How to disable call barring on a megaphone. Megafon: communication limitation is set, what does it mean and how to solve the problem Megafon communication limitation with positive

"Restriction of communication" is a service that will help control the communication of employees on a work phone.


Have you provided employees of your company with mobile communications for business purposes, but are not sure that employees use their mobile phones only for business purposes? The "Communication Restriction" service will help you control their conversations. Now you can set limits on outgoing communications for your employees.

As part of this service, you will be able to restrict communication depending on the location of the employee (in the office or outside it), prohibit calls to paid entertainment numbers, or simply to certain unwanted numbers.

The "Communication restriction" service includes the following options:

- "Office zone restrictions";
- "Black / White lists";
- "Prohibition of infotainment services."

The "Office area restrictions" option will help you set call restrictions based on the employee's location. As part of this option, you can create several "office zones", for each of which you can assign your own bans. Bans can also be assigned when an employee is outside the "office areas". The building or territory of the enterprise can be chosen as the "office zone". This zone must be designated to the subscriber service employee through whom you activate this service.

This option can be set for a specific employee, for a group of employees, or by time of day and day of the week.

The "Black/White Lists" option will help you set outgoing communication restrictions depending on the direction of the call, or block calls to a specific number.

The "Black List" may include numbers that the employee should not call. For example, these are intercity and international numbers. In the "White List" you can add those numbers that are not prohibited for outgoing calls. This can be, for example, the numbers of office employees.

This option can be enabled for a specific employee, for a group of employees, or depending on the time of day.

The "Prohibition of infotainment services" option will allow you to prohibit an employee from using paid entertainment services. This option will be automatically activated for all employees who have activated the "Communication restriction" service.

Options can be connected as you wish.

* the service is provided by the mobile operator Megafon

** the service is not provided in roaming, does not apply to SMS. All restrictions apply to outgoing calls only.



The service "Restriction of communication" is available for connection to companies that are served on

Such cases can occur even when there are funds on the mobile account. We will talk about what to do if a communication restriction is set in the article.

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What does it mean?

The communication restriction imposed by the carrier means the inability to make outgoing calls from mobile devices, except for emergency calls.

There is also a ban on sending outgoing SMS. In some cases, the call restriction also blocks incoming calls to the phone of the subscriber who has the call restriction applied.

Why is there a problem?

The main reason for the limitation of communication is the usual "going into the red" balance of the subscriber's personal account, when there are not enough funds even for the connection.

In this case, the mobile operator acts in accordance with the concluded agreement between the company and the user, that is, it blocks any outgoing calls and SMS.

The agreement is signed when buying a SIM card, and although rarely anyone reads it carefully, usually the text of the agreement contains a mention of the restriction of communication in this case.

Also, the reason for the connection limitation may be:

  • failure of the SIM card due to the expiration of its validity;
  • in some cases - barring calls to the number of a subscriber who is in roaming;
  • "glitch" of the electronics of the mobile phone itself.

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Non-standard conditions

However, sometimes a communication restriction may be imposed by the SIM card owner or operator for non-standard reasons.

  1. The "Stop Call" service is activated, when a monthly limit is set for the number of spoken minutes and, accordingly, the funds spent.
  2. Restrictions are often found in corporate numbers. Outgoing calls to some destinations may be prohibited. For example, a SIM card owner can create white lists of numbers that a phone user can call. Thus, corporate communication costs are limited.
  3. Some operators offer restrictions on incoming calls to roaming phones. In this case, by calling such a phone number, you can hear a message about the restriction of communication, although in fact calls are blocked for the receiving party.
  4. A rather rare but common cause is an attack by scammers. When the subscriber's phone number is used for illegal actions in the cellular network. In this case, the connection for the subscriber is blocked and he hears the same message about the restriction of communication.

Ways to lift the ban

When a communication restriction is detected, you must:

  • check the balance of the personal account and, if necessary, replenish it;
  • check connected services and disable call blocking;
  • if it is not possible to disable the service on your own or call restrictions were not imposed, you need to contact the operator.

The intercom handset in the apartment does not work: where to call or contact? Read about it here.

Operator rating

To communicate with mobile operators, you can use the same telephone connection.

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  1. The mobile operator Tele2 does not provide communication restriction services available to subscribers. In order to find out the reason for the blocking, you need to make a free call to 611. You need to be prepared for the fact that in order to unblock the operator will require you to provide the passport data of the person to whom the SIM card is registered.
  2. The MTS mobile operator is different in that when communication is limited, the subscriber is notified of the reasons for blocking. You can also contact the support service by calling 0890 (from a phone with an MTS SIM card) or by calling 8-800-250-0890 (from other phones). Communication restriction can be imposed by the subscriber himself by chance, since blocking is possible by dialing USSD commands.
  3. The cellular operator Megafon usually blocks access to communications in cases where there are not enough funds on the subscriber's account. You can consult the reasons for the blocking by contacting the operator's technical support at 0500 or at 8-800-550-0500.
  4. The Beeline mobile operator can restrict calls for several reasons: setting a restriction by the subscriber himself, blocking calls for 30 minutes after changing the tariff, etc. To contact the technical support service, you must dial: short number 0611 (from a mobile phone) or numbers 8– 800-700-8378 or +7-495-797-2727.
  • Yota is one of those mobile operators whose subscribers most often encounter this problem, especially when calling landline numbers and short mobile numbers. To solve problems, you need to connect with technical support by calling 8-800-550-0007 or dialing SMS to 0999.
  • BVK operator (BaikalWestCom) blocks users for unknown reasons. To remove the restriction, you need to contact support at 000 or 8-9025-113-113, or by calling 767 (attention, the call is charged!).
  • Restriction of communication is possible not only for mobile operators but also for landline telephones. Various blocking methods are available to Rostelecom users: you can turn off all incoming calls, create black and white lists for incoming or outgoing calls, or completely block telephone communications. The "Communication by password" service allows you to block outgoing calls completely or in certain directions. Outgoing calls can be unlocked by entering a password. Cost - 27 rubles. per month. To remove the restriction, you must contact the company's hotline at 8-800-100-0800.
  • If you can’t get through to technical support, then you need to go to your personal account on the official website of the mobile operator, or, more effectively, visit the company’s branch.

    Usually, only a personal contact with the support service will help you find out the exact reason for the blocking and how to disable it.

    Fighting methods

    If the above methods did not help and even the operator himself does not know the reason for the ban or cannot help deal with the problem, then perhaps it lies in the hardware of the phone itself or its software.

    Often a simple reboot of the phone or changing mobile device when the SIM card is placed in another phone.

    If this does not help, then you need to either change the operator, or connect a virtual PBX, with which you can make free calls for any phone numbers in the world.

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    Virtual PBX is installed on any modern smartphones with apps for operating systems phones (Android, Mac OS, Apple OS, etc.).

    Naturally, connecting a virtual system is not free and you will have to pay a monthly fee for its use.

    An imposed communication restriction is a common situation when money on a personal account runs out, so the first thing to do is check the balance.

    At positive balance the reason for the blocking may lie in the connected services for barring calls or in the incorrect operation of the mobile phone or its software.

    Why is there a communication limit on Megafon

    It is not uncommon that you are trying to call your friends or relatives and suddenly find that you have a communication limit set. Megafon offers such a service. Sometimes a limiter is set for a reason you don't understand. It is important to know how to eliminate this discomfort. The first step is to figure out why the unavailable numbers from the phone book have become. This will help eliminate its consequences and prevent recurrence.

    Reasons for limiting communication on Megafon

    When selling SIM-cards to subscribers, the provider reserves the right in some cases to limit the communication of its customers. This is written in the contract. However, Megafon strives to ensure that its customers always have an excellent quality connection. This is what makes the network popular and competitive. Communication may become unavailable for the following reasons:

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    1. Lack of funds in the account. This is the most common reason. In order not to lose access to mobile communications, just replenish the balance in a timely manner, make sure that there is always enough money on your mobile phone to make calls;
    2. Communication format GSM in some regions operates selectively and gives access to the network only to those, for example, who are registered in the region;
    3. An outdated, wiped sim card that will soon fail. As a rule, cards function without interruption for about 7 years. After this period, it is advisable to replace them, as they begin to falter.

    These are the most common reasons, but not the only ones. Communication restrictions may be associated with the actions of the provider, or with the order of the subscriber who decided to control his expenses. Or, if we are talking about the head of the company, who decided to control the actions of his employees.

    Other Reasons for Restricting Connections

    There are other prerequisites that the client does not have the opportunity to call certain numbers in certain regions. For example, you may have a Megafon connection restriction due to:

    1. Set a limit for calls on your phone. This service is called Stop Call. It is connected in order to limit the debiting of funds from the subscriber's account.
    2. Having a password. This is typical for corporate numbers. Some call directions may be subject to restrictions. When dialing, the system informs the subscriber of the reason for the restriction of communication.
    3. Fraud attack. Modern technologies allow scammers to use other people's phones to commit various illegal frauds. In such cases, the phone is blocked until all the circumstances of the attack are clarified.
    4. Roaming. Outside the country, restrictions may be included on both incoming and outgoing calls.

    Communication can be limited for various reasons. How to bypass the ban?

    How to remove the restriction on communication with other subscribers?

    If Megafon has limited your options, there is always a way to bring back the ability to make calls wherever you are. The method depends on the reason for the restriction. For example, if you have “0” on your account, it is enough to replenish your account, and the problem will be automatically removed. If you are convinced that everything is in order with your money, and you see no other reasons, the first thing that comes to mind is to call the operator. This is the right decision. In the event that it is possible to reach the hotline, it remains to follow the operator's commands, after which the cause of the restrictions will be eliminated.

    Sometimes the hotline is not available. This means that there are communication restrictions for some subscribers in the region. In this case, you need to come to the office in person.

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    office restrictions

    Very often there are restrictions associated with ordering the services of a particular organization, the administration of which connects "white" and "black" lists. "White" lists give the right to access certain areas. "Black" - on the contrary, limit communication.

    It is possible to activate the service with action only on certain numbers, that is, on certain groups of employees. You can also make the connection unavailable for a certain, for example, working time. Such restrictions, as a rule, operate in the office area. As soon as an employee of the company leaves his territory, he gets access to all previously closed subscribers.

    When a ban is needed

    Sometimes a ban is necessary. For example, you are going to travel abroad or relax on the beach. In roaming, communication becomes more expensive. You have to pay not only for incoming, but for outgoing. You are ready to communicate with some subscribers, but, as the law of meanness, everyone will call in a row, ruining your telephone bill.

    In such cases, it would be quite justified to turn on the prohibition function.

    How to enable restrictions

    Prohibitions may vary. On the:

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    • inbox when you are roaming;
    • outgoing in roaming;
    • outgoing international;
    • all incoming;
    • outgoing within the region or within the whole country.

    Each species has a specific code. Before ordering the service, you need to disable call forwarding. Only one ban is allowed. If you connect another ban, it automatically removes the previous ban.

    The service costs 50 rubles. Its activation is also paid - 30 rubles. Activation can be carried out at the operator's office, or independently. To do this, dial *service code*service management password#. The default password is "0000". Code, if you want to bar all incoming calls while roaming, dial "351", if you intend to bar outgoing foreign calls - "332". All numbers are blocked, except for Russian ones. International communication is blocked by the code "331". With the code "35" you will block all incoming calls, with the code "33" - all outgoing calls. You can disable SMS messages with the code "16".

    Service deactivation

    Deactivation is carried out by dialing *service code*password for service management#. If problems arise, you can always contact the duty specialist on the provider's hotline. Those who are not used to following commands at a distance can personally contact the office.

    megaphone communication limitation

    Megafon is set to limit communication how to disable

    In the Other section, to the question How to remove the "communication restriction" on a megaphone? I can't call anyone even though I have money in my account! set by the author Dima Panteleev the best answer is Connecting and using the service

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    To activate the service, as well as to activate and deactivate the options included in the "Communication restrictions" service, you can contact the nearest Corporate Client Service Center or call the Call Center by phone 0555, where experienced consultants will help you understand the high-tech services of the company.

    Hello! You have restrictions on SMS (incoming, outgoing) and calls (incoming, outgoing). You can cancel all prohibitions using the command #330* password# (if the password has not been changed), as well as through the phone menu.

    Trying to make a call, but on the receiver you hear a record saying that there are restrictions on outgoing calls? Does the same thing happen when calling other phones? Learn how to get rid of call blocking quickly and effortlessly.

    Common Causes of "Non-Call Subscription"

    The provider has the right to impose certain restrictions on subscribers under the contract concluded when purchasing a SIM card. There may be several reasons for the ban on outgoing calls, and the most common is a banal lack of money in the account. At the same time, depending on the specific tariff and provider, restrictions are occasionally imposed even on intranet connections.

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    Also, for a number of reasons, a network user may not be able to access intercity access. In some regions, mobile communication in the GSM format works selectively - for example, only for those registered in the area. There are also incidents with disconnections in the event of a failure of a SIM card that has served its due date (older than 7 years).

    Non-standard conditions of restrictions

    Some situations related to the restriction of outgoing communications may not be clear to everyone. These are concepts such as:

    • roaming. In roaming, not only outgoing, but also incoming calls can be prohibited. In the case of some operators, the caller may also hear about outgoing restrictions, although the receiver is actually blocked;
    • attack. It happens that scammers, using the latest technical innovations, intercept the streams of the operator's lines and use other people's phones for flooding, fake registrations and other illegal frauds. The attacked phone is completely blocked until the circumstances are clarified in all respects, including calls;
    • password. If you use someone else's (for example, corporate) device, it may be "password protected". When a call is attempted, the caller will hear a corresponding message;
    • "stop call". Some operators offer a call limiting service so that a person can stick to a given budget while keeping money directly in the account without the need for frequent top-ups.

    Methods of dealing with limiters

    You can remove the ban on outgoing communications in several ways, depending on the reasons for blocking. For example, in the case of an "empty" balance, it is enough to replenish the account. But if everything is clear with the financial side, then in other situations it is necessary to clarify the details with the operator.

    Each of them has a hotline where you should call with a question. If you can’t get through there, although there is coverage, the connection of this provider is active in the region, but not for everyone. Therefore, you will have to look for a branch of the operator service, which can be difficult to do. But if you still managed to get through, follow the instructions.

    Most popular reasons: operator rating

    • Tele 2. It does not have a clear blocking policy available to users. A call to 611 will establish the circumstances, but for assistance in this matter, it will be necessary to provide the passport details of the owner of the SIM card.
    • Megaphone. There are two ways to call technical support: from a mobile phone - 0500 or to the "hot line" -0500. The most common reason here is the insufficient amount on the deposit (specified in the contract).
    • MTS. Excluding isolated cases, the clients of this operator hear a recording reporting the reasons for the blocking, so the question of what's wrong with the network can be answered fairly objectively. MTS also offers a service of intentional outgoing blocking, ranked by several types. They are activated using USSD commands: call by numbers with asterisks and sharps, and therefore, although scanty, there is a chance to turn on the service by mistake. You can contact the support service by calling tel.-0890 (free of charge throughout the Russian Federation) or 0890 (from MTS phones).
    • BVK. BaikalWestTelecom is also guided by the “ban” rules, which are not fully understood by consumers. The site of this provider offers customers support services 000 (from BVK numbers) and -113, as well as 767 - for paid (3 rubles / min.) Consultations. Apparently, a hint that a free consultation does not shine with quality.

    But whatever the nuances of calling the operator, in most cases this is the only way to find out why outgoing calls are blocked, as well as remove the restriction.

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    YouMagic.Pro - a virtual PBX, available anywhere in the world, wherever you are, will be a great alternative while waiting. Each subscriber can use the full range of operator services:

    • convenient high-quality technical support;
    • favorable rates for calls within Russia and abroad;
    • quick and easy connection;
    • lack of binding to the address;
    • user-friendly interface;
    • many solutions for every need.

    Connecting to YouMagic.Pro will help you forget what a blocked number is.

    Previous articles


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    Hidden call recording

    How to call from abroad?

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    What to do when limiting outgoing communications and setting a ban?

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    What will happen to marketing by 2020?

    Connecting / disconnecting MegaFon communication services outside the Home region

    There is no cost for connecting MegaFon communication services outside the Home Region and no subscription fee.

    Communication services outside the Home Region are provided automatically upon connection to the network on all tariff plans and are activated with a positive balance of the Personal Account.

    USSD service *145*05# allows you to manage (enable/disable) international roaming services and services for traveling within Russia*, available to individuals and legal entities served on any tariff plan (except tariff plans: "Warm welcome"), regardless of the number of subscriber numbers on the Personal Account.

    * Home region - the subject of the Russian Federation, on the territory of which the client has concluded the Agreement on the provision of communication services "MegaFon".

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    How to disable call barring on Megaphone

    The name of the call barring service speaks for itself, but this is a really useful option that not everyone knows about. It allows you to block incoming or outgoing calls, for example, international format or others, which will help you avoid unwanted communication costs.

    If you need to receive such calls again, you just need to read the information on how to turn off call barring on Megaphone.

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    Description of the "Call barring" service from Megafon?

    The barring of calls may concern one aspect or bar all calls at once without exception. For example, if you leave the phone for another person to use, you can set a ban so that he only calls from his SIM card and does not receive your calls. When you return and pick up your mobile, just turn off this ban and that's it.

    Prohibitions can be of the following types:

    • any outgoing communication;
    • outgoing while abroad (you can make calls only in Russia and the host country);
    • any international calls (or from a specific country);
    • all incoming;
    • incoming, which refers to foreign GSM networks;
    • any calls other than emergency services;
    • all by fax type;
    • all by type of voice communication;
    • everything except fax and voice.

    The call barring service is not compatible with call forwarding. They exclude each other.

    How to change the barring password?

    Call barring is a procedure that can only be configured with a password. Initially it is 0000 or 1111 . But the megaphone operator recommends changing it to another.

    To do this, enter the following request * * 03 * 330 * personal password old * password new * password new # . As a result, it will look like this: * * 03 * 330 * 0000 * 5544 * 5544 # . Remember this password, as recovering it can be a time-consuming procedure.

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    How to remove call barring on Megafon

    Cancellation of the ban is possible only with a password. There is a specific command structure for disabling an option. For all types of calls # barring option code * own password # , as well as for certain types of calls # barring option code * own password * ring type # .

    Removing call barring on Megafon via Ussd commands

    • # 33 * own password # - unblock calls (incoming);
    • # 331 * own password # - allow access to any international (outgoing);
    • # 332 * your password # - remove restrictions on outgoing from other operators;
    • # 35 * your password # - disable blocking of any incoming;
    • # 351 * own password # - disable the roaming restriction on incoming calls from another cellular network.

    We remove the call barring in the Megafon Office

    By visiting a Megafon communication salon in your city, you can deactivate the option. Take your passport and contact a specialist with a request to turn off the barring of calls on your SIM card. However, you still need to know your personal password.

    Removing a call barring on a megaphone in the phone settings

    Some phones have their own built-in blacklist. This is the same as call barring. To deactivate it, and again be able to contact some numbers, go to the call log and hold down the number, where the "Add to black list" menu will appear, unchecking this item, the number will become available again.

    Example provided for Samsung phones. On the different devices methodology may vary.

    How to check the call barring mode on Megafon

    Are you wondering why some calls aren't coming in or you can't get through on your own? Dial the command * # barring service code # to find out if you have barring enabled. If it is activated, you will get its name and type, and then you can manage it in personal account or using the commands presented in this material.

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    When using a mobile phone, you must be careful and carefully enter the numbers to call. An error in one digit can lead to making a call to another city or even to another country. The same applies to roaming, where communication rates are quite serious. In order not to accidentally make a particular call, you should use the Call Barring service from MegaFon. In this review, you will get the maximum information about this most useful service.

    "Call barring" on MegaFon cannot be called the most popular service. Most subscribers do not even know about it. However, it can be beneficial by protecting the subscriber from making high-cost calls. An error in one digit often costs a lot, especially if you accidentally call abroad - this is an extremely expensive direction. And it will be problematic to return accidentally spent money.

    In order to prevent loss of funds due to an incorrectly dialed number, the following steps must be taken:

    • Put all the important numbers in your phone book - yes, some people manage to dial numbers the old fashioned way, in manual mode;
    • Before making a call, check the correct dialing of the number;
    • Use the "Call Barring" from MegaFon.

    Yes, if the numbers are entered in the phone book, it will be simply impossible to make a mistake - only if the phones are filled correctly and without errors. Controlling your actions is also very important, since carelessness and inattention are the cause of the loss of funds. Well, the service, which will be discussed further, will allow you to feel additional peace of mind when performing any operations with your phone.

    The Call Barring service from MegaFon will allow you to avoid unforeseen expenses when making voice and some other calls. It blocks dialing at the network level. I.e, even if you move the SIM card to another phone, the set locks will be saved. Few people know about the existence of this service, but it is implemented in cellular networks GSM standard almost from the day they appeared.

    "Call barring" from MegaFon allows you to block the following types of calls - we will give them along with the codes:

    • All outgoing (code 33) - with these settings, you won't be able to call anywhere;
    • International calls (code 331) - good way prohibit the most expensive direction of communication;
    • International calls in international roaming (code 332) - they are characterized by the maximum cost, and they can also be banned;
    • All incoming calls (code 35) - a great opportunity to completely protect yourself from calling subscribers;
    • Incoming calls in international roaming (code 351) is another way to save money.

    There are also restrictions on the type of calls - these are ordinary voice calls, calls of the "data" and "fax" types. Here are the ban codes:

    • Code 10 - any types of calls are prohibited, except for calls to 112;
    • Code 11 - voice communication is prohibited in both directions, except for calls to 112;
    • Code 13 - prohibition of fax messages;
    • Code 16 - prohibition of sending "data" and text messages, calls such as "fax and voice" remain in operation.

    Let's now go over the practical side of the issue.

    Using commands with codes

    It is time to discuss how to use the prohibitions and their codes. They are sent to the network in the form of simple commands.. For example, to bar all calls, send the command *barring_code*password#. If you need to prohibit a certain type of calls, then the syntax of the command will be as follows - *barring_code*password*call_type#. The default password is 1111 (you can change it).

    Let's see how to bar incoming calls on MegaFon. To do this, dial the code *35*1111#. If you need to prohibit incoming calls in international roaming, send the command *351*1111#. In order to activate the barring of outgoing calls on MegaFon, dial the command * 33 * 1111 # - now it will be impossible to call anywhere. To block outgoing faxes, dial *35*1111*13#.

    How to remove call barring on MegaFon

    In order to disable call barring on MegaFon, replace the first asterisk with a hash symbol. For example, to deactivate the ban on all outgoing communications, use the #35*10# command. note that "Call barring" service is provided absolutely free of charge and without any fee for sending commands. You can use the call settings menu on your mobile phone or smartphone to manage the service.

    In this review, we will figure out what to do if a Megafon connection restriction is set, which means a similar message. Here are the main reasons for the ban and describe in detail how to solve the problem. This article will be useful to every user, since all subscribers can get into the situation.

    First, let's figure out what it is - "Communication limit set" Megaphone. This message means a complete ban on services or a partial restriction affecting:

    • Network access;
    • outgoing calls;
    • Receiving incoming calls;
    • Sending and receiving SMS;
    • Making and receiving calls while roaming.

    If you encounter a complete or partial blocking, you will not be able to fully use the capabilities of the operator. The problem needs to be solved - let's consider why a Megafon connection restriction can be set.


    We figured out the definition of what "Communication restriction is set" Megafon. There can be several reasons for a ban on receiving services, we will consider in detail the most popular ones:

    • Zero or negative balance. The subscriber forgot to pay the monthly fee on time and lost money;
    • SIM card failure. This can happen with outdated card models that have served for a long time;
    • Network problems. No smartphone is immune from malfunctions;
    • The subscriber you are calling has the incoming barring service set. This can happen if the user is roaming;
    • You are trying to make a call to a number that does not support voice communication. These can be service numbers of different companies or the operator itself;
    • You have installed services that completely or partially deny access;
    • Call barring is set in the phone settings.

    As you can see, the reasons may or may not depend on the user. We have learned the main factors causing difficulties, now we will figure out how to remove the communication restriction on Megafon, if it is available to the subscriber.


    You can remove the communication restriction on Megaphone in different ways, which depend on the cause that caused the problem. Consider the main working methods:

    • If you see zero on your balance, deposit the required amount into the account. This can be done through a mobile bank, terminal or at a sales office;
    • Restart mobile phone. If the failure is due to this factor, the problem will disappear by itself after a new connection to the network;
    • Try swap sim card;
    • Call back a subscriber from another number. So you find out whose number is blocked - yours or a subscriber from the contact list;
    • Open your personal account and go to the list of services. Examine the "My" list to understand whether the Megafon connection restriction is set. How to disable options can also be seen in your account;
    • Enter your phone settings. Check if you have Airplane Mode enabled;

    If none of the methods described above helped, contact support at 0500 or 8 800 55 00 500 .

    All these methods are available to each user and do not cause any particular difficulties.

    Now you know how to disable the Megafon communication restriction and what to do to prevent a similar situation from occurring in the future. Top up your mobile balance in time, check the connected services so as not to run into the problem of inability to gain access.

    In 2020, mobile communication is an integral part of every person's life. Without it, people simply cannot work or simply live.

    But when using it, you may encounter certain problems. One of them is set limit connections.

    For many people, it is very important to deal with this problem as quickly and efficiently as possible, because if a connection limit is set, this means that calls cannot be made.

    Such cases can occur even when there are funds on the mobile account. Therefore, it is important to know what needs to be done to solve the problem and why it occurs.

    Communication restrictions can be imposed by almost every MTS, Iota, Beeline, Tele2 operator. After that, it is not possible to make outgoing calls from mobile phones except for emergency calls.

    The ban is also set on sending outgoing SMS. In some cases, the restriction also blocks incoming calls to the phone of the subscriber on which the restriction is set.

    The main reason for the limitation of communication is the negative balance of the subscriber's personal account, when there are not enough funds even for the connection.

    In this case, the mobile operator acts in accordance with the conditions specified in the agreement between the user and the company, that is, it blocks any outgoing calls and SMS.

    This agreement is signed when purchasing a SIM card. Few people read it carefully, but in most cases the text contains a mention of the restriction in this case.

    In addition, the reason for the restriction of communication may be:

    1. Failure of the SIM card due to the expiration of its validity.
    2. In some cases, a ban can be set on the numbers of subscribers who are in roaming.
    3. Mobile device malfunction.

    In addition to the above reasons, some companies use the restriction service to reduce their mobile phone costs and do not want employees to call outside of work during business hours.

    This service works even when there is money in the account and includes the following options:

    1. The restriction is carried out only within the selected office.
    2. "White" and "black" lists are connected.
    3. Ordering services from short numbers is prohibited.

    The most suitable option is chosen by subscribers independently. Restriction of communication according to the "black" list means that it is forbidden to make calls to certain numbers or entire directions.

    For example, it is established that employees cannot call abroad or to other cities.

    As for the "white" lists, employees have the opportunity to call to some specific directions or numbers that are allowed.

    In some cases, only those numbers indicated by the client are entered into the "white" list by the operator. Both variants of lists can be defined for a company employee individually or in groups.

    This restriction is not permanent, but only for a certain period of time. For such communication, you can create a special personal schedule.

    When communication is limited at the office level, the Megafon operator, at the request of the subscriber, limits the number of outgoing employees depending on their location.

    So, if the subscriber leaves the territory of the office, then they cease to operate. The operator can offer the client several such zones at the same time. In addition, it is proposed to limit the number of calls by time.

    Ban on short numbers means the impossibility of all outgoing requests to various paid and free short numbers. This service is very convenient when company employees order various content.

    Methods for disabling the limiter

    If your number has a restriction on outgoing communications, then you can remove the ban in several ways, depending on the reasons for the blocking.

    For example, if there is no money in the account, you just need to replenish it. But if there are no problems with the financial side, then you should check all the details with the operator.

    Each of them has its own hotline where you need to call with a question. If you can’t get through, but there is coverage, the connection of this provider is active in the region, but not for everyone. Then you have to look for an operator service department.

    You can use a telephone connection to communicate with a mobile operator. The rating of mobile operators looks like this:

    It is important to take into account that communication restrictions are possible not only for mobile operators, but also for landline telephones.

    Various methods of blocking are available to Rostelecom users. You can turn off all incoming calls, create blacklists and whitelists for incoming and outgoing calls, or completely block telephony.

    The "Communication by password" service makes it possible to block outgoing calls completely or in certain directions.

    To remove the communication restriction, you need to enter a password. You can also contact the company's hotline - 8-800-100-0800.

    If a person cannot get through to technical support, you need to visit a branch of the company. Practice shows that most often, only a personal appeal will help you find out the exact reason for the blocking and how to fix the problem.

    Any mobile operator has a list of services that are basic and are provided to subscribers free of charge. Call restriction is included in a similar list of services from Megafon.

    Activation of this option can be carried out by the subscriber independently, by entering the appropriate commands or by a support service specialist. In this case, a fee may be charged if the service is connected through Megafon employees.

    Communication restrictions can be set to the following types:

    To connect any of the above prohibitions, the following conditions are necessary:

    1. The "forwarding" service is activated on the subscriber's number.
    2. For each type of communication, you can set only one restriction at a time.

    But at the same time, the question of how to disable the Megafon communication restriction is relevant.. Disabling the service is as easy as activating it.

    You just need to enter the following combination on your phone - #service code*password for service management#.

    A similar service can also be used to disable call type restrictions.

    The password that is used by default to enable or disable the ban, the user can change. This makes it possible to protect the phone from attempts to control the service by other people.

    To enter a new password, you need to use the following combination - **03*330*current password*new password#. Its duration is not limited.

    But if you enter combinations to change the password, making a mistake three times, it will be impossible to use the setting communication barring service. And in order to remove the blocking, you will have to visit the office of the company with a passport.

    Thus, if the communication restriction is imposed by the operator, then it becomes impossible to make calls from mobile operators, with the exception of emergency ones. In addition, sending SMS will not work either.

    This problem most often occurs when the account balance is negative. But the communication limit can also be set with a positive balance.

    This is often found with corporate numbers; outgoing calls to some directions may be prohibited.

    The operator can apply a communication restriction if a monthly limit is set on the number of spoken minutes and spent funds.

    Some operators offer blocking for incoming calls to phones that are in roaming. If the user cannot disable the service on his own, then he should contact the mobile operator.

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