Convenient start menu for windows 10

During the announcement of Windows 10, Microsoft announced the long-awaited return of the Start menu. With the release of the first trial releases of the operating system, it became obvious that the returned "Start" is something new, which is a hybrid of the tiles from Windows 8 and the two-column "Start" from Windows 7.

I liked the new start menu and I'm not going to refuse it, as I said right after. In the G8, the Start menu existed nominally and the button in the taskbar was required only for right-clicking. Now the menu and the button are back in the ranks.

This is what the Start menu looked like right after the update.

Conservative-minded citizens continue to cheer for the classic Windows 98-style start menu. Numerous Windows users 7, which until now did not want to use the "innovative" "eight", among other things, because of the "stupid and incomprehensible tiles."

For some users, the new menu will not suit the level of personal perception, for others it means a negative impact on productivity and usability. That's why…

Classic Shell

Classic Shell is a utility capable of bringing peace back to the homes of old-fashioned users. Download the Russian version from the official site. Install what you need.

I'll go through the points from top to bottom. Classic Explorer turns the "Explorer" into a kind of good old file manager. It looks weird on my computer. right above working area, under the search box, a toolbar appeared, and folder icons were cut off in the left panel.

But the modified "Control Panel" is sure to please fans of the classics.

Classic Start Menu is the main function of the utility. You can install the Windows 10 Start menu from Windows 98, XP or 7 in two clicks. See the gallery with examples and comments on the screenshots.

Classic Shell is flexibly customizable: classic with one/two columns and Windows 7 style, whatever you like. You can turn menu items on and off, rearrange them, even application icons are customizable.

If necessary, the native Windows 10 menu is called up using hot keys or a mouse click. You can disable or call up the program settings by right-clicking on the "Start" button.

Classic IE supposed to change shape Internet browser Explorer, bringing that to a classic look. I don't know who needs this feature, but I tried it and with IE 11 the utility didn't do anything. Look at the screenshot, you can find traces of work.

well and Classic Shell Update- this is the function of checking for application updates, this part must be installed. Good luck.

This is what the modern Start menu in Windows 10 looks like now. It has changed significantly compared to the classic Start menu. The first thing that catches your eye is, of course, live tiles that you can drag and drop through the menu, resize tiles, group, rename groups of tiles. You can also resize the Start menu by dragging it with the mouse. The section of frequently used programs has been preserved. Easier navigation has become installed programs. Access to also left. By right-clicking on the Start menu, it is possible to open many additional options, including the control panel, network connections, task manager, device manager and others.

Classic Start Menu in Windows 10

But how do you bring the Start menu back to its classic look? In short, in the operating system Windows 10 doesn't have an option to bring back the classic menu view. You can only bring it closer to the classical form. For this:

  • turn off all live tiles; To do this, right-click on each tile and select "Unpin from Start Screen";​

  • change the size of the Start menu by dragging the edges with the mouse to the desired size;

Well, we got something similar to the classic Start menu. If you need to completely recreate the "same" classic menu, then you can not do without special utilities.

Windows 10 Classic Start Menu Using Third Party Programs

There are many programs that give the Start menu a classic look. The most popular of them are IObit Start Menu,Classic Shell And Stardock Start10. These same programs, by the way, will return the missing Start menu in Windows 8 to its place, and also return the classic look to Windows Explorer. The first of them has support in the language, which is important.

The illustration shows the standard Windows 10 Start menu and the menu customized by Start10 as an example.

All of these programs are highly customizable, stable, and compatible with Windows 10. With them, you can give your Start menu a classic Windows 98 menu look, advanced modern, but different from the standard one offered by Microsoft.

Start10 is a program that modifies the Windows 10 Start menu, making it similar to that of Windows 7. Of the obvious differences in the start menu new version"OSes" that Start10 removes - the right panel with tiles, an alphabetical menu with all installed apps, as well as a new location for the keys to navigate to system settings and turn off the computer. You need to get used to all of the above innovations, and if you don’t have such a desire, use this application to switch to old version start menu with the usual structure. Switching back to Start from Windows 10 is just as quick.

In addition to returning the old arrangement of keys and controls of the start menu, Start10 stylizes it under the design of the "tens" graphical shell. Thanks to this styling, Start does not stand out from the graphical shell. The program also allows you to use a kind of hybrid between the start menu from Windows 10 and Windows 7. It is called Modern Style and borrows the most convenient, according to the developers, solutions from the old and new menus. In general, we recommend trying all the available options and choosing the most convenient for yourself. With the help of this program, you can change the appearance of the Start menu icon on the taskbar itself, or leave the original one. Start10 has become a kind of "spiritual" heir to the application, which returned the start menu to Windows 8. If you have used this program on the G8 before, you will quickly understand the settings of the new version.

If you're used to the look of the Start menu or the old look of the Start button on Windows 7 or Windows Vista, then you'll want to bring that look back to Windows 10 as well. There are several ways you can do this. The first method does not require you to install additional software. You can simply customize the appearance of the Windows 10 Start menu. But this will not lead to a 100% return to the classic version of the menu. The second option will require you to install additional software. This option is somewhat more complicated, but it will allow you to 100% return to the previous version of the Start menu, as well as return the familiar appearance of the Start button.

How to restore the classic look of the Start button and menu on Windows 10

Microsoft has taken into account the errors of Windows 8, so on Windows 10 there is a button and the Start menu by default. But the appearance of the button and the menu is different. If you want to return to your usual appearance, then choose one of two ways:
  • Use the standard features of Windows 10;
  • Install additional software;
Each option has its own advantages. There are users who do not like to install third-party programs. Especially in order to change something in the operating system. These users will appreciate the way that does not require software installation. But this method is not ideal, since it will only bring the Starter look closer to the classic one, but will not return it 100% to its previous appearance. The second way - with the installation of software, will return the previous appearance, but you will need to save this program on your computer as long as you need the classic look of Start.

Start menu on Windows 10

The Start button on Windows 10 is located in the same place as in previous versions of the OS. So you don't have to deal with moving it. But the appearance of the Start menu on Windows 10 is different from appearance Start menu on Windows 10. Microsoft has made the Start menu as flexible as possible, so it looks different for each user, for example, as follows:

As you can see, on the left side of the menu are programs that have been recently used. On the right side are the so-called tiles, which provide quick access to information or resources. Widgets are also displayed in this menu. Everything is very bright, blinking and distracting. It is this variety of information that is the reason why many people want to move from the standard Start menu to the classic look.

How to get classic start back on Windows 10

Everyone has their own understanding of the term "Classic". Surveys have shown that most users consider the classic menu from Windows 7. Therefore, let's take this menu as an example. The first way is to customize the Start menu in the image and likeness of the previous version. To do this, you need to expand the menu, and right-click on those elements that you do not need, for example, on tiles:

Next, you need to select the item "Unpin from the home screen" and this element will disappear. After you unpin all the elements, you will only have the left column. In general, it will be similar to the classic look of the Start menu. But in the default settings, the menu area is very wide. Therefore, we drag the menu area with the mouse. You can make the menu of any width, but in order for the menu to be convenient, we advise you to make it at least 4 icons wide below it. As a result, you will get the following menu appearance:

That's all you can do without resorting to third party software. Agree, it looks like a classic appearance, but it is not. Of course, this will suit some, but for those who decide to go all the way, another way is waiting - installing additional software. This method does not require the preparatory steps described above. You need to download and install one of the programs, for example: There are other programs to bring back the classic menu on Windows 10. But these two are free and the best. Firstly, they take up only a few MB of space, and secondly, they allow you to restore the appearance in just a couple of clicks. As a result, you will be able to get a similar appearance of the Start menu:

Agree, this is much more like the truth. But that is not all. So you returned only the Start menu. But you can also use programs to return the Start button, that is, the familiar round icon. All this can be done by the same programs. And as a result, you will get the old look, familiar from the days of Windows 7. But do not forget that all the decorations of the system affect the performance of Windows 10, as well as battery life.

How to get back the default Start view in Windows 10

If the classic look does not suit you, then you can always return to the previous menu view. If you used programs, then just disable them or delete them. After that, the standard view of the Start menu will return. After all, if there is no program, then there is no appearance that she made. And if you used the manual method and removed all the extra tiles yourself, then you just need to return the necessary tiles in the same way. Just right-click and select those widgets and blocks that you would like to see in your Start menu on Windows 10.

In the instructions on how to return the classic look of the Start menu, we used Windows 10 in Russian. If you have a version in English, then we recommend that before you start working with the Start menu,

If you remember the Windows 8 menu, you can't help but notice that the Start menu is missing. And with the release of Windows 10, this section returned, but in a completely different form. As for me, the creators tried to combine the new elements of Windows 8 and the classic look of Windows 7. But this symbiosis may not be to everyone's taste, so the desire to return the previous look to Start is very justified.

There are two ways to do this: the first one can be done with a couple of mouse clicks. It does not return the previous view of the “Start”, but only brings it closer to the standard view. If you want an absolute match, then immediately see the section “Method 2”.

Classic Start for Windows 10

In the standard version of the Windows 10 menu, it is a line of recently launched programs and a free, changeable field for tiles. Whoever does not like this structure and who wants to simplify the view of the “Start” as much as possible can simplify it as follows. To do this, you need to “detach” the tiles you don’t need, this will not become a panacea and will not give an absolute resemblance to version 7 or Vista, but will make the menu more functional and less cumbersome.

1) Open the "Start" menu and click on the tiles (in the right column of the menu) with the right mouse button.

2) Then select the “Unpin from home screen” function and hide the right column.

Everything, the launch has acquired a more or less classic look, this is the maximum that can be done without installing extraneous programs.

Before doing this, you will need to download one of the programs: ViStart Menu or IObit Start menu, but based on personal experience, I would advise Classic Shell. This utility is easy to install and has been tested for a month of use, no crashes or crashes of the program. You can download the program here

Download ViStart Menu –

Download IObit Start menu –

Download Classic Shell -

1) Download the program on a third-party resource or from the specified link.

2) I am sure that you will not have any difficulties with the installation, because after downloading it, just click on next.

3) The only advice is that for convenience, before using the program itself, you can configure additional functions, for example, pinning programs from Explorer.

After completing all the installation steps step by step, you will see the classic start in Windows 10. You are guaranteed an absolutely identical design and the same features as in previous versions. I advise you to download latest version Classic Shell, such is the fourth. It has improved search tools and a separate Power On / Off PC button, which was not observed in earlier versions of the program. There is also a beta version, you can download it directly from the developer's site, but most likely you will have enough standard set functions.

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