Implementation of a new information system. Options for implementing information systems in an organization Implementing an information service system in an enterprise

The main direction of development information systems In recent decades, a systematic approach has become, which is considered not only as a research methodology, but also as a modern way of managerial thinking, giving a holistic view of an organization that exists in a complex market environment.

The most important method of implementing a systematic approach in research is system analysis, the essence of which is a comprehensive study of all important aspects of the object of study.

For an enterprise management system, the main aspects are the following factors:

  • purpose of the organization;
  • the relationship of the overall goal of the organization with the goals and objectives of each of the departments of the enterprise;
  • performance by each employee of their functions arising from the task;
  • the presence of interrelations between various elements of the management system;
  • the presence of an enterprise management body;
  • obligatory Feedback between the elements of the system - the presence of a control function.

The enterprise management system consists of three interrelated subsystems: information, control and management object (Fig. 4.). The control subsystem (management apparatus of the organization) unites the employees of the enterprise, who form goals, develop plans, and develop requirements for decisions. The control object implements the tasks of fulfilling the planned targets developed by the administrative apparatus. Both subsystems are interconnected by direct and feedback. Direct connection is expressed by the flow of directive information (control actions) sent from the control subsystem to the control object in the form of orders, plans, orders. Feedback is a flow of reporting information about the implementation of the decisions made and the state of the control object, which is processed using the information subsystem.

Enterprise management information systems are characterized by the following features and properties:

  • general goal of control for systems of any level;
  • the presence of a large number of system elements interconnected by data transmission channels;
  • functioning of systems of all levels in the conditions of their interaction with the external environment;
  • constant interaction of users and technical means in the process of implementing management functions;
  • orientation of the system to the automation of information processing;
  • control using a feedback system.

In order to have a good information system (IS) that meets the requirements of the business, it is necessary to plan both its creation, development, and its replacement or modification. At the same time, such work should take place constantly, simultaneously with the development of the organizational and functional structure of the organization.

Information system development planning should begin with an assessment of the use of information and information technology throughout the organization and with an assessment of the existing information system. Information systems should be considered as technical parts of organizational enhancement projects, and not as separate projects. In other words, building an information system is not an end in itself, but a way to achieve the goals of the enterprise. Therefore, the creation of an information system, especially the construction of a system that covers all types of enterprise activities, should not begin with the selection of a team of programmers and not with the issuance of the task of transferring the existing order of operations and processes to computer technology. It is necessary to start with the definition of the mission of the organization, the definition of its strategic objectives, long-term and short-term goals, their relationship with current situation in the organization and in the industry.

As already noted in Section 1, it is impossible to evaluate the effectiveness of an enterprise information system without considering its goals for which it is used. It is impossible to talk about the correct and effective implementation information technologies designed to fundamentally improve the company's market position, without analyzing key performance indicators. The definition of a business strategy and the reflection of this strategy in the goals and objectives of the information system is the main thing in making a decision on the implementation and use of a particular computer information system in an enterprise. To assess the need to implement an information system in an enterprise, it is necessary to find out whether the system will help to get answers to the following questions:

  • achieve or exceed the level of performance of competitors?
  • improve planning and control over the execution of financial and operational plans?
  • improve customer relationships?
  • increase sales?
  • reduce lead time?
  • reduce investment in stocks of goods?

Before starting the implementation of an information system, it is necessary for each of the questions listed above, to which positive answers were received, to determine measurable (in absolute terms or in percentage) indicators of improvement. Subsequently, after the implementation is completed, these values ​​will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the system implementation.

The main reasons for creating information systems are usually the following:

  • business expansion and increase in production (sales) volumes;
  • the need for centralization of accounting and management accounting;
  • the need to introduce a planning and budgeting system;
  • increasing the level of control;
  • increasing the efficiency and reliability of information.

Despite the fact that there may be several reasons for creating an information system, the goal of its implementation should always be the same. The goal determines the direction of activity and the meaning of creating an information system.

The process of achieving the goal is divided into a number of tasks. A task is a set of actions performed in the process of achieving a goal. In the process of achieving the main goal of creating an IS, the following main tasks are solved:

  • centralized storage and processing of data;
  • streamlining information flows;
  • standardization of procedures and documents;
  • optimization, regulation of functional roles and responsibilities of employees.

The development and implementation of information systems is a complex and painstaking process that requires changes in the company's management system and large expenditures of labor, time and other resources. An information system can be created in one of the following ways:

  • development by enterprise programmers;
  • ordering development from a specialized enterprise;
  • purchase of off-the-shelf software.

Each of the ways to create an IS has its advantages and disadvantages. They are shown in Table 4.

Table 4. Advantages and disadvantages of various ways of creating IP

The method of creating an informational

Method of creating an information system Advantages of the information system

Disadvantages of information

Development by enterprise programmers
  • Conforms to the requirements of the enterprise
  • Can be added or changed at any time
  • The implementation takes place in stages, it is not required to carry out cardinal changes at the enterprise in a fairly short time
  • The system matches the existing hardware and software
  • Small financial risks. Financial investments are distributed throughout the life cycle of the system
  • Tasks are set in blocks, that is, there is a "piecewise" automation of the enterprise
  • System development takes a long time or never stops
  • When new lines of business appear and changes in accounting, as a rule, new development is necessary
  • It is necessary to constantly keep programmers, task managers, analysts on the staff of the enterprise
  • System support is provided by developers. If key developers leave the enterprise, there may be problems with the support and development of the system
  • As a rule, there is no documentation on the IP
  • Fixed costs in the future for setting goals, maintenance and continuous modification of IS in the face of changing external and internal factors
Ordering development from a specialized company
  • Experience in creating IS, developed implementation methodology
  • the possibility of providing services in the field of management optimization, possession of modern methods of building IS
  • financial risks, since the cost of creating an IS is quite high
  • Third-party consultants, as a rule, do not know the specifics of the enterprise, they need time to study them
  • Employees of the enterprise participating in the process of creating IS are forced to combine their current duties and responsibilities for creating IS
  • Possible dependence on the developer
Purchase of off-the-shelf software
  • The ability to quickly put the IS into operation
  • Availability software documentation
  • Possible support from both the developer company and our own programmers
  • Automating unique business processes is difficult
  • The need to adapt business processes to typical business processes used in a software product
  • Off-the-shelf software is usually designed for small and medium enterprises. The need to replace it with business growth

The concept of the software life cycle is at the heart of the creation and use of computer information systems.

Software life cycle is defined as the period of time that starts from the moment a decision is made on the need to create software and ends at the moment it is completely withdrawn from service. An important feature of the life cycle of information systems is that it ends not as a result of the physical deterioration of the information system, but as a result of its moral obsolescence, that is, as a result of the termination of meeting user requirements. At the end of the life cycle, modifications to the information system may either be economically unjustified or, due to various circumstances, impossible, which entails the need to develop new software for the information system.

A life cycle model is a specific sequence of execution and interrelationships of processes, activities and tasks throughout the life cycle. The life cycle model is a time-ordered, interconnected and combined into stages of work, the implementation of which is necessary and sufficient to create software that meets the specified requirements. The stage of software creation is understood as a part of the software creation process, limited by some time frame and ending with the release of a specific product (software components, documentation), determined by the requirements specified for this stage. The selection of certain stages of software development depends on the software used (ready-made system, own development). For rational planning of work, individual stages can be omitted or combined with each other.

Life cycle model The software includes the following steps:

    Formation and analysis of requirements- conducting a survey of the enterprise, identifying preliminary requirements, necessary functions, external and internal information flows, analyzing existing ways to solve the problem, building an activity model.

    Design - development of a system project (what the system should do), determination of the system architecture, its functions, ways of interacting with the external environment, development of a technical project.

    Implementation - work on the creation (or customization) of software and its components in accordance with specified requirements, testing software product, training.

    Implementation - installation of the system, integration of its components and necessary equipment, data transfer, software transfer to the customer.

    Operation and maintenance- making changes to correct errors, improve performance, adapt to changing operating conditions or requirements.

Model working group - these are the roles and tasks of the participants in the project of creating an information system. The working group model includes:

    Customer - the future owner or user of the information system. Usually, an enterprise represented by its head acts as a customer of an information system. If the problem of automating a separate workplace is considered, then the future user of the system can act as a customer.

    Analyst (developer) of the system- a specialist who analyzes the business tasks and problems of the enterprise, forms the requirements for the information system, prepares solutions based on them and controls the implementation of these solutions in the finished system. It is on the analysts of the system that all responsibility lies at the stage of formation and analysis of requirements, at the stage of formation of technical specifications.

    User - an employee who interacts with the information system at his workplace as part of his functional duties.

Of course, this is not a complete list of personnel employed at all stages of creating an information system. We can talk about programmers - specialists who encode the requirements identified in the analysis process in programming languages; testers - specialists who are engaged in testing the finished system in real conditions in order to identify all operating errors; database specialists who create the database structure and optimize it in accordance with the requirements set in the terms of reference. The need to involve these specialists depends on the scale and method of creating information systems. In the case of creating an information system using ready-made software for a small and medium-sized enterprise, only the roles of the customer, analyst and user can be dispensed with.

The most important stage of the life cycle of an information system is the stage of formation and analysis of requirements for an information system, or simply the stage of analysis. This stage begins at the moment of making a decision on the creation of an information system and ends with the development of technical specifications for the creation of the system. For large and commercial projects to create information systems, it is customary to single out within the analysis stage - the stage of preliminary examination or the stage of diagnostics.

The quality of the analysis and documents prepared at the stage of formation and analysis of IP requirements is the basis of the quality of the entire system. It is expedient to carry out this stage regardless of the software (ready-made system or in-house development) that is supposed to be used. The quality of the stage implementation depends not so much on the experience and quality of work of the group of developers and programmers, but on the activity of all stakeholders of the enterprise participating in the project of creating an information system. The result of creating an information system will depend on how fully the problems of the enterprise are identified, how accurately the requirements for the information system are formulated.

If the main responsibility for the quality of the subsequent stages (design, implementation, maintenance) lies with technical specialists (analyst, programmer), then the quality of the analysis and implementation stages equally depends on analysts and customers of the information system. Persons participating in the development of the information system must clearly understand the goals and objectives of these stages, the scope of work performed at each stage, and imagine what documents should be received upon completion.

The formation and analysis of requirements is the most time-consuming and critical stage in the creation of an information system. It is here that the concept of the future information system is formed, the foundations of the technology of automated activity are laid.

As we have already said, diagnostics is a preparatory stage of work. Its main task is a preliminary analysis of the enterprise's activities and requirements for the information system: the existing management mechanisms, supply schemes and sales of goods, the movement of financial and commodity flows are considered, and the existing document flow is analyzed.

Upon completion of its implementation, customers in the person of the first persons of the enterprise should understand what the advantages of the implemented system will be, its differences from the existing one, the main functionality new information system, as well as the amount of necessary financial and time costs for the implementation of subsequent stages. It should be emphasized that decision makers to create an information system should understand and evaluate its functionality not only on the basis of current automation needs, but also on the basis of an enterprise development strategy for the next 5-7 years.

At the analysis stage, the boundaries of the information system being created are determined - which departments, applications and business processes will be included in the information system being created. Upon completion of the analysis of primary requirements, further work is planned, the timing of the creation and implementation of the information system is specified, and the amount of funding required to complete each stage is determined.

At this stage, the main efforts are aimed at studying and accurately describing those business processes that are supposed to be implemented in the system during the upcoming implementation. The goal is to identify customer requirements for implementation results, so close collaboration between customer and analyst is required throughout the analysis phase. As part of the analysis, the following is carried out:

  • identification of requirements for the future system;
  • determination of the organizational structure of the enterprise, its territorial location (for a newly created enterprise);
  • determination of the list of target tasks (functions) of the enterprise;
  • distribution of the functions of the enterprise by its individual divisions (employees);
  • study of automation means used at the enterprise.

The result should be a formalized description of the functions of each division of the enterprise and their interaction with each other and with the external environment, that is, functional models of the enterprise should be built - the “as is” model and the “as it should be” model.

Building the model "as is". This model is a description of the existing organizational, informational, technological structure of the enterprise at the time of the beginning of the creation of the information system. The model should reflect the functioning of the enterprise from the standpoint of system analysis, show management schemes, the movement of commodity and financial flows, document flows.

Building a model "as it should be." Based on the analysis of the "as is" model, "bottlenecks" and the most acute problems in the technological chain of the enterprise are identified, the solution of which will reduce costs, reduce risks, increase the efficiency and quality of management decisions. Taking into account the solution of the identified problems, a model “as it should be” is built, reflecting the idea of ​​new technologies for the operation of the enterprise.

Note that the constructed models can have independent practical significance. For example, the "as is" model allows you to identify bottlenecks in existing enterprise technologies and offer recommendations for their subsequent solution.

At the end of the analysis stage, a document is formulated and agreed upon, which will be the concept for the development of an information system in the enterprise. The main purpose of this document is to:

  • Bringing to the attention of management personnel and all interested parties the sequence of goals and objectives of the project, the timing of its implementation.
  • Proof of the necessity and importance of the project. A clear statement of the economic benefits and the feasibility of meeting the objectives of the project.
  • Estimation of project boundaries, listing of areas and business processes that will be automated, indication of project restrictions. Coordination of all project conditions between customers and developers.
  • Distribution of responsibility, rights and obligations for the implementation of the project between developers and persons interested in the information system.
  • Regulation of the procedure for making changes to the project and resolving disputes.

The next stage of development is the design stage, which has the following goals:

  • Obtaining a detailed description of future business processes as they are determined by the results of the analysis.
  • Obtaining a detailed description of the interaction between users and external subsystems.
  • Obtaining a detailed description of the data that must be converted into a new system to put it into operation.

Descriptions created at the design stage should have a level of detail and content sufficient to allow developers to build on their basis the creation of a hardware and software implementation of an information system. The result of the design phase is the development of a system project. After the system project is agreed with the customer, proposals for automation are developed, including:

  • determination of the composition of the information system, its main modules, methods of interaction between them;
  • development of an automation strategy, identification of priority areas, determination of the order of design and implementation of subsystems;
  • distribution of functions between users and information system.

Based on the decisions made on the automation strategy and the agreed system project, the development of technical project.

The technical project answers the question "How to build a system so that it meets the requirements for it?". The technical project defines: a general information model of the system, a functional model of the system as a whole and its individual modules, methods of interaction between individual modules of the information system, as well as screen forms, reports, dialogs used in the system.

On the basis of the technical project, the implementation of the information system is carried out - the coding of the system using programming languages. The result of the implementation is a finished system that meets all the agreed requirements described in the system project.

At the stage implementation that follows implementation, the system is installed, it is integrated with other systems of the enterprise, and users are trained. Very often, the commissioning of information systems requires the input of initial data and the transfer of data available in the old system to the new one. At the implementation stage, the software and related documentation are transferred to the customer, which is usually recorded in the form of an act of work performed.

Note that when implementing off-the-shelf software, the design and implementation stages are usually combined, and the implementation stage is absent. This is due to the fact that the finished software already has a certain structure, it describes the standard functions and how to use them. Users can only determine the rules and access rights to certain operations for individual user groups.

The final stages are operation and maintenance.

Operation and maintenance perform the following main tasks:

  • support of the information system in working order in accordance with the user documentation;
  • maintenance, i.e. making changes to the software to fix bugs, improve performance, or adapt to changing requirements. At the same time, the changes made should not violate the concept of the information system, its structure.

One of the tasks of building formal models of business processes is the transition to their computerization. The essence of work on the formation of such models is to list and consolidate business processes and functions, and to determine the interaction between elements of the organizational and functional structure.

A business process is a purposeful activity to transform source materials and information into a final product, service, information in accordance with pre-established rules.

A function (or procedure) is an ordered sequence of operations designed to obtain an intermediate result of a business process.

An operation is a series of ordered actions, which are not worth considering separately within the framework of the model being created.

One of the main stages, as shown above, in the creation of an enterprise information system is the stage of "formation and analysis of requirements". Within the framework of this stage, modeling of the organization's business processes is carried out - the process of reflecting the workflow existing in the organization in the form of a process model. The basis for modeling any process is a detailed description of its content.

Among modern methods of building models of business processes, structural and object-oriented modeling occupies a key place.

Structural approach to business process modeling is to represent business processes as a sequence of functions with decomposition to indivisible operations.

The advantage of the structural approach is the graphical simplicity and visibility of business processes. A significant drawback of the structural approach is some subjectivity in the detailing of operations and, as a result, a large laboriousness in building models.

Object Oriented Approach is based on the representation of the subject area in the form of objects interacting with each other through message passing. The main concept of the object-oriented approach is the object. Each object is characterized by a certain set of inherent properties and operations performed by this object. To describe business processes using object-oriented methodology, the unified modeling language UML (Unified Modeling Language) is currently widely used.

Structural and object-oriented approaches have their advantages and disadvantages. The choice of one or another approach is determined by the ultimate goals and objectives of modeling.

Let us dwell in more detail on the structural approach to modeling business processes, which is based on the method of structural analysis or SADT-methodology (Structured Analysis and Design Technique - technology of structural analysis and design). Initially, the SADT method was used to model technological processes. In the 1970s, it began to be used by the US military, after which it was adopted as a US federal standard in 1993 under the name IDEF0 (Integration computer aided manufacturing Definition).

The SADT method is a set of rules and procedures designed to build a functional model of a business process. The SADT functional model is represented as a sequence of interrelated business processes.

In SADT, the functional business process model consists of diagrams, text snippets, and a glossary. Charts are the main components of the model. The advantage of the SADT diagram is its fairly simple graphical representation, which reflects such system characteristics as control, feedback, and performers.

SADT charts use only two graphic elements:

  • functional block - description of functions, operations, actions;
  • interface arc connecting two functional blocks.

Each block (Fig. 5.) can have four types of inputs:

  • input (input information);
  • output (output information);
  • control (control information);
  • mechanism (executor who performs the operation; information system, etc.).

The inputs of one block can be outputs or controls for others.

Consider, as an example, the construction of a functional model of the process of purchasing books by a bookstore to form a retail assortment. A brief description of the work of the bookstore purchasing department was given in section 2. Here we will look at the main functions that make up the purchasing business process.

The functional model begins with the construction of a general description of the process - a context diagram (zero level diagram). At this level, the entire process is considered as one functional unit with all associated processing and control objects. The context diagram should reflect the purpose of the analysis and the point of view from which the model is viewed. For example, "Description of the procurement management process in order to automate and integrate it into a single automated organization management system." As a “point of view”, we will choose the position of the head of the department, which will ensure that significant factors are taken into account, as well as informational and physical relationships between the procurement management process and the main business processes.

The context diagram of the procurement process is shown in fig. 6.

Then the context diagram is detailed on another diagram using several blocks connected to each other by interface arcs. They define the main functions of the original business process. This decomposition reveals a complete set of subfunctions, each of which is shown as a block.

The decomposition of the "Procurement Management" process can be represented by the following tasks:

  • procurement planning - assessing the needs of buyers, working with publishers' release plans, forming pre-orders for new publications;
  • work with the supplier - collecting information about potential suppliers of publishing products, registering them in the information system, concluding contracts for the supply of goods, tracking the purchase-payment balance of the supplier, etc.;
  • formation of an order - formation of an order for the supply of goods to the warehouse of a bookselling enterprise.

To build and analyze models of the organization's activity (subject area), special software tools are used - CASE-tools. They provide a visual presentation of information and the preparation of project documentation of the required quality.

On fig. 7. shows the decomposition of the "Purchase Management" business process, built using one of these CASE tools - BPwin (developer of PLATINUM technology).

Diagrams of the next levels detail the previous one. Detailing of the task "Procurement planning" is shown in fig. eight.

The decomposition of each function can be carried out until elementary operations are displayed on the diagram. The number of decomposition levels is not limited and is determined by the purposes of modeling. Usually, 2-3 levels of decomposition are used for structural analysis of business processes. Subsequent levels of decomposition are required to build algorithms for processing information flows in the design and development of information systems, as well as to develop instructions for business process executors.

The need to describe the business processes of an enterprise may arise not only in the process of creating information systems. The business process description can be used to:

  • evaluation and analysis of the effectiveness of the business process;
  • optimization of the business process according to certain performance indicators;
  • formation of an effective management system;
  • What is the goal, when does the software life cycle analysis phase begin and end?
  • What functional models should be developed during the analysis phase?
  • What is process, function and operation?
  • What does it consist of structural approach to business process modeling?

Total implementation. One of the options for implementing the system is a full-scale survey of the enterprise, the acquisition of the system, a long process of setting it up to the requirements of the terms of reference and, after many months, the start of test operation.

The only, albeit indisputable, advantage of total implementation is the completeness of the solution, covering the entire enterprise in all areas of activity.

There are many more disadvantages, the main ones are:

  • The risk of errors in the preparation of technical specifications;
  • The duration of the process: as a result, the enterprise receives benefits after a long period of time;
  • occurrence a large number organizational problems already at the first stages of implementation and test operation of the system;
  • · high risk of loss of profit of the inoperability of the entire enterprise due to the inoperability of the new system;
  • The need for staff training throughout the enterprise.

Pilot project followed by full implementation. This method is the most commonly used today. In this case, a full-scale survey is carried out, two or three systems are selected that are most suitable for the requirements of the terms of reference. A small task is selected, which can be solved in up to two months, with minimal investment: usually at this stage no licenses for software and expensive equipment necessary for commercial operation are purchased. A test implementation is carried out, on the basis of which a decision is made on the suitability of one of the systems for further total implementation, then the enterprise moves on to the previous version.

When using pilot projects, two additional advantages appear - the decision on choosing a system becomes balanced, a specific "service" appears in the organization, introduced at the pilot project stage, although the coverage of personnel in this case is minimal.

Service implementation. The first and main difference of this approach is that the entire implementation process is divided into time-compressed stages, and at each of them a particular task is solved, for example, ensuring the management of regulatory documentation. In this case, tight deadlines and a relatively small amount of labor allow you to reduce financial risk, quickly assess the results achieved and, if necessary, adjust them.

The advantages of this approach are quite obvious:

  • · when adding a new service, there is no need to change the business processes already implemented in the software;
  • Adding a set of services is implemented as a sequence of small stages, after the completion of each of them, the enterprise receives a complete solution. With this approach, you can at any time stop further work or postpone it to a later period, while maintaining a system with a set of functionality that solves specific problems;
  • · the use of the web interface allows you to cover the entire organization together with remote branches, without performing work on setting up client sites;
  • training of employees necessary for the implementation of any system is carried out by adding an additional service to the information system, as a result of which the organization receives a system distance learning covering the entire organization.

The introduction of corporate IS, developed independently or purchased from a supplier, is often accompanied by a break (redesign) of existing business processes in the enterprise. We have to rebuild them to meet the requirements of the standards and the logic of the system being implemented. We note right away that the introduction of IP solves a number of managerial and technical problems, however, it gives rise to problems associated with the human factor.

The introduction of an information system, as a rule, greatly facilitates the management of an enterprise, optimizes internal and external information flows, and eliminates bottlenecks in management. However, after the system has been successfully installed, "run in" in operation and has shown its effectiveness, some employees show a reluctance to use IS in their work. As a result of the reengineering, it becomes clear that some employees largely duplicate the work of others or are not needed at all. In addition, the introduction of CIS is accompanied by mandatory training, but, as Russian experience shows, there are not so many who want to retrain. Breaking old skills and instilling new ones is a long and difficult process!

It must be clearly understood that corporate IP is designed to simplify the management of the organization, improve processes, strengthen control and provide competitive benefits. Only from this point of view it is possible to evaluate the benefits of its implementation.

Following this logic, it becomes clear that although corporate IS is generally intended to provide all users with the necessary information, managing the development and implementation of CIS is the prerogative of the company's top management! Do managers understand this?

Here, too, we have to deal with tenacious stereotypes. "Why do I need an enterprise system if the enterprise is doing well anyway?" "Why break something if everything works?". But most of the time it doesn't need to be broken. At the first stage, it is only necessary to competently and correctly formalize and transfer the identified processes within which the enterprise lives to the corporate IS. Such formalization will only hone, polish successful marketing and production finds, optimize the process of management and control, and allow targeted changes to be carried out in the future.

The introduction of a new IS is a complex process, lasting from several months for small IS to several years for the IS of large distributed companies with a wide range of products and a large number of suppliers. The success of the project for the development (or acquisition) and implementation of IS largely depends on the readiness of the enterprise to conduct the project, the personal interest and will of the management, a real program of action, the availability of resources, trained personnel, and the ability to overcome resistance at all levels of the existing organization.

To date, a standard set of methods for implementing IP has been developed. The main rule is to perform the mandatory phases in sequence and not skip any of them.

The following factors are critical for implementation:

    availability of clearly defined project objectives and IP requirements;

    availability of a strategy for the implementation and use of IP;

    conducting a pre-project survey of the enterprise and building models "As is" and "As will be";

    planning of work, resources and control over the implementation of the implementation plan;

    participation of senior management in the implementation of the system;

    carrying out work on the implementation of IS by specialists in system integration together with specialists of the enterprise;

    regular monitoring of the quality of work performed;

    quick receipt of positive results, at least in part of the implemented IS modules or in the process of its trial operation.

Before starting the development of an implementation project, you must:

    formalize the goals of the IP implementation project as much as possible;

    estimate the minimum required costs and expense items;

    set a high priority for the implementation project over other ongoing projects;

    give the project manager as much authority as possible;

    conduct mass educational work with the personnel of the enterprise in order to bring to everyone the importance and necessity of the upcoming changes;

    develop organizational measures for the application of new information technologies;

    distribute personal responsibility for all stages of implementation and trial operation.

It is also necessary to determine the functional areas for the implementation of information system modules:

    organizational management;

    organizational and administrative support;

    business process management;

    management, planning, financial and accounting;

    personnel Management;

    documentation management;

    logistics management;

    managing relationships with clients and the external environment.

In addition to what is listed above, it is necessary to set technological requirements for the implementation of IS:

    system platform - implementation and adaptation of a ready-made solution from the manufacturer or development to order in accordance with the technical specifications of the customer;

    integrability - data is stored and processed in a single information space; this ensures their completeness, consistency, reliability and reusability; the system may include newly developed and already used technologies and applications;

    adaptability - the system is configured in accordance with the requirements of the customer and the features of the information field of the customer;

    distribution - the system can effectively function in territorially remote divisions and branches of the enterprise;

    scalability - the system can be implemented as a frame containing basic modules and supplemented in accordance with the requirements of a changing external and internal environment.

The question: “Who will implement the information system?” is extremely important in each of the cases of launching an automation project.

This thesis is undeniable for several reasons:

  • The introduction of information is a very expensive pleasure;
  • An insufficiently high-quality approach to the implementation of the project can paralyze the work of the enterprise, sometimes for a long time;
  • In the course of implementation, existing ones can and should be changed;
  • The very structure of the enterprise may also change.

We can say with confidence that the extent to which the resulting information system will meet the needs depends on the level of consultants implementing the information system. And this is critically important given the fact that, as a rule, companies do not have competent business analysts on their staff who are able to direct the project in the right direction, avoiding typical mistakes.

The implementation of information systems mainly occurs according to one of the following schemes:

    Implementation is carried out by the implementing company;

  1. Own department of information technologies;
  2. A freelancer is hired to act as the project manager.

Let's consider each option in more detail.

Implementing company. Here it is immediately necessary to differentiate such companies. It is one thing for a large company that has branches and, as a rule, its own developments on the chosen platform. And quite another small company. On the one hand, a large company is able to provide great guarantees for the success of an implementation project. Sometimes this assumption is true, but the situation is not always so unambiguous.

The nuances of working with a large implementation company:

    Implementation of the information system is put on stream;

    The staff of the company includes specialists with very different qualifications. As a rule, such companies have a very high "staff turnover", they recruit a lot of inexperienced (sometimes very promising) young people, and they need to be "trained" somewhere. Accordingly, employees with a level of training directly dependent on the degree of importance of the client for the company are sent to the project;

    Failure on "small" projects has little effect on the overall reputation of the company and the corresponding attitude towards such projects;

    Since companies have their own development of information systems, these developments are being promoted, which is not always justified (sometimes it is easier to create a completely new solution) and is always very expensive and inconvenient to maintain;

    The cost of services is the highest of all the options considered.

The alternative is a small company:

    The project may become a priority for the company's specialists;

    For such companies, in my opinion, a manifestation of greed is characteristic. Since the sphere of information technology is not yet the most competitive sector of the economy. Small companies can receive a significant information systems implementation project. While the main forces of the company are already engaged in projects, they are trying to make up for the shortfall by accelerating the recruitment of newcomers, naturally wanting to save on salaries. Development is transferred to the cheapest outsourcers, while they themselves take quite a lot for an hour of programmer's work. The margin can reach 75%. These projects are characterized by constant change of the head, leapfrog of consultants, strange technical solutions, missed deadlines.

    The success of the project depends entirely on the qualifications of the company's employees and, first of all, the project manager;

    Much cheaper than.

Own information technology (IT) department.

At first glance, it seems the best option, their employees, controllable costs, a guarantee of information preservation. However, world experience says the cases of implementation of projects for the implementation of information systems by this method are rare! A characteristic element of such projects is the lengthy time frame for implementation, which can be delayed for years. Such projects go into operational activities.

Employees of the IT department are lower in the hierarchy than the heads of departments, and even more so the directors of departments. And they are forced to fulfill all the whims of users. Those. at the head of the development is the dictatorship of middle managers incompetent in information technology. And such a dictatorship is also mixed with ambitions, any leader is simply obliged to improve something and prove the uniqueness of his business processes. Leads to very interesting results.

Another point is too close communication, the user asks to do something verbally, but then he makes adjustments, and then another. Thus, the measure of evaluation of the work of both the consultant and the programmer disappears. It is difficult to hit when the target is not set.

It is impossible not to note such a weakness of this scheme as the isolation of the IT specialists of the enterprise from information exchange with other specialists involved in similar projects.

Successful implementation of an information system implementation project according to such a scheme is possible only thanks to the genius of the manager, the head of the IT service. Who will be able to prove to other managers the correctness of their ideas, establish a clear workflow, constantly monitor the progress of the project and be able to stimulate subordinates.

freelancer. The most personalized solution. A careful approach to the selection of an expert who will lead the implementation team is the main advantage of this solution, in addition to the relatively low cost of freelancer services. Careful consideration should be given to evaluating the consultant's professional experience.

But no one guarantees that this specialist will be able to steadfastly overcome the managerial problems that were described in the previous paragraph.

The disadvantages of this approach are obvious and are the lack of formalized responsibility for the project, as well as the high degree of dependence of the success of the entire project on one person who manages the implementation process.

In addition, there is a risk that the new person will not be able to work well with the already established team of the information technology service, which will at least delay the implementation of the information system.

Drawing conclusions from the above, I want to fix:

  • Attracting a large company of the implementer is the prerogative of large companies, the success of the project with which will have an image component for the implementer;
  • A small company is better suited for not the largest implementations, but you need to closely monitor the progress of the implementation of the information system;
  • Implementation by our own IT department, with this scheme, the risk of transferring project activities to operational is extremely high, the project will last for years, and the goals will constantly change;
  • Freelancer is an interesting approach to implementation, but requires a painstaking approach to choosing a consultant persona. Unfortunately, it is difficult for managers who initiated the implementation of an information system to determine the level of competence of an IT specialist, due to the lack of experience in project activities in the IT field. In addition, the key factor of this scheme may be the level of competencies assigned to a specialist.

Based on the fact that the proposed methods are not ideal.

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