Multiplication exercises. Children's games. multiplication by eight game

It's no secret to anyone how important it is to know the multiplication and division tables, in particular when performing arithmetic calculations and solving math examples.

However, what if the child is frightened by this huge set of numbers, called the " Multiplication and division table", And knowing it by heart seems to be a completely impossible task?

Then we hasten to calm down - Learning the whole multiplication table is very easy! To do this, you need to remember only 36 combinations of numbers (bundles of three numbers). Here we do not take into account the multiplication by 1 and 10, since this is an elementary action that does not require much effort in memorization.

Description of the online simulator

This simulator works on the basis of a specially developed algorithm for increasing the complexity of examples: starting with the simplest numbers “2 x 2”, gradually increasing the complexity to “9 x 9”. Thus smoothly luring into the learning process.

Thus, you will have to memorize the multiplication table in small portions, which will significantly reduce the load, since the children will direct their attention to just a few examples, forgetting about the entire “large” volume.

The Simulator has a settings menu for selecting the table study mode. It is possible to select an action - "Multiplication" or "Division", a range of examples "Entire table" or "By some number". All this is an extended functionality of the site and is available after payment.

Each new example is accompanied by help hint, so it will be easier for the child to start his study and memorize new combinations unknown to him.

If, in the course of training, any example causes difficulty, you can quickly remind yourself of its result using additional clue, this will help you more effectively cope with remembering difficult examples.

Percentage scale will quickly let you know what level of knowledge of the multiplication table you have.

An example is considered fully learned if the correct answer was given 4 times in a row. However, upon reaching 100% , we urge you not to quit studying, but to return the next day and refresh your knowledge by going through all the examples again. After all, it is regular classes that develop memory and strengthen skills!

Description of the online simulator interface

Firstly, the simulator has a "quick access panel", which includes 4 buttons. They allow you to: go to the main page of the site, enable or disable sound signals, reset learning results (start studying again), and also get to the reviews and comments page.

Secondly, it is the main structure of the program.

Above all is percentage scale, showing the approximate level of knowledge of the multiplication table.

Below comes example field that needs to be answered. During the answer, it will change its color: it will turn red - if an incorrect answer was given, green - in case of a correct one, blue - after using the hint, and yellowish - while showing a new example.

Next is message line. It displays textual information about errors, correct answers, as well as help and additional tips.

At the end is screen keyboard, containing only the buttons necessary for work: all the numbers, "backspace" - if you need to correct the answer, the "Check" and "Additional hint" buttons.

We are sure that this simulator "Multiplication Table in 20 minutes" will help.

Adults should approach the organization of children's leisure as responsibly as possible, and students should use free minutes with special interest so as not to waste time. Most kids who are just learning the basics of arithmetic call the multiplication table a real tool of torture. This is a useful tool that lays a solid foundation in the development of the child's intellectual abilities.

Stupid memorization is boring and uninteresting

Boring examples are easier to remember when learning takes place in a playful way. Check out this effective method for yourself and get a positive result very quickly.

The main differences between math toys for kids:

  • Simple gameplay. To perform game manipulations, just click the mouse and get the right answer;
  • To increase the level of complexity, there is a time limit and a limit on the number of errors, exceeding which you need to start all over again;
  • The cool game format makes it much easier to remember the correct answers in the columns and the basic principles of multiplication and division needed to solve simple examples.

Learn - while playing, along with cool tutorials from Quicksave

A few persistent online classes will surely bring the desired result. Do not miss the opportunity to test high-quality and informative games for kids for understanding elementary mathematical operations for free. Parents should be loyal to the possible difficulties in mastering material that is incomprehensible at first glance by their own child.

Memorizing the algorithm for multiplying numbers and memorizing the child's features and patterns without third-party intervention is a competent approach that turns little spectacular fun into an exciting intellectual quest.

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The multiplication table is a basic concept in mathematics, which we get acquainted with in elementary school and which we then use all our lives, regardless of profession. But the children are in no hurry to memorize the endless columns by heart, especially if the task was on vacation.

website will give tips on how to easily learn the table with children and make this process fun.

Pythagorean table

Despite the fact that the task is to learn, that is, memorize, the table by heart, it is first of all important to understand the essence of the action itself. To do this, you can replace multiplication with addition: the same numbers are added as many times as we multiply. For example, 6×8 is 8 times 6.

Highlight the same values

A great helper for learning multiplication is the Pythagorean table, which also demonstrates some patterns. For example, what about t changing the places of the factors, the product does not change: 4 × 6 \u003d 6 × 4. Mark such “mirror” answers with a certain color - this will help you remember and not get confused when repeating.

It is better to start studying the Pythagorean table with the simplest and most understandable parts: multiplication by 1, 2, 5 and 10. When multiplied by one, the number remains unchanged, while multiplying by 2 gives us twice the value. All answers multiplied by 5 end either in 0 or 5. But multiplying by 10, in the answer we get a two-digit number from the digit that we multiplied and zero.

Table for fixing the result

To consolidate the results, draw an empty Pythagorean table with your child and invite him to fill in the cells with the correct answers. To do this, you only need a piece of paper, a pencil and a ruler. You need to draw a square and divide it into 10 parts vertically and horizontally. And then fill in the top line and the leftmost column with numbers from 1 to 9, skipping the first cell.

Of course, all children are individual and there is no universal recipe. The main task of a parent is to find an approach and support his child, because we all once started with such simple and complex steps at the same time.

After the first year of study, parents face the problem of how to teach children the multiplication table. Moreover, to make sure that young students have a desire to remember it, and not because it is necessary. Simple memorization get bored too fast, and continue this process will be quite difficult.

Also, it has already been proven that simply memorizing examples over time leads to the fact that some of them are forgotten too quickly. Let's try to give simple tricks that will help you quickly and easily learn the multiplication table.

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Where to start

When answering the question of how to explain the multiplication table to a child, one correct technique should be noted. It is necessary to clearly explain what the principle of this action is.

By the time it's time to start learning about examples on the multiplication table, children already have a good understanding of what addition and subtraction are. That is, the operation of multiplication is replaced adding the same terms.

For example, 3 multiplied by 2 means that the number 3 must be added twice - 3 + 3. If 5 is multiplied by 3, then add the fives three times 5 + 5 + 5.

It would be very nice if, during the explanation, the examples on the table were fixed with illustrative examples: “Mom bought Vova and Masha 2 boxes of pencils. Each box contains 6 pieces. How many pencils are in two boxes? How can you calculate? 6 plus 6 is equal to or 6 times 2. Both in the first and in the second case we get 12.

Several study methods

Learn the multiplication table with your child possible with different methods. We rely on the fact that at this age most children have a well-developed mechanical memory. Some require visual perception, such as sketches, videos, emotional poetic presentation, or game moments. Let's give the essence of a few of them.

Pythagorean table

One of the answers to the question of how to help a child learn the multiplication table is pythagorean table. There are columns and lines with numbers from 0 to 9. If you connect the line and the column with the multipliers with your finger, we get a number - the result of multiplication.

Despite the fact that at first glance the table seems cumbersome, you should not be afraid. It is necessary to immediately explain to your child that examples for multiplication in a column are very easy to remember. Basic simple rules:

  • written diagonally the simplest and easy products of identical numbers.
  • The last line and last column contains a multiplication by 10, in which the multiplier is simply added to.
  • The first column and the first row show the result of multiplication by one, which results in the same .
  • The child needs explain the basic principle using the Pythagorean table, which is to find the number. The result is located at the intersection of the column and row with the required multipliers.

Note a number of advantages of studying the table multiplication in a column using the Pythagorean method:

  • children are happy to form squares from horizontal and vertical lines, looking for the correct answer;
  • when performing these actions, the logic of mathematical thinking develops;
  • contemplation of a table in front of him, and not just written examples that do not tell him anything, helps to more significantly understand the material being studied;
  • the absence of extraneous characters allows you to more effectively visually remember the numbers recorded in the table;
  • using the method on an ongoing basis, for example, finding answers to questions that adults ask him, the child quickly remembers the location of the number and the number itself, while he does not reproduce in the future the results that are not in the table.

Important! In order for the process of learning multiplication to be effective, it is necessary to place the Pythagorean table in a prominent place, and regularly work with the baby to find the correct answers.

Card learning

An easy way to remember the multiplication table - use of special cards. This process should be planned, and the study is carried out gradually. You should start by making double-sided cards. On one side of the card is an example for multiplication, and on the other - the answer to this example.

To begin with, they study with the baby, for example, the multiplication table by two. After the initial study, they fix the material with the help of cards. The child picks up the cards that are laid out on the table examples down, one at a time, reads the example and names the result of the solution.

Then the card is turned over and the correctness of the answer is checked. If the result is correct, the card is put aside. In the event that a mistake is made, the card is returned to the general pile.

The advantage of the proposed method is game form of learning. When playing, it is always easier and easier to remember. In addition, children develop visual memory, auditory memory and speech, as it is necessary to read an example aloud. Mathematical terminology is remembered.

The learning process is best structured like this:

  1. First, we study the table for two, and then fix it with a card.
  2. Next, a table for three is studied. Then cards with these examples are added to the pile with previously studied ones. It is necessary to fix already examples for both two and three.
  3. With an increase in the stock of knowledge, the number of cards increases.

Features of the study

At this stage, we present the features of studying the table for each multiplier. Each of them has its own zest, knowing about which, you can help the child. learn the multiplication table quickly and ensure the firmness of its memorization. So, the tricks of the table are as follows.

Multiplication by 10 and by 1

The simplest methods for remembering the multiplication table are contained in examples for 1 and 10. That is why experts recommend start learning from these exercises. Features are as follows:

  • when multiplying a number by 1, we get the same number;
  • when multiplying by 10, simply add zero to the number.

Multiply by 2

How to learn the multiplication table by 2 correctly and quickly? First of all, explain to the child that multiplication is easily replaced by addition. For example, 2x2 means to add 2+2, and 3x2=3+3. So there is no difficulty in memorization and you can learn it pretty quickly.

Table for 4

After studying examples by 2, teachers recommend moving on to examples by 4. An easy way to learn the multiplication table is to explain in detail and in an accessible way to the baby what to multiply by 4 means multiply by 2 twice. That is, we multiply the number by 2, and then again by 2. For example, 3×4 means that 3×2=6, and then 6×2=12. This method will help to make calculations faster.

Multiply by 3

Remembering the multiplication table for 3 causes some difficulties for kids. Therefore, in this case, experts advise apply a poetic form of study. You can compose poems yourself, or you can already take ready-made ones.

The next way is to explain to children with specific everyday examples. For example, the example 3 × 4 is solved using a practical problem. Mom had 4 apples, dad also had 4 and you had 4.

How many apples are there? Moreover, the tasks should be associative so that the child can easily imagine the situation and find the answer.

Multiply by 5

These examples are always easy for children. The first sign that it is easy to teach children to multiply by 5 is the fact that each subsequent example differs from the previous five. It should be explained:

  • the numbers 2, 4, 6, 8 are even and multiplying them by 5 we get a number that expresses the number of tens, that is, ends with zero;
  • the numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 are odd and their product with 5 gives a number that ends in 5.

Table for 9

The table for 9 has a special trick. If you start studying it simply as examples, then the result will not always be successful. And the easiest thing to remember finger curl method. Its essence is as follows:

  1. Count your child's fingers and give each a number according to the score.
  2. Further, when multiplying 9 by any number, we bend the finger with the corresponding number.
  3. We explain to the baby that the bent finger divides the rest of the fingers into two parts: right and left. The fingers on the left indicate the number of tens, and the fingers on the right indicate the number of units.

For example, 9x6. We bend 6 by the number of the finger. To the left of it, 5 fingers remain not bent. Which means 50. On the right - 4 fingers, which means the number of units. Adding the numbers, we get 54. So, 9 × 6 = 54.

Multiply by 6, 7, 8

Starting to study these examples, we clearly explain to the little student that he already knows many examples. For example, if you need to multiply 6 by 4, that is the same as 4x6. From this we conclude that there is very little left to remember.

To study the remaining examples, you must apply any of the above methods. The most practical one is Pythagorean table.

There are many ways to help your child learn the multiplication table. It is especially easy to do this in the world of technology. You can offer online games to study this topic. In this case, the baby will spend time with a certain benefit.

It is better to conduct training when the little student has the right mood and, as it were, playing with him. Studying the table in a playful way will bring much more benefit than memorizing it in one tone, regardless of the class in which the multiplication takes place.

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