Campaign “International Children's Helpline. Children's helpline: a single number, booklets and photos. International Children's Helpline Day Options for Parents of Middle School Students

All-Russian Campaign "Minute baby phone trust"

Purpose of the action: to motivate schoolchildren to seek help on the Helpline in difficult life situations.

As part of the action, it is necessary to organize work in educational institutions of all kinds and types to simultaneously inform children on May 17, 2014 at 10-00 (for students of the first shift) and at 14-00 (for students of the second shift) about the Children's Helpline service and with a request to write down a single all-Russian phone number in diaries and mobile phones.

Suggested information to bring to the attention of children:

"Trustline 122 as a support resource"

Every person has problems sometimes. The Helpline makes it possible in such a situation to receive support, to be understood and accepted, to understand what is happening, in a calm atmosphere and in a conversation with a friendly person, and decide what steps to take.

Hotlines are currently very popular all over the world. Children/teenagers call and get advice on how best to proceed. After all, not in every situation there is enough experience, but a decision needs to be made.

The helplines are staffed by specially trained psychologists. Some helplines can even be operated by teenagers who have undergone special training - those guys who find it easier to talk about painful things with a peer than with an adult call there.

The helpline is open to every person. Including for parents. The age, nationality, state of health of the caller is not important. The main idea is that everyone has the right to be accepted, listened to and receive help.

Help on the helpline is always anonymous. The caller and the consultant should not give their name, address and other data. Also, by contacting the helpline, a person can get the information of interest to him.

122 - a single all-Russian number for a children's helpline - just call in difficult times. The Child Helpline Service operates 24 hours a day, anonymously and free of charge, from home and mobile phones.

May 17, 2014 in the Russian Federation with the support of the National Foundation for the Protection of Children from Cruelty and the Russian Association of Children's Helplines, the International Day of Children's Helplines will be traditionally celebrated under the motto: "Help a child - help a family"

What is a helpline?

Helpline is a service where absolutely anyone can anonymously contact to discuss relationships with friends, relatives, family and school relationships.

When calling this number in any locality of the Russian Federation from fixed or mobile phones, children, adolescents and their parents can receive emergency psychological assistance, which is provided by specialists from existing regional services connected to a single all-Russian number.

What is a hotline for?

There are many questions and difficulties in life. Anyone can get into a situation where they need help. At this point, it's important to be heard! And this is very important!

How the hotline works

Secrecy and free of charge are the two main principles of the children's helpline. This means that you can get psychological help anonymously and free of charge, and the secrecy of treatment is guaranteed.

The purpose of such assistance is to contribute to the prevention of family problems, stressful and suicidal moods in children and adolescents, the protection of children's rights and the strengthening of the family.

Problems in life.

There are problems in every person's life. They are associated with relationships between peers, or between parents. And in these moments we do not know how to behave. Either agree and give in or argue and defend your position. We haven't lived our entire lives to argue about this, but because of stress, some do. What is the way out of this situation? You can leave everything as it is, but you can contact the Helpline service and discuss the accumulated problems. What actually do all the children who do not know how to act in a given situation.

What worries you?

1. Evaluate your appearance: faces, figures, physical data

2. First love

3. Problems with teachers

4. Difficult relationship with parents

5. Bad grades in school

6. Even nightmares

For what questions can I contact a specialist at the "Children's Helpline"?

1. When you do not know how to behave in certain situations.

2. You really like a girl or a boy, and you don't know how to get her (his) attention.

3. There was a conflict with one of the elders and in connection with this, anxiety does not leave You.

4. There is a problem with teachers at school.

5. Parents do not understand, and You do not know how to behave with them and earn their respect and understanding.

6. Quarrel with a friend (girlfriend).

7. Offended at school (on the street, at home).

8. When you no longer want to see anyone and communicate with anyone.

9. Friend smokes (uses alcohol or drugs); how to help him get rid of this addiction? Who to turn to for help?

10. You are in a hopeless situation.

11. What profession to choose and who to become in the future?

Who advises you?

Psychologists or volunteers who have undergone special training act as consultants. Consultants are trained in the formation of telephone counseling skills, the development of tolerance and study theoretical material

REMEMBER! There is always a way out!

Any situation can be dealt with. Most importantly, don't jump to conclusions! Rejoice in what life has given you. How you live is your choice.


The call is free

Parent meeting plan

"Helping the child - helping the family"

(with options for parents of elementary, middle and high school students)


1. Inform parents about what the Child Helpline service is for and how it works.

2. Motivate parents to encourage children to contact the children's helpline in difficult cases when there is not enough support.

3. Motivate parents to seek help from the children's helpline in difficult situations of raising and communicating with children.


1. Tell about the children's helpline service as a type of psychological assistance.

2. Discuss the topic “How to support each other in the family for parents and children?”

3. Discuss helping support skills.

4. Discuss with parents approximate questions with which they and children can contact the helpline.

Today's meeting is held as part of the celebration of the International Children's Helpline Day. This is the fifth year since May 17, 2009 that Russia has joined in its celebration.

As part of the International Day of the Children's Helpline, actions are held throughout the country at all sites and streets; Trust lessons, class hours and creative competitions in schools, during which children learn about the Helpline. In 26 regions, on this day, children can visit parks of culture and recreation, museums, cinemas, concerts, and events in libraries free of charge in connection with the declared holiday. This is how the state and organizations working with children draw the attention of children and the public to an important and useful service.

On this day, professional skills competitions are held for consultants of the Helpline Services.

On May 17, various media simultaneously publish information about the holiday, about the Children's Helpline Services and remind the Russians that since 2010 in all cities of Russia the all-Russian number 122 has become the number of the children's helpline.

The history of the emergence of the Helpline is interesting. The first such telephone appeared in 1953 as a form of assistance to people in crisis - as a suicide prevention. The Englishman Chad Wara announced his phone number and offered to call people at any time if there are difficulties in their lives that they are not able to cope with: when they are lonely, confused or thinking about ending their lives. He did not imagine that an ever-increasing avalanche of calls would fall on him all the time. For several days he coped with the gushing appeals himself. The main thing that he understood during this time was that all those who called, first of all, needed friendly help. Soon he came to the conclusion that he alone could not cope with this matter, and began to look for voluntary assistants. From this history of using the telephone to provide affordable assistance to others, a worldwide movement of people providing this assistance was soon born. Now in the world there is a whole network of emergency telephone services. This is a popular and well-known type of professional psychological assistance.

2. Group discussion “How to support each other in the family for parents and children?”

Before turning to professional help in a difficult situation, many people usually seek support from friends, colleagues, and family. Let's see how this happens in children.

What do your children do when they are in a bad mood? How do they "signal" that they feel bad?

Possible answers:

ü Close

ü Don't want to communicate

ü Capricious

ü Complain to someone

ü Talk to parents about it

If children and teenagers talk about their bad mood to their parents, this is a sign of trust. So they hope that adults will help them find a way to cope with such a condition.

ü What do you think a child (teenager) expects from his parents when he is in a bad mood in case of failure, excitement, grief?

What can you do as a parent for them? at home, in the family in the following situation:

Options for parents of elementary students:

ü If the child has few or no friends?

ü If the child is nervous before any test, for example, before checking the speed of reading or knowledge of the multiplication table?

Options for Parents of Middle School Students:

ü If your child quarreled with his friend or girlfriend?

ü If your child tells you that one of his classmates often calls him names?

ü If your son and daughter have to perform any task for dexterity, speed, physical strength, and the child is worried, not wanting to seem weak, awkward, inept - in general, worse than others?

Options for parents of high school students:

ü If your son had a fight with his girlfriend (If your daughter had a fight with her boyfriend)?

ü If your son (your daughter) is very worried before the exam?

ü If your son or daughter has dexterity, speed, physical strength, and the teenager is worried, not wanting to seem weak, awkward, inept - in general, worse than others?

Possible answers for all groups:

- advise something

- talk about a similar incident from your childhood

- listen

- encourage

- to embrace

- distract, say something funny

What do you think is the most important from this list?

4. Information block. What skills do you need to have good friend, helper?

Here is what people who have been supporting other people for many years think about this. Chad Vara, who organized the first helpline, noticed that a good helpline consultant comes from a friendly person who has the following qualities:

ü Does not discuss others

ü Listens more than advises

ü Admits that, under certain circumstances, a similar difficult situation could happen to him

ü Interested in another person

ü Speaks without any condescension, on an equal footing

Agree, this is not a simple set of qualities. Not all friends or parents know how to support and listen like that. There is no fault in this. It's just that in some cases it's really not so easy to find the right way that will encourage the child and give him hope and confidence. In addition, in some matters, the child does not want to worry his parents, or he may be afraid of criticism and active intervention of adults in those of his affairs where it is important for him to cope and figure it out on his own.

Therefore, it is important for parents to encourage their children to use the child helpline service.

In these cases, the help of a specialist who is friendly and neutral (not anxious or dissatisfied) can be very helpful and appropriate for the child. It is noteworthy that the children who called never complain about their parents. Even if the reason for the call was a quarrel with them. Children are interested in what exactly they themselves could do in a difficult situation. Children are always devoted to their parent. And the consultant uses all his skills to support the child and reconcile loved ones.

Therefore, soon after adult helplines, helplines for children were organized. At present, the professional Russian Association of Children's Helplines is even actively operating in Russia in order to provide Russian children and adolescents with high-quality and professional assistance in the Services of the Children's Helpline.

5. Information block. "How Helpline Works"

Specially trained psychologists work in the Children's Helpline Service. The helpline enables a person experiencing any difficulties to receive support, to be understood and accepted, to understand a difficult situation for him in a calmer environment and decide on specific steps.

The helpline is open to every person. Including for parents. The age, nationality, state of health of the caller is not important. The main idea is that everyone has the right to be accepted, listened to and receive help.

Help on the helpline is always anonymous. The caller and the consultant should not give their name, address and other data. It is enough just to give your own or fictitious name for ease of communication.

By contacting the helpline, a person can receive information of interest to him.

Each helpline in its specific mode - around the clock or on schedule.

6. Group work “What questions can be addressed to the children’s helpline?”

Brainstorming "Difficult situations in the lives of children and parents, or what questions can be addressed to the children's helpline"

Task: develop a list of questions and possible difficulties in the lives of parents and children/younger/teens/older teens that could be discussed with a helpline counselor.

Discussion of the results of brainstorming.

Conclusion: There are many questions and difficulties in life. Any child can get into a situation where they need help. At this point, it is important to be heard.

Adolescents easily change their mood, sharp fluctuations are possible in a short period of time from joy and happiness to complete despair. Therefore, it is so important when parents are not around to be able to consult with a specialist who will save you from conflicts and rash impulsive acts, including suicide.

brainstorming rule:

Do not criticize other people's versions, write down everything that sounded.

The facilitator writes down the suggestions of the parents on the board. If the process is difficult at first, offer your versions.

For example:

Children and teens can call if:

- the family moved to another city, district (experiencing parting with old friends, classmates, home, getting used to a new school, new people, experiencing the absence of friends for the first time);

- if you quarreled with friends;

- if the child (teenager) feels lonely;

- if the child (teenager) is afraid of something;

- if you do not get along at school;

- if you are in a bad mood all the time;

- if the child is going through a divorce of parents;

- if a family member is seriously ill;

- if thoughts of death torment and frighten ...

Parents can call if:

- the child does not listen to the parent;

- the child does not study well;

- parents are worried about something, disturbing in his behavior, mood;

- it is not possible to communicate without shouting and threatening;

- quarrels and conflicts have become more frequent in the family between the child and parents;

- you need to consult before discussing with a teenager any difficult situation in the family;

- if it seems that the child is hiding something, he has changed a lot;

- if you just feel bad, and you don’t want to “take it out on loved ones” because of your own irritation, i.e. you need to quickly return to normal

Tell parents about where the school has information about the all-Russian (or local children's helpline).

For parents of elementary and middle school students, encourage parents and child to put the number on their contact list together on mobile phone child.

For parents of high school students, recommend: “Advise teenagers to add the number of the children's helpline to their contact database. Do it as unobtrusively and seriously as possible. Say that you, the parents, consider this service important, and you yourself have already done it.

Svetlana Medvedeva

As part of the celebration International Children's Helpline Day May 17, 2017 in our kindergarten"Alyonushka" in the senior group "Teremok" from May 15 to May 17, 2017, the following activities were carried out aimed at solving the problem of early detection of family well-being and providing timely assistance to children in difficult life situations:

1. Development of information sheets for parents" What children's helpline»

2. Visual information in the corners for parents: "The rights of the child and their observance in the family", "It's easy to be a good parent"

3. Conversations with children: "Responsive telephone» , “Sometimes it happens…”

4. Playing out situations on a topic “Whoever would talk to me…”

5. Role-playing games "Let's talk to telephone» , "Hello, we are listening"

6. Event on the theme "I got a call telephone…»

7. Exhibition children's drawings« Children's helpline»

Related publications:

Purpose: to inform children about the helpline as a type of psychological assistance, to motivate children to seek help from the helpline.

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On May 17, on the International Day of the Children's Helpline, the whole of Russia will be united by the teleconference "We Trust Together" in support of the all-Russian Children's Helpline 8-800-2000-122.

On May 17, on the International Day of the Children's Helpline, the whole of Russia will be united by the teleconference "We Trust Together" in support of the all-Russian Children's Helpline 8-800-2000-122.

On this day, Moscow schoolchildren and their parents will gather at the Center for Youth Parliamentarism in the capital to talk frankly about the most pressing problems that concern children and adolescents today. Popular artists, musicians, well-known bloggers, as well as expert psychologists will come to chat with them. They will answer numerous questions from the audience, share personal experience They will talk about the experiences that they experienced in childhood. And most importantly, the guests will tell the children about the work of the emergency psychological assistance service - Helpline for adolescent children and their parents 8-800-2000-122. By dialing this number, children and adults who find themselves in a difficult situation can get free and anonymous advice from a qualified psychologist.

A variety of topics will be discussed during the teleconference. Famous guests will talk about their experience of overcoming difficult situations at school - bullying, stress before exams, problems with choosing a future profession. They will also advise on how to survive unhappy love or the betrayal of a friend, how to overcome addictions and improve relationships with parents. Expert psychologists will talk about the balance of control and trust in the educational process especially for parents.

The teleconference will start at 10 o'clock Moscow time and will last 6 hours. Not only Moscow schoolchildren will be able to join the teleconference. Children and teenagers gathered in the city circuses of Yekaterinburg, Yaroslavl, Stavropol, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don, as well as schoolchildren from St. Petersburg, Blagoveshchensk, Omsk, Ufa, Kemerovo and Kaliningrad will be able to ask questions to famous guests live. Another five city circuses will open their doors for schoolchildren to watch the teleconference broadcast together in Irkutsk, Perm, Kirov, Samara and Tver. Schoolchildren will be able not only to follow the interesting action on the screen, but will also receive souvenirs with the logo of the Children's Helpline 8-800-2000-122 as gifts. So they will remember the number even better, by which they can always get help if necessary.


The partner of the teleconference is FKP "Rosgostsirk" and Social network"In contact with"

The unified all-Russian children's helpline 8-800-2000-122 for children, adolescents and their parents was established in 2010 by the Foundation for Support of Children in Difficult Life Situations. In all subjects of the Russian Federation, specialists provide qualified psychological assistance. To date, the children's helpline has already received more than 7 million calls. Calls from any mobile and landline are free and anonymous. To date, 229 organizations across the country are connected to the number. In 66 regions, the helpline provides assistance to its subscribers around the clock.

The first helpline appeared in 1953 as a help to people Englishman Chad Vara published his phone number in a newspaper and offered to call people at any time if there are difficulties in their lives that they themselves cannot cope with: when they are lonely, confused or thinking about to end life. He did not think that there would be many calls. For several days he coped on his own - he answered all the people.

All those who called, first of all, needed friendly help. He came to the conclusion that he alone could not cope with this matter, and began to look for volunteer assistants. Now they all answered the calls together. Thus was born a worldwide movement of people who help other people on the phone. Now in the world there is a whole network of emergency telephone services. Help is provided free of charge, anonymously (no one is told who called and why).

“What skills should a good friend, assistant have?” Chad Vara, who organized the first helpline and other people who have supported other people for many years believe that a good helpline consultant comes from a friendly person (= loves friendship)

“What skills should a good friend, assistant have?” does not condemn others, listens more than advises, admits that under certain circumstances such a difficult situation could happen and is patiently interested in another person talking without any condescension, on an equal footing

Agree, this is not a simple set of qualities. Not all friends know how to support and listen like that - they are also still learning this, just like you. It's not the friends' fault. It's just that in some cases it's hard for them to figure out how to help. Therefore, soon after adult helplines, helplines for children began to be organized.

"How does the Helpline work?" The helplines are staffed by specially trained psychologists. Even teenagers who have undergone special training can work on some helplines - those guys who find it easier to talk about painful things with a peer than with an adult call there.

"How does the Helpline work?" The Helpline helps a person who has experienced some difficulties to get support, to be understood and accepted, to understand a difficult situation for him in a calmer environment and decide on specific steps: what to do?


How Helpline can help you? - speak out, understand, relieve stress; - get psychological counseling; - get information on issues that concern you; - transfer information to a specialist (about the fact of ill-treatment). The Children's Helpline is often used for counseling on complex topics that would be difficult to discuss in person: interpersonal relationships, drug use, crime, etc.

Principles of operation of the Helpline service Availability Anonymity Confidence Confidentiality Each caller has the right not to give his name and surname or he can choose a pseudonym. And he can also be sure that the conversation will remain strictly between him and the specialist. Therefore, you can trust the interlocutor completely, and this, in turn, makes the consultation more effective and allows you to find the best solution Problems.

Confidential help. Helpline consultants do not have the right to disclose any personal information given by the subscriber. There is a standard registration of calls and collection of general data (gender, age of clients with what situation they applied, and so on). The counselor may discuss the call with another member of the same service, but this is prohibited outside of the organization.

Anonymous help. Consultants in their work adhere to the principle of anonymity, you have the right: - not to say your name, or you can say any other name; - location (where you are, where you are calling from) - a phone without caller ID.

Opportunity to speak out. In life, we are rarely given the opportunity to talk about our problems when we are not interrupted, do not seek to make a “diagnosis”, help formulate thoughts and make it clear that they do not judge and fully accept us as we are. By calling the helpline, you get this opportunity

Help finding a solution. Everyone who has experienced a state of psychological stress knows that at this moment a feeling of “complete hopelessness” is created, it is impossible to calm down, concentrate, make a decision and take action. Consultants will help you to "pull yourself together", try to understand the current situation and, thus, help yourself.

Helplines are staffed by specially trained psychologists. Some helplines can even be operated by teenagers who have undergone special training - those guys who find it easier to talk about painful things with a peer than with an adult call there.

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