Mobile devices. Cell Phone Testing Display Stress

The world of technology is constantly evolving, our needs are changing - all this is reflected in the study. Experts modernize test methods, improve categories, change their weight in the overall rating system. Based on consumer preferences, in 2019 the categories of indicators and their weight in the ranking were changed. In these changes, experts focused on what is most preferable to users. So, the “Camera and video” group of parameters now has the largest weight. Experts have singled out the evaluation of the display, battery, durability and usability as separate categories. The latter group includes, for example, the convenience of typing text messages, which used to be singled out as a separate category. Also added groups of parameters "Performance" and "Functionality" and left, or rather changed, "Phone Features", "Internet" and "Ergonomics". The weight of call evaluation has decreased by 5%. Least of all changes occurred in the categories "Music" and "Navigation". Thus, smartphones are now evaluated according to the following parameters:

With the advent of new features in smartphones, new tests have also appeared. For example, concerning unlocking the device. Now experts are testing the face recognition function and the iris scanner. In particular, they try to deceive them and test their performance in non-standard conditions (in the dark, against the sun, when a person is wearing glasses, etc.).


Smartphone cameras at one time made a real revolution, practically ousting small digital cameras from the market. Moreover, a whole segment of smartphones began to be positioned as "camera phones", the quality of which surpassed the quality of cameras in the middle price segment. It is precisely because many users choose a smartphone based on camera quality that experts assigned the highest weight to this category of indicators - 25%.

“I often take pictures on my phone, because then I post photos on social networks,” the photographer told Roskachestvo Evgeny Bibichev, great-grandson of the famous Yevgeny Khaldei, the author of the legendary photograph "Victory Banner over the Reichstag". “But professional photography, of course, requires professional equipment. And the differences here are not only in the quality and resolution of the cameras themselves, but also in the fact that in the case of a camera it is possible to set more flexible settings, use some tools that are simply not available in phones. Although phone cameras have certainly evolved a lot lately. Perhaps the breakthrough began with the release of the first iPhone. And although progress goes on and does not stop, I don’t think that phones will ever become the main tool of a professional photographer’s work ... Even my great-grandfather, if he lived in our time, he probably could shoot on a smartphone, but in any case he would give preference to a camera .

Read more about the battle for quality between a smartphone and a professional camera.


The display in modern smartphones is a key functional element, so experts gave this category of parameters 20% in the rating. On the one hand, it should fully replace the computer monitor, on the other hand, it should not lose its mobility even under “stress conditions”: in bright sunshine or in cloudy weather.

Viewing angles of the display were evaluated under various conditions: normal display settings and stable illumination, low light and strong sunlight. The experts also looked at how easy it is to perceive information on the screen if the smartphone is at an angle to the user. Finally, the size, resolution and sensitivity of the display were evaluated.


Experts singled out a group of performance parameters only in 2019 and immediately gave it 15%. This clearly indicates that the "nimbleness" of smartphones comes to the fore. Comments like “the phone slows down and hangs” are no longer relevant. Smartphone-brake will never get a high score in the ranking.

In essence, the performance of a smartphone is a combination of processing power of the processor and the amount of random access memory (RAM).

By the way, page load speed and download speed are all that is left of evaluating the performance of a web browser. Previously, it was studied according to the algorithm of working on the Internet (setting an address, adding to Favorites or bookmarks, zooming, navigation, processing form, map display, presentation of large tables, etc.). Now this has all moved into the category of smartphone usability metrics and has become one parameter - “Web Browser Convenience”.


The evaluation of the "musical ability" of a smartphone is basically an evaluation of the quality of its sound. The smartphone included the same audio tracks in MP3 format. Listening took place at two settings - "pop" and "classic", the devices reproduced the works of Handel, Bach and Pink Floyd. The experts listened to music through the speaker and through the headphones, both through the ones supplied with the smartphone and through the "non-native" high-quality headphones. During the study, any sound flaws were recorded, which influenced the rating points.

“I like to listen to music, and different music, not only classical music,” the famous Russian pianist admitted to Roskachestvo Denis Matsuev. – And, of course, with my schedule, downloading and listening to music almost always happens on the road, which means through a smartphone. I have tried dozens of phones and hundreds of different headphones from different companies and I can say that the quality of the music you play directly depends on which headphones you use. A few years ago, a Japanese company gave me their special "limited edition" headphones as a gift. With native headphones of the same iPhone - no comparison, I never felt anything close to this sound. They transmit even the oldest, mono-recordings in such a way that I get the complete feeling that I am present at that very concert. I hear the smallest details, the subtlest things between the notes that interest me, even in non-studio listening conditions. But if we compare the playback quality of the phones themselves, then there is almost no difference between the sixth and the first iPhone. Perhaps some subtleties, but even for me, a professional musician, they are insignificant.


Smartphones are becoming more powerful, displays are larger, applications are more “gluttonous”, and some revolutionary processes in the production of batteries have not yet occurred. On the contrary, the battery began to drain faster, which, by the way, was the reason for the emergence of a new gadget - portable charging. Although it is worth paying tribute to the manufacturers: they are working to ensure that the devices remain operational for as long as possible or charge very quickly.

Since 2016, in laboratory conditions, the quality of device batteries has been studied in a wide variety of operating conditions: in the modes of “endless” telephone conversations, using the Internet or GPS navigation, and waiting. Experts downloaded data, watched a cartoon and listened to music.

However, now the battery quality test has become more capacious. Separately, the real time for fully recharging the smartphone battery through the device that was included, as well as the operating time of the device after a 15-minute charge, is considered.

The time it takes for a phone to fully discharge is measured by a robot. Well, the robot repeats a certain algorithm of actions. This algorithm is a typical user interaction with a favorite gadget. So, how it looks from the point of view of experts:

  • The smartphone spends 47 minutes in standby mode.
  • 7.5 minutes are activities on the Internet (watching videos on YouTube).
  • Now time for a photo: 5 shots with a three-second interval.
  • 1.15 minutes - navigator.
  • 2.5 minutes - phone conversation(alternating incoming and outgoing calls).
  • Then two notifications come to the phone.

The screen brightness on the robot's smartphone is set to 100%. And the algorithm of actions is repeated every hour.

“I was probably one of the first among Russians, back in the early 90s, to have a mobile phone,” a well-known hockey player, a long-term captain of the Russian national team, who played over a dozen seasons in the NHL, told Roskachestvo, Alexey Yashin. – Since then, I have been using this invention regularly: first with an ordinary cell phone, now with a smartphone. And although I talk often and a lot, I practically don’t encounter the problem of fast battery discharge. In this sense, I am satisfied with all the phones that I have had. From experience, I can say that when choosing a smartphone, I first of all pay attention to the brand - then you won’t have to worry about battery capacity, because almost all high-quality phones have a good battery.


Back in 2016, during the study of a smartphone, experts evaluated its ability to receive a call, the convenience of dialing manually, from the phone book and speed dialing. The main thing in the study of SMS functions was the possibility of archiving, sorting, deleting a group of SMS. In addition, the experts evaluated the correctness and scale of the SMS image on the display immediately after receiving the message, the convenience of entering the text of the message and the name of the addressee.

A 2017 study showed a new trend: manufacturers have begun to pay less attention to calls and messages, which were once the main functions of a mobile phone. So, during the tests in 2018, the quality of calls was assessed for the quality of the connection and voice transmission (without extraneous noise). And in the SMS testing program, only the convenience of entering the text of the message remained. In turn, in 2019, the weight of the call assessment decreased by 5%, and now it is an assessment of the sound quality (with and without extraneous noise) and the convenience of calls. The evaluation of a set of text messages has completely disappeared as a separate category. This parameter is now included in the usability score.

“I myself notice that I use my mobile phone for calls and SMS less and less,” a well-known science fiction writer told Roskachestvo Sergey Lukyanenko, Member of the Supervisory Board of Roskachestvo. – This is understandable: modern phones are increasingly immersed in the Internet. That is, new ways of communication - Skype, WhatsApp, Viber - are becoming an alternative to both SMS and standard phone calls. This is not only cheaper - especially if friends live somewhere in another country and it is completely unreasonable to communicate via ordinary telephone communication - but also more convenient: for example, you can immediately find out if the other person is ready to talk or is busy. But as they used to say that television would kill the theater, but this did not happen, so calls will remain with us for a long time as one of the options. In the end, a lot depends on the availability of good Internet reception at a particular point, and so far not everything is so good with this.


No matter how neat a person is, most likely, sooner or later, he will drop his smartphone or flood it with something. In this case, it will depend on the strength characteristics of the case whether a barely noticeable scratch will remain on it or an impressive hole will form in the budget due to the need to replace the display. The strength test included three main stages.

STAGE 1. Mechanical strength of smartphones, i.e. scratch test. The display and body of the smartphone had to pass the test of the so-called "pencil". This device is equipped with a coil spring and a 1 mm diameter carbide ball tip. With such a “pencil”, the surfaces were intensively scratched. Smartphones, on the displays and cases of which scratches and cracks did not appear for the longest time, received the highest score. The 2017 study also added the strength parameter of the rear chamber, which was scratched with a special fiberglass stick. The build quality of smartphones was also evaluated.

STAGE 2. drum test. The strength of the devices was studied under powerful mechanical influences - shocks and falls. To do this, each of the presented smartphones was placed in a special drum tube, which ensured a fall height of the device of 80 cm. The smartphone was turned on, a call was made from it, and in this mode the tube began to unwind. The test took place in two stages: experts looked at how badly the screen and the back panel were damaged after 50 rotations, and then launched the pipe for another 50 rotations. That is, the smartphone during this time had to survive 100 falls in a row from almost a meter height.

STAGE 3. Checking the resistance of smartphones to moisture penetration, because “recessed” smartphones are one of the most frequent “clients” of service centers. To do this, each test participant was placed in a special stand, in which, with the help of ordinary water and a system of diffusers, the effect of rain was created. Under this stream, each smartphone was exactly five minutes. Then the experts evaluated the performance of the devices one, two and three days after the test.

Smartphones that claimed to be waterproof were subjected to another wet test. During this test, smartphones were immersed in a large flask of water 1 meter deep. There they lay for 30 minutes. After the experts evaluated how well the smartphone works.

Read more about which smartphones you can safely forget in the rain, and with which ones you can swim in the lake and not kill -.

– Phones were dropped before, they still drop them today, but now manufacturers are paying more attention to these problems, – explained Roskachestvo Eldar Murtazin, Lead Analyst at Mobile Research Group. - Almost all models of modern smartphones are prepared for falls. This is the merit of the material from which the body is made: high-strength aircraft-grade aluminum (the so-called six- and seven-thousandth series, 6xxx and 7xxx), as well as a monolithic chassis in which the load is evenly distributed upon impact. Glass has also evolved. Gorilla Glass, which is not only “scratch resistant”, but also has increased impact resistance, today “survives” in most situations. And of course, there was a powerful protection against water in the form of Gore-tex membranes on the speakers and microphones. All these materials came to the world of mobile devices relatively recently, so the evolution is obvious.

By the way, almost every manufacturer conducts its own durability tests of its products. But the advantage of the Roskachestvo study is that for the first time devices from different brands pass the same tests in the same laboratory conditions, and therefore can be objectively compared with each other.


Well, this category of parameters, highlighted in 2019, includes everything related to the usability of a smartphone. This is the convenience of initial setup of the device, menu, web browser, camera, typing text messages (SMS and e-mail), buttons and turning off data download (for example, when switching to flight mode). In addition, here the experts included the convenience and security of unlocking: how it works and how easy it is to cheat.


When evaluating the geopositioning functions, the experts tried to use the same software on each smartphone (with the same OS), since the basic capabilities of the devices differed greatly from each other in quality, which did not allow them to correctly assess the possibility of receiving a signal from the satellite. The most convenient in this case was the program Google Maps.

With the help of specialized applications, the following evaluation of the algorithms of the GPS receiver was carried out:

1) The programs showed the number of available satellites inside the office with the windows closed.

2) "Clean" signals were recorded while the expert was cycling with the smartphone turned on. To do this, the testers overcame the same route with a length of 4 km with the phone.

In the laboratories, the information obtained in these two stages of the test was brought together, it took into account the accuracy of the recorded points, the correctness of the display of the current location of the phone, the “smoothness” of the signal reception, especially in areas with a large number of trees. Navigation was also evaluated without voice commands and with their help, both with and without an Internet connection.

- GPS, generally speaking, I rarely use, I can navigate perfectly well without it, - a well-known traveler, TV presenter told Roskachestvo Timofey Bazhenov. – But judging by what I still see, recently navigation in smartphones has degraded rather than evolved. Many areas either do not provide normal coordination, or have become completely inaccessible. And the point, in my opinion, is not that other functions of the phone come to the fore, but that GPS is the navigation system of our potential opponents, who deliberately change our geopositioning and knock down coordinates in their own favor. That is why I can't wait until our Russian GLONASS is fully operational.


A smartphone, unlike a phone, is a device that is “sharpened” for working on the Internet. The experts studied two priority applications in smartphones - their pre-installed web browser and mail capabilities, as well as Wi-Fi and other interfaces (Bluetooth, NFC). In addition, connectivity (LTE) was studied.

Should we trust NFC technologies? Read.

About what to do if mobile operator hooked you up paid service without your knowledge, read.

Every year, dozens of new models enter the mobile phone market. Each of them occupies a certain niche in its segment. Phones are also categorized by price, technical specifications, features, etc. But at the end of the year, summing up, it’s still worth knowing what the quality rating of phones looks like.


To compile such a list, it is necessary to immediately clarify what is meant by quality and what are the evaluation criteria. The most important judge in this distribution is always the buyer. The technical specifications indicated by the manufacturer do not always correspond to real indicators. Therefore, everything that the user says is the main reason to place the model on one stage or another.

In addition, when ranking cell phones by quality, you need to pay attention to several basic indicators that buyers most often look at. Among them, of course, appearance, as well as specifications, screen, camera, and OS. The rest of all points are just either a nice addition or an unnecessary element.


I must say that 2016 was a very fruitful year. Many manufacturers have released their flagships, thereby reminding of themselves or strengthening their position. As usual, the most notorious was the race between Samsung and Apple. The developers tried to get ahead of each other once again and release smartphones faster.

As a result, we got a very high-quality and cool Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge, also a brand new Apple iPhone 7, and a burnt Samsung Galaxy Note 7. It is difficult to judge who won whom. Everyone has their own subjective opinion, therefore, when rating phones in terms of quality in 2016, these models should be put on the same level. At the moment, the main drawback of these flagships is the huge price.

Chinese breakthrough

It is worth mentioning separately about Chinese smartphones. In the outgoing year, they became a real "explosion", which stirred up everyone and everything. People really abandoned their branded phones to buy, although cheap, but very high-quality and reliable device from China.

In general, the history of Chinese gadgets has long been controversial. There are still those in the world who believe that if a thing says Made in China, then it is unusable and will live for a couple of weeks. In fact, it turned out that the Chinese are very creative in creating new models. Gadgets have become unusual, each one stood out even among their brethren. This is probably why some Chinese models even topped the rating of cell phones in terms of quality (released in 2016).


Turning directly to the list, it must be said that it will not work to create an objective rating. There are models that could be placed immediately on one line. There are also smartphones that are very good in quality, but due to the high price they also cannot take the first places.

Therefore, you should immediately tune in to the fact that this is a subjective rating of phones in terms of quality, which, of course, everyone has their own. This is due to the build quality and affordability, because someone can afford a smartphone for 60 thousand rubles, and for someone it is a salary for a year.

Popular phones

It is no secret that for an average user who does not chase a dual camera, 4K screens and the latest processors, the average price for a smartphone is up to 15 thousand rubles. In the category you can find good models that in 2016 became popular among buyers. For this money, you can buy a phone with a Full HD display, 1-2 GB of RAM, 5-8 MP main camera, etc.

As mentioned earlier, it is difficult to make an objective rating of cell phones in terms of quality. Therefore, the following list of smartphones is conditional.

Russian hope

Highscreen Power Ice from a Russian manufacturer has become an interesting model and quite popular. Although it was assembled in China, there are no complaints about the body and materials. This is a mid range phone. The best characteristic that this phone has received is the price / quality ratio. He is ranked for a reason. It has an average display of 5 inches. Good resolution 1280x720. By the way, it even has 2 GB of RAM and 16 GB of internal memory. It is very convenient that there is support for two SIM cards, as well as a capacious battery, which Highscreen is always famous for.

Chinese state employees

There are two Huawei Honors in this budget segment: 5A and 5X. Although their price is almost two times different, both are still cheap models. They got into the rating of mobile phones in terms of quality due to their reliability. In general, Huawei has long positioned itself as a brand. Therefore, the Honor line has become pleasant surprise for those who follow this company.

The Honor 5A model turned out to be almost the same as the previously mentioned Russian Highscreen Power Ice. The only difference is the weak battery of the Chinese - only 2200 mAh, and its powerful main camera of 13 megapixels. Also, the difference in price is almost 4 thousand rubles.

But the second model Honor 5X is a more powerful device. It has a 5.5-inch screen, which is already moving into the "shovel" category. Naturally, such a display is supposed to have a good resolution - 1920x1080. With memory and cameras, everything is the same as that of the younger brother. Increased his battery to 3000 mAh.

Series from Meizu

Next in the ranking are two very cool Chinese phones - Meizu M2 Note and Meizu M3 Note. Very similar smartphones that are loved by many. Moreover, sympathy for them began precisely with the younger model. The M2 Note has a 5.5-inch display and a resolution of 1920x1080. The specifications are average. It has 2 GB of RAM and 16 GB of built-in. There is support for two SIM cards. The main camera received 13 megapixels, and the front 5 megapixels.

But Meizu M3 Note has the best features that any phone should have - "price + quality". He received a high rating due to these merits. Its main difference from the previous model is the improved technical characteristics that made the smartphone more powerful. And, of course, the appearance of a fingerprint scanner. In addition, there is a version with 3 GB of RAM and 32 GB of internal memory. Also a hybrid slot and powerful battery at 4100 mAh.


Concluding this budget ranking of phones in terms of quality, it is worth mentioning the undisputed winners. These are Xiaomi Redmi 3S and Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro. The price of the first is about 9 thousand rubles, the second - up to 13 thousand rubles. In general, Xiaomi has been delighting us with their phones for several years. Their devices are very cool. It's also nice that everyone can find a model in a comfortable price segment.

Redmi 3S came out this summer. It has a five-inch display with a small resolution of 1280x720. It was one of the first phones to run the new Android 6.0. The memory here is 2/16GB. Good main camera 13 megapixels. A capacious 4100 mAh battery, especially considering the size of the display. There was also a newfangled fingerprint scanner.

Redmi Note 3 Pro is head and shoulders above. It first appeared at the beginning of this year. To date, more than 110 million devices have already been sold. The phone has a 5.5-inch screen with Full HD resolution. There is also a 4050 mAh battery, which, in principle, lasts for two days. Here, as ordered, two SIM cards, the presence of which has already become a standard. Especially nice 3 GB of "RAM".

The best of the best

Now it’s worth talking about more expensive models that users liked the most. Again, it must be said about the subjectivity of the following list. Some models are indeed considered the best by the whole world, but there are those who got here thanks to their features.


LeEco was previously little known. This company became popular in Russia in September 2016 after showing the world Le Max2. The cost of this phone fluctuates around 20 thousand rubles. Its main feature is the lack of an audio output. Perhaps you can immediately tell me about the seventh iPhone. But it was in this Chinese smartphone that the analog audio output was removed for the first time. The American manufacturer later adopted this idea and embodied it in its new flagship.

Otherwise, Le Max2 is also not inferior to many branded models. It has 4 GB of RAM and 32 GB of internal storage. The screen turned out to be almost frameless and has 5.7 inches. The display resolution is high - 2560x1440. I was also surprised by the presence of a 21 megapixel camera. There is, of course, a fingerprint scanner and many other surprises.

Two fighters

It just so happens that this year's ranking of phones in terms of quality is not headed by either Apple or Samsung. The new "seventh" models occupy a common stage in order to avoid disputes and conflicts. Although, objectively, many believe that the Americans still lost a little to the Koreans.

Apple iPhone 7 Plus costs about 65 thousand rubles. In addition to the 32 GB version, there are also 128 and 256 GB versions. The phone itself is new in many ways. He received the new iOS 10. The screen is 5.5 inches, which for many will seem standard. There is 3 GB of internal memory. The battery for such dimensions is small - 2900 mAh. The main feature of the new model is the dual main camera, which is really impressive. Although, in fact, the lens is only the third in quality among all (the first place belongs to the main competitor - Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge, the second place - to HTC 10). But the front, perhaps the best - at 7 megapixels.

It costs a little less - 50 thousand rubles. The screen, both in the curved model and in the standard one, is 5.5 inches. Resolution 2560x1440. Pleased with a 3600 mAh battery, although sometimes you want even more powerful. Also, the main feature was the camera, which not only received a bunch of lotions, but has its own special technologies. Smartphone photos look very interesting. By the way, there is more RAM than the "apple phone" - 4 GB. There is also a slot for a memory card. Fans were also glad that they returned support for two SIM cards.


If there was a beauty rating, then Huawei Honor 8 would unconditionally take the first place. It is difficult to convey in words how beautiful this model is. Although, again, the concept of beauty is a subjective thing. Nevertheless, the Chinese did their best to release such a magnificent device into the world. In addition to its external advantages, it turned out to be quite powerful.

Its display is 5.2 inches at a resolution of 1920x1080. There is 4 GB of RAM and 32 GB of internal memory. The battery, although it has only 3000 mAh, is paired with a special energy-saving mode. There is a fingerprint scanner that can be configured for other commands. The cameras received 12 and 8 megapixels.


In general, this expensive rating can be continued for a very long time. The flagships this year really came out a huge amount and each of them is worthy of attention. Therefore, it is worth mentioning the LG G5, which received additional modules very first. The smartphone has become one of the leaders in terms of camera quality. Its technical characteristics did not yield either.

It is also important to mention the powerful Chinese leader - OnePlus3. The smartphone has become a real “boom”. It was released this summer and immediately won the honorary high-profile title of "flagship killer". In fact, at the moment it is the most powerful model. Its main trump card was the emphasis on technical characteristics. He quickly bypassed the famous branded devices in tests at Antutu. This is due to the presence of 6 GB of RAM, as well as latest version processor and video chipset.

And another winner in the race for the championship was ASUS Zenfone 3. Stylish and attractive smartphone fell in love with many buyers. The manufacturer positions the model as a camera phone. But, in addition to the advantages of the lens, the phone has excellent technical performance.

Buttons in fashion

It would be foolish to think that with the advent of touch screens push-button phones will cease to exist. In fact, there are those people who do not want to learn or get used to the touchscreen. Some people find it much more convenient to have a phone with buttons. Therefore, such models still exist on the market and will exist as long as there is a demand for them.

The quality rating is as subjective as the list of the best sensory flagships. But still there are a couple of models that stood out from the crowd and were recognized by buyers. Among them there are very expensive ones, there are also budget ones.

By the way, if you make a rating of phones in terms of communication quality, then, most likely, push-button phones would take first place. Nevertheless, among them there are not only those who are distinguished by an excellent communication module, there are also centenarians, owners of excellent displays, “clamshells” and dual-sim models.

As this year has shown, BQ BQM managed to lead the rating of push-button cell phones in terms of quality. The company has created a number of very high quality devices. For example, BQ BQM-2000 Baden - Baden is a compact cute "clamshell" that has a stylish design, comfortable keys, useful modes and clear notices. Such a phone costs about 2.5 thousand rubles.

BQ BQM-3200 Berlin boasts an excellent screen. Its size is 3.2 inches, which is quite a lot for models of this segment. Most of all, this device is suitable for men, as it has a rough appearance and large size. Its cost is about 2.5 thousand rubles. The company also has a good model that supports several BQ BQM-2408 Mexico SIM cards. And this is not as usual - two, but as many as four "sim cards". That is, the phone is a real monster mobile communications. It costs about 2 thousand rubles.

In addition to the BQ BQM, feature phones continue to be made by Samsung, which stood out this year with its rugged Metro B350E. The popular BlackBerry with the Q10 model also works in this segment. A special feature is the presence of a QWERTY keyboard. But the disadvantage is considered a very high price - 12 thousand rubles. Continues to produce push-button phones and Fly.

South Koreans

This year has been tough for Samsung. Here is the story of the closure of the batch of Samsung Galaxy Note 7. Although, objectively, the phone would become a leader in quality. But the updated and improved Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge were able to bring in income.

In general, the rating of Samsung phones in terms of quality this year is easy to compile. Phones seemed to appear as prices increased and technical characteristics improved. First came the budget one. It has a 4.5-inch screen, low resolution, average camera quality. In general, it is a good branded “dialer”. It costs about 7 thousand rubles.

Following him, the older model appeared. It increased in size, and the technical characteristics became many times better. Samsung Galaxy Note 5 continued the great series. Became very stylish, attractive, powerful. The screen turned out to be 5.7 inches with a high resolution of 2560x1440. There is even 4 GB of RAM and a choice of 32 or 64 GB of internal memory. Excellent camera, capacious battery and quick work of the stylus.


The top smartphones of 2016 turned out to be very impressive. Thanks to them, you can even rank phone companies in terms of quality. Thus, it turns out that we have two leaders in the first / second place - Samsung and Apple. Again, we will not push them head-on, so let's just assume that we have two winners.

Next we have Huawei, which this year took an even larger share of the global market - 9.3. For comparison: back in 2012, it occupied only 3%. Next comes Lenovo. A company that is in the top five all the time. Sometimes higher, sometimes lower, but always stable afloat. Well, Xiaomi and LG complete this rating, which also showed their competitive flagships this year. Moreover, if the Koreans have been on the market for a long time, then the Chinese have taken a leading position in just a few years.

The computer has long been a reliable companion of man. With its help, an ordinary person can get access to a huge database of information and media files, simplify work, and professionals, scientists can quickly and efficiently carry out calculations and simulations. Ten years ago, compact computers - smartphones - came to the masses. By the end of 2017, they appeared in almost every pocket. And it just so happened that the average life of a modern phone is a year and a half, after which the once ideal device goes to a distant box.

But many people do not intend to change devices so often. In addition, the performance of smartphones is enough for a couple of years. The only problem is the quality of the devices - after a few months of use, many models begin to "crumble": the screen turns yellow, the battery capacity is lost, the case is scratched. But there are also real centenarians who will delight the user for several years.

In this review, you will find, in our opinion, some of the best phones in terms of quality and reliability. For us, such indicators of a mobile phone (smartphone) as:

  1. Affordable price. The phone should not cost too much, because a high price is not always an indicator of quality. And the fact that the device should be affordable is extremely important.
  2. The absence of a large number of negative reviews on the reliability of work, warranty claims, poor assembly.
  3. Specifications. The rating includes phones that can compete in terms of their technical characteristics with other models in the same price segment.

The highest quality inexpensive phones: budget up to 10,000 rubles

3 Nokia 5.1 16GB

Rugged body and screen
Country: Finland
Average price: 8880 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

A neat monoblock from the legendary Nokia, which is famous for its high-quality and reliable phones. This is an inexpensive model with screen protection from scratches and the presence of NFC - a module for contactless payment. Inside there is a simple processor from Mediatek, 2 GB of RAM and 16 constant. There are no serious complaints about this Nokia in the reviews - everyone is satisfied with the high-quality assembly, the inexpensive price, and its trouble-free operation.

One of the users notes that with a significant load, the case heats up noticeably - this is a consequence of using the Mediatek chip. Otherwise, this is a cheap unit for daily use. Specifications are selected with care for the user, so the phone turned out to be very ergonomic. And compactness with a diagonal of 5.5 inches and the absence of "bangs" the manufacturer has achieved an aspect ratio of 18 to 9.

2 Samsung Galaxy J1

Basic functionality at an affordable price
Country: Korea
Average price: 6270 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The second place in the ranking is given to such a popular manufacturer from Korea. An excellent choice for those who are ready to spend from 6,000 to 7,000 rubles on a phone. Samsung is already one hundred percent build quality. Diagonal size of 4.5 inches - for those who do not like a huge phone. Beautiful design. Remarkable battery capacity of 2050 mAh. for a not very large display, it will give more time for use without recharging, according to reviews, the battery lasts more than two days.

The Amoled screen is unconditional image quality and energy saving. Very fast internet with 4G LTE support. This is facilitated by the technical filling of the device: a total memory of 8 and 1 GB is operational, a quad-core processor with an outdated but stable version of Android 5.1 makes the smartphone trouble-free. A high-quality 5 MP camera, a 2 MP front camera and the ability to record videos provide a full-fledged opportunity to communicate in social networks and in life. It's hard to find something better for this budget price. According to consumer reviews - one of the best models for 2016.

User Reviews

Pros: Acceptable price. Screen. Build quality and specifications. Nimble and reliable. The presence of GLONASS in combination with GPS gives an accurate geolocation. Camera with video function. Processor with 4 cores. Excellent sound when talking and as speakers. Design.

Cons: The camera shoots decently only in good lighting. Poor equipment: no USB cable. No oleophobic coating

1 Xiaomi Redmi 5 3/32GB

Work without freezes
Country: China
Average price: 10439 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Inexpensive, but at the same time a high-quality smartphone with thin bezels and a simple, uncomplicated design. The model comes on Android 8, decorated with the MIUI shell. The software pleases with the absence of freezes, lags and brakes. The Snapdragon 450 processor is powerful enough for daily and light gaming tasks, and at the same time it has a modest power consumption. Therefore, in combination with a 3.3 Ah battery and an economical HD + screen resolution, the battery life can exceed three days.

The model is already more than a year old, and during this time of testing, it has shown itself to be one of the best quality phones in the budget up to 10,000 rubles. The case is made of plastic and metal, and it is durable enough to withstand household drops. The screen is not covered with an anti-scratch coating, so for safety, it is better to stick a protective glass on it.

The highest quality phones: budget up to 20,000 rubles

3 Apple iPhone 6S 32GB

Reliable operation of the operating system
Country: USA
Average price: 21900 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

This is the most budget smartphone on iOS, which has not lost its relevance in 2019. The model is definitely not suitable for gamers and those who are demanding on hardware, but it will appeal to those who use a smartphone for such daily tasks: surfing the net, making calls, chatting in instant messengers, light gaming, watching videos.

The model boasts a smooth interface, well-optimized software, no freezes and lags. And it's also compact. This best smartphone for users who are not ready to put up with the fashion for elongated 6-inch shovels. NFC is in place, the matrix is ​​chic, the case is durable - made of aluminum, there is a fingerprint scanner. A serious drawback that cannot be leveled is the short battery life. In the best scenario, the battery generates daylight hours. We recommend buying a power bank with an iPhone right away.

2 Sony Xperia L3

Physical Reliability and NFC
Country: Japan
Average price: 14990 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Budget smartphone made in Japan. The novelty runs on stable Android 8.0. Inside is a no less stable processor from Mediatek Helio P22. This is an octa-core system, which, in conjunction with 3 GB of RAM, shows praiseworthy performance results.

The screen is protected by Gorilla Glass 5, so you don't have to worry about the reliability of the display cover. Autonomy will please those users who are used to blaming Sony for their small batteries in reviews. A 3300 mAh battery is also installed here, which should last for two days with moderate use of the gadget. This one of the highest quality phones also had other advantages - for example, a port USB Type-C, fast charging function and NFC.

1 HUAWEI P Smart (2019) 3/32GB

Rugged one-piece body
Country: China
Average price: 13600 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

A reliable novelty from Huawei, a company that pays great attention to the quality of its smartphones. The model runs on Android 9 and a proprietary shell from the manufacturer. The shell from Huawei works perfectly - it is reliable, does not slow down, does not freeze. In the reviews, users describe rare bugs in the latest version of Android, and this is normal, since the version is new. Updates arrive regularly - the software is on its way to perfection.

The smartphone is ideal for those who do not like unibrow and thick bezels above the screen. Here, the front camera is hidden in a miniature drop. There is NFC and a dual camera of 13 + 2 MP. Random access memory 3 GB, flash - 32. Huawei put inside the processor of their own design Kirin 710, which is designed to perform average user tasks. This is one of the best inexpensive and high quality smartphones.

The highest quality phones: budget up to 50,000 rubles

3 Apple iPhone 8 64GB

The best software optimization. durable glass
Country: USA
Average price: 40590 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

One of the most popular smartphones from Apple, which can not be called inexpensive. At one time, the G8 took first place in performance tests, and in 2019 it is just a great powerful gadget with fast response and trouble-free operation.

In the reviews, individual users admit that after several falls, including the screen down, the iPhone still works just fine, and not a single crack appeared on the case and display. iOS - the operating system of "apple" phones - is famous for its security and reliability. Also, the manufacturer always supports its information product, regularly releases updates with performance improvements. The smartphone is protected from viruses that often infect Android devices. Optimization of work at height – despite the fact that installed processor not the most powerful, it demonstrates top performance and pulls even heavy games and programs. iPhone 8 is one of the most reliable and secure phones around.

2 OnePlus 6T 8/128GB

The best in speed and stability
Country: China
Average price: 33999 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

This is the creation of a company that releases flagships close to the ideal twice a year. 6T is no exception - it has not only powerful and balanced hardware, but also a well-thought-out shell. In the reviews, experienced users pay attention to the reliable case and durable screen glass.

Attention deserves uninterrupted work software- bugs and “brakes” happen so rarely that OnePlus products are compared with famous iPhones in terms of stability and performance. All this thanks to a powerful processor, a harmoniously matched working bundle, frequent updates to the Oxygen OS shell software and prompt resolution of all emerging problems. A nice bonus for geeks is that the shell, after performing certain actions, gives you access to the widest settings. This is one of the highest quality and most reliable phones.

1 Samsung Galaxy S10e 6/128GB

Dust and moisture protection according to IP68 standard
Country: South Korea
Average price: 50900 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

A relatively inexpensive modification of the 2019 flagship from Samsung. The model has an almost borderless screen - the bezels are barely visible, a dual camera, a metal and glass body and protection against dust and water in accordance with the IP68 standard. This means that you can take your smartphone in the shower and swim with it in the pool - it will endure everything.

Despite the fact that the novelty has only recently appeared on sale, users have already written their first impressions of use in the reviews. Someone complains about slight software glitches, but this is the fault of the new Android 9. Otherwise, sheer delight and emphasis on its quality and reliability. Information for left-handers - the fingerprint scanner is located on the right side and is designed for the user to hold the device in his right hand.

Top quality premium smartphones

Which phone will stay relevant the most time? Of course, top devices. Their filling allows you not to think about slowdowns for at least 2 years, and a comfortable speed will be provided even longer. In this category, we tried to select the highest quality premium smartphones for you, so that the reason for changing it was the user's own desire, and not technical problems.

3 Samsung Galaxy S8

The most proven premium smartphone
Country: South Korea
Average price: 34900 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The third place in the ranking of the highest quality premium smartphones is occupied by the Galaxy S8. The model was introduced at the beginning of 2017. During the time it was on the counter, all possible shortcomings were identified, the firmware was updated several times, and now we have a very high-quality phone with a minimum percentage of defects and high reliability. And yes, you can rest easy - Samsung batteries don't explode anymore!

In terms of filling, we have a typical flagship of 2017. Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 is installed inside, paired with 4 GB of RAM - the figures are not record-breaking, but for the vast majority of users this bundle will last for several years of trouble-free operation. In addition to the filling, attention is drawn to the chic frameless 5.8-inch display. The diagonal is large, but due to the minimal horizontal and completely absent vertical frames (the display goes to the side edges), the dimensions of the device remain relatively compact. It is also worth praising the Galaxy S8 for one of the best cameras on the market, the presence of dust and moisture protection and fast wireless charging. The only complaint about the phone is that the fingerprint scanner is not very well located, which is why many users turn it off.

2 Apple iPhone Xs Max 256GB

Most Thoughtful Software
Country: USA
Average price: 87490 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Smartphone on the latest iOS 12, filled with innovative technologies and software buns for convenience. The model pleases with a huge 6.5-inch display and its high resolution - 2688x1242. In the reviews, it is difficult for users to find objective shortcomings of the model - this is one of the highest quality, reliable and powerful smartphones in 2019.

The main caveat is that not all developers have adapted their applications to the increased screen resolution. This is a matter of time, and this fact does not affect the functionality, but only the aesthetics - the program interface has become a little larger. The battery lasts a full day - for iPhones, this is really a lot. The operating system is as convenient as possible: swipes speed up the process and increase ease of operation with one hand, presentation modes in the photo album allow you to create photo masterpieces and well-designed collections in a couple of clicks. Easy NFC payment, wireless charging support and amazing speed are all included in the price of the Xs Max.

1 Apple iPhone 8 Plus 256GB

Largest built-in storage capacity (256GB)
The country: USA (made in China)
Average price: 59689 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The rating opens with the iPhone 8 presented in the fall of 2017. The smartphone received a large number of innovations, among which the most noticeable was the change in the case material - from now on it is glass. But do not think that the smartphone has become more fragile. On the contrary, judging by the many "crash tests", resistance to drops and scratches has increased significantly. When falling from a height of human height, the smartphone can get off with only a couple of scratches on the metal frame. This solution also made it possible to install a wireless charging module.

The filling has also changed. Inside, the once brand new Apple A11 Bionic is installed, the performance of which is not even worth talking about - enough for years to come. The latest communication modules are Bluetooth 5.0, which supports connection with several devices at once, LTE-A and other delights of the modern world. Dust and moisture protection, which first appeared in the iPhone 7, has remained in place - you can not worry even while swimming with a smartphone. Otherwise, we have before us the already familiar "seven", all the problems of which have long been studied and corrected.

The most reliable smartphones, time-tested

3 ASUS Zenfone Max Pro (M2) ZB631KL 4/64GB

Best price
Country: Taiwan
Average price: 16910 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Beautiful, fast and harmonious smartphone. Inexpensive and very interesting. The model did not gain much popularity, and this is strange: the software is optimized, there are no bugs, the stuffing is chic, photo skills are not bad, the screen is excellent, autonomy is at a sufficient level (a 5000 mAh battery). NFC and other wireless interfaces in place. The manufacturer does not forget about his offspring - he regularly updates the software.

The case is durable, but not able to resist scratches - without a case, you will quickly "update" the delicate coating of the back panel. The peculiarity of the model is that it is on pure Android. This means that you will not find alien programs in the menu, and atypical sliders and checkboxes in the settings. For lovers of minimalism and those who are looking for something of high quality and reliability for reasonable money, this is the best option. You will only have to put up with the micro-USB port and the case's tendency to scratches.

2 Samsung Galaxy S9 64GB

The best ratio of price and quality
Country: South Korea
Average price: 44300 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

An excellent flagship of 2018, which, after more than a year of operation, did not reveal its hidden flaws. One of the most optimized, it shows top results in synthetic tests and is not prone to slowdowns and bugs. Reviews are full of praise for the chic screen, speed, photo capabilities, sound, water protection.

There are a small number of owners who complain about the loss of communication. A pattern was revealed - all users used both SIM-cards with a checkmark in front of the line “Two SIMs in active mode”. The problem manifested itself on a few models, so even taking into account this significant drawback, the phone deserves the title of one of the highest quality. Another point - do not expect amazing autonomy from the S9. The battery is the weak point of the model. With moderately active use, the battery will last a day, and if you do not let go of the gadget, make sure that there is a charged power bank or socket nearby.

1 OnePlus 5T 128GB

Proven reliability
Country: China
Average price: 29900 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

A smartphone that is very loved by users from all over the world. The reason for the general adoration lies not only in the inexpensive price with powerful characteristics, but also in the detailed study of the software, and work without glitches and slowdowns. The model runs on Android 7.1, which is improved with a proprietary shell from 1+. The phone looks great even by the standards of 2019 – thin bezels, lack of monobrows, a large diagonal of 6 inches, a dual main camera and stylish colors. A 3.5 mm minijack is present.

In the reviews, the owners of 5T reveal their cards: for a long time of operation, they did not reveal any problems with the software. The device does not lag, does not slow down. The only thing they complain about is the slippery case and the lack of moisture protection. But here there is a beautiful AMOLED display, good autonomy and a rich delivery package - the box contains a case, a power adapter with support for fast charging, and a factory film on the screen. This is the best of the highest quality phones that have stood the test of time and are still relevant.

The variety of mobile phones offered today in the domestic market can confuse almost any user. The consumer is offered devices of various sizes, colors and designs, and most importantly - with different set functionality.

Naturally, each of them “knows how” to make calls and does it excellently, but today almost all manufacturers integrate into their devices a lot of not only useful, but also in-demand functions, such as a notebook, calendar organizer, alarm clock, calculator and much more. . In addition, some modern phones are equipped with voice functions, the ability to access the Internet and even games. This article is intended to help you understand the abundance of models and their functional content. In addition, the expert group evaluated the convenience of implementing certain functions.

Test Methodology

Each device has been user tested by each of the experts. What does this mean? In order to evaluate the convenience, functionality and viability of a particular phone, it is not enough just to look or touch the device - it must be used, and in ordinary everyday situations. To achieve this goal, each device "lived" with the expert for two days, during which the expert felt "in his own skin" how convenient it is to use the phone and what nuances arise during its operation. After passing such a “survival” test, each device received an assessment for each tested parameter. Naturally, in order to compare any two phones with each other, it is necessary to evaluate the implementation of the same functions. Depending on how well this function is implemented and how convenient it is to use, the parameter was rated on a five-point scale (if the phone did not have any parameter under consideration, it was assigned 0 points). Further, each cell phone model received a brief review from the expert on the topic: “Would I choose this phone for myself or not and why?” In addition, each of the tested parameters was supplied with an average statistical indicator of the importance of a particular function - a weight. Further, the results of testing each model were summarized in a table, where the score received for the convenience of implementing a particular function was multiplied by its weight. The products obtained in this way were summed up and finally gave a figure that can be considered an indicator of the quality of this model. If you further divide this indicator by the cost of a particular model, then the resulting price / quality ratio will allow you to understand whether you are overpaying for a particular phone, and eventually play a decisive role in choosing a device.

Separately, one should dwell on a rather important characteristic of any cell phone model - design. Our testing was carried out in order to evaluate the functionality of a particular device, as well as the ease of use of numerous functions. The concept of design is intended to emphasize the individuality of the happy owner of a cell phone and, by and large, cannot be tested in any way.

The testing was in no way intended to investigate the quality of communication provided by the Moscow operators MTS and Bee Line, who kindly provided telephone numbers and airtime for testing. All the devices that participated in the testing were provided by the official representative offices of the manufacturing companies.

Good luck with your choice!

Test participants

Ericsson R320s

  • Standard: GSM 900/1800
  • up to 65 h/270 min
  • Dimensions: 130*51*15mm
  • Weight: 95 g (with thin battery)

Despite the fact that the phone was announced quite a long time ago, the company officially announced the sale of the Ericsson R320s model only on June 14th. This is the first Ericsson phone, which supports WAP, which provides the user with access to information and Internet services on the screen of a mobile phone.

The phone is small, although the antenna spoils the whole thing. Russian translation is well done, there are many built-in hints. It took some time to get used to the menu, although it is organized quite simply and visually. The phone itself seems to be quite solid and reliable, although the antenna mount is a bit of a concern. The design is cute. The display is excellent: all the necessary information is always on it. The reception quality is also very good. Ergonomic miscalculation - scrolling is located on the wrong side: you have to either pull with your left hand or bend your fingers strongly, although the scroll keys are duplicated on front panel and you can not use the side ones at all. But for the “hot” key for calling the voice dialing function, this slider is located somewhat inconveniently.

One of the most unusual phones on the market. If a manufacturer usually tends to make expensive devices smaller and smaller, Ericsson in this case “went the other way”, trying to satisfy WAP lovers and enthusiasts, who were the basis for this device. In terms of length and width, it is perhaps not inferior to other earlier inexpensive devices, but at the same time it is very thin and it is very convenient to keep it in a shirt pocket.

In terms of technological functions and saturation of the menu in this phone, in my opinion, there is everything. Menu navigation is very convenient. If you linger on any setting, the device immediately begins to explain any action: what it means and how it works. In my opinion, so far more convenient menu on a cell phone was simply not created.

Another very, in my opinion, useful feature was found: when you press the side volume keys while the phone is in standby mode, information about the state of the phone and the exact time that the phone has left to “live” with the battery in both standby and talk mode is displayed . Thus, it is easy to calculate when it is better to recharge the battery on the phone.

Short summary: one of the best phones on the market in this price group, with an amazingly user-friendly and informative menu, a very clear and high-contrast display that shows everything even when the sun is mercilessly shining on it, and with all the functions, generally inherent in modern cell phones.

The phone left a rather pleasant impression. I especially liked the automatic data synchronization of the built-in organizer with personal computer- you just need to put the phone in direct line of sight from the infrared port of the laptop. It is worth noting that the large and clear display makes it easy to work with the many functions of the phone. But the overall dimensions of the phone, despite the minimum thickness (15 mm), are somewhat too big. The phone has an automatic keypad lock - R320s goes into protection mode on its own, if you leave it unattended for a few seconds. In the keypad lock mode, the phone cannot be turned off, which is quite convenient, since the possibility of accidental disconnection is excluded.

Ericsson R320s has a built-in vibrating alert, which is powerful enough to notify of an incoming call even from a jacket pocket. The battery life is practically not reduced by the use of a vibrating alert. In addition, in addition to a permanent indicator on the screen, you can use a detailed report on the status of the battery by briefly moving the side key. If you hold it for a long time, the phone will switch to voice dialing mode, making it much easier to call the subscriber.

Pros: has in standard equipment almost all the functions implemented on mobile phones, including WAP. Very convenient menu.

Minuses: larger than average size.

Siemens C35

  • Standard: GSM 900/1800
  • Standby/talk time: up to 180/5 h
  • Dimensions: 118*46*21mm
  • Weight: 110 g

We can safely say that this device, like its older brother S35, is one of the most anticipated devices on the market. cellular communication GSM standard. According to Siemens terminology, C-series devices belong to the so-called middle-end class (at present, the most popular models of this class include Ericsson T10, Motorola CD930, Nokia 3210, and, of course, the progenitor of the tested device - Siemens C25) Therefore, the high price of this device at present (about $280) can only be explained by its novelty and the excitement associated with the appearance of new items on the market.

Outwardly, the device is very nice and ergonomic, fits comfortably in the hand and in the pocket, without delaying it (although it could be lighter for a modern and not the cheapest phone).

Personally, I really liked the animation that accompanies turning the phone on / off and performing some actions. This “bells and whistles” did not affect the speed of decision-making, and the reaction of this device to pressing the keys was lightning fast.

The device, like most modern models, is equipped with a clock, a calendar, an alarm clock and a calculator - all this becomes an attribute of any, even the most inexpensive phone (such as Alcatel OT EASY DB). But games are still not found in any device, even an expensive one; here, three games will help pass the time while waiting for a girl (young man) who is late for a date, unless, of course, it is a pity to plant a battery, which will be quite useful in the future for more natural phone functions.

I was pleased with the ease of setting up WAP. This service works well and is easy to set up and use. However, navigation through the rest of the menu does not cause tension and allows any person who sees a cell phone not for the first time to set up the device for themselves without resorting to instructions.

The sensitivity of this phone turned out to be at the same high level as in previous models, but the volume of the speaker seemed much higher than in the C25 model: you could speak and hear the interlocutor even in a rather noisy room and on the street.

So, Siemens C35 is a well-equipped modern phone with Internet access, made with traditional German quality and accuracy, looks very good and fits comfortably in the hand. Of the shortcomings, perhaps, only a very high price can be called, but here everyone must decide for himself.

Despite the fact that the Siemens C35 test sample “communicated” with us in English, there were no problems with use and configuration. Here it is worth paying tribute to the thoughtfulness of the control keys, hints and hot keys. Directly below the display, on which, despite its modest size, six lines of information are placed, there are two keys of the "swing" type, the functional purpose of which constantly changes depending on which mode the device is in. For example, in standby mode, this is access to the menu and to the “favorite” function, in particular, to the Internet.

The phone fits very comfortably in the hand, and only one finger is enough to control it. Like some other phones, Siemens C35 automatically enters the keypad lock mode, but to unlock it, just hold the # button for two seconds. This solution is fraught with accidental clicks and, as a result, unwanted calls.

By the way, about calls: the phone allows you to set up several different groups of subscribers. For example, in the case of business calls, he will play Oginsky's "Polonaise", and when a friend calls, he will play "Hava-Nagila".

Functionally, the phone is very rich. Siemens C35 has almost all the functions, from watches to a set of toys.

Brief Summary: a successful phone with good quality of reception and transmission of the interlocutor's voice, despite the fact that during a conversation the microphone is quite far from the speaker's mouth.

Motorola Talkabout T.2288 and V.2288

  • Standard: GSM 900/1800
  • up to 135 h/210 min
  • Dimensions: 150*45*28mm
  • Weight: 140 g

The models of Motorola phones provided to us for testing are the latest innovations of the company, as well as pre-sale test samples (engineering sample). That is why we could not verify some of the functions declared by the manufacturer. But, as practice shows, by the time the sales start, Motorola phones completely get rid of all "childhood diseases".

Motorola V.2288 stands out even against the background of the traditionally unusual devices of the French company Alcatel - you can't confuse it with devices from other manufacturers. An unusual addition to the phone itself is bright replaceable soft rubber pads (according to the manufacturer's terminology), as if framing the phone case along the edges. The manufacturer promises such overlays, both soft and hard, in 12 bright colors, which will certainly add recognition and individuality to this model.

Unfortunately, it was not possible to see this device with hard overlays, but with soft ones it looks good only from afar. When the phone is held in the hand, the pad bristles along the edges (as is typical for rubber), which does not make the most favorable impression.

As regards the control logic of the handset's functions, it is similar to earlier models from this manufacturer and will not bring any surprises to an experienced user of Motorola phones. True, if the user has not been familiar with Motorola products before, then using only the menu, he will definitely not be able to fully master all the functions of the phone - for this, you need to study the instructions. Some users may be put off by this fact.

The speech quality, loudspeaker volume and sensitivity of this model are traditional for this manufacturer and caused only positive emotions. The setting of the signal strength indicator of the operator's network is such that even with one division you can talk tolerably. In the case when there is not a single division on the indicator, but the device “sees” the network, you can receive calls, which allows you to clearly determine when you are available for communication and when it is impossible.

As in all models of this manufacturer, it is very convenient to have two beeps of the talk timer: one beep can be configured to give a single signal after a certain time (for example, 4 seconds), and the second - to give a signal at a certain interval (for example, every minute ).

The set of melodies for calling has not changed at all over the past few years, as well as the sound quality. But the volume of the call allows you to safely do without the vibrate function, which is convenient in itself and would not be superfluous in this model.

It is worth noting the built-in FM stereo receiver, for which there are stereo headphones in the kit, which are both an antenna for receiving radio signals and a wearable hands free. This, of course, is convenient for an inexpensive device and is a serious plus when choosing a model.

The T.2288 is almost identical to the V.2288, except for the lack of an FM receiver, hands free headset, and hard and soft overlays. The difference is only in the design, which, in my opinion, compared to V.2288 turned out to be much more successful and suits absolutely everyone - from students to "white collars". At the same time, it will be cheaper on sale than the “big brother”.

This phone is very ergonomic and due to the beveled wide speaker, it fits very comfortably to the ear. The weight of the phone at 140 grams is comparable to the weight of inexpensive modern phones from other manufacturers. All this together makes a very favorable impression and allows us to hope for a long conveyor life of this phone.

The two novelties from Motorola are very similar - their differences are only in design and in the presence of an FM receiver in the V.2288 model. They are equally durable and reliable (as, indeed, all Motorola products). These models have a small set of necessary functionality. By the way, due to the large number of shortcut keys, communication with the phone is quite fast. But an uninitiated person will have to spend some time studying them - the term "intuitive" does not work here.

The menu items on the display are shown in large font, which is easy to read even from arm's length. Directly above the “Ok” button, a hint question about the action being taken is displayed.

It should be noted the battery, more precisely, batteries (there are three of them). Instead of conventional batteries, the T.2288 and V.2288 models use three AA batteries. In the case of a complete discharge of standard batteries, the phone can be "powered" from ordinary batteries.

As a result, we can say that this device is designed primarily for the role of the first cell phone, as it offers only the necessary functions and is positioned as the most affordable Motorola model on the market, replacing the hit of sales - Motorola m-series. The presence of the WAP-protocol will allow you to keep abreast of events in the world and get to know this service, previously available only in expensive devices.

Pros: support for WAP, the ability to use AA batteries.

Minuses: the keyboard shortcut system is hard to understand.

Alcatel One Touch Easy DB and One Touch Club DB

  • Standard: GSM 900/1800
  • Standby/talk time: up to 130 h/285 min
  • Dimensions: 122*48*25mm
  • Weight: 150 g

Externally, both devices are very nice. In fact, both phones are quite large and have quite a decent weight, but they lie very comfortably in the hand during a call.

The sensitivity of the device and the volume of the speaker did not cause any complaints, getting a "solid four" in all respects. The call ringer starts at a low volume, increasing it with each step, which is very convenient: you can answer a call before the call alarms everyone in the area, and at the same time, the call is easy to hear even in a noisy room.

The menu is quite simple: navigation through it is not difficult even for a person who has not yet studied the instructions and does not know English perfectly (the phone is not Russified yet).

Separately, it is worth talking about the hands free system, which in this device works as a speaker phone (speakerphone) on home phones and allows you to talk without picking up the phone. At the same time, it is worth noting that the volume of the speaker easily allows this: even while driving in the car, if you turn off the music, the caller can be heard very well, but the sensitivity of the speaker is a little “lame”: in order for the interlocutor to hear you in this mode, you need to strain your vocal cords.

A feature that is unusual even for phones of a class (and even several) higher is the presence of a portable charger in the form of a “glass” as standard, which, of course, is much more convenient to use than ordinary travel charges with comparable dimensions.

The phones are powered by three standard AA batteries. True, a standard battery is removed from the battery cover with great difficulty.

Alcatel phones are not only attractive due to the variety of colors (9 options for Easy and 4 options for Club), but also because they are very comfortable in the hand. In this case, all buttons, including the scroll buttons on the sidebar, fall within the reach of the fingers. The functional content of Club and Easy is the same. According to Alcatel, an easy configuration of a phone simply has to include a calculator, a currency converter and, more importantly, a clock, a calendar and an alarm clock. Continuing the theme of sound signals, let's note that Alcatel phones have the most pleasant timbre of the built-in speaker, and besides, 15 rather nice melodies.

A brief summary: an almost perfect choice for such money (by the time the magazine is published, both devices should appear in MTS sales outlets at a price of $ 75 (excluding taxes), subject to connection) with very useful functions and with practically the only drawback - the absence of a choice of Russian .

Active cover (flip) securely hides the keyboard. At the same time, lovers of tearing off various parts from the phone can be calm - in addition to the fact that with excessive effort it simply pops out of the grooves and is simply put back, the microphone is located on the body of the device itself, which means that “breaking off” the cover will not entail any unpleasant consequences !

Access to the voice recorder is traditionally inconvenient: in order to record something, you need to enter the menu, since there is no hot key. In addition, during a conversation, the voice recorder does not work at all.

Not a very capacious battery - it lasts a maximum of two days, but with a more capacious phone, the phone will weigh more. The speaker is not loud, but at full volume you can hear quite decently.

The retractable antenna helps a lot with unstable signal reception.

A very simple and logical menu that can be mastered without any instructions, given the Russification of the phone.

So, this is an excellent business-class device with all the necessary functions and a good price/quality ratio (it is offered in Moscow for about $280-300).

Pros: rich functionality.

Minuses: no.

ComputerPress 7"2000

Smartphone Meizu 16T: the cheapest model on the flagship platform Qualcomm Snapdragon 855

At the time of publication of the review, Meizu 16T was not presented in Russian retail, it can be ordered from China for about 26 thousand rubles for a junior configuration (with 6/128 GB of memory). And this is quite good, given the power of Qualcomm's top-end hardware platform, the high quality of the display, the presence of stereo speakers and a 3.5 mm audio output, as well as very high autonomy (and the dollar to ruble exchange rate). The traditional absence of NFC is frustrating, and the cameras here are by no means flagship ones - rather, they were added on the principle of “to be”.

Quick review of the Huawei P40 Pro smartphone: plus a great camera, minus Google services

Huawei has rolled out its new flagship P40 line, and these smartphones will be the best the Chinese company has until at least the fall, when Huawei traditionally releases new Mate models. The editor of the site was among the first to have the opportunity to study the middle of the new "pawns" - the Huawei P40 Pro model.

Smartphone Xiaomi Mi Note 10 Pro: an expensive almost flagship with good cameras and a large battery

The price of Xiaomi Mi Note 10 Pro in Russian retail is 44 thousand rubles. This is one of the most expensive solutions of the manufacturer, even Mi 9 did not cost that much at the start of sales. Moreover, there is not only the top-end hardware SoC Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 (or at least last year's 855/855+), which even the cheaper Realme X2 Pro and Meizu 16T can boast of, but for that kind of money there is not even wireless charging! In a word, the key factor is the cameras. And the smartphone's cameras are really worthy, although it's not about the marketing resolution of 108 megapixels.

Smart watch Huawei Watch GT2: a very advanced smart bracelet

Huawei Watch GT2 is a large, beautiful and expensive watch, which is more like a smart bracelet with very much enhanced functionality. Can't install here. third party applications, create or at least reply to messages, write notes, synchronize contacts, keep a calendar. But on the other hand, you can train a lot and for a long time in them, so in essence this is a highly “pumped” sports bracelet that looks like a watch. Compared to the previous Huawei Watch GT, the features of the new model are really great expanded, and the true fans of the Huawei Watch GT2 series will definitely like it.

Smartphone Honor 20 Lite: an affordable model in a sleek body with four cameras

Honor 20 Lite is already offered in the official Russian retail, the price is quite reasonable (15 thousand rubles), and even as a gift when buying in the Honor brand store they give a smart bracelet Honor Band Running 4, which makes the average smartphone in all respects a very attractive acquisition. Of the weaknesses of the Honor 20 Lite, only a modest sound (but corresponding to the level of the model) and the platform of the previous generation can be noted. But at the same time, the smartphone has a good screen, quite high-quality shooting on a selfie camera (with night selfie shooting mode) and acceptable shooting on the main one, as well as wide communication capabilities, including NFC support. And, of course, the perfect combination of ports: USB Type-C + 3.5 mm minijack.

Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra 5G: the world's first smartphone with 8K video recording

Of course, we have before us one of the most technically sophisticated smartphones, a uniquely powerful flagship with top-end features. But there are a couple of "buts". Yes, this is the first smartphone on the market that can shoot 8K video, no one argues with that, but that, in general, is all. In terms of photography, the device is good, but does not demonstrate anything that we would not see in the latest innovations from Huawei and Apple. In addition, for such an expensive device, which should not have any cons at all, the Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra 5G received a too faceless design with an ugly bulging rough and huge camera block. Autonomy is also slightly disappointing (with such and such a battery!).

Smartphone Samsung Galaxy S10 Lite: premium mid-range and a sonorous name from older comrades

Samsung Galaxy S10 Lite is already officially presented in Russia, it can be bought in official retail for 45 thousand rubles. The price, of course, is the maximum for a device of this level, and it is clearly determined not by technical characteristics, but by formal belonging to the flagship line (in this case, Galaxy S). In fact, this device is not particularly superior to its counterparts from the A-series, for example, the A70 or A80. This is just a good mid-range smartphone, the obvious advantage of which can only be called a powerful hardware platform (but it is formally no longer top-end, and the A80 is not much worse). The main camera (as if not the most price-forming component for today) is weak here in comparison with competitors. However, in general, the Galaxy S10 Lite is a decent model, just not for that kind of money.

Smartphone Realme 5 Pro: the best mid-range device with good cameras, but without NFC

With its affordable price (and by the time the review was prepared, the smartphone had fallen in price to 13 thousand rubles), Realme 5 Pro deserves the closest attention, since it has all the makings of that very “people's phone”, the laurels of which are constantly moving from one market newcomer to another. Now is the time to buy Realme products, while the brand has not yet “snickered” and raised prices, as happened at one time with Honor. In the case of the Realme 5 Pro, very decent specifications are offered at a very reasonable price. Yes, this is not Realme XT, the new device is simpler, but in general, apart from the sad lack of NFC, this is one of the most worthy mid-range smartphones.

Push-button phone Nobby 231: an advanced device on the KaiOS operating system

Despite a number of minor annoying shortcomings (address book without patronymics, voice input/search in Russian is not supported, the screen does not turn off when forced locking, no camera at all), the Nobby 231 phone left a good impression on the whole. It will suit those for whom the functionality and size of smartphones are excessive, and conventional push-button phones are insufficient. Still, Nobby 231 has very advanced functions for working with contacts and a set of applications that are very limited in capabilities, and it’s inconvenient to work with them, but they can still come in handy in some unforeseen situations. Unforeseen - because for everyday work with applications, for example with WhatsApp, it is better to use any, even the cheapest smartphone on Android. Of the suitable hardware, we note a bad, but not the worst screen, a generally comfortable keyboard, good sound and a flashlight.

Smartphone Vivo v17: mid-budget model with decent autonomy

The smartphone cannot boast of a powerful processor, high-quality shooting or crystal sound, but it has a nice design, a high-quality large AMOLED screen and excellent autonomy. Now almost all manufacturers have presented similar “four-chamber cameras” at a price of about 20 thousand, and many of them have more powerful characteristics (in terms of the processor, for sure) - for example, the same Redmi Note 8 Pro. However, in this case, a smartphone of Vivo's own brand cannot be called frankly overvalued, as it often happened earlier with the company's products in Russia, but if you need cheaper, there is a Realme brand created specifically for this task.

OnePlus 7T Pro smartphone: minor update

The smartphone itself is certainly good, it has top-end features, although it does not differ in an affordable price. Another question is why such an update was released at all. After all, with the exception of a slightly overclocked processor, a slightly larger battery and slightly faster charging, the OnePlus 7T Pro is, in essence, a complete copy of the OnePlus 7 Pro. On the other hand, 7 Pro in a similar modification (8/256 GB of memory) now costs almost the same. So, as it has already become clear, there is no point in upgrading from 7 Pro to 7T Pro, but saving a thousand rubles when buying in such a situation seems to be stupid.

Smart watch Amazfit GTS: an alternative to Apple Watch for 10 thousand rubles?

Huami, which produces wearable devices under the Amazfit brand for Xiaomi, has expanded its range of smartwatches with another novelty. It was Amazfit GTS - a model that almost exactly copies the shape of the world's most popular smart watch Apple Watch. At the same time, Chinese watches cost only 10 thousand rubles, which makes them, in the eyes of many, a very attractive alternative to smart watches from market leaders. But still, the functionality of the Amazfit GTS is simpler, the materials are cheaper, although the workmanship is very high. Yes, and record autonomy, along with accessibility, do their job.

Smartphone Huawei Nova 5T: at least an average level with an adequate price

Huawei Nova 5T is already offered in Russian retail at a price of 28 thousand rubles (the difference with the cost of non-certified devices is very significant). For this money, the user receives a smartphone in a solid case made of glass and metal, with an excellent screen without cutouts (but with a hole for the front camera), with a powerful hardware platform. The main and selfie cameras are quite decent, the sound and autonomy are also not failures. There is even NFC, plus convenient little things, like a fingerprint scanner on the side. Some strange inventions like a separate 2-megapixel macro module do not work well, and in general this is clearly a marketing component, but these little things are quite forgivable at an adequate price.

Honor MagicWatch 2: one of the most affordable and functional smartwatches

Smart watches Honor MagicWatch 2 demonstrate, perhaps, the optimal ratio of price, functionality, design and battery life. Like the first generation Honor Watch, the new watch is not built on Android Wear, but on its own. operating system. There is no app store and watch faces, but there is a full display of notifications, the ability to voice answer phone calls, personalization of information displayed on existing watch faces, sleep analysis and, of course, a wide range of fitness options. But the main thing is that the novelty promises 14 days of operation on a single battery charge, and this is at an official price of 13 thousand rubles.

Realme XT smartphone: 64 MP quad camera for 20 thousand rubles

A very attractive-looking and pleasant-to-handle Realme XT with good cameras for its level, a convenient AMOLED screen, a very powerful, although not top-end SoC, excellent communication capabilities and decent autonomy in official Russian retail is offered for 20, then for 21 thousand rubles. And there is a feeling that it is precisely at the mark of 20 thousand rubles that the border is now passing, a psychological barrier for the average buyer, above which smartphones are rarely and meaningfully taken. For 20 thousand, a lot of people can afford a smartphone, and Realme XT with such excellent characteristics, including NFC support that is hard on the teeth, looks like one of the favorites in this price category.

Samsung Galaxy Fold: the first mass-produced smartphone with a folding screen

Of course, the technological novelty, the unobvious advantages of the folding form factor and fears for the fragility of the folding mechanism and the flexible screen discouraged many from trying to touch the future with their hands. But still, the price has certainly become the main obstacle to wide consumer recognition: in Russia today it officially amounts to 160 thousand rubles. In general, this is an interesting gadget that can brighten up a long journey by turning into a tablet - it turns out to be a powerful multimedia combine with good stereo sound. However, it is not very convenient to watch movies on it (because of the screen with an aspect ratio of 4:3), and not everything is obvious with games. Of course, the “stuffing” of the hero of the review is advanced, but in terms of technical characteristics it is no cooler, and in some ways even simpler than the same Galaxy Note 10+, so there is no reason to talk about the Galaxy Fold as the most technically equipped flagship of the family .

OnePlus 7 Pro smartphone: the flagship of the beginning of last year

An uncertified OnePlus 7 Pro can be bought in Russia for about 35-40 thousand rubles (prices vary for modifications with different memory sizes). It’s definitely not worth expecting a price reduction to the level of budget smartphones, OnePlus smartphones are now expensive - however, in terms of functionality, they also meet most of the “flagship” requirements. OnePlus 7 Pro has a top platform (although not the older SoC model), a high-quality screen, good sound, excellent cameras, decent autonomy. Design, with all these narrowed sides and curved edges of slippery glasses, for an amateur, this is a strange tribute to an incomprehensible fashion, but at least the smartphone looks catchy. In general, quite expensive, but you pay for what.

Smartphone Honor 9X: modification without a wide-angle camera, but with NFC

Honor 9X is offered in official Russian retail for 16,990 rubles - that is, two thousand cheaper than the Premium version with a wide-angle camera and more RAM (6 GB there, 4 GB here), but without NFC. Is this difference justified? We see that it will be difficult for a person who is accustomed to the comfort of contactless payment to refuse it in favor of the opportunity to occasionally take a wide-angle shot, especially for an additional 2,000. So, between the two versions of the same Honor 9X model, there is an approximate parity, and everyone here can choose what he likes best.

High-quality smart watches for reasonable money: what Fossil Sport can do and what are their main advantages

In the smart watch segment, there has been no previous monopoly for five years, although the interest in the Apple Watch, of course, remains high. True, if you do not belong to the Yabloko caste, you need to keep in mind that there are plenty of more budget alternatives on the market now; besides, some of them are already "trained" to synchronize not only with a single OS.

Smartphone Tecno Spark 4: a budget model, not without advantages

The smartphone has a practical, albeit easily soiled body, a large screen, boasts high autonomy, as well as good sound and advanced software capabilities. The power of the filling Tecno Spark 4 is not impressive, but it is quite inexpensive - 8 thousand rubles or even less. This entry-level device is quite suitable for the needs of undemanding buyers.

Smartphone Vsmart Live: Senior from Vietnam

Vsmart Live has a very good hardware platform for its price and good sound, as well as decent autonomy. We also note a good solution with the installation of the front camera in a narrow strip of the frame above the screen, without any cutouts, holes and retractable modules. The smartphone has a good combination of interface connectors (USB Type-C + minijack), a fashionable under-screen fingerprint scanner. At the same time, the cameras here are weak at best, there is no NFC, and there is no possibility to install a memory card (with a small, in general, amount of internal memory). At a price of up to 15 thousand, such a device can attract someone, but keep in mind that, for example, for 18 thousand official retail offers another bestseller in the form of Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro.

Huawei Mate 30 Pro: the first Huawei smartphone without Google services

Huawei Mate 30 Pro came out as a rather curious device. In this case, the manufacturer decided to reinforce the habitually already high level of photography with progress in terms of video shooting, although, unfortunately, a “seamless” transition between lenses during zoom, as in the iPhone 11, did not work out. Of the completely unexpected shortcomings, we note the lack of hardware volume keys: this is an absolutely wrong move, and we hope that in the future developers will not allow themselves such liberties. The main question is the notorious Google services.

Amazfit GTR smartwatch: attractive models with good autonomy

The Chinese company Huami, which produces wearable devices under the Amazfit brand for Xiaomi, has released a new smartwatch called GTR closer to autumn - in fact, a whole collection of devices not only with different designs, but also with different sizes. Huami's new smartwatch will have to compete with the recently launched Apple Watch Series 5 and Huawei Watch GT2. Let's see if the decision of the Chinese company is capable of giving battle to eminent rivals.

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