Mystery box. Mysterious box - Prishvin Mikhail Mikhailovich. Other retellings and reviews for the reader's diary

M. M. Prishvin is a writer who masterfully owns the word. He was excellent at creating completely different artistic images and interesting descriptions of nature. The story "The Mysterious Box", a summary of which is proposed in this article, is included in the cycle of works "Beasts". His writing was the result of Prishvin's trip to the northern forests.

M. M. Prishvin, "The Mysterious Box": a summary

The story is told on behalf of the author, who, under the guise of a narrator, told a story heard from an old hunter in the Siberian forests. This hunter in the past was a partisan who received an award for his service. So, what does the "Mystery Box" tell us about? The summary begins with a conversation between the narrator and an experienced hunter about how often wolves attack people and how scary it is for a person.

The hunter, smiling, says that for a man a wolf is like an ordinary dog. With due intelligence and courage, even an unarmed person can escape from a pack of these animals. The summary of the "Mystery Box" conveys the idea that this is the main difference between a dangerous Siberian predator and a vulnerable person.

The story of the hunt for wolves with a pig

In support of his words, the former partisan tells the story of how four hunters went to the steppe to hunt wolves. They took a pig with them in a large box without a lid to attract the attention of the animals. It is known that wolves are especially hungry in winter, so they will definitely react to the squeal of a pig. When they drove out into the field, they began to pinch the piglet so that it squealed louder and attracted hungry animals. A pack of wolves came to the sound. The hunters' horse got scared of the predators and ran away. A box with a piglet and one of the men fell from the sleigh.

miraculous rescue

Part of the flock went to pursue the horse, while the other dealt with the piglet. Deciding to eat a defenseless man, the wolves saw that he was gone, and instead of him a box turned upside down was moving through the snow. Animals were puzzled by this phenomenon.

After the box rushed to the snowdrift, the leader decided to check what was there. He crept closer and touched the box with his paw, tilting his muzzle to the crack. The hunter, who was sitting inside, did not lose his head and breathed on him. The wolf jumped back, and the whole pack rushed away from fear. His comrades returned for the hunter. So an unarmed man was saved from a whole flock of hungry predators.

human word

In Prishvin's story "The Mysterious Box", a brief summary of which is offered here, a human word is mentioned that the wolf hunter "blew" with. These are the words "You fools, wolves." The superiority of intelligence and the use of improvised means were able to rescue the hunter from a seemingly hopeless situation.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

mystery box

In Siberia, in an area where there are a lot of wolves, I asked a hunter who has a large award for the civil war:

- Do you have cases where wolves attack a person?

“There are,” he replied. - Yes, what of it? A man has a weapon, a man has strength, and what a wolf! Dog and nothing else.

- However, if this dog is yes on an unarmed person.

“That’s all right,” the partisan laughed. - A person's most powerful weapon is intelligence, resourcefulness, and, in particular, such resourcefulness as to make a weapon out of any thing. Once upon a time, one hunter turned a simple box into a weapon.

Partizan told a case from a very dangerous hunt for wolves with a piglet.

On a moonlit night, four hunters got into the sleigh and took with them a box with a piglet. The box was large, made of half-timber. They put a pig in this box without a lid and went to the steppe, where there are a great many wolves. And it was in winter, when the wolves were hungry. Here the hunters went into the field and began to pull the piglet by the ear, by the leg, by the tail. From this, the pig began to squeal: the more they pull, the more it squeals, and louder and louder, and all over the steppe.

Packs of wolves began to gather from all sides at this pig squeal and overtake the hunting sled. When the wolves approached, suddenly the horse sensed them, and how enough! So a box with a piglet flew out of the sleigh, and, worst of all, one hunter fell out without a gun and even without a hat.

Part of the wolves rushed off after the enraged horse, while the other part attacked the piglet, and in an instant there was nothing left of him. When these wolves, after eating a piglet, wanted to approach an unarmed man, they suddenly look, and this man has disappeared, and on the road only one box lies upside down.

So the wolves came to the box and they see that the box is not simple, the box is moving from the road to the side of the road and from the side of the road into deep snow. The wolves carefully followed the box, and as soon as this box fell into deep snow, before the eyes of the wolves, it began to lower and lower.

The wolves were timid, but after standing, they coped and surrounded the box from all sides. Wolves stand and think, and the box is lower and lower. The wolves come closer, but the box does not sleep: lower and lower. The wolves think: “What a miracle? So we will wait - the box will go completely under the snow.

The older wolf took the liberty of going up to the box and putting his nose to the crack.

And as soon as he put his wolf nose to this crack, he would blow on him from the crack! Immediately all the wolves rushed to the side, which one hit where. And then soon the hunters returned to help, and the man came out alive and healthy from the box.

"That's all," said the partisan. - And you say that you can't go out against the wolves unarmed. That's what a person's mind is for, so that he can make protection for himself out of everything.

“Excuse me,” I said, “you just told me that the man from under the box blew something.

- What did you blow? The partisan laughed. - And with his human word he blew, and they fled.

“What word did he know against wolves?”

“An ordinary word,” said the partisan. What words are spoken in such cases? "You fools, wolves," he said - and nothing more.

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In Siberia, in an area where there are a lot of wolves, I asked a hunter who has a large award for the civil war:

- Do you have cases where wolves attack a person?

“There are,” he replied. - Yes, what of it? A man has a weapon, a man has strength, and what a wolf! Dog and nothing else.

- However, if this dog is yes on an unarmed person.

“That’s all right,” the partisan laughed. - A person's most powerful weapon is intelligence, resourcefulness, and, in particular, such resourcefulness as to make a weapon out of any thing. Once upon a time, one hunter turned a simple box into a weapon.

Partizan told a case from a very dangerous hunt for wolves with a piglet.

On a moonlit night, four hunters got into the sleigh and took with them a box with a piglet. The box was large, made of half-timber. They put a pig in this box without a lid and went to the steppe, where there are a great many wolves. And it was in winter, when the wolves were hungry. Here the hunters went into the field and began to pull the piglet by the ear, by the leg, by the tail. From this, the pig began to squeal: the more they pull, the more it squeals, and louder and louder, and all over the steppe.

Packs of wolves began to gather from all sides at this pig squeal and overtake the hunting sled. When the wolves approached, suddenly the horse sensed them, and how enough! So a box with a piglet flew out of the sleigh, and, worst of all, one hunter fell out without a gun and even without a hat.

Part of the wolves rushed off after the enraged horse, while the other part attacked the piglet, and in an instant there was nothing left of him. When these wolves, after eating a piglet, wanted to approach an unarmed man, they suddenly look, and this man has disappeared, and on the road only one box lies upside down.

So the wolves came to the box and they see that the box is not simple, the box is moving from the road to the side of the road and from the side of the road into deep snow. The wolves carefully followed the box, and as soon as this box fell into deep snow, before the eyes of the wolves, it began to lower and lower.

The wolves were timid, but after standing, they coped and surrounded the box from all sides. Wolves stand and think, and the box is lower and lower. The wolves come closer, but the box does not sleep: lower and lower. The wolves think: “What a miracle? So we will wait - the box will go completely under the snow.

The older wolf took the liberty of going up to the box and putting his nose to the crack.

And as soon as he put his wolf nose to this crack, he would blow on him from the crack! Immediately all the wolves rushed to the side, which one hit where. And then soon the hunters returned to help, and the man came out alive and healthy from the box.

"That's all," said the partisan. - And you say that you can't go out against the wolves unarmed. That's what a person's mind is for, so that he can make protection for himself out of everything.

“Excuse me,” I said, “you just told me that the man from under the box blew something.

- What did you blow? The partisan laughed. - And with his human word he blew, and they fled.

“What word did he know against wolves?”

“An ordinary word,” said the partisan. What words are spoken in such cases? "You fools, wolves," he said - and nothing more.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

mystery box

In Siberia, in an area where there are a lot of wolves, I asked a hunter who has a large award for the civil war:

- Do you have cases where wolves attack a person?

“There are,” he replied. - Yes, what of it? A man has a weapon, a man has strength, and what a wolf! Dog and nothing else.

- However, if this dog is yes on an unarmed person.

“That’s all right,” the partisan laughed. - A person's most powerful weapon is intelligence, resourcefulness, and, in particular, such resourcefulness as to make a weapon out of any thing. Once upon a time, one hunter turned a simple box into a weapon.

Partizan told a case from a very dangerous hunt for wolves with a piglet.

On a moonlit night, four hunters got into the sleigh and took with them a box with a piglet. The box was large, made of half-timber. They put a pig in this box without a lid and went to the steppe, where there are a great many wolves. And it was in winter, when the wolves were hungry. Here the hunters went into the field and began to pull the piglet by the ear, by the leg, by the tail. From this, the pig began to squeal: the more they pull, the more it squeals, and louder and louder, and all over the steppe.

Packs of wolves began to gather from all sides at this pig squeal and overtake the hunting sled. When the wolves approached, suddenly the horse sensed them, and how enough! So a box with a piglet flew out of the sleigh, and, worst of all, one hunter fell out without a gun and even without a hat.

Part of the wolves rushed off after the enraged horse, while the other part attacked the piglet, and in an instant there was nothing left of him. When these wolves, after eating a piglet, wanted to approach an unarmed man, they suddenly look, and this man has disappeared, and on the road only one box lies upside down.

So the wolves came to the box and they see that the box is not simple, the box is moving from the road to the side of the road and from the side of the road into deep snow. The wolves carefully followed the box, and as soon as this box fell into deep snow, before the eyes of the wolves, it began to lower and lower.

The wolves were timid, but after standing, they coped and surrounded the box from all sides. Wolves stand and think, and the box is lower and lower. The wolves come closer, but the box does not sleep: lower and lower. The wolves think: “What a miracle? So we will wait - the box will go completely under the snow.

The older wolf took the liberty of going up to the box and putting his nose to the crack.

And as soon as he put his wolf nose to this crack, he would blow on him from the crack! Immediately all the wolves rushed to the side, which one hit where. And then soon the hunters returned to help, and the man came out alive and healthy from the box.

"That's all," said the partisan. - And you say that you can't go out against the wolves unarmed. That's what a person's mind is for, so that he can make protection for himself out of everything.

“Excuse me,” I said, “you just told me that the man from under the box blew something.

- What did you blow? The partisan laughed. - And with his human word he blew, and they fled.

“What word did he know against wolves?”

“An ordinary word,” said the partisan. What words are spoken in such cases? "You fools, wolves," he said - and nothing more.

In Siberia, in an area where there are a lot of wolves, I asked a hunter who has a large award for the civil war:
- Do you have cases where wolves attack a person?
“There are,” he replied. - Yes, what of it? A man has a weapon, a man has strength, and what a wolf! Dog and nothing else.
- However, if this dog is on an unarmed person ...
- And that's nothing! The partisan laughed. - A person's most powerful weapon is intelligence, resourcefulness, and especially such resourcefulness as to make a weapon out of any thing. Once upon a time, one hunter turned a simple box into a weapon.
Partizan told a case from a very dangerous hunt for wolves with a piglet. On a moonlit night, four hunters got into the sleigh and took with them a box with a piglet. The box was large, made of half-timber. They put a pig in this box without a lid and went to the steppe, where there are a great many wolves. And it was in winter, when the wolves were hungry. Here the hunters went into the field and began to pull the piglet by the ear, by the leg, by the tail. From this, the pig began to squeal: the more they pull, the more it squeals, and it gets louder and louder, and all over the steppe. Packs of wolves began to gather from all sides at this pig squeal and overtake the hunting sled. When the wolves approached, suddenly the horse sensed them - and how enough! So a box with a piglet flew out of the sleigh, and, worst of all, one hunter fell out without a gun and even without a hat.
Part of the wolves rushed off after the enraged horse, while the other part attacked the piglet, and in an instant there was nothing left of him. When these wolves, after eating a piglet, wanted to approach an unarmed man, they suddenly look, and this man has disappeared and on the road only one box lies upside down. So the wolves came to the box and see: the box is not simple - the box is moving from the road to the side of the road and from the side of the road into deep snow. The wolves carefully followed the box, and as soon as this box fell into deep snow, before the eyes of the wolves, it began to lower and lower.
The wolves were timid, but after standing, they recovered and surrounded the box from all sides. Wolves stand and think, and the box is lower and lower. The wolves come closer, but the box does not sleep: lower and lower. The wolves think: “What a miracle? So we will wait - the box will go completely under the snow.
The older wolf took the liberty of going up to the box, putting his nose to the crack...
And as soon as he put his wolf nose to this crack, he would blow on him from the crack! Immediately, all the wolves rushed to the side, which one hit where, and immediately the hunters returned to help, and the man came out alive and healthy from the box.
"That's all," said the partisan. - And you say that the unarmed cannot go against the wolves. That's what a person's mind is for, so that he can make protection for himself out of everything.
- Excuse me, - I said, - you just told me that the man from under the box blew something.
- What did you blow? The partisan laughed. - And with his human word he blew, and they fled.
- What was the word he knew against wolves?
"An ordinary word," said the partisan. - What words are spoken in such cases: "You fools, wolves," he said, - and nothing more.

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