Hotline children's world. On the transfer of the children's helpline to a short three-digit number The hotline of the children's world works around the clock

Who was the first subscriber - a child or an adult? What worried him at that moment? We won't tell you this: confidentiality Initially, it was the main condition for the work of the emergency psychological assistance service, created on the initiative of the Foundation for the Support of Children in Difficult Life Situations. One thing is for sure: on the other end of the wire, the caller heard in response the voice of a person who is really ready to listen and help.

principles of operation of a single federal helpline number for children, adolescents and their parents

dial a number

determines the region from which the call is made

the call is forwarded to the service in your area

if the line is busy, the call is forwarded to the second service of this region, etc., until the psychologist answers

The helpline service employs specially trained psychologists-consultants.

Their main task is to relieve the acuteness of psycho-emotional stress, the feelings that the caller is experiencing at the moment, and to protect the young or adult interlocutor from reckless and dangerous actions.

The task is the following:

analyze the situation together with the subscriber

identify its causes

suggest algorithms for getting out of the current situation

and motivate a person to try to solve the problem himself

Communication with a psychologist is absolutely anonymous: no one will ask you to give your name, surname, address, bill for the conversation, no matter how long it turns out, it will not follow:

call from any mobile or landline phone is free.

Currently, the single number 8-800-2000-122 is connected

It works so that children, their parents, and just people who are not indifferent to the misfortune of a child living nearby, can receive the help of a professional psychologist in time

after all, for this purpose a single All-Russian children's helpline was created.

On the transfer of the children's helpline to a short three-digit number

Currently, the children's helpline is recognized as a key tool for realizing the rights of the child to information and protection from all forms of violence and abuse. Since the beginning of the operation of the children's helpline, its number has received more than 8 million calls.

In view of the high social significance and relevance of the tasks solved by the services of the children's helpline, the Fund considers the transfer of the number 8-800-2000-122 to a three-digit number among the priority tasks of the Fund. To solve this problem, since 2014 the Fund has been working with the Russian Ministry of Communications.

At present, the limiting factor in replacing the number with a three-digit one is the technical imperfection of the equipment on local networks. telephone connection, which provides processing of short three-digit numbers. The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia is making efforts to create and operate a system for providing a call by a short number. To date, the necessary system has been put into operation in 8 regions, and another 3 regions have successfully passed tests.

Information about the operation of the children's helpline

In September 2010, the Foundation for the Support of Children in Difficult Life Situations (hereinafter referred to as the Foundation), together with the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, introduced a single all-Russian children's helpline number - 8-800-2000-122 . Currently, more than 220 organizations in 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation are connected to it.

When calling this number in any locality of the Russian Federation from landlines or mobile phones children, adolescents and their parents, other citizens can receive emergency psychological assistance, which is provided by specialists from existing regional services connected to a single all-Russian number. Anonymity, confidentiality and accessibility are the main principles of the children's helpline. This means that you can get psychological help without giving a name, free of charge and the secrecy of treatment is guaranteed. The purpose of such assistance is to contribute to the prevention of family problems, stressful and suicidal moods in children and adolescents, the protection of children's rights and the strengthening of the family.

The operation of the children's helpline is carried out within the framework of agreements signed between the Foundation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the operation of the children's helpline (psychological emergency services) with a single all-Russian telephone number.

In order to develop children's helpline services and improve the quality of telephone counseling, the Foundation annually organizes training for specialists from regional children's telephone services.

Results of the work of DTD for the period 2008 - 2018 summed up in the information collection "Development of the activities of the children's helpline" (Moscow, 2018). The materials of the collection are posted on the Foundation's website in the "Library" section.

On the transfer of the children's helpline to a short three-digit number

Currently, the children's helpline is recognized as a key tool for realizing the rights of the child to information and protection from all forms of violence and abuse. Since the beginning of the operation of the children's helpline, its number has received about 9 million calls. Due to the high social significance and relevance of the tasks solved by the services of the children's helpline, the Foundation considers the transfer of the number 8-800-2000-122 to a three-digit number among the priority tasks.

To solve this problem, since 2014 the Fund has been working with the Russian Ministry of Communications. Currently, the limiting factor in replacing the number with a three-digit number is the technical imperfection of the equipment on local telephone networks that provides processing of short three-digit numbers. The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia is making efforts to create and operate a system for providing a call by a short number.

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