On the presented Internet showcase. Classification of online retail models according to the degree of automation of trade and technological processes. What do you get by contacting us

Trade and technological processes are a set of trade (commercial) and technological processes, the purpose of which is to bring goods to consumers with the least labor and time costs.

The main models of organizing retail trade on the Internet, depending on the degree of automation of trade and technological processes, are: Internet showcase; vending machine and automatic store (or online trading system - TIS).

Internet showcase is a website on the Internet that contains information about the company and the goods sold. All the visitor can do is get information (more or less detailed and up-to-date) about goods and services.

The practical usefulness of such a showcase is quite obvious, the costs of its creation and administration can be quite low, but this is not yet a trade, but only a kind of advertising. This solution lacks integration with the business process of the trading company. To make a purchase, a potential buyer must first visit an online storefront, and later go through the usual buying cycle: a call or a visit to the company, payment, etc. This approach can be justified primarily for the sale of complex products, the study of which on the trading floor takes too much time.

Vending machine in addition to the functions that the online storefront performs, it can accept orders, and then transfer them to the manager online or in batch mode. Further processing of the order is carried out according to the usual scheme for the company. The fundamental difference from an online storefront is that purchase orders and invoices for payment for the ordered goods are issued without human intervention. Unlike an online storefront, a vending machine carries out real trading and, in terms of cost-to-results ratio, looks the most preferable for enterprises with a small flow of customers.

Automatic store is the most powerful, comprehensive and complex solution. It not only issues invoices, but also provides a means to track orders. In the case of using the online payment system it accepts payments and generates requests for the delivery of goods to customers. Orders are processed automatically, goods are reserved in the warehouse, balances are adjusted, and other necessary operations are performed.

An automatic store is a full-fledged virtual trading service that performs operations to work with a customer through automatic program control. The functions performed include such as demonstration of goods, provision of comprehensive information, technical support for customers, preparation and processing of orders, issuance of invoices, transfer of money payments, selection of the optimal delivery method, etc. In this case, the presence of a person is also required, but here he performs only general control over the operation of the entire system.

The main condition for building a truly profitable TIS is the integration of trade accounting, warehouse, accounting systems within the company with online trading systems.

From the point of view of the buyer, the first model has a significant difference due to the fact that there is no possibility to place an order for goods directly on the site. The last two solutions look pretty much the same. This is due to the fact that the buyer is dealing with external design, and this is always an online catalog, a navigation system and an ordering system. Therefore, both of these options can be combined under the general name of an online store, which is an automated system based on the basics of e-commerce and implementing service and commercial functions inherent in stores with traditional forms of service.

As soon as the buyer starts placing an order, he is convinced of the advantages of an online store compared to an online storefront. These advantages are manifested in the fact that the buyer can be offered a more flexible system of discounts, accept an order, issue an invoice immediately, taking into account the cost of delivery and insurance, etc. In addition, he will be able to see the real state of the warehouse and receive information about the progress of his order.

From the point of view of sellers, these three solutions differ quite significantly. An online storefront is inexpensive for trading companies, but:

  • an online storefront allows you to organize only trade to order, it is almost impossible to establish trade from a real warehouse;
  • the use of the showcase does not reduce the cost of staffing and operating costs for sellers;
  • an online storefront is a very clumsy solution in terms of management and not flexible enough in terms of organizing marketing campaigns;
  • the image of a company that has opened and maintains a simple online storefront is always worse than that of a company that has organized online commerce using a fully functional online store;
  • the organization of retail Internet trade using a showcase turns out to be ineffective and even often unprofitable for a trading company.

An online store is much more profitable for a trading company (especially a medium-sized business) that wants to really manage the entire process of online trading and various marketing promotions, trade both to order and from a warehouse, reduce the number of sales managers, etc. To create an Internet A store will require more one-time costs compared to a storefront, but they will be much more efficient, since using online stores is significantly more cost-effective than using storefronts.

There are several options for creating an online store.

1. Renting a store in an electronic shopping mall. The cheapest and easiest option, since most of the technical issues are taken over by the owner of the mall.

Electronic trading row - it is essentially an electronic department store or an electronic supermarket, widely used in economically developed countries. They unite independent sellers on one trading platform using the Internet. Each seller registered in the electronic trading row places a catalog of his products in the system. Then all product offers are brought together in a single catalog of the shopping range.

There are several options for the participation of the seller in the electronic trading row:

  • placement of its price list in the catalog of price lists of the shopping mall;
  • placement of the page of a new online store in the system to which interested buyers are redirected;
  • rental of a specific thematic section of the catalog.
  • 2. Purchase of ready-made software for an online store. Depending on the functional features of the solutions, they are used for small and medium-sized projects. The main disadvantage is the limited possibilities for refinement in accordance with the requirements of a particular customer.
  • 3. Order of development from a specialized company. One of the most commonly used options for large projects with non-standard requirements. Applying this option to create a regular store integrated with a common back office is not practical. In such cases, the developer is usually ordered to upgrade the finished solution.
  • 4. Development of a solution on our own. The most complex and costly method. Applicable only if the company has all the necessary resources to develop software products(a staff of programmers, testers, patent lawyers, a strong technical support service, etc.). The development of own solutions is often used by large companies or holdings, which include several online stores.

In order to open an online store, following the last three options, you can do one of two ways.

  • 1. Installing the server in local network enterprises. This option is the most expensive and difficult to implement. The following components are required for its implementation: server hardware; server software; high-speed communication channel; building a security system.
  • 2. Placement of the store on the server of the Internet provider. The online store software is located on the provider's server (a separate server or server disk space is rented). This service is called hosting.

In this case:

  • as a dedicated channel, the channel of the Internet provider will be used, which will provide faster access for customers to the online store;
  • managers of a trading company can manage the store remotely from their office.

This is a cheaper option, since in this case specialized server equipment and a high-speed channel are not required, and the cost of maintaining the store is also reduced. However, the flexibility of customization, the functionality of the store, and the efficiency of order processing are reduced.

In the current state of online trading in Russia, the vending machine model looks the most attractive. This option, at a fairly modest cost, will allow you to assess the demand for the goods and services offered, start an advertising campaign and promote an online store. At the same time at in large numbers orders and developed infrastructure wins automatic shop. An online storefront is a means of advertising, not a trade, and it is not advisable to consider it as a solution for an online store.

The main feature of the online showcase is the fact that here users can view the product and its characteristics.

Creating an online storefront helps to promote your products and services among consumers faster and more efficiently. It is very important, when developing your Internet project, not to confuse two completely different concepts: an online store and an online storefront.
Creating an online storefront is done with the aim of acquainting consumers with a huge selection of the company's products, but not selling it through the network. Most often, an online storefront is a catalog that contains all the goods and products of a company. A potential buyer can view the provided goods and choose for himself what he needs.
Such web resources help to significantly promote your business, and also cost much less than the development of other Internet sites.

Internet showcase - the face of the company

Online storefronts differ from other web resources in that they only present a company's product or service, not selling it. As a rule, this is a corporate website where visitors can find information about the product they are interested in, its description, cost and specification. In addition, often such resources also provide visitors with the necessary information about what the company can offer to its customers and customers. Of course, creating a showcase on the Internet does not pose any particular difficulties, but when there are too many names of a wide variety of goods, the creation work requires the hands of real specialists.

Internet showcase features:

  • An online storefront helps to find new buyers and consumers. If we talk about this feature, then these sites are indexed in such a way that allows them to automatically find buyers using a variety of search engines.
  • A web resource in the form of a showcase allows you to increase the possible income of your company several times.

At the request of the customer, we can add a simple email order form to the product page! To make it easier to imagine how an online storefront works, you can take as an example thick catalogs with products that may be of interest to potential buyers.
Creating an online storefront involves the use of a variety of approaches:

  • Creation of a catalog, which will take into account the necessary features to facilitate work with search engines;
  • Such a site needs constant work on its promotion by specialists so that potential buyers can easily and effortlessly find the product they need;
  • Internet showcase is more of a business site than a simple online presence.

What do you get by contacting us?

  • A custom designed design that will perfectly suit your company's goals.
  • We use a CMS that does not carry a heavy load on the server.
  • We will add some variety to your storefront by creating reviews, ratings and other features
  • We offer our clients an administrative panel for filling the site.
  • We also offer support for modern html standards and the possibility of search engine optimization.

Having decided to apply to our company, you can be sure that your virtual storefront will become a real breakthrough for your business.

Spectra of application of web showcases

A web storefront is an inexpensive form of retail organization. It allows you to ensure the process of interaction with the consumer, receiving and processing applications. The implementation of the further delivery of goods is carried out in traditional ways.

Forms of retail organization based on the use of the Internet can be varied. The most effective are, of course, online stores, but, in some cases, it is advisable to use web storefronts.

Many enterprises that are engaged in the production and sale of original products cannot standardize their products and services. For example, it can be works of art, original items for interior decoration, designs that require compliance with individual sizes and shapes, handicrafts, and others. In this case, they can create online storefronts that help inform consumers about the company's capabilities. In addition, web showcases can be used by companies with a very large and constantly changing product range that can only be presented by target groups. Or, such a showcase can perform a representative function, reflecting the main activities of the company.

In general, web showcases can also be used by enterprises that do not have sufficient capital to organize a full-fledged online store, or other types of electronic systems that provide automatic sales of products.

On the pages of a web showcase, you can place information about the company's activities, its advantages and features, a product catalog and a price list for it, they can also be filled with useful tips, articles that allow consumers to more fully perceive the purpose of the goods. In addition, they can contain analytical reviews, opinions of experts and specialists, pages of reviews and suggestions, and other useful aspects. A prerequisite for working with web storefronts is the availability of a special application form, by filling out which the consumer can express his desire to purchase goods or services.

Of course, the online storefront does not allow for a full sales cycle, and cannot provide interactive procedures such as invoicing, order tracking, payment acceptance and other processes. However, the web showcase allows you to collect applications and subsequently fulfill them. The organization of this form of trade is incomparably cheaper than other types. However, consumers may be somewhat distrustful of the possibility of high-quality and timely execution of the order, so the seller must think over and provide guarantees.

This form of business model involves the execution of an order in several stages. First, the application is analyzed, then coordination with suppliers is made, then the conditions are agreed with the buyer, and only after that the order is executed.

Compared to an online store, a web storefront has a number of disadvantages. It does not provide an opportunity to automate the processes of trading from a warehouse, does not allow to reduce staff and reduce operating costs, does not have flexibility in management, and does not contribute to the organization and conduct of effective marketing campaigns and other promotional activities. All requests from consumers go to the company's managers, and not to the automatic order processing system.

In fact, a web showcase is a common tool that allows you to attract customers, and it is also a convenient interface for interacting with them. In general, the processes differ little from traditional retail methods. However, the web storefront provides the main goal - the global presence of the seller in the market, thanks to the Internet.

This method of organizing trade can also be used by individual entrepreneurs who do not have sufficient capital to fill the warehouse with goods. They can act as intermediaries between buyers and suppliers with whom partnerships have been concluded. They can take, process orders, provide consumers with extended information about the quality and benefits of the product, and take on the function of coordinating the supply.

Another type of retail organization on the Internet is an Internet storefront, or web storefront.A web showcase is a site that is designed to demonstrate the goods and services of the showcase owner using the Internet.There is a more detailed definition of the concept in question:

As a rule, the pages of the web showcase contain information about the company, catalogs of goods and services, price lists and an application form. Here you can publish company news, additional information about manufacturers, analytical reviews, etc. Information about all orders is sent to mailbox firm-seller, whose employees perform them in in due course. If we compare the web showcase with traditional sources, then the latter cannot provide such full information about goods and services, unlike the first.

Among the web showcases are varieties:

  • static, based on regular HTML files.
  • dynamic, displaying information from some database.
Along with participation in an electronic trading row, this solution is the least expensive, however, a web storefront, unlike a trading row, cannot provide a full sales cycle, including interactive procedures for issuing invoices, accepting payments, tracking order fulfillment, etc.
The principle of operation of the web showcase is based on the collection of preliminary applications with their subsequent implementation. For example, websites that specialize in the sale of goods of limited demand (art objects) work according to this principle. The main problem of the seller is the need to provide a guarantee to a potential client about the fulfillment of an order on predetermined conditions. Buyer problem: the risk of receiving the selected product or service late (or the risk of not receiving the product/service at all).
A distinctive feature of this version of the business model is the implementation of the purchase and sale process in several stages. The first stage is the collection of applications, which is what the seller does, then he asks the supplier for the terms and conditions for the execution of the order, after which he notifies potential customers about this (usually, by e-mail) and the last step is the delivery of the goods, provided that the consumer has confirmed his consent.

Although a web storefront is a relatively inexpensive retail tool, it has significant limitations:

  • does not allow automating trading from a real warehouse;
  • does not allow the reduction of the staff of sales firms and their operating costs;
  • lack of flexibility in the management of trade processes and the organization of marketing campaigns.
All customer requests in the web showcase go to sales managers, and not, as in an electronic store, to an automated order processing system. The web storefront business processes then mirror those of a traditional retail business. In this case, there is no possibility of a real reduction in transaction costs, the profitability of a web showcase differs little from the profitability of conventional trading methods. The main feature of this version of online trading is the processes of interaction between the web showcase and the internal business process of the company, which are carried out manually by managers.

Can create an online storefront of his store. It is enabled by default on all paid plans.

Your online storefront will display the products that are in your CloudShop database. You can also choose to display only products of certain categories. When ordering goods presented in the showcase, you will receive a letter to your e-mail, sales will be automatically taken into account in the system.

In order to create an online storefront, you must log in to the web version of CloudShop using your login. Select "Web Store" from the side menu. If you have not yet created an online storefront, you will see only one “Start” item here, feel free to start!

Just three steps separate you from creating your online storefront. Select the name of the store, its address in the format xxx.mysite, post a brief description of the store. Don't worry - you can change this data later.

At the next stage, enter your contact information by which buyers can contact you: e-mail, phone, address.

The third step is to set up your online storefront: select a country, select one of the stores, the goods from which will be presented on your online storefront, the currency in which prices will be indicated. Next, you need to select those categories of products, the products of which will be presented on your online storefront - you can make available to your site visitors the entire range of products that are in your database or only products belonging to certain categories. However, you can NOT sell kits through an online storefront.

That's all, your store's online storefront has been created, you can immediately go to the site where your products are presented or start designing.

After creating an online storefront, two sub-items will appear in the "Website" item in the side menu - Appearance and Settings. Possibilities for editing appearance there are not so many of your online showcases, but they are there - you can upload your logo, change the header to one of the ones in the library or upload your own, choose the background of the site.

In the settings, you can always change the store description, currency, display of certain categories or any other settings, you can temporarily turn off your online storefront and turn it back on when you need it. Here you will also find settings that determine whether products with a zero balance are displayed on the site or not.

Feel free to experiment with your online storefront, we hope that it will become a useful tool for you. Follow the news - soon you will be able to embed your online storefront in social networks, there will be other necessary and interesting features that we will add, listening to your feedback.

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