High-quality landing page. The best landing pages: expert selection. Solving a specific problem

Selling sites. What it is? Every second person will say: “Of course, these are landing pages!” They are one-pagers, they are landing pages, they are selling pages.

I will not convince you otherwise, because there is a great deal of truth in these words. Therefore, in this article we will analyze which landing pages can be called the best and why.

That's why I started looking for the best selling sites. Where to see their examples, ratings and how to evaluate them in principle. After all, a one-page website was originally invented in order to increase company sales.

Lately, a lot has changed. The ones that were relevant before are gone, websites began to be made of higher quality, more beautiful, with a lot of animation, pictures and various enticing features.

Evaluation criteria are questionable

By what principle to evaluate? Which ones to take as a basis? How to rank the TOP 10 sites?

Where can I get websites for the competition? All this makes it difficult to create a real and honest ranking of the best sites.

In addition, we do not know how many sales companies make through such sites. You can’t call them and ask: “What is yours?” or “How many applications do you receive from?”

I am sure no one will answer such a question, since either no one believes or will say that this is confidential information.

Yeah, we're daydreaming!

So I made it simpler. I started searching and viewing ratings and selections of the best landing pages. And guess what?

The site takes a long time to load, and this can greatly affect the bounce rate. That is, people will leave it faster than they see the offer.

2. Workshop “Dinero”

This is not a website, it’s a whole film about one “character” – a wooden wallet. If it had cost 1,000-2,000 rubles, the site would have failed.

6. Project “Big Drying”

Most women (their target audience) have heard about the “Mad Drying” project. Their launch ads are flooding the internet. And this is not surprising when millions are invested in traffic.

But without a good website, you won’t be able to get tens of millions in revenue, so their website is also included in our TOP.

Project “Big Drying”

It is clear that the creation was approached thoroughly, as the texts alone are worth. But they just made one big mistake - they didn’t put a call button at the very end.

And this affects the outflow of visitors, due to the fact that they do not see the logical closure of the whole story.


We ourselves use the Bitrix24 customer relationship system. But since our topic is not “,” the Megaplan system website exceeded all expectations.

Through it they conveyed all the main points of their system, after which you understand that this is the best thing for business.

CRM “MegaPlan”

Our wish for improvement is to add a video review of the system, since all direct competitors have it. And also make clearer calls, namely, replace the headings (not buttons) with “Start using for free” or something like that.

By the way! If you want to use it as your CRM system, then I advise you not to forget the promo code “Megastart”. This way you will receive a 10% discount on your first purchase and 14 days of free use.

8. Bank for entrepreneurs “Tochka”

Another landing page from the bank. He wins a prize for his originality. This page sent to your friends as a referral link.

To enhance the effect, we would add a few more blocks that put pressure on the logic. Since now the site is more focused on emotions. In some cases, this could be the right decision, but since we have a choice of bank, emotions alone cannot do it.

Bank for entrepreneurs “Tochka”

9. “Goodfit” gym equipment

An interesting transition of the site from black to white with blue. But in addition to an interesting design solution, this landing page uses an excellent title game.

In this design, they are not a connection to the block, but independent elements, after reading which you can already create a complete picture.

For a complete package, a video presentation from a person is not enough general director. Surely he is in excellent physical shape.

And it would also be great to add numbers to the cases. That is, how much does the hall the client received cost? But this is not critical, but desirable.

Equipment for gyms “Goodfit”

10. Shopping center “METROPOLIS”

This is by far the best shopping center landing page I've ever seen. The colors are beautifully chosen, the main meanings are conveyed, and the usability is excellent. This is all immediately visible when you go to this landing page. So click and explore.

Although I'll put in my 5 cents. I, of course, understand that people who are familiar with this center should get to this site. But it will also attract people who will be seeing it for the first time.

This means it was logical to make a small description (a few words about the company) so that the visitor would immediately know where he was and what awaits him there.

Shopping center “METROPOLIS”

Only Russia!?

Yes, in my review I mainly concentrated on the best one-page sites on the RuNet, although there are many worthy, good options in the world.

Moreover, the most important thing (and also the most surprising thing) is that the landing page in the burzhunet is used not only by small businesses, but even by large businesses.

For example, one of the most famous taxi services in the world, Uber, took the following option as its main website - a multifunctional landing page or, as they also say, a multi-page landing page.

This is a site consisting of many landing pages. Almost a multi-page site. But still a landing page.

But I don’t specifically post their landing page here, because they are different. Let everyone say that we are repeating everything after the West, but in this case I think differently.

We Russians are different. We have a different type of thinking because we live in a different country.

For example, an American has almost no fears in his head that the company will take the money and dissolve. Since they have everything protected for ten rows, it costs only one PayPal.

Here, in Russia, this fear is at the forefront. That’s why they have few blocks on their website that convince people to trust the company, while we have a ton of them.

I can give dozens more arguments that we will have different and better landing pages. Therefore, I apologize, but their options will not be here.

Better enjoy our Russian solutions. Model our texts and blocks. And from foreign sites, just take good design ideas.

Briefly about the main thing

Now that you have looked at all the applicants, I do not urge you to blindly focus on them, but it is definitely worth looking at the best landing pages for example.

At a minimum, you can take an idea from someone for an interesting animation. Or, for example, one of the creators knows theirs perfectly and uses it throughout the entire landing page. In general, it’s worth studying, drawing conclusions and adopting.

And by the way, if you are looking for ideas for your first landing page, you can try to create it yourself. So you will understand what you need and that it is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

Use for this, for example, PlatformaLP , Tilda , Bloxy. And only then, we are waiting for you to visit us for joint development.

Gennady Gorbachev

I’ll start with the most important thing: the main task of the landing page seller is to force the visitor to take an action that is useful for the owner. Therefore, the landing page should take into account and combine the following important factors:

  1. instincts of user eye movement when viewing a page (F-pattern);
  2. a positive first impression through subconscious design and creativity;
  3. compelling content.

In one phrase – the success of a landing page largely depends on triggers!

Triggers are psychological and cunning devices that motivate immediate action. They are the ones who came to the fore to attract attention to a product or service in an era of skepticism of the new generation towards advertising.

All more people are disgusted by stereotyped statements and rather excellent phrases, like “We work for results” or “Super price,” respectively. Even if your product is of great interest to a potential client, excessive imposition may scare him away.

Triggers on the landing page allow advertising to penetrate the mental part of the brain, directly influencing the human psyche, and encourage the client to take action without “chewing” thoughts and experiences. Therefore, the verbal and non-verbal tools used on the landing page appeal to the innate instincts of a person, thereby increasing the conversion rate.

The article selects the 5 best selling landing pages in Russian, which are delightful to the core. Read more about each below!

Examples of the best landing pages

Morewishes.ru landing page

The company "morewishes.ru" provides automatic aquariums for installation in shopping centers as part of franchise cooperation. At the same time, the entrepreneur receives passive income and will be able to repay the loan taken for his business within a year.

A competent landing page for a company has high selling potential for a wide range of reasons:

  • The benefits of business are explained by clear triggers.

  • The video shows the emotions that an aquarium brings to people.
  • The technique of understatement is used to motivate the visitor to leave his contact information in exchange for receiving an individual business plan.

  • Money back guarantee provided.
  • The trigger “We’ll do it for you” is used.

  • Appeals to the feeling of herdism “115 aquariums already bring a stable profit to the owners” and involvement in charity “Do your part to protect the environment.”
  • A cool hand-drawn design is created and the design colors are blue and yellow, creating a calm, stable atmosphere and filling visitors with optimism and happiness.

Landing page Beshenayasushka.rf

The project has already had more than 17 seasons and is popular among most women, whom the thoroughly thought-out landing page is aimed at. Investments in advertising and PR for “Mad Drying” amount to millions, but first a high-converting website with a range of creative triggers for accelerated return on costs was successfully developed. Let's take it in order.

  • Gamification is used - a game scenario with tasks to attract users, increase their involvement in the product with the help of measurable and achievable tasks and goals. Real money and material assets are used as rewards in “Mad Drying,” which greatly enhances the effect of the trigger.
  • Uses intrigue with price comparison indicating alternative way spend money instead of paying to participate in the project.

  • The results of participants from past seasons are shown in a “Before/After” style.

  • The scale of the event and history are indicated.

  • The spectacular hand-drawn design and orange color fill the visitor with energy and fun.

Landing page Moscowfreetour.ru

The MoscowFreeTour company organizes excursions around the capital of Russia for any number of people, regardless of their nationality and social class. Like the previous best landing pages mentioned in the article, the MoscowFreeTour page stands out with a set of tools that evoke strong emotions in visitors and convert them into sales. Let's read.

  • Link to ratings, customer recommendations, 5-star reviews and awards from Tripadvisor.

  • An animated button has been implemented that attracts the visitor’s attention and encourages action in the form of a request for an excursion.
  • Free trigger – the landing page promises 2.5 hours of free viewing of the most important places in Moscow and answers the question “why free?”, and this is not unimportant!

  • Trust trigger. Photos with smiling tourists who visited the excursion and the organizing team minimize doubts about deception.
  • Repetition method. If you notice, the screen with the “sign up for a free tour” form is repeated 3 times and is additionally fixed to the top of the landing page when scrolling. This idea minimizes the time it takes to search for a form at the very peak of the user’s determination and maturity - it is less likely that he will not see how to leave a request and will leave the site.
  • At a high level of functionality and design.
  • Individuality that allows you to satisfy the client’s desire for originality and exclusivity. The excursion organizer can take into account any wishes.

Landing page for trainingSMM

Kurson is an educational platform with video courses on HR, project management, content marketing, SMM and other areas. Content was developed for its landing page with the task of recruiting students for a training course on social media marketing (SMM). The site fully met the expectations of its creators and showed a very high conversion rate from visitors to clients (12%). Due to what?

  • A compelling title and subtitle on the first screen, hinting at the benefits of the course and the ease of learning.

  • A humorous trigger that at least makes you smile at the phrase "...you're in danger of going after the dinosaurs" and sets a positive tone. After this, the person better perceives the information given after the joke.

  • Professional video content is used - the most effective way transmission of information and atmosphere. At the same time, the phrase “492 people have already signed up” contains a herd trigger, motivating the user not to separate from society.

  • The brilliant idea that brought this landing page to the top of the list is the merging of three triggers: comparing the price of signing up for an SMM course with other training events (red blocks), the benefits received (green block) and an unexpected time-limited discount. Look what happened!

  • The fear trigger makes the potential client, if not afraid, then at least feel discomfort from the possibility of missing out on benefits and forces him to quickly and almost unconsciously follow the scheme conceived by the creator. Such tricks include discount timers (in the screenshot above) and this option:

Landing page for explosive sales and marketing

Ilya Balakhnin is a famous and charismatic marketer, founder of the Paper Planes advertising agency, who loves to include humor and interesting comparisons in his conferences. So, to attract students to the “Explosive Marketing and Sales” program in the city of Krasnodar, his team implemented a very creative idea. A landing page with an incredible trigger was developed.

  • Individuality trigger “We won’t be like everyone else” and compelling benefits for the listener.

  • An element of understatement with mutual benefit. The visitor who completes the target action will be sent a marketing checklist for his business, and Ilya Balakhnin will receive contact information.

  • And here is the highlight and the reason that prompted us to include Ilya Balakhnin’s landing page in the TOP 5 best. We are watching! P.S. When the page should have ended and stopped scrolling, the most interesting part comes - you can still scroll, and this is not a glitch!

Still scrolling...

Let's go even lower...


Landing page triggers are like experiments in creativity and scientific activity, without which it is impossible to create something worthwhile. Of course, there are many proven methods that lie in the plane of our initial instincts, but a person can get used to everything. What was best yesterday does not mean it is relevant now. Come up with your own logical chain and storyline for attracting potential clients, as the participants in our sample did. At the same time, do not forget about the principle of landing pages - one product on one page.

If you liked the article and want to continue selecting the most outstanding selling triggers found on the Internet, write in the comments and share this material. Reasoned negative feedback is also welcome. Read our blog - stay on top of the internet marketing and website building trends.

Without a strong design, an online business will not “take off” - or, at least, will not open up 100%. Appearance landing pages are dedicated to the category of our blog - . But today we will look successful examples design of product landing pages.

Pay attention to the role of the “main image” or “hero image” in each example - it lays down the selling potential of the landing page.

We hope these cases inspire you to test your own.


The website of the designer clothing and accessories store Hebe Boutique is an example of harmonious, thoughtful design. The main image immediately attracts attention, and the product photographs are of high quality. The typography is also pleasing: the font thickness is larger than standard, which, together with high-quality photos, gives a good visual image.


This eCommerce site has a nice design theme. The developers abandoned the traditional white background, which highlighted the resource from similar ones. Like the example above, Ticklers use great photos. Large, rotating images show how clothing fits and looks on real people in real conditions.

An interesting format for social proof - test it on yours.


After the transition, it’s immediately clear that this is a women’s clothing store. Remarkable combination of quality women's photos with information blocks about discounts, promotions, delivery conditions, etc.


The Ada Blackjack online store sells bags and backpacks. The design is simple and is based on good product photos. This layout does not distract from the main thing - the products.


AMBSN is an eCommerce site for selling clothing. Given the high competition, the owners decided to stand out with a bright design - fortunately, the style of clothing allows this.


Another way to stand out is through custom design. An example is the clothing and home goods store RYDER, with a very creative layout (see menu in the screenshot). It’s worth testing how this affects landing page conversion.


It is believed that on the main page it is worth indicating benefits (free shipping, promotions, sales, etc.) and posting photos of popular products. Or just a product display, as a last resort. But looking at Morepork's website, it seems like the company is selling itself rather than its products.

Perhaps the tactic is justified - it’s worth testing it to find out and make sure.


Dick Moby sells glasses, and the brand’s landing page has a lot of strong design moves:

  • abstract symbols on the title banner create a relaxed atmosphere, inviting you to explore the assortment;
  • high-quality photographs of goods;
  • There is no background in the photo with glasses - nothing distracts from the product.


The Horse captivates with its originality. The home page design is built on square blocks. The first one contains delivery information, the rest contains an Instagram photo of the product. It's interesting because it's unusual.


The brand sells false eyelashes. They are in the center of the composition, and thanks to enlarged photos of the product (and its packaging), the product attracts attention from the first seconds.


The design of Mahabis reflects an important aspect of the offer - high quality. The user can appreciate the smallest details - this inspires confidence and encourages purchase.


Poketo is an example of competent placement of color accents. Although there is a lot of bright colors on the main page, in general, the design is not oversaturated with them. The site is rather light, pastel, and bright spots of color only attract attention.


Jackie Smith is another “bright” eCommerce site. As in the example above, the visual balance is well maintained. Important elements are highlighted in rich colors - photos of products and blocks with promotions. Everything else is black and white.


Grovemade's design bridges the gap between home page and a showcase - the site sells wooden stands, stationery and accessories. Much of the screenshot below is brand products. The placement of the product in the photo is carefully thought out, and the non-standard - somewhat rounded - font complements the artistic concept.


In the Muroexe online shoe store, products are well arranged and presented in a neat grid. The design has a lot of empty space, which creates a light effect and improves the user experience.


The first screen of the Greyrock online store contains only photos. It shows furniture that can be assembled easily and without tools (a real USP). A girl with a book and the inscription in the title complement the composition, as if saying: “Take it easy, order furniture, quickly assemble it and relax.”

By the way, this landing page is made on a very simple layout. In the LPgenerator template gallery you can find many similar ready-made pages, and the extensive one will allow you to adjust the selected layouts without special knowledge:


The simplicity and beauty of Helbak ceramics are successfully reflected on the brand’s website. The simple outlines of the products are complemented by the empty space around the images.


Another online store in the “Nothing extra” style. Although the design does not have any special features, it does not leave an impression of incompleteness. Everything is in place, nothing distracts from the list of goods.


A site with a simple design, without numerous product photos. At the same time, the layout is built on “pure” black and white shades, creating an advantageous contrast with the photo of jewelry.


Online store THING IND. offers custom products for the home. The concept is reflected in the design of the landing pages. The site uses a dark blue font instead of black (including for navigation). The designers created a relaxed atmosphere, which is not typical for the eCommerce industry.


Soap Co. they present the product in such a way that it “sells itself.” There are no advertising elements - only photos and text. A great example of minimalism in design.

22. RSVP

Rich, stylish design. There are many elements, but attention does not wander. Even the corners are occupied - they contain the brand abbreviation.

23. Ratio

The design conveys the essence of the offer: high-quality coffee equipment. Each product has its own landing page, with a list of functions and benefits. The design pleases with high-quality photographs, thoughtful colors, and competent play with typography.


The Frank Body online store offers modern skin care products. Since the target audience is young people, the site design is appropriate. The effect is achieved with a monotype font and pastel colors.

By the way, from now on you no longer need to open Google service Fonts for receiving third-party fonts, because now fonts are connected directly from .

We have added all the fonts from the Google Fonts collection to a visual gallery, and all you need to do is select the appropriate font, click on the connect button and use it for new or existing texts on the landing page.

25. Rest.

Rest. sells handmade stationery. The design concept conveys the solidity and orderly life of wealthy people - this is achieved good photos products and small selling texts.

The adjective “selling” is now used in all marketing tools.

And the field of web development is no exception, where we also constantly see catchy phrases in the style of “selling site” or “selling landing page”.

But if we soberly evaluate the ideology of creating a high-quality landing page, we will see that the word “selling” is a set of marketing knowledge in one platform.

Which of them are important and which are dust in the eyes, I will tell you in this material.

Tired of lying

Often my colleagues, after another conversation with a client about a service, say to me an indignant phrase: “Nikita, we are tired of arguing with them. Maybe we can do what they want?”

The thing is that for the average person, a good landing page = a lot of features. And if there are no original solutions on the site, then the site is automatically bad and not selling.

All! It's boiling. Let's put all the dots (I say in a dreamy voice). Let’s define once and for all what a real one-page selling website is, and what nonsense looks like, which only has a name for it.

It will be both interesting and boring, but definitely useful. Let's start with a laconic description of this term.

Selling landing page is a visually designed prototype made on the basis of marketing, copywriting, sales and psychology, with one and for a specific target audience at their level of awareness.

Each word above carries an exorbitant amount of detail, and these are not the tricks that you like to talk about so much.

These are deep ideas that are usually ignored in training because of their dullness and lack of “wow” effect.

But we, like meticulous professors, will analyze each part of the seller separately.

Preparatory part

I would like to immediately write ready-made elements and rules for a selling landing page, but then the article would not be complete and honest.

A high-quality selling landing page is a project that is not only created according to all the rules, but also for which you prepare correctly.

It’s just like when launching a rocket: 50% of success is the correct determination of coordinates. So, what should a selling website be like?

1. One product (goal)

The first thing that determines a landing page that sells is the presence of one and only goal. Why not two, three or more?! It's quite simple.

This is the same if you come to buy a car at the dealership, and in addition to it I will sell you a house on Rublyovka.

And also a subscription to a fitness club and a premium account on a dating site (although with a new car, an expensive house and a toned body, the latter may not be useful to you).

You can now object to the fact that I am exaggerating and no one ever sells everything on one site.

You are partially right, only you see everything with a blurry look. For you, all your services or goods are by default necessary for your client, but in fact, in 9 out of 10 cases (there are exceptions) a person comes for one thing.

I will tell you our sad experience and you will immediately understand everything without ambiguous examples. When we were just starting our careers, we made ourselves a landing page to work in our city.

There were no additional pages, and all services were placed on the main page (screen below).

We were guided by the idea that if a person needs it, he will choose what suits him. And this was our biggest mistake.


The fact is that a person, seeing all these services, can order them from us only if we were recommended to him or he is a complete “fool”.

Because it’s like buying a pig in a poke. No additional information, benefits or answers to questions.

And a pop-up window is not the solution here; it is too little to effectively convey information and close all objections.

For a long time now, we have had a separate landing page for each service, where a person gets from the route page.

Therefore, when you make a website, clearly define what product you are doing it for. And also periodically change the word “Product” to “Goal”.

After all, it’s one thing to sell straight away, but another thing to close it at first (for example, calculating the cost), and only then sell it. It’s also often not a good idea to mix goals.

2. Target audience

According to my internal calculations, this is the 200th mention on our blog about the target audience.

But now we will look at this with an example and start with the fact that you must know your clients.

Moreover, there is a very big difference between who is buying from you now and who you want to see as your customers.

Having a list of potential clients in your head (preferably on paper), you need to decide for whom exactly you will make your website.

It is quite possible to combine several audiences into one. But in order to understand for sure whether this is possible or not, you need to determine their selection criteria, needs and fears. The diagram will look something like this.

The target audience

Since in this material we are not learning how to create a selling landing page, but first of all we are understanding what a selling landing page is, I will show you using the example of selection criteria that all people are different.

To do this, imagine that you are selling a nano-simulator for weight loss. Offhand, your potential clients are all overweight people. But I have a question for you: are they similar in their selection criteria?

I hope you answered no. All people are different, as are their selection criteria. One is ready to pay any amount of money just to get a guaranteed result.

Another will buy only what does not take up much free time. And the third one doesn’t see anything other than low cost. This list goes on and on.

And even in such narrow niches, such as building houses from timber, everyone also has different criteria (for better understanding, watch the video below).

3. Level of awareness

This topic is already more difficult to understand, especially aurally. Therefore, you are lucky that you are reading and not listening on the phone to how our managers talk about levels of awareness.

The point is that each person is at a different level of perception of the problem and solution.

In marketing, this strange approach is called “”. But I won’t burden you with clever terms, but will simply show you with an example how it works.

And to do this, compare three identical and at the same time different queries with each other in search bar Yandex or Google:

  1. What to build a low-rise house from?
  2. Brick or log in house construction?
  3. Construction of low-rise brick houses

All these requests relate to low-rise construction and all of them, in theory, are potential clients for construction firms.

But! The bottom line is that the first one has a complete lack of understanding of what a house is being built from, the second one is faced with the question of which solution to choose, and the third one is already purposefully looking for where to order a specific house.

For you when developing, this means that in all cases there will be different texts and images on it.

For example, for the second type of requests, you first show why building a house from brick is better than from a log house (if you are building on a brick basis), and only then sell it.

In the third type of request, you, without long declarations of love, immediately offer your solution and largely focus on the benefits of your company compared to competitors.

In everyday use, many people call awareness levels the temperature of traffic. It is divided into hot, warm and cold.

The most favorite ones for everyone are the hot ones, that is, those people who want to buy right here and now.

But I will try to write a short summary. The selling site, in parallel with the analysis of competitors, must go through the process of briefing the client.

In which, with the help of a special series of questions, everything that has accumulated and everything that directly affects the client’s decision-making is drawn out. After which all these meanings are distributed and create the skeleton of the site.

I won’t hide it either and say that all agencies conduct a client briefing by default.

But, as usual, I’ll reveal one more secret that makes a site selling. The briefing is conducted orally.

A piece of paper will not be able to reveal the full depth when a person during communication can ask clarifying questions and lead in the right direction.

This briefing takes 1-2 hours. And since I’m showing all the cards, then get ready for the fact that if your company is new or there is nothing in it, then the “packer of meanings” simply will not be able to take anything and the site will definitely NOT sell.

Of course, at the end of the day you will blame the site or the contractor for everything, but in reality, the whole point will be in the absence of your developments, benefits and features.

Important. A marketing agency offers additional benefits and solutions, but, as a rule, all of them do not change the situation globally.

To truly develop your packaging strategy and tactics, you need to conduct an in-depth analysis of competitors, and as you remember, this costs other money and takes other time.


After you have done the preparatory work (the main work is written above), the correct structure will automatically be formed and you can safely begin stretching the frame.

It is based on marketing, sales, design and psychology. I won’t cleverly break down these areas; I’ll show the main points so as not to complicate the material.

Lifehack. If you do the landing yourself, I recommend PlatformaLP , Tilda , Bloxy .

1. Offer

As soon as a person lands on the site, the first thing he sees is your offer. In simple terms, this is your offer with the main benefits.

The main offer can be of 4 levels. The distinctive difference is immediately visible in the examples.

The first level is when you simply write “Car rental in Moscow”.
The second level sounds more interesting - “Car rental in Moscow. Premium vehicle fleet.”

The third level is very difficult for many and is based on the result - “Rent premium cars in Moscow. Single copies will attract thousands of eyes from just 5,000 rubles a day.”

Can this be called an ideal proposal? Of course not. I came up with it in 2 minutes for this article.

But you get the point and notice how different the title on the first screen can be. Therefore, by default we try to reach 3, or even better, 4 offer levels.

Although, to my surprise, I saw great results on level 1 and 2 offers, but these are rather exceptions or a very well-thought-out strategy.

To create your offer, you need to understand your business very well and understand your customers.

To make your life easier (that’s why we are here), I recommend reading our article on this topic.

Better yet, don’t just read, but immediately create and post your results in the comments.



The selling power of a landing page is also created by a text master (copywriter). He does this on the basis of a prototype received from a marketer, which reflects all the meanings identified at the packaging stage.

This process is labor-intensive and is much more important than design. I'm sure I surprised you a little now.

But this is the complete truth. A scary site with good text will do the trick. And bad texts on beautiful design will lose a client.

Good text is undervalued and this is noticeable in all the actions of the client, who pays more attention to design.

But if you want to get a high-quality landing page, you need to be very careful about headings and texts.

Most likely, you won’t be able to do this yourself, since this is an entire art that you need to learn and then get better at.

In addition to everything, I will give you the basic rules for copywriting on websites so that you can at least approximately determine how good the work in front of you is.

They are not reinforced concrete, there are exceptions to everything, but if several points are violated at once, then you should think about the quality.

  1. Not a trivial title. If you see the headline “Why choose us?”, “About us” or another hackneyed version that is used on dozens of other sites, then run as fast as you can.

    Sites with banal eyeliners indicate their absolute inferiority compared to any other site.

  2. You are the approach. The more headlines and texts on a site that begin with the word “WE,” the worse the site.

    It is much more important for the client that they talk about him and for him, and only then he reads about your loved ones.

  3. Simple language. If the consumer does not understand anything about what is written on the landing page or comes across unfamiliar words.

    In this case, this means the site also needs to be improved, because you need to speak a language that is accessible to the client, and not to you.

  4. On business. A one-page website should not have text for the sake of text, even if it is created for SEO.

    If you can remove this text from the site and nothing will change, then you need to cut and shorten it.

  5. Specifics. Also hackneyed phrases from the series “Individual approach”, “Flexible system of discounts”, “High quality” are a stigma.

    The only thing is that this is allowed when the revealing text is 100% specific, and this phrase is only a summary or headline.

As a separate point, I would like to make such a criterion as “Handling objections.” It is implemented throughout the site in all text elements.

Namely, all typical objections of the client at the level of his awareness must be worked out throughout the entire site.

It’s quite easy to check this; you collect a list of all objections from the selected target audience and then look to see if they all have answers.

Clever idea. The selling site covers all objections, evokes emotions and argues that you need to buy from us.

3. Design

A beautiful website does not always equal a selling website. You need to remember this forever. In your material

What should a landing page look like in terms of efficiency? What blocks should it contain and what should these blocks look like? After reading the article, you will get answers to these questions and see what the best landing pages look like.

1. Headline with USP

The ideal landing page, single screen or long, always has a catchy headline that:

  • immediately lets the visitor know where he is;
  • shows him the uniqueness of your offer.

The headline is placed at the top of the landing page, at user eye level. Big, bright, intriguing.

The bounce rate depends on the title.

Here are examples of headlines for our company’s best landing pages.

2. Descriptor

The descriptor also affects the bounce rate, although less than the headline. Typically consists of a logo, company name, slogan or a few words about services or products. Placed in the top left or middle.

If the landing page has a headline with a USP, the descriptor is made modest - a logo plus a name.

The best landing pages always contain an original descriptor.

3. Block with contact information

Typically located in the upper right corner. A comprehensive contact block contains:

  • real phone number;
  • email;
  • "Call back" button.

An appeal must be used - please call.

4. Attractive image

By image we mean a background - a large picture, on top of which a title, capture form, and other blocks are placed.

In an ideal landing page, the image matches the theme of the site, is original and interesting. The background color scheme is different from the title font color to prevent them from blending together.

In the screenshots you can see beautiful landing pages with attractive images.

5. Capture forms

A single-screen landing page contains one capture form, a long landing page contains 2 or 3 forms. The first form is adjacent to the heading - next to it or below it.

The capture form contains fields for entering your name and phone number. The call to action describes additional benefits (gift, discount, additional service), which encourage the visitor to immediately submit data.

If there is a promotion running on the landing page, the capture form contains a countdown timer.

These are the capture forms we equip the best landing pages of our clients.

6. Block with benefits for the client

This block ideally bypasses visitors’ objections. 3–8 points are placed in a block.

The block has the following structure: text describing the benefit and a thematic picture for each item. The location of the items is horizontal or vertical. In an ideal block, all paragraphs have the same amount of text, and key sentences are highlighted in color or in bold.

7. Customer reviews

The review block is key in the landing page.

The landing page should have real reviews from at least three clients. The ideal option is a scrollable window, such as a slider, that can accommodate 5-10 reviews.

Each review:

  • contains the name and real photo of the client;
  • content with key details that will have a positive impact on landing page conversion.

Here are examples of blocks with reviews on the best landing pages of our studio.

8. Tariffs or service packages

Buyers like to choose from several alternatives. Therefore, the ideal landing page offers a choice of 2-3 tariffs or packages. It doesn’t matter whether the landing page sells goods or provides services, the site must have a block with tariffs.

Tariffs should be different from each other and contain detailed information about what is included in them. One of the tariffs is marked as the most popular among clients.

9. Landing Page Examples

This is one of the most important blocks of a landing page. It is after viewing the portfolio or cases that the visitor decides to take the target action.

A competent portfolio contains only the best work, is beautifully designed, and does not take up much space. For design, it is better to use a slider with which visitors will scroll through the images.

After looking at examples of landing pages, the visitor should be convinced of the quality of the product or service.

10. Real contact details in the footer

The final trust trigger is a block with contact information about the company or author in the footer.

In the case of a company, there must be a map with the indicated office location. In the case of the author, all kinds of contacts.

This is also where the final capture form is located.

An ideal landing page contains all of the above elements. However, for a landing page to be truly effective, all its blocks must be correctly combined into one composition. And also add meanings thanks to which visitors perform conversion actions on our landing page.

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