How to send photos and videos to the seller on aliexpress. How to save a picture from Aliexpress. How can I download pictures and photos of products from Aliexpress How to download photos from Aliexpress

To send photos and videos to the seller on Aliexpress it is important to know how to write a message, as well as some subtleties in the functionality of an online store. Attaching media files to a conversation can make it easier to communicate with a store representative.

In the dialogue between the buyer and the seller, videos and photos may be needed when it is necessary to demonstrate the size of clothes, product mismatch with the description, or product defects that appeared as a result of inaccurate delivery.

You can send a photo to the seller on Aliexpress in a personal message using a special form for writing a letter. On the site it is called “Leave a comment for the seller” and allows you to write a message from 0 to 3000 characters.

In addition, the buyer can attach 1 image, which has one of the following formats - JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP and takes no more than 5 MB.

To open the form for writing a message to the seller, open the section "My orders" and above the necessary order, you need to click the button "message to seller".

Go down the page that opens, where the “Leave a comment for the seller” form will be located.

In the mobile application, you also need to open the tab "My orders" and select the desired order by clicking on the product image area and its name. Now it remains to find the button "Order Messages" and click on it.

In the Aliexpress mobile application, the seller can send up to 5 photos in a message.

Unfortunately, sending a video to the seller on Aliexpress using the above instructions will not work. But there are still ways to send the video file to the seller.

Sometimes Aliexpress users need to save a photo of a product of interest. Despite the apparent simplicity, this task is not as primitive as it seems at first glance. For example, let's try to save a photo of any product. To get started, go to the site and open the product description page. If we try to right-click on the picture, we will see that it is inactive. That is, access to download images is closed by the site administration. This prohibition was provided to prevent content theft.

The ban on saving pictures from Aliexpress can be bypassed in several ways. Let's consider them in detail.

Method 1 - disable JavaScript

This method is to disable JavaScript. This setting is different for each browser. If you use Google Chrome, Mail.Ru or Yandex Browser, enter in the address bar: chrome://settings/content#javascript. The following window will open in front of you.

Next, check the "Disable JavaScript execution on all sites" checkbox. Click Done. After changing the settings, try refreshing the product description page. Now you can save photos normally using the right mouse button.

After you have saved all the images you want, restore the original settings by selecting "Allow all sites to use JavaScript" → "Done".

Disabling JavaScript in the Opera browser is a little different. Enter opera://settings in the address bar. In the main settings menu, select "Sites". Then, the position "Forbid executing JavaScript". After completing this step, your settings will be automatically saved.

To enable the ability to save pictures from Aliexpress in the Mozilla Firefox browser, enter the following in the address bar: about:config. A warning will appear in front of you.

Promise that you will be careful by clicking the appropriate button, after which you will have access to the settings directory. Type javascript.enabled in the directory search bar.

Click 2 times on the inscription javascript.enabled. After that, the setting value will be changed to False (True – enabled, False – disabled). Then proceed according to the previous scheme - updating the product page, saving the photo, restoring the original settings.

Method 2 - hauling

The second way is the simplest. Left-click on the photo and, while holding it, drag the image to the address bar of the browser. When you release the mouse button, the photo will open in a new tab. Now you can save the photo through the context menu by right-clicking on the picture.

In the same way, you can drag the picture to the desktop or to a folder.

Method 3 - view the source code

This method will be clear to more advanced users. You can view the source code of the page (source text) by clicking the appropriate option in the browser menu. It is much easier to view the source code of a page by right-clicking on an empty area of ​​the page and selecting the appropriate option. After the actions taken, a window with the HTML source code will open in front of you. It looks like this.

Method 4 - cut out the picture

In order to cut the desired area of ​​the screen, you can use the "Scissors" tool. This tool allows you to take a screenshot of any desktop element, image or section of a website.

So, go to the "Start" menu → "Programs" → "Accessories" → "Scissors".

Click "Create" and select the form we need. Next, move the cursor around the area you want to record.

Method 5 - using the mobile version of Aliexpress

The secret of this method is to visit. The fact is that in this version all pictures are available for download, and the right mouse button always works. To view pictures in the mobile version of Aliexpress, you need to click on the product you are interested in, then click "Description" at the bottom of the page. After that, all large pictures of the product will be displayed, which can be easily saved on your computer.

Here you can also consider the option of manipulating links. One and the same product can have three types of links. If at the beginning of the address www is replaced by the letter m, then you will automatically go to the mobile version of the page of the same product, where you can easily download the picture.

Method 6 -PprintSscreen (screenshot)

At the moment when you have a picture on the screen that you want to save, click the "PrintScreen" button (it is located in the upper right corner of the keyboard). Then, open any graphic editor (Windows has a standard Paint image editor) and paste the image from the clipboard by pressing the key combination Ctrl + V. The resulting image will have to be processed.

Method 7 - Selective Screenshot

Today, there are many free programs for creating screenshots, most of which allow you to select a specific area of ​​​​the screen for photographing. That is, you download the application, launch it, create an account, select a certain picture, and, with a combination of certain keys, it will be clearly copied.

Personally, I use method number one, which I will now describe. There is a social network, on this network you can save a picture from a computer or from any site, we will use this.

First you need to register in this social network, if you still do not have an account there. By the way, this is one of the HUGE social networks in the world, and you can successfully advertise your sites, pictures, whatever. So in any case, this social network will come in handy for you.

How to copy a picture from aliexpress using pinterest?

For the experiment, let's take this smartphone and try to copy his photo from the page.

How to download a picture from aliexpress? The simplest thing is to use the site itself. We create a board, such a window appears - ADD PIN:

A window appears, PIN SOURCE - select FROM THE INTERNET. Copy the link of the aliexpress page from which we want to pull the picture:

Next, click on any image with the cursor. A window pops up, where we are offered to save the picture on one of our boards. But you can not save anything, just move the cursor over the picture and press the right mouse button, select the item SAVE PICTURE AS and save it to your computer.

Well, that's it, the picture is saved. I wrote for a long time, but in practice everything is done in 10 seconds.

Another good idea: register in the affiliate network aliexpress, create Pinterest boards with different products, and insert affiliate links under each photo. So you can start and at the same time it’s not bad at all with due diligence and ingenuity.

This question often arises from people, so I decided to answer it separately. The method that I just described is just right for saving pictures in a large format. But you need to take into account that on one page, as it was seen in the photo earlier, there are many pictures, some in a large format, others in a small one.

I specifically saved a large photo from this page and took a screenshot of the desktop so that you can see that I managed to save a BIG PHOTO! My screen resolution is FULL HD:

But the story does not end there, because now I will tell you how to save a picture from aliexpress in the same way, but with less gestures. To do this, we need to install in the browser Chrome extension from Pinterest.

Now we do not need to go to the site, we just need to click on the Pinterest button in the browser and we will have a window from which we can save the photo to our hard drive. I don't know if this extension is available for other browsers, so I put this method at the end.

How else can I copy a picture from aliexpress?

There are simpler, but less reliable and high-quality methods. The first of them is just to take a screenshot of the screen, any of the convenient programs. On another site, in an article, how to take a screenshot, I have described a good program for this.

Although this method is simpler, the pictures are also of lower quality, and it will not work to save the photo in a large format.

Second way is to switch to the mobile version of the site, where pictures can be downloaded to a computer in the usual way. How to do it?


We need to replace the RU at the beginning with M, so it looks like this:

Now we will see the mobile version of the aliexpress website and we can safely copy the desired photo.

But the minus of the method is that it will not be possible to save large-sized pictures, only medium ones, since they are adapted for tablets and smartphones. But most of the time, you don't need more.

How to extract photo from source code?

Since the first method ordered a long life, and the second is not always convenient, I will tell you about another way to save photos from aliexpress. To do this, we need the Google Chrome browser (may work in others, I use this one)

Open the aliexpress website and press the F12 button on the keyboard. You will see the following additional window:

Click on the button with an arrow in the upper left corner and move the mouse pointer over the desired image. You will see a link to the picture in the window, select it with a double click and press Ctrl + C. As a result, we will copy the following link:


Let's clean up everything unnecessary (more garbage may be copied) so that it looks like this:

Now we insert this address into the address bar of the browser and press ENTER! That's all, now you can safely copy the picture ....

If you know more ways to copy photos from aliexpress, then it will be interesting to learn about them ...


Everyone likes to buy goods on Aliexpress, but in some situations you want to consult or consult with relatives, friends or acquaintances. Naturally, you need to save pictures on your wall in social networks. The difficulty lies in the fact that not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance.

The problem is that on the Aliexpress resource, the functionality of the right mouse button is automatically leveled and there is simply no way to download any picture. This is done for the sole purpose of eliminating the facts of the theft of graphic materials and their subsequent distribution over the Internet. As such, there is no problem - you can send a link to a product to a loved one, but how to proceed if you are a reseller and you need to submit pictures of goods from Aliexpress on your own website.

However, what is created by a human hand can be destroyed by the same human hand. The same is true with the issue of saving photos. There is no need to install anything here. Banal sleight of hand will be enough.

There are several methods by which you can save images from Aliexpress. The most popular way today is to simply disable javascript for the site in the browser, and after saving them, enable it again.

  1. Let's take a closer look at the method of disabling JavaScript, taking into account the features of the browser itself. This is carried out in several stages. If we are talking about Google Chrome / Yandex.Browser / Mail.Ru browsers, just enter in the search line - chrome://settings/content#javascript, and then check the box next to the inscription "prohibit JavaScript on sites", then it will be enough to click on the "Done" button. Then you need to refresh the page. The functionality of saving pictures will be available. After copying all the images, you need to enable Javascript in the same way.

To activate the ability to save images in Mozilla / Firefox, enter the following command in the browser line - about:config. A warning window will appear - be extremely careful. It remains just to press the only button - "I promise that I will be careful!". A menu will open with various settings. In the search menu, enter - javascript.enabled, and then click on the corresponding item, and the "Value" field will be displayed. If the value becomes True, then this means that the script is enabled. To disable - you must set the value to False.

In short, Google is here to help you.

  1. An equally effective way is to click on the image with the mouse button, and then, without releasing it, drag the image to the address bar, after which you can release it. It should be noted that recently this method has ceased to work. Aliexpress administrators successfully fixed this bug.
  2. Method for advanced users. Right-click and select View Source. The corresponding item will open even if you click on a completely white area with the cursor.

A window will open (often a separate one or at the bottom of the screen), in which you will need to find a link to the image for the product. In the vast majority of cases, the pictures are of sufficient quality and large.

  1. A large number of specialized programs are presented on the Internet, the main task of which is to create high-quality screenshots from the images that are presented on the screen. The service has also proven itself well. The main advantage of such applications is that they allow you to take pictures not only of the entire screen, but also of its individual sections, zones. You can easily select any picture you like and fix it.
  2. Another effective way. Go to the Start menu - Accessories - Scissors. After that, you can cut out absolutely any area on the screen, even a picture from Aliexpress.
  3. Another simple method has proven itself superbly - we switch to the mobile version of the popular trading platform - In this version of the resource there are absolutely no restrictions and you can save any images. To view the available pictures in the mobile version of the site, click on the product you like, and then at the bottom of the page click on the "Description" menu. After that, large images will open, which can be saved to your computer without any problems.

You can also resort to the option of manipulating links. The main possibility here is implemented on the basis that the same product in the system can be implemented as 3 different links. It is enough to replace the first www with the English "m", then access to the mobile version of the resource will open. As a result, the link to the product will be presented in two versions:

  1. One of the most hemorrhoids way: click on the button "Prt sc" (Print Screen) - located in the upper right side of the keyboard. After that, you need to open any graphic editor and copy the screenshot into it. All that remains is to cut out the area that interests you.
  2. The method has also proved to be excellent, the essence of which is to install a specialized extension for popular browsers. The right button at the same time on Aliexpress will work.

Google Chrome/Yandex.Browser: Opera browser: Mozilla browser and others

You can remove absolutely any restrictions from the site. In fact, pictures can not only be saved, but also copied. Even selecting text with the mouse will be available. Take pictures and enjoy!

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