What is a baby monitor, how does it work and how to choose. Baby Monitor: Types, Features, Buying Tips

A baby monitor is a walkie-talkie adapted for the needs of mother and child, consisting of two devices. One of which picks up any noise near the child within a radius of up to several meters and transmits it to the second device - the receiving device, which is located at the parents.

The transmitter part of a baby monitor is usually larger than the receiver, often featuring a more colorful, "childish" design because it is mounted next to the baby. The receiver can also be located at the parents, at a sufficient distance from the transmitting part. When noises appear in the children's room, whether it is the crying of the baby, his cough or extraneous sounds, the receiver signals this to the parents.

Baby monitor, "baby monitor", "baby sitter", "baby background", "baby control", baby monitor - these are the names this device can have.

Notification methods

Depending on the model of the baby monitor, the signaling methods on the receiver can be sound and light: either the mother hears the voice of the child and the noise next to him, or the lights on the receiver panel light up. There are models with a combined notification method.


A low-quality baby monitor can pick up telephone conversations of residents of neighboring houses, radio, or broadcast the crying of ... a neighbor's child, next to which is exactly the same device.

Quality baby monitors should only "recognize" their own radio frequency. To make the "listening" more differentiated, manufacturers provide multiple reception channels and even special digital signals to ensure interference-free communication. Especially popular in recent years are devices created on the basis of digital technologies DECT (Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications - “digital enhanced wireless telecommunications”).

Now you can find models of baby monitors with access to the telephone network. It is assumed that the baby unit, having caught the baby's squeaks, can call the specified phone number.

Radius of action

A good indicator for baby monitors is considered to be a signal transmission distance of 150-250 meters, very good - up to 400 meters. However, it should be borne in mind that the range is indicated in open space, where there are no walls and interference. In the conditions of an ordinary apartment, this figure is rapidly decreasing.

Presence control function in range

This function is mandatory for the baby monitor. In the event of a communication failure, a signal is given.


Baby monitors are one-sided (the parents of the child hear, he does not have his parents) and two-way (transmits the voice of the parents to the child).

Additional functions

Some baby monitors themselves soothe the baby, playing a gentle melody at the first sounds of crying. Some models show the air temperature in the nursery. The baby monitor can also have a built-in night light with soft light. Some baby monitors can even entertain and distract the baby with light music on the ceiling.

Combining the functions of sound and visual monitoring of the child in the baby monitor is a very practical function that allows the mother not only to hear, but also to see what is happening with the child.

It's good if all sensitivity and volume settings are adjustable, it's even better if the settings for the baby unit are made from the parent unit. Then, for this purpose, you do not need to go into the room of a sleeping child, and he himself would not be able to accidentally knock down the existing settings.


Many models of baby monitors are powered by the mains through the supplied adapter and by batteries. The parent unit can be powered by batteries. The models of some companies have a built-in light sensor for charging batteries, which tells you when they need to be changed.

In addition to "professional" baby monitors, specially designed for mothers and babies, there are conventional cordless phones with the function of acoustic room control, for example, Panasonic KX-1451 or Siemens Gigaset 3010 Micro. If the noise level in the room where the handset with the activated baby-phone function exceeds the permissible level, a signal is sent to the other handset.

With the advent of children, a woman's worries only increase. But how to have time to redo everything around the house if the child needs supervision every minute?

Today, using a baby monitor, solving this problem has become easier.

The device allows the mother to know about the condition of the baby, even being at a distance, for example, in another room.

How does a baby monitor work?

The baby monitor operates on the principle of a transceiver. The baby unit (larger than the parent unit) is the transmitter.

It is installed at the baby's crib, collects sound information within a radius of 3 meters and transmits it to the parent unit at a distance of up to 300 meters in open space and up to 50 meters indoors.

The baby monitor is powered by both the mains and the battery, so even if there is a power outage in your house, the device will continue to work.

What are baby monitors?

Today, children's stores offer a wide range of "babyphones" in different price categories. The more expensive the baby monitor, the more interesting options it has.

Parents can only decide which features they really need:

1 Baby monitors with a night light are especially popular. If the baby began to make noise, the device turns on low lighting so that, upon waking up, the child is not afraid of the dark.

2 There are baby monitors that can send an alarm to the parent unit if the baby's breathing becomes less frequent than usual.

Such a device is necessary to purchase for a baby suffering from respiratory or heart problems.

3 Incredibly, some baby monitors can put the baby to sleep themselves!

Baby blocks in such devices are equipped with a filmstrip mechanism - pictures will change under lullaby melodies on the ceiling above the baby's bed.

4 There are baby monitors with feedback. Manufacturers of modern models have achieved a fairly clear sound transmission, so that the baby recognizes the mother's voice, and, perhaps, it will be possible to calm the baby without even going into the nursery.

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5 A separate type of baby monitors is video baby monitors. They transmit not only voice, but also a picture, so you can constantly control everything that happens in the children's room.

6 Some baby monitors can be used not only during baby's sleep, but also during games. For example, the device can be equipped with a development complex, and the body is made in the form of a cartoon character.

7 Important! The most important pricing factor is the frequency of broadcasting. The higher it is, the safer the device for the child, and, accordingly, the more expensive.

Do not save on the health of the child and give preference to devices with a broadcast purity of at least 8 MHz.

Why is a baby monitor dangerous?

As we have already said, the exchange of information between the baby unit and the parent unit takes place via radio waves. On sale you can find baby monitors with a critically dangerous broadcast frequency of 5 MHz and below.

But even with a broadcast frequency of 8 MHz, the device emits a strong electromagnetic field (EMF), under the influence of which the unprotected child's body spends up to 12 hours daily!

To make sure that the radiation is huge, it is enough to measure the radiation near the baby monitor and in other places in the room.

Believe me, the radiation level will be 1000 times higher than the norm.

First of all, the nervous and immune systems of the baby are vulnerable.

EMR (electromagnetic radiation) heats tissues, affects intercellular metabolism and, often, becomes the cause of oncology.

It is also not useful for parents to wear the receiver in close proximity to the body.

But if the effect of EMR on an adult is manifested in irritability, insomnia, increased pressure, then the child cannot report his state of health in any way except by crying.

It is this kind of "unreasonable" crying, morning lethargy, bad mood and apathy that is a serious signal for parents - this means that instead of a good rest, the baby's body, his nervous system is struggling with EMR.

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EMP damage tends to accumulate over a long period of time.

The American Academy of Pediatrics and the Canadian Society of Pediatrics insist that for the full development of children under the age of 2 years, it is necessary to completely protect from EMR.

Studies conducted by scientists from the two countries have shown that stimulating the brain of a baby with electromagnetic waves in 49% of cases leads to the development of behavioral deviations, in 34% - to problems with memory, attention, and the ability to communicate.

Children exposed to radiation are characterized by mood swings, weakened immunity, and frequent colds.

How to protect your child from baby monitor radiation?

  • Reduce to a minimum, or better yet, reduce to zero the number of electrical appliances in the nursery. The electromagnetic field has a cumulative effect - that is, the field strength is directly proportional to the number of radiation sources.
  • Give preference to more modern devices that have certificates of conformity.
  • Choose a baby monitor with voice activation to avoid continuous operation of the unit.
  • Carefully study the instructions for the device - it indicates not only the transmission frequency, but also the safe distance from the device to a person.
  • Stop the choice on the device with the highest broadcast frequency, but not less than 8 MHz.
  • Be sure to use the device to protect your child from the harm of the child's appliance and to protect yourself from the harm of the parent's appliance.

The device must be mounted on the body of the devices in the center or directly in the place where the transmitting antenna is located.

Approximate time to read the article: 8 min.

After the birth of a child, the life of a young family changes radically. A growing baby requires constant attention, and sometimes does not leave happy parents either free time or energy. The opportunity to do household chores or just relax appears only when the child is sleeping. But even here, the mother, who is constantly afraid of not hearing the cry of an awakened baby, does not leave anxiety. A real salvation can be a baby monitor - a special gadget that allows you to always be in touch with the baby. If you are thinking about purchasing this useful device, we recommend that you read this article - it provides general information about this device and its types, an overview of useful functions, and recommendations for choosing.

What is a baby monitor?

This is an electronic device that works on the principle of a walkie-talkie. It consists of two modules - transmitting and receiving. The transmitting part is designed for the child, it is installed in his room, and the host must be with one of the parents . The baby unit transmitter captures all sounds that occur in the room and transmits the signal to the parent unit.

What you need to know when choosing a baby monitor?

Modern manufacturers provide customers with a wide selection of models, from the simplest to advanced with an impressive set of features. To make the right choice and purchase a quality device, you need to know how they work, as well as take into account several important factors. More on this later.

Analog or digital?

According to the type of signal transmission, baby monitors are divided into two types - analog and digital. The main advantage of analog is their low price., otherwise, users note solid minuses. So, they are sensitive to the effects of household appliances, and therefore can transmit sound with interference and distortion. Having a large range, they are able to capture the voice of not only your child, but also the neighbor's. Analog models do not guarantee privacy - what is happening in the baby's bedroom can be heard by neighbors on their cell phones during a conversation. In addition, you need to manually tune the channels on such a baby monitor, which is not so easy to do - the slightest failure and the signal transmission will not work. Such a device can be purchased only if it will be used very rarely.

The digital baby monitor transmits a clear signal without any interference, while minimizing the risk of transmission disruption. You do not need to configure anything on such a device - everything happens automatically. Even if the same model is used in the neighboring apartment, there will be no problems with the coincidence of waves and violation of confidentiality. The only disadvantage of a digital baby monitor is the high price, but it is fully justified.

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Action range

It would seem that the farther the range of the device, the better. But before purchasing a "long-range" baby monitor, you need to answer the question - where will it be used? If parents live in a small apartment, they should not buy an expensive powerful gadget. But if the family is located in a spacious house with several floors, and often happens on a personal plot, then it is worth spending money. It should be borne in mind that the manufacturer usually indicates the range of action in open space, and in a real situation it will be 4-5 times lower.

Source of power

When choosing the type of power source, you need to rely, again, on where the baby monitor will be used. If it is purchased exclusively for the baby’s bedroom, and frequent trips to visit or to the country are not planned, then you can choose a model that works exclusively from the mains. If you plan to move, then it is more logical to purchase a device with batteries or with a battery. Just always remember that no one is immune from unforeseen situations, such as dead batteries and batteries. For this reason, it is best to choose a device with multiple power sources.

Alert type

There are several types of notifications on baby monitors.

Voice transmits a signal to the parent unit exclusively in the form of the sounds that the baby pronounces. Thanks to this basic function, parents immediately understand what the child is doing - whether he is just snuffling and groaning, or crying loudly.

The light signal is convenient because it works perfectly in a noisy environment. Some models have several lights that light up depending on the intensity of the noise in the nursery. The disadvantage of this function is that the indicators must be constantly monitored, and it is also impossible to determine the nature of the sound from them.

Gadgets that have a wearable receiver with a vibration signal, for example, in the form of a wristband, are very popular today. A very effective invention that allows the mother to instantly understand that she needs to go to the child's room.

But still, the best option would be to choose a model that combines several types of alerts. Ideally, if it is possible to select the type of notification depending on the situation and temporarily deactivate any signal.


The body of the device must be made of high-quality safe plastic, and the baby monitor itself must be streamlined and not have sharp corners. The antenna must be rounded. In addition, it is advisable to choose a device in a very modest design and neutral colors, so as not to attract the eyes of a child. In the first months of life, of course, this recommendation is not relevant, but as soon as the baby grows up a little, he will immediately awaken interest in him. And along with it, many unpleasant situations can arise.

And of course, it is important not to forget about the electromagnetic radiation emanating from the device. Do not install the device close to the crib: the optimal distance at which it is recommended to keep the baby monitor from the child is one meter.

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Important Features


One of the most important functions is the system INTERCOM, which allows you to establish two-way communication. In other words, both blocks work for reception and transmission: the mother hears the child, and he, in response, hears her voice. To purchase a device with this option or not is the business of every parent. Someone considers it useless, but those who used it speak positively about it. Agree, a kind word spoken by the mother in time in response to crying can calm the baby and save his sleep. This feedback feature can come in handy later for communicating with your child when he or she plays alone in the room or walks in the yard.

DECT digital standard

Standard support DECT allows you to get perfectly clear sound without interference, and also provides such an important advantage as transmission coding. Thanks to this technology, users can be sure of the privacy of their home life - no one will be able to listen to a secure individual communication channel.

VOX voice activation

The essence of this function is as follows: when there is complete silence in the children's room, the device automatically switches to standby mode and is activated only when the child gives a voice. This mode can be configured to filter some sounds, as well as disabled through the device menu.

emergency signal

Another very useful feature that allows parents to always be in touch with their baby. Emergency warning signal - light or sound, triggered when there is a threat of loss of connection, for example, if one of the units has left the range of the baby monitor, or it has a low battery level.

Additional useful features

Breath monitor

Breath control devices were created to prevent the possibility of "crib death" or sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). This is how doctors call the unexplained cause of death of healthy babies in a dream. Such a device works according to the following principle - a special sensor is placed under the mattress, which captures the movements of the baby during breathing. If the movements are not repeated within 20 seconds, an alarm sounds on the parent unit. Many overly anxious mothers find this invention very significant, especially for premature babies and those who suffer from respiratory diseases.

Temperature and Humidity Measurement

A baby monitor with these features will greatly simplify the life of caring parents and save them from having to buy additional devices for the baby's room. If you want to purchase a device with these options, choose products from well-known global manufacturers that have proven themselves in the market. As practice shows, the indicators on them are close to reality, unlike cheap models of little-known brands.

Presence of sound files

Some models are equipped with a small playlist with lullabies, fairy tales or sounds of nature. Usually these are 5-7 songs that can be turned on remotely from the parent unit.

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Timer and clock with alarm function

These additional options are set on the parent module. They cannot be called extremely necessary, but they can be very useful to a young forgetful mother. For example, in order not to forget when the child last ate or took some kind of medicine.

Parent block search

Perhaps every owner of a wireless gadget at least once in his life “lost” it in his apartment. Many manufacturers of baby monitors have saved parents from such trouble - a special button has been added to the children's module, when pressed, a certain signal immediately sounds on the parent unit. How much this option will be in demand depends on the size of the living space, the order in it and the number of children.

Night light or night light projector

On the one hand, this function is very good - you do not need to purchase an additional night light, and a baby who wakes up in the middle of the night can be calmed down and lured by an interesting spectacle on the ceiling. But on the other hand, it should be borne in mind that doctors do not recommend parents to accustom a child to fall asleep with any kind of lighting. And of course, if you want to purchase such a device, make sure that it has a few more additional options - for example, protection against overheating and a projector deactivation button if necessary.

Eco mode

This option switches the device to a lower level of radiation if it is in "sleep" mode, and also significantly saves battery or batteries.

Which model to choose?

Focusing on the above parameters, you can easily choose the ideal baby monitor model for yourself, which will meet all your requirements. Fortunately, the modern market for children's goods provides an impressive selection of these devices. Naturally, the cost of the device will depend on its quality, so it is more expedient to choose products from well-known brands that have been tested by millions of mothers.

The company's products are very popular all over the world today. Philips branded Avent . This manufacturer presents a whole line of analog and digital baby monitors with a wide variety of functions. All modern digital models are highly sensitive and equipped with Dect technology. Many devices have a night light and feedback.

Worthy competition for this brand is the company TOMY DIGITAL . The products of this company are not so well known, however, with their quality and reliability, they have gained a positive reputation in the baby products market. Baby monitors of this brand with a timer are in great demand.

You can also highlight the baby monitors of the company AngelCare , which make it possible to monitor the breathing and movements of the child. But the devices of the company Beurer they can recognize the emotions of the baby, depending on what sounds he makes.

The most budget models are analog devices, which have a very limited set of functions. Among the many manufacturers of such devices, the company has a good reputation Maman .

You should choose a baby monitor based on your needs and capabilities. If funds allow, it is best to opt for a digital model of a well-known brand that has all the necessary features. But if the budget is very limited, you can purchase an ordinary digital model, or an analog one from a well-known manufacturer, which has managed to prove itself well.

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A baby monitor is a small, special device that consists of one transmitter and one or more receivers. Often both units are powered by batteries or accumulators. Depending on the configuration, either an adapter or a charger is included. The transmitter itself should be located near the child, and the receiver is made in the form of a walkie-talkie that mom or dad can carry with them within the range of the device.

Why do you need a baby monitor?

Everyone knows that a newborn baby needs constant adult care. Despite the fact that a mother devotes all her time to her child, she does not always have the opportunity to be there at any moment, because no one has canceled housework, and I want to find time for myself. That's it for such moments when parents are not near the baby, and a baby monitor is needed. It will allow you to check whether everything is in order with your child.

Baby monitor needed:

1. If you have a large apartment or rooms with good soundproofing. The baby monitor will allow you to hear the baby's cry and quickly respond to it.

2. A baby monitor in a two-story house or cottage will be very useful.

3. If you have a cottage, then you definitely can’t do without a baby monitor. With it, you can safely do gardening and gardening while your baby sleeps in the house.

4. A baby monitor will also come in handy if your child sleeps on a balcony or veranda. And if the baby monitor is equipped with a temperature sensor, then you can find out in time if your baby is cold.

5. The baby monitor will be useful during the illness of the child, you will hear if he coughs, if the nose is clogged.

6. With the help of a baby monitor, you can hear if pets have climbed into your baby's crib, if you have them.

What are baby monitors?

Today, stores offer a huge selection of baby monitors. A device with the most necessary functions can be found among relatively inexpensive models. The more expensive the baby monitor, the more interesting options it has. How are baby monitors different?

According to the principle of action:

  • analog - have manual settings, low quality of communication, but have a low cost,
  • digital - they are distinguished by the purity of sound, the absence of interference, channels can be switched automatically, they have a two-way communication function, but such devices usually cost significantly more than analog ones.

By power source:

  • on batteries
  • from the battery
  • combined (accumulator + batteries).

By the presence of various functions:

  • Baby monitors with a night light - a night light is built into the unit, which is located near the child. It is very convenient for a mother who came up to check on the baby at night, and this function will also come in handy when the child grows up and gets used to falling asleep on her own.
  • Baby monitor with motion sensor - such devices react to the movements of the baby, even to inhalations and exhalations. If no movement occurs within 20 seconds, the device gives a signal. Such baby monitors will be useful if the child has breathing problems.
  • Feedback baby monitors - such devices allow parents to calm the baby with their voice, without even entering the room.
  • Baby monitors with music - several melodies are recorded on the device, which can be turned on as lullabies for the baby.
  • Baby monitors with a filmstrip mechanism - a special mechanism is built into such baby monitors, which creates an image on the ceiling above the baby's bed. Most often, such models are equipped with music.
  • Baby monitors with temperature and humidity sensors - allow you to adjust the microclimate in the nursery.

How to choose a baby monitor?

When choosing a baby monitor, consider the following points:

  • Give preference to a digital baby monitor - digital models have up to 120 channels, which are automatically searched. In addition, analog baby monitors cannot guarantee that neighbors who are talking on a wireless phone at that moment will not hear you.
  • When purchasing a baby monitor, ask about the range of the device. On average, this figure ranges from 30-300 meters. But some particularly powerful devices can have a radius of about 800 meters.
  • If you are going to use the baby monitor after the child grows up, then it makes sense to choose a model with two-way communication.
  • It is better if the model you choose has alternative power sources.
  • Choose a baby monitor with the simplest design so that it cannot interest the child as a toy.
  • The warning signal in baby monitors of different models can be different - light, sound, vibration. It is better if all three signals are combined in the model you have chosen.
  • Please note that a baby monitor can have multiple parent units. It might be convenient.
  • Pay attention to what materials the device is made of. The baby monitor will be in close proximity to your child, so the body must be made of high-quality plastic.
  • Check the baby monitor at the store for interference and good reception.

Is baby monitor safe for baby?

Since the exchange of information between the baby unit and the parent unit takes place via radio waves, this electromagnetic radiation can have a negative impact on the health of the child and parents. As studies conducted by scientists have shown, stimulating the brain of a baby with electromagnetic waves in 49% of cases leads to the development of behavioral abnormalities, in 34% - to problems with memory, attention, and the ability to communicate.

After the birth of a child, family life takes a sharp turn, parents now have old responsibilities, and new ones are added to them. Do not be afraid that at first it will be hard. However, all these hardships are instantly broken by the smile of a new family member, who fills the house with joyful expectations, happy laughter, first hugs and words.

Now progress helps parents in many ways, numerous “helper” devices are coming into the world. One such device is the baby monitor. Customer reviews indicate that this device provides a significant help in ensuring its safety. At the same time, parents have some free time, which they can spend at their discretion.

What is it for?

Comparing the current time with the period of the seventies and nineties, we see that modern mothers have a much larger number of "helpers". The baby in the first years of life requires constant attention to himself. However, the usual duties of a mother, such as timely cleaning, ironing, cooking, do not go anywhere. Of course, many household chores are much easier to do today, for example, washing in an automatic machine is a much less laborious process compared to washing by hand.

We must not forget that a modern young mother is, first of all, a woman. And she needs to devote some time to herself: “clean her feathers”, soak in the bath, watch her favorite TV show and, finally, just relax. However, how to do this, because the baby cannot be left alone even for a few minutes?

Many kids often arrange a “test” for their parents: they cried - their mother responded, after which they continue to sleep or play. It happens that a poor mother does not even have enough time to visit the bathroom normally. In these cases, a home "magic wand" - a baby monitor - will come to the rescue. User reviews confirm that this device greatly facilitates the process of looking after your beloved child.

How it works?

The principle of operation of this device is somewhat reminiscent of a walkie-talkie: one of the tubes is constantly near the child, the second is near you, so even at a considerable distance you can hear your baby. Giving parents the opportunity to control the situation is the main function for this device. The baby monitor in such cases is a kind of "lifesaver".

If the child is left alone in the room, the device will allow:

Talk to the baby;

Hear the baby

Some models have a video so you can see what your child is doing.

Of course, all this gives moms peace of mind. Imagine an ordinary situation: the child fell asleep, and you need to cook dinner. You have to constantly listen, whether the baby is sleeping or awake, constantly running around to check on the child. Coping with the situation is much easier when there is a baby monitor in the house. User reviews confirm this. Mom calmly cooks or goes about her business while her beloved baby is sleeping, and when he wakes up, the baby monitor will let him hear, and one of them will rush to the baby.

The main characteristics of the baby monitor

Before deciding on this important purchase for the family, you should find out some characteristics of this product. This will help you make the right choice. There are several positions:

Radius of action;

Source of power;

Operating principle;

- (two-sided or one-sided);

Number of blocks;

Notification system;

Additional functions.

Source of power

Baby monitors can be powered by batteries or accumulators, as well as from the mains. The latter is not very convenient, as there is a constant attachment to the outlet. Batteries are a cheap, affordable option, but they often run out when replacements are not available. The best option is batteries. Although they will cost (together with charging) a little more expensive, however, later you will save on purchasing fresh batteries.

range radius

Range refers to the maximum distance at which the baby monitor can operate. Customer reviews indicate that the walls of an apartment or house are a serious obstacle to the radio signal. When buying such a device in an ordinary apartment, focus on a range of 30-50 m. If you have a private house, you should look at models with higher power. This will allow you not only to be in the house while the baby is asleep, but also to go about your business in the garden or in the yard.

Operating principle

What is the best baby monitor? Customer reviews vary. Depending on the principle of operation, baby monitors are available in analog and digital versions. The former work better in open spaces, because a significant drawback of such devices is poor immunity from interference. It happens that two analog devices work simultaneously in neighboring rooms. Sometimes the signal of one intercepts the “stranger”, and mom hears the neighbors. In this case, we can recommend purchasing an analog baby monitor with several channels that allow you to select the optimal frequency.

If you are thinking of purchasing a digital device, these problems will not arise - these devices are protected from eavesdropping and interference. The interactive digital baby monitor has virtually no voice distortion, allowing your baby to hear you as if you were in close proximity.

Communication type

There are one-way baby monitors with an intercom system. In the first option, you can hear your baby, but he can't hear you. If your device has feedback, you can get rid of unnecessary running around to the child. Many babies, having heard their mother during incomplete awakening, continue to sleep peacefully further. And if they don’t hear their mother’s voice, they get nervous and finally wake up. Such a two-way system will be especially relevant in many cases, for example when you are in the shower. Similar functions are equipped with models of many brands. For example, the Motorola MBP-16 baby monitor has two-way communication.

Number of blocks

You can buy a baby monitor with two blocks - for mom and baby. However, it is joyful to say: “What a good baby monitor!” - you can if there are three or more “adult” blocks in the family, for example, for dad and grandmother. In this case, relatives will always be able to replace mommy, who turned out to be too busy.

Notification system

It can be in the form of a sound or visual (light) signal. Many baby monitors are equipped with a vibration signal. This is especially convenient if you feel like taking a nap or other family members, such as a second child, are resting nearby.

Which is better - video baby monitor or baby monitor?

Many are confused by the significant price difference between these devices. However, if you consider it important not only to hear, but also to see, despite the distance, what your child is doing, you should look for a video model that is suitable for the cost. Moreover, progress does not stand still - production is improving, goods are getting cheaper. And now a baby monitor is being put on store shelves, the price of which is much lower than a year or two ago. So, today you can find a device whose cost is a little more than 1500 rubles. This means that video baby monitors will gradually fall in price.

You can not only control your child, but also replenish your home video library with interesting videos from the baby's life. Moreover, they will be removed absolutely imperceptibly for him, so to speak, in “natural conditions”. Many parents purchase not one, but several cameras for this purpose, placing them in such a way that a multidimensional image is obtained.

The video baby monitor can, if necessary, turn off the sound, leaving only the image. If necessary, you can, on the contrary, remove the picture, leaving the sound. If there is silence in the children's room, the device will be in standby mode. When any sounds appear, the camera automatically turns on, starting the broadcast of the image and the sound itself to the parent unit.

Additional functions

Do not forget about some useful little things that will help make it easier for you to care for your beloved child. Many manufacturers equip baby monitors with additional features.

  1. A night light that turns on when the baby makes sounds and turns off when the baby is quiet.
  2. which turns on from any voice of the child. Often the baby falls silent when he hears the sounds of nature, which means that mom does not need to rush to the nursery.
  3. A night light projector that projects various images that are interesting to the child on the ceiling.
  4. A thermometer that allows you to monitor the temperature in the children's room.
  5. Clock, alarm clock, timer.

Keep in mind that all new "chips" will cost extra money. Keep this in mind when choosing the right model for you.

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