Committee






Dispatcher SE "TEK St. Petersburg"



Dispatcher GGH "Lengaz"



Dispatcher SUE "Vodokanal SPb"




SE "Petersburg Metropolitan"


SE "Pulkovo Aviation"


JSC "St. Petersburg transport company "Avtotrans"


JSC "Sea Port of St. Petersburg"


OJSC "North-Western Shipping Company"




Center of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision


District of Gosatomnadzor of the Russian Federation


Duty unit of the Engineering Department of the Leningrad Military District


Northwestern Territorial Administration for Hydrometeorology, Environmental Monitoring



Department of Natural Resources for the Northwest Region (NW DPR)


SE "Engineering Center for Environmental Works"








PPU of the Governor of St. Petersburg (GUGOCHS)






Granddaddy crew ACC GUGOCHS SPb



1st Deputy Head of GUGOCHS St. Petersburg

Deputy NGUGOCHS (on opera issues)

Deputy NGUGOCHS (for opera protection)

Head of the GUGOCHS of St. Petersburg


Deputy Chief of the GUGOChS for operational issues


Deputy Head of the GUGOChS for protection


Deputy Head of the GUGOChS for training and education


Duty car GUGOCHS


1st Deputy Head of the GUGOCHS

























Task Force GUGOCHS

Department of teaching staff GUGOCHS

Department of Communications GUGOCHS

Department of Emergency Prevention GUGOCHS

Department of emergency situations at sea and water basins

Department of ITM GUGOCHS

Department of RHBZ GUGOCHS

Department of medical protection GUGOCHS

Evacuation and transport department of GUGOCHS

Department of MTO GUGOCHS


Deputy head of ASS GUGOCHS


Deputy Head of the GUGOCHS for MTO

Deputy Head of the GUGOChS for training and education

Beginning Management GOChS Admiralteisky district

Beginning Management GOChS Vasileostvovsky district

Beginning Management GOChS Vyborgsky district

Beginning Management GOChS Kalininsky district

Beginning Management GOChS of the Kirovsky district

Beginning Management GOChS Kolpinsky district

Beginning Management GOChS Krasnogvardeisky district

Beginning Management GOChS Krasnoselsky district

Beginning Management GOChS Kronstadt district

Beginning Management GOChS Kurortny district

Beginning Management GOChS Lomonosovsky district

Beginning Management GOChS of the Moscow region

Beginning Management GOChS Nevsky district

Beginning Management GOChS Pavlovsky district

Beginning Management GOChS of the Petrogradsky district

Beginning Management GOChS of the Petrodvorets district

Beginning Management GOChS Primorsky district

Beginning Management GOChS Pushkinsky district

Beginning Management GOChS Frunzensky district

Beginning Management GOChS of the Central District

Committee for Informatization and Communications




Office of the Governor of St. Petersburg

Office of the Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg - Head of the Office of the Governor of St. Petersburg




State Administration Protocol of the Committee for Foreign Relations of the Administration of St. Petersburg

State institution "Television company "Saint-Petersburg cable television"



Administration of the Office of the Governor of St. Petersburg


Department of Personnel and Civil Service of the Office of the Governor of St. Petersburg


City hospital №1


City hospital №3


City hospital №4


City hospital №14


City hospital №15


City hospital №16


City hospital №17


City hospital №26


City hospital №30


VHP Clinic


IVOV hospital


Institute of Emergency


City Children's Hospital № 1


Children's City Hospital No. 2


Children's City Hospital No. 5


Children's City Hospital No. 19


Poison Center


Health Committee



Ambulance depot



State Healthcare Institution "City Polyclinic No. 24"


State Healthcare Institution "City Polyclinic No. 27"


State Healthcare Institution "City Polyclinic No. 4"


State Healthcare Institution "City Polyclinic No. 97"


State Healthcare Institution "Children's City Polyclinic No. 11"


State Healthcare Institution "City Polyclinic No. 23"


State Healthcare Institution "City Polyclinic No. 43"


State Healthcare Institution "City Polyclinic No. 17"


State Healthcare Institution "City Polyclinic No. 93"


GUZ "SSMP Kolpino"



State Healthcare Institution "Hospital No. 40"



State Healthcare Institution "City Polyclinic No. 21"


State Healthcare Institution "City Polyclinic No. 47"


State Healthcare Institution "City Polyclinic No. 46"


State Healthcare Institution "City Polyclinic No. 8"


State Healthcare Institution "City Polyclinic No. 32"


State Healthcare Institution "City Polyclinic No. 000"


State Healthcare Institution "City Polyclinic No. 000"


State Healthcare Institution "City Polyclinic No. 37"


Main Department for Civil Defense and Emergencies of St. Petersburg





GU TsUS FPS EMERCOM of the Russian Federation for St. Petersburg



City polyclinic №52


City polyclinic №86


City polyclinic №96


City polyclinic №88


City Polyclinic No. 000

City Polyclinic No. 000


City polyclinic №48

City polyclinic №51


SSMP, Petrodvorets


City Polyclinic No. 000-2


City polyclinic №56


City polyclinic №19


City polyclinic №44


City polyclinic №38


Chairman of the Commission under the Government of St. Petersburg for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations and Ensuring Fire Safety



Total fixed radio stations

Total car radios

Total portable radios


2 328

1.2. Subscribers using subscription services during the first quarter of 2010:


R/st model


Administration of the Admiralteisky district

Administration of the Vasileostvovsky district

Administration of the Vyborgsky district

Administration of the Kalininsky district

Administration of the Kirovsky district

Administration of the Kolpinsky district

Administration of the Krasnogvardeisky district

Administration of the Krasnoselsky district

Administration of the Kronstadt district

Administration of Kurortny district

Administration of the Moscow region

Administration of the Nevsky district

Administration of the Petrogradsky District

Administration of the Petrodvorets district

Primorsky District Administration

Administration of Pushkinsky district

Administration of the Frunzensky District

Administration of the Central District

TOTAL radio stations

1.3. Subscribers using data transmission services in the operational trunking communication network of the TETRA standard:

No. p / p

Number of radio stations

Administration of the Admiralteisky district of St. Petersburg

Administration of the Vasileostrovsky district of St. Petersburg

Administration of the Vyborgsky district of St. Petersburg

Administration of the Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg

Administration of the Kirovsky district of St. Petersburg

Administration of the Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg

Administration of the Krasnogvardeisky district of St. Petersburg

Administration of the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg

Administration of the Kronstadt district of St. Petersburg

Administration of the Kurortny District of St. Petersburg

Administration of the Moskovsky district of St. Petersburg

Administration of the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg

Administration of the Petrogradsky district of St. Petersburg

Administration of the Petrodvortsovy district of St. Petersburg

Administration of the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg

Administration of the Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg

Administration of the Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg

Administration of the Central District of St. Petersburg

Department of the Duty Service of the Office of the Governor of St. Petersburg

Housing Committee

Energy and Engineering Committee

Committee for Improvement and Road Facilities

Law, Order and Security Committee, Civil Defense, Emergency and Fire Safety Department

Main Department of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region

FSB Office for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region

State Institution "Organizer of Transportation"

Health Committee

hydrometeorological center


1.4. Subscribers using data transmission services in the operational trunking communication network of the EDACS standard:

No. p / p

Name of institution, object

Number of radio stations

Department of the duty service of the Administration of St.Petersburg

Duty service of the Administration of the Admiralteisky district

Duty service of the Administration of the Vasileostvovsky district

Duty service of the Vyborgsky District Administration

Duty service of the Administration of the Kalinin district

Duty service of the Administration of the Kirovsky district

Duty service of the Administration of the Kolpinsky district

Duty service of the Administration of the Krasnogvardeisky district

Duty service of the Administration of the Krasnoselsky district

Duty service of the Administration of the Kronstadt district

Duty service of the Administration of the Kurortny district

Duty service of the Administration of the Moscow region

Duty service of the Administration of the Nevsky district

Duty service of the Administration of the Petrogradsky district

Duty service of the Administration of the Petrodvorets district

Duty service of the Primorsky District Administration

Duty service of the Pushkinsky District Administration

Duty service of the Administration of the Frunzensky district

Duty service of the Administration of the Central District




1.5. Trunked radio and data services

Appear in TETRA and EDACS standards;

The mode of rendering services around the clock (24 hours a day).

1.6. As part of the provision of radio communication services, round-the-clock (24 hours a day) consultation of users on the work of ESOTR at the workplace or by phone is carried out.

2. These services are provided in accordance with the calculation of the cost, costing, which is an integral part of Volume 3 (Appendix).

8. Requirements for the quality and safety of services

1. When providing services, the network of a mobile radio communications operator must ensure:

Possibility to use the Services around the clock, 7 (seven) days a week, days a year during the entire period of provision of services;

The quality of the Services in the network coverage area is not lower than those provided for by the relevant technical conditions and standards throughout the entire period of the provision of services;

The coverage area of ​​the equipment should cover St. Petersburg and the nearest suburbs, Pulkovo Airport 1.2.

2. The mobile radio operator is obliged:

In advance (no later than three days) notify the responsible persons of the departments using radio communication services about maintenance activities, the implementation of which may lead to interruptions in the provision of services provided in accordance with this terms of reference;

In case of detection of violations in the provision of services provided in accordance with this terms of reference, and requiring more than three hours to eliminate them, not later than within three hours from the moment the violation is detected, inform the responsible persons of the departments about this.

9. Requirements for the technical characteristics of services

The services provided must meet the following requirements:

1. Support the operation of the following types of user equipment:

EDACS standard: MDX, MDR, IPE System, IPE Scan, EP-4800, EM-4800 and analogues;

TETRA standard: SRH3500, SRM3500, STP8000, MTP850 and analogues.

2. Ensure the connection establishment time in the group and individual half-duplex call mode is not more than 0.35 sec;

3. Provide the following functionality of user equipment:

Support the main types of calls (individual, group, broadcast), direct mode, automatic registration of mobile subscribers, data transmission at a speed (2.4 - 7.2 Kbps), transmission of status messages, transmission of short messages, emergency call;

Separation of all users into separate conversational groups (at least 100 groups);

Group calls between subscribers of all departments;

Emergency group (circular) calls - for all divisions;

Individual (half-duplex) calls between subscribers of all divisions;

Organization of the communication scheme in accordance with the organizational and functional tasks of the units;

The possibility of interaction between subscribers of different organizational units in accordance with the established communication scheme.

4. Ensuring confidentiality within the organizational units of subscribers:

Blocking unauthorized switching of conversational channels;

Exclusion of unauthorized connection to conversational channels and access to communication by extraneous means of communication.

10. Requirements for the results of services and other indicators related to determining the compliance of the services performed with the needs of the customer

At the end of each quarter, the Customer accepts the services rendered, taking into account the deficiencies identified in the reporting period in the provision of services that are the subject of this contract.

Section 3. Requirements for the term and (or) scope of provision

service quality assurance

1. When fulfilling this Terms of Reference (hereinafter referred to as the TOR) and the State Contract concluded under it (hereinafter referred to as the Contract), the Customer has the right to change the scope of all measures provided for by the TOR and the Contract for the provision of operational trunking radio communications services, but by no more than 10% of the Contract price, in case of identifying the need for additional activities not provided for by the ToR and the Contract, but not related to the activities for the execution of the ToR and the Contract, or in case of termination of the need for the part of the activities provided for by this ToR and the Contract. At the same time, the Customer has the right to change the price of such a Contract in proportion to the volume of these additional measures, but not more than 10% of the Contract price.

2. The term for providing a guarantee of the quality of trunking radio communication services and data transmission services is not provided by the Customer.

Section 4. Requirements for Participant Completion of the Quality of Service Proposal Form

1. If the technical (technological) solutions proposed by the participant, as well as materials (components and equipment) correspond (identical) to the requirements of the customer set out in the terms of reference, the participant in column 3 of the form indicates the following “Services will be provided in accordance with all requirements, specified in the terms of reference using materials (components and equipment) specified in the terms of reference. Columns 1,2 and 4 are not filled in by the participant.

2. If the participant proposes to use materials (components and equipment) other than those named in the terms of reference, in column 3 of the form, the participant must indicate all the technical, quality and other characteristics that allow to determine their equivalence (according to the indicators specified in the technical task). Column 4 of the form indicates the company name (brand, type, etc.), the name of the manufacturer and the country of origin, the proposed materials (components and equipment). Column 2 of the form contains a link to the relevant paragraphs of the terms of reference.

3. If the participant offers other technical (technological) solutions related to the provision of services, in column 3 of the form the participant shall indicate the relevant characteristics (description, indicators, etc.) in the specification). Column 2 of the form contains a link to the relevant paragraphs of the terms of reference. Column 4 of the form is not filled in by the participant in this case.

Section 5. List of annexes to volume 3, which are its integral part.


to the terms of reference

Item No.

Type of service

Number of subscribers

Number of months

Cost, rub.

per unit








1 055,00

1 055,00

Operational trunked radio communication services of the EDACS standard

1 055,00

1 000,00

1 000,00


including VAT (18%):

* - based on price monitoring of telecom operators providing services on the territory of the Russian Federation.


to the terms of reference

to conduct an open tender for the right to conclude a state contract

Petersburg for the provision of trunking radio communication services and data transmission services for the unified system of operational trunking radio communication (ESOTR)

Calendar plan for the provision of trunking radio services and data transmission services to users of the Unified System of Operational Trunked Radio Communications (ESOTR)

Reason: Volume 3 of the tender documentation for an open tender for the right to conclude a state contract of St. Petersburg for the provision of trunked radio services and data transmission services for a unified system of operational trunked radio communications (ESOTR)


Scope of services

Service schedule (quarters)

unit of measurement

Cost, rub.

1 quarter

2 quarter

3 quarter

4 quarter

Operational TETRA Trunked Radio Services

Operational trunked radio communication services of the EDACS standard

Operational trunked radio communication services of the EDACS standard

Data transmission services in the operational trunking communication network of the TETRA standard

Data transmission services in the network of operational trunking communication of the EDACS standard

An alternative to cellular networks can be trunked communication systems. These technological solutions are actively used all over the world. Many Russian organizations, both private and public, prefer trunking. What is its specificity? What are the advantages of the corresponding solutions over other popular communication standards implemented in the Russian Federation and abroad?

What are trunking systems?

Trunking communication is a kind of terrestrial mobile communications infrastructure of a radial-zonal type. Operates at the expense of repeaters between subscribers in automatic mode. In addition, the term "trunking communication" corresponds to the way users access a dedicated set of channels, within which a free resource is allocated for a specific subscriber for the connection period.

Trunking infrastructure is most often represented by:

ground equipment;

subscriber stations.

The first element of the trunking infrastructure includes base stations and controllers. Modern types of equipment of the appropriate type make it possible to provide communication within the framework of individual, group or broadcast call types. In some cases, it is possible to connect one subscriber station to another without accessing the resources of the base station.

The considered type of communications is applicable for solving a wide range of tasks of state power structures. At the same time, it is important that the technical requirements of SORM are observed in trunking communication systems. These, as a rule, are enshrined in departmental legal acts.

How trunking works

Consider the basic principles of building trunking communication systems.

The corresponding technology involves the use of ultrashort waves, like cellular communications. Repeaters are used to increase the range of signals in the trunking infrastructure. Above, we noted that it includes base stations. It can be represented by one or several objects - in the first case, the network will be classified as single-zone, in the second - as multi-zone.

The first trunking communication networks made it possible to organize the interaction of several hundred subscribers. Now, due to the inclusion in the required number of base stations, it is possible to provide communication between virtually any number of subscribers. The trunking operator can prioritize calls, provide communications in different modes - simplex, duplex. A modern infrastructure of the appropriate type can protect channels from unauthorized access, eavesdropping, and allows devices to be connected to the Internet. Trunking communication systems are digital and analog.

Who Uses Trunked Systems?

Trunking systems, which, as we noted above, are radial-zonal elements of the network infrastructure and operate in an ultra-short range, are mainly focused on corporate customers, law enforcement agencies. While the main clients of mobile operators are private individuals. Trunking is most suitable for organizing operational communication within groups of specialists - for example, when on duty, performing tasks, helping other people, if we are talking about emergency services.

Above, we noted that the one in question is in demand by public services. In fact, the relevant structures are the main users of this type of communication. This is due to a number of fundamental differences between trunking communications, in particular, from cellular communications that are familiar to ordinary citizens. Namely:

The possibility of almost instant - within 0.5 seconds, connecting one subscriber to another;

Determination of priority;

The ability to communicate subscribers with each other without using a base station;

Availability of resources for configuring the network in accordance with the tasks of the user;

The possibility of organizing group, broadcast, emergency, delayed calls;

The availability of resources for encrypting communications, the ability to listen to conversations by a third-party subscriber.

These options are not typical for conventional cellular communications. The Push To Talk mobile standard has some similarities with trunking technologies. But according to many criteria, it is not suitable for public services.

Why is cellular communication better than trunking? First of all, the ability to transfer file data at high speed - modern 4G standards allow reaching tens of megabits per second. However, it should be noted that the trunking communication presented in the TETRA standard (if we talk about the technology in version R2), in principle, is also capable of high-speed data transmission.

TETRA is the digital technology of the communications in question. But it is worth noting that the TETRA trunking connection in the RI version is somewhat inferior to the R2 standard - in particular, in terms of data transfer speed. Although in terms of the main options, the capabilities of both technologies are generally comparable. It will be useful to compare other common trunking standards with them.

Basic Trunking Communications Standards

The most common technologies include, first of all, those that are classified as digital. Analog trunking infrastructure is not much in demand right now. The most popular communication standards of the type in question are:

Let's consider the features of each of them in more detail.

EDACS standard

The EDACS standard was developed by the well-known Swedish corporation Ericsson. It is classified as closed. This standard assumes the transmission of data over channels using a wide range of frequencies (but within 870 MHz). Within the framework of one trunking network, it allows providing communication between 16,000 subscribers.

The standard under consideration is sufficiently reliable, but is considered obsolete, since it actually involves the transmission of analog signals, albeit using a digital infrastructure. In addition, as we noted above, it is closed. Trunking communication equipment adapted for it can only be manufactured by the developer.

iDEN standard

This standard is also closed. It was developed by Motorola Corporation. The greatest demand is in North America, some states of South America, in Asia. The technology under consideration makes it possible to implement within the framework of a trunking network the services familiar to subscribers of cellular operators, for example, sending SMS, faxes, and connecting to the Internet.

In Russia, the corresponding standard has not received distribution, according to experts, this is due to the fact that the frequencies used within it - 805-821 MHz or 855-866 MHz are not very optimal in terms of solving problems by the main users of trunking communication systems, to which , as we noted above, include public services. By the way, Motorola has released a number of solutions that are compatible with both trunking and cellular communication technologies.

Tetrapol PAS

This communication standard was developed in France by Matra Communication by order of the French intelligence services. It is characterized by the use of rather low frequencies - from 70 to 520 MHz, the use of which is not very popular in other countries. However, there have been attempts in Russia to test the corresponding trunking communications standard.


Above we have considered some aspects of TETRA technology. Let's study its specifics in more detail.

TETRA trunking communication is, in turn, an open communication standard developed by European specialists. Outside of Europe, it was not very common for a long time, however, it is now used by many Russian, Asian companies, African and South American firms.

The openness of the considered standard makes it possible to ensure compatibility with it by different manufacturers of equipment for trunking communication. A company planning to produce a corresponding device must, at the same time, become a member of the MoU TETRA organization, thereby confirming its readiness to contribute to the development of this technology. Many modern brands that produce equipment for trunking networks have joined this organization.

We noted above that the R2 standard allows data transfer at high speed. This is possible, in particular, due to the fact that the trunking of the appropriate technology is combined with broadband cellular channels.

In Russia, the TETRA standard is known under the Tetrarus brand. So, it was used to build telecommunications infrastructure during the Sochi Olympics.


Another popular trunking technology is APCO 25. Developed by the Security Structures Communication Services Association. The headquarters of this structure are located in the United States, in the states of Virginia and Florida.

The advantage of this standard is the ability to provide communication over channels with a high level of security, achieved through the use of various encryption technologies. Another notable feature of APCO is that it allows you to use a wide range of frequencies - from 139 to 869 MHz. The high level of security provided by the corresponding trunking communication systems predetermines its rather high demand among the Russian special services.

It should be noted that the Russian Federation has its own communication standards that operate according to trunking principles. Their use is due to the need to create an exceptionally reliable and secure communication infrastructure. When using this approach, a trunking communication system is used in the armed forces of the Russian Federation. Many of the communication technologies used by the Russian military are designed specifically for defense needs and are not designed for mass use.

The main providers of trunking communication services in the Russian Federation

Consider which brands in the Russian Federation provide services using the technologies in question.

A well-known Russian trunking operator is the RadioTel company. It has an infrastructure that allows it to be combined with city stations. Delivers solutions for emergency services, Ministry of Emergency Situations, private customers.

One of the largest trunking operators in the Russian Federation is Tetrasvyaz. Specializes in the implementation of solutions within the TETRA standard in various regions of Russia. Provides a wide range of services - from designing a trunking network to putting it into operation.

Another major brand in the market of trunking solutions is Regiontrank. The firm provides services mainly in Moscow and the region, as well as in some regions of the Center of the Russian Federation. The brand positions itself as a provider of solutions adapted to the specification of business processes of specific customer organizations.

Another well-known company that operates in the segment of trunking technologies is Center-Telko. It can be noted that its infrastructure uses solutions that operate within the framework of the EDACS standard.

Prospects for the development of trunking solutions in the Russian Federation

So, we have studied what trunking is, the principle of building communications using its standards. Now let's see what experts say about the prospects for the development of relevant solutions in Russia. This issue is a topic for the largest conferences with the participation of representatives of the telecommunications industry of the Russian Federation - departments, service providers, and their customers.

The community discusses the advantages of the actual trunking solutions, primarily over cellular technologies, as well as the applicability of existing communication data standards in the Russian Federation. Thus, among experts in the field of solutions in question, there is a widespread point of view that TETRA technology will be optimal for Russia, taking into account the peculiarities of the development of communication services in the Russian Federation.

Above, we noted that it was the TETRA standard that was chosen to build the communication infrastructure at the Sochi Olympics. But in Russia, one way or another, most of the trunking communication technologies from those that are used anywhere in the world are represented - and this is not counting special military developments. A large number of solutions of the appropriate type implemented in the Russian Federation is primarily due to the lack of unified, federally accepted criteria for choosing the optimal technological platforms for building a trunking infrastructure.

The development of an appropriate type of communication in Russia may be hampered by the ambiguous perception of the advantages of these solutions by the heads of departments, which are the main users of the technologies under consideration. For them, the superiority of trunking infrastructure over cellular networks is not always obvious. This is due to various reasons.

First of all, the fact that the equipment of analog trunking communication systems, digital solutions of the corresponding type, as a rule, is significantly more expensive than devices for using cellular technologies. At the same time, departments often do not take into account the obvious advantages of trunking communication, which consist, first of all, in the efficiency and security of negotiations and information transfer. In addition, the actual costs associated with the use of communications, when using trunking solutions, can be significantly lower than in the case of cellular communications - with proper design of this type of communication infrastructure.

It should be noted that the principle of trunking is applicable not only to ensure prompt negotiations between subscribers. On the basis of appropriate technologies, systems for determining the location of an object can be implemented - in combination with its GPS coordinates, as well as its tracking by monitoring centers. At the same time, when building the appropriate infrastructure, it may not be necessary to introduce relatively expensive duplex solutions - simplex devices may well be enough. This method of using trunking communication is another factor in the growth of interest in it from various Russian firms and departments.


So, we have studied what trunking technologies are, considered the main communication standards that correspond to them. The main users of the corresponding solutions are Russian special services, departmental structures, and large businesses. In the units of the Russian army, trunking communication systems are used, designed specifically for solving military problems - a closed type.

The main advantages that characterize the technologies under consideration are: the speed of data exchange, information security, high data transfer rate (if we are talking about modern digital standards), the ability to build networks on a large scale - subject to the use of high-performance and presented in a sufficient number of base stations.

Trunked networks have a lot in common with cellular - functioning in an ultra-short range, the ability to send text messages between devices, as well as access the Internet when using the appropriate devices. Hardware solutions used as part of a trunking infrastructure are usually more expensive. But with their optimized implementation, the customer company can save significantly, primarily on traffic.

A fairly large number of trunking communication standards have been adopted in the world. In Russia and Europe, TETRA technology is the most popular, in the USA - APCO. Although in the Russian Federation, with varying degrees of activity, most of the trunking standards existing in the world are involved.

The prospects for the corresponding type of communication in the Russian Federation largely depend on which of the technologies will be accepted as the leading ones, at least in most regions of the country. There is reason to say that the main standard will still be TETRA, as the most suitable for Russia, based on the specifics of the development of the country's telecommunications market.

Another significant condition for the successful development of such a technological area as trunking communications in the Russian Federation is an increase in the level of knowledge and competencies of the management of departments that are actual and potential users of the relevant solutions. So far, for many power structures, the advantages of the technological concepts under consideration are not quite obvious. But, of course, trunking solutions in the Russian Federation have their own consumer, and they are already being actively used. In Russia, legal acts have been adopted to regulate the use of appropriate technologies by special services. Thus, already at the level of legislative regulation in the Russian Federation, conditions have been created for the development of trunking communications.

Of course, it may be necessary to develop and adopt additional legal acts, the effect of which will also apply to civil spheres - but if the business community and major departments are interested, we can expect the emergence of appropriate initiatives at the level of regulatory authorities.

The development of the technologies under consideration in the Russian Federation can be traced in the expansion of its application areas, as well as in the improvement of hardware components and software used to ensure the functioning of the trunking infrastructure.

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