What is a login and how to write it. What is a login? How to change name and user

Login and password - credentials for logging into the site. 90% of online resources use them to authorize an account and protect confidential information from unauthorized intervention and hacking.

Websites ask the user to create a username and password directly during the registration process. The compilation of this data must be taken seriously: do not ignore the service rules and general recommendations.

This article will help you come up with a login and login key. Also from it you will learn how to create cool nicknames (you will see examples of them) and easy-to-remember cool keys that are resistant to selection.

How to make a beautiful nickname?

These tips will tell you how to write cool and beautiful logins without violating the terms of their creation provided by the service.

1. Find out on the website where you are creating an account which characters you can use in your login and which you cannot. Usually a standard character set is provided: Latin characters and letters. Some services also allow the use of dots and underlines.

2. Pay attention to the range of acceptable nickname lengths. No matter how good it may be for you, if its length is shorter or longer than agreed upon, you won’t be able to use it.

3. To quickly remember a nickname, when compiling it, take as a basis your first name, last name, date of birth, names of your pets, etc.

4. If the nickname you came up with is already taken by someone, change it. For example, Dima - Amid, Sanya - Yanas.

5. Do you want to create a login that makes a certain impression about you? Approach the solution of the problem creatively: move in the direction of conveying the desired meaning, style, or some kind of emotion. For example, intriguing nicknames for a girl on a dating site are Vkusnyashka, Klubnichka; threatening for online games - terminator, killer, groza, black_monstr.

6. You can introduce elements of puzzles into your nickname, in which numbers and abbreviations represent words and phrases: U2girl, dev4onka, 4fun.

7. If all of the above tips do not apply, try to “consider” your nickname in anything - in natural phenomena, events, memes, names of utilities, etc.

8. If you register an account on any website to conduct business, business correspondence, or conversations with clients, for greater representativeness, use your last name as a login.

How to create a strong password?

Password - the login key - is the main means of protecting the account on the part of the user. To reduce the risk of hacking and personal data leakage, consider the following points when drafting it:

1. Initially, give up trivial character combinations - “abcdef”, “my_parol”, “12345”, “qwerty”. They can be picked up in a matter of minutes even without using special hacking tools.

Despite numerous warnings from computer security experts, the popularity of primitive keys among users, unfortunately, does not decrease.

2. Use all character sets in the password allowed by the site rules.

The most stable combinations are those that contain English letters (small and large), special characters and numbers. For example, YEtuy23*%3u.

3. Use transliteration wisely - a set of Russian words with the English layout turned on. Explicit words are not allowed: password - gfhjkm, etc. But you can mask part of the words connected in an abstract sequence with the Latin set:

55 Kot ov Sadyat Na Mar se Harvest - 55RjnCfYfVfhEhj

4. Under no circumstances use your first name, last name, email address, or phone number as a password. Such combinations are also quickly “calculated”.

Good luck creating your login and password! Always pay attention to the security of your accounts.

The Internet has become an integral part of our lives. It provides us with the opportunity to find answers to all questions, exchange information and communicate with friends on social networks.

For frequent use of one site, there is a need to save information on it or create a page. This can be done in your account, which you need to log in using your username and password. How to make them reliable and thereby protect your data, read the article.

How to create a secure login

Login is the name of a person on the World Wide Web, which is necessary for identification on it. It usually consists of a series of characters or email. To secure the entered information, you need to create a . To do this, follow the following recommendations.

  • Often the login is visible to other Internet users, so you should not type characters randomly. Come up with a beautiful combination of letters and numbers by which site visitors can identify you. Here the case of letters does not matter. It makes no difference if you choose a login with the name Vera, VerA or vERa.
  • Also use additional words, symbols, dashes and other signs for the name on the site. For example, $VERA$ or Ledi_Vera.
  • It is not recommended to use the same login and password to register on the site. They will lead to a quick hack of the page.
  • Your date of birth or relatives is a bad option for a login.
  • Many sites offer their users to use an email address instead of a login. This option is safe, you will definitely remember it.
  • If you want to register on several similar sites, then choose the same login for them. This makes it easier to remember for all pages.

How to create a strong password

If the login is a name, then the password is protection. His choice must be taken seriously. It will become the main obstacle to account hacking.

  • Do not use only numbers or small letters for your password.
  • Names with the surnames of relatives and friends, dates of birth, are a weak way to protect your profile. They are primarily selected to enter someone else’s page.
  • consists of a combination of numbers, symbols and letters with different case. Also use letters in different languages.
  • Create protection with a long name. Most sites will tell you how strong your password is. Be sure to take advantage of this feature.
  • Many browsers offer to remember your login password. This makes it easier to log into your profile, but reduces hacking protection. Therefore, it is better to manually enter authorization data each time.
  • Create a password that you can remember. Writing it down or saving registration letters to your email is a bad idea. Burglars are ready to take advantage of them.

It's easy to secure your personal information on the site. To do this, follow these simple tips and be sure to put them into practice when creating your username and password.

For more information about reliable account protection, watch the video:


Login and password are an integral part of each other; they can be compared to the key to a lock and the keychain in which it may be located. When registering on one of the sites, you will have to familiarize yourself with the rules; as a rule, each resource has its own set of laws. For example, a pair of login and password cannot be the same and their length must be at least 6 characters.

In addition to this, there are also general rules when entering these values ​​into empty fields: all letters entered must be from the English layout. However, you cannot enter spaces and some other special characters. But before entering, you need to create approximate versions of the login-password pair.

It often happens that the desired login option is already taken, and you have to choose other names or names. Some users make it simpler - they add a certain number to the busy login, for example 85. Where does this number come from? Use the last two digits of your year of birth and add after the login: it was Dmitriy, and became Dmitriy85.

Next we need to talk about the complexity of the password you choose. The more symbols it contains, variants of lowercase and uppercase numbers, as well as the presence of special characters, the more difficult it will be for other users or robots, whose main task is to gain access to your account.

To have an idea of ​​complex and easy to remember passwords, just create your own by following some simple algorithms. Take the data of a certain person as an example. For example, his name is Dmitry, date of birth is June 24, 1985. First you need to present the name in the English layout, i.e. The name Dmitriy claims to be the password.

Convert the date June 24, 1985 to June 24, 1985. Combine your date of birth and your name in transliteration. You need to proceed like this: after each letter you need to enter one of the numbers. This way you can get the following password: D2m4i0t6r8i5y. Initially, the password seems complicated, but over time you will remember it.

Video on the topic


How to choose a password. Don't want anyone to access your personal information stored on your email? Don’t want someone to write on your behalf on forums or in chats? Or you can write some meaningless word and provide it with numbers, for example: Ymront48 the main thing is to choose a word that is easy to remember.

Helpful advice

How to correctly create a password. A password is the only and most important protection for your registration on Yandex. Take this seriously! If you suspect that someone has access to your data, change your password. Do not use simple passwords: “12345”, “qwerty”, “password”, etc. Do not write your first name, last name, birthday or passport number as a password, just nouns!


  • what is my name and password

Authorization on the site opens up a number of additional opportunities for the user. On many forums, even adding posts and creating topics is only allowed to authorized users. Actually, authorization is the entry of the login with which you registered and the password.


If you are not yet registered on the site, click the “Registration” button and fill out the form. It includes several fields standard for any resource: your nickname (unique for this one), mailbox (a confirmation letter will be sent to it), password (under which you will log in

There are practically no people left who use the Internet only to search for information. Mail, Skype, social networks - all these systems have become an integral part of “networked” life.

And here we are faced with such concepts as login and password at almost every step. Without them, you will NOT be able to use mail, social networks (Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook), or Skype. Not to mention forums and dating sites.

If you think that you use at least some kind of communication system without them, then you are greatly mistaken. Apparently, your computer is configured in such a way that you do not encounter this data.

What is an account, login, password

I will explain using an example with an apartment building. Let's say there are 100 apartments. Each has its own number.

All apartments have approximately the same layout, but each of them is different from the other - different furniture, wallpaper, plumbing, personal belongings of the residents, and so on.

Apartment buildings are also different - three-story, five or more floors, with a different number of apartments and built according to different projects.

Here, communication services on the Internet are like those at home. Each system, be it mail, Skype, social network or something else, has its own “apartments”. They are called accounts.

Anyone can receive it and “furnish” it at their own request. But for this it is necessary that such an “apartment” be assigned a number and given a key to it. Here the number is the login, and the key is the password.

Login is a unique designation (number) in the system. And a password is the key to a given login, that is, something that can be used to open it.

Let's take an example with email. Let's say you have a mailbox on the Internet. This means that on some mail site (Yandex, Mail.ru, Gmail.com or another) you have your own personal account (apartment). It has a login (number), which is opened with a password (key).

Using this data, you log into your email account and work in it - read and send letters, delete them, and so on. Without a login and password, you simply cannot use your mail - the mail site will not open it.

This is a general rule for all online communication services! For mail, Skype, pages on social networks (Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook and others), forums, chats, blogs and any other places where you can create your own space. Each of these systems has logins with passwords, and if you want to be in it, then this data must be assigned to you.

If you don't know your login and password

It often happens that a person uses email, Skype, or has a page on a social network, but he DOES NOT know his login or password. How can this be?!

The thing is that computers and programs have now become very smart. They are able to remember the data that was once entered by them. And every time you open this or that system, it automatically “logs in,” that is, enters your account without even asking who you are.

That is, your data is in the memory of the site or program.

The most striking example is the Skype program. Having opened it, contacts, calls, and correspondence immediately appear on most computers. That is, the program does NOT ask for your account login and password - it already remembers them.

It would seem that this is very convenient - you don’t need to print every time. But, alas, it is not very safe, especially for novice users - you can easily lose access to your pages.

A few examples:

  1. A relative came to visit you and asked you to use the computer to check his email or chat on Skype. To do this, he will have to log out of your account, otherwise he will not be able to log into his own. If you do not remember or do not know your data (login and password), then after such a visit you simply will not be able to log back in.
  2. You have a page on Odnoklassniki. You can enter it simply by opening this site. It so happened that one of the family members (husband, child) also wanted to create such a page for himself. In order to receive it, he must log out of your account. After that, only his page will open on the computer - you may never get to yours.
  3. The computer has crashed. As a result, you have to call a computer technician. If something more or less serious happens and you need to change the system, then you will no longer be able to open any of your pages/programs.

There are many more similar situations. Almost every day I receive several messages that people cannot log into their email, have lost their page on a social network, or their Skype cannot open.

The trouble is that very often it is impossible to return the login and password and the account disappears forever. And along with it all correspondence, contacts, files and other information. And all this is due to the fact that the user does not know or does not remember his login information.

Previously, there were no such problems, because sites and programs did not know how to remember this information. That is, a person had to enter his data every time he entered.

Of course, even now you can configure your computer in the same way. But this is quite expensive, especially if you communicate often.

Obtaining a new login and password

Let's say I don't have a personal page on Odnoklassniki, but I want to create one. To do this, I need to get my own login and password for this system. The procedure for obtaining them is called registration.

Registration means filling out a small form in which the user provides some information about himself. He also comes up with a login and password to enter this system. After correctly filling out the form, the user is issued a personal account.

Every site where you can get your page for free has registration. It is also available in popular programs (Skype, Viber and others). As a rule, a button with this name or a corresponding inscription is located in a visible place. This is what it looks like on the Odnoklassniki website:

Clicking on it will open a questionnaire. We fill it out and get an account. In the case of Odnoklassniki, this will be a personal page on this social network.

What should be the login and password?

As I already said, when registering in any system (mail, Skype, social network, forum, etc.), you must choose a username and password. In fact, you need to invent them.

Login. This is your unique name in the system. The key word here is unique, that is, it belongs to you and only you. No other user will be assigned the same name - this is simply impossible.

Therefore, difficulties often arise when choosing it. After all, there are many users, each login is unique, and therefore all simple names have already been sorted out.

Another difficulty is that in most systems this name can only consist of Latin letters and/or numbers without spaces. That is, it is impossible to come up with a Russian version - there must only be English letters.

For example, I want to get an account on Skype. When registering, of course, you need to provide a login. I want to choose the name "ignorant". Since Russian letters are not accepted, I type neumeka and see that this name is already taken.

What to do. There are two options: either use your imagination and find a free login at random, or use one of the names that the system offers.

The fact is that now many sites and programs are trying to help the user choose a name. They automatically select and show available options.

I advise you to take your choice seriously and not waste time on it.

Remember: you cannot change your login! You can only create a new account with a new login.

Which login is “good”:

  • Not very long
  • No periods, hyphens, underscores
  • Easy to remember

Why is it important. The fact is that often the name in the system plays an important role in communication. For example, it is used to form the name of an email.

Let's say I decided to open my mail on Yandex. I go to the website yandex.ru and register. I choose the name in the system neumeka. So my new email address will be [email protected]

And here people often make a mistake - they choose, to put it mildly, not very suitable names. All sorts of “handsome guys”, “honeys”, “pussycats” and the like.

For example, I receive a letter from a seemingly respectable person, the director of a large company, and his email address is pupsik74. And how can I take this “babe” seriously?!

Logins with numbers are also often chosen. It's okay if they are constant, for example, the year of birth. But quite often people indicate the current year (for example, 2015) or the number of their full years. But this figure will change, but the name in the system will remain the same...

For example, I receive a message from a person with the login natusik12. The first thing I think is that the user is inexperienced. But that's not the worst thing. The problem is that usually, when using numbers in names, people indicate either the year of their birth or the number of complete years. And I conclude that a twelve-year-old girl is writing to me.

Naturally, I begin to take her age into account when writing my answer. But it turns out that it is not a girl who is writing to me, but an adult woman, a candidate of medical sciences. And I talk to her like she’s a little girl.

How to choose a login. In fact, you can choose absolutely any name. At least baby cats, at least with numbers. But it’s better to “stress yourself” once - after all, it may well be that you are doing it for many years.

Moreover, it's free. But mobile operators, for example, charge money for choosing a beautiful phone number.

When choosing a login, I recommend doing the following: take a few letters of your real name and add a few letters of your last name to them. We try different options (at the beginning, middle, end) until we get a free login. If all else fails, use your imagination, but within reason :)

Of course, a lot still depends on what kind of system you choose a name for. If it is mail or Skype, then it is better that it is “good”. But if this is some kind of service where communication is not expected, then you can specify absolutely anything.

Yes, and more! It is not at all necessary that the login be the same in different systems. Therefore, feel free to create different names on different sites - this is a common thing. After all, in one system the selected name will be free, but in another it may already be taken.

How to choose a password. Let me remind you that this is a secret code with which you will open your account (mail, social network page, Skype). This is something like a PIN code for a plastic card or a key to an apartment or car.

It must consist only of Latin letters and/or numbers. No punctuation or spaces. Letter case matters too. That is, if a password is assigned that contains a large (capital) letter, but when typing it the user types a small one, then this will be an error - he will not be allowed into the account.

The password must be complex! Ideally, it should consist of at least ten characters, including numbers, large and small letters. And there are no sequences - everything is scattered. Example: Yn8kPi5bN7

The simpler the password, the easier it is to crack. And if this happens, the hacker will gain access to the account. Moreover, you most likely won’t even know about it. But a person will be able, for example, to read your personal correspondence or even participate in it.

One of the most common passwords that users specify when registering is their year of birth. Finding such a “key” is not at all difficult. It is also very common to use a set of numbers or letters on the keyboard, arranged in order (such as 123456789 or qwerty).

By the way, you can even find a list of the most common passwords on the Internet. Here are the six most common: 123456789, qwerty, 111111, 1234567, 666666, 12345678.

Where and how to change login and password

Login cannot be changed! You can only create a new account with a new name.

But all contacts, messages, files that were in the old account will remain in it. It is extremely difficult to transfer them, and in some cases it is completely impossible.

Moreover, you will have to warn your interlocutors about the move - they say, do not write to me at the old address, but write to the new one. And it is worth considering that some people may ignore this request for one reason or another.

Therefore, if you already have a login, but it is unsuccessful, choose the lesser of two evils. Of course, when there are few contacts and they are not important (or there are none at all), then you can calmly give yourself a different name and forget about the old one. But if the name is many years old and you actively use it, then it is better to leave everything as it is.

The password, as a rule, can be changed quite easily. To do this, you just need to open your account settings and select the appropriate item.

Usually, to change it, you need to specify the old version, and then type the new one twice. If the data is entered correctly, then after clicking on the “Save” button (or something similar), the password will change. This means that it will no longer be possible to log in using the old one.

The rapid development of information technology contributes to the emergence of new technical terms. One of them - login. People who have been using the Internet for more than one year are registered on many online information services. A novice user does not know what a login is and how to create it. Do you need to register in the forum or create an email? After reading our recommendations, you will figure out how to come up with an original nickname, and you will be able to quickly create accounts in various services on the World Wide Web.

What is a login during registration?

First, let's figure out what the term “login” means? To put it simply, this is Username , also called "nickname" or "nickname" . When registering on Internet services, you will need to create an account which, as a rule, consists of a visitor name and password. If the password is a virtual key to the account, then the nickname is necessary to identify the user.

Among other things, these are:

  • Anonymity. When registering, your first and last name will remain inaccessible to network members.
  • Conciseness. A short name is easy to remember and will make other members of the virtual community pay attention to your person.
  • Self-expression. With your nickname you can unobtrusively indicate your character trait or hobby.
  • Uniqueness. Nick is unique and you will not be confused with anyone else.

By creating a password and nickname and registering an account, the participant receives additional opportunities. For example, in the forum you can not only read messages, but also express your opinion yourself. On a dating site, you have the opportunity to see the phone number of the person you are interested in.

What to do if you forgot your login

As a rule, a person comes up with one login and uses it when registering in a forum, chat, social networks, mail or online store. But there are times when the desired nickname is taken or the account is created temporarily. The time comes, and not only the password is forgotten, but also the name intended to log into the system. What to do if your nickname is forgotten?

  1. Email. In most cases, you must specify a mailbox when registering. If you lose control of your account, the site administration will send you your nickname and password by email.
  2. Phone number. When requested, registration data is sent to the phone number associated with the service.
  3. Support. You don’t remember anything and didn’t provide an email or mobile phone when registering? In this case, the support service will help. When communicating with the administration, you should answer additional questions, and in some cases send documents in electronic form that can 100% identify you.

Human memory is imperfect. And if you haven’t recorded the user’s data, you can forget the nickname. In any case, if you lose your registration data, do not despair. You can simply register for the desired service again.

Create the correct login

A correctly selected login will not only impress members of the electronic community, but will also help give the interlocutor a little information about you. The nickname must correspond to the general theme of the environment where registration is taking place. Therefore, a login for a chat, an online game, a narrowly focused forum or a business portal should fit organically into the general mass and not lead to all sorts of oddities.

There is no need to rush, but sit down, relax, use your imagination and come up with a truly unforgettable nickname. For example, a name for a dating site like “ XxxLenaxxX» or " Dima77777", most likely, will make other visitors associate you with a narrow-minded person or with an elementary school student. For the same reason, at a scientific conference, names like “ Vredina" or "Gourmand."

Always remember - the original nickname is not a simple set of letters. If you want to stand out among the crowd of dull nicknames, take the trouble to come up with a truly unique name.

Creating a memorable and original pseudonym is not an easy and creative task. Let's look at some ways to come up with nicknames.


Nickname "Y" or "Z" will add mystery to your person. And it is remembered without problems, and you can interpret it in any way you like.


The original way is to write the nickname backwards. For example, “Dima” turns into the mysterious “Amid”.


Do you like puzzles? Then a nickname like “4fun” or “devo4ka” is just for you.

Mind game

Original pseudonyms can greatly catch the imagination of your interlocutor. For example, for a dating site for men, the nicknames “ Terminator" or " Unstoppable th", and for women " Strawberry" or " Yummy».

Simple words

If the above approaches do not suit you, you can use anything as a pseudonym: natural phenomena, objects, animals, food, sounds, etc.

Nothing original comes to mind? There is an exit. Use your first name, last name or mobile phone number as your login.

Login via social networks

Mandatory registration and entering a login and password often tire the user and cause him irritation. About half of site visitors are ready to leave the resource and look for an alternative where there is no mandatory registration requirement when creating an account. Social networks come to the rescue, helping you to log in to the desired resource in a few seconds.

This system works very simply. Upon entering the site, the user sees the inscription “ Login using» and the buttons of the most popular social networks located nearby. By clicking on the desired option, the system asks for permission to use personal data, and all information is entered in the profile. What does this give to owners of Internet resources? The user is likely to visit this page more than once.

The first logins appeared more than 30 years ago in UNIX systems. But time passed, and meaningless combinations of Latin letters and numbers gradually began to turn into beautiful pseudonyms. A fictitious name reflects the true nature of the visitor, and now that you have learned what a login is and how to create one, even a beginner will not have any problems creating one.

Video about creating an interesting login

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