Russian and foreign ratings Internet resources. Foreign Internet resources. Radio and television

. News from around the world in fourteen languages, including Russian. With over 2,500 journalists, photojournalists and cameramen, Reuters is one of the most influential news gathering and distribution companies in the world. Most of the information (including photos and videos) is devoted to military conflicts and wars in which the belligerents equally represent their positions. A special place is occupied by financial and business news. Extensive search capabilities on the site and its archives. Updated every minute. . The Cable News Network (CNN) provides US and worldwide news 24 hours a day in eight languages. CNN is headquartered in the US and has numerous bureaus around the world. Extensive search capabilities on the site and its archives. Updated every minute.

BBC News . The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) presents news from the UK and around the world in six languages, including Russian. It has bureaus all over the world and cooperates with news agencies such as the Press Association, Associated Press, Reuters and Agence France-Presse. Extensive search capabilities on the site and its archives. Updated every minute. See also: BBC Russian | BBC News in Russian.

Agence France-Presse (AFP) . The World News Agency presents news from France and around the world in six languages, including Russian. Headquarters are based in Paris and bureaus are located all over the world. Covers events in all areas: politics, diplomatic relations, economics. Increasingly tends to cover everyday life, sports news, cultural events, scientific developments, film and theater news. Updated every minute.

World News Network . A network (and search engine) that includes more than a hundred news sites from around the world - general world and regional, as well as specialized sports, entertainment, educational, medical and others.Not all sites are listed on the main page - use the main menus to access all sites. Extensive search capabilities, including search by dates, languages, headings of news feeds.

headline spot . A guide to the best American and international news sites on the Internet. Quick access to more than 2600 front pages and thousands of links to news sites by subject, location, type (news feeds, newspapers, photographs, magazines, TV and radio news). Extensive search capabilities, including search for cities, US states, and countries around the world.

ABYZ News Links . Directory of links to more than 15,000 newspapers and other news sites such as news feeds, broadcasters and press agencies around the world, including Russian ones. For the catalog are selected promptly updated professional news sites that are of interest to a wide audience. Extensive search capabilities, including search by country, region, and date.

Television News Archive . The collection created by Vanderbilt Iniversity is a complete archive (1968-2002) of television news. Contains excerpts from 30,000 evening news broadcasts of the world's largest television companies ABC, NBC, CBS, as well as from 9,000 hours of news program recordings. Extensive search capabilities, including search by dates and keywords. News dedicated to major world events are combined into specialized news collections.

Information about sites will be arranged in ascending order of views.
The most visited site will be at the end.
You will learn what these sites are and how they have succeeded.

1. - 163 million unique visitors

What it is: An American company, the largest online store selling electronics, clothing, sporting goods and even food.
How it became successful: Amazon started with a few people who packaged and mailed books. Since then, it has grown and sells everything in the world.

2. - 169 million unique visitors

What it is: A Chinese portal that brings together content generated by the media and users themselves.
How he became successful: In the early 2000s, Sina was called China's Yahoo. In 2009, Sina launched the Weibo microblogging service, and 400 million users have joined.

3. - 170.9 million unique visitors

How it succeeded: WordPress has attracted a huge number of users by offering the simplest tools for blogging and publishing content on the web. Due to its general availability, WordPress has easily surpassed other platforms that require royalties in popularity.

4. - 171.7 million unique visitors

What it is: A platform dedicated to Apple products and software.
How it succeeded: combines the functions of the Apple store and technical support for users of the company's products. The site is programmed as Homepage the default browser is Safari, which is installed in all Apple-related products that have access to the Internet - and there are hundreds of millions of them.

5. - 175.8 million unique visitors

What is: Chinese portal and search engine
How it became successful: Sohu launched in 1997 as China's first search engine. Since then, it has grown into a major portal that combines both a gaming portal and a real estate site.

6. - 184 million unique visitors

What it is: Search engine.
How it succeeded: Bing was promoted by Microsoft, who also put a lot of effort into making the search engine as easy to use as possible by adding a “social” sidebar to it and improving algorithms. In addition, Microsoft pays other websites to link to Bing.

7. - 189.8 million unique visitors

What it is: A short messaging platform.
How it succeeded: Since its launch in 2009, Twitter has become the most convenient way for millions of people to stay up to date with all the world's events. The presence in the system of news agencies, politicians and experts in other fields has made Twitter a primary source for information of any kind.

8. - 207 million unique visitors

What it is: A Chinese online store offering clothing, accessories, jewelry, food, electronics, and more.
How it became successful: Taobao is the Chinese equivalent of eBay and Amazon and one of the largest online stores in the world. In 2003, this project was launched by Alibaba, its difference was that there was no fee for users. As a result, the project quickly turned into a giant search engine for sellers and buyers.

9. - 218.4 million unique visitors

What it is: A search engine that specializes in finding answers to questions.
How it became successful: The project was launched in 1990 under the name AskJeeves. When its parent company IAC acquired, Ask was able to add more content to its site. In essence, now it is something like an updated Google.

10. - 229.9 million unique visitors

What it is: Blog platform
How it became successful: Blogger started out as a tiny San Francisco company that was on the brink of bankruptcy at some point. Google helped save the company by buying it in 2002.

11. - 254.1 million unique visitors

What it is: ISP, web portal and search engine
How it became successful: MSN evolved from an Internet service provider to a portal-based counterpart to Hotmail and MSN Messenger.

12. Baidu – 268.7 million unique visitors

What it is: Chinese search engine for websites, audio and pictures.
How he became successful: Baidu is one of the most popular search engines in China. The company employs thousands of the best Chinese engineers who are constantly improving the quality and speed of the system.

13. - 271.7 million unique visitors

What it is: A site where you can buy Microsoft products, download software and get updates.
How it became successful: The site became popular due to the huge number of computers using Microsoft Windows and in need of technical support and other services provided by the company.

14. - 284.1 million unique visitors

What it is: Chinese search engine and portal
How it became successful: was created with the support of Tencent as China's largest instant messaging system. The company has managed to attract over 700 million active users.

15. - 389.5 million unique visitors

What it is: Microsoft's new feature-rich email.
How it succeeded: Microsoft made both of its email services, Outlook and Hotmail, available through If you sign in to, you will be redirected to It's the same with

16. - 469.6 million unique visitors

What is: free universal encyclopedia
How He Got Successful: Anyone can post and edit Wikipedia articles, which has made it a popular source of information.

1. The share of the audience of the program of TV channel A on Friday at 20:00 is 30% (Share = 30%).

The share of viewers at this moment is 70% (HUT = 70%).

The share of viewers at this moment is 25% (Share = 25%).

What is the share of all TV viewers at this moment?

3. The share of viewers on Friday at 22:00 is 70% of TV owners (HUT = 70%).

What is the proportion of "B" at this time?

The average frequency was 4 (Frequency = 4).

The coverage is 80% (Reach(1+) = 80%).

What is the value of the middle frequency?

6. 152,000 people live in the city.

The newspaper is read by 13,000 people.

The TV show is watched by 47,000 people.

7. 152,000 people live in the city.

Of these, men aged 25–40 make up 9%.

According to studies, 4,000 men of this age watched a TV show.

Transfer share - 25%.

The population of the city is 70,000 people.

How many people were watching TV during the broadcast?

18% of the country's population watched TV during the period under review.

What is the share of the TV channel in this period of time?

Campaign coverage - 30%.

What is the campaign frequency?

11. There are 220,000 women aged 20-40 in the city.

The frequency was 4.2.

How many contacts were made within the campaign?

The budget was 12,000 rubles.

1. HUT? share=raitng.

0.70? 0.30 = 0.21 or 21%.

2. Rating/Share = HUT.

0.06/0.25 = 0.24 or 24%.

3. Rating/HUT=Share.

0.15/0.70 = 0.21 or 21%.

4. Reach? Frequency = GRP.

50% ? 4 = 200 GRP.


6. Number of respondents / total number of inhabitants? 100% = Rating.

Newspaper: 13,000/152,000? 100% = 8.5%.

TV show: 47,000/152,000 ? 100% = 30.9%.

7. 1. population? % = number of men of this age.

152 000 ? 9% = 13 680.

2. number of respondents/total number of respondents? 100% = Rating.

4000/13 680 ? 100% = 29,2%.

8. 1. Rating/Share = HUT.

12/25 = 0.48 or 48%.

2. 70 000 ? 48% = 33 600.

9. Share = 7/18 ? 100 = 38.8.

10. GRP = 12? 7+7? 9+9? 12 = 255.

F = GRP/Reach = 255/30 = 8.5.

11. Total women covered 220,000? 70% = 154,000.

154,000? 4.2 = 646,800 contacts.

12. GRP = 65? 7.2 = 468. CPP = 12,000/468 = 25.6.

Online Media Planning Resources

Website of the Guild of Periodical Press Publishers. Interesting materials about the media and their audiences are regularly published.

Website of the magazine "Journalist". Basically, all publications are about journalism, but there are also about advertising in the media.


The site of the Newspaper Association of America (NAA), founded in 1992 after the merger of seven organizations serving the newspaper industry. The association represents almost 90% of the daily newspapers in the United States, as well as a number of periodicals from other countries. The site has a lot of information available not only to members of the Association. For example, in the NADbase (Newspaper Audience Database), updated twice a year, you can get information about the readership of paper and online publications of more than one hundred major newspapers. You can also subscribe to several newsletters and magazines with different frequency and topics, or browse the archives.

Newspaper Society of Great Britain - information on regional local markets.

Website of the National Newspaper Association founded in 1885.

Website of the Magazine Publishers of America (MPA), founded in 1919 and representing about 250 American and more than 80 international publishing companies. Its purpose is to promote magazines as an advertising medium, and therefore the site has free access to many analytical and statistical materials and studies related to the use of magazines as an independent advertising medium or in mix campaigns, as well as the characteristics of the magazine audience (constantly updated Media QuadMaps show the media consumption skills of various demographic and consumer groups).

Radio and TV


Russian radio portal - media and show business news, media research and ratings (updated data on radio audience), links (with detailed coordinates) to the most famous research companies and some media organizations in the country and in neighboring countries.

The Radio Broadcasting Technologies website is dedicated to the creation of private commercial radio companies in Russia - how to register a media outlet, how to obtain a license, how to issue permits, what to do after creating a radio station: how to manage, program, promote it.


The site of the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB), which has been representing the radio and television industry in front of public and state institutions for 75 years. There is a lot of information intended rather for the journalistic, managerial and technical staff of radio and television enterprises, but there is also interesting information for media planners supplied by such research companies as Nielsen and Arbitron. The association also publishes about a dozen newsletters on various topics and at varying intervals, two or three of which, including the daily NAB Smart Brief, are available to all site visitors. Well organized collection of useful links.

The site of the American Radio Advertising Bureau (RAB) is a half-century-old organization whose main goal is to promote radio as an advertising medium, for which it promotes the study of radio audiences and the effectiveness of radio advertising, as well as the training of personnel selling the advertising opportunities of radio. There is a lot of open access material on the "selling power" of radio (in comparison with other media), as well as the characteristics of radio listeners and their purchasing behavior.

Website of the British Radio Advertising Bureau (RAB), founded in 1992. The resource is well organized and very rich in analytical materials and studies of a mediaological rather than news nature. It is divided into several sections devoted to various topics and intended for different groups of visitors - media planners, advertisers, advertisers, marketers. The site also has an audio library of commercials from the last 10 years, consisting of more than 20 thousand items. All materials are freely available.

Website of the Television Bureau of Advertising (TVB), an American non-profit professional association of television broadcasters. The studies presented on the site (many of which are available free of charge to non-members of the association) are systematized by the object of study - the market, consumers, viewers, media, advertising revenues. A particularly popular data collection is Trends in Advertising, which collects information on the annual advertising revenues of all media (including television, newspapers, magazines, direct mail, billboards, the Internet, yellow pages, and others) from 1948 to 2005.

Website of the Cabletelevision Advertising Bureau Association (, created to promote cable television as an advertising medium. The site has a wide range of free analytics on cable TV and advertising, up-to-date ratings and audience research reports for various channels, and quarterly and annual TV advertising spend statistics by category and brand. The section "Media Mathematics" presents various formulas and examples of ways to count the TV audience. There is also a search system for the desired cable operator or network.

Site of National Cable Communications (NCC), specializing in advertising on cable television. The site may be of interest for the set of research products presented.




One of the richest analytical and statistical resources in the field of interactive marketing. A site visitor can also use the online CPM calculator for free (knowing the cost of an advertising campaign and the number of impressions). The coordinates of companies that sell software systems for tracking online advertising are also given. Founded in 1997, ValueClick Media is one of the first online ad networks, and likely the first to adopt an impression-based payment model for online advertising. Today it is one of the largest ad networks, reaching approximately two-thirds of the US Internet audience.

On DoubleClick, you can find a lot of fresh data and analysis on online advertising trends and live examples of improving advertising efficiency on the World Wide Web in the public domain, as well as subscribe to the newsletter.


The goal of the Out of Home project is to unite the Russian outdoor advertising market into a single information space so that advertisers and owners of advertising surfaces can quickly find each other, regardless of their location. News and review materials about the outdoor advertising market. Catalog of advertising surfaces with the ability to search by type of advertising medium, by region, city, street and house number. Free placement and registration of advertising surfaces.

Official site of the Association of Outdoor Advertising Enterprises. The site has a directory of advertising firms, where you can leave your link.


The website of the Outdoor Advertising Association of America, founded in 1891, represents more than a thousand companies that earn 90% of the money in this industry. In addition to reference information about the members of the Association, there are many reports on audience measurements on the site. various types outdoor advertising, analyzes, until recently available only on a paid basis (Research Reports), as well as a rich portfolio of case studies organized by product categories.

Website of the British company POSTAR (Poster Audience Research).

An interesting document is presented: "The Postar Classification Guide", which systematizes in great detail the types of billboards and their installation locations, as well as the criteria for assessing their visibility and, accordingly, the cost.

Direct mail

Website of the Direct Marketing Association (DMA), founded in 1917 and with nearly 5,000 members from over 40 countries. After registering on the site for free, non-members of the organization can get acquainted with a number of studies and case studies, as well as subscribe to one of the daily newsletters (MyDMA Newsletter), whose content can be independently formed to some extent by choosing sections from which information is needed.

The website of the Word of Mouth Marketing Association (WOMMA), the official industry association for word of mouth marketing, whose goal is to promote and develop word of mouth marketing and turn it into a basic component of the marketing mix. You can sign up for a free newsletter and receive information about the latest strategies and successes, as well as research and surveys in the field of word of mouth marketing.

Directories and Catalogs


Website of the Russian Book Chamber, founded in 1917, which maintains bibliographic and statistical records of publications published in the Russian Federation. In the online database you can find a list of Russian publishers. The site has a search system for articles in periodicals published since 2004, as well as a list of newspapers and magazines, articles from which are included in the database.

The site contains atlases of Russian media managers and content managers (with biographical data and a list of publications), as well as detailed atlases of Russian media companies, television, radio stations, central and regional press. Latest media and advertising market news, interviews, publication announcements and other information.

Press catalog (all publications and publishing houses with the ability to search by various parameters, as well as their own, from Media Guide, ratings of publications by subject and region for a certain period). News of the advertising market, publishing business and media industry on the site and in the mailing list.


Directory of world media and news agencies, searchable by country and media type. Since the replenishment of the resource is voluntary and free, the information in it is somewhat fragmentary (for example, there are only two Russian magazines).

Mediafinder is another press directory that bills itself as the largest database of US and Canadian periodicals.

Analytical information and news

Russian is an information and analytical portal dedicated to marketing, advertising and PR - daily updated news and review materials, fresh information about the media business and media measurements.

The site of the Analytical Center "Video International" (ACVI), created on the basis of the information and analytical department of the agency "Media Service "Video International"". The sections “Publications” and “Information and Analytical Materials” contain articles by ACVI employees and the results of some studies (annual and seasonal reports of television in Russia, the advertising market in Russia) conducted by the Center and of interest to researchers and practitioners of the media industry and advertising business.

News portal about advertising Advertology.Ru. You can find interesting articles, weekly audience measurements of TV channels from TNS Gallup Media, ratings of advertisers, advertising agencies and other information. A separate page is devoted to the magazine "Laboratory of Advertising, Marketing and PR".


The website of the World Advertising Research Center is the richest resource (consisting of more than 25 thousand items, and everything is “on the case”), including in the field of media planning. The Center has offices in the US, UK and Australia. Under the auspices of various organizations, the Center publishes the monthly Admap and International Journal of Advertising magazines, the bi-monthly International Journal of Market Research (available at for the latest publication excerpts), the quarterly Market Leader, as well as many non-periodical editions. Articles, statistics and case studies on the site are collected from almost all over the world, and the search engine makes finding the right material quite easy. Within seven days after registration, the visitor of the resource is given free "experimental" access to some of the information resources.

Mediapost is a resource rich in its own information and designed specifically for media planners and media buyers. After registration, you can access all materials and subscribe to a daily newsletter with the latest information about the media industry.

The website of ZenithOptimedia, a subsidiary of one of the world's largest media market data providers, Publicis Group, with offices in 64 countries. ZenithOptimedia's most popular products include the annual World Press Trends survey, which analyzes the newspaper industry in more than 200 countries, as well as the Advertising Expenditure Forecasts report, updated several times a year, by region, country, media type. The site has a significant catalog of links, including advertising and media research resources.

Website of the American Marketing Association (AMA) - an international (45 thousand members from 92 countries) professional organization that unites people working in the field of marketing. The information array is divided into several parts intended for various categories of visitors - practitioners, students, teachers and others. In the public domain, you can find data from various sociological studies, thematic publications, a glossary of terms used in media planning, methodological advice on how to choose an advertising medium and how to calculate how effective a media purchase will be (if you don’t want to use the services of the “media planner” of the Association, working on the basis of “ the first intelligent media planning machine" Power Planner, as well as its media buying services). and Site of the Advertising Research Foundation (ARF), a non-profit organization founded in 1936 by the Association of National Advertisers and the American Association of Advertising Agencies (American Association of Advertising Agencies) as a scientific and educational center. Its members represent over 400 advertisers, advertising agencies, research firms, media companies, educational institutions and international organizations. Under the auspices of the ARF (although the direct publisher is WARC), the quarterly Journal of Advertising Research (JAR) is published. On the site you can subscribe to a free newsletter with announcements of the magazine's materials.

The site of the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) is an association that declares its goal to maximize the effectiveness of advertising in interactive media (on the Internet, in interactive television channels). In the "Research and Sources" section, interesting analytical materials, studies, cases, reports and statistics on advertising revenues in the field of online advertising are freely available. You can subscribe to daily and monthly newsletters.

The site of the world leader in the field of information services for the media industry VNU Media Measurement & Information Group, operating in more than 100 countries. Its divisions VNU Business Publication and VNU eMedia ( publish several magazines and maintain their websites online: Adweek ( cm., Brandweek ( cm., Mediaweek ( cm. www.mediaweek. com), Editor & Publisher ( cm., Photo District News (, Marketing Y Medios (www. and others., an online edition of Mediaweek magazine, a product of VNU eMedia and VNU Business Publications, provides the latest news, commentary and analysis on the media business, including media planning.

Website of the Center for Interactive Advertising (ciAd) at the University of Texas at Austin. The resource is rich in research and analysis, intended mainly for students in the field of advertising and marketing, some of which may be useful for "acting" media planners.

EphronOnMedia is the name of the personal website of Erwin Ephron, advertising consultant, one of the five most influential people in the media over the past quarter century (according to American Demographics Magazine). After free registration, you can access the archive of his work, in particular on media planning (for one of them in 2000, Efron received an award Lysaker, awarded by the Advertising Research Foundation) and take part in a demo of his media planning master class.

Web Marketing Today Research Room - the largest collection (about 15,000) of annotated links to articles and resources on the topic of web marketing and advertising, including types of online advertising, pricing models and approaches, and advertising revenue. On the site, you can also subscribe to a free newsletter and at the same time get the right to download several books about web marketing and website promotion.

The Journal of Interactive Advertising is the official online publication of the advertising departments of the University of Michigan and the University of Texas. The review and analytical journal is published twice a year. All materials of the current and previous issues are freely available.

A modest resource representing a selection of articles from various, as a rule, open sources.

One of the richest collections of links useful in advertising, compiled by the Department of Advertising at the University of Texas at Austin.

One of the best collections of useful links to web resources in the media industry and advertising.

The site of perhaps the most famous publication about the advertising business - the weekly Advertising Age. After registration, you can subscribe to a dozen thematic newsletters.

Website of the weekly magazine Advertising Week. Free access to a digest of fresh publication materials, to useful links to media planning sites, as well as the ability to subscribe to newsletters.

For a small fee, you can become a citizen of Reklandia (Adland), discuss sore spots with fellow advertisers from different countries and view an archive of several tens of thousands of commercials.

Alphabetical list of presented Internet resources

English-Russian dictionary of terms used in media planning

ADI(area of ​​dominant influence) - "area of ​​​​dominant influence", the territory covered by the signal of the TV station

accumulated net coverage- the accumulated audience, the total coverage of the part of the population or the target group, which was contacted through several advertising messages in one or more advertising media

advertising exposure control- control of advertising display

AI(affinity index) – index of relevance to the target audience. It represents the ratio of the share of the target group representatives in the media audience to the share of the target group representatives in the population as a whole: SI = the target audience Media / target audience in the whole population? 100. A factor of 100 is used for convenience. The target audience matching index is measured in absolute units

AIR(average issue readership) - the average audience of one issue of a newspaper or magazine

audience- audience; media audience

audience selectivity– selectivity of the advertising carrier audience. Indicates the ability of the carrier to bring information to the target group of consumers with minimal coverage of non-target audience

average OTS(average opportunity to see) - the average frequency of audience contacts with advertising. It can also be referred to as frequency

VDI(brand development index) - brand index, an indicator of the level of preferences of a particular brand in a particular market. To calculate the brand index, you need data on brand sales and population in a particular region. The IB would be equal to the ratio of the brand's percentage of sales to the percentage of the population, multiplied by 100: IB = % sales / % population? 100

burn out of a banner– “banner burn”, a drop in the number of responses to an ad after several ad impressions to one visitor

cost per action– price for specific actions of advertising recipients

cost per click - cost per click

cost per sale– payment for the actual number of customers who followed the banner from the publisher's website to the advertiser's website and made a purchase

cover, coverage- coverage, coverage of the target audience. Usually used in press media planning. It is measured both numerically, in thousands of people, and as a percentage of the total target audience

CPP(cost per point) – cm. CRP

CPT(cost per thousand), CPM - price, cost per thousand contacts with the audience. In order to calculate the price per thousand, you need to divide the cost of a newspaper page by the circulation (audience) and then multiply by a thousand.

CRP(cost per rating point) – the cost of one rating point. The cost of a rating point is equal to the ratio of the cost of advertising to the rating of the target audience

day parts– intervals of temporary television and radio broadcasting

EP– discount for accommodation outside the programs (in the inter-program space)

EPT- discount for accommodation outside prime time

flat fee advertising- fixed cost of electronic advertising. Charged for placing a banner (or text ad) of a certain size, for a certain time (day, week, month, and so on), in a certain place, with a certain level of attendance

frequency- frequency, number of contacts of the audience with advertising; average frequency

geographical flexibility– geographic flexibility of media coverage. This indicator reflects the ability of the carrier to cover certain regions in which potential buyers are located.

GRP(gross rating point) – total, cumulative rating; is calculated by summing up the ratings of broadcasts (exposures) received during the placement of advertising throughout the entire advertising campaign. As a rule, the total rating is expressed as a percentage, while the % sign itself is omitted. Can also be expressed as a decimal

hit(visit) - hit - the total number of visits to the site for a certain time, for example, per week, month

host(site reach) – number of unique visitors

HUT(home using television) - the number of people (households) using TV on certain moment time. The HUT figure does not include people watching TV outside the home: in bars, shops, airports, hotels

impressions(gross impressions) - the number of contacts, the number of times that an advertising message can be potentially perceived by the audience in absolute terms

location at time of exposure- the location of advertising in relation to the consumer during its demonstration

media clutter- the saturation of the media with advertising; the average number of ads an audience sees in a given time

millennium rate- “milline”, the cost of publishing one line of advertising text in 1 million copies of a newspaper or magazine circulation

net coverage, net-reach - net reach

OTS(opportunity-to-see) - “the opportunity to see”; frequency. But it can also mean the number of contacts

pattern- coverage pattern. Indicates the distribution of active periods of an advertising campaign throughout the planning period, which ensures an effective level of coverage

POS- markup for positioning an advertising video

profile affinity– profiling, target group matching

PUR(people using radio) - the number of people using the radio. When measuring the audience of listeners, not only those people who have a radio at home, but also those who have it in cars are taken into account

reach- coverage, the number of representatives of the target audience who, within the framework of the campaign, had contact with advertising a given number of times. Audience coverage can be represented both as a characteristic of the audience that has seen the advertisement a certain number of times, and as a characteristic of the audience that has seen RS at least a certain number of times. In the first case, the coverage is denoted as Reach (n), in the second - as Reach (n+), where n is the number of perceptions

reach potential– coverage potential, the ability of the media to reach a certain number of target audiences

rich media mailelectronic format, allowing the use of color, dynamics, sound, which increases the impact on the consumer

SC– supercommission

share(share of audience rating) - the share, audience volume, the number of viewers of a particular program or time period of television broadcasting, expressed as a percentage of the total number of people currently watching TV. In essence, the share is the part of HUT calculated for specific program. The share is calculated by dividing the rating of the program by the total rating of all programs (the number of viewers watching this program by the total number of all viewers watching TV at the moment). Share = Rating / HUT or Share = Rating / HUT ? 100%

showing- "showing" (used in transit advertising). One show is equivalent to one GRP in broadcast media.

speed of audience accumulation- speed of audience accumulation

standard price unit- a standard unit of advertising cost, the price of an inch of one column of a standard six-column newspaper

T– seasonal discount

target audience- target audience, the most active consumers of a particular product or service

tracking– collection, analysis of information about users

TRP(target rating points) - total, cumulative rating of a specific target audience

V– volume discount, package discount

VEN– venture discount

video commercial is one of the video ad formats being implemented today that provides high quality images without the delays typical of rich media

zapping– switching channels by viewers

Http ://www .sqad .com The site of the SQAD company, known since the 1970s. as Spot Quotations And Data, Inc, but gradually expanded its range of interests and services and adopted this already popular abbreviation as its official name in 2001. Today, the firm specializes in predictive media pricing based on current pricing and actual advertising purchases from media, advertising and buying agencies. According to a special method, excluding random factors and comparing this information with data for the last few years, as well as taking into account the emerging trends, SQAD issues forecast prices for advertising media (national and local, by time zones, blocks and programs) for the next year. At the same time, in cooperation with a number of research and rating services, the company publishes weekly already calculated comparative data (CPM, CPP, etc.) on various media and their individual segments, thus providing its customers with information on how much and for what the market actually paid.

Http ://www .tns -mi .com TNS Media Intelligence (until 2000, before it was acquired by the TNS Group, known as CMR - Competitive Media Reporting ) is one of the world leaders in the field of marketing information, in particular in the field of information support advertising and media business. For its 16 thousand clients, the company monitors more than 3 million brands and monitors advertising (on television, radio, in the press, the Internet, outdoor advertising and cinema advertising) in 23 countries around the world, including Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. The site presents almost the entire range of products and services, systematized by type of business, including - specifically for advertising agencies, which are offered reports on advertising expenses of companies in certain sectors, monitoring compliance with the schedule for publishing or broadcasting client advertising, urgent (within 3-12 hours) notification of the start of an advertising campaign of one of the client's competitors, etc.

Http ://www .srds .com SRDS website ( Standard Rate and Data Service), which has maintained one of the richest databases for over 85 years of pricing and other information about the media (press, radio and television), as well as direct marketing and, more recently, online advertising; more than 100,000 titles from all over the world, updated monthly and available in print and online on a subscription basis. The site also contains a rich "collection" of calculators (with definitions and formulas) for calculating the main indicators needed when compiling a media plan - CPM , CPP , Rating , Share , HUT , PUT , GRP , TRP , Reach , Frequency , as well as BDI and CDI ; There is even a foreign exchange rate calculator.

Http ://www .webrf .com This site provides a fully featured system to determine the amount and frequency of television advertising you need. Users can customize the program according to the following parameters: target audience (potential consumers), effective output frequency p klama, its attractiveness to viewers, Feedback and activity of competitors. The results are available as flowcharts. The frequency and mass of advertising can be determined according to the Nielsen method using the appropriate control panel.

Http ://www .imsms .com The site of IMS Media Solutions, which offers information systems and software for the media industry. In addition to paid products, the site features one of the richest collections of online media planning calculators on the Web that allow you to calculate CPT and CPP, derive GRPs from Reach and Frequency or Share from HUT and Rating (or vice versa), and also determine brand development indices. and category development, etc.

Http ://www .amic .com A web resource called Advertising Media Internet Center(AMIC ) of AMIC .COM Inc . - a member of the Telmar Group of Companies (see, which provides computerized information and services in the field of media planning and media buying in 85 countries around the world. The AMIC website discusses the advantages and disadvantages of various advertising media, pricing methods for advertising services, sources of media data, and has many useful links. Many materials are available after free registration.

Http ://www .telmar .com /indexB .html Website of Telmar World ¬wide, specializing in the creation of software products and computerized databases (more than 4 thousand) for media planning, which can also be accessed via the Internet (http :/ /

Http :// Among other services, Knowledge Networks, Inc. offers its MultiMedia Mentor™ ( #m m ) as a way to overcome the complexities of creating mix media plans.

Http ://www .medialifemagazine .com The online magazine Media Life is positioned as a resource "for media planners and media buyers". The latest media industry news is posted daily: newspapers, magazines, television, new media, research, media economics, etc. You can subscribe to the daily newsletter for free, as well as weekly newsletters about the newspaper industry and outdoor advertising. You can also search the news archive for the last seven years.

Http ://www .vmr .com /index .php The site of the company Virtual Media Resources, engaged in media research, media planning and media buying.



Http ://www .tns -global .ru The TNS Group website features TNS AdFact (Russia's largest provider of advertising monitoring data for various advertising media), TNS Media (a company specializing in media and advertising research only) and TNS Marketing Information Center, TNS MIC (one of the largest marketing research market in Russia). Various syndicated projects are presented in detail: marketing research; measuring the audience of the media (press, radio, television and the Internet); monitoring of advertising (in the press, on radio, television, outdoor advertising and advertising in cinemas); media monitoring and press clipping. A separate page is devoted to the possibilities of specialized research for the media. The “Research Results” section contains reports on advertising monitoring (in the press, on radio and television, film and outdoor advertising - Top 10 categories and Top 10 advertisers by quarter), as well as on measuring media ratings: press - NRS, radio - Radio Index and television - TV -Index. (Summary information about the audience in Moscow and Russia in four versions of the report - Top 100, Top 10 by channel, Top 10 by genre and average daily share - is updated weekly on Thursdays.) Specialized Galileo software is presented separately.

Http ://www .comcon Site of KOMKON company: methods, research data, including information about the audience of Russian mass media (television, radio, press, Internet). Subscribe to news about media research.

Http ://rmh .ru The site of the ROMIR Monitoring Research Holding, one of the largest Russian companies specializing in marketing and sociological research. The site also presents the main areas of media research: the study of media preferences, the media market and the advertising market, annual monitoring of electronic and print media in Russia with the publication of reviews on the audience of TV, radio, press and the Internet, etc. The site has a "shop" of ready-made reports.

Http ://www .socismr .com The site of the research company "Socis", specializing in marketing and sociological research, as well as media measurements in Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Cherepovets, Vologda, Ivanovo, etc. The site contains excerpts from a regular study of the media audience " Media-MIKS-Russia” and the presentation of the regular initiative research of the omnibus type “Barometer”, in which companies and organizations can add their own exclusive questions to the standard questionnaire.

Http ://www .rprg .ru On the website of the RPRG research group ( Russian Public Relations Group) presents the main areas of its activities: marketing research, media monitoring (media clipping), advertising and sponsorship monitoring, auditing of advertising companies, etc.

Http ://www .gfk .ru Russian site of the German company GfK Group, which operates in more than 50 countries. Media and Internet research is one of the main directions of its activity. Ready-made reports store contains audience data (television, radio and press in a number of Russian cities) collected within the framework of the Russian Media Map project.

Http ://www .gortis .info / "GORTIS" covers marketing research, consulting. Articles on marketing research are given research, advertising and media preferences, the results of our own research and market reviews of St. Petersburg, the socio-demographic characteristics of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Russia as a whole.

Http ://www .validata .ru / Website of Valideita, a company specializing in marketing research and public opinion research, including consumer behavior research, image research, as well as advertising and media research.

Http ://www .wciom .ru Site of the oldest state research organization in Russia - the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM), since 1987 engaged in socio-economic, political, and marketing research. The site presents the types of research conducted and the methods used for this, as well as the quarterly journal "Monitoring".


Http ://www .casro .org Website of the CASRO Council of American Research Organizations founded in 1975 ( Council of American Survey Research Organizations), whose members are almost 300 companies in the US, Mexico and Canada. On the site you can get acquainted with the activities of the Council and some of its conclusions about the trends in the development of the industry. there you can also find one of the best collections of useful links to advertising and media organizations and companies. The Media Audit is a multi-media audience survey of various media that tracks over 450 metrics such as socioeconomic characteristics, lifestyle, product purchase plans, shopping habits for products, brands, stores, eateries, banks, insurance and medical institutions, preferred type of recreation, etc. The study can be purchased in printed form, or you can not use specially designed software. You can subscribe to e-mail newsletter with the latest news for free.

Http ://www .acnielsen .com The site of ACNielsen Worldwide, a marketing research company in more than 100 countries. Its founder is the famous American audience and media researcher Arthur Charles Nielsen. Today the company is a division of VNU ( In sf re advertising company services are more related to the study of the results of advertising exposure.

Http ://www .nielsenmedia .com Site of Nielsen Media Research , a subsidiary of VNU Media Measurement & Information Group , the world 's leading information services provider for the media industry . Nielsen Media serves the information and marketing needs of advertisers and advertising agencies, as well as representatives of the mass media, the Internet, music and film companies. But the company is best known for its TV ratings. It recently reaffirmed its leadership in this area, saying that it will continue to track TV viewing, regardless of whether viewers are in pubs, on the World Wide Web, or watching the “box” on their cell phones. On the company's website, you can find out what services it offers and what research it does, how data is collected and how it is used; you can get acquainted with some recent data of media measurements, with interesting articles and go through a terminological educational program in the field of media measurements. Most of the data is not accessible without a password. Nielsen Media Research's weekly prime-time television ratings can be viewed through USAToday (

Http :// (and also Project site of Nielsen and NetRatings to study consumer and business use of the Internet, namely to measure Internet audiences and online advertising as a platform for targeting marketing and advertising efforts in Internet media planning, buying and selling. There you can also get information about WebRF - probably the first and most comprehensive "device" for coverage and frequency planning (see

Http ://www .agbnielsen .net Joint venture site of AGB Group and Nielsen Media Research International for compiling TV ratings in 28 countries (Georgia and Moldova are among the post-Soviet republics) on four continents (excluding North America) under the AGB Nielsen Media Research brand.

Http ://www .mediamark .com Site of Mediamark Research (MRI ) - one of the leading companies in the US in measuring media audiences on a national scale and across multiple dimensions. It has information about consumers in almost all possible sectors (450 categories, 6 thousand brands). Among its main services, programs and databases are MEMRI (the largest consumer database), MRI + (the richest database with a search engine, which provides information about consumer and business publications necessary for a media planner - http://www.mriplus. com ), etc. A lot of interesting and useful information for free.

Http ://www .arbitron .com Website of the international company Arbitron Inc ., one of the "pillars" of marketing and media research, specializing mainly in the field of broadcasting, network and online radio stations, and outdoor advertising in the United States, Mexico and Europe. In the public domain - the results of recent studies, surveys and ratings.

Http ://www .comscore .com / The site of comScore Networks, a company that specializes in researching the characteristics and purchasing (not only online) behavior of the audience of Internet sites and provides consulting and information services. Almost no free information.

Http ://www .scarborough .com The site of the research company Scarborough Research, which has been specializing in newspaper audience measurements since 1975, and since the early 1990s. greatly expanded the range of objects of study (products in general and media in particular) - today it studies the purchasing patterns, lifestyle and media consumption skills of the US adult population at all levels - local, regional and national. For specialists (marketers in general and media planners in particular), the VALS system used by the company for segmenting (media) consumers according to their value system and lifestyle is of particular interest.

Http ://www .smrb .com Research company website Simmons Market Research Bureau, which has been studying consumer behavior and preferences, including media preferences, for more than half a century. The company's best-known product is the National Consumer Study (NCS), accredited by the MRC, the Media Rating Council (see The site is interesting in the way of organizing an online research store, where in three steps you can select the time and geographical boundaries of the study, the product category and the brands of interest, and immediately find out the cost of the requested information. For example, data on eight (out of 16 possible) brands in the category "mobile phones" for the fall of last year throughout the United States would cost the site visitor $150.

Http ://www .jupiterresearch .com Website of JupiterResearch, a company specializing in research, analysis and consulting in the field of new consumer technologies, and in particular the Internet as a business development area. After free guest registration, you can access some excerpts from the company's market research and a library of analytical materials, as well as subscribe to an e-mail newsletter with news.

Http ://www .esomar .org Website of the European Society for Marketing and Public Opinion Research ESOMAR ( European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research), has a rich directory (with a search engine) of research organizations around the world.

Http ://www .interview -nss .com /ems EMS page ( European Media and Marketing Survey) - the largest study in Europe - a source of media (national and international, TV and print) and marketing data both for national markets and for the west of the continent as a whole.



Http ://www .mediakomitet .ru / The site of the non-commercial partnership "Mediacomitet", established in 2001 with the aim of developing quality standards for the TV and radio audience measurement system, a system for fixing and monitoring the air, and conducting professional examination of TV and radio audience measurement systems.


Http ://www .mrc .htsp .com Website of the Media Rating Council ( MRC ) - an industry non-profit organization created to audit and guarantee the independence and reliability of various studies of the media audience. The organization arose in 1964 at the initiative of the US Congress after hearings caused by problems in this area. By the early 1960s. it has become vital for advertising and media companies. members of the Council are representatives of broadcast, cable, online and print media, as well as advertising agencies. Research services that have received MRC accreditation include Arbitron, Mediafax, MRI, Nielsen, RADAR, Scarborough, and a few others.

Http ://www .accessabc .com The site of the world's first organization dealing with the audit of circulation of printed publications, founded in 1914 - the Audit Bureau of Circulations. Its activities are funded by three stakeholder groups: advertisers, advertising agencies and publishers. Most of the reports are not available to non-clients of the ABC, but there is still some information about circulation, as well as about the composition of subscribers and readers of the largest publications, in the public domain. Of interest is the very organization of such audits, and the form of submission of such material.

Http ://www .bpaww .com The site of the independent company BPA Worldwide, founded in 1931 by a group of advertisers, publishers and agencies to audit free publications (Business Press Audits, BPA). Today, it operates in 20 markets and audits more than 3,000 consumer and business media, including not only newspapers and magazines, but also websites, direct mail and e-mail newsletters, promotional giveaways, and more. The site has detailed information about which audits the company conducts, how such reports and information can be used, and how the price for such studies is formed. You can subscribe to a quarterly newsletter for media buyers.

Http ://www .verifiedaudit .com The site of Verified Audit Circulation (VAC), founded in 1951 to audit the circulation of free publications, today is engaged in auditing and studying the audience not only of this type press, various reference publications, "yellow pages" and websites, but also advertising materials, samples of goods, etc. distributed free of charge at retail outlets or homes. publisher, release date, distribution area zip code, etc.

Http ://www .tabonline .com Website of a non-profit organization Traffic Audit Bureau for Media Measurement, Inc (TAB ), founded in 1933 (and run by three stakeholder groups—advertisers, advertising agencies, and media companies) to audit outdoor circulation in the United States. Its main task is to count the number of people who had the opportunity to see this or that outdoor advertisement. Today, the TAB database, which is updated annually, contains half a million advertising points, systematized not only by owners, but also by market.

Advertising media


Www .gipp .ru Site of the Guild of Periodical Press Publishers. Interesting materials about the media and their audiences are periodically published.

Www .journallst -virt .ru The site of the magazine "Journalist". Basically, all publications are about journalism, but there are also about advertising in the media.


Http ://www .naa .org Newspaper Association of America website ( Newspaper Association of America, NAA), founded in 1992 after the merger of seven organizations serving the newspaper industry. The association represents almost 90% of the daily newspapers in the United States, as well as a number of periodicals from other countries. The site has a lot of information available not only to members of the Association. For example, in the NADbase (Newspaper Audience Database), updated twice a year, you can get information about the readership of paper and online publications of more than one hundred major newspapers. You can also subscribe to several newsletters and magazines with different frequency and topics, or rummage through their archives.

Http ://www .newspapersoc .org .uk Newspaper Society of Great Britain - information on regional local markets.

Http :// Website of the National Newspaper Association founded in 1885 ( National Newspaper Association).

Http ://www .magazine .org Website of the organization of magazine publishers Magazine Publishers of America(MPA ), founded in 1919 and representing about 250 American and more than 80 international publishing companies. Its purpose is to promote magazines as an advertising medium, and therefore the site provides free access to many analytical and statistical materials and studies related to the use of magazines as an independent advertising medium or in mixed campaigns, as well as the characteristics of the magazine audience (constantly updated Media QuadMaps show the skills media consumption by various demographic and consumer groups).

Radio and television

Http ://www .radioportal .ru Russian radio portal - media and show business news, media research and ratings (updated data on radio audience), links (with detailed coordinates) to the most famous research companies and some media organizations in the country and neighboring countries.

Http ://www .radlostation .ru The Radio Broadcasting Technologies website is dedicated to the questions and answers of creating private commercial radio companies in Russia: how to register a media outlet, obtain a license, issue permits, and what to do after creating a radio station: how to manage it, program it, promote, etc.


Http ://www .nab .org Website of the National Association of Broadcasters ( National Association of Broadcasters, NAB), representing the radio and television industry in front of public and state institutions for 75 years. There is a lot of information aimed more at the journalistic, managerial and technical staff of radio and TV enterprises, but there is also interesting information for media planners supplied by research companies such as Nielsen and Arbitron. The association also distributes about a dozen newsletters on various topics and at varying intervals, two or three of which, including the daily NAB Smart Brief, are available to all site visitors. There is a well-organized selection of useful links.

Http ://www .rab .com Site of the American Radio Advertising Bureau (RAB) - an organization with half a century of history, whose main goal is to promote radio as an advertising medium, for which it promotes the study of radio audiences and the effectiveness of radio advertising, as well as staff training, selling radio advertising opportunities. There is a lot of open access material on the "selling power" of radio (in comparison with other media), as well as the characteristics of radio listeners and their purchasing behavior.

Http ://www .rab .co .uk /rab 2004/news .aspx Website of the British Radio Advertising Bureau (RAB), founded in 1992. The resource is well organized and very rich in analytical materials and research, more mediological than topical character. It is divided into several sections devoted to different topics and intended for different groups of visitors - media planners, advertisers, advertisers, marketers, etc. The site has an audio library of commercials from the last 10 years of more than 20 thousand items. All materials are available free of charge.

Http ://www .tvb .org Website of the Television Advertising Bureau ( Television Bureau of Advertising listen), TVB) is an American non-profit professional association of television broadcasters. The studies presented on the site (many of which are available free of charge to non-members of the association) are systematized by the object of study: the market, consumers, viewers, media, advertising revenues. Especially popular is the Trends in Advertising data collection, which collects information on the annual advertising revenues of all media (including television, newspapers, magazines, direct mail, billboards, the Internet, yellow pages, etc.) since the distant 1948.

Http ://www .onetvworld .org Association website Cabletelevision Advertising Bureau(http ://www .cabletvadbureau .com ), created to promote cable television as an advertising medium. The site has a lot of analytics on cable TV and advertising for free, the latest ratings and audience research reports for various channels, as well as quarterly and annual statistics on TV advertising spending by category and brand. The section "Media Mathematics" presents various formulas and examples of ways to count the TV audience. There is also a search system for the desired cable operator or network.

Http ://www .spotcable .com Site of National Cable Communications (NCC ), which specializes in advertising on cable television. May be of interest for the set of research products presented.


Http ://promosite .ru / Articles on Internet advertising and target audience research.


Http ://www .clickz .com One of the richest analytical and statistical resources in the field of interactive marketing. A site visitor can also use the online CPM calculator for free (knowing the cost of an advertising campaign and the number of impressions). The coordinates of companies that sell software systems for tracking online advertising are also given.

Http ://www .valueclickmedia .com /index .shtml Established in 1997, ValueClick Media is one of the first online ad networks, and likely the first to adopt an impression-based payment model for online advertising. Today it is one of the largest advertising networks, covering approximately two-thirds of the US Internet audience.

Http ://www .doubleclick .com The DoubleClick site provides open access to a wealth of up-to-date data and insights on online advertising trends, live examples of improving advertising performance on www , and subscribe to the newsletter.

Outdoor advertising

Http ://www .ooh .ru The purpose of the Out of Home project is to unite the Russian outdoor advertising market into a single information space so that advertisers and owners of advertising surfaces can quickly find each other regardless of their location. Provides news and review materials about the outdoor market clam. There is a catalog of advertising surfaces with the ability to search by type of advertising medium, by region, city, street and house number. Free placement and registration of advertising surfaces is offered.

Http ://outdoor -ad .rus .net Official site of the Association of Outdoor Advertising Enterprises. The site has a directory of advertising firms, where you can leave your link.

Http ://www .outdoormedia .ru Site dedicated to outdoor advertising. Online version of the OutdoorMedia magazine of the same name. In addition, it contains news and chat on the designated topic.


Http ://www .oaaa .org Website of the American Outdoor Advertising Association founded back in 1891 ( Outdoor Advertising Association of America, ОААА), representing more than a thousand companies earning in the amount of 90% of the money in this industry. In addition to reference information about the members of the Association, the site has many reports on measuring the audience of various types of outdoor advertising, analyzes that were recently available only on a paid basis (Re ¬search Reports), as well as a rich portfolio of cases organized by product categories.

Http:// Website of the British company POSTAR (Poster Audience Research). An interesting paper presented The Postar Classification Guide", in which the types of shields and their installation sites are systematized in great detail, as well as the criteria for assessing their visibility and, accordingly, the cost.

Direct mail

Http ://www .the -dma .org Website of the Direct Marketing Association (DMA), founded in 1917 and with nearly 5,000 members in more than 40 countries. After registering on the site for free, non-members of the organization can get acquainted with a number of studies and case studies, as well as subscribe to one of the daily newsletters (MyDMA Newsletter), whose content can be formed to some extent by choosing sections for which information is needed.

Word of mouth advertising

Http ://www .womma .com Website of the Word of Mouth Marketing Association WOMMA ( Word of Mouth Marketing Association) is the official industry association for word of mouth marketing, the purpose of which is to promote and develop word of mouth marketing and turn it into a basic component of the marketing mix. You can sign up for a free newsletter and receive information about the latest strategies and successes, as well as research and surveys in the field of word of mouth marketing.

Handbooks and catalogs


Http ://bookchamber .ru The site of the Russian Book Chamber, founded in 1917, which maintains bibliographic and statistical records of publications published in the Russian Federation. In the online database you can find a list of Russian publishers. The site has a search system for articles in periodicals published since 2004, as well as a list of newspapers and magazines, articles from which are included in the database.

Http ://www .media -atlas .ru The site contains atlases of Russian media managers and content managers (with biographical data and a list of publications), as well as detailed atlases of Russian media companies, television, radio stations, central and regional press; latest news of the media and advertising market, interviews, announcements of publications, etc.

Http ://www .mediaguide .ru Catalog of the press (all publications and publishing houses with the ability to search by various parameters, as well as their own, from Media Guide, ratings of publications by subject and region for a certain period). News of the advertising market, publishing business and media industry on the site and in the e-mail newsletter.


Http ://www .allnewspapers .com Directory of world media and news agencies, searchable by country and media type. Since the replenishment of the resource is “voluntary” and free of charge, the information in it is somewhat fragmentary (for example, there are only two Russian magazines).

Http ://www .kidon .com /media -link The Kidon Media -Link website contains links to nearly 20,000 newspapers and other news resources around the world, organized geographically (by country). Information is given in several languages, including Russian.

Http ://www .mediafinder .com Mediafinder is another press directory that bills itself as "the largest database of US and Canadian periodicals".

Analytical information and news


Http ://www .sostav .ru This is an information and analytical portal dedicated to marketing, advertising and PR: daily updated news and review materials, fresh information about media business and media measurements.

Http ://www .rwr .ru Information site about advertising: daily news of the advertising industry of the country and the world on the site and in the newsletter, an abundance of analytics systematized by headings, thematic conferences.

Http ://www .acvi .ru Website of the Analytical Center "Video International" (ACVI), created on the basis of the information and analytical department of the agency "Media Service "Video International"". The sections “Publications” and “Information and analytical materials” contain articles by the ASVI staff and the results of some studies (annual and seasonal reports “Television in Russia”, “Advertising Market in Russia”, etc.) conducted by the center and of interest to researchers and practitioners media industry and advertising business.

Http ://www .advertology .ru / News portal about advertising. You can find interesting articles, weekly measurements of the audience of TV channels conducted by TNS Media, ratings of advertisers, advertising agencies, etc. A separate page is devoted to the magazine "Laboratory of Advertising, Marketing and PR".


Http ://www .warc .com Website of the World Advertising Research Center ( World Advertising Research Center) is the richest resource (consisting of more than 25 thousand units of storage, and everything is “on the case”), including in the field of media planning. The center has offices in the US, UK and Australia. Under the auspices of various organizations, the center publishes the monthly magazines Admap and International

Journal of Advertising, bi-monthly International Journal of Market Research(available free of charge at, the quarterly Market Leader, etc., as well as many non-periodicals. Articles, statistics and case studies on the site are collected from almost all over the world, and the search engine makes it quite easy to get the right material. Within seven days after registration, the visitor of the resource is given free "experimental" access to part of the information arrays.

Http ://www .mediapost .com This is a resource rich in proprietary information specifically for media planners and media buyers. After registering for free, you can access all content and subscribe to a daily newsletter with up-to-date information about the media industry.

Http ://www .zenithoptimedia .com / Site of a subsidiary of one of the world's largest media market data providers, Publicis Group, with offices in 64 countries. ZenithOptimedia's most popular products include the annual World Press Trends survey, which analyzes the newspaper industry in more than 200 countries around the world, as well as a multi-yearly updated ad spend forecast report. Advertising Expenditure Forecasts by regions, countries, types of media, etc. The site has a large catalog of links, including advertising, media and media research resources.

Http :// American Marketing Association website ( American Marketing Association, AMA) is an international (45 thousand members from 92 countries) professional organization that brings together people working in the field of marketing. The information array is divided into several parts intended for various categories of visitors - practitioners, students, teachers, etc. In free access, you can find data from various sociological studies, thematic publications, a glossary of terms used in media planning, methodological advice on how to choose advertising media, how to calculate how effective the media purchase will be (if there is no desire to use the services of the “media planner” of the Association, working on the basis of the “first intelligent media planning machine” Power Planner, as well as its media buying services).

Http ://www .arfsite .org (also www .thearf .org ) Advertising Research Foundation website ( Advertising Research Foundation, ARF) is a non-profit organization founded in 1936 by the Association of National Advertisers ( Association of National Advertisers) and the American Association of Advertising Agencies ( American Association of Advertising Agencies) as a scientific and educational center. Its members represent over 400 advertisers, advertising agencies, research firms, media companies, educational institutions and international organizations. Under the auspices of the ARF (although the direct publisher is WARC), a quarterly magazine is published. Journal of Advertising Research(JAR). On the site you can subscribe free of charge to the newsletter with announcements of the magazine's materials.

Http:// Website Interactive Advertising Bureau(IAB ) - an association that declares its goal to maximize the effectiveness of advertising in interactive media (Internet, interactive television channels, etc.). In the "Research and Sources" section, you can find and download for free interesting analytical materials, studies, case studies, reports and statistics on advertising revenue, etc. in the field of online advertising. You can also sign up for daily and monthly newsletters for free.

Http ://www .vnu .com Site of the world leader in information services for the media industry VNU Media Measurement & Information Group, operating in more than 100 countries. Its subdivisions VNU Business Publication and VNU eMedia(www .vnuemedia .com ) are releasing new how many magazines and web sites support them: Adweek (see www .adweek .com ), Brandweek (see www .brandweek .com ), Mediaweek (see www .medi-aweek .com ), Editor & Publisher (see www .adweek .com ). www .editorandpublisher .com ), Photo District News (www .pdnonline .com ), Marketing Y Medios (www .marketingymedios .com ) and others.

Http ://www .mediaweek .com This is an online edition of Mediaweek magazine, a product of VNU eMedia and VNU Business Publications. Delivers the latest news, commentary and analysis on the media business, including media planning.

Http ://www .ciadvertising .org ciAd Interactive Advertising Center website ( Center for Interactive Advertising) at the University of Texas at Austin. The resource is rich in research and analysis, intended mainly for students in the field of advertising and marketing, some of which may be useful to "acting" media planners.

Http ://www .ephrononmedia .com EphronOnMedia is the name of the personal website of Erwin Ephron, advertising consultant, one of the five most influential people in the media over the past quarter century (according to American Demographics Magazine). After free registration, you can access the archive of his work, in particular on media planning (for one of them in 2000, Efron received the Lysaker award, awarded Advertising Research Foundation), and take part in a "demo version" of his master class on media planning.

http://www.wilsonweb. com Web Marketing Today Research Room- the largest collection (about 15 thousand) of annotated links to articles and resources on the topic of web marketing and advertising, including types of advertising on the Web, pricing models and approaches, advertising revenues, etc. On the site, you can also subscribe to a free news mailing list, while receiving the right to download several books about web marketing and website promotion.

Http ://www .jiad .org Interactive Advertising Magazine ( Journal of Interactive Advertising listen)) is the official online publication of the advertising departments of the Universities of Michigan and Texas. Comes out twice a year. The content is of an overview and analytical nature. In free access - all materials of the current and previous issues.

Http ://admedia .org A modest resource presenting a selection of articles from various, as a rule, open sources.

Http ://www .worldmediabuyer .com Economic and political news, links to international advertising resources and media from different countries and continents.

Http ://advertising .utexas .edu /index .asp One of the largest collections of links useful in advertising, compiled by the Department of Advertising at the University of Texas at Austin.

Http ://www .iwantmedia .com /index .html One of the best collections of useful links to web resources in the media industry and advertising.

Http ://www .adage .com The site of perhaps the most famous publication about the advertising business - the weekly Advertising Age. After free registration, you can subscribe to a dozen thematic newsletters.

Http ://www .adweek .com Site of the weekly magazine Advertising Week. Free access to a digest of fresh publication materials, to useful links to media planning sites, as well as the ability to subscribe to newsletters.

Http ://commercial -archive .com /index .php For a small fee, you can become a citizen of Reklandiya (Adland), discuss sore spots with fellow advertisers from different countries and view an archive of tens of thousands of commercials.

Video version of the lecture " Useful links to online media planning resources" A. Nazaikina

(preparing for publication)

More detailed information on this topic can be found in the book by A. Nazaikin« Modern media planning» .

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