Fingerprint entry to the office. We are designing a fingerprint entry. How to activate the protective function

Smartphones with fingerprint scanners are still quite rare on the market, however, this method of data protection is available to any device - as long as it has a camera. The Finger Print App Unlock application really knows how to do what developers used to play for Android users - it takes a photo of a fingerprint and sets biometric protection on the launch of any application.

How to work with Finger Print App Unlock:

1. Install the application from Google Play, launch it and allow it access to the system functions of the smartphone.

2. Click on the cell labeled Finger Roll, scroll through the tutorial slides, select the finger to be fingerprinted, and let the app take a few shots. Hold your finger about 10 cm away from the camera exactly where indicated on the screen and do not move it

3. Now you can start protecting applications. Click the Lock Apps cell and select apps that will only be signed in after you swipe your finger.

4. Try running any of the protected applications. If before it opens, the camera starts and requires you to scan your finger, protection has been set.

Finger Print App Unlock also allows you to protect access to any applications and games in more traditional ways - by entering a PIN code or graphic key. The application settings through which you can reset your fingerprints are also password protected.

Of course, it is unlikely that Finger Print App Unlock can compete in terms of protection with full-fledged fingerprint scanners (which are also). Surely the application can be deceived by simply slipping a photo of the desired finger under the camera, but the “attacker” will have to guess which one. It is hardly advisable to use this application for everyday smartphone protection, although in some cases it can still be useful - for example, to block access to some valuable application that you very rarely run.

The system protects against the penetration of unwanted persons at the entrance to the organization and individual premises. A biometric reader can be installed in addition to the already installed intercom so that the employees of the organization do not distract the secretary to open the door.

The advantages of the biometric identification method at the entrance are:

  • 100% protection against ID forgery and unauthorized entry
  • no spending on the purchase of cards, which can be significant for a large organization
  • unlike the card, which is lost and forgotten, the fingerprint is always with the employee
  • increasing the company's status in the eyes of visitors

System description

The development of biometric identification technologies has made it possible in recent years to significantly reduce the cost of such devices. The solution is based on a stand-alone biometric reader with an electric lock control function. The modern design of the reader harmoniously fits into any interior. IP65 protection protects against dust and moisture. The device can be washed with a damp cloth.

A nice bonus to the proposed fingerprint reader is the built-in card reader. It is possible to use contactless cards as an alternative identification option, as well as an additional one to a fingerprint - to enhance security. In this case, in order to pass, you need to put your finger and present the access card.

As a locking device, it is proposed to use an electromagnetic lock. It is reliable and inexpensive, but only suitable for doors that open inward. Exit from the room by pressing the exit button.

System operation

Fingerprints of employees are read by the device and entered into the autonomous memory of the biometric reader. Each user can be assigned up to 10 fingers, in which case they can place any finger to access the room. The biometric controller has an Ethernet port for connecting to local network. The reader is programmed either locally using a master card or remotely via LAN.

To pass, the user brings his finger to the reader, then an instant search is carried out in the database, and if there are access rights, the door opens.

To exit the room, you must use the button.

Attention! There is a prejudice against biometric identification that it is a repository of some personal data of employees. This is not true! The reader does not store an image of a print, but only a mathematical vector model of fiducial points. Those. it is not possible to restore the papillary pattern from this code in the reader's memory.

Modifications and additional features

It is possible to install an additional reader at the exit, to exclude the possibility of an employee leaving the premises without a card.

Installation of a video intercom for identification and access to the premises of visitors.

Complete the power supply with a rechargeable battery for uninterrupted operation of the system during a power outage.

Economical effect

Biometric identification will 100% protect you from unauthorized entry by intruders and reduce the risk of theft of employees' belongings and material assets of the enterprise. In addition to this, biometric technology allows savings on identifiers (for example, access cards).

How to set up a fingerprint reader for Windows login?

Windows 10 offers to get rid of the need to enter a password when logging into a computer.
Biometric authentication offers several methods:
- according to the parameters of the face,
- on the iris of the eye,
- by fingerprint.
In parallel, Microsoft is promoting its own version of the universal authentication service: "Passport".

By entering it only once, then the user will be able to enter, without additional effort, those applications and those websites that support it.
In the absence of biometric sensors in the computer, they will still offer a window for entering a password.
We will look at fingerprint authentication.

To do this, in Windows 10 there is Windows system Hello.

First you need to set up Windows Hello:
1. Press the "Start" button (with the Windows logo icon).
2. Next, select the items: "Settings" - "Accounts" - "Login Options".

1. If the login password is account was not set, then you need to set: "Password" - "Add".
2. Next, "PIN code" - "Add" - enter the code you have thought up twice - "OK".
It is necessary, since the mechanism is implemented on the basis of the "Passport" service.

Protection is activated.

Now in "Accounts" - "Login Options" - select "Windows Hello".

A Windows Hello window will open, welcoming you and asking you to personalize your device, making it unique and more secure with fingerprint authentication rather than password authentication.

Enter the previously set PIN code and press "Enter".

Now you need to scan your fingerprints.
In "Accounts" - "Login Options" - select "Fingerprint".

You will be prompted to scan.
You need to put your finger on the scanner.

For each finger, you need to do this operation eight times so that the results are as reliable as possible.
This is necessary in case any of the prints is damaged as a result of a cut and other actions.
Click "Close" to complete the Hello setup.

Setting up an account login Windows entry 10 completed.
Now that you've set it up, you'll be able to sign in with a quick swipe on your computer's fingerprint scanner.

In case the scan doesn't work, you can always use your account password to log in.
We also want to draw your attention to the fact that over time, Windows settings may change.

If your computer does not have a fingerprint scanner (dactyloscope), you can purchase a compact USB fingerprint scanner for PC, such as BIO-Key International's Bio-Key: SideSwipe Mini Fingerprint Reader, SideTouch Fingerprint Reader and EcoID Fingerprint Reader.

They connect to USB port and are miniature platforms with a fingerprint scanner.
The difference can only be in the scanning technique: swipe your finger across the site or just touch it.

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FinTech - financial services provided through modern technologies. These include online banking, mobile payments and transfers, e-wallets, contactless payments, investment management, financial accounting, etc.

What does the coming day have in store for us?

There are many directions in FinTech and there is room for expansion. However, most decisions in the field are united by common trends. Such as the transition to financial transactions without the personal presence of the client, an increase in the share of transactions by mobile devices, contactless payments, automation of financial services, virtual banking, the use of "artificial intelligence".

Trends in FinTech are close to global trends in software development, but adjusted for the conservatism of the financial industry.

Start over

The entrance to the application is the first impression of the user about the product and service. Often this module is underestimated. What can we, as designers, do to make the first experience comfortable and functional?

Speed ​​Matters

The regularity of entry into financial applications is high (several times a day). For security reasons, the user must log in again each time. Therefore, the process should be as simple and fast as possible. Fortunately, modern technologies have something to oppose to traditional tedious authorization using a password and login. Here are the top login methods you can use to improve your user experience, in order of speed and convenience:

Standard login and password

The most familiar and slowest method of logging into the application. Each time you log in, the user must enter a username and password. In addition to requiring user effort and time, this method also increases the likelihood of input errors. But even in such a situation, you can make life easier for the user. The option "need for inventions is cunning" - save the user's login. The next time you start the application, the login will be automatically inserted into the required field. Yes, you will have to enter a password, but even this will cut the login time in half.

One-time passwords and SMS parsing

A more humane method of entering the application. Instead of entering a long and complex password, the user logs in by entering a short numeric password received via SMS. Yes, you will have to enter a login, but four digits instead of a password is much faster and easier. This method becomes even better if you pick up (parse) the password from the incoming message automatically and substitute it in the input field.

Fingerprint scanning

The fastest and most convenient way to enter the application. With Fingerprint for Android and TouchID for Apple, sign-in time is reduced from one minute to seconds.

Not all devices are equipped with a fingerprint scanner, but their number on the market is constantly growing. Thus, according to the reports of manufacturers of fingerprint sensors, the market penetration of devices that are equipped with this technology was 20% in 2015, 40% in 2016 and is expected to exceed 50% in 2017.

In terms of platforms, the trend looks even more impressive. The share of iPhone models with a fingerprint scanner in the market in 2016 is more than 80%. So, you can hold on.

Designing a Fingerprint Login

Let's dwell on the design and implementation of an entrance to an application using a fingerprint scanner.

Fingerprints are stored in operating system device (be it iOS or Android) and not in the app itself. The application calls system functionality to check if the fingerprint matches what the user has added to the system settings.

It is necessary to think through all the scenarios that may arise in the process of using a fingerprint.

Let's go through them. 0 or 1?

First of all, you need to check if the user's device is equipped with a fingerprint scanner. If the answer is no, you should hide all buttons, icons and controls that are related to the mentioned functionality. In fact, there are two options for the interface:

As you can see in the picture on the right, if there is a scanner, a button with a “fingerprint” icon appears in the interface. The button is not active yet, because in order to create a special cryptographic key, the user, at the first login, must enter his login and password. However, the button was not hidden, but used to call an instruction if it was pressed. And the instructions may be different, depending on whether the user has added fingerprints to the system or not.

Actually, the fingerprint entry itself

So, the user logged in to the application for the first time using a username and password. What happens the next time you sign in to the app? To minimize the necessary steps, you can activate fingerprint scanning immediately upon opening the application. To enter, the user just needs to click on the application icon and, while it opens, put a finger on the scanner.

We leave the option to opt out of the quick login and log in in the traditional way or with another account. That's all the magic: fast, simple, convenient.

Not a single entrance

We figured out the entrance to the application. But how to make the login screen of the application useful for the user even before the moment of authorization?

Study the application carefully. Surely it contains regularly used services or information that can be shown to the user on the login screen. The ability to find the nearest ATM on the map, get acquainted with exchange rates or read important news without authorization - make the application useful even for an unauthorized user. And the activity in the application itself is growing.

Instead of an epilogue

There are many more ways to improve the first user experience that are not covered in this article. But I hope I have been able to provide food for thought on this topic and set the direction for research.

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