Word move the table header to the next page. Header on every Excel page. We're glad we could help you resolve your issue.

In previous lessons, it was described about pinning areas for convenient viewing of large documents when scrolling vertically or horizontally. As a rule, headings of rows and columns of tables are fixed. But the question involuntarily arises: "How does Excel fix the table header when printing?".

In the "page settings" you can configure the printing of the table header on each page. So that the table can also be conveniently viewed on printed sheets of paper. After all, the lack of table headers on each sheet significantly complicates the readability of the printed data.

Print table header on every Excel page

After changing these settings, you can print a table header on each page. The result of these settings can be seen when the document is previewed or immediately after it is printed.

Excel has more options for customizing the printing of documents than Word.


Students, office workers, and other people who actively use Microsoft Word have to migrate spreadsheets. Below we will consider how, when transferring a table, automatically transfer the name of the columns and how to insert the line “continuation of the table” (as required by GOST in educational institutions). We will analyze it using a live example, for this we open Word and create a table in it for example:

The title of the table consists of "Indicators" and years. What to do for automatic header transfer tables on the next page? Select the heading, right-click, select " Table property»:

In the properties of the table, go to the tab " Line" and put a tick in front of the item "", confirm the change by pressing " OK».

We get the desired result: the header has moved automatically to the next page. An important plus is that when you change the header of the table, and this can only be done in the very first line on the first page, changes occur automatically in the header on the next page.

By the way, if you need disable automatic header transfer on the next page, we perform the reverse operation: select the header, go to "Table Properties", in the tab " Line" uncheck the box next to " repeat as heading on every page».

What to do if you need to insert the line " Table continuation"? I didn't manage to do it automatically. If anyone knows, unsubscribe in the comments. So, to insert the "Continuation of the table" you need to insert a new line after the line on which the table breaks and goes to the next page. To do this, place the cursor on this line and right-click and select " Insert row below».


Next, select all the columns and call the menu (right-click) and select " Merge cells»:

After that, in this cell we write the required phrase, for example " Table 1 continued” and do alignment on the right side ( ctrl+r or in the menu bar of the program). If the cell seemed very wide, then we pull it up. To do this, place the mouse cursor on the bottom border of the cell and pull it as high as possible.

It seems that everything is ready. But many standards require remove horizontal lines between the wrapped lines, thereby showing that the table is not closed and continues. In our example, in the table on the first page, there was no horizontal line anyway, but on the second page at the top it is present, let's remove it. To do this, put the cursor in the cell with " Continuation of the table"and in the Word menu go to" Working with tables", chapter " Constructor».

Here we have the required table. If needed add table header to the second page, then this is done in manual mode. To do this, copy the header from the first page to the second. You need to insert by placing the cursor on the next line after the line with the content "Continuation of table 1". In our example, in the cell with "Cost of goods sold ...".

Thus, the standardization of the table is completely carried out. The disadvantage of the method with the insertion of the line "Continuation of the table" is the offset of the table when increasing or decreasing the text in the work. In this regard, it is recommended to transfer tables at the last stage of work, when the amount of text in the work becomes unchanged.

Hello, dear users of the multifunctional text editor WORD. From today's "Cheat Sheet" you will learn how to make, perform according to GOST, insert, fix, move, repeat, copy titles, headings, inscriptions, table headers in Word to other pages. As before, we will work with its 2016 version.

Ask, why am I spamming with all possible synonyms for one concept? But the fact is that there is a lot of confusion in this linguistic, it would seem, issue. Let's agree with you that the inscription above the table is its name in a different way. But the contents of the first table row is a header or heading. Now, having dealt with the subject of our today's conversation, we can proceed to its "production". Go?

How to make an inscription over a table in Word

This operation can be carried out in three ways. The first of them ensures full compliance with the requirements of GOSTs: 7.32-2001 (for graduation theses), as well as 1.5-93 and 2.105-95 (ESKD - Unified System for Design Documentation). The inscription turns out to be modest and discreet, but at the same time, the tables are automatically numbered. The second and third methods are for those who are not constrained by the Gost framework and want to brightly design the name of the table. So…

The inscription to the table in the Word according to GOST

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Select the table. To do this, left-click on the move marker (the cross in the upper left corner). After that, we call the context menu by pressing the right mouse button (the cursor is on the table field). In the pop-up window, select the line "insert name"(see fig. 1).

In the first cell of the dropped-out window (see Fig. 2) we write the name. Moreover, pay attention, friends, that according to GOST it begins precisely with the word "Table" with a serial number. Then, through a dash with a capital letter, we enter the title itself and do not put a dot after it. If the indicated cell contains not the word "table", but "equation" or "figure", then you can make a replacement in "parameters" line "signature".

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In the third line "position" we are given the choice to place the table heading above or below it. GOST allows both options. After filling in all the required fields, do not forget to click the button "OK".

You can delete an erroneously inserted or disliked name using the key DELETE.

How to insert a table name in Word with your own formatting

Sometimes Word users have a problem entering the table name. The cursor doesn't want to go beyond its upper bounds. In this case, you need to do this:

  • put the cursor in the upper left cell;
  • in the toolbar "Working with tables" go to tab "Layout";
  • In chapter "An association" click on the button "split table"(Fig. 3).

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Now our cursor has obediently taken its place above the table and is ready to enter its name. Any styles, sizes and colors of fonts are available to us. You can put the table title in a frame. How to do it read here. But this way of giving a table a name has one drawback. Sometimes, if further formatting is needed (adding / deleting rows, columns), the inscription “moves out” to the side. It looks very ugly. To avoid such incidents, it is better to use the third method.

How to make an inscription to the Word table so that it does not move

The first step is to add a row at the top of the table. Let me remind you how to do it: panel "Working with tables"- tab "Layout"- chapter "Rows and Columns"- button "insert on top". Moreover, the new line will be empty, without text (Fig. 4).

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Next, in the newly added line, you need to merge the cells. To do this, select the line, in the same tab "Layout" go to section "An association" and press the button "merge cells"(Fig. 5). After that, in the resulting large cell, enter the name of the table, put it in the center and format the text.

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Now, in order for the label to look beautiful, we need to remove the borders of the cell. Select it again and follow the path: panel "Working with tables"- tab "Constructor"- chapter "Framing"- button "boundaries". In the drop-down menu, go down to the very bottom and click on the line "borders and shading".

After that, a new window will open in which you need to select a tab "Border" and deselect the buttons corresponding to the top and two side frames, then - "apply to cell" And "OK".

Now the inscription is almost “tightly glued” to the Word table. Everything looks very nice. But this method also has its pitfalls. It only applies to small tables that fit on one sheet. Otherwise, you, friends, will not be able to duplicate the table header in its continuations on subsequent pages without repeating the title. And it's not supposed to do that.

Because everyone knows that it is better to see once. than to read many times, I have prepared for you, friends, a short video:

So ... We are done with the inscriptions-names of the Word tables. Let's deal with headers now.

How to fix the table header in Word

This question arises in the case of large tables that span multiple pages. Then, of course, for the convenience of working with their data, it is better to duplicate the title bar at the beginning of each page. This is what we mean by using the term "fix".

So, fixing the table header in Word is very simple. To do this, select it, then in the tab "Layout" and section "Data" activate button "repeat header lines"(Fig. 6). Now on each new page your sign will begin, as expected, with a header.

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The same can be done using the window "Table Properties". To open it, select the entire table, right-click on its field, in the drop-down menu we find the line we need. In the window, go to the tab "Line" and tick off "repeat as heading on every page"(Fig. 7).

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In this case, you just need to open the window again "Table Properties" and now go to tab "table". Pay attention to the group "Wrap Around". Choose button "NO", it must be activated (see fig. 8). Only then will you be able to duplicate the table header on subsequent pages.

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Now you will succeed.

How to freeze only the second row of a table without a header

It happens that a large and complex table has many columns and spans several pages. Then, to facilitate the perception of its contents, column numbers are put down in the second line under the heading, and the continuation of the table on each new page begins with this numbering.

But how is it done? After all, when moving the table header, you cannot ignore its first row. Will not work. And we will not take the same steps that we performed to repeat the title on each page. Let's do it easier:

  • select the line with numbers;
  • copy it ( ctrl+c);
  • insert into each first row in the continuation of the table on new pages ( ctrl +V);

With this question, everything is clear. Is not it?

How to insert the inscription "table continuation" in Word

Yes, in large tables that take up several pages, according to GOST, such an inscription is required to be inserted. However, even if you do not have a Gost document, then the inscription “continuation of the table” at the beginning of each new tabular sheet will still be quite appropriate. But WORD program does not allow text to be entered between table rows. How to be? There is an exit. You need to follow these steps:

  • put the cursor in the last cell of the last line of the table on the first page;
  • make a page break in this place (Tab "Insert"- chapter "Pages"- button "page break");
  • the last line of the first page will shift to the second, and under the table on the first page, you can put the cursor and enter the text: "continuation of the table" (see Fig. 9).

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But we need this inscription not at all on the first, but on the second and subsequent pages. Calmly. As soon as you start entering text, it will "jump" to the second sheet. Everything will be as it should be.

If the table occupies not 2, but 3 or more sheets, then, unfortunately, this operation will have to be repeated on each sheet again. This process cannot be automated.

For the second part of our article (about headers and headings), a video clip has also been prepared for you, dear readers:

In my opinion, friends, we have analyzed all the points that may arise when working with captions and table headers in Word 2016. I hope you understand everything. If I missed something, ask questions in the comments. The next "Cheat Sheet" will be about splitting and merging tables in Word. And for today, I say goodbye to you. I wish you success!

Your guide to WORD 2016 GALANT.

And here are some more articles on working with tables.

Most novice computer users require basic knowledge of working with text editor Microsoft Word. Most often, this concerns the compilation of tables for accounting, reporting, creating instructions, etc.

  1. How to make a table in Word
  2. How to make a complex table header in Word
  3. How to move table header to every word page
  4. Video tutorial on creating a table in MS Word

To make a table in Word, you need to go to the "Insert" tab, which is located in the main menu of Word. Next, select "Table". Now we have two ways to create a table. The first is highlighting the table schema. select the desired number of rows and columns by moving diagonally across the table layout.

The second way: Insert -> Table -> Insert table. Here, mark the number of columns and rows.

How to make a table header

The table header is top part table with column names. In the example below, the table header is greyed out:

The hat can be simple. In this case, it is no different in form from the rest of the table, and complex - in this case, the heading categories are divided into subcategories.

To split a header cell into view subheadings:

You must first draw a horizontal line, and then divide the bottom of the cell into parts. Even if there is already text in this cell, it will not hurt you. So, go to the tab Working with tables -> Design -> Draw a table. Your cursor will turn into a "pencil", draw it from the left to the right edge of the table header cell. If you need to divide many cells at once with such a line, then draw a pencil from the extreme left border of the first cell to the right border of the last one.

Now we get rid of the “pencil” cursor by clicking several times in the free field of any table cell. Place the cursor on the bottom of the cell (under the horizontal line that was drawn earlier), right-click and select "Split Cells":

Now a new window will open where you choose the number of columns your cell will be split into. The default is 2 columns, but if you need large quantity, then increase the value:

You probably noticed a flaw - the division into categories is only in the header, and below the cells of the table itself are not divided into subcategories. To correct this situation, take the “pencil” tool again (to do this, select the “Draw Table” function in the table designer) and extend the division into subcategories through the underlying table cells.

Video tutorial on creating a table in MS Word

You can ask any question about creating and editing a table in Microsoft Word in the comments to this article, and you will receive a detailed answer with screenshots, and possibly even video instructions.

We continue to study work with tables inWord. In this article, we will consider how to make a repeating table header in word.

Suppose we have a table in the Word, which indicates the countries of the world by population. In the first line we make a table header, that is table header. We make a heading in a word table the same font, the same size, just make it bold and add a light gray fill. Now our table looks like this:

How to make a header in a Word table - Heading in a Word table

Our table is very long and goes to the next page, so we need to make a repeating table header in word. In no case should you copy the title (header) of the table and paste it into the first line on each subsequent page. In order to move the table header, you just need to select the first column of our table, go to the "Layout" tab and select "Repeat Header Rows"

How to make a header in a Word table - Repeat header rows in a table

Now on each page there is an automatic repetition of the table header.

How to make a header in a Word table - Move the table header

Well, now you know that there is nothing difficult to make a table header in word.

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