A common type of fraud with parcels and delivery service (3 photos). A common type of fraud with parcels and delivery service (3 photos) Is it possible to catch virtual dating scammers

Someone on dating sites has a good time, someone is looking for a husband, and someone is deceiving gullible users. By manipulating feelings, scammers easily use one of the proven schemes to get rich. Most often, scammers on dating sites, for example, on Mamba, Photo Country are quite harmless and quickly disappear as soon as they realize that they have been exposed. The most common methods of deception have been worked out for years, and it is not difficult to recognize them.

Scammers on dating sites: we offer you to study the most popular schemes of scammers and find out what to do if you fall into the hands of a scammer.

How scammers work on dating sites

How do scammers operate on dating sites? As a rule, women who dream of starting relationships with foreigners become victims of scammers on dating sites.

The first letters of scammers are very different from all the others: they are polite and detailed. They will tell you in detail about their hobbies and work, hint about financial well-being, and make some pleasant, but not vulgar compliments. Then you will be showered with confessions of feelings and will soon be offered to transfer communication from the site to e-mail.

You should be concerned if:

  • immediately after meeting you are offered to leave the dating site in order to continue communication using Email or social networks;
  • does not write new stories, does not talk about how the day went, and the like;
  • immediately after meeting, the interlocutor confesses his love;
  • a foreigner does not answer your questions, writes lengthy letters with an abundance of compliments and confessions of his feelings.

Important! Sometimes deceivers correspond with several victims at the same time. As a rule, they use the same templates without even bothering to read the victim's letter.

Popular fraud schemes and methods of extortion on dating sites

Consider several fraudulent schemes on dating sites.

Money swindling

This is the simplest deception. There is enough interest shown on the part of users of the dating site. Moreover, scammers can “process” the victim for a long time until the desired result is obtained.

Often the gigolo tries to evoke a feeling of pity. He writes that he wants to meet and introduces himself as a single man who loves to travel or spend time on business trips.

If the deceiver feels your pity for him, he may ask for money in a direct form or somehow hint about it. As a rule, this is expressed in a request to cash a check, send a bank transfer, send a parcel, etc.

Scheme with a "gift"

Fraudsters can use other fraudulent schemes. This option, in principle, does not differ from the previous one, but in this case, scammers lure money not directly, but indirectly.

Often a "gift" scheme is used. Women are the victims in this situation. The scammer appears to be a wealthy foreigner or Russian contract worker in Europe. Users begin to correspond, while the seducer constantly makes compliments and "sincerely" rejoices at any message.

When communicating, the scammer finds out the address of residence, usually explaining that he wants to send his lady an expensive gift in the form of a necklace or watch, smartphone or tablet. Further, the deceiver reports that the present has been sent, you only need to pay customs duty. Usually, the scammer provides payment details in the same message. Most often, the victim is asked to transfer funds through a qiwi wallet, which is common among scammers.

Important! In no case do not transfer money to your online acquaintances, even if you are sure that they are not engaged in fraud. Do not share your personal data with anyone and open links only through a search engine.

Joint trip

The scammer offers his new acquaintance to spend time on a luxury liner or just come to visit. You will only be asked to purchase tickets at a discount. In this scheme, the scammer uses fake sites. They are similar to the real ones, but they are considered phishing, where they get your data and extort money.

Important! Women who are deceived by scammers willingly provide their personal data. The network is full of photos and profiles of crooks.


The next group of scammers operate in a different way. Fascinated by the romance of communication and flirting, the woman transmits intimate photos at the request of the scammer. At the same time, communication often moves from a web resource to social networks.

Through certain time the victim of the scam is contacted by a stranger who links to a site that hosts screenshots of the conversation with intimate photos. Further conditions will follow on the provision of a certain amount for the removal of compromising data.

Often deceivers use a different scheme. They learn from the victim the details of his personal life and they are primarily interested in those who have a family, but are looking for relationships on the side. After the extortionists have obtained intimate photos or explicit correspondence, they threaten the person to send screenshots to their spouse.

As a rule, those who are frightened by extortionists, especially married ladies, prefer to transfer money to deceivers, and are immediately subjected to constant blackmail in the form of regular extortion of money.

What to do if you fall into the hands of scammers on a dating site

How to protect yourself from foreign and Russian scammers on dating sites?

  1. Be careful and don't lose your vigilance.
  2. Check the information in Google about a new acquaintance, for this, enter in search string name and photo. You can check the photo through the anti-plagiarism program. Often scammers use pictures of people that are posted online.
  3. Pay attention to errors in the letter, especially if a new acquaintance pretends to be a foreign citizen. Russian men often write that they are foreigners, although in fact they are our compatriots.
  4. Never send intimate photos to a stranger, so as not to become a victim of blackmail.
  5. Do not transfer money, do not give your address, bank account and card details, and passports.
  6. Do not respond to emotional messages: a child is ill, you need money for medicine, help a refugee.
  7. Do not send money, even if the person has passed all the checks.
  8. Check your passport.


You can fight these scammers. If you are blackmailed, such actions fall under Article 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and are called “Extortion”.

If you voluntarily send money, the crooks are harder to deal with. Blackmail using personal information is a criminal offense. Mention this to scammers, it often works.

To get the most detailed advice on the issue of fraud on a dating site, you just need to use the online chat, fill out the form feedback or call us.

Ekaterina Fadeeva

How scammers work on dating sites

As a rule, users of dating sites who dream of marrying a foreigner become victims of scammers.

The first letters of scammers are very different from all the others: they are polite and detailed. They will tell you in detail about their hobbies and work, hint about financial well-being, and make some pleasant, but not vulgar compliments. Then you will be showered with confessions of feelings and will soon be offered to transfer communication from the site to e-mail.

You should be concerned if:

  1. The interlocutor does not address you by name, calls you a bunny, a cat and other diminutive words, as well as English-language counterparts, if he pretends to be a foreigner.
  2. The new acquaintance immediately insists on leaving the dating site and continuing to communicate via e-mail or social networks.
  3. He does not write new stories, does not talk about how his day went, and the like.
  4. Immediately after meeting, the swindler confesses his love.
  5. The swindler does not answer your questions, writes lengthy letters with an abundance of compliments and confessions of his feelings.

Remember: sometimes scammers correspond with several victims at the same time. As a rule, they use the same templates without even bothering to read the victim's letter.

The main task of a scammer is to convince you of his sincerity. A scammer is willing to spend weeks, and sometimes even months, communicating with you. He will not ask you for money until he realizes that you are in love with him. And only after that, he will come up with a false situation or problem and present it in such a way that you immediately want to help him.

The most popular scams on dating sites

Expensive gift

After several weeks of dating and a stormy correspondence with love confessions, a potential groom sends an expensive gift to the victim: a phone, laptop or jewelry. Then the man “accidentally” forgets to pay for the delivery, as a result of which the present cannot reach the addressee, and invites the lady to bear these costs. Who would refuse to pay a couple of hundred dollars for an expensive laptop, given that the man promises to return this money upon meeting?

The victim receives an invoice by mail or SMS with a link to the courier service website, but after sending the required amount, the scammer disappears along with a non-existent gift.

Despite the fact that the effectiveness of this method has decreased recently, an expensive gift remains one of the fastest and most popular ways to deceive a dating site user. In addition, it has recently been improved: now, as a gift, the groom can send a bouquet of flowers or a souvenir, and also promise that he has invested money in the package to cover unforeseen expenses. The amount for the delivery of such a package, respectively, is small, so people do not suspect anything.

air ticket

If in the course of your relationship the idea of ​​​​a joint vacation appears, then sooner or later the question will arise about. As a rule, the groom comes up with various excuses, such as a blocked account or the absence of an ATM nearby, in order to force the woman to pay not only for her flight, but also for him. At a meeting, of course, he will immediately give all the money, and even with interest.

As a help in organizing the trip, the groom sends a link to the airline's website to buy a ticket, but, unfortunately, the resource turns out to be phishing. The money for the tickets will go to the scammer's account, and the victim will not see the tickets or the groom.

Don't fall for the bait, even if the tickets on this site are much cheaper than the ones you found. It is better to overpay than to lose money altogether.

In trouble

Women love to help, and scammers actively use this. For several months they correspond with the victim, even make an appointment and buy an air ticket themselves, but at the last moment the long-awaited date breaks down because the groom gets into trouble: he is arrested, not allowed to leave the country without paying a fine, doctors discover he has a terrible disease, and so on. . There can be many reasons, but the goal is the same - to ask the bride for money.

As a rule, in such cases we are talking about thousands of dollars. The "relatives" of the groom are often involved in the scam, as some scenarios involve long-term sponsorship.

In order not to fall for the bait of such scammers, never send even small amounts to a person with whom you do not know personally.

the officer

The fraudster pretends to be a military man who serves in a hot spot. As in previous cases, the relationship begins with passionate letters and promises to marry as soon as the contract ends.

After a few weeks or months, the officer shares his find: supposedly he got trophy antiques, which he wants to send to his beloved for safekeeping. it will not help here - you need a diplomatic one that does not pass customs control. But the problem is that this will require a bribe of a couple of thousand dollars. The officer does not have this money.

A similar scheme is used with a large amount of money allegedly received during the years of service or as an inheritance.

Such scammers are easy to spot: just do a Google image search. As a rule, scammers use photographs of real military men, information about which is available on the Internet.


The simplest, but nevertheless effective way of fraud is blackmail. Most of the victims are young girls. The guy comes into trust, often sends messages and calls on Skype. After some time, he offers to move on to a closer relationship, send him candid photos or dance for him during a video call.

As soon as the scammer receives a video or photo, the second stage begins - blackmail. The swindler threatens to send pictures to all the victim's subscribers on the social network or post them around the area where the girl lives if he does not receive the required amount.

The only way to protect against this is to not send explicit photos and videos to people you don't know personally.

How to protect yourself from scammers on a dating site

  1. Be careful and don't lose your head.
  2. Check information about a new acquaintance on the Internet, enter a name and photo into the search engine. Often scammers use pictures of other people that they found on the web.
  3. Pay attention to spelling, especially if the groom pretends to be a foreigner. If he makes a lot of mistakes, then this is a signal: your fiancé is not who he claims to be. With "Russian" grooms, a good knowledge of grammar can also save you. Often foreigners pretend to be them, so if you look closely at the letters, you can find errors and expose scammers.
  4. Don't send intimate photos to someone you don't know personally.
  5. Never send money, bank card details, accounts, or passports.

Dating sites are becoming more and more popular. Finding a mate online is no longer a shame, it has become a familiar situation. But, unfortunately, there you can find not only love, but also fall into the clutches of scammers. We talked with Ekaterina Fadeeva, an expert on relations at the Fotostrana entertainment social network, on how to recognize scammers on a dating site and what rules must be followed so as not to fall for the bait of scammers.

The ultimate goal of any scammer is money, but the ways to get it are different: some prefer quick small earnings, others focus on large amounts and are ready to work for them for a long time.

Photo by Getty Images

If it's fast money...

The goal of the hunter for quick money is to ingratiate yourself with you as soon as possible, and then ask or fraudulently receive the required amount. As a rule, such scammers live on a stream of customers, so it is not difficult to suspect something is wrong. All messages in this case are templates, they do not change and are not personalized in any way for the victim.

If this is a long-term financial outlook…

Marriage swindlers often hunt for big money. Some never see their “victims”, and have been led by several “clients” remotely for years, others actively meet in reality, get acquainted with relatives and even apply to the registry office. It is especially difficult to calculate the latter, but they are a rare case, so we will focus on the first type of scammers.

What should alert

To earn a significant amount, the swindler has to communicate with many women at the same time. He has neither the time nor the desire to write an individual letter to each, so it will not be difficult to calculate such a rogue, you just need to be careful.

First of all, you should be alerted if:

  • the man immediately insists on leaving the dating site and continuing the conversation via e-mail or social networks;
  • in the very first days of communication, he confesses his love;
  • says that he lives abroad, has the citizenship of another country, trying to create the image of a wealthy man who lacks only one thing - his beloved woman;
  • appears as a person of a “romantic” or secret profession: a sea captain, a special agent, a retired military man, an employee of the UN, the Red Cross, etc .;
  • his letters are a monologue about himself and endless declarations of love, while your questions are ignored;
  • a man wants to give you an expensive gift (laptop, phone, jewelry) or send you a significant amount of money.

6 simple rules

In order not to fall for the bait of Internet scammers, follow six simple rules.

1. Check the information. Only 15% of users of dating services regularly check information about a new interlocutor in others. social networks. If he is not registered anywhere except for a dating site, then you should take a closer look at such a candidate - perhaps he is not the one he claims to be. Use a photo search: scammers often use pictures of famous people in certain circles.

If the user has aroused suspicion, check if he is on the list of marriage scammers - he can be found on forums and specialized sites.

Photo by Getty Images

2. Ask questions. Pay attention to how they answer you. Usually scammers use template letters with sensual declarations of love, ignoring the questions of the interlocutor.

3. Do not share personal information. It is enough for a fraudster to know your full name and phone number or residential address in order to pull off a scam. Before a personal acquaintance, do not provide your personal information. You should also not send candid photos, even if you have been talking for a long time. Blackmail using such pictures is one of the most popular types of fraud.

4. Get a separate page on the social network and mail. For correspondence it is better to use a separate mailbox, phone and social network account: this is how you protect yourself from unwanted contacts and their consequences. Remember that you can find a real account by phone and email address, so if you decide to hide, you need to approach this matter wisely.

However, personal data on almost all dating sites are securely protected and are not visible to other users.

5. Make an appointment. It is not in vain that scammers write that they live abroad: they are not going to meet with you, so some of the scammers can be easily weeded out by simply setting up a Skype video call.

6. Don't send money. The ultimate goal of any scammer is to get money from you. And there are many ways to do this. If you are asked to send money for travel, treatment, visas, courier services, delivery, etc., do not agree: most likely, you are communicating with a scammer.

To counter scammers, many dating sites have a team of specialists who verify the authenticity of personal photos and remove dubious pages. Please contact them if necessary.

How to "bite" the attacker? Elena Kuznetsova, a family psychologist, consultant on interpersonal relations, director of the dating agency "Me and You" tells

Internet dating is good with impunity, the fact that the interlocutor does not see us, does not know how we look and how we speak. And if a person in real life is not very pretty, not very sociable, and girls avoid him, then on the Web he can hide behind an invented image: pass off someone else's photo as his own, speak in other people's phrases,.

But this ease of communication has a downside, because we almost never can verify the information that the interlocutor offers us. That is why we can “run into” a swindler, one who will never go to a real meeting, a married man, a gigolo or even a rapist.

Beware, bastard!

You can calculate the liar quite simply: for this you need to ask the same specifying question for a certain time. It can relate to the place of study, work, the car that the man drives, etc. For example, your interlocutor in a conversation mentioned that he had a Toyota, and then suddenly says that he drives a BMW. Curiously, liars don't really remember what they said before, they start talking. If a person lied once, be careful, it means that he is already lying on several points.

It is clear that you will ask questions that interest you the most - basically they are. And it is to these issues that men are most painful. So ask very carefully so that the interlocutor does not get the impression that you are interrogating him. Bring a person to a conversation and, when he talks, you can carefully clarify: “Does your child already have 10 years old?”, And he, for example, said that five ...

Professional virtual operator

The frivolity of the intentions of this character is also easy to understand. He himself will never offer to switch from Internet communication to real meetings, and he will also evade your proposals on this subject under any pretext. Eternals, they are much more interested in how many women “bite” on them, and it is much easier to collect a harem on the Internet.

Fraudsters and rapists

A fraudster, a gigolo or a rapist, if he is smart, is quite difficult to recognize on the Web. They are all kind of "professionals". However, they are sometimes wrong. Be careful when talking, pay attention to how a man reacts to yours. In the process of communication, you still will not avoid personal topics, including the topic of sex. By the way a man talks about women, you can draw conclusions. Even if a man is cunning and disguised, with prolonged communication, he will show his true face, at some stage, negativity and aggression towards women will slip through.

“If you communicate with a person for a long time, and he is aggressive in itself, then at some stage this aggression will still slip through, because when you touch on personal life, the person, no, no, let it slip: “Fuck her” . A Freudian reservation in relation to his past woman or to the entire weaker sex as a whole will be made by a man, ”says Elena Kuznetsova. She emphasizes that you can feel an inadequate man during prolonged communication, but a lot depends on the woman, whether she knows how to analyze what was said, or just reads the correspondence.

Don't rush with real meetings

More or less open up, even the most restrained and not sociable person, will be after three to four weeks of dense correspondence. As soon as you feel that the interlocutor has relaxed and began to trust you, then you need to try to draw out of him. Do not rush to move on to a real meeting, try to find out more about who you are communicating with first. Try to find out how long the person "sticks out" on the Internet, in particular, on this site. Moreover, it is necessary not only to ask questions to the man himself, but to try to “break through” information about him on his own.

Another question is that by delaying the moment of the meeting, you risk losing a man. He may not wait for you, especially if he is configured for quick contact. True, in such a situation there are certain advantages - you will cut off in advance a gentleman unsuitable for you, a gentleman who is not in the mood for a serious relationship, a collector of women. A person who, but also in you as a person, will definitely wait for you.

“Just as couples in real life test their feelings at a distance, so in the virtual, postponing a meeting is also a kind of test of how seriously a man takes you,” says Elena Kuznetsova.

Taking off the masks

In real life, a person may turn out to be completely different than on the Internet. This applies not only to appearance, but also to communication. As a rule, extroverted and contact people behave in the same way when they meet in person as they do online. They are relaxed, friendly, cheerful. It is much easier for not very contact people to communicate on the Internet, it is easier for them to open up there than in a personal conversation, so you should not be surprised if a man who seemed modest to you in correspondence turns out to be completely silent in reality.

“There are good actors. A person can be closed and ugly. But he will never tell the interlocutor about this and will not give his real photo. And since he has a desire to communicate, he can pretend to be macho. At a personal meeting, the image, unfortunately, will not correspond to reality, ”says the psychologist.

Elena Kuznetsova notes that 90% of the clients of her dating agency initially tried using the Internet, but this was not possible due to the fact that the information provided there turned out to be false. For example, women who were looking for a serious relationship often stumbled upon married men or frankly “eat”. Men, in reality, saw the wrong young lady at all.

Helpful information

Elena Kuznetsova, director of the Me and You dating agency, family psychologist. Phone 8-920-909-62-35.

It is interesting that people who pretend to be other characters on the Internet, nevertheless, do not refuse personal meetings, hoping for a "maybe".

“It's the mentality. Many in such a situation count on a positive outcome of the operation. They think: “What if I talk him (her)?”. The most interesting thing is that sometimes it really works, but a lot depends on the ambitions of a person, on his level of culture, as well as on the level of the one with whom he goes on a date, ”concludes Elena Kuznetsova.

Dating sites are very popular. Sitting at home, you can chat with interesting people, make friends and arrange your personal life.

Communication during world wide web- this is also a great opportunity to get a foreign groom.

But on the Internet, as in troubled waters, an unexpected danger lies in wait for you: Internet marriage scammers.

How not to get caught in skillfully placed networks? Is it possible to distinguish a scammer from a decent man by the questionnaire and correspondence?

After all, such unfortunate suitors not only break hearts, but also empty wallets and bank cards their "brides"!

How to recognize a scammer on a dating site?

Scammers or marriage scammers on websites, of course, try not to give themselves away. But you can distinguish them from men who want to build a family and relationships.

Primary contact. Swindlers on dating sites during the correspondence will unobtrusively learn about your financial situation.

Ask questions about work, travel, living conditions. If you don't give a direct answer, the scammer will be persistent.

He can motivate this by the fact that "I told about myself ...". Do not rush to immediately report what you do, what you live on. Avoid answers, go off topic and watch the man's reaction.

Emotionality. Scammers on dating sites know how to play on your feelings. They are gallant, emotional, romantic.

Such a gentleman is allegedly set up for a long-term relationship, he promises that he will certainly come.

He can even designate a specific date, but for some reason keep postponing the arrival. A swindler can accidentally get sick.

And since you have already become involved in this emotional relationship, you will feel sorry for him.

You can even express a desire to help him financially. This is a subtle manipulation built on pity, so be careful.

It is important for a scammer that you show emotions.. He will be warm and gentle, attentive to your feelings.

Gives amazing compliments that make you melt. But at some point it simply disappears and does not make itself felt for several days.

This is such a manipulative form of seduction: appear, awaken emotions in the interlocutor and disappear. You have already gotten used to the fact that such an affectionate, sensual and ideal man communicates with you - and suddenly he is gone.

A flurry of emotions covers you: fear of loss, resentment, increased levels of anxiety. This is also a skillful move on the part of a swindler. He will practice such disappearances, manipulating your fear of losing him.

Marriage scammers on dating sites ask a lot of questions. All of them are aimed at finding out how financially secure you are.

Of course, the scammer will not ask directly, he will find workarounds. For example: “Do you drive a car?”, “Do you often go on vacation?” ... It would seem that innocent curiosity, but there is a subtle calculation behind it.

Scammer needs to understand right away: can this woman send him money? There are many diagrams on the Internet. One of the most popular: a man immediately tells you to come to him.

Marriage swindlers foreigners find a lot of arguments why they want to meet on their own territory.

The man claims that he cannot come himself, but he is ready to pay for your hotel, travel, and expenses. But in the end, things will turn out so that the money will have to be sent to you.

They blocked a credit card, they don’t accept currency, they stole a passport - the scammer skillfully comes up with plausible reasons why you should pay.

Even if the amount is only a few dollars, this should already alert you. A man who really wants to build a relationship with you will not force you to pay out of his wallet.

Avoids video chats. Every second victim of a marriage swindler has never seen his face. Such men often call, write in a chat, but avoid video communication sessions.

The reason may be plausible: a broken webcam, a secret job where video broadcasts are prohibited, and others.

His phone number corresponds to the country where he supposedly speaks from.

Only technology has stepped up so much that a person can be in the next entrance, and you will think that he is calling from the USA or Nepal.

Usually, men who want to get acquainted do not hide from the webcam and are ready to come to a personal meeting themselves.

For this they need from a week to two months. They stay, as a rule, in a hotel, and do not force you to show hospitality.

Provocations. In the course of communication, scammers often ask their victims to send them intimate photos. Do not do this under any circumstances. Such pictures are the key to blackmail in the future.

Such actions on the part of a man should become signal beacons for you.

It is better to stop relations with a suspicious subject and look for your happiness, for which you do not have to pay with money and a broken heart.

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