New Russian computers: characteristics, details, explanations. Made in Russia, or Russian computer assemblers Computer equipment manufacturing company


T-Platforms is the largest Russian holding providing a full range of services in the field of high-performance computing: from expert calculations of any complexity to the creation of powerful supercomputer centers. The presence of its own unique developments and a high professional level allow the holding to implement technological solutions of any complexity and ensure the optimal price / performance ratio. The company has more than 100 successful complex projects.

DATE Technology


  • Development and implementation of complex solutions based on the conjugation of various information technologies.
  • Hardware and software systems for general and targeted use, supply, equipment configuration, software installation.
  • Network integration: design, installation, connection, testing, certification of IT networks, communication lines and SCS.
  • Service and technical support.
  • Consulting and expertise of IT projects and systems.

TIM Computers

Team Computers is a manufacturer of personal computers, servers and cluster systems. The main profile of Team Computers is the creation of complex turnkey solutions for automating the business of commercial and corporate clients.

Research Center for Electronic Computing (NICEVT)

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Whether or not this publication is included in the core of the RSCI. The RSCI core includes all articles published in journals indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection, Scopus or Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) databases."> Included in the RSCI ® core: No The number of citations of this publication from publications included in the RSCI core. The publication itself may not be included in the core of the RSCI. For collections of articles and books indexed in the RSCI at the level of individual chapters, the total number of citations of all articles (chapters) and the collection (book) as a whole is indicated.
The citation rate, normalized by journal, is calculated by dividing the number of citations received by a given article by the average number of citations received by articles of the same type in the same journal published in the same year. Shows how much the level of this article is higher or lower than the average level of articles of the journal in which it is published. Calculated if the journal has a complete set of issues for a given year in the RSCI. For articles of the current year, the indicator is not calculated."> Normal citation for the journal: Five-year impact factor of the journal in which the article was published for 2018. "> Impact factor of the journal in the RSCI: 0.085
The citation rate, normalized by subject area, is calculated by dividing the number of citations received by a given publication by the average number of citations received by publications of the same type in the same subject area published in the same year. Shows how much the level of this publication is above or below the average level of other publications in the same field of science. For publications of the current year, the indicator is not calculated."> Normal citation in the direction:

JSC "NICEVT" (Research Center for Electronic Computing) is one of the locomotives of Russian supercomputer technologies and the developer of the first Russian serial high-speed interconnect Angara. The competence of JSC "NICEVT" includes the development of computer systems, system and application software, information and analytical systems, research in the field of artificial intelligence and processing of large graphs. A young team of highly professional specialists of NICEVT JSC, having dozens of successful projects behind them, takes part in the revival of domestic supercomputer technologies and successfully solves the most complex problems.

Immers Company

Project developer and high performance computing service provider operating in the Russian market. Immers provides a full range of solutions, services and components for creating and maintaining computing clusters from a desktop supercomputer and compact solutions for workgroups to a data center. Solutions are offered both in the form of complete turnkey projects and in the form of a customer-defined set of components, including the supply of hardware and software components, as well as services for the design, commissioning and maintenance of parallel computing systems.

Conquest of Elbrus: processor in Russian

The news spread on the Internet that the first desktop computer with a Russian processor was released "Elbrus-4S"- and away we go: “You can play solitaire without closing your notebook for only 200,000 rubles, gee, and there are already keychain-sized computers for less than a hundred bucks, hehe…”

To read such news, it is necessary to constantly keep two postulates in mind: firstly, the vast majority of journalists have no idea about what they are writing about; secondly, the modern news feed format is exactly “Ahh, what a nightmare!”. Not to mention the fact that most of the media are liberal to one degree or another, and are always ready to try to curse Russia.

Well, let's face the facts, without rushing into either liberalism or jingoistic patriotism. What is so unobtrusively "forgotten"?

Firstly, this is a pilot production. Piece, practically intended for final testing. The cost of manual / laboratory production with industrial wholesale is in principle unacceptable to compare: “On May 5, the media reported that the Russian company MCST announced the start of sales of the first personal computers “ARM Elbrus-401” and servers “Elbrus-4.4” based on the Russian processor” Elbrus-4S”… so far only available for order Personal Computer"ARM Elbrus-401". The Elbrus-4.4 server will appear in the summer of 2015. "ARM Elbrus-401" from the first test batch will cost customers at a price of about 200 thousand rubles. However, by the end of the year, when the device is scheduled to go into mass production, its cost will “substantially decrease”…”

Secondly, most journalists and readers, to the extent of their underdevelopment, automatically believe that a computer is evaluated by how it pulls the graphics of the latest games, figuratively speaking. But we read: “Elbrus-401 was developed on the basis of the Elbrus-4C microprocessor and is intended for equipping automated workstations (AWS) of operators, organizing microservers and information terminals, using them in industrial automation and in systems with increased information security requirements.” This - not home computer, but industrial. Completely different requirements! Google the prices for industrial computers and their characteristics, be surprised if you have not been in the subject before. Three parameters are important for them: reliability, reliability and once again reliability, and gigahertz, gigabytes, bows on the side and newfangled connectors are quietly sacrificed on its altar. In this case, as a rule, real-time work is required - which is significantly different from "just fast work". Even that "little thing" that our processor does not require special cooling- is important.

Have you noticed that sales are announced only for legal entities? An ordinary user does not need such a computer - in fact, this is a test hardware for industrial programmers, it's just that "the same hardware" on the table is much more convenient than already installed in an industrial device. Over time, Elbrus (more precisely, its descendants) will begin to work in all strategically important places where the use of imported components is simply dangerous for security reasons.

Thirdly, handshake journalists performed the choral ode “Howl for Babayan”: they say, he created Elbrus, but in “this country” he was not appreciated, and he emigrated to Intel with all his super-genius developments. I won’t retell all the legends on this topic here, just check out the old F-center article about this one, you can honestly say scam. In their own words, there was a grand drank, a diversion into Intel development teams and deliberate work against Russia's reputation in the field of processor development, while Babayan's Elbrus and the one we are talking about today are simply "namesakes". At the same time, not only Babayan worked at the MCST, and this “not only Babayan” has now reached the level of production and practical application.

Fourth, performance. Again, if the reader is in any way interested in the topic of performance, then he should remember how Intel And AMD competed to see who wins which test - including writing new ones that used new features of the models, but were not used by software developers for a long time. And here they are fundamentally different architectures, and comparing performance head-on is simply incorrect. Here is a short video on the topic with explanations:

Yes, by the time it was released in 1991, MC 1504 was completely outdated.

However, here we must not forget that there was a backlog in microelectronics - and here it actually began to decrease. By Gorbachev’s “perestroika”, the USSR generally had a very large economic and technological backlog: the economy was slowly growing in general, in terms of space we were ahead of everyone, and it was possible to earn very little money on this, there were unique developments in other areas - from accelerators to ekranoplanes, and in the computer plan they were pulled up to the world level. Moreover, both in terms of defense and the international situation, everything was stable. Inside the country, it was already possible to engage in light industry at the required level, freeing up part of the resources. In other words, by the end of the 20th century, the Soviet Union would have made a "transition from quantity to quality" in the field of high technology, and in terms of everyday life it would have solved the problem of "jeans and chewing gum." After that, the "front showcase of capitalism" would have been blown away by itself.

More detailed and a variety of information about the events taking place in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of our beautiful planet, can be obtained on Internet conferences, constantly held on the website "Keys of Knowledge". All Conferences are open and completely free. We invite all waking up and interested ...

Reliable operation, high performance, long service life, warranty service, certified production and indulgent pricing policy are the main aspects of Godwin company that underlie the production of computers and servers. Like any production, the manufacture of PCs and servers goes through several technological stages. But now about everything in order.

1. Assembly.

During the assembly of any PC or server, several sequential operations are performed. All of them are aimed at combining individual structural components into one working equipment.

The assembly process includes the following operations:

Mounting the motherboard in a PC or server case. If a ready-made platform is used, then this item is skipped;

Installing the processor in the appropriate motherboard slot and mounting the cooling system;

Installation random access memory in accordance with the distribution of channels;

Installation of discrete controllers (RAID, Lan, etc.), focused on a wide range of tasks;

Installation of optical drives, hard drives and / or solid state drives;

Connection of all parts using switching loops, power cables, after which the same cables and loops are optimally laid inside the PC or server case. This is necessary to ensure the optimal operation of the coolers (cooling system), as well as to limit the free movement of wires inside the case.

2. Marking.

Marking a PC or server from Godwin is the application of special stickers called stickers to the outer parts of the case or internal components. Each sticker is useful in that it contains useful information about each part of the device separately and about the entire product as a whole. In addition, labeling includes elements of product branding. What can you learn by looking at the sticker? The sticker will provide the following information:

Serial number of the device, its model, information about the company;

Godwin company logo;

Certificate of Authenticity of an OS that is installed in advance on a PC or


Stickers on the server may contain information about motherboard, scheme

Memory allocations, rear panel port assignments.

3. Firmware update to the latest existing official versions

. The update process itself is implemented using external drives (USB Flash-Drive), and the update is carried out to the current current version. Firmware of which components of Godwin PCs, servers or workstations must be updated:

Motherboard, namely:

- Basic Input/Output System better known as BIOS;

Baseboard Management Controller - BMC;

management engine;

Sensor Data Repository.

Discrete RAID controllers;

The backplane of a server chassis, the main purpose of which is to connect external drives;

Expander - known as a port expander connection of rigid disks with SAS interface.

4. Configure device system settings

. Setting the system parameters of computers or a server from Godwin should be understood as the process of checking for the presence and installation of all the necessary BIOS system settings.

5. Setting up and initializing the disk subsystem.

Work on setting up and initializing the server and PC takes place in three stages:

Generation of necessary volumes for RAID arrays;

The process of initializing disks that are part of Raid arrays. This is done to mark volumes and check disks before directly installing the OS;

Work on checking the integrity of data nodes.

6. Installing OS and other software on a server or computer. This is one of the most important points of work on the manufacture of a working device. In addition, our team will provide free installation and setting operating system with the simultaneous purchase of hardware and Microsoft OS. Configuration and installation of additional components is carried out in agreement with the customer. The installation itself takes place by uploading an OS image to the customer's server via local network in production. This allows you to significantly reduce the time spent on installation in the classical way. It also makes it possible to test network adapters devices.

7. Full set installation current versions drivers for integrated hardware and software.

After the successful installation of the OS, which the customer purchases with the device, installation work is carried out latest versions drivers for the integrated hardware of the Godwin computer. Work begins on installing drivers in automatic mode immediately after the download of the operating system image to the computer/server is completed.

After that, the software installation program is launched to conduct tests on the main components of the server (computer). Usually, software includes:

Stress test of system unit/server components;

Programs for viewing the state of the structural components of the server during testing;

RAID web-console, designed to monitor the status of RAID arrays.

8. Special heat chamber stress testing for PCs and servers

. After the testing programs have been installed and configured on the drive, each Godwin device undergoes extensive stress testing. The main task of the test is to check the performance of equipment subsystems at maximum load and during specified ambient temperatures. The main stages of the stress test:

Installing a server or PC in a thermal chamber, where the temperature is maintained in the range from 25 to 30 °C;

Activation of the maximum possible number of network connectors and power connectors;

Launching an external control console for test software installed on a computer/server;

Monitoring the performance parameters of the device and its components over a long period of time. Computers are tested for up to 2 days, loads on an entry-level and business-class server last exactly 48 hours, and complex configuration servers are tested for more than 2 days.

9. Checking stress test results, uninstalling software for testing

. After successful testing (in the absence of software or hardware failures in the process), all test applications are completely removed from the computers. If during testing defects were noticed, then they are eliminated by replacing faulty components, and the testing process starts again.

10. Inspection by Godwin Product Inspection Department.

Without exception, all equipment that has successfully passed stress testing is transferred to the Quality Control Department after software removal. The technical control department checks the correct assembly and configuration of the system unit or server in accordance with the established internal requirements for workmanship and functionality.

OTC specialists work, as a rule, in two stages:

Visual quality control;

Monitoring the overall performance of the device.

If QCD employees find inconsistencies in Godwin equipment, then these defects are immediately eliminated by assembly engineers, after which the device undergoes a regular series of tests and another control in the technical control department.

11. "Sealing" the image of the operating system purchased with the server.

After successful completion of device health monitoring, a process is called "sealing" of the operating system, which is purchased with the server. This procedure is designed to remove data from the operating system that contains information with unique security identifiers and information in the event log.

12. Complete set and packing.

Upon completion of all stages of testing and verification, Godwin devices are equipped with relevant documentation and all necessary accessories. After the Godwin server/computer is completed, it is packed in an antistatic bag and placed in a box with damping filler or foam stiffeners.

Next, the box is sealed with adhesive tape, and a special branded logo label is applied to the packed server/computer, which contains the serial number of the device, information about the manufacturer, model, and a brief configuration of the equipment. At the end of all stages, the device is sent to the finished product warehouse.

13. Transfer of equipment to the delivery service.

The complete and ready to use Godwin PC/Server is transferred from the product warehouse to the goods delivery service for further transportation to the customer's organization or shipment to the end customer.

To make working with customers more convenient, delivery service employees carry out additional labeling of boxes with devices. This sticker indicates the batch, order number, date of loading, full name of the forwarder, head of the expedition service and contact phone number.

Freight forwarders ensure the delicate delivery of the device or set of equipment to the customer's office or other previously agreed place.

For more than 20 years we have been developing and assembling industrial computers and servers under the iROBO brand. Computers manufactured by IPC2U have long established themselves as a reliable industrial solution with a favorable price-quality ratio. Designed and assembled in Russia, iROBO industrial computers are successfully used in various areas of industry and production as devices for collecting, processing and storing information.

A number of principles have helped us to achieve success in this area, which we are guided by to this day:

High quality components

We cooperate only with reliable foreign partners who supply us with high quality components for the production of industrial computers of the iROBO line.

Own design department

We have our own design department and are ready to offer you services for the development and assembly of unique configurations of computers and servers in accordance with your requirements.

Equipment certification

Our computers are exclusively of domestic assembly and have a certificate of conformity of the Customs Union, which is especially important against the backdrop of intensively developing import substitution programs.

Own assembly line

Own assembly line with qualified personnel allows us to produce really reliable computers with high build quality.

100% quality control

All components entering production undergo 100% incoming quality control, carried out by the technical control department (OTC).

Well-established production process

Thanks to a streamlined production process, the assembly of standard "stock" iROBO models is carried out in just 2-3 days, taking into account the time spent on the full testing cycle.

High assembly culture

Particular attention is paid to the culture of assembly. All connecting wires, cables and loops are neatly laid and fixed to avoid accidental contact with the rotating elements of the case.

Attention to detail

When assembling iROBO computers, we only use fixed-torque electric screwdrivers to avoid accidental thread stripping or overstretching of the processor board.

Finished product testing

Assembled industrial computers undergo mandatory testing in a thermal chamber at maximum load for 24 hours, as well as testing of all I / O ports and expansion slots. Optionally, testing in a climatic chamber for an extended temperature range from -40 to +75 and high humidity is possible.

Documentation in Russian

Each iROBO computer is completed with a passport in Russian, which contains specifications, operating conditions, warranties and maintenance.

We carefully accumulate and increase our experience in the field of production and development of industrial computers, striving for excellence in this area in order to always meet the highest requirements of our customers and customers.

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