Laser head drive how to clean manually. How to clean a CD-ROM and DVD drive: preparation and cleaning rules. How to clean a focusing lens

To be able to overwrite data on a DVD, you must have a DVD burner (DVD+RW format) installed on your computer. In modern laptops and computers of the latest configuration, as a rule, such DVD-ROMs are already included in the equipment package.

There are two types of DVDs - rewritable (RW) and non-rewritable (R). In the first case, you can use the drive several times, deleting and writing new data to it again, in the second case, information can be written to the disk only once. In our case, we need a DVD RW. Before writing new information to a disk with data already on it, you must delete the old data (format the disk). This can be done with a special software, or by own means of the operating system installed on the computer.

How to delete information from a disc - DVD+RW or CD+RW

If your computer is running Windows XP or earlier versions of the operating Windows systems, then it is best to use special programs to format DVDs. For example, which is one of the most popular among PC users. It allows not only to clean the disk from old information, but also write new data to it. The program is especially popular, because in addition to stable operation, it also has a very convenient and intuitive interface.

You can download the Nero installation file for free on the Internet, and then install it on your PC by following the installer's instructions step by step. After that, it is best to restart the computer, then insert into the DVD drive desired disk and launch Nero Start Smart using the desktop shortcut.

In the main menu of the program window that opens, find the "Advanced" function, click on it with the mouse button. In response, a dialog box will open in which you need to click on "Erase DVD", thereby activating the "Program Wizard". The wizard will display prompts on the screen, using which you can clean the disk from unnecessary information. After the disk is successfully formatted, a notification will appear on the monitor screen.

Use Built-in Disk Cleanup Software

Operating Systems Windows Vista and Windows 7 have intuitive and stable built-in DVD formatting capabilities. After the system independently determines the disk installed in the drive, a dialog box will appear on the monitor screen in which you need to click on the “Burn files to disk” function. In the new window that opens, you need to select the name of the disk, then click on "Show formatting options" to set the options for future burning to the disk. If the new information will consist of files of the same type (for example, movies or music), then you need to select the Mastered option so that the disc can be read well by the equipment that plays these files in the future. To collect files on one disk various types it is better to choose LFS. After setting the desired parameter, click on the "Next" button. In response to this, the formatting process will automatically start, after which a corresponding message will appear on the monitor screen.

Useful video

Especially for you, we have prepared a video on how to clear data from a CD / DVD disc a:

If your dvd disc is not readable on a computer or dvd player, then most likely the electronic media just needs to be cleaned. There are several ways to remove traces of dirt that interfere with playback, all of which require extreme care.


  • To remove dust from a DVD disc, wipe it with a soft cloth made from natural materials. At the same time, direct your movement from the center of the disk to the edge along the radius, and not in the reverse order. It is not recommended to wipe the surface of the disc in a circle, since circular damage is much more difficult to get rid of.
  • Try to blow off dust from the surface of the electronic media using a special can, sold for this purpose in computer stores. Direct the jet of air from the can parallel to the surface of the disc and wait until there is no trace of dust left.
  • To remove fingerprints from the surface of a DVD disc or any other contamination, moisten a piece of soft cloth with ethyl or isopropyl alcohol, then wipe the electronic media dry with radial movements.
  • To clean a DVD disc more thoroughly, dampen its surface with water, lather your hands and gently lather the shiny side, then gently rinse with water and pat dry with a cloth that easily absorbs moisture, such as a soft terry towel. Do not dry the disc with a hair dryer, as this may damage it.
  • Use glass cleaner by applying it to a soft cloth and wiping the surface of the disc in the direction of the radius. Or dip the dvd media in such a solution and leave it in it for 5-7 minutes, and then wipe the disc dry with a piece of soft cloth made of natural material.
  • Please note that solvents such as acetone, gasoline, kerosene, and other mixtures that contain petroleum products are absolutely not suitable for cleaning discs. They can cloud the surface of a DVD disc, as a result of which the electronic media becomes unsuitable for further use. Only solvents based on alcohol should be used.
  • Tip added February 16, 2012 Tip 2: How to clean up a CD CDs are used, in particular, for long-term storage and transfer of computer files. The more actively CD-carriers are used, the more urgent the task of periodic cleaning of the surface becomes. To solve it, you can use as special sets industrial production, and improvised means. In addition, cleaning disks does not always mean their surface, sometimes it refers to their contents.


  • Purchase a special optical disc cleaning kit that includes the necessary items to clean the surface of CD/DVD media. As a rule, the package contains a bottle with a special liquid and a sponge or a set of disposable wipes. In addition to them, the set may also include a spray can, which allows, in the most direct sense of this expression, to “blow off dust particles” from the tracks of an optical disc. Moreover, the basis of some kits is automatic device, into which you need to fill the supplied consumables and place an optical disc, and the device itself will perform the cleaning procedure without your participation. The simplest of the kits contains a number of disposable wipes soaked in a special liquid.
  • Find a soft, lint-free cotton cloth if you can't get a special kit. Plain water can be used as a washing liquid. Glass cleaner is fine too.
  • If the kit is intended for manual cleaning of optical discs, do it with movements from the center to the edge - the likelihood of causing mechanical damage in a circular motion is much higher. After the procedure is completed, the CD must be dry. If you used special materials from the purchased kit, the liquid will evaporate from the surface by itself. Otherwise, wipe the disc with a dry cotton cloth in the same radial motion.
  • Use an optical disc burning application if it's not the surface of the CD that needs cleaning, but its contents. But first you should find out whether such an operation is possible in principle. A prerequisite is that your computer has a CD/DVD burner. In addition, the CD itself must be reusable. If the CD label contains the letter W, then this condition is also met. Another possible obstacle is that if during the previous recording of data to the disk it was “finalized” (the corresponding mark was set in the recording settings), then no changes to its contents are now possible.
  • With one of the latest versions operating systems (such as Windows 7 or Windows Vista), use its own components to clean up the disk directory. Load the CD into the reader, launch File Explorer and right-click on the optical drive icon. In the context menu, select the "Format" line and a window with disk cleanup settings will appear on the screen. It is not necessary to change anything in the default settings, click the "Start" button and the CD formatting process starts.
  • Sources
    • how to free cd
    How to Clean a CD - Printable Version

    Damaged DVD or CD drive in laptops is the most common flaw in devices that have worked for more than 2-3 years. Dust that will definitely settle on the focusing lens after many years of operation, for sure, if it does not lead to a complete failure of the drive, then it will make its operation less reliable and faster. The reason for the complete failure to receive or write information from a computer to an optical medium may lie in both hardware and software malfunctions of the system. Remember: the optical drive in laptops may refuse to read information from DVD discs for so many reasons.

    First, it is necessary to exclude by 100% the probability of a software failure in operating system. You can simply insert a disc into the drive that can be used as a bootable one. Either installation distribution with Windows, or some kind of service disk designed to work with a hard disk, as well as to treat viruses, banners, prepare the system for installing an operating system from scratch, etc. The main thing is to put in the BIOS that the DVD drive is the first to boot, i.e. from him, not from hard drive, you need to download. Probably, many who independently installed the operating system either from a disk or from a flash drive know what this is about. If such a disk is loaded quite successfully, then the problem should be looked for in the installed operating system, namely: in drivers, as well as in software products that can somehow change the system configuration of virtual and physical optical drives. Remove all dubious software for burning, copying DVD discs, and also check in the device manager whether your drive is correctly identified or not. Of course, it is almost impossible to describe all software malfunctions within the framework of one article, but you can give universal advice: do a system restore.

    Secondly, if the drive refused to accept boot disk, then most likely there is a hardware problem. Often the whole solution to the problem comes down to the fact that it is necessary to clean the focusing lens. Dust getting on this lens prevents the laser head beam from transmitting the signal reflected from the DVD disc normally. If at any stage of operation this led to read or write errors, then one “fine” day the drive may simply refuse to read a completely clean and new disk. The most correct way to solve such a problem is to clean the focusing lens.

    Now the so-called cleaning discs have become very widespread. The idea of ​​such discs is certainly good, but the technical execution is not always acceptable. Some samples can generally, instead of being useful, simply “finish off” the sensitive mechanisms and optics of the laser head. Also, improper use of cleaning disks can lead to the fact that the user himself will simply finally “finish off” the drive. Instructions for such discs are often written either in English or in Chinese, which makes understanding the principle of operation, purpose and use of such a disc simply inaccessible to a Russian-speaking person. The main mistake of users is the incorrect application of cleaning fluid. As a rule, it is necessary to apply it only to certain cleaning bumps, and very little, placing the disc at an angle of about 45 degrees relative to the horizon. An excessive amount of this liquid simply floods the laser head, making reading information virtually impossible.

    If we talk about Chinese cleaning discs from the category of 100-150 rubles, then their purchase will not be justified both from the practical and from the economic side. And if your problem is not in the lens, then this is money thrown to the wind. To protect the reputation of cleaning discs, we note that new non-contact cleaning discs have now begun to appear. Their main difference is that they work like wind turbines, that is, they blow through the laser head without direct contact. It is these cleaning discs that we recommend purchasing without fear of damaging the sensitive elements of the optical drive.

    How to clean a DVD drive without a cleaning disc

    Many master repairmen, although they themselves sometimes recommend the use of cleaning discs, but never use them. The cleaning disc is a solution for novice users and housewives. You can clean the drive much more professionally and better only when you take it out of the laptop and disassemble it. To disassemble the drive, you do not need any complex equipment and conditions. All you need is a table, a set of screwdrivers, a paperclip, a needle, a syringe, ear sticks, and isopropyl alcohol.

    How to remove a drive

    First, you need to turn off the laptop. Turn it face down, remove the battery.

    No matter how ridiculous and unreliable it may seem, the fact remains: on all modern laptops, all fastening of the drive to the laptop is done with the help of 1 screw. Take a thin Phillips screwdriver and remove it.

    Also this method you can take it into service when you urgently need to pull out the disk, but the electricity was turned off and the battery is low. After threading a needle or a paper clip into the technological hole, the drive will obediently open, and you can pull it out completely by pulling on the disc tray.

    How to disassemble a drive

    Turning the opened optical drive face down reveals the rear panel cover, which hides many important elements of the laser system.

    You remove the 4 retaining screws, and the cover will obediently be removed without the slightest effort on your part. After removing the cover of the rear panel of the laser drive, we have access to the back of the laser diode, as well as the optical system.

    Then you can put on the cover, and also tighten the 4 fixing screws.

    How to clean a focusing lens

    The lens is very sensitive to touch, so it is better not to touch it again with your hands or tools. For starters, you can try to limit yourself to purging from a can of compressed air.

    If this does not help, then we recommend using an ear stick previously moistened with 90% isopropyl alcohol to wipe the lens. The second dry and clean end of the stick must remove the remaining alcohol. Remember that it is simply unacceptable to use cologne, moonshine, vodka for these purposes. You will only do harm. Isopropyl alcohol evaporates quickly, is relatively non-toxic, and does not leave marks on glass and lenses, which is very important within the framework of the technical task. Then it is necessary to dry everything again from a can of compressed air. It remains only to assemble everything, insert the drive and screw in the mounting screw. Assembly is simple and intuitive.

    Finally, we note that in some cases, the breakdown still cannot be eliminated, since it can lie in a burned-out LED laser, in worn-out mechanics, in burned-out driver microcircuits, etc. Therefore, the last repair option is to completely replace the DVD drive.

    How to clean a DVD disc

    Computers are an integral part of our work, life and leisure. However, with this widespread use and distribution of computer technology, ordinary users have certain difficulties with its operation. Particularly when it comes to working with disks. How to clear a DVD disc from an existing recording so that you can produce new record not everyone can figure it out. And it's not as easy as it seems. To simplify this task as much as possible, it is better to use a special program. and how to do it literally in one click will tell and make a special application for burning CD, DVD and Blu Ray discs - "Disc Studio".
    How it works? Everything is elementary! Now you do not need to be a great professional in computer technology to complete this task. Actually, like a number of others, now the problem will not be the question of how to clean a DVD disc, or how to make a new recording on it - music or video.

    So, cleaning the media is a separate function in the program: select the desired drive with the disk and click the "Empty Disk" button. If necessary, you can now overwrite and clear again an infinite number of times.

    Even more - the program opens up a number of new possibilities: creating a beautiful design for your disk. For example, if you are compiling a home archive or preparing promotional materials for a presentation, handout. You can choose a disk image or use graphics. Everything that may be needed and everything that can come to mind is now easy, affordable and simple!

    An important nuance is that working with the Disk Studio program, which can be downloaded, helps to save all valuable data from loss or unintentional destruction.

    Disk Studio is good decision for those who want not only to simplify their communication with technology as much as possible, but also to “keep the mark” in everything. Order in your own archives and easy work will be provided.

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