How to delete friends on VKontakte. How to remove a friend from VKontakte? How to delete all VKontakte friends at once

The task of social networks is to lift our spirits, publish beautiful photos, and read interesting posts. In principle, social networks cope with these goals. But, on the other hand, sometimes virtual communication can cause negative emotions. If you have a quarrel with someone, then you don’t want to hurt people you don’t love, not only in real life, but also on the Internet. And sometimes there is a desire to completely remove all friends at once.

The fact that such a desire arises is normal. One of the most popular social networks today is VKontakte. In this article we will figure out whether there is a way to delete all friends at once on VK.

We would like to tell you right away that officially those who developed VKontakte have not come up with a method that allows you to delete all friends at once. In order to delete all VKontakte friends at once, you will have to go to each one’s page one by one and remove them from the list of friends. This is the only legal option.

As you remove each friend from your list one by one, be prepared for them to end up in your subscribers. You can also remove people from your subscriber list.

This will also have to be done one by one. Some people don't know this. To get rid of subscribers, you need to hover your mouse over the photo of a deleted friend, you will see a small cross, you need to click on it.

Radical way

Social networks are needed to communicate with friends; if you do not want to see your friends, then you can actually delete your page. This will be a radical way to get rid of all your friends on VK at once. To perform this action you need to enter “my settings”, which are located in the left menu.

Then go to the “general” tab and scroll down the page. You need to click on the phrase “you can delete your page.”

The procedure has been completed. If you still have a desire to be present on social networks, then you can create a completely new page.

Using a script

Here is another option for how to remove all friends from VK at once. You need to visit the "My Friends" section. Find the subsection “how to clear a wall of friends” in this section. Copy the script and then paste it into the browser, while pressing the Enter key.

The procedure is completed. All comrades have been removed from the list. If you use this method, turn on your attention as much as possible.

You need to make sure that you delete the script in the required tab. It is possible to get rid of all information at once.

Dangerous way

There is also a not very safe way to remove all friends from VK at once. This is done using certain programs. One of them is called Vkbot. This method is dangerous because the program has to be downloaded from unknown sites. In addition, there is a possibility that such a program will steal your password and login from the VKontakte page.

If you still decide to use this method, here is the algorithm of actions:

  1. You need to download the Vkbot program from one of the sites.
  2. Now you need to unpack the program and install it on your computer.
  3. You will need to authorize this program. To do this, provide your phone number or email address, as well as your password.
  4. Now you need to wait until the program loads, then click the “Profile” button.
  5. In this program you will find a button called “friends”, click on it.
  6. Behind this button you will see a list of possible actions, namely:
  7. Removing all comrades.
  8. Removing all comrades based on your criteria.
  9. Approval of applications based on your criteria.
  10. Deleting sent applications.
  11. Importing a friend from a file.
  12. Export.
  13. Exporting is not your friend.
  14. Notification that your friend is now using the VKontakte network.

Less radical methods

For your information, we will also offer less radical methods that will allow you to limit your communication with people on social networks.

Perhaps you are annoyed not so much by the list of comrades on VK, but by the fact that you are obliged to read their news. This happens because when we add a person to our comrades, we immediately become his subscriber, but this can be corrected.

In order to limit yourself from the news of all your friends, go to the “My News” tab. This is where news and events of all the groups and people you follow are displayed. Next, go to “Updates”.

Then we click filter, here we can set whose updates we want to see in our news. The slider located in the upper right corner can be customized according to your expectations. The further to the right the slider is, the more news you will receive.

You can set up a filter so that you only see updates from the people you want. You also have the option to hide your updates from certain people. To do this, go to “My Settings” and then visit the “Privacy” section.

When deleting a specific person from the list of your friends on VK, remember that by doing so you are deprived of the opportunity to view his updates. You will also no longer be able to add that person as a friend again. If this person's page is private, then you may not be able to write a message to him.

You can also move people you don't like to your blocked list.

VK has long won the hearts and minds of tens of millions of Internet users on the Runet. With the help of VKontakte, you can freely establish communication between people located at long distances. In it, people make new acquaintances, communicate, have all sorts of events, fall in love, and make thousands of friends.

But, at the same time, such unpleasant moments may arise when someone annoys you. In this case, you have a fair question -? In this case, you simply block the user or remove him from your friends list. But, you never know, it happened in your life that for some reason all your friends turned away from you. Then a more global question arises - how to delete all VKontakte friends at once? This happens quite rarely, you must admit. And maybe that’s why the VKontakte developers didn’t provide such a “miracle button.” Or maybe because a person doesn’t accidentally press it in a hurry and accidentally delete all his friends. Despite this, craftsmen have figured out how to delete all their friends. It doesn't take as much time as you might think.

Of course, you can click next to each friend in the “Remove from friends” list, but if you have acquired acquaintances and loyal friends, then you will agree that this operation can take a lot of time, which you don’t want to spend on routine work. So, you need to find out how to quickly delete VKontakte friends. There are a huge number of various programs and utilities for this. The essence of how these applications work is that these scripts automatically perform boring and monotonous work for you - they click on the “Remove from friends” link. An example of such a program would be AutoClickExtreme or VkBot. These programs are free and you can download them freely.

Among others, of course, VkBot stands out. With its help, you can manage your VKontakte account without even being on your page - right in the tray. In addition to the fact that you can delete all your friends at once, you can also do basic mass tasks using VKBot. Such as: deleting friends by filters, sending mass messages to all your friends, uploading various graffiti to the walls of your faithful friends, automatically downloading videos and music from VK, notifying all your friends about and much more.

The Vkbot program is quite easy to use, but still. So:

  • We launch the program itself, where we enter our username and password for our VK account. The program opens.
  • Click on the “Profile” tab (1 – in the figure).
  • Next, a submenu opens, where we click on the “Friends” link (2 – in the photo above).
  • Next, another submenu opens. Menu of operations with “friends”. There we see the “Delete all friends” tab. That's what we need.

We have already thoroughly figured out how to quickly remove all your friends from VK using some third-party applications. But there are cases when you don’t need to delete all your friends, but you need to find out how to remove blocked friends on VKontakte. Or those friends who are blocked by you forever or those who are blocked for some time. Again, all this can be done manually and for a long time, or you can quickly delete everyone. Or you can use the already known Vkbot program for these purposes. As we saw earlier, vkbot is a very feature-rich application. There is also an opportunity to “delete” blocked friends. It is not difficult. So:

  • Launch VKbot - log in through the program on the VK website.
  • Click “Profile” - select “Friends” (arrow 1 in the picture).
  • Click on “Friends” and a submenu opens. There we select the item “Delete friends by criteria” (2 – in the photo).
  • Another submenu opens, in which we select the final item “Delete blocked friends” (3 – in the top picture). Clicked and then came the check and automatic deletion.

Delete friends - Here you need to understand that you want to delete those who, after deletion, became your subscribers and you want to get rid of them, or the person who is on your friends list is not active, instead of his photo on the “dog” avatar. Or you suddenly decided to get rid of all your friends at once, let's consider all possible options.

Quick navigation:

How to remove “dogs” on VKontakte.

Today there is no 100% safe way to automatically perform any VKontakte operations, be it mass adding or deleting friends.

Dog VKontakte

So we will fight the dogs manually, it’s good if there are not so many of them. However, if you are deleting all your friends, and there are several thousand of them, then it would be more advisable.

To delete, go from the left menu to “Friends”, find the one you want to delete, on the contrary, on the right, point to the ellipsis (...). In the drop-down list, click “Unfriend.” This person immediately becomes your subscriber.

The reason for such mass deletion may be the fact that there are too many of them and when people look at your friends list, they get the impression that this is a scam,

You need to understand that there is a risk of deleting a person who was frozen or blocked by accident. This happens due to a complaint about spamming (mass mailing of advertising) or due to some suspicious actions. Such a person can unfreeze the page and you have already lost him.

How to delete deleted friends on VKontakte.

If you delete a friend, he becomes your subscriber and appears in their list.


To delete subscribers, go to their list by clicking on the link with their number as in the circle in the image above, then point at the one you want to delete and click on the cross.

Remove all friends at once.

As mentioned above, it is not safe to use automatic programs or scripts for any needs on VKontakte; you may be blocked for this. Be patient and first remove everyone from your friends list and then from your subscribers. If there are a lot of them, then consider the option and maybe take a break the next day, such an idea as “deleting friends” will not seem as necessary to you as it seems now.

If the day suddenly comes when you want delete all VKontakte friends at once, read these instructions and do as I show you.

What happened before?

Nothing complicated. It was enough to download the VKbot program and use the function of deleting the entire list of friends. We have already worked with her. Here are the instructions -.

But now with the innovations of VKontakte, this program no longer works. More precisely, the function we need does not work.

And therefore, the good old methods remain.

We delete each friend separately

We go to the person’s page. Expanding the menu "Your friends", and press "Unfriend".

The same effect will be achieved if .

How to delete all VKontakte friends at once?

Open the “Friends” section. Here, opposite the user’s avatar, open the menu and click "Unfriend".

Video lesson: deleting all friends on VK


It's good if the list is small. I have more than 4 thousand friends. I would have to spend several hours removing them. But you can always just

Every day social networks are gaining more and more popularity. This also applies to the famous VKontakte website. After registering here, you find your acquaintances and add them as friends, then friends of acquaintances, etc. One fine day you realize that the number of your friends has already exceeded a thousand, or even more. As a result, it becomes difficult to understand who has removed himself from your list and who has not. And simply cleaning the contacts becomes quite problematic.

How to delete friends on VKontakte

The site developers did not provide a function with which you can delete all VKontakte friends at once. Doing this manually is not very convenient, especially if the list is already more than a thousand. However, there is a way out of this situation, and it is not too complicated. You just need to use an additional program that is freely distributed and available to everyone. The principle of its operation is simple - it will automatically press the Remove from friends button for you as many times as necessary.

Before you delete all your VKontakte friends at once, think again about whether you really want this, because you could lose truly valuable contacts. If you still decide, then find and download a utility called Vkbot. After the program is on your computer, unpack the archive. This is easy to do - just double-click on it with the left mouse button.

The next step is to enter your email address and password. It should be noted right away that the official utility is in no way a virus, so you can do this with confidence. After this, your Profile will open in front of you. Here is a link that will be called Friends. We press the button and many useful functions open before us. In addition to the fact that the program allows you to remove all friends from the list at the same time, you can perform this action according to various criteria. For example, remove only male or female friends, etc.

I note that the antivirus may react negatively to cheating software. Therefore, before downloading and installing the utility, you should disable it. But! The official version of the program does not contain any viruses and will not require you to send SMS to short numbers or perform similar actions.

But then don’t forget to turn on the antivirus again, since by downloading something from the network you can easily catch a fairly popular “banner virus” virus, which can block your access to social media. network and require activation of access to it via SMS. You can learn how to remove such a VKontakte banner from this article.

How to delete your page

If the method described above does not suit you for some reason, then you can always choose the simplest option - simply delete your page. Not so long ago, to perform such an action, you had to contact the site administration, who would decide whether this should be done. Now there is a function that allows you to delete your page yourself. You can find it through the My Settings menu. Here in the General section there is the necessary link. Before deleting the page completely, think about the fact that you will no longer be able to play games, listen to or download music. Read about how to download music from VKontakte. By the way, you can always restore your page or make a new one, where you will more carefully add your acquaintances to your friends list.

Some users recommend breaking the site rules in order to have the page blocked. However, in such a situation, the administration has the right not only to block the user, but also to apply other sanctions to him. I don't think it's worth taking that risk.

As you can see, it is possible to delete all friends from a social network by pressing a couple of buttons. Moreover, this operation is accessible even to those who are not very familiar with various computer programs. The utility for such manipulation is distributed freely and is available to almost everyone. However, I think that soon the site administration will listen to the opinions of users and introduce a new function, thanks to which it will be possible to delete unnecessary contacts without particularly straining.

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